W-..-n - .. ... -..'.. _.-___.. . . ~47 --va ' " - The Era. Newmarket. Am. Bearish. OIL. '01.. III. II. In: B! Our family is over 300 Strong O one vlng - , - *hly. Let our famll help your family {80: - 2'} {ED FAMILY mus? CWATION KALTD s sataACRES COMMERCIAL 3 9 - - H NORTHTOWN OFFICE 895 7 1 Hammad. pm... .0... , SOUTHTOWN OFFICE 725 . ng _ . 3 J -5 bedrooms, 1 full, 2.2pc., Irlpc, bathroom. , IBCE v I POTENTIAL TRM ER PARK large living room, fireplace. show room, - 5 m ' 20 ACRES. PERMIT A ILABLE, 8 lots Quanset Hut equipped for tractor repairs. ITdS- fully serviced. possible 197 lots, some roads $95,000. COOKSTOWN. KATHERINE - 775' in, septic system prepared for inspection. . KURCK 895.7111 : g LTY 2,000 sq.ft. side split home, pond. close to i ' Lake Simcoe. Hwy. location Port Bolster, i i try . $109,000.00 KATHERINE KURCK 895-7331, I I COUNTRY LIVING 4732531 I urge . 60 LOT m m r 4% Iers. autilully broadloomed backsp wi BRADFORDAREA, SUPERSHA _ . I ' , . , f. .32: eggzizgg fartcttl'leen g fgorgrgs Large all brick four beder back-split. I OWNER RELOCATING M 4 You M, be amazed a, me room mis 'wm Ii; 775. . tore Log burning fireplace and much Th"; we hm" home flekamr'es adm'flly '; Thls well kept side-spilt ts situated on a home has to offer. Splitentry,~20'kitchen 8. ll LTY ore. $66,900.00. FRASER BAYLEY.HAY W'. '9 : '"" 3 ' 3" ' pool size lot near "Go" bus and mall 3 ""' 9 3 '6'9e . WW :I celling fireplace. Two full baths. games 7 _ ' room, above grade broadloom we of .i 5 733" room, atio, double car ara e and ved REDUCED "00 bedrooms, family room, "L" shaped living . ' p' I . p . 9 9 9" APPROXIMATELY 2300 so. FT. ownership throughout. s51,900 AUDREY a. i g"Ve-TOLR'5'"7 3: 36530003 I-ARRY 5 Bedrooms, 1..., hams, rec room, finished room &dintng room, basement, on 4 levels. TERRY MOXLEY 11933725 No. 635. th ofcine hog; 33 or more ea was 0' indetail.Hardwoodtloogsthru-out.Owners 571,000,003 CALL TODAY! RAY WHITE "hs' ' have Bought 8. Anxious. DAWN OR MIKE 8983725 N0 760 "3 IRETON 8957331. 3953037. . :om 5,500 .. Pass .11 775 . . . LTY SERVICE STATION LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY JBay Garage, apartment upstairs, snack 8" counter. Only station in the area! A good uslnes opportunity. FRASER BAYLEYeHAY 895- ES \, NEWMARK ET OLD WORLD CHARM Situated on extra large lot on quiet street in the heart of :town, 3 bedrooms, 2 bafhs. large separate dining. featuring B.C. Fir Ceiling and Oak Trim. Broadloom. FULL PRICE $58,900. AUDREY COATES 895-733I, Tor. 2974270 Ext- 41 den. sunroom, BUILDING LOT 100 x 200 FT Gamebrldge, with beach rights to Lake Simcoe, in new development area. FULL PRICE $12,900.00 AUDREY COATES 895- 7331, Tor. 297-1270 Ext. til. IIS LL JUST LIKE NEW Only betterll abedroom split-entry bungalow. 14' x 25' tamily room with IIoor-to-ceiling fireplace. Separate den, plus a dark room for the ;notography buff. Priced to sell- MARY MORRISON 895-7331. urntst media 95 3 33 I DESIGNED FOR THE LARGE FAMILY: 4 Bedrooms, 2 - baths. eat-in kitchen, fireplace, den. plus large family room, broadloom and hardwood floors. Situated on pool sized lot. with mature trees and -r dup - and l mont asem shrubs. This home is spotless inside and wow out. DOWN PAYMENT $8,000.00 AUDREY " I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: COATES 395-7331, Tor. 297.1270 Ext. 41. 23;, With possibilities galore. 4 bedrooms, 2Y2 . oaths, oversized living and dining rooms. Country size kitch rkwith extra cupboards. SHED em a and 1 entrar penile 5. All in A I Conditio 9 per cent financing and priced to S LLAJIQARY MORRISON 895 733i. DEC? 7 - - bu - 5 LEVEL BACKSPLIT bear- 1700 so. FT. Finished Living area. 4 bedrooms, I with walkout to patio: finished ec. room with brick bar and side exit, 2~4pc. washrooms. Many extras. MIKE 0R DAWN IRETON 89573: , 8953037. part 1d If t I ha: montt -1 $59,900.00 A MUST TO SEEI! Gwillimbury Hills. A home to appreciate. 3 menls bedrooms, broadloom thru-out. IV: baths. an: lamily room with fireplace, sliding doors JUST LISTED $56,900 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, finished rec. room. A Show Place Home. Fully fenced and I, on - - i r _ HELGA landscaped lot. Close to all town con- A' SrgiTlMilaglgl 59??3at,ro 3.az'37.mo Ext. veniences- DON'T MISS THIS BEAUTY! 7 0" ,. DAWN OR MIKE IRETON 895-7331. 895- rime t 3037 . 77S . '.~. bac ished I. no ' IRTM edial Lar n" H eand - tell! I NEWMARKET: Solid brick semi-detached bungalow with Iour bedrooms. This well-kept home has uality broadloom in living room. dining 00m and hail. cushion flooring in kitchen - 0 bath, large panelled rec. room and xtra two-piece washroom. Paved drive, sc7ed lot. $48,900.00 LARRY PROCTOR :' 331.7 )artm , no e. V ItelY SET UP YOUR HOME FOR $49,900. 3 bedrooms. 2 full washrooms. large kit- chen 18' x 12' with walkout to patio. Finished Rec. Room with fireplace. many extras. 18 x 14' Pool. gas 8.8.0.. and lamp. MIKE 8. DAWN IRETON 895-7331, 895-3137. )arlm hone , .. * 16. Births u m TOWNEND Derek and Joan wish to announce the birth of Christopher Derek. a brother _ 20 In Memoriam and Cards of Thanks RYLWIN. Sandi * In loving memory of a dear daughter Coming Events NRE Christ Church. '1 - Landing, 8pm . Jan. .77 and Feb. 3. Refresh Cards of Thanks . If" 3 muse 3 for Robert Charles. born m, I I" ,. ., EARL ATKINSON wish [to .me - December 23rd. 10:60pm. at "1908:an 1:757 ~M express our deepest thanks a North York General Sand. Wm. he, a. and appreciation tor the help neighbours in the sad loss of a beloved husband. father and pace. She's not really gone. She's iust away For in our hearts. she ll l7. Engagements L Cord and Gerri are Mr. an rs. 5; E. l to announce the birth McQuilIanAAlioe St., Mount part Iwml ' a 945.! Of prayers 066 MOSCOIC ~<hae1 James .at 51. Albert. are pleased to an. always stay. e'Victwe'fed-Ihe beautiful '3 Hospital, Sarnia. on nounce the engagement or Her ready smile ant flashing 'hwac "W 93- MIIOI'IS to Re I December 16, 1977, their daughter, Lorraine, to eyes "9 "at; Society ammait "0 7 lb. 8 01. Baby Jerome, son at Mr. and Mrs. To these. we could never say H 9 5 Wm Y- yt H tor Jennifer. Gustaaf Blondeel. Grande our good byes. ' "We" monks '0 Rev. Sieve Hershey. all firemen. pail bearers and United tear PU" E Pointe. Ont. The wedding to take place in August 1978 If her tiny body. ' Had. had the strength of her Jason is happy to m we ' great will w'""~ A WSW arriya of his . . Iha ks and gratitude to Ken SE of . Justine Marie, 3 to. 9 '9 Dean :26 higeummhzzr o 2:: Harman and gas on JAB. "rid. January 3, I97.. Proud Emma WP . 'mh," 5"". York ".' " "e 9" and Debbie AI York County "molt-I. ButGodlooked down and saw IU'P' ' Mark.) V Proud Thursday, Jan. 5. 1978, this Angel, we all loved. - W3 of: Jack and Emma Siahl, wife of the late Suffgrinqsogmt, he may AYLwIN In loving _ n 3 6th and 60rd and William Robinson; dear her to m; have" above memory of our daughter, 1V9 . 2"? Speclal thanks to mother oi Carson. Funeral Now her pain is gone, and we Sandy Aylwin (Dollin), who wn Townsend. services were held lrorn the an km a"; (or m. be passed away Jan. to, 1977. in Roadhouse 8. Rose Funeral For in be." so very long, Loving sister of Robert, m1 5" 10M and Elaine Home. Sat Jan. 7 Interment . gm. 5. . Mg a w... rest John. Rusty, Brenda. Rhona yi nt 00 ' Mm " 9 CM"'Y- Three long years she suftered 3" 53WY~ "I 'G '01 their son, Andrew without a single frown 50 "99 "9" met I' W" t 9' Johnathan, 7 lb. 10 20. In Memoriam_and In fact, she lifted all our "Is *5". I a} 1:, 1971A Cqmur ,9 Cards 0 Thanks ma a. Wmver they 90' SUI in our hearts we love th c' I Joan and Jennifer wwn SN" F'rsl grandson for HELMKAY -- In loving Sana, you've gone union or H" memo" IS OS dNI '0 IAN. ' Mrs. Harold Stick. memory ot a dear father and us GOV T II Sharon; Mrs. G grandfather Jack. who But. we'll all be together A5 "I "I9 "0 " 9", POW SOC '1 Newmarket; and passed away Jan. 15. 1967. some day 3"? u m "u . 0' ml 0 Fowler. Utopia. Although we smile and make t ' - , m... 9 "I 3 'I 0" Ice Oreat grandcmld '0' 'm as In: ""hfotxh we w..." '0 N we Of. O alone. fem Mrs. Robert Stick No. one will ever miss you We'll simply kneel and F" "Rwy" 'M'V " " Holland. Landing. more than us. pray.... 7"" 9" n c." m Mr Ihanks to Dr. Remembered by Bev, Sadly missed by the ANIle "mm by ' and stall at 2 West. Mel and boys. Aylwin's. m m 0"" _ 20 In Memoriam and h The family of the late grandiaiher. Our gratitude 1m. OWNERSAREANXIOUS: 1 $81,000.00 features executive home, 2 fireplaces, main floor' family room, 3 washrooms, kitchen walkout to deck. Formal living and Dining rooms. Finished rec. room, much more to see! MIKE IRETON OR LARRY PROCTOR 8957331. . (IF-'7' .- : .1 st;- ULTIMATE IN MODERN LIVING Townhouses in Newmarket. For more information call HELGA SCHIMANSKI 895-7331, Tor. 297-1270 Ext. 4i. w COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Davis Drive Newmarket, near the hospital. Ideal location for professional offices. Good old house, 8 rooms. 2 washrooms, 2 kitchens, brick fireplace. 66 x 165 lot. KEN RUSNELL 898-3725 No. 745 EAGLE HILLS $64,900 Delightful home in such a desirable area. Two extra bedrooms. 2 baths. spotless eat-in kitchen. Possession flexible. JOAN ROSS 898.3725 No. 715 COUNTRY LIVING, Village of Sharon. Lovely 75' x 200' freed lot. modern/gountry kitchen. main floor family room, attached garage. above - ground pool. This home is so reasonably priced since some interior finishing is required. Just reduced $62,900. JOAN, ROSS 898-3725 No. 730 NEWMARRET SEMI tra large bungalow model. situated well ' back from the street in choice area. 3 bedrooms, huge eat-id kitchen and spacious living-dining area. $51,900. JOAN ROSS 898-3725 No. 725 _ 20 In Memoriam and Cards of Thanks PLEWS In loving memory of a dear son and brother. Kenneth. who passed away Cards of Thanks KING. Laura ~ Jan. 6. I975. - - Dec. 18. I971. Resting whtre no shadows Asiime unfolds another year fall a Memories keep you ever In peaceful sleep he awaits us may; all Silent thoughts of times God will link the broken together chain Hold memories that will last WM UIC by M! we meet fever. again. Lovingly remembered by Always remembered by husband Fred. daughter Morn, sisters and brother Bothy and Donny. Robert. We would like to thank our neighbours. iriends. and relatives for the lovely llowers. deviations to the Heart and Cancer Funds. and cards of sympathy at the time of father's passing. A special thank you to Dr. Margaret Arkinstall and all ROWLAND grandfat ' .. Les. who passed away Jan. 17. 1977 One sad year has passed away When we were all together; We cannot have those days back mp'oym 0' Yw" M "' '0' But. memories will remain their dedication and "rent assistance given my father. Remembered by M Sincerely. ALMA 8. B" and no . ' GORDON COOK MOORE - In loving-memory of a dear lather and grand. ROWLAND - "I IOVIIIO lather. James Moore. who passed away Jan. 9, I973. Gone from us but leaving memory of my dear husband. Leslie, 0 passed away January I 1977 memo... _ Nothing can ever take Death can never take Sway N. The love a heart holds Memories that will 100?. I always linger 1 Fond memories linger While upon this earth we WOW day. shy. Remembrance keeps Sadly missed and always "NI MO!- Ever remembered and loved b It his remembered y a WW". V60." family. 20 In Memoriam and W In loving memory of a dear wlfe and mother who passed away In leving memay o' a dear father and LIKE OLDER HOMES? Older style brick home on 65' lot. Furnace is 3 years old.and wiring has been updated. Add your touches to this 3 bedroom home. $49,500. CALL SHIRLEY FITZGERALD 898-3725 No. 740 COUNTRY LIVING Quiet village setting. 3 large bedrooms. elegant living 8. dining room. main floor family room with fireplace. country kit- chen 8. Florida room, 80' x 200 freed lot, bus passes the door. $59,900. AUDREY 8. TERRY MOXLEY 898-3725 No. 755 NEWMARKETNORTH Just minutes from town, this brick 4 bedroom home offers separate living 8. dining room. large family kitchen 8. laundry room. situated on, 70' x 200 lot. ASKING $59,900 AUDREY 8. TERRY MOXLEY 8983725 No. 765 O $39.900 KESWICK This yeararound home is an excellent starter home. 2 large bedrooms, living room, eat-in kitchen. lav dry room, broadloom throughout. 4 a pliances in- cluded. AUDREY a. TmY MOXLEY 898-3725 No. 770 8ACRESGORMLEY A perfect site for your dream home. spring- ted pond, paved road. hydro transformer on stte. hardwood bush, half cleared. Owner is anxious. TERRY 8. AUDREY MOXLEY 898-3725 No. 750 18ACRESAURORA l2W' frontage right on AurOra Sideroad. towering pine 8. birch, fantastic in- vestment. $89,900. TERRY & \AUDREY MOXLEY 898-3725 No. 630 ' 20. In Memoriam and Cards of Thanks __ SUTTON - In loving memory at a d mother and grand mother Bella Sutton who passed away Jan IB, I972. Treasured thoughts of a mother so dear Often brings a silent 21. Articles for Sale tear. Thoughts return to scenes long past Years roll on, but memories last. Always remembered and sadly missed by all her family. 21. Articles for Sale II x 3' steel display table with hardware and T. shirt transfer machine. Phone 8957 1606 - T NFWVAHKF' EAKWOOII Pauli-2 s am from importers V . Opentill 9.81am- ' Ltd. Hwy. 7. Bunnies 791-2385. 79 Dalcaster. I ltornhiIIJsI-m. DOUBLE DIVAN BED $90. I6" screen T.v. black and white, 2 years old, $80. Space heater. 250 gal. stove oil. CARPORT.moveable, 2 months old. Must be sold immediately. Will sacrifice. MCI-24". I-2 IUNK BIOS. white. S75 M B95634. after 5 pm. I? M LIMITED number of name brand factory seconds now in stock. Most only slightly marked, single, double and queen. 20-year guarantee Aurora Mattress Factory, 234 Yonge St. 5., Aurora 72711600. sloo. Lady s dres and "-1 . . - _.__ locket. st" 82%. MY: BLEACHRD muskrat fur wornonce.mAIIVry90d. coat. lady's-lull length, 673-5076, morninos or .aimosi new, reasonable evenlnos. It } sundown. 12 I 3 . 2 V d." v - WWW-1270 TYPEWRITEFS, ADDERS, CALCULATORS. ETC., SALES, SERVICE I. RENTALS ma ELECTRIC cabinet sewing 497 Timelhy St. 7. - A CLEARANCE ON ALL FURNITURE IN STOCK WOOD STOVES COMB! FIRE PLACES long 8. controlled bUtntnq 8v u... .u I. [annals " IOSCENICACRES 2 FlREPLACES 3 BATHS Mt. Albert Hwy. 48 Lovely Split Level with paved road frontage on gorgeous lot. Features 5 acres of hardwoods, large garden with fruit trees, beautiful lawns. Perfect setting for 3 bedroom home. separate dining room with walkout to gardens. living room with fieldstone fireplace, den with fireplace plus sauna. $134,900.00. Ross Draper 473~2I46 or 297- 1270 Ext. 31 er 1.". . '4; I. I a lllll l NATURE AND OTHER LOVERS 10 ACRES RETREAT Beautiful rolling lot, 5 acres of hardwood. excellent pond site. Lovely year round home. pine panelled kitchen and living room with fieldstone fireplace. Separate self contained studio or apartment with open beam ceilings, franklin fireplace and broadloom. $99,900.00. Ross Drar 47 - x . . ' 68 ACRE FARM $79.900.00 Near Baldwin, total acreage workable. good starter farm. storey and a half, 2 bedroom home in need of some repairs. plus small barn adequate for 34 horses. Marg Weir 4732146 or 29711270 Ext. 3i. HOME I /2 ACRES $69,900.00 Newmarket Area. East. Early Canadian. 3 bedroom. Brick and frame. fireplace 8. modern conveniences. Towering shade trees. I acre open, just right for a pony or large budget stretching gar'den. Only 20 minutes to metro. Try $10,000.00 down. Murray Crone 473-2166 or 297-1270 Ext. 31. 21. Articles for Sale .4 * V OLD CHINA CABINET. glass. Old slant top desk. beautiful condition 895 7310 I 2 21. Articles for Sale machine, $60 Upright piano, good condition. ssoo Phone 478 6863 I 2 weoomo DRESS A white IHSCY with veil. site B. $100. Pb 090 46". I 2 DIABETIC! All types of insulin. always refrigerated for your ' T protection. Complete stock or syringes. medias, test tapas t and tablets. Robins " ' " Prescription Pharmacy. We iv .mnszm. H . LUMBER FOR SALE 2 x 6 lo cents lin it 2 x 6 "scents lin ft " 4x 4 25centslin it This is a good grade of utility a ecmomy spruce. 6 x 6 Rough Hemlock 69 Juan . I - -H,I'. .. ileedseloc new RUBBER BACK RUG. golden brown souares, 11'5" x E long Phone 775 5787 I 2 cents tin ti. VIKING wringer washing 6 g . Rough mm . 9. machine. 90w condition. B95 ten "1 "_ 5819after5pm I2 ELECTRIC STOVE. PM!!! B95 It I 2 _*____ SALTEDMINNOWS Perfect hook size. 722 SN) call anytime 08 am. for sure). 22 h LIVING ROOM SOFA AND CHAIR. 3100. Baby crib. woov. stroller. car walker. swing. PLUS TAXES Century Mill industrial Lumber Ltd, 4 miles west of Slouffvllld on Gormley Road. 600-2181 TF 0 FREEZER. 2 years old. pom condition. $125. Phone 03- 3232. e H m seat. " mm $9.06. NS. JIM b m (It . Jolly Jumper. all tor ~95. m, a I pm Phone 895 1m $150.Phonal use 1.5 '