rt mu The man traner welt uld mrdmltor grunt shtnny Hockey Jahn Wat taent olt ex There were txlly lew Asl was SA YING By IOD UROUNARY Stans quest takes root finally In ttl my more and column readers may rananhu tn tJuxt altar Chrtstmls about theptoneert who tauad run and ttqan the sports that tor the mat part Cull du hrw dlecuued were hocIey softball and luruue At all lmw hockey and soltlxll havegrmvnator mm ltul what happated to lacrnaae nln ll that when the Newmarhet Talqw laacroeae Club mttntd mottt ol the youlha tn the area we brendtalun NM llt lh and many mtndr lacrnaIe team came lnto nu don see tttu many youths wtth lIcrmse sticks grunt petrNOlUnlfirlu the sport ts sttll flourtahtlu such nln tt llwsuuaa and Barney but tn our am It watt natrt unlll Stan ShIptro happaud atom prttatcal educatton teacher at Aurora Huh School ye ttr ltlcrmne In thts If ttth tame here three year Ian there In no tacrtIe peg tyn lnd started to lhlms out cIme lrorn tram Hth Srinol In Kltdtener Where the II lot at rM ptamt at tusae ts final outlet and ll an exalt apart titleant want to plIy blieball star demoed ta lntrodtace lacruaae Hm area ante agntt Ad pd tl gong tn Lhe high admls and parole tttuttng tl tlmlllid that It dtd however take ttme tuned met lIcroue league Urge years ID cut my ttty talten root thts year the York County Mels Rntttlltllll Atrune League He also span three yum gettttu lacroane brI Into the htgh netmum thtt raptt whtch has grown tnlo In fightturn York otltty North Yortt Secondary Satonl LIcruIae league this seam The teImI ll10chd tn the mndary schtml league this year are Brutld Downsuow TS Henry Don Mllla York Mtlls Aurora Newmnrlet and erhrmmd Hlll Huron Hetghts was tn the league the past two years but hash entered lhts anon The htgh school lacruue season began MI and thl tyrap up May to wtth the STAN SHA PIRO thamptonshtpa Teams average meek and play out ui three arms Newmarket Hum Baynev Aral and the Doll Mllls Arum were only tour teams tn the league tut year uttd or have etghl Thta glves the league mare sdld Stan lllte ttt tee tl up to learns thought he added mud prouth happtat next season tt Huron Hetng league and Markham they aere In premataty tt tr could be twtt more teams lrom North Yuri en Ra tear also 1Ftryeallcgfl more htgh school teams to otn tntorrnatton on tt eyery year but you need tn tututth tn the schools that lllte lacrosse loget lt gotta nr league doublttu tn me thts year other schools mttttt tnlerested mudt to Stans llltl At teepettpoattg lacunae tt wtllgrou hemtea Tttt ttrlt toumy North York Seumdary school lacrosse hate ttty 70 name sdtedule wtth every team pleylng etght tlflt ttttmes tn the rqular season The humponsz round tsdmded wtth the top two teams wth urlt meettng and the lap twn trom thts area Puma ul tt the second place team ts wtthtn stx potnts ul the 301 ll hm the dtt mortal champtorts are deemed the top team tn Hunt has In exhlbltlon mItch wllh the North York trr tart somewhat lttte the Superme ol Amerchn halt vat 0th tarrtue underlaqu the tort lounl M9 Pdlttnal lacrosse league has also seen addtltonal tnlerest season compared to other years the league was created lor men ll yean and older to It and some exerclse satd Stan ll an end 00 no hudhtuuu av has learned lrom the pIst two years wlth the league dllldllYfl hot qulckly onecan acquire the slttll TM teague has total at mal already rqtstered and wt Inly one regtstratton Theyll be holding another Mar trumrsp andthemattsamerem The ttur team league plays My ntghts al the Aurora muntty Centre lrom lo 30 wtth two games ntght It the summer TNtmpmns tn the league lsott merealto and txrltly no equtatce needed to yotn utd secretar Thorne Won Wm noted that there Is nu head hunttng tt hm tor neoda Imther 35 men to ltll tour team loop HALO TM have tentattve aponwra and goaltea already mm Thorne Mt mat Interested can roman Theme at 717 We or Juntaan It Isms PM Harm ol Aurora haa rattan the lead lrom stan and Wunlu minor hate league tor ll year olda VWItta tutusated can mad PIt at not mi rullae hene loan at ll tta on dettntte In Yuri Cally North thInh In Start THE ERA Neeanal Am mm 01 lo In Kiwanis Shinn woblema lhtl year wtlh leer team who were but too bottam but wwtd IIy tt watt olt randy well can Itderlm we had ova It boy repqu One ol the woolen IIld West was the alluretr ol the nobodycorluct rule on the older boy tn the tournIrnat let ol the old team had llttle but lure body can tu1 than we like To aolve thla problem the tournament cotnrntttee hat wwmmlmfldo Into ellxt mxt year VlhIt were mm drupptr the age limit tn the mdivumdwnuseyeu il we dad thta We could put the tumor down one year Illa Ind have yur okh fliyfl Wat contmt lt ta mly tn the It but we will 1001ny lo Ilor with It next yeIr tlua year boy 1M2 year old played tn the yttntor dtvtaton Ind 13 15 year oldI competh tn the aauor dtvtaton ROTARY CLUB DOWNS RACERS 50 The Aurora Rotary Club shunted the Auror 47 to take the tenor chImptortahtp and the NewmIrlet GYlrs thumped the Newmariet Maple lull to capture the saltor tomolattm crown tn the tumor dtllalon the WarItIh WIrrtort from MMWPINK Sdlool tn NewmIrlet blanked the Aurora Atom so lor the champtunbahtp trophy and the Ummvllle Jets from Lruonvllle Putitt School edged the AumrI Devorl Dr Flyen It or the consolatton Pletttred Ibote alta thetr le trephy Ire the hnarut arm Idelplle what lt ayt taetr taretent uh eaptana the teat antton earuotattott rhatnptoaaatp II the emtta aaattal Aurora ehmarlet ttlwantt shtttney Tournament on the weekend alter Hand ttturts and John Mellttr ul the Juntu tham ptunshtp Warilah warrturs team and Dave Klaaan the ville Jet captala OutI Mayer trtghtt ta Ill ebuchlea at he reretyen the lut alylalott annotation hImpluetIhtp trophy lrnm Klwlnh vkeprealnt Jtttt Janet tlrlll II the teyettth annual AuroraNewmarlet KIWIII Silln Hockey Tournament ml the heeled The Jen led Ibe Aurora Oi Dr Flyen tn the tuIIolIllovI Ink Page standout at the Aurora qualifying meet Atltttlu George Page was standout at the Aurora High School Intramural track artd held qualttytru mm lIst week as he grabbed ttve ltrst pllce ribbons tn the junior track mmpetltton Page was the top runner tn the so mu mu tot and tttltl metre rIces and thlrd tn the that metre open event Aurora Dan trquhart recentd Nu ttrst place rtbbotts and three smmda tn the mtdget track events alter wtnntru the so and lot metre racet Mtdget Mtke Eyans tttllected three ttrsts tn the 2m um and metre events ltreta Haler tIptured the at ton and 200 metre tttles tn the nlor lraclt dtvtaton In the gtrls tractt mm pettttun Mtdget Trary Dell rnrlud three ttratplaee rth lama alter taktng the so too and Jill metre mu luntur Beth melon lot the mu lson and luutt mtllt optn etenta tathy mood was the top aentur gtrl wtnntng the 50 run and um metre races tn the huya ttttdget lteld uterus Katy Jonea received two ttrsta alter wlnlllr the lrtple Jump and harm evmtt Juntor Jlm styhuta also plated llrsl lwrce alter mum the ahotpttt and dtacua cvatu Stuart Jamea captured two lint plate rthtttta tn the vrlltlr htgtt Jump lttwt lung yuntp ttnl Ill the gtrh Itltl IIll htttrttqut ttttt platrd ltrst tn the nttttgtt shutput ltntt Atom II1ll ltan quuhurt Mrl tht ttwratl tttdtttdual thnlpltm tn the tntdgtt tltttatutt lift 12 pttlnlh tmtrgr Page has the top Junlttr etth lh pIIlnl untl hm lute the t1tttrtttttttattllttn utth xllnth Tratey lttll than the tutr ltltllndudl mtdget Ihalllpltln tn the gtrlt mmpettlttm sum it ptttnta Httlt Houston notched 1h ptttnla tatn the yuntur chant ptun tttle and athy Wood mlh pmnt tn the amtnr ttnlpltlllun The ltlurndmtnt Al held ltl ttte students thttntt ttt wnrlt ttmartls tlletr ltttlltttlual athleltta lttttra tttytt way also ttuattlyttut tntet ltlr the urlt tttunty hurth Trattt tnrt Fleld thdnlpltlluhlps tn he held at lluron lltlgllN etttttdary thtatl la it Those who ttlamt ltrst tn hr urtlrd qualttytrut meet utll mtttpttt tn the noth rham ptunshtpa and the 0nd and thtrd finishers mlght also fill ll they met the qualtlytru ttmes or tltstatxe requtremehts aurora physttal eduratton ltdther Dennis ttnnor thttttt we have some dellntte talent that wlll do well tn the tent tnunty ntlrlh ltnals For couplek ltatlag or reaulta aaa pkturee pleIIe I1l lo page nlltl ehamptunahtp AurorI Rotary tlutl team were awarded ttth lrtiphlfh tttr heat the Most aluahlr Haters ln the tour natnent The Aurora notary tluh dumped the senor Waratah arrtora thelr llrst match and Irene burl 10 tn the that In the mt that they tttpped the Nearnarttet Ftyers at In the ma matdl Aurora Rtttart tlub goalte Hrllll tlarltng ptclttd up the shutout kldassen notched tau pllmler tut th ltntary tluh wtth tlrure lug Huh laoemmg and law llarty munttru the other lllallkrrs tttdt ll Nun Butler tlm tttatttd hlh team played thetr heat lit the last two games he tlnlt had two goals worm agalttsl tn tn the nhttle lttur lldllltrll ttttalte Kanth Mttthtw metttd the first Nolan tlutt Itulttul agatnat trone our tn ttttr anund gantr The under ntannttl eh market 69 en sewtd up he tttfltlldlllln thzmpltnhlp met ttatlt late lead or ht lttplt Leah and held tlntn l7 sturtng the tnsm marktr lattlt trnlt seconds lelt an an empty Maple Lent net Ktttn wrtxht and ttarry lhttms lound the Maple lea tlet lustre tdth tor the 68 trx try tttach Frank hrady lxtleillatttr Nhadlyattplayers tlttured and two that were lttrlttd out earlter hut we played pretty good the ttnal game Hur gnalte Jamte tteptun played really well he kept tn the game Mute Ruby and nary Quem tltttted tor the Maple lAals The 69 Gr entered the tunutlztturl round alts loatng hlll ttrxt game 32 to rone turt ln thetr second match they edged the wntor arItah arrlttrx Ht and the Bradlnrd V1lltr l4 tn the sernt ttttals ltttgether there were at teamt entered tn the satlor tllvtsttlrt WARAYAH WARRIORS DUMP BLUES 60 The Neumarket arItIh vtttrrtnrt dumped the Ballan trae Blues tea tn thetrttrstmatch to the yuntor dlYlSIIIVI and the aurora Ttgers 21 tn thetr Kttnd tn the term ttnats they altuntted the Regatcy Ratdert Ttt and tn the mats they out lred the Aurora Atoms 50 Wuyne Battey HIy waa the xtandout tn net lot the Waralah warrtors Is he collected thtye shutouta tn the mmpetltton taratah Warrlora ch tan ttoyne tatd My boys pluyn extrunely well they hId only one goal scored Illml them Ind they were really well orgtuned Tournament big hit eupptag the NevInlet Maple help ta tIe naat natea They are mam roI treat Ht all tate lteptaa Jerry Ml tteyta wrtght thatt mt In ten ttetta carter teorge Brad lloh putter slur Iderpuel aaa mt lraa Brady Mart Llnttm popped tn two marten lttr Lhe Hinton Illh leamntdtn Kandy tourla John tellur and Mt Madtgan addttg Itult tn Ute llnal match Illl the Aurora Atoms ln the tumor dtttstun On sulllltln thamplonshlp the ntonytlte Jets edged the Aurora Devon trr llyers wtth LIulnn Mayor and Paul Tallhall mumtrut tnr tntun ttlle llattd alter band he lnlttlhllll net once tor the hetnn tr Hytry tn tht match tntunttllt tldth lttte tuleman sa thought we played good game plow1 as team ltt earlter mdtt hes ltuttntttle lost thetr ttrst ll to the Aurura Tunrs hut wort Ihetr world St met the hallanlrae hluet They tout the hell Homhen tn the WM finals There nere 21 teams rumpettng tn the tumor dhlslm thls year buth the total tutnher trams playttgt thners tn the chum ptuttahtp and Illlulldllllrl lidmplunxhlp tatn rermed tttdtttdual trtyphtn and tdm trophy ehlle lllhtllhh rtwrud treats urura Town ttttttatt tttttanetl he htuattty atlttt llltllfi ll ll thetr htlutr game on truth ntght wartan warrior raptatrt Randy teuu tlett artg Heater Lumber Iclur ttttt gteetatag am hi teaa sa ttetart the the tarorI lomt tr alut recentd HI Irapn tn the tumor dtvlatut chaupleuhtp tropht het shown Irrepunfl ltom urorI rtlIIMIIkl Pete III rllhl ouru Compass dumps Burling ahead game in series NEWMARKET lnmpass Taurn thumped Hurllngs Builders Bl hunky ttl tale ttne game lead tn the heat or three Neumarltrt Men llotttry rttwn llurltey laaguv rham pmntthtp tenet huh tttxon led the umpm atlItlt Itth our markers TeImmate trary cellamy tlllktd lwlte thh Ted Burdtell and Ted ttayward addtng quela non Batter put the only Burlttet punter past tompan goalte Ken Wyatt early tn the lhtrd PIIymalett Pools ta to me game In the connotation champtunnups all my 31 Amulror Real Ettate on Sunday Roth team luttthed ttrw ttal the llrt pertutt wtth Playmates setum lutrt tn the wentld and threw llnlvs tn the Jllld vthtle trmstrttng munted tltte lit the mtttld and ttalte tn the tntrd All lalmer Hunted holrltl lur Playmates ulth teammates John Mourmead Terry Htley and Murray lttoltaon mumlug once each Stu Vm tallted hat trth lrom Armtron ntth Del Wheda Iddu the mule The lumnd Ime ln eadt autumn heplaycd lhll Sunday It Wit1h Clvtc Am The lurltngt ompan mIldtIdlllnnat Illm and the AnnunaqPlaymala It ll