Budd WBédefifiLriT if fCIlthglds elecfion NEWMARKET slalled as ollicors oi lhd Wigglloyzilu men ovelslolh ad $23°¥il°n£fafl in limelllilizlslil illillln me new av mfg5 March NTC members Tony lar the audience by years nmms an BarriePSnmh PM 5m dIrEClors Stewart dmn or bllly Budd Marshall and Fraser seating them in the will allwore ai us Sula mesmele Robe Burnelt OnnlKoskmen Mccssilaled malor Mllnehaveadded several Erlslislliwwxsthllp meeting at the Country wlilker secondv VICE Gary Morgan Clayton in pm inn in January oresideniJack Hollands Fugue Harold Payne Mrelary and Herb Ken laylcr und peel gill lreasnrer presidenl arles Crone 17 or specialisl Barbara Milne hasrilsed STA our Varieties of lighLS her sfieclmeclif Telephone 9954701 and went mm and EN DAYS WEEK Fi Gillian npurke are sewing up storm el EAKFASTSPECIAL tunlcstyle tops and knickers lor lhe allrmale on 5055 $150 mt pay it in L¢°E°£ 95 m5 Mall an all MzcoAL BRDILED 3335 March iii 11 and i2 issa on Brltlsh warship YORK STEAK inlhe 17505 4541 NEW FLAG FOR AMBASSADORS Kelly Lacey Gregg Woodhouse land to the group who will now carry thé flag in Leanne Emmett members the Am their pifindesclhe Llonsihelp to sponsor the °I3IIVDS bassisdnrs Drum andaanugle urns were Drum Corps but to raise extra money we presented wlth Lloils flgg when lhey Elr Ambassndws are holding dance March ll tended the meeting Feb Lions president at the Lions amphitheatre Bob mddleton made the omclnl presentation Every Monday in Newmarkel Communily Cenire shinll lnl° iniarmaiian ma arkAna ny ROLAND GAMACIIE For our main course BRADFORD our eyes ranged over me quurenol gelling older pasla selections the Ung COURSE 0m am 95 yuure lusl gelling hel lasagnes ravinlis WWW Huluunrflemssmgmrnm nmrmr ter gaeslhc jingle made unnfllonls gnaechis popular by TV cDm and cacgialnrles and an mercial il rniglli aisa la the veal applyloTheBlackSoila chose the Pei Frll sal immz sunau llJoio 7754 imiiurgili MATINEEONEY AllAl MOTOR fpieilli7ldg$sl£nrl anWTM2mnNLY RED CLOUD alarmed irsl anniversary jusl eese am LOUNGE be°l°s55l2il islafiziiihi Jmllu Math Simon on Hwy luldwln0murlo DRESENTS nicllng reports on lhe My wire unfeer me Black Soil during lls llrsl veal mum 35 so WP ENTERTAINMENI All THE TIME TOBI lARK We W5 and nmaeeveaiscaunm NEXT WEEK SPHERE illiéliéfiizlaa WW with EN 77 Vtth si ti ELGIN MILLS Mendy Egfiniesgus sggfiellci mings wereaiilll ough The Black Soil also iiii FEB 24 8954641 All SEMS Shllllr RICHMOND HILLSBJJIUI aflnrfg me first yea inners utherveal dishesv dd WW steaks luri and snrl al our isl esleiuranl Ts CEDDYBLLOIE aid SHIRLEY EIKHART iv laralcd an the mini floor £35m 32555 ce of affewdnmcc building it or commer 25 alga and is prohablyclhae OPE TERTAINMENY unly ceelauranl in alicl herediners rnusl Fluva aulsvemuERMusic lake an ereramL The ning am GANDAVE SUNDAYFEB2B AGranadanloiirTVisa gmvm 18 lounge mummy unm 53312an THE EVER POPULAR find decorated haiian saw any MAX sler will nannies fleasetforflmbem an The menu IS large 777 WW d7 d7 RENTiNgfigijiNc WEBSTER slmlm RfillllT renillrblllstokeelryoil NDAY PM 10 PM Ilallan in act so la PISCQBEIWEENSfi 75 lhal lhe kilchen canl WM nurmmmn Vi ALLRvosLEAD always provide zma 36747 Make lhis musl habll and Visit 3le Torus compress everylhing Duelfl The $15 mom lo AL $75432 510595 loo DAVIS DR NEWMARK nigh we Were there or lmlance both green and ££ new we lered bui only lhe while was available But what iasagne1 counled al leasl 13 layers at paperlhin pasla all lapped With leis or cheese Wellmeman Dul on And 50 not rprlceu For appetizers ihe menu ollers mcargols in hair shells with breadcrumocrust at $350 lcr six shrimp cocklaii $295 lobster cocklail $395 Caesar salad 5195 or clams oreganale al $295 half dozen sampled lhe clams They DISCOVER came on lhe hail she encrusied in mixture breadcrumbs heavily impregnalcdns lhelr name implies with oregano spice beloved of Human chefs DlF RFNCF $315 2i Spot 48 ale we serve bothnualllvjndjuanlity ngxpemeNce Join us at Placev NEWJOWER BAKRIE The new LOWfoot broadcasting lower which will serve radiustntinn CHAYVFM lHE ALMlcuiNNllissmc TilM ASSOC AUDN $211233 we 7DOl00l level and should be camplalcn by early March The old lower was knocked over by an aircrnll lasl Seplember TheFever ié Spé llllllllgh Illtittl THElllEW WE OFFER ciililliililciiliiiill a2ilAiiiluElllilliiiils lillliilllililw mmmfldwmr BLACK AWK LICENSID UNUER 110 ENJOY DINING DANCING SPECIALTIES OF THE HOUSE STEA$81 SEAFOOD ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY Similillll BUBLAXIEL ofisrvkisr VoquaStlljkurbrn 1112724100 xCLBSEbMaNDxTs Gum ODIIMILL analmillion our nlloml at CACKP mienlnnlly located on Yongo 5L Nlckyfs Place openlér nth Tuesdays lo Fridays tram 12 noon until pm loin usln the evening tor dinner and dancing Our lanlurod appears nlfihtly and dlnnor ls served mm pJvi 10 pm esllays throng Sundaysl vuervutlom Call in at 7171400 Flaflr Im MOTOR INN vim1n Si is morn MIHS nirllmeiili Hill and mi CatChif mls moonw IS RESVRtCYED Yo PEOPLE Ia was on omen planer id musl be shown on rcqvcsi SHOW TIMES NIGHTLY 700 and 920 luul Fill pm lum Sol pm1om Sim 5prn town llSA nil illilii