w-a mu .0&l!d..1aa.4. ma MILEAGE W CHAMP DA NNY S HONDA UNDER TIIE wATER TOWER m YONGE sTREET NEWMARKET 'ne-isoe TOYOTA AND oarsuw WE SERVICE 39. Farm Items WANTED r Baled hay aid : straw. any quantity. any quality Terms cash F Riwelt E Co Ltd . as: 2518 TF 46 l or and CRIPPLED CATTLE l l l l l i l i Picked up Prompth For direct line call Long 1 Distance and ask for f Woodvllle ' "SASS-Int Call anytime ED PECONI B SON Woodville. Ont. Licence No. noc-u .44. Building Trades 44. Buildim Trades : NDRTHER N WOODWOR K i Carpentry custom wood work and home -mpr0vements Ted Debaeremaeker 775 . TF 49 F 6390. Crone Service NEWMARKET CALL 895-4637 Advertise Weekly - ill-pairs to AutomoI-.e It Industrial Radiators and Units CURVE ouose oas ranks REPAIRED 1 oil vi-hlue Onlyl ROWLAND'S RADIATOR SERVICE 1 "LalrrgrOund v Newmarketlfs MOI A r Alli-l Hours a Holidanl't HIS BLOWN INSULATION Reduce your Heating Costs l N If - c/ow/s ollic c tilllfcllalrcc \. Yes We Do Walls Free Estlmates 4764415 or pager 895-5l3t M W It pays to deal Locally NEWMARKE'I AlIIMlNIlM v Aluminum Siding hSotfit Eavestrough Free Estimates 25 year Guarantee 895-2968 9" 413-2092 .133. 46. Gas and Oil Heating. Coal and Wood F'eewood Hardwood. Maple and Ash. cut split and delivered $30 per lace cOrd CaIlJN-SSN Between a a.m. and S p.m or 474-041 evenings and weekends. 47. Sale ats. Produce for so Transportation RIDE urgently needed from Keswlck to Sleeles Wood nine area. Hours tlexible CallAngie47a7496 i 47. Meats. Produce for 1 Sale RED AND WHITE potatoes tor sale Willow Grave Farms. Sharon Phone Dan MIIIS.478 4822. T.F DENNIS IS CII'I'I'INSI 231 Main St. North. Newmark Beef, Pork. Veal. a. Lamb 895-230l or 895-6785 48. Pets and Kennels 48. Pets and Kennels BREI I'IIORN KENNELS REGISTERED St. Bernard Pups.10 weeks. Mate. l-rough. 2-smooth. Quality dogs bred for Type - Temperament and working soundness. f lvlk. a'MRSTRIC lIARID'GIBSON BREITHORN FARM RR. 1. SHARON (416)478-4108 4-5l # 52. Personals FACEOWITNA DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps Alcoholics -Anonym0us or Al Anon Family Group can help. Phone 727.4900 at 095500? or '9.- mr Newmarket. tt TROUBLED? Want to talk. Call TELECARE 895-12 or 722 l2t224hoursaday tt v.0. Confidential Diagnosis 5. Treatment. 22 Prospect Street. Newmarket 89545". Tuesday a.m. 9 - 12 and Wednesday 79 pm Nc appointment necessary. TF 49 BlRTI-l CONTROL. Pregnancy testing, Coun. selling. Free and contidential Tuesday mornings 9n and Wednesday 7 9 p.m.. 22 Prospect St .. Newmarkel O95- 4SII. No necessary. DO SOMETHING NEW. Call Rendezvous Dating Limited. (l-453 1661) II a.m -9 pm. All agesare welcome. TP 50 FOR contidential con sultation on personal. marital. ceremony and linancial concerns. hone Family Lile centre at? :m. It 58. Business Services appointment 56. Private Tuition MUSIC lessons. guitar, piano. trumpet. banlO. clarinet and accordion. GIOVANELLI MUSIC CO. "SOHO PIANO lessens. any age. theNSMOo. X150 RADIO - TV ANNOUNCER Training. Learn now in spare time you could be on the air in live months! For recorded message on how you quality. phone anytime: 921-2420. National In stitute of Broadcasting. GUITAR AND MANDOLIN ' lessens Irdrn Protessional guitarist. In Newmarket 8. Bradford. days 8. evenings. 7757914. s52 PRIVATE PIANO lessons in my home. Phoneavsslooa. 1 52 PRIVATE piano lessons in my home. any age. "State. 1-1 58. Business Services MARK S AUTO SERVICE Ia.m. toap.m. Money thru Friday W. miles N. of Hwa on East Side Hwy. It 895-7143 Tune up. brakes. wheel alignment. safety certificate. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f Barrie; j omes Tplans HURONIA Following successful Winter and Summer Huronia Games in 1977. organizers are again making plats for this season's competition. Eight sports events arescheduled for. too in January and bruary 1978: JUDO will be held January 7 in Bradford; Rimette on January IS in Oro; Cross Country Skiing on January 22 in 1 _ Barrie; Floor Hockey on 28 & 29 in Gymnastics on Feb. 11 in Barrie; Volleyball on February 12 January l on February 18 in Orillia 3 . and Winter imittee has responsibility for co- ordinating the events. iThis ' icomposed of represen- t volved and will be hand- ;lilg the co-ordination of , February 25 in Midland. I Swimming on i I All ; Independent Games Com- 1 accepted , committee ls latives of the sports in- fund raising, awards. isouvenirs, publicity and g i I I ' I i l results. 1 _ ' 59. Lost and Found REWARD:_Lost.Zten weak . old Siberian Huskies One is grey and white with one blue , eveano one orOwn Theother is brown Wllh white tip on I tail. white paws and brown i eyes Sand Road. Riverdrlve 1 Park area 3'95 4464 or 775 7777. I I 60. deIOI'IS ; AUCTION SALE and SNOW Sat. Jan. 7th and Inn Show at a a m. Auction at 2 pm. Gun show and antiques. Tables available S5 each. Suns scld by Auction. subleCt to reserve bid. Com. $5. each. i Consignments welcomed. At . Markham Arena. Hwy. 7 and Hwy 48 For information call auctioneer. Don Burd. 640 7928. Stouttville. Ontario. 4 St MARPLE S ANTIQUE AUCTION saruawm ATOP.M. Prevlew 4- pm. In the lAvenlng Community Hall. 7 450 lmiles south ot Stayner. . i i l i I 45 miles north at No 7 hwy. on Airport Road (Dullerin tel no reserves. refreshments. Featuring mce 1 pc glared hutch. walnut corner cup board with double raised panels. cranberry banQuet lamp. dry sink. tavern table with tilt top H stretcher B splayed legs. cannonball rope bed. 750 good items Auc tiOneer Norm Marple. St? 924 261i ii1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT. Comfortable I beder apartment in older in Barrie: Weightliftingi STEWART WIL- SON. Aurora: I quit smoking. Keswlckz. Use a little love instead of a sharp axe for [978. PEOPLE POLL JESSE WELLER. l' heme. single adult only. references 8% 4233 I l FOR RENT. New I bedrooth apartment. privateenlrance. no pets Immediate _SUltET. t and 2 bedroom apartment, adult puildinggno pets Phone) 7563 . COU PLES without previous |business experience but i I'OOl . AND DIE MAKER . Able to produce progression dies with minimum supervision. Good rate for right person. Please Phone _c. anal. i-mzioe for willing to work and learn together Pleasant. profitable work -Contact AMWAY DISTRIBUTOR. phones 3439 7 I DAY CARE AVAILABLE. Quaker Hllls. fenced yard. new borns welcome. Phone 895 3744, 2 | -14. _ .. IT'S. CURTAI s TIME By RL BY HASKE'I'I The Newmarket Theatre Centre is now into its third presentation of the 1977-78 season Billy Budd . A first reading of the script was held Monday evening at the Town Hall. The second reading for the cast of 25 men will be held tonight, Jan. 4. at the Town Hall, at 7:30 pm. N.T.C. is looking for more men. any age group, for walk-on parts and some cameo parts. The latter. all part of the crew of the HMS. Indomitable. will have a few lines, but the walk- ons, only a few words. or none. Since many have expressed a desire to try out for plays, but nd a full part for the first time a bit heavy going. why not take this opportunity to try Paul Aspland is the director. He is also a fine actor and you will learn much from him. Just come out to the reading tonight. Billy Budd is a play adapted to the stage by LC. Coxe and Robert Chapman and based on the novel by Herman Melville. It was produced with great success in New York, but is rarely done in Canada. ' President Ray Burden informs me that the movie starred Peter Ustlnov. The story line is a simple one. Billy Budd. a young American sailor, who has been at sea for several years. comes aboard the HMS. In- domilable for duty. He is a pleasant lad and soon becomes popular with all the crew and officers except Master-at-Arms Claggart. So the conflict is between them. Claggart denounces Billy as a mutineer to the captain. who has him repeat the charges to Billy. Billy is outraged and strikes Claggarl, and from then on the excitem uilds to a climax. asthedilemma inadvedint lastsceneofthe third act. It is a morality play. dealing with good and evil, and asking everyone in the audience ' what would you do in a similar situation. Billy Budd presatts a complete changc of pace from the first two plays of this season. N. .C. is building a multi-set all-aboard ship. Most of the action takes place on deck, in the captain s quarters, and in the crew's quarters. , -2" ll heatre Aurora production of The : LE-"mpw'icg Unreasonable Act of Julian Waterman is into Moment, 9, 9.5, m, I 'regular rehearsals at the Factory Theatre. prooled. very good condition. condition. $3150 Must sell, 895 5489. l l DAY CARE AVAILABLE (or two children. over two years old 895 4977 ll NEWMARKET For Rent 3 bedroom, 2 storey house. I' 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen. completely broadloomed. S325. month ,plus utilities. immediate possession. references. Call 095-4744. 2 I ' ....... onn uol party DOUSQ. trldge and STOVE. i referencesToroptoa la can. NEWMARKET _. also on an many " The Business and origins of Christmas l t 6 t a O A - S K I Professional Womens carols. sn":rgh:"-E'ng;dg :22; Club of Newmarket held The thirty-second :mgmmg ' 2 , its annual Christmas mmlconm-mwmbe emanating: ashamed: ad ll. lden , i v or $05.33... 5.533 L733: May Brookes. Arden WomensCl of Ontario, Yonge' a. Mulock sideroad AVE" Monday cycling. Joe 1m." M IIIB area. m 3003.evenlngs. l-I mayoralghtguestswho Canadian Federation roe RElvT Aurora South. 6110906 '3'! party- annual convedti to be Jbedroorn house. close to TI! 3m home. IBM in Mono . New yonoe sumasov. \l-l mug decorated for Merrick. are quickly roe SALE lm Ru? nu Christmas, made the taking shape, for tours of 057009. 473- . WILSON. Agnes A (Aggie) At York County Hospital, Tuesday. Jan. 3. ma. (Aggie Lundyl wile of thz'lateo'szesmV'Jilson.oo:r tion, and placed merly the Central m her d M I ma- (m kins e ). (Mrs. JDCKnLOQli.NIh e: an t- m) Newmarket; Shirley (Mrs. ber M r 8 Earl Morrow) Scarborough y mute" 3 u "a and the late Beryl Cutting. OW robots, news c l Friends may call at the. and poetry dub routes, on Roadlouseanonose FuneraL Indieau'lsunastradttlon it; fanning Mm. zxdfmmLJ'c; ' M. "a Pmmnu- E out will be held Thursday. at It m u mm than! d In a.m. Interment Newmaupt In 1 mar M {will Cemetl fY. w . W 0.W.R. 2idoor hardtop . excellent condition. It oelogger. radials. excellth nd the scenes, Tony Durant is doing the (mince. 3700. 7756679. ligh ign. and Keith Dove is handling the 8'00 0'0 X Iidtting atiorl. Mark Patterson is sound Effmd 975 0'6 designer and Doreen Hallde and Julie Wood w 1" AM" "Alf; in : are we . Joyce Stewart and Rhea Morris will I after props. Sue Brown is doing the furnishings and color coordination. l Allan Mitchell has the huge job of stage manager, while Eileen Mitchell is doing front of home. Show dates, Jan. 13-14-18-19-20-21, 1%. B, & P Club holds mrty a festive occasion. Members enjoyed a catered dimer. 8 ll P members once again eight two white gifts the Mental Health Prince Edward Island and Nova Sootla. in fact the whole of the Marltlmes. The Ontario Womens Resouce Centre (for- QUESil'DN Oi iHi WEEK What New Year 5 resolution do you have the best chance of keeping ? 'GEOFF BOSELEY. Newmarket: Do better in school. BERT BOONSTRA. Newmarket: None. there is no use making them If you don't keep them. ..I _...,A VINCE SWANTON. Newmarkel: To respect my parents more. Ivan Burton is comforted by passerby following an accident on Queensway South in Keswick last week. The Keswick man sustained leg j injuries and lacerations to the back of his head when his snowmobile went out of control and hurled him to the pavement at the intersection of Queensway and Lakeview Blvd. lie was described in satisfactory condition in York County Hospital Tuesday. Keswick man i niured in snowmobile crash By MARIE WHEELER Era correspondent KESWICK when it went out of control. :unning into a A passing vehicle operated Keswick man remainetf by Mary McMurray of in satisfactory condition in York County Hospital Tuesday. a week after a snowmobile accident at Queensway South and Lakeview Blvd. here. Ivan Burton, of 156 Spring Rd. was tran- sported by ambulance to York County Hospital after suffering a broken lower left leg and lacerations to the back of his head following the Tuesday afternoon ac- cidenl. Mr. Burton started up his' newly-purchased snowmobile in front of Kieron Ltd. and was going to turn it around heswlck. A c c o r d i n g t o eyewitness reports, Mr. Burton s snowmobile hit the front left side of Mrs. McMurray s vehicle then spun around and hit the rear of the same car. Mr. Burton was left lying on the road at the intersection as the machine continued back onto the KICI'OD lot where it was stopped by the front tire of a white pick- up truck owned by Peter Modland. York Regional Police from 39 Division told The Era following the ac- cident that no charges Games iudo meet slated for Jon. 7 BRADFORD Judo competition in the Huronia Winter Games ...3.v_bg..beld-here SB"; " _ Jan. 7. SIX" teams with 120 members, including the Ruyudokan club of Bradford. will take part. starting at 11 am. in the Fred C. Cook school. Admission costs $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. with proceeds gail'igito support-3udo in - - cuitral Ontario. - Various sporting events in the Winter Games will be held in other communi 'es in Simcoe County, i uding Barrie and 12 EAGER SCOUTS of 6th Newmarket Troop NEED lEADER URGENT Experience helpful. but not essential. Please Phone Bill Addison You'll 895-4455 Don t miss out on all that s happening allunll you! /The S Award Winning editorial staff arealwaya on the job. They bring you the latest news of the am as wdl ll Ill-depth reporting on events around the country that will affect us. ' blot-med when_you the read THE ERA. You ll get your news as It happens and you can get it first thing every Wednesday morning at one of your friendly neighborhood atom. had been laid at that time. They said Mr. Bur- ton's machine had been sitting for several days prior to the accident and. followilg the recent rain, water probably had dropped onto the linkage, freezirg the throttle. ' Investigating officers warnedsnowmobilers to check the linkage of their machines every time before starting them up. Keith Rich of Kieron Ltd. said Mr. Burton saved himself from a more serious head injury by wearing a prOper helmet. ROB STICKLAND. Newmarket: To be nicer to my older sister. Christmas. All 1. - ,. trees: party fore or trash? By SHAARON HAY EraCorrespondent AURORA The town Aurora is plan ninga lebrationwithils discarded Christmas trees but the town of Newmarket is just treating them like any other garbage. In Aurora town trucks will pick up Christmas trees any time from now until Jan. 14 and will take them to Fleury Park. There the pile will grow until Jan. 14 when the fire department will conclude events at the fourth annual winter carnival by settim the trees ablaze. Ray Boogaards, assistant recreation co- ordinator for the Town of Aurora outlined the annual tree burning. At 7 pm the re department will light the pile of Christmas trees and free hot chocolate will be served. A sing-along is also planned to keep the fire burnim; Mr. Boogaards said in past years there has been quite a pile of trees and the fire usually burrs for about one and one-half hours. Admission to the carnival is free but there is a charge of S2. for a dance for adults in the Community Centre afterwards. 'Newmarket residents are advised to put their Christmas trees out on UNDERWOOD BROADLOOM MILLS INVENTORY CLOSEOUT* But Mr. DiSalvo said WENDY BEARE. Newmarket: The one I didn t make. the first Monday or Thursday in January. "The trees will be treated like any other garbage." said Alvin DiSalvo, operations manager at York Sanitation. Mr. DiSalvo said tint if trees are not out that day. residents will have to wait for the first regular "rmgh pick-up day . Rough pick-up day it the special-- day each month that the truck Will make an extra pick up for garbage such as old washing machines or chesterfields. "Christmas garbage just presents a little mom work." said Mr. DiSalvo. Ordinarily we get about three bags per house. but at Christmas it pretty near doubles. plus the tree. But, .we alwayt manage." There have been stggestions that the town commission the use of t chopping mill that will reduce trees to little pieces could be used for fertilizer. that York Sanitation rented a chopper last year and he found it was I dangerous way of getting rid of the trees. - With the big cutting blades you had to be careful your clothing didn t get caught on a branch or you'd go through with it." he said So Newmarket am Christmas trees will go to the dump again this year. CONTINUES [I I MARKHAM & BARRIE lDCA TIDNS FOR INFORMA TION CALI. BARBIE - 105428-0899 MARKHAM - 294-4440 EVERY well! #5; or ! A l