rimNe civilized KnmlwtclrttniWedflhiifl ivyllama is leitMONerlhl==W children will bé on display in public places lhronghout Yank Region Posters abated by local rarthenholefimny Wellingquamibouuownin19FEriafhsbllshenDuylrLflasllttlrhasalread Nutritth Week on co omlc Toytown Theatre will prmenl The Princess and acliv Depmment get nuuiiibnibookS rums Sdlool rdllldrfltJIMé Ontario DepaflflndfgariYéSWEaVeHeen been 1nvlted to create we discuss and no not Nlilrition Wee Many schools in the mgionf non xterm Their posters wl be displayed teachersvvmrervlhwsc ulsrzhoapltals lsn 21fozhmprdh019 ulnlor Region planning rglglejl ac heal units and Nutritionjtjeek 1131 79 Migffnfgggde assa Metrics4n when rrs mmuefifn 11hr Hm lAMELJmmrm Jm WNMBDOMHMFEW classrooms therqglon ntende toereatean seuuingrhavesreturnedf from delightful holldaWin Arizona among other places They had one had ex rdewayrmelmrylellowechevlethrough mrstrlngglhespuetdropped tnwardsihew and before It irinded aArabbit caught ii and limeSEEKIdSDrTfillneésceimporterandrcolumhisHimisprobnoly er Tech University allot complelmg antestic known as Borrls in the Molsons Golden TV oolball season He set mewfigrdtmhecommerciei He apparently has not decided his in one gamerEleshman Anderson soared more purrot calluLEmigh still laughs exactly the points Lhan any other OV6player making him ssme way Jim did during aIatrnightyisit RTfiNewjnarltetf is the wlnnerol the Bondrrflead Ming university by scoring 42 points after touchdowns iuture but will likelyconllrlllé his acting career Soccer car draw up committee The previous recordbelng 37 in less He also Jim was always oncof the monies reporters Crniz ad the negotiate deal with kicked nlne consecutive polnls attentouchdown that graced York Region and the McGouens pet choice 1977 Newmarkel and now Austin Mini or cheque tor 82500 my hrimnmmmmrm Whyordereasilueinnwbasebfillimmapemng ands prm Im Iqul daggrlthe ugenslarumngndtriendsSomeap manna good m5 Wuuulmmrhiflwtl inflien$w York negionél Health committee backyard and saw squirrel chewing Waugh FriApril 14 against Detroit and possiblyjhe um mmmmucgfionngel stringwhich wesholdlngspieceoisuettoLtLee 17 fir TPIIQITEIHI he fiiMuter Teéchers the mug nutrit en laplay in York County Board 0L iielore Dial chance tthaaeJhe 855K FROM SOUTH HllluestMall Jan 26 to ducatiunitliLregionIl rulmnulgillgil games libraries and hospitals Tor children ideas Ior ankRegional Health mothers and Fitness Unit and the Home Aunu LmorelhaLtheegilamedeu icetags The County Board nl Educatrohihas Nannieslimes up hopped away duringnheavy snowstormovcr Chic pn gflndélEMHW3rHHWWeuemwmmt WWIMa mummy so other aircraft uniil theylilnally landed The 500 MUIr negotiate rs Cuttin ahadanoiherlwo hourdela usl ettin FLORIDA FRIEND orrthegplsne NEWMARKET it would seem ap Merry has received herannual letter from The town of Newmnrkei proprlate to set up Im iCEfir Anderson formerly of Newmarkei BORRISRETIRES NDRAW may still wind up with the negotiating cemmilteexu and new livinglnF auderdale Florida She shrryiosee°1drrrend nm mm have me Alexander Muir school 23d liter set about doing £39 hatMfssonwk Iynewas home trom Richmond Hm leéfil an many years as Craig Millage will likely cost stt at ébmmitteejra coun scillors Ray lwinney Bob Scott and Dave Kerwin CHRYSLER negotiating commillee or REUNION reunion to celebrate the Lousana olidated Schoolsz anniversary isla 197a lit filanned or July 1978 at Lousana Alberta All farmer teachers students etc and jny interested persons in this area are invited to isth ntaetiMrsl stands lot We are Very proud him his laiherls on Cloud Nine The gentleman in Newmarlget with hischest pfifiding happensto he Waynes Uncle um Cain she writes Flo nassés on best wishes to her dear your many cars MIL197 Contest LEM FTER DYE Ira WAL n9 both iv seen every vie ind every ma iofi in ouil EF DF CANA cationHn cev ce light PASTOR DUFF OSJZ we mi mpgrs that her pallrnLFlflridflrhfi Pbeengulngthrmlgh scold spell but its healililul with the sunwarmand hriglil trusses Delburne Alberta HOLElNONE rPem Slessomtttowerkelslufi holeinane while golfing with three other locals oraLSprlngsnolwlubinEoet ou nmiced all Lliose si nb all LJrickeea scorer Unr severalyears ago and decided onlhe iwown oLLunalely FlodoesnLexplemewhsteofltg money 31mg er Arriast Monday already had AVERYSBEQAL To all my Customers who were more like Frlenus during the past years at the AutismmyernALthnugblamnotthge my thoughts are with you nights council meeting Mayor Bob Forhan said PLYMOUTH 169 YONG ST AURORA 127136 LIMITED is Chesteriields483chairs ihrauyioul the region with the two words Cure Anonymity on them Wonder who is sponsoring tth andwhatthey are all about Lauderdele Florida Those witnessing the runerkabie event werejisre Salisbury mid Wallnrdand Len Lunllherg ifanilverBarnboard 639 km it it 150 Tan or White Silpleionefl Stucco rexruie you Roll OmUltra White Myfilmv Come omrramiimkover Our GreatSeiection oi Preiinished KnottyDék f6397 in Northern Stripe 839 Mawhnfl 39 SW77 Masonry Wallraif1 pring Green Sandiewood idsr rlnnnnr killings stirvrct PRIéE mcwoes OCHOICE RKMER 397 KI like Nehrfl fElVINGROONIS mil MATERIALS PADDEDB VYIGHTENED ESPRUNG WHERE necessanv HOWANGODIOUEHED UP 05 YEARFACTORV wartime Free Estimates Free Pick tip Delivery ififlfifi TI Ii tron fiLedgeLBackrModei approxifl 31 App decorative cutting iiilllfFBilEFtfii moelherwmlmmum manner EBHIBNAGETGLEANI SPEleALt on discouhrgn ALL wghxrsglflmep Ne makes It adap JahlefOFUSEWIih Spray attachment uctworkr fililEiiiiS SMEEIIN Simllarto Picture GfiodSE eét on 430 Stain Qt 1e fizrshvr SQUIQ MQBILE MULTI VAC nnmess lett on premises =over 200011 per minute at air flow giant truck mounted acuum that removes dustimdllflihmi ccumulated In your furnace and FtEASONSWHY H91 at HEALTHIER ATMOSPHERE fiMpsHorAllergy Suflerersand Nose djhroat rrt s3fiEPAliis AIhcroughjiea ingfle heating system Em iAsdlrtysturnaceor duct Yeti removes dirt during nperaiion ndrRust vwhlcrhicsa Jtemaracleanetiwherrteasibiezi minlmal heat loss from household aligns system is dangerous the hazgideG blsonlno Efidtires morev ea usingless tuel syfste rfihcem DEC lTlNG NDbLEANmsarLLs cur Dntytfiraiifigplants pquidutfgrimayesnotianiiifi This means extra cleaning and decorating expense airouséomsiisflsienr it dust ever da Since most filters aegnl 30 All VtWIlDEIEFMULIT AC can remove vs store it