Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), April 12, 1978, p. 1

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THE ERA Slnco 1852 UNIX 18 m0 in can NEWMIllYAUIOIA llfllCK AIll Samaria In devdop right up to the bulidary the two municipalan mat in Intent lami nil in Monday lllhll rttet coinicil meetilu rereivcd late trim firm advtiiiil it East hat palmled Io derision OI DE Ontario pal Board 6le the iil Lionatar lnr or alternately that arlng be held by the Mlllllllflr Kay thnney ohyected laying the it East Gunnimhury Wt et throth lame coat Will have been put on taxpayers ol Newmarlet met re bani balm at step ol the way The 0MB the are tree todo mtevq want rqardir the bulkr and now they are gm to more costs he said just tbelieir council can play tnipaitr money this Lane rum peeve SAPS RUNNING Tasting the up rllht tron the tree proved In be ir lpr teeth or niid Mind triiiii lo in until in ml will be lrrle Elna Nevinrid who tilled the hlkhurch the Iiiial heelrrid Ior the leti al which inrliidn hour drlien Sicmain Museum recently Il ya have not yet irisae ym Hail to Hell ride guided touri Ind inipir uigir iimpiei tiltuition ii ii aapr ban this weekend will be used the Ian apprunwa iiido tor adulti and ill rents tor rhildrrn For riiorr intonelion call toot Io llovuiia Tree Farm la idling Ia 11th aaaul Maple Sugar Police cleared in Local case NEWMARKET Wlmlll iade here laat week dam Yori Regional Police minttile at any blame in an auault cha elaid Wyer dd Evan called Thomas ORourle Murray an unmitigated liar alter hum hii eviduice against Countable Donald Kirk The York Regional Police corutable was charged by Mr Murray attq the ltyaarold and two compamons were arrutid at Lacal lnduatries where they were pirited up on tireni and mtry charges last October Mr Murray claimed that he was kicked by Tontable Kirk cost the town at et clone to $150 in rusti till the initial hean the lionstar land atrordin to the iitl lw ahti sit hr min hint Ientr bordered with harried titre alter another ith had tllmMIHEI to gain intn it the building Judge titiwaii lndllalfil that this action wold iery iielt hair accounted for the bruises Mr Murray Ialtv iiesrriherl ai hating heeti Iflnlthd the t1nldbh lttltr tlll examination llt iurtiarltet itiiith tiaamr iiinluud and changed hlh Itir iirt slurred tiitasltins Ht tiuld not rtnltnillr hh lllr lrom examination to crass tiiatttinatinn noted Judge Milwaii in dismissing the tlalffll iittiinst UllSlith Kiri Illd that when he questioned Mr Murray originally at police headquarter in Nev market the youth never complained at any intiiry or anault Alter teiiiiu the tieiectne he did not want to to the hospital for any examination the youth was allowed to leave Describing how he entered the lacalpremiaes Mr Murrai Town may take action against garbagestrewn plaza Iols liitirtllngti lr mtt lithind mm Mm tinniter mm out one til our empltlinis etery ml which hm hm is raging its ugly head amfin so olten to remind them do thr titres the MINI lde ht his left leg seieral of the plazas in town Lmtv trutti Hiitslttrtl north tit Several witnesses iriclodiru tumma them into disgusting tie sdld the sllualltln at the tat flirtr mmlglm ployR at scenes according to totin plaza is not new one and has isarta in to llllllltlmtll Lcll tallied however that muneillor Bob Scott been gtittut on HIKE the W5 talk Di tinti to ttt rlutable Kirk had never beat He fiflltl he used to the in the Mr at it Hit At Monday mght tountll Nuns 5m sad had tuhlllt along that strip hm area then and as resident was with Mr tiilttinuillt been trlrilk about in direct Contact Murriymthenightinqiieition received settral calls rnm vomtanuitiflhttrutrnituation Wm when several cruiias and at plat ng about the garbage tillilllllltlltdhllur mm mm weredi tchcd to laucal that Is strewn around the in the plain arm the tltet ms sp triirn xiwmarket Plaza ttir WWW up ht mus ilntl Newmarlet Plan decided to take tour tlI some plazas and we tur myselt he said the Newmarket Plila there was garbage and paper slreln all in answer to an alarm The court was told that Mr Murray had picked Coritable Kirk mm llnew alter lalu llth charged Prior to the lineup he had Aharglng thi iiist to the plaza tari dld lr hiiitt hut plan lld tint hem PIlIClHl ti two extra tlttllal ln their tum is nothing to them illtiiiiiig hags iil garbage to he iiriiltin iititl strewn all our the foul ot the matter plaza tiiiing onto tiaiis lir No run these businesses table the ace This is an think this is gtiod Iiir hule ttiullitllnr Ttim Tailor wmmbdlmwmymmxyun unhealthy Pand uflslghll when it so unsightly he iiitreitl with Mr an with mm situation asked There is large can suggestion and proposed The discriptiori was unlike He went on to say the tamer tor garbagetn the back or relerring the matter to the that ol the countable he later 0WD the plan should be the stores but Omend prelcrs town administration group to at anatilt able to keep the plaza clean to dump it in the truth he ald we what tari he done about it Detective Robert Whitman Wllhtiut the town havtru to said lllllhtl prtihlent area tor photii pleaae NR page ern Brew manager at Brampton Hydro said Bump ton Hydro tnoit on Jan ltlil but still have not agreed on price with tmtarto Hydro tqtgtgtton per he implemented there are milling ratriicturiru is passed several ttmemnstimirul mch it should lave Unrd ream that will have to be taken care the taguiiture by Lhe aid oi at April muting to iorti North IyPAULHUNT Once the Errultreprier NEWMARKET When reatructurtna at the hydro uh flan hue manager will have to be 31 Hodgpon the read hired said Mr Sattree The The vast ii the assets is 31 thdro tommiiiiiiiii Ell be new ltlmmlssltm will have the liased tin aitual cost less my mggfiunflfimis dlsbandedand town muncil wtll option at rfiatmru the present depreriatioii an ac Settairee wit aeya Grade duct or Oilno Hydro His hate to appoint new tine manager Jim Beadle or ad iurnulated apltal and less any not iirttsing the position ln built up tqtllt he said Winn pointer tortine hay13 mlmi Brampton the tommlsslon lioweiir it the ulllll iut ml new in In meet the net advertised the Job their old happy with the price Him manchitin mam but miniger applied indhegot the urn origin the iegiilnhon up bout micil haa rieva had to appoint lob ID lrbtlrlhm ol rlta he one before Mr bettnlree also told The spokesman lor the ri the physical assets at on Kano Hydro in the annexed areu must he purchased by Newmarket Hydro and there WI be no such thug as $1 tramter II II thii punhlse which could saddle the new com mission with it large debt Ind miniater at clergy said the lqulatiori provtda tor paiod ol six months in whidi to sail pumae coat ll there II no await alter that period it VIII to arbitration and the arbitrators derision cannot be appealed he and What WI it cost Newmarket However legislation wtll say that two of the new mmr miaaionen nitt be lrom the annexed am althth there is nothing prohibiting all new manhaa heir from the an lieitad ara 1he new commtuion will he and lt ii llkaly that the Wilydmrai 3mm mm Man that rat tn thearaa iliiv awed by Ontno can wm 75 tor mm prised five members wian haa Flth la 00 10W Hydro to poichm the ma mnirhbyygw helmmm mm years Nobodymrtoknowat an th mayor Intbe led the moment but George ml min be Ior 31 um Roostiii mum mlleI Hum MIMIIIIIIIDEJHIY the for Oilno Hydro Cunnl lb Id III In My negotiated between the two parties minimum RuinJaidthereisalotnlnew alumMean ranmilqu Pefifion seeksend to Main St program Diuatiatuctiori among some Main St biiaineu people with plat Ill likeall Wldemnl and beautification malti has resulted in petition to have the linprovalient Area The Newmarka Downtown Milieu Wm Imprintnull Area was atabliahed unda Ontario legialation by mmipal bylaw last summu and board at trinnagernait appointed in July Kinda the bylaw all Main St hilirieua between Millard Ave and Water St mustpayataxuiloaluiidtu be or beautification and promononolthearea It understh the petition to hate the hyiiu repealed and the board it management dissolied carries about to slgnatures rider the legislatlun it it came signature from onethird or those paying business tax in the area or representiru more than methird til the award area tuvm muriril ma repeal the bylaw It cannot then consider another such hilau or too tears tariil Htnlun iiii preildent til the litiwninwn Ienhants Association and lrting supporter til the im prttiitiient area ttild The Era last week the tlissatilaction ientrea tin the board at management plans to spend this years budget tn the sidewalk scheme In iinyntiin mm the Era tlirrltnfl iii the downtown ttierthants tn the imprniernerit tiriia uai iattiii tiir last rught iiii late tor pass time determine who wanted to itintirtue with the tdewalk titnutiliution program and um didn The petition 33 started by downtown businessman she dld who apparently doesn want to see the mane spent on sidewalks But we hate told the lltlthdlllh intr and our again that the sideiiallts are nut going tii tii trammid dutin thetr throats vtt iiur last general liiietiu the budget was ittlid on dfld agreed to present it to iiiutieil liot alter the iote Mr iiimiheri disang mm the tdewallt plan So uc formed it iiimmittee tii asli the town it ht would iiiniitier rtpalrllu iir replatiint OIIII ii the sidewalk in the area but we were told the ltiun had alriiatit vt tth hudgel Mill there was no am it tiiuld ht ilorti thl tear Both hl iltil lt Blight DA VLIGHT SAVING rlRlZT tiiitighi aiingi lime in ottieulli mm to sea market iprii will trite agnin on unit iiiwn roiinetl will he iiiiiiiig proclamation to net ellert ljuatunhlhalmyear iir wouidii adopt aiiilghi uiiiig tlme ma inor Bob rorhin phingit Jflnl imagine the mom iiiir piiiii could make TOWN MUST NAME NEW HYDRO COMMISSION Newmarket Hydro rates Iikely to go up equipment in the area to he annexed Jini Beadle Ild he doesnt iiniiw what kind deal to hope or buausehedoant kmw raiw morn equipment ls included iant we the Iahmier iltti ting ianiarkel llydrii rates or this year he satd But then dont really iinoii thitariitllydmsetsnur rates and we have very little say in it It their rate 30 t4 next year guess our will as wdl We buy our power Inn Omaha Hydro and that accounu for about per cent at he laid Nevinrte Marvin have to all Employing In all Ontario Hydro employees curraitly work in the am to be annexed amoedir to Bill SQHIUR but the employee tbnt have to lug willed to any win Ilaled the petitmn Mn Boyrlul laid me mmtmpoflem signed the Human ar petitioii which ellalliter blixh approval at the ililll council deem mt In lb about the petition datit lira what they were Ilarilm ltsayiriyaat tectopol the petition that it is aakir tor the repeal ol the Dylan hit think lot of people wqmt wire at that thitiit they thought they were Iimply siyuru that that obpctad to the II alk beautification plan shenaid tlrant BIDM lawn dc said he ham had mudl chance to link at the petition bi iiitl be doing In inorin Ind preparim rqlort whidi will go back to the adminillratlon group and trout there to town muncil Taxi bus meter rates goup VEWMARKET It you donl ownacr it ultinlo rust ycu more to get around town slutty when propied Ill and bull Iare inch take ettnt tounrtl decided Monday night to increase bi are nickel which means the pmefll adult are of 30 rent will in crane iii 15 cent stiidmt lam trill phonilmtn bunk senior riurens will have to pay mcenu instead ol the proeat ts cents the lamin tare will go trom i5 rents in cenu but the rhildren lire will remain at is rents letter rum two iui companies Ra Twinney tkilared his intemt In the all Illan in town and retrained triirii disrugirig or oull on the matter afikld council to con statr rate inert5e The Iint one sixth 01 mile which now routs io rem increase to cents each ad ditioruil one sixth or mile will increase tmrn ltt tu l5 rents but the main increase will be ap parent when taxis are hired on ii hourly basis The LompImls hau mud or 30 pet cent immaae in the tiiiiiriy rite which it approved will see the cut nu mm to it tor the Ilrst hour Each ad dittonal 15 minutes will inereue mm 5m to 32 25 which is also so per tln irirreaae The taxi tare increase was relerred to the town ad ministration group IW report tiaiit to council Mater meters arll emu related to them hlll also in New in the near Iuture The cmt meters insulted iserlt Tll page Arzt ern 87m ol Brampton Hydro said there was it slight drop in Ontario Hydro rats and slight iiieruse in Brampton Hydra rates when ruinictiiriiu tripii pliee there tmldrltt Hydro rites in our area were only about lupa cent higher at the increase and decrease were mudi Imalla than Mr Beadle claim will happen in Newmarket he said ln Newmarket Ontario Hydrantfledgeng mitt hidrm spokeman tor Orlano Hydrosaidtheroaaiinlwidia la edlflmenthdtm

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