in sontook iledfOn birthday man wlibfllsmi gold he ap ovlncloloourt It and was aen To 15 days in Jail Md iota 3273 or not it ys Minor uilty Io ob IR police issauli Illegal licence and Ialllng to or trial mycaroid youth pleaded guilty In Inn of marijuana was placed on 12 probation histoleaaeirom was charged police otoppgd his Davis Dr Ian eon was noted thal the SQ was ualru also platesg uln min police tried to ram his mm locTth me our and rolled up the trapping lurk Vim the aaaaull the court was told Miner became in lnalightattiiocal food chin In and Hill where he ell youth in me knocked him to the kicked him and aim fence counsel told 1L This Is an way in mi sought the oour ding Judge erg that Miner two and hall In jail awaiting VI atclle Miner explained that she illidrawn boil or on because she hemightmkeofl irial CLUIIMEEIS VEJt DRIVE YorkLSlmcoe din Club will meet 2b air pm in Drive Park iiiilly all Help Help Is the New titers are In aiiond mm TE tsm i1 nun mu my In Her lo Wllh ma and wllill fll ndi 21 no minnu mu ElmW mml that in YIwa rut itie accused if HIDEMIMLI mmmuuli in Richmond MIL Wm remember in Crovn Attorney Ken ml year for um tiller Murray said he had declcd hltfisell as ri rone man viiyiignie Ju go Wnisoérg in amlaieing said he would take Into consideration the lime Miner had spam in Jail pending tiiEi He added Gltlien Mrln atom with poilcemi iicorsqcyinmumir duty do so at their own peril the Judge said Mer was given I66 days 40 unault bodily harm is day concurrent Ior obstructing another ismncufimrior tolling to appeur In court 550 or one lujwur mflfllmwshamdbe murifiinna and 28 Ior deterrent Public using liaise plules Announcement Ottawa Febr uary mu APPLICATIONS FOR AN AM RADIO STATION IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO 0N FREQUENCY 1480 km Cratiers footbgll as associations 11m Era awnrial Aurora liesvia on not no Win In Newniurkci Crclterl will hold ti general ineeiirgaiCiaiierr MninStSouIIiWed Feb tram 730 to 930 pm unrh Scotland nevi De Vrlmfflolland cunningwniWmooo trio Ibv some printing on fabrics Visitors welcome The liuron and Newmarkrl Minor Football Aaloclnllon will hold in general me ng at the Newmarlyel Community ControJThurs Feb at 730 pm nuuoxccutive will be clecled All eprieve unliljtine comm PAvs moofl TO BILL DINSMORE Iordelinqoenfcompariy autumnmo wn min Lia uniil Juno to pay 312957 in back taxes plua 95 in outs skiearnest to keep Iho cunout oiooun it the int amount to paid by June WJlitLiiL counotrfihmiiifmsiiii AUROKZ Town mm Br council memborl hora mo on the in Med In Inutol we omit Iliaioos mol yntmrnr rooogni onor Bill Dino mom an chivo citizen Council who diedoi heart stink Councillor on Saturdav Minnime that meetings welcome CouncilMohday night authorized the mayor and ingrown is owed bums uuo tor the Councillor Peter award in the at year WM throuali wn Milli roentlod um its bomr police AHhe November 15 I977 FublIoHearlng held In Ottawa Ontario Ihe Commission considered an application by Bradley Walker representing company to be In corporalod for an AM radio station In Neillmarket 9nlarlo on troopsMy IMMLkHz wiina poviTer AI an earlier hearln is day and night held In Tommi OntariacomfllhzuarstWmK mission had considered Iwo oIIier licence applications or the 1460 km Irequenc edicted on the use of namely by RA Bestall representing company to be In corporated and rDML Broadcasting Limited DML Ior stations In Newmarkei and Markham Ontario respectively In Decision CRTC rsios denying these appiIcatlonstheConunlsslon4tated Whatashame Hethought it was some sort oia meiiflnsurance than the law allowed Now hesin trouble He didnt report earnings and work while gelling UI Lmaanjtwasoniyaiew The Commission does not consider Ihal eliher oi Iheappllcanls demonstrated that there Is need Ior additional radio service In the area DMLtnth Elma Walker 0812 application al the November W77 hearing In Oliawa and alter considering the representations made by DML the Commission has dacl decision on jhafappllc beenrgbenjncopportu frequency i490 ka dad not to take otlon unIII DMLhas hit to apply tor an AMradlo station propos rig utilization oi Accordingly the Commission will allow Iliteen days Irom the date at this an nouncement lor DML Io submit notice oi Its Intent Io Ille such an applicaillon Communion Canadian fildblliuvlclon and olocomminilntlonl Lise Oulch Secretary General Conloll as lidlodlmnlon no lhcmmunlclllonl vanadium bucks Youve got millions We dont halve any money It all belongs to the people of Canada And when you deliberately iclaim moruhanyouiteallowcdby lawt yourcstealing from your neighbours Tfiends Ifw employees employers and the Go ernmcnt ofCanndo Its our job to pay UI benefits fairly elficicntly and according to Its also our iobto muké sure the pro gram is not abused by those who have little concernifor their fellow citizens or the law ofthe land Getting Ul when youre not available for work is abuse pure and simple Lots ofpeople rip oflUi Why are you picking on me and howd you find out Not so fast game to claim little more Unemploy The vast majority ofour claimants sonogoebruary15CFGM invest are completely honest They use UI as it was intendedas financial bridge between jobs And nq onespicking on you Anyonc we find abuiireig Unemploy ment Insurance will dealt with under the law Ifyoure caught mone im ropcrA ly claimed must be paidbot in could mean you pay an administrative penalty Or you couldface prosecution under the Unemployment Insurance Act or the Criminal Code ofCana Conyiction means criminal record UI employs élmost 500 fulltime trained claims Investigators and like any modern organization we use new datahandling techniques to their best advantagg We match up Records of Employment with claim records to find the cheaters who dont report earnings while theyre on Ul We dont like to prosecutciWed rather avoid that painful process by telling people that ifthey cheat theyll probably be caught never really believed it was criminal Some peoples attitudes toward Unemployment Insurance hay been hard to explain 1320 your dial for strongerysignal People who would never consider shoplifting or outright robbery have been willing to hide earnings from us to get more Ui benefits than the law allow mm as itll were socially acceptable or even fun Uncmphzimi 1W WWIH IWmmmMmpowrrwlmnmwm mambo loymuandl tinimam iiiiummlmflo as Una ammo ovGunada ammiwun More nomination Mills mlkdlkmmfix Enplovnvnl anon Everyoneknows this goes on No one knows better than we do Suppose you lose your iobi If youve been paying into Unemploy ment Insurance and you qualify you havo right to benefits And we will respect that right as long as you remember your obligations too Your obligation is to play it straight with us And as long as you do that were proud to help you WA Canadas Unemploymont insurance Working with pe whowanttowo Emmin6flo luo cuiiut whim and tuition WI