THE REASON The season has been backward and mild. We are overstocked. to the amount of exact, 1y $25,000 more heavy goods than we ehdulgi haNe. ' - ' We must unload this heavy eto'ck. The seasonlie so far, advanced. we have made up our minds to sell this stock, forget- ting the cost entirely. _s. m. DqNLoP I-Sia'r led Wee,- Dec). 1511i W Necktie Dept. r an and at four-Indium} 'ru sum-In now, l m' , ,. . ,. t. 190. mm nud $1.50 Nm-k . marked dame ' i Men's tHoeiery' Dept. ' on and :m, Imn v only sex, IHIISLW '0 V 190. it: and Tim. all was] mhmcre mxl n0 "l" ,. 49c. ;.Worl; Shirt Depth 51,75 mu] $1.50 wnrk elilrls, are out I .. , shim, out [hey - 1.49 ' Underwear Dept. 525' mNI's lmn'y [luck-e. cumbllmunn . sllh x are i. H. . __,,____. $3.09 heavy Hustle/r11: 3mm and dnwmrs, 1.49 now |. U _ . Sweeter Dept. I sun |1 u-ums, ull no! swenm bou- ' ' .238 hm new .. u. n .... .. $1.0M lumen kn 'uzr Swell ? ,WE-SELL NO MERQHANTS A r THESE, reio s' eee; ' mm $20,000 an d we Must Gel , . - it by December 24th g Lathes" Dept. . , r $2.1m Anuum scm'l, ilurlng um sale 91 ,. 980. $150 Angm smegma no ? selling mII 1 9 8 - Rubber Goods Dept. All ruhbcr goods we numemus m um, thrown out Mow unnumm'unen e am: you will liml in [My mile [um what you mm In mqu goods for the dump . _ mason. ' __ _ overall Dept. $2.50 men s overalls, mm.- mm only; al 1.69 I " For Wegneeday, iny~ $135 l0 $1.75 Penmnn's heuvy "CW llned gum and drawers. when they 1m ., .. 696- I _ Note these few Sample Prices taken from '. 1 our Two-Page Circular Gap Dept. "VZS'IUH 1mm iuhund can?) "nu-km In sell 980 we hmu' inlmml cups, are mm- ning lur . , , . . . ,, '.. , . , . . , . . . , , . . . , . , . , . .. 1.95 ', _ ~Pente Dept. ' use man's Work pants, heavy and strong, 2 :7 5 How .. 5150 and 3550 mm wan dress [Ian ' / cullo ., . .. 4.95 .' . . / ' nght Shirts and Pyjamas ,7 mt it {3", . .53'37553 ?" ..". : 1.69 l d , For Thui'edey Only 3250 and $200 heavy Scam. shirts and drawers, duullle breasted, whlle may put P 980. AR HIVS OF 0mm TORONTO I 594'. so". Callus. are ml to i. veil-I1 IT S UP TOME i To MOVE ' THE MERG HANDIS E There sonlyone way to do It. and that is by the power-of low prices. I have gone through every item of this mon- ster stock, took ever-y article out of boxes, piled It in bins,on tables. hung them all over the store that you may see them marked in plain flgures,wlth large mark- ed down pr'lce cards on every artlcle. _ Remamber. hot apiew Items, put out for bait. but agenuine cut on ev~ ery thmg in the house. 'THE MANAGER m Winds I up Friglay, Dec. '24 : Suit Dept. $30.00 Suils mr .. .. 19.98 $3M") Suns, lnr ,. .,,... 32 5o Overcoat Dept. Orereue s, fur , $115.00 Sui , for . 12.95 19.98 ~ -- , 25.00 32.50 -h Shoe (Dept. $0.50 Shuts, fur ..: . . . . . . . t . t . . . , , u 535.00 (lvorcuulg ur . 5mm) 0\'Err0 l, lur 850.00 Vernon's. for 3. 95 5.95 6.95 7.95 Boys Suit Dept. , 8.925 $15.09 new Suits, m cul. (up . 3-2250 lioys' Bulls, m "mm mm 10,. I 12 98 Collar Section 39p. Son mum, buy Llu-nl umv tor .. H 57.50 Shuts, fur .. $1090 nun] 2.00 Shoes, 101 .. . $13.50 Shoes, (or ,... .... ....u . .... A_ 190. 391:. w . All Sales Must bo'cnsh. No Ex- ~ the-ages. No Refund;