hu dun gbral made aaem ling mg hockey game irsi Ad shnrnnmrmbe 5R 519° who playeda large mfiinfimméwlshr deaigntngrthe helmets cardiac massage mmbxymoufimung ected ii hockey piqyeispteirm inquest ll garke had hay artificla ALusethelectrig lulu Den have ed Ills heart What really finished going againeflie first two the third Vlnnweuteenng owerhraku moo hydrlmifl rear alum durum rafliu port minors radial whit wall tires er Ne 41mm stock No mo MARCH 11 778 pulmonary assid There arethree groups aicurrently uttering sue St JohnAm Sfie said itWurhis nd opinion that theyhoyidled disagreed with previous on point oi impa atfthe buy Iv at me l7 Hospital Salli he time he was struck the wasralled in me next day pathologist would have 10d 14 and came to the conclusio the boyls End 1955 candltion was very Jury thuckJvl controls respiralion heartbeat EVENING ANDJ UNDERGRADUATE fpmem Ayesuifiu know mpact there was or cessation oi vit tionsf Could ii ything have been done about it Therels no real pracucnfi wayol stopping the some thing happenlng again iThLmnsLimpontan tnent sa pair of ha attached to tralnfil heady IAil ol the recom $5994 yrneiufirleuc nor mcieirnsn SIMILAR DISCOUNT PRICES lN EFFECT ON ALL STOCK MONTE CARLOS TlQL lEwing he did not said Dr Hendggkp Dr VPeter lienstzn attached to York County Hospital said hejwas on emergency dutylihe ght desperate Trreyrdations made by the yuThe elécm jur Including first aid wizhalograms 1zhpurv aport showed absolutely no brain activitygh aid kits irltheteum layershenghes and first and training mode traming ior coachesfirst momma the boy was brought CK LEAsiNf AYAILAB $00 NEWZCARSIN eheyrolet LisYonge Street Solith Aurore Aurorauzmm Let us drive you Idsmbhile ltd TorontqulZHZ PM boy he was eyanose blue no vimisignsy he sat instantly started res scitatioh procedures mecharitcal breather Whenlliré saiv colored and he showed thinkit isiikeiy that brain death occurred instantaneously Yorkersone The only disagree with recommendstlon Aeerning the atrw lowest ohg Ontario nin regiohal ni icipaiitres Chief Bruce Crawford told regional ile aEp oduced have to re 211 more polieeipopulationiigures pol me ohelpjustity an lkper cent increae the P9 Wm was me endnfseuyoiiicers but they must hy council budgettorwm no in Crawford sa it mg 13 more of firms WNW wé MIXED NUTS fun 35 in 1977 herewasone policeman iorevd ea people in all the regions whilg York hadmne for 7o7Again Flalion was in the extreme with ori veryifls week while we average or all regions is $46 per cspitarYorkscojtls 539 he said Halton RegioLllas Haldimand Nortolk Hc highest ssa Yorks cost is $263 less thanif Was wfvTeregimlgov ment the Elder sa Region mqus $5000 Iorfltifidlovrd bureau 1917ond4theAend ot I0 came from Richmond Hlll but there were 20 Newmarket ago Trom as Way33 Inst Georglna lyiayo $5000was placed in bsent 1978 budget last week or that purpose at Mayor budget disnu Timpsons urgingi H1 Richmond Hill Mayor llrnpson seeing tha 13m iiimdoeeucuuncuwiaoahuup it showing the rent relectaflmm alloc re ewbtllceinhlstwown Iorthe proj suc cesslul changed to TFFCENTBRWESNBWAQUA cL TisINGLE INC Hlpsmq one mes men TdUCH Whatwent If youre in the market for mortgagemoney Kydu should benefit from whatWe know lfis Wamngingmongages now préfessipnirlr Whattodo VAsk your lawyerHe lmo Youtllfind were knCWnas fast fair and tie 1y piekup ephoneLeeus mate ws wu finch yfitwe ARE rn commons CHUBKMAtltllflltEi BELLOVIA dgihg fee en éliarge