Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), May 17, 1978, p. 1

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stivities anned ay 22 Hutu1 Mods Idrumutd mth Ihy Lftrntat ride win tttnrin DI aw Jrt Monday thedule at It Ms tieen plant1 lot Wt londl on the mm property tall lofel Wlu ztcordtntn manager Bob lie mn it Hit day evenu rtttreuorb dtInlIy aired the town pprr Jtlddl Mall worb be set all ttttnihers at the Arlt tirr Departmait tlll ml to be tly my tist war tort tt tttttttu tinirket plmlll mt Infill tor cImivIl JV the mIll lot trtu and tin Ipplnd piirntt tt ttFlIl mu ol Ah wtli yrsrt tmitnlwtllberm int malt the path Ind at at ltpdrlmf the putt ttt brewery will in write all thy Ind nH wutu will be held it onge St lrom the antit mum Pipe Bandt AViniltlltr Drum and than llll lk ttqtientttal lo taint otry tlawa arathon tttlthtT Ltke lhtldl def Dr Lt an George nut to run mu 36 miles in thtawn qln ttl 1h titwt iht uh InnuIl at tp nit larllhon tool II Murmch ham to run in the Hitt ttul due to the ttsl rimd tiv ttltherace both hm trainth tr logs said Dr ttt tri mile mIrIt in mmpletel on ruth when Milton must thr vtt more than lnur And the wtnntru tr ttlll 16 minutes mm Mpl going after 7W managed to ttt pinnl beturr lt Hl tust mutdri Lb tun hard tt ltlndfl the day at llhough was Amig tptrimre Im not tr lm gall to at tti thing again AW GEM Rain titan Qvlhlhhy Property headed to the iititqtie tmICIII ERA INSIDE VOL I17 II PAOII Since IBSZ THE tip ERA IIWIKIT AUIOIA KIMCK MAY l1 NWIKIYMI II CluY£ mut FRED AND FA YE GIVE IT AWAY llrlr rammute Iudkncr IIII on hand It IMIV for the lllurh Inn ll uroll Ih school The ttiturio government poputr iitiuihrn nine dllulbuled l2 mtlhut wtlh Prod DIH ltd Fur llInrr tutm nut he tor the IMI II ll III Itlulud our the tilohat netuni PIII winen helped whit tIr am Infludi shim Smith him tATl IT in her bugin ms rue imiw Iho wo Stimu trom luv urlolnfehnur Mn haunt me 1hr we mm at the mum on trip to Hoan Iw ppurirtg an the than nu Narni Tltlor ol uroru who hut II on Jul 977 unnt show prrreiltiitr ihr drai us iiruiiitrd hen sigma Phi wont mi mm lbout tor ihr uruu Ibun butldlnx iiiid Muir may be beyond saving Kerwin potnt when the bull an be IIvod Councillor Dave Kerwtn lud Pndily lollowuu tour at the structure Mr szm chIinnIn the town councils threemIn NEWMARKET Rlpld detenorluan in thwar old lormer Alexlnder Muti Khool butldina me the pthed rqntr com beyond the Weather made you blue See page A4 Oinkr ltolIyI Inothor succou ta rs2 °iri hut re LE Hes happy property flooded nrrrl In AuraI lIru who II at in tour ted mu pieu tur In PIP Vour solution to dogs In pIrks huntImmmdqnuhmi Ilrtl mtnbeqnulhflefirllleqklolluu DIRECTOR nth dmhl cued loll and hunkturn Ad IndInna Al htIeuler uiII muwin Im PruInt unprountod uuumurr here I3 tuner orI NI Houplul WI nay cvIM an Inlyrel won an benthIEnIbrlhfiwdmwhhy vimwhy rluh hrll try Inn next or he InternIrvin um hlMIylre£=nQI£WW committee let ta negotnte the puniuu the build from the 8100 board said he hII AM Mnyil Bob Fortinn tor meet ottown councillors It whldi will nuke mommatanner ital he led the townl next move in the ttqouItionI Ihouldb The town wIntI to rutore the pundit In part or muIeumtheItre complex WIlfl pupa me Ind burst II the first floor cert tut Winter dImI II both the edlh Ind the In the mm rounderMe dImIIe pigeom Ire nah roostiru III the bullduu The coumlllor istimated repairs to waterptpes and lurnlce would cost $60000 although he admitted these would th9 been replaced ln remvntton lnle NeumIrttet architect Fraser Milne Irmmpflmed Mr Kerwtn an the ThundI tour Ind told The En Iltawlrds he lads the butldtru still In be Nevariot II theItre centre rtuIIlg Strulor TIIII rwnnrttet Theatre enirr director PIII upturn in Ste pup reItorcd as an historic mmummt il the town ran hm II or nominal amount However he questioned the ieuitutity ot the protect it the town mII pa ston unit or more for the mtv Mr Milne who is un Ihr executive of the Newman Hut Catt ind That the uwn II III the anhlmnr pnutton tit havu ta amine how much to span renoVItiru In old budding He summed it would cost Mwmi mum Ind some to ratavIte the bufldn it new heatiru plumbtr Ind wlnu must be installed It Altuld tttst another Lott out to build hratrr auditorium Is an dddlllun Both Mr Kflllll and Vlr Mime pittntrd tlul the old bullder wttt not surme another winttr without adequate heat to limp trust tyul or the walls Although Mr Kerwtt relused ltt reveIl whether or not has remnimendntiori ll mumi1 will he to make thud ttlln or the tyuildiru ur Istt tor prutlnllal uttxernment at hitrator the ltlwn previ us two hate been turned down the school hoard he said It not sayiru tor one minute we flll not inlerfiltd in the land Melnwhtlr drinlhrr llmhlr tit thr town negoiuting tonimtztte ttim ttllur Boh hctitt run at not hang lmluthd iii Mr herwtn talks with wholl mutant Mid Frth he hIs upctrd his own pipeline to board negotiator Harry Rowes trust lur Whttchurth Sloullvtlle and heumnrket trustee trill rIbIr Alter hearing reports ll the lnllfk damIae to the Mutt building lhlfl lhv tnvirt designated an htstorir sllP twti tears to when it announced In Vll Itt peg 4+ Why threaten Twinney York asks By JIM DAlllEL Flu huflm NEWMARKET Yuri Halon armtil Irvtut MW tr nlmrtllir Ray Numey in the mo nthl Nevinrid Mlyor Bob FtrhIn Fl tmutndo over conflict of intact Imint Int week decided to In the uritIrtu solicitor outerl wh deprrtrnait hII threstaua tii cure Meal tuned recurtiy mmpflny in which touhctttor Twitrev wtte hold to per cm interest Knight Seturllt Ind Investiution The solicitor General department says it II not tn the but in qu he puhllc lint uiunnllor Twlrme mld Ihlra In ht mmpIny while he Mlhtbn the ortt MINI police mmmiuiovi nuncil will ask an the situation is not mm not tu be in the public interest eun thtmah lttflk was issued tn tyre and rmewm in WT tmiiiur ThllmP um he plam to rrsign lrum the communion this month so that Knlm hrturil IIlHKP won be cancelled Mnyur Fttrhan who stts with touncillor Tunney on Nevmarket tuuixll was must it All opposed Ill the Idioti the proximal deparlmml satmg it it tugd tin Imlnullltll and in itmndti tititix the lat Ill smllll legal rlauM exrludir police Lum ininhuwrs trout MM tntttlied in prtutt Munl Vtmplmem the math saitt Arbllrzn riittius by queen Idrl otttmts are thret In all tlntm IHKVJL surner going lhrtuh 3hr hatI notr end txiigiru prmuns That inuld happat loam one of us hesaid Mat pamm support ltir minor Tatriney were Richmond Hill nullluttl Nance and aughan uuncillor baud Frlxr Mttl ounillur Nance tel he has matured honestly lu itprtsmt niunrit aim the llllllfl hurt to the nest ot his lbllll 1arkhamttunttllor Run Morin unarmed Lhld rlwlcrd ts going to smd flowers urrasttc retermce to the tndiort bet ween nunnllur Tltnmn and Police hid Bruce rllord tourirtlltir Tuinnet said he would subrntt his MW in the itiiiitiiistimi later thts month itttaIe meet Juno when it is exyxttd tuitite maggot negotiiioris ll be completed Whtlr grllrlul 07 council upporl he sand hr would ml thdlllflfll the prmtiu tat ruling because that would eupardtze Krught wt urllk whirh tour other patpl hold iinanmt interest knight Munh tmpitns 7r people tutt tme and some pm ttme Attrkir prinitlinl xtlthtiun titwurit ertirea week No conflict Twinney ivt MARKET Being an the urit Region police tnmmtfltofl tinNit gittv someone special rights or use to trilormaiion mm ummm Im numq ha tlaimtng there is no mnnict ut tunrat tn ittina tin the min ttitssm and hiitamg shares In priutr serum vmpan hr mo in tlll llltflh lm politiuri on the the mmmission does not 1M him pvrhunal amantigc in the serum humus ll the thiol tPUKY 711 Bruce IMurd can state one cm vthrrr used mt position to advhuge ta mini he said initia rminissitirt tneetttgt are opat tn the publlc excql tor tltst ussiori ol personnel proper out Ind intmul problems tr Tutnne sald he has new mm his tnmpIn wtth the pulm tummtssitm or with potme and he pointed out he ts not ittiwa pm itrdtv Viiirr Hlr Knight one of 300 ltIHttltI knight Murll Iicmrt one tit Jutt mm re sllllllltl tn the registrations branch the Unirm Prminrial Police at Hllllldl said last tateh lall Sgt VIPrIr Mrtmtl titput registrar til prtmte intesttgatun tiiitl urtl guard dld seriton ot the proerllil anlation tqulrh itir regisirnr in mm lttfike when that ltllofl is not Lflallbl ihl putiltr intrrcst Tha ttrnitnolop is open tti hrtiad interpretattun suttsct vrtttttt Atd hut nlttn hptlllt thrdlm is expected in an upmmina tsttin tit ln Proatr lPllgaltr Ind security Guards Art lafl Sgt lrttud said he would not mmmeni on uh Krught wt urll hunte not thatterigtd hts depmmerit tn or hot or pointed nut that lht ttlnlpall listed as hIting Just one prin lpl Atrttr 30klflsull when tts tmtml IMQIKQ was lwd in thh tiiptsipi inttuttmg tt Tutniie wtit mm shutownership htttgh urll lkldnttlhf Innual tinrm tn Wll tit this Mr thiv Illlt lttr unitml 11pdrnltlll tt with hrtaltnlm itt ilit rt Crawford controls board Twinney it WM tiruitttt httultl ti ttieiuil to irisure that llltl Ikhllllll7 rlltlllllltt111 lt piltrr totttmiwom not the Itlltl thttt tttttfthlu luttuwx vwiitarltrt regional mum ttttt tt witnihtr or tit Itlltt itimmmim night tan ittx llllllllll1ll ttttw nis wwk surprtxed is leIst our in lll ti ultfin taint ti lnttlrtl tt vriitititiv tiit unttitnniitu mu iod irom stint tt tt tttttitt tt tmutt tt 11 mt twr Itllrdl tilpdrlllml The Imrtl iiittitlnrs tlturh rutt tit ttirtr ttttl ho thwt is In in lthflldllt ttt tw hoard There tit ttmxtton lll Tht ttilite tl that he mam is the nitllvtillitlg huh ir Kitthii dld ttiephine tnlrrvzeu Al lllllrllA last MmeIt uuncillur Tltnne said the WIIAY thitlistnlullnttllrttltllpnlltlmallll txtthewnimiuiort tart tiu itottutu he said tt prestiit the commission has three members appointed by thv ptthttitw and no mtmbvrx who arr rigitimt muticttlars Because Ilt tut rtprtsitttttts arr In mttiortt lht mmmmton hot INItHllll itit puttltt tn tl Huh he Hulkllluf huntin slid tititt prtlllltnlu lxll rit said is that he prmime is insiderim turnip lltulitrllt tit elmm1 tillittdls tin vhi Mitrt Toronto police titttttiiittttit HE RECEIVES $1500 REWARD Honest man returns $4550 to widow lyJIM DALllEL En hflflm NEWMARKET Honety and all Mashanay With 500 mIrd til Dyurold mIn hIre lIIt week John limbmks who to York Roglotul fit In and OHIO tn In old dothh mutton ha in UV Illdov 41 lb ml whom an my ntey II In honeut man hIrder In that My so think your kind II at Ind Ir helm Mani10 than lIltnzton told Mr Banachn It Md teem II Inviting dl human int he MKIYIIW7IIIMIHH hm InaIi qdmt Including motors unctton bonus Ind tnmlmnm had lam th Wt He cum buyer lu Ir uncuthr owner Ind Knuth Serva Ltd screw It Candial in UN $3 and II Mi Mr Bonuchamker cIme acm the H560ut MIrchtl Um Mr taunnch by munch steel box cloled wtth Io thutboxvupndmruncll hId bought llnevthmtnty hem to IonIndy Indl in tonndtbealdlt Mr muntram wl Jw Mn two chm Wba and it Mnt lhttuJJnil anion1

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