Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), January 11, 1978, p. 4

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M students themselves. negotiation procedur socialists. regularl respecting cham i " ' Aurelie-wick. Ont..Wod..Jan:il. 1m EE aomm '11.? ng York County Since 1652 Published every May at x New- iarket. Ontarloby Inland Publishing Co. Limited Subscrintm. swoon tor two years. s10. tor one (O' ar v00? $50000 (0950! 2* each CW St. the Manama/Aurora Era is one oi the inland. Publishing Co Limited group at suburban newspapers. which includes the AiaaMhltby/Plckerlno News Ad arampton Guardian. Etooicoke Gazette. Markham Economist and Sun. Mississauna News; rede mans" Tn verttser. Week. and Stoutlvilie tribune Burlington Post. Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit Bureau at Circulation Second Class Mail registration number 19a The music teachers responsible for the in- struction of students in the Woodbridge High School band. Huron Heights intermediate and Senior bands. Parkview Public School Junior choir and the Crosby Heights Senior Public School band. are to be commended. as are the for the performances delivered at the initial meeting of the York County Board of Education. The meeting held at Secondary Schoo1. was interspersed liberally Stamp out illegal postal strikes -- The Christmas season caper in Toronto this 7 year over the hiring orport-tim workers '- in a time of record unemployment is simply another in the endless list of irresponsible acts. Thoseofuswhocherishandsupportthe collective bargaining rights of Canadian labor can no longer justify the cruel and senseless acts of these dissident elements in the post of ce work force. We hasten to ' handful are spoiling the reputation of thousands of dedicated postal workers. The union seems to encourage these illegal acts. supervisory personnel seem incapable of doing anything but promoting confrontation. A Crown corporation may not be the answer. ltstaggers between anational disgrace and ,, , a national joke. if it preposterous. it could make strong men weep. Whatever printable or unprintable -- namw one calls the Canadian national scandal. resolutely refuses to do anything about and. indeed. which it exacerbates. This mish-mash of half-baked. juvenile es must end. in Toronto and Montreal. and one or two other centres. small groups of people who Iaughingly call themselves y disrupt service. No self on of the working class would do what these hoodlums do prevent working people from earning a just living. Phone Newr arkei 895-2331 Schoolbands performed ' ' superbly at board inaugural with musical interludes. all of which were of the highest calibre. Particularly pleasing was the selection of songs performed by the Parkview Public School Junior choir. it is comforting to know that there.are teachers in the system who can take a group of children and meld them into a performing unit capable of such performances. Without a doubt. the music teachers in- volved in the performances have proven they are worth their salt. at whic 30 Charles St.. Huron Heights weren't so utterly al Service it is a our government The Publisher TERRY CARTER Editor in Chief ROBERT MARTIN Advertising M50008 R. HASKELL' Phone Aurora 777 4024 point out. that a mere The government and its rule-bound post office may have to be sold and a pr0per Aurora council death penalty stand lauded by Sharon man the main topic of conversation in elevators. 0 hallways. washrooms and other places where ' 9 casual and inane talk is bantered about? am accosted by strangers who Comment Canadian dollar s down (or up) again!" i wonder if they are suddently going to offer me . two-for-one deal or offer to take my dollars at V discount before they are worth nothing at all. pilcationsof theinternationarmonetary m .i They have cost the Canadian economy in- credible amounts of money in direct-mail. magazines. greeting cards. mail order and small businesses which results in the layoff of thousands of workers. in 1975 alone. business lost more than $350 million and some 3,420 employees were laid off. This says nothing about the human frustration. disruption and tragedy caused to many Canadians by these wildcat walkouts. to say nothing of the legal strikes. illboard, The York-Peel (Federal) Liberal Association will hold a general meeting Thurs. Jan 12. at 8 pm. in Victoria Hall. 5 Mosley St.. Aurora. Delegates and alternates will be elected for the convention of the Toronto and District Liberal Association on Sat. Jan. 21. For in- formation. call Liz Van Peteghem at 727-834. T Skating. a Christmas ee bo ar 'a". 'c f'cc'wili' b fc'atuica' a'r "a' mater" ' Carnival Sat. Jan. 14. Most activities will be held at Fleury Park and Machell Park. The dance will start at 8:30 pm. in the Aurora Community Centre. The day-long event begins at l pm. and the bonfire at Fleury Park is scheduled for 7 pm. Talent Night. in aid of the Aurora Public Library. will be held Fri. Jan. 20. at 7 pm. in Altr gigh School. Call727-3217 for tickets. The m it been organized by the Theta Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. A dinner and dance sponsored by the Newmarket and District Auxiliary to York County Hospital will be held Fri.. Jan. 20. at Newmarket Community Centre. Tickets cost $10 a person and are available at Robins Pharmacy. Main St.. Newmarket. or at the hospital phar- macy. .- ~.. . A Robbie Burns dinner and dance sponsored by the Newmarket Pipe'lland will be held Sat. 'Jan. 21. at 6 pm. in the Royai anadian Legion Hall. Newmarket. Tickets cost $10 each. Call 895- 9464 for information. The Aurora-Newmarket Family Life Centre is sponsoring a parent effectiveness training course. starting Thurs. Jan. 26. from 1 to 3 pm. in the Schomberg call 8952371. United Church. To register. the rest of his life in prison or to die upon the Town Council when it who advocate it would willows should not hinge Much understanding society with the measure was shown by Aurora of protection which those "With respect to the abolition of capital punishment on the in cidence of murder. all of the available- data suggest that where the murder rateis increasing abolition ~ does not contract worked out with a private mailing firm which would guarantee full service in un- profitable and outlying areas. _ - . _ refused to endorse the have us believe. In the it IS theobligation of the federal govern- efforts of Collingwood long run it would only People Of canada 75'- md to 98 Council to have the death contribute to on the human variables that are characteristic of every murder trial. May 1 cite the case of Mr. me man if we 'sses fro[itimol'stiig ll I Kenmmmbumwmwas hasten the increase- 0" pr'mners a ' e recentl released b the .' THEOFFICE orcnuncn inCanada. '5 ]: . 5 3' p.00. . o. On wot-route murder rate 18 IN SOCIETY - - ' Om .man for onmr'o' meme 1 .d decreasing abolition does - Capital pumshment has wnuem A mans tario. on new cw enoe. not, appear to .mterrum ..':the unexpyi UNITEDCHURCHOFCANADA. does not provide our The York Regional Camera Club will meet Mon. Jan. 16. at 6:30 pm. in Richmond Hill High School. Awards for the winter photo contest will be presented and guest speaker Paul Fitz- simmons will discuss wide-screen projection. For information. call 727-3468 or 8644161. Alien Spraggett. prober of the occult and SecondaryScluioLRichmondHill. Tues _31. at 8 pm. His dppearance is sponsored by Rich- mond Hill-Thornhlll Area Family services. Tickets: 83 each. are available by callim 664-9559 05151105721 or by sending cheque or money order along with stamped self-addressed envelope to Family Services. Box 224. Richmond Hill. Ont. [AC 4Y2. Seneca College will offer yoga classes for ined. will speak at..Baxview,... . leadership convention in Toronto Feb. 3-5. Guest speaker is lan Deans. Hamilton MPP and candidate for the provincial party leadership. South Pacific will be performed by the music club at Huron Heights secondary sch . Mmarket. Thurs. Fri.. and Sat.. Feb. 16- . Tims are available from cast membdi r by ca thescboolataos-mtaysorm... an~ .- .. .,. Violin soloist all... nodal. will gonna " " T] U Mozart s Violin Concerto No. 5 with the York Symphony Orchestra at St. Andrew's College auditorium Fri. and Sat. Jan. 27 and as. at 8:30 pm. Also on the program is Dvorak's New World Symphony and Beethoven s Prometheus Overture. Some of Miss Bordessa's paintings will be on display in the foyer. Tickets, costing right to live out perhaps after serving three years in penitentiary for a murder he did not commit. - Finally. may I quote that decrease; where the rate is stable the presence or absence of capital punishment does not appear to affect it. from the United Nations BERT 3033. Statement on Capital 25 Mg)! Ave" Punishment (1968): Sharon. Teachers point iochccosd Your paper is to be commended for its arts to provide its re era with informam on subjects of public crest and concern. However. 88.800 an increase of 69.2 per cent. not the ex- travagant amount that Mr. Hunt claims. Since 1973. a person coming into the teacher beginner, and intermediate. Trinity Anglia" 4.50 for adults and $2 for students and senior your readers would profession is required by Church. Victoria St.. Aurora. inning Wail. citizens. are available from York Fine Art Probably agree that one the Ministry oi Education Jan 25 The course runs eim weeks and Gallery. 727-9856: Craftsof the Pioneer. Aurora. 0 the "battles" 0 to have a university 727-4907; Richard Allan Photography. Aurora. responsible journalism is degree plus a year at an babysitting is available Bginn ' class from . . . mu, n zmatm, and intermediate; 351:3) , 3 727-3276: Judy Craig. Newmarket. 895-8713; or at. :0 9'13"? hlen' Ontario College of ., .m. Registration forms avaialbie at Aurora the 6001 mm o ' - y Educaum "1 195. 8 9 could arrive at informed teacher 30 qualified Public Library. Non-profit groups may p noimcements free of charge in 8 writing to The Era. Box as. Newmarket. 0nt.. or by phoning 605-2333 by 5 p.m. Friday. The Newmarket and District Association for The. Newmarket Veteran's Novice Hockey Tournament will be held Fri.. Sat. and Sun.. Jan. 13 to 15. at the East Gwiliimbury Com- munity Centre in Sharon. The grand cham- pionship gain. is to begin ats pm. Sunday. The Newmarket Theatre Company will opinions. in his article in last week's Era on the cost of education. Mr. Hunt cites increases in teachers salaries. stating th t salaries for beginni g teachers have increased would have started at an annuaisaiary of 87.400; in 1976 hdlshe would start at 812.400. an increase of 67.6 per cent. also rather less than the percentage increase cited by Mr. Hunt. the Mentally Retarded will hold its monthly pl'esentBilly Budd. March3.4. and 5. and March from 85.200 to 812.400 Using Mr Hunt's meeting Wed.. Jan. 18. at 7:30 pm. at Bogart 10.11. and 12 at the Old Town Hall. Botsfol d St.. yearly. an increase of method of cohpa son Centre (old pail-mead school), 757 Bogart Av... Newmarket. Tickets. $3 for adults and $1.50 for 138.46 cent". 7 (without however Newmarket. Members will meet to approve the students and senior citizens. available at in. yone moderate! conceding. its validity). association's canstitution and submit tophceat the Upper Canasta Mall. Budd's Music familiar with the the relative increase in rumination. for the annual meeting Wed. Feb. Centre. Main St.. Newmanet. or by calling as educational system teachers' salaries is also '22. For information. call M3000. 6930. ~ m mam ? somewhat less than that c of the teacher who started cited {or other Wm: The York North New Democratic Party Riding Association will hold its annual general meeting Tues. Jan. 17. at 8 pm. in Aurora High There will be euchre parties this month at Christ Church. Holland Landirg. Games are scheduled to start at a pm. Fri. Jan. 13. Jan. 20. Jan. 27. and Feb. 8. Refreshments will be in 1969 at 85.200 yearly does not exist now. This beginning teacher would have had Grade 13 phis a e.g. caretakers. 100.37 percent; secretaries. 10322 percent; trustees. 100 percent. WELL, I'M Arena JIM 60" TO Mu: To um: n- editorial. not just ionai opinion. Paul Hunt's _ twisting of education figures is a recent calculations on teachers'- salary increases were _ or mani credlbillty of statements is greatly $12,000. The pay increase is not Hunt'd 136 per cent. but rather 77 per out! When one'faCt is distorted pointed. the other: reduced and eventually . ... Vvvqnv~v1 mix . Here's Ray's _ get-rich-quick instant quiz .2 Money is quickly overtaking the weather a; Ton l'l thel instead of . "Lousy weather we re having". 1 e 3:: Radio and TV news reports now carry . same information and you can always find small report in the Globe and Mail about . dollar going from 91.46 to 91.23. Such ltories always carry a line about being the lowest point since an hour ago or . highest since Trudeau. i m continually .. . out to spend money when it's on the downwa trend and pimh '_'"': when-it appears .- dollar is moving up in comparison to the U. dollar. Some days I buy 10 chocolate bars a others i go without lunch or cigarettes. it s ti 1 think. we all began to study up on the i and our up again. down-again dollar. Unfortunately. that type of information dull and complicated to understand. Mat o o - would rather put pennies in their loafers th read upon the effect onthe pound d the US.- crisis. l6 Leave it to me to come up with an ; tertaining and enlightening way to clue you in the wonderful. wide.,wide. world of wampu . Put your thinking caps on. get a sharp pencil a some paper (or shin plasters) and take. T I: ROY GREEN PU i -YUUR-MONEY-WHE ' :- YOUR-MOUTH-iS (and get a green tong QUIZ. VJ l i4 1. ii i have five Swiss francs and you ha three American dollars. wtht do we have? a) Almost enough for a cup of coffee. b) Change for a hern. c) A dishonest shopkeeper who slipped in the francs when making change. d) You're in the same boat there is no American bill. .. 2 if Canada cohtinues to allow the dollar "float" what will happen? a) it will freeze in the St. Lawrence Seawa b) it will sink. c) it will be found inside a bottle on deserted island. The deposit on the bottle will higher than the value of the dollar. 3 if you turn 35 Canadian into West man deutschemarks. then into Italian lira. into rubles and. f inally. into French francs. will have: a) Confused everyone b) Depleted your coin collection c) Spent a lot of time unnecessarily. a-.. no. . t. v . ... " a) it? garbage oase:are~!ul.l mdy. ,,,. b) To keep warm. 1 t c) Coins don t burn worth a damn. 5 it now costs two cents to make ev penny. What should our government do? a) Offer to take all our pennies back at cents and cut its losses. b) Fire the little old coinmaker. c) Ask Taiwan to make our pennies. 6 What famous ship is depicted on ' Canadian dime? a) The 8.5. Titanic b) The Good Ship Lollipop. c) What is a dime? 7 - If you saved one penny a day, pennies the next. ,four the next and continued double the amount every day for so days, w would you have? a) A storage problem. b) A lot of idle time onyour hands. c) D'on't understand. Now. we move into the area of money pressions. Can you select. from the tantal' ' possible answers below. the one that secure reflects the meaning of these old phram m: expressions? N 1 Another day. another dollar." in. a) You have just received a raise. b) Your newspaper carrier boy is - School. Wellington St. W. There will be election bl year It TeIChel'l' Wilhel fact! you om ' :30"? of of cers and deletions t0 the Wind 5" e . College. Were it possible EXECUTW'I E opp'l'glgi c) The Anti-in ation Board sends L . to hire such a beginning York Co... Elma , Christmas cards. m' A M. 3:33: rise 1:21. t2: Teachers Association or 2 A fool and his money are soon par - g 7 dbmmm ~ . ( Pd hm a)Theincometaxpeopleareconvinced WW T 4 : M T KW Q" 9 ' - - - ' R d | n a fool? lift . I . ea er c Ic)ifyou'lesosmart,whyain'tyourich? ,m 92 AN - - 3 :dy. 3:: you spares dime?" rest k Uzzausna? . D you THOUGHT T\-\E . 7! ' a) on ve t been accosted by an "7 \. HAWAiiu outwit v0.5 em figures anCCUl'CIte buminA oi noun. 7;; w ... s 0 a V8. l E Responsible jour- 30- 11 me Weber c) None of the above. "3 nalism is part of an M" "0" 3 '3 Well, there you have it. Isn t the L ' in; highfinance fun?Theanswers tothese - a. -' nit. canbefoundbyturningtopageloa, A yourhead andlooking through a mirror at monsoon avocados on the lower 1. ' hand corner~ (or upper-right-band com A 11 :ioil' you're already standing on your head). . If you ve enjoyed this little exorcism - inaccura d the credibilit oLtlIe' . domains. inc no.9 . moor-pert mm. W 1 "0d lotto" or curb. Send , demoed. t ' withou BILLWan Cash. . C.0.D. No camp. or money . i meat at ' ._ _ , ,. 1...! . . . .

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