1m tern Newmlrket Ituroro Kerwioit antww iuhli ma All Shop laces main gate to Provincial Park opes to ibbald Point ake localePoint ew craft centre nry ndl ia staiiphotogropher SUT¥0N Miro 10 is man with one he hopes to to reality this rdayswhen he opens Vood Gailisry and pacross train the it gate to Sibbnid Provincial Park in on hr Knaze is wood who came to sagu datromSlovakia iWVMcnuseioffielwsmr had chance to ignite to any country world but chose do because knew little boy what ma country Canada place where there is st everything you to see in nature ere are so many rEitl types or trees la learned his trade age at six irom his dlalher who wasalso iitr it was not long he stalled that Miro ed to use more tools lhis latent became ttrn Knnzc and his li have lived in ME years Most at his over the lust three have been devoted His is is working with She has also laken ltrusi In carving and lot of the detail Whlcr Miiuflfiys ircs womans lilr Knaze was arc of his wiica until recently and tore heilevea that ii ant to learn to carve you can i9 wants to teach children three or years oi age to carve has his gillicryls in allon His main arms that they learn rt at carving so that he wood lso Wants to something good him in the corn li do something tar socfity lie people to become awar oi the beauty unit an art torm he is overlooked its gallery will have 00 ll ésfored i837 Peter and nna Wenl hora restoring entrees nihisand hi Wifes work on display but wiiial ii to at Phillip Ashkub an Indian ircm Georg lslandAnynne else in terested in displaying their art will be welcome Wozit must still be completed on the log cabin Most of the building materials came trom MG Slaters Vandori saw mills but he also used wooden bea 75 irom iaoycoralrl Toronto warehouse which was torn down The cabin was started last June but opening date had to be postponed Miro credits neigh boi and Councillor Howard sntilington who believes in his work ior making the gallery possible Mr Knaze loeli his gallery will give the 200000 visitors from all over scanada and the United States something more to see when they visit Sihbaid Point Park it will also give them chance to take back souvenir lrorn theéyeh and perhaps mak area more well known He would like to ostoolish history or centre similar to the LpasMicMichnclfialleryrrlmrr Kleinburg but tor the art at wood At present Miro has six oi his carvings on display at the National Museum Man in 0i tBWB Mi believes the hoéutynnwoodiiesin its natural state and that the knots add to the beauty When he builds iurniture he does not use nails but builds as craltamen did centuries ziga in the hopes that the work he does will also lost centuries Miro can carve in all types oi wood including pine which is one oi the most diliicult because it tends to split Once you hotr carved something it is not like an oil painting where you can scrape oil the canvas it you make on error he explains With wood carving you make mistake you have to start again Therefore the work must be done very alowiy and t1 patience pieces are scraps ut wood he has found which many peoplewuuld throw away or burn Miro looks carefully at all wood to omit Mother Nature has made it into an art term He will then make the wood intothe arm which appearsto him in it love wood not as material or because it is much easier thancarving stone but because wood is warm and you have some Jooling when yourtouch ithrwoodfllesayslherreasfii enyoyfiurking with wood so much is lhrmagnélicent trees which grow with us are part oimy lite and love use their bodies to carve some nice things and let them live on in memory Oneproject he would like to undertake is to carve log sculptures oi all the prune ministers oi Canada Terezil Knaze tie eloped her carving tilde herhuaband talents while working and now handles much at ol outside the m1 log cabin north at Newmorltot which they CO equjreramaatdeat Lt Mira Knaze works on number projects at the same time so he does not become bored Above he varnishes plaque to ii iiing the color 11L because it eels warm to him in the photo at ht hastantis behind carved table he recently completed for Jewish client He felt the Star at David eziryed in tthbles trestle is appropriate Mr Knaze hopes his gallery and workshops will eiientually develop into carving centre to equal the impact the Mchchael Gallery at Kleinburg has had on Canadian painting watching his wile learn the crnlt Mr Knalc the liner work Alter decided to utter classes to children in the area dpidnéérs new home rt bin is delayé byithIlMUnth NEINMARKETE PétetWenzel doesnt wince when someone calls hinta DPbecutiaq he has adopted new meaning ior that belittling title delayed pioneer it not tor him and Wwiio Anno cabin on the The living room table is encircled with Black Forest hunting club chttlrs unique because on each chair back is carvl vlsllar may sit against smooth dark rendering or prancing stag or nestle Peter considers earpentay hobby butthe quality of hisvwork doesnt give away the tact he is really cameraman for the one in Toronto lie ocquiredrnony ideas or architectural design while on lorelgn assltinmenis llodoes not mind commuting to Toronto between the outsprchd while at an eagle daily and sold filming on location in exotic lands Aspiraistalrcasgwlndsmmfl rbedroonLl 0mm opmwmmfl Wigwam connoioomporowitnthe cozyqvurmthoisiltlnglnhisdomtrTltfiihy amnsslvc bruss bed bo ght by the brokénunderthewuightoilt roommoyaro minh Wag gggsfiggfgniofgw gm mm lenaalh bit oory Peter and Anna hogan restoration three years ago mph Pew mfififl lgpmfim mm original cabin gave the Wemeia some trouble Peter twilpycglwiutbfiicturas like belorethe prfllect was PM bummc was using modern building techniques accurate to re on now owsa avng ar sry en all orig euvysn le Sam plank wheel mm Emauykmg gs withtnnquorter or an inch andthc oololrtwosoutit loa Wenzifla Vt built him their new old he ourtitch termice wh dditlon Peter 307mme Beside the tatilfla toll hutch made by Peter and slim chdnissswhlohhodswsoeimnderw Formerownerahadtlioqueatlonablutaatooihovan an bitelm friend The table and hutch are cm mirlitvesneewnsiguxciacrlgizgrifliihmgihflhimu aluminum door as tlle main entrance oi the historic Mane with date of completion undo crossed idetr oi called iot hm sword multitaken from German china maker nnincd owl botiiingewiiifiivig Shilling litirnwlx cross Peter retained the duor lorinauiatlnn but turned it Mama struttetl mid the Iling iii need with tough lwoliyr Into more portly entrnnee by cradling atuutrrough Peter and Anna have choil eighthpmluckr ML ir vr hown pillars hoovetho door hooorved tho iian the 0n0nClllnn inherited from on tint ln Woven midtopin thabuildlngwhuirhldi John was bellman rrrmechlnnrsnmwlwmfi tflhé fihcentury Is slipped on wet log and broke the tip oi ono ol hit Pilltflerlfaltti It was Annas idea to buy the house She Emmi Th Wiggle lingers cant it any one thing which attracted her to tlio WW Ii dwelling but bald tell sorry tor the piaett it was 30Mmy mead mow wlm Pei WM mom 711383 12 filgafizitfiggglttgo really pathetic looking utiilnuntati by tho intury and dlseovarix way to band The home Is not pathetic looking now Peter has tho that to lit hlsrpuwcr ailw erected spilt rail ionco nround his property and Meiosenalue in the living Petor ondtnnn have more homemade tnrhllhri Inchtdhls alllchonrd weldan Pater nndltnno agreed that but for the restoration planted on evergreen windbreak olong two sides mnrotlmnm poundnhullttroh IhIhoot nth hiuainl oio amallbarn behind thaLeabtnrthortmdbuflW Two sunken lluyilunepttllia land to tho trout door In corner cabinet la the Wonzuta collection at éolleeteti aamuch no they wantediltntitiaddw ho had Conclltnmpa adorn both tilt at at the door and lamp tlohumla glass lteu and amber goblet sparkle one more raigctinzmlndt ntnndnrd runlnlac Xtatorianaaaalnmpmnonso hurcryntatslnaamtehatinm usu spiders tobtiitdn smhlt castle Vii welcomed vlsitorn humid ot tlioflttrlvaway web with German scent only delayed lotiooreould say that