Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), April 19, 1978, p. 4

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Ntmeltmt appear in be sayiiu ummmmmml THE ERA IrvVmEwlhoolI Mwmmmltuvmst mum cuminii innu eat ii nit humIl uan rur mu non mite in trapint 00 hmlflAWUI In Miwriuu bummer on urnon mo Inuitmi miui stairu viiiu mu Ium ova iii mumit trim MW mii mooy timeow Am Iuaii poii notoi 5K wait vwiplvlol urnw Vione Newmarlet D5 211 Charles St Apriltin DAVID HASKELL low we YERRY CARTER to Ii ROBERT MARTIN 11 FEVER GRIFFIN We Aaron 77 an Province finally discovers intersection in the dark Good on Jim Smw Ontanos Munster ol lranspuflation and ommurucatians He ordered stud on the tiphtim It the intersection ul Hintins loo Ind the ewmuritrt tumult dud should it is pretty dark there at mall The intersect iuri needs lights We kneu it all atom so did everybody else in town because Anybody at one time or another has coped their uai into that ttmt lane Ind up onto High lIte in ii am misty night Timn Cumtl hu tried to mnvtnce various ministers over the years that this mmlm need better ltghtitu tn tact it ha boai almou an annual event at Newmarket council and each ltml it regreitut letter would come back from 01 mimstr otttctal exptalnlr that the ln tersectiori does not warrant tea light bulb It night The rlra too several time has advocatm hatter lightiru there This ear urnrt toimcllor 80051 rme to and lo and bdiold the suueu unthei to the matry lnsirated Mayor Puritan med ol tictat conml communeDona had dominantly struck out Mr Scott mull have but luck by hand HedidJndthpthaeIoratfluwal totheItoranthatitilhnratuthemvuttom our municipal patinaha lean always to be all to armt it may at taxpyen expune For It recall railway commat in Vannivs Mr Scott who we am II chairman of the tml um alumnae hIdIlordIIcImmthliriHSnovon hiyivray lately And not it MI paid an Whathemeaahrglorllruatfllvmays mandlllr Scouruumdodthemimdthe diaciumaridamuilhlatataatbquais Part sundarfi the mey had but thine and the decision made to inlall liru II time manpowe and mue pumtt It theyre not up in about Ill marlin tm gm to be alter the mllllllfl autri promiaa WillorSoott Goodonyouthiob GUEST EDITORIAL United Way social response Korean lrt ti mittt which increasugl strata titude muld We the vay society on whidi lndlUduil rights it may seem anachronistic to lllakl cav tor commuiuty respiIuiulity lei mrrwting Ifldtlildull injustices is our milletlite and individual obligation This has liven clarititd legislatiit actnn and nIdiciIt itit mun llrl importantly it is leu moral dun Paralleliru the thrust toward irflivtdual fights the questioniig autronty Whether rhurrh mtlllil government urilonorbusinen the challenges to authority ore pervasive The not rllect it these challenges is that durum rnlaiiimhipo Art mturrlru and trequaitty tor the beller Hut uith these chance coitus the done 04 uraleniiu otir mmmtunent to cummtnily the mming together of indith lll may Lou tl taith in leadership wealm the bond that hold us iugether or reach iiir our individual rights we Ive got mme each of us IMVMI is depatdait Why our concert The lamlly ol voluntary Imciu mm local Lruted WIyI wt mmmumty resporue to individual need In red Iain tolunteer Idatciu are our mods satietys extension of family Limited voluntary matinee require communityqieeda decisionmakiru process not just mtleetion ol unrdaled indin yvuu deeisiom We must cotcan ounde Wllh the impact olourglvlru on our volumes capILity to meet essaitial needs at people To achieve this obecttve roquirs that we balance our drive or individual um With comparable commitmenl to community responsibility And in this context olcoune United Way at York thon prondts the opporturuty tor lnr llYlduiIlS as volunteers to accept this corn Ylunll responsibility want pen pals In Idiooltndfl run Swill KoreI Mlny If Koran Willi II walla the Itudmu It our mi Ire vqy auger to rind peii pit iii Carid laminto to you in the hope that you run help them in iiriiai with the yoiIh in your country They would like to Me ttionriauori about In tlle Ind Vm we in everyday tile Ind to am Curran autumnal primem think mu Ind direct communication the nine In 11 help to learn about each otherl country it iriu Ibo help the Korean pert putt to improve upon their toms lllul spatially ziiuuh Illa think they intuit have iun nappir ttfllu in their hobby collection Im one ol the Erluh tractors in Idiml that hll Irmnd tooii boy Ind lrl luknu vnh Ifll run ii in The Itudqiu here the rm Erluh cum reel Im lure um al them will be lullaflll fluid and complaint In my Uh Io urlu MJufld age mu lt vwld be very nice it their iirir pen pal iiiriuiteii plume with ll letter muons lANl tnuII loll inil the deli take the hindmosi Sudlariat lllu Way It Refl iHboar urtixuuu Hill in evllurtfi no Ilfld Atariii tr KM Ietalh tutme Illl hold iii monthly rnreitiu and open mountd April in Iin in ii ruiriiimi xian nu tarball lir For iii tiirniuiiim tAlI nail iiotuu mm In spagut lhrhual tanii Ill hold iiprii ham in mtiyiiiiriiori with taumm RItin ihr mortlnd at no Aprtl rill nsmx Aritth nitruininnii tithe uueol the arirtunl yuLM thin put on nudrnii Ind tialt at Dr ti will wintry Imml Attran on Thun April at Admiuion man it tor Iduttt nd IBM iiir iiudrnii iiiir human rqiurtiui to boys Ind girl Illl mr place him April in train Lo iii iid it April 22 lrom to noon It urun outunity eluv Fur1i Inertial lnrld smith iii Tortilla wiu uiii Itiniii iiiunieriut money rhun April It in iii etflnarlfl ummuml iaitre The tall puri iii ItII ui uni iii iiirim There will iii iiipint pper unra iiii ilnllw hy AllanSIgeolTormtu iwiti Dem dupiui at urn it An illleh Numbll tumr 1mm Thurs Aprilio in sun Aprilan titttiu APRILII Auror nito hora one uiu hold rummale sale punt ule ind htir elephant uielri Aprilzt IIB Jupiii iuumitrrh huntrm lilo School Itudqiu will hold granular Fri April it triirn an to lap in Qllufll mm umel live In to run rhch htlo atrium board Ind dance mlrlthon Adminiiiii 75 calla llKludtr tsorrii tmd coupon sAn nun Ann Netmarl branch the Royal UAR wl EYIN $00K IA Anon 9100 wo he nutI Legi will hold dun Mt April trunin in ton in intuitioncouple no Kh lty npvlllve Iury Day Wwiuholdahleuknnsu Apnlfl tram it Im in pm It Ktl City United hutch Admlslholl cola It or lmltl Im 75 will lot rhlldnll There will or rummagr IIle Ind uraf hlk sri April train iii rmti It at Arritru rel Arcy SI hrwriiiriiet Donllloll ml be ten II the choral and DI lime Von lIy Makl SKInth Ill mid ipriiu dInte It Eui Gwiuiiiihury Coiiiiiiuiuty Centre on Sal April trim to piii lollm Freehanlufla Format its maple call Shuriiti Dury we or anoint The Newmarlu brunch at the InyIl undia ufl ltlil hold matte tournamml blt AVIIZ mruull l1 mpm Calhtllhe pflaed II pros and evayane ll welcome at the iryoti Hall 7w Snly Si Mly ler Wllil hold in annual rrciui II the Newmafla tam Hll Viro rniin iiiirri April in For timi flll MM or no l7 the Iflhl Hfiluve uury liest of St Plull ewmmd 11 hold All we hiiiewed April trarriiisntollItri and tromlmlnlpm Itlmmnmllm wiiu oisi PIul Chum ibArry 5i entrlmi Public reutrltim will be held Sat my to noon For dormtum call 15 no Mn rvrIren lam III fleet io rot Accti ie nAiKcuT FALL Akil an All ou herteat psi leI at lbllll sent an tiiuriri iiiHr hIir praed is toot trIIlu ti tpprr trim Mall to mate pupa rim INKHAW rherrwiutuotiri imet rum Sat April 29 To arrrue tor picli up an htiiir Ballard It mesI or toiiiu rims Ii 595m nttuAt APRan WI lulled hua Nevunmet Ill hueI community rolu beet Maps Fri April trout iii pin Tirheu which must be wrdlud by April l7 Coot $5 tor nail am 32 lor atle wide tall 2mm Cmtable It ass Bernie who ol the Tormto Humane Society It ddru lumheon meeting of the Vet IIIale hull Fri April It the Aurdn mtrm centre 51 John Srd no mo sypuy orenir will patoriii St IIryI Alllclll oiurm Wand Hill iiri Wuhan iimpm Wombynmiuid Mozart iriu be leatwed riciieu in so tor duiti Ind lot iiuocnu and mu citizen in iriuhir It the door or try uttiii sum or um rrintiy lIltel church in in evmariet will hold minimmy rout beet outlet Fri April ttiiiiiiiinily trim l0 For tiriiru ts tor IdultI And tor mildrui into it call imrr tanauble ll nut or Lind Partiri sculpt Deadline is April In No iiditu It door he V011 Non Prwbelal tiemm Pmy Alloeul wiu hold ipriru diner It pm Sat April Iii It the AurorI tontmututy uritro Adrnullon mun peron Ind inclung hat and hill For ticket rIll Flo Iltel 77 Letters to the editor Keep AMHard flgn urges reader in ery diup pound to hut Ittnui the punituiiiy ol removIl ol the Millard Air and Joneph 5t nop iiai wmld five to In that the realm lo ranoval do iioi outweipi the purpose All the flap tiyi hu med or more with mlkten in tm are ol Newmarlet have teen coniderahle mum ui ll file at ipiiii iii mite myeiiiru Mllllrd Ave Itnce up Ill wiu mm iui year Ihidi wu the hum Finne tor the itop run late it hu done the yoh Althouh lm Ire winter con dltittl that With littlt CARE iliaiiu rut belt0M lllve III the top at the hill Ind had no priioieiii Ill winter lau to or down the hill tiiii nil have Im lll AlIo the Ilop run noi meant to be troutII but to wovtde may or the Children to roll uiywhere Please put the rhilaen lint in your final brutal We Irui out to Mn Itll ull better conditiom tor our dither VALERIE LlERVi no hullrd Au NevIre STOP solved Millard problem Aitrr hunts tho ruiuii ul the menu on April 1m Wm Mtlllrd Joleph STOP up rutlred the ridtla Killrd Ave lune Ice til findd irhui they were not unit to run the trillion an em to have IIII ItllIrd Ave ealt random did not realize it would intm them It In iiiortunIte that then people lid their teetiru come them at the tateiy at children The rum for Iain tar my wii rmvod very tltiiuy hellltiadllliculttnq ummwriihe not on Awr dyI For approximatdy the ma will dlyl out yell do Ive have to put up with Ipeedln mm on Hillard ti Publicity helped carnival the Anne Flare shin tttiti would Iiaeb iiiiiI ymr miniper tor the exrellent pre piriormanrr coverIge Ihich you Il our recent Illltr cIrnivIl the wwld IIo like to thank Aurorl Ibk TV or both the prelhv publith and tar llpfl iiii rhoiii per lurmante We Kl that this tiriii at community mopxi Ihoutd not no uii noticed ve Illa are ta ol gramme to AchonIltt iieitIurInti our photnlrapher Mr lelni Allql Mr Vince De tu or ll hlcltop cumin the Aurora Mum Nadir huyi who Iold Fatima Ind to the Kruth ol thlumbul who tuned in the money priiri tor the boyl to wear The rontrihutinn Hilde all til the people it writ the qul tErIIlc cooperIuon tench we received from up III of ll AWI Community Centre helped to mur our AM financial II well urtintc tutuI alzrn KELLY PIMka Am Era did dndl sp en lab The Er did Iudt iptaiiiid ph wveruj me 099nm at our new church St John hronIIom Ill Imlnfl ll Ill mou thriitiiip iii ire tuch beautitul pictures and urdieiii aimqr done bywamewa Ind mm min MI LXI bahll ol Father Bill Sclnlorl Father berm Cullen Ind St JohnI PIriIh pleue accept my deepen rltltlflle tor Iii the publicly flVl it It in rmi amtlied by Iii MARY HEREIN IIII JOIJ rIthPrul he JII FurI Cont Thanks Test tells you if you could be PM Why dont you run tor Prime ThatInyI you Yettout thee Ind SPIllll tout Ind mflee on my dont you nut tor Prime Ilium tmtue it too late tor thedem be annotated any dIy note but you some trawl tor the future Everyone ll iIIlappy it reeltil 1mdeIu and no one iI too netted Winfisohenwegoagatn With wrieremnyottmllrIllheloIeeI not dune to IIhItIhianame There must be ol whomuldludualna dynailtic tthiui prabIbly think they dont it qualiticIttona for the ob Hawdoyou kmvl TherehaInevq my ltnowleefle In Iptitude tut ll Prime MiniIter ot Carlotta Sande tiny it lhemost imporCInt job in themry dont even have In Iptttude tut tar didates eI you guaaed it Im Mir nou Herewtth ia the tintever Aptitude the yob at prime minute other mail please take rule and rwriltl And you too Wipe that jam yi pick upa pawl lit you are allowed to him obeclv and lake the ane Ministaial Test lnemploymait in the country has million mart and the oppnatlion pam screaming tor your IcIlp You lmliate series of otxreatiiq to industry Raise unemployth batelits Give everyone tax cut Btame it on the intunuional IituItioIi holiday in Bermuda One at your top chinet mailm became embroiled in acandal WIUI he mother top chtnet menu You Demand his immediate ratatution Order In investiItiou ontinue to duty it in the lace oi all Accept hit rslyulion that whisi has moled down give him tuck his pm One of the wovtnces say it inll from tanada You tiller to negotiate With them Declare war and said in troop Send them pile ot money Offer the provtnttal leader cabin You are Iddremru dinner With leaders and you are asked about wageand tmlrols You Say youll dropuiaau control but amm controls PIDHIIM higher minimum wage Tell them you were once slnp stmnt union You Ire fiddme dinner Illa business leaders and you are ashd about and price controls You Say youll drop price mnlrols but ml ontrtits Promise lower mimmum iii5e Tell them you were once company shop steward in union It in revulml that the RCMP has tapping phones opaul the mails spy on oumalisu break and spith on the was and cheatiru ut thi come tax You Fire the AttorneyGaunt Blame ll all on Attorney legalue III at the above Ietivttia That takes care at the gated qufll possible prime mimItas Now we motII tinanmat area Alia Ill the PM mus sharp utth our dollan large mrpontion in nude or lraud and otters you titmm ll elutiuncrpaim Vwmdfiwmo 50 will unothet corporItton ln Iinlilar trail to pay you to make up the diners The apposition tI Iaumir tar which wt torce you to list Ill your contributions ova mo How many willyouneedtogoout and collect theN tribulm Ill coil lhevllneoflhecmnhllfl ternational money markets iI any day How much th Il colt you sit1mm pool totalled It 24 Suucl Unemployment figures grov mntlnuea and Otto LI is ill PW home to thnI lor lunc evay daIItIryincreaaeIhotudyouyvewW the cottry hill mu men ta at the million ml coda wapachotmurett WM le tare on Air CanIdI to your Swimllnd mm the Prime Muialalal Aw flrfl edition 0mm it will need It jou by but it villi Inyonewhotvanlla clmmh Km Eh My It you lure ova you all pdltldan ll mudmin brill

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