ELEAGEU PreiIlIffiswna BobCaePreslden3lS4lgLsedto Inna Case OPEN HOUSE SATURDAYJAN11l IOACRESIuTIIEEEZIBREfifI zazwoogiclgbeiiPLAce vwlA Impresslve iudor name Secluded but close AN EXCELLENT BUY closfizyAhzg flygpfzggewfiffrzafikifi Ialor mghways I4 bedmoms bams VENDOR ANXOUS from lhe dining room io complelely separale dlnlng mom lamuY F00 and Superlpr exeoullve home choice area In encedMg back yam caunlry klichemAlreailn all Seasons with Newmarkeh beerms hams one AMUSTSALE rare birds and Wildl Y0r dODYSEli ensullemalnlloor lamlly roomy replace as ikumftargegwmefklie MW outstanding pool complex any ex ra Bdfiifiemimmrohgarangoorsy cenlral vacuum syslem food cenlre elc AA condition Excellehl ilnanclng Asking $09500 MAKE AN OFFER Fran Menard Res 5954139 AURORA scum SEMI EXCLUSIVE AREA NEWMARKET vm VI HRSTHMEOFFEREP culafefrbedroom ra sea br CE 43bedroombrfirfijnga ow wWh nlshed Ihungalbw is onan exira rgeslreed lol ree reomT eplaces balhs spaclous amllyamorn LOCATEDON cnzscENT 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lunch counler small 98 acres ol rolling land neanSchomberg COTTAGE SW 900 SIM000 Call Dickohkldy lson Re iwnhfla mome armhousefidbamsfindi iifiéxgELLEm mka AMI NEWMAKEH BEDROOMS molar recalr 3h0F All us In us Ideal soulbulldingsi good condlilonAskln Slaps lo prlva Beach my dammed may hm Imam 5° gram °pI PRIME LOICATION 31601000 Make your oiler OW Call Mrs healing block lo ndallon alu wlndows Aurora Kennedy Sl Wesl area bedroom Madear and 005 R0 bloder 39911220 Ohrnugimnklormal dining room gens my ASKING $90 cenlre hall plan family room Viillh lireplace on main llaor hollywood kiichen OLDER WT STYLE AURORA 0N OLD YONGE ST memo acmes Rm PM mnm Vsfifffiéfgifig la Lovely pallo and concrele pool Localed on Iree lines sireel In desirable gownsme AT BEST meow oepomlmnv mACREs 7mm HUGE LOT mom ml ennis area allown22 slorey brick on large lol 339900 Superb2510rey couniry slyle home Good or bdrm house fireplace sep ALGONQUW PARK DIST ICT touri MANY MANY EXTRAS 31761300 bedrooms 2ndll°°nsevarale dlnlna and on agreluflnonhnl lawn Feaiuring 24 dining room on acres melure irees Mod RI ind Flexible flnan ing Dick or Judy Wllson Vns moms CIZY kmherlfamny room counlry slyle klichen sen dlnlng and 993 EXCEL lnandngr deveopmem Fl 519 suser fixing Reswzrwmwwa WmwuHrepia pk 56th poienllal requesl delalls Call Dorothy ca ages sep sys nsa rim balhrooms Home Is in excellenl condlflon siudy an me main my massivebdrmx nghl sill31327 WI Wr roouggaclfisrsl lakesa AURORA PERFECTION Vs Asklng $59900 Call Bet McDonald or mp slalrs Rec room an an aliached ar NEWMARKET $79900 figfilgmmk RULVEESW Main house and sail home lusl sieps lrom CaranEML IgaragEIBmIrrmiwtmr filmmm Ibumrsdmm Ime ¥TACRESINDUSTRIAL hébusfshupdlnrarrdschoolsTnrlHIT vouRMONEV Mamlwflmflnowwmfllwmafi lxo Sep playroom double garage Localed In Aurora Sideroad Don Mills He or meLLOQmShmmdmomehrlekrandealumlnumrhomeeln FW ME mm whngs and large wlndews lmklng large flying mom wih separaw or bdrm mam floor gamuy mum paved drive Domlhy Knrgfifiiwlflo areaTw hneary meetmroa lealures beamed ceiling fireplace NEWMARKETCOUNTRYLIVING OUSIGE slorage Permmw hares iliiéhidgen 13329J°°2dll2r2fi€m93iislleilie walkw measure replaces Separaleidlnlns riom fend iIIoomI 3195 3105 room ed laund Wile Mind garage paved drlver $54900 Assumable $44000lOpercenflsi 51 ABOUTTHfiTE SlBeIrbr kli hen DLVed drive in Iarea1laclled garage IAllihis anaimucll L0t3ed GWEEW EmaROHPMW mortgageflustllsled This Sine bsmxlless Amnsnzouumv ssnme iargegarag Asking B30000DIck or Judy raffle 39 Ca iaefiy McDonald William lazing irflsghiwggzuxuarfi Ymans spam giggigbtligz rlnne Elusii AALUE Lflsl WmfiOOMZmdlqom unspolled oiroamiallvelInwhlIeyoullxiiup 250 DEEP Lorm TOWN basement lasielul decorr complelelyr REAtPOTENrIAL National mmGAGEBALEL 4mm supermanan mwdvani Brucefimfim °FFEREDMM alBEDROOM $579ilo DETACHED 19 0F SALECOaled Ir ad Excelle house on large Iol near Hw 7400 39 W3WWSWWW$ ggfimga Daubl aragfiheémfiP may mp 35 Trimmaz kiichen iamin room laundry Dorgih AURORA mkowofi DESCRIPTION LoisJJJA Concession Knigm mmo 74190 59 ew Inale Newmarkel Ontario Easl Side or Second 8143 YONGESTu THDHNHILL 8813232 8981220 ne North of Queensville Side Road Oflices Olilees BUiIdings 47 MziiliSlS millilo qETYOURMONEYSEORTHI basement unflnlshed iorced alr aiT Yelusdsfivldenlinjhls Bedr mRalsed healingr car garage ahached Bungalow Balhroo refllaceJ REAETYLLMITED Rec Room Vlglh Wal roul in pool slzed cHATTahs No ghahels included bull MORTGAGESARRANGEDATNo cbsrr OMMERCIALSEACE Wgaug ywndOlel Aneieremoveaanyachaflelssflxa fir MallleeSlweNevaarkel 99736350030 753114954609 wg luresrorriurnlshings now on ihepTemlses DA Tmqu 3955101 jflflafl COUNTRYRETEEIET rami II Cash five er 5e wim finer Prolassional office Eagle 59 Newma ll secluded wooded acres wlfh slream and balance on closing MASUBDWWONI pg sq neg I0 Iowo $345 er nrlownrbulrlargerlolmakes lHlketounlry complelely malnlenance lree large porlunliy Ior an indusirlous hardworkan living room high qualily broadloom Junllyslresenio ers have retired nul nunon minus llflfion Dunn5mm glilllgalIowthsionelireplaceandseparaie FORM oi OFFER All oriers musi be 790 Sq ft of IIvIng space wllh large Dulce or commerclal space Parkslde iraom Jusi llsled Immedlale addressed ovusmnn 1mm mum beqrodmsL Apc balh largiiflg Ayenifi NETHmarkéflwsq 1L aoo sq fl Wssisslqn Callnowavsilwo Ias Morlgagee under gower oi gale and mm mm 3175 su musi coma me followlng clausey Thise roomcounlry slzed klicnen pallo garden ll submmed pursuant and subecl io WC °e Pa We 13 make rgel room gem ondlilons oliJSalHeloullnlh JnihlsarearTéoylspond lamina some oilhe lealures oilhls on January me Tr INVESTMENT JuudlngVoéenlrTJS 772610Fey3apartmenlsriasioreséaasklngf loI pay IBIHRElIy nl FRANd mmm Pay EBURGER selmishzrey Win ifi3$s2ipey 30 day mssessm JEEEIiSLOileLsswiileberacaiveu up Jov Ynifisilfili Ii II firii III 742997R NWWed WW3 Mgflwf WNW February lheloili 1973 SUCCessiul oller iwiiiw ca 3Y mp Sales Manager aljamily Trusi Co 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PurchaserI mlel 53le lhem see in May 1970 as headallhePhyslolherapy F°Iflwf°rmion HMS end 0er selvesas lo inie and descrlpllan Vendor department ln lheIsummer of lm she duslrlal Commerclal and ingesimcni In gmgyflgfiggsggmgg any becamélhemanaueralm liéhabllliallon an LuluML mm rne es abllsnfi sTlerig Increasingsales depaflmem posmon FWJIBIVH Financial and mm Busmess Morlgages Jausinass gigfhlflsnthype Eslalecourse W353 prohlernlor Fran as ODDWWHI plusstackslsm she passed her exams among the top in her lasTShe STERLIN TRUST CORPORATION ELDSTONEHOMEONJUACRE DAVIsEDRIVE 50F °T5 louflym Whllehurch field ngllsh IIIII ML lElan Desl iar epanelled en bjfcrfi IIIIIIIUP rmalllvlngdlnlng 110 ares dahli mill Wines EmmylyHVwfii 41finllure lmuolm Gin £401 uselfia in Jom 3590 acres 536900 00 Pelirsmifsrr