I \Veuom ilorplmr' " l . nlulII .Zillllo (eye, 2..- nl'oonw id Tllmil . , ' and aurm l Multilaan M ' rill waking, .ltllllll: l ' w i ll hy hlioollltlnunsr I hit-innn} E. maiulounmi, "oiilro rumor. illlilllnllirmlmpolllnn-{ilnllhll \Vildllltiiilily nnll Siluidlly (I. ,, ,..u or hlck or idling, euil and In. i inhale. ille nnw} dmoleiu . lll llll nclrnnu. in H a l or. H. hi. Willi mph. ii i: N 1 13, . .lorller Mani ulili notniord std. . Nuwm'nrkm. H DR. 9- 0. HUTLEDGE, Delmar,k ironlli-y illooii. Nevilllldrhei. llllgh lly Appulnllllclll. l llllnL" on. a. w. 9110", " l I ll nioidn unil Surgcn ll , Nowlnnrhoi. Ontario Graduate Unlvaruliy at Toronto. ll llto uonlor resilient physician Ulllll lionpiinl, Full lllvor, lino. r all, , "whqu i-ho ne :li. OHICQ lltiura : i0 I2 3130-8: ,__.__ _._. ___.o Dr. 1!. J. Boyd. M. El" I hurdle in il rdleiliu di uroniu an] ally, ulin Linenllolo oi lilo llnylll colleen oi Minimum and member oi lilo lloylll college ui surgeullo oi uni;7 moi, i'orlner elloleol lllisliilllni in riaoieiiellhl Ei c llilipllal ooll Univer- ally Lollroe, lxii Nose lilld 'rllroui iloipllill. [inn il . England. 5153 Tented. Gluuoea Supplied . 'roiehilonu no. llnuis E-w' l-G 1rB ' .d _ - DR. 0E0". 8,. GILBERTI lil:ilTl5T.- , / (ullc r lo illo Idle hr. 0 rkii. mar-nerd oi Pyrrhoba o rural-iii. . oiiloo llourll . , M p. IL anmllikcl, il-it Bi lil. Telcllllund 259 > D". .i. ll. onwuiin. or. oi alumni-him. ill llil" ouel-n SI 3 dooru ml at Main in, hoivmaliiei. - l lmllu led. . ilriiol: iliilillsl 2 io a land 6.30 lo T.le n. Ill, on Tuesday. Thursday auli solar-i y, and oihur houro by lllnaininleni. , nllllln analylllr; ulni ooniuiiollun iree. M BERT GREEN. r iIN'I lLM AND PAPER VlIA'NClEIll ardunrive. '2nd llouao irorn duel! S .. Nowmarkuir ' " chow: Moon or WALL rowan on llund: , . pmum 289. P. 0. Box liil. ______.__.,_ - OANADA LIFE ABBUHANOE 00. ii. F._0ILMM, nlotrlot nonmountutlio for (in. or Vorh. lllliuaAllallk or 'l nmnlu Bulld illg, Botslurd SL. opporlto Mlll'kel. Phone and .__,___..___. A. BTOUFFEH. hewrnarhel Toaellel- oi l innu, voice and Via- Iin. Denier in oil lilndo oi Muileol inslrumenta and Repairs. Pliano Tunlnn Mian loi- Columbia Grainnolua, urupliupllone's ood iloeordo. complete suck! Fi nmpj. Boryloel lill mum l'rlrlmwoli, unlielan, lll common willl a, or flIoKEWB", Jot ier Park Ave, Newlndrlici, or w. WIDDIFIELD, umllul . uallallor. sun. hrwlnldrkill UIIICB. lli llduk oi Diunlu llulllling, next Illlll-lillun o val ireloie iliilee. In iirylm-riioi, av ry day oxeapi 'rhurr oiilcn Pnuno 303; House 101. ['er llamana- ALilownllaEli Ll:an nomn 'l'h.- Mulllel i' Allowances mull hoard ini- lilo noulny oi york lo colnprlaed oi illl {allowing )nulllblll sAMl'. .l. M. - in, wllriou; lino, \lv :llairlnon, howlniriie - . young, secretary. rahblulli; mo. ubil 'll iriiugion; Mrs. i. aroma, soar. hilro iunotion, and hire. \valier Snail, lllililll lllu, and are llrooorrd io receive ..l.,ll.nlona ior nl|owancuh under lhe iloi lo'Allowance Aoi. ' \llr: ii, ii, cane will he lll her name r ioiday lo rreeire uppilranls. b . were sold iii 159. ll llir binds io l on on iieal Eamu ~ Let .U Silo Yoti l lull Aloud-oiled. f, , y : in u deliillll lhui ull1ilie pres nl mullllllird oi Uln/l nwn coin-air w lll _ ' lioiion noxi yen lio lair I have heard ilirm lo, no'onnoala' Hu n nmqmupynx Ilu| l _ro_ in life lig oyin ll neiiiro No l- lolilgln'liali "r- 0 r .m l llu lnrl- rollirh irolli mill .mvilllln- hury |Ilill 'all lhe n_ reul Cdlllliill wlll mil le- eniidu .rio' opnolliildn is An unourllilcd queued . - Tho Annml Ilpzllnl and 'l ca'tll ih Willing \Vorhoru oi |||tx~ l relihylrzrlun llllureil look |llVICIL lune llrlliuyiulier- noon and ow ill; and woe ollen ll wlill llm .o oilt_liuonelie lhey ever llivl. niylruodr lllllllllnllldg ill oil IL innn hblwlllliilnndlilll" ll large lllllnhl oi nrlleloh oiiorrd o rylhiuo llltrn Wlm JD (i. pleniliii m9 i. .n-lllrll reilaeli lnuoh nn lkiln illoor who hell the lllllllogelnrlll oi .ii- flilrri, i 7' arloildu. ',seililrllli CllllaL ior iillriallnal hol day-o nl xl Wrilueilluy. - ' All lli-whlldperh lil Ulllliliih llmlli lleon llllilo-li lly lilu l LlRI ilillco ('DL llnl un lhe iol ui .inn. uexl lilo .lo l" lnlliiagii \vll| hr, iour in s wllnl lleell ior illll inlet 10 your The lllihl'wellillor ill llelnll'llr aili lhe eual iillllnillin. , . . Several Illllii giril. Kl IVi' n illlrllllnnlr llnlirloln oi iilo roildenoe oi Mr...ina'. liayd on soillrdoy hilemom'i rind lhe rillllinllmi wua olvrll'lo millrlolli. , . ' Sillurilay wan"n nplondlil lluklnnan liliyill- ilur inareilonia, lllg rrawlle do wn town on Snlurdny nigill. Form Produce. , 'l ilore'i'vai ll splendid inarkel'ianl Sulilrdoy, especially In nollliry. AI- lhuugll llieru who a large uullllllty or lilrell nilceil were on line up-mde. ,\ir. Teoidnle, line oi ille lluyeni. ooouruil 1500 lilo. ui youllry and Mr. Sunnlon. another huyer, gill lloli u loll. A llllunlily ui Luke 5 he whlla l|l~l| other ruling inleorl were 0:! iollowu- Hedi. per our. . liuller. ner ill. lolotoe., per ball . lrlio Chickens, nei- lli. lllve more; per lh, hive iloelle, per lo, .. lllvc 'l urlioyl, pcr'lll. Braised Pork ueei, nor lli. Jlldcs, ner hi. i. Coll Sklns, nor ull . llilrsullldoll .. sneensizlnll dllow Pollen dam. The ebliknm: given in drawn wli- headed Ill u change All n, (L 'l . A. Killnlil liellry how in ihe l n- liio Courl hero on Thursday oi lasl '1le was (an amulet-min, Illnl. MnJol- iil-llnion dlillnloscll the who, ailer in-illitiillig one oi Illi wilnesses wllh llll|ll'li;lll ii'iil UIIUI lln splinl ed \III. The ilalilr \\lll lino no ~ill| lhe Collqu crown Annuity ll) wllcilmr (l chargi- o( lloriury shall he lnid agulnsi lilo olller. , iierllori l/lwl! nill allaear ahnln .il lhe Ununly Pnllcc Cour! on IIH 16||l lo mower a charge oi ulioged mm). John Wl , (or runnlllg a lailcry In iilo iorra oi u rniile, was loi go on suspended eoniolloe, willie Thea, mil. 21ml ("Ill Illma. lillnrly for (l ialnlllar 47!. (am paid (Kim) and $6.50 r ll' | ' - iloherl llorneit lniorlned lilo rourl tlllli he visited lhe llunle oi ueol-ge liuwlalld. I A noker gillne _unsuud, also a poker nui u'yuli-e ii, whieil'eausrd n li cnrlar-all soran heliveon Rowland, 'rlloo. Watson und llarlleil,. _ lill eun- durehle damage to llle inoo oi nar~ n ti l0 wlmm llowland will have lo p 825 ior lloelolas bill, plus use rolls. lle goer on ruspended sen- ienlie. A charge or ii. 0. 'r. A. ooaillri Wai'oon was dismissed, or was also (he charge oi keeping a disorderly llnuso againsl howl-ind.- e 121m Hnlullan to Hold Ro Unlon. A large alllnller oi iornler lnealllera or llle mill uaiiuiion, Yark hangers, nllelliieii lhe reronli unnu'ai nloeling oi lllc "Mullen Assocldllhu 'lield I [he neairll i M. c. A../ Tomolo. last Tinlmiiy evening. ul willoll whorl: [mill lhe \miaun oilirere and eonlrrlin was a! [lie 1an durlllg Hm pa yogi- li-ore received and plans discussed as in lllls yrllr's arlli-ilio o. The eiran oi oiiiorra reeullud an lallmm: lion. l rehlill-nl, P. Clallre, D. 5, 0 Presl- doal. w. r. Union, a nldxuyvlc2< I'r don. Molar .i. M.-(_}|b59n, D. s. 0.; Sedrelu-y, co nt w, 7111!. siniill. carp or Cenlral Yo IL 0. Arl,'l roashror. neorgo iii. Mover, M. 5, hi. - iiuliag illo ryenlng a nulllller oi oil- ilrrssep wom' given, ille principal snorkelrl heiar Lieui..clll. lilllrlro and my. Canon iiuiiolilgle. oi antlmlltel. ll ) padre a! "in lluilallun. ll ill-all deal-led lo bay lrihuio in ihr lllllon "19!"le at in lnlullnil by Hie lna orllon a! la lnEUl/prlnm" unllc I (u Illa elly and eunnly llahers on dlrml. A who! )mmnss. illina ii ouriilil , ilnloh elo. .iop noleh in every ndruculln our our pride Mm uny, even inn ol ulon. ng mail order harness. You'l Mini ) nu lire soliing besides. Fred. Nottingham. We ask you to ieaiher. smelling. You'll tied it Cam. llnd uulo llln "wrehliilll you linnw ' .ilrr nay uoiii anon illne aa a York couuiy olel norlol has been emiod rile lllaeilllg also llllic ssl'll a nunluli.aud , oleuio \lb'lliqll wl|| he held |_l y | next rllnnnor, . holly. not lino. on: oi Monaural 'BulhlolN-Y and will heoolllllaniril hi hi: wife nlltl : oi iho neoeluiiy oi lhe onernliun and V decided that ii aliiiulll he done lly lllK llama uanlnr. lhe ehiid did not regain collinlnllsncss. : QOLLHNAWOOD WILL Fiillali . . : huildlnls Company whlcll lien hoen line I olnce the eillllllully weni illlu lllluhlalloil ior aliennl alloiller iqu or nix llionills. j nounoell lllut oi ll onleriihru wiih llle she-hurl o w '- mm rh or 1 w momma" Ml wxvdnalj nod NM- nm or old lino, on my horlill vlolrll lone-mulla- 1 ."an r mnedmm liloy hr. . Ml lhlfi'l i ovun' . ayorila l-roaalpdoli .imid bun ih. iuil oooildooou pl a'yl'whmn ill Gouda [Maria li cont-Ina n0 dooool'nld in. who no lama know, when ha' ni. ynlldo \hl: aloud-rd medlelrlo. that whom. and mill'plilnolue illllllieui. and rd ha ha Band me lo Dr. more invalid. junta, :1 will! TIth . 7|"le THING!) Tile lizllliwlnliJlilos were cooled ironl lhe olbum oi ll yuunx lady,oi Elli i helh. N. .i r . . p 4 l. Thr Hll Jo ailinlrlit lnlela leeillol linwl r, dignity and graeeiul- ncl Y i ' . Three llllnnii lo lover mun-5d, ggnlleneah and aiieeiion. l l wThree image [0 hole: ilrueliy, arrogme land inmlilupe. . . .l.-Iihree, illinlio io deihrlli in : lararllllleoll, iroeduro and budulyr '5.~ hriic illlluir lo wloll inr: ileulih. iriendr Hill a eileeriul ipirii. drum-roe illlnlgu in ilvulrl i idleneis, manually and illonunl lealiniln I W tilltu uii'mzlr 0PEMYIDH At a e. m. on Fdlln .lieo, a, liliilard Ernuul. ran oi lirxu d Mnl. liaxwell, pained uuay he a reillll M an enorallou ior odenoido. nr. Maxwell war villi- lag in hlr iaiher'u home in nrentwood elllld. lie lllid heerl iniorlneli helore 'nlo ohcmllnll wail ricriorlneil ai i2 noon on Friday and r uouu.,_._ nouzniiidziir BOATB The plant (a! illo iionllnlun Ship- fiqu illne ego in lo inllll willi induslry The lluuldnlor, MI' lecr wade, on. nlhlcr r)! Mi lrlll rind Finllcrli li, Hun. .\(r. Hallmihnh, nil-mi. Mills had been colnaloied ior ille inllrnlue ui wark noun lhe lwo.llullllniuu liorlrrlnneni ships in illo yard. The \v'lrli will he lailrll over by lhe Ildllllligwdriil snip. hullliing izorllnrlli- willoil \vlll emrllol' about ll Uluul nil llll:l|. l lticcs will he round ior A large rlrroellingo oi llle old rtllii and wherever passlhlo pre- ldrlrncc Will hr: gh'un II) rulurned men, The two veilsth arr, oi l.iloo ionil rroll llnii ii In oslilnilol that iin-y will llrfl \IIIL' l nl for It llllga liuliillcr oi mt ll all lnli) Illi' ivDI'lllK l' l'r Sulli- mrr. corriil or Arm. raulln Ill iiuiinAliv Viennrl. ilco. i A large ooiilh. holieved to hold 01 lhe holly ni Aiiliu, lhe lion, lino ileen round in lhe hell oi lilo ilii-rr Anlnh . ni il' Nagy- Szrni-llllldoi, in llullg'li . . enrd. irlg lo the legend, Mllla's romallli wore laid in ihroe euiilnr alld sunk lll lhe river alloul lhe year in, Arcll' Alngisls are sulleolied ill lhuir iloiiei mot liloy hai-e ioullli one nl iilero ooi- lllm hy ihe loot iilul lulporlarlt gold drtliiles have heen rxonyuled near lile sa me lown ILUOHS - KlELEll . rlll ACTION William WI m. III with lion .1 gas. Ll uuou uni lion-all d Ill-ah of victim! lidhvd or trauma, maroon, tough, I alt. 111 h [rah "91:an in m (Ml in 06 in I luk hp mu! LII Van'- lured (lth Lu? tor am l nrduudil. aux. llm. mi: him do thin remedy m rim am In. honour, uid mu rum in ii. dg-irluiiu worlr Elli-l WJ- udd Ila-#36 {ll eon-oh moor In o el on mom in harmljulihl Lolielo from lllr l oi Cam-d: nailing lid. Wanda! mini-la uro lilo lly pam- laio headquorieu. neadnlr' let- lorl wvuro oi running irool um. imihio umiriliin, hrooehiul leather. ordered by all mudlul men to ohm lny barium in Mollqu nod ga reel to a manner cllmlle. inn I ualioed your . . lll lilo "Hunks-1 Bundnd" (01 Ill lbava mlxln" Ind I all! I would ro our more, 17111 in lanolin hoiora .lnyo my noun town and ihonh lhe good nukar I did My bronchi-l who. or. that in booking mug!) |lu ills: ed, 13: whoezin coil lulluouu ulthylugk. Ill immiorull an ! no lllhill your wood.le minor L Horim Tum hi or. rouou minor wily you cannot be mplouly uid molly n mud in homo [I you in. this um edy. lieu m nmlu! or in. roomy ill roiuudnd; "midi: to our "Children ,Ory rail HCWHE s . i BOLD l ileswmlllllkl'Tl' iii-w. .i._ no, ior. Dong. dolly. uy - bol llow innn your drugs-i . , lo , Cnnl, 4" Maxi, Ema lhnlre-ll. FOR you. ,' ; .:" . Reg..'$ Reg. v neiroll, Door law 4n o iillhi heiwoen ielloolhoya oi Illi: nilaoe oi heiiel-llie. iuoi heyoud llle oily limllll. lillr oiicr- mum, lhlyalunll c. Klellliehlnilii. ihlr- lncll Venn! all], WM alnncll it) dci'llll. llonuiy SilSerliir, hurried lo lhe uceoe in (lulullmlllluh, hove begun a liealeh- an Inn luii a! in ulluhual lmg- elly. iile rozidsldi: hrtwoon his home and ihe schoolhouse. ii ms em-ered \Yllll hioudy lirulsds hour llcad Id ioe. Tlle lad was sllll hrl-a hlrlo wllbn diseorer. oil, but died soon ailrr at Ulilvimilly Hornllal. Ann Arbur, where he wlo taken in a last hope ior resusoilallon. silrrlli aoiiin lla': Issued ol-dera lo lho dinuiies in round up and arrral every boy who iiourid in the ai lr. 'l'lle ls, aorurllihlr lo ihe arnllly In- iollllaiion obtainable, rogailrll ill haliie auoll niler lenvlng school. \Vheiilerl lhe iiluillscllnlldl boy war the V illll oi a combined allaoli hy lhe oillers, or win lleeillelllii' hlt iii a ilylnll slime anll leil ior dmd bl- iho roaiiolllu hl noi yrl hnown. \Vilell lhe hny liid nill ellnrar lll iiir_ home i supper ilnle llls llarenls hroan n searoil, aralrled lly qalEhlidrs, eoi-er- ir lhe route between illll house and lilo eehool by lunicrn llgili. 'l lli: Mc- llnl did noi regain cullsclillliinoss ile- iore he dlbd, 5-a ONE aim B'I EF, Tilda ntlcl l'ilEll' Boy: dual in order w vial Drum. ' Tel-onio 0mm DEE. lo. Erneal Tomlioran, agzd eighteen. and mart-nee Adams, and ninoieen. were arrrsied larl night in a Eller- hauroe olreel morning home hy ne- lrelli-or Wieireli, Down and leulllol- land. ohargrd wlill lheil ouil uring drugs." liolil youths ailrlhuied lheir dnwillnll io lilo iuidoo oi drugs. They are alleged lo have been sneak inielino ie more money (0 keep lhem supplied in done. , nilierolll olaeeo, ray lhe nolieo, enierrd hy riorrr downlooai and operimenla, iroill \vlllcll illey stole hardware, vallmblc curtains and nweaierr. ' illo room oeauplrd b'y illE'balr lllc'y rialrn ie ltavo iouad 35 emll ly holllii illhelled l'alldailuiiL. Three lull hol- ilea 'ol lh#64258;rug ylr ro lounil, noon prisoner was ulso'carrylng l liymo- derlnlo used io inleei lhe iiurlanuln ailer'lt hurl been diluied. They are oaid by the deiootires lo have con- lellded ill mine drugs ior lhe pnil ilx inallllli. , Aurora. Friday and Soiurdlly ryeuinoy largo audience: Ikndld as Dunl g given by illu Drain-(lo cluh and more than Hall realized was lornad over in lhe pirrnleu- Fund. sliurdry owl-lint: J,- to you that this is an Nieh s Ovoats . . . . .' Men s Oi/ei lioilts.. . .- ' Reg. $35.00 and l M#8217;s .Ovcrcoats . $50.90 and This. Store will be - open. sonoohuov YdNED TD 62m". The body oi lilo hey as ioulld at r the youlhi were. When lhe tllreo deleelireo rearrllr-l , 20.00 .alill $2500: Men s Ovel coats , -. : ' '.Re g.. $30.00" $40.00 $60.00 v To Our rr lnny - Oualcmel d and Frlend , WE Wllill ll llei iy Christmas G. F. WILLIS, u p-w-ahio Yuller, ii Iwmu il- ENGLIBIIMEH You owl: hour a duly lo )' ur lanlily in halo his 5. o. E. L odgo L Neiynlarr kel'm lirele zod Tuesday. L o, L. Haul ilaies, gladly given by any member. .1_n|n now You noun reel-oi ll. _. > c. avma _ Seo y,- lior 5n 39, TINSMITHING lelli ii and FURNACES i (ii? DUI Villa - S ELASIITUN, Iiiiii's' Hmwnn: ii Iwmltum'. l Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing Oui- Specialties g , . Eup lo Eulhtwm olitiit at tho Shop. W TEE LEADING Tiusurms' irim chlai Tulllau marine ihe' qlub ior lhe rxrrilrnl work may were ay- coliipllohllag and porliclliarly ior lhe Ilnanrliil aisiriol lre given I! Venue AT I ioe Pm ilrllr- e urorili fund o,- (hr. 9 I " _, R.OSBORRE\&'SON am to Willa 11min RHIVES OF ONTARI" TORONTO ' l [V I, ,, This is'IA GENUINE SACRIFICE, SALE. .1 . V 'We, proved tii you that oiir Shoe Sale was Genuine, .let us prove-t. other BIG MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNlTY I, Pris War lfd'ice i l 4 [ y lore-colors oi iile lari will oi iilo rai d 'nrermhrr, 1920, or immediately alter Pi e War Price " In Io Mum of ll zitold oi chill-lea Wilden, dbocdtddi All pol-lions lluviliri olalini againii ille ealaie oi churleli \Vllimn, lale oi lilo iowu oi Newmariiel, GDlllleEHy deceased, wllo riled ai New-market en llle 'illl day at May, 1920, are hereby noUllEd I0 1119 the same, properly Prove", willl llle undersigned. eollcllor (or Slldd w. Autumn and Elihu liall. deceased, on or heiore il-lo 28th day oi illol ilat e lhe exaculura will pmcedil lo ills|rlliulc ill'e araeia amongst lhorr norllca ehiiiied illrrelo. liming rogard only lo illoie claims then iilrd wllll illeln and lhe exeoulorr \vlll nol he wononsllzle 101' [he asscla mutant: naiod ul Newmarkel this siil day or Ddecmncr, n i920. w, c. \VlDDll lELD. soileiior ior nxecuior. Neemnrhei, col. (mid lll7iluidA1'rlzrioF l / P. a. lllcOALLlllll EBTATE All purl;an hai-iilg elailni 'aoalnrl Hie esiale oi Fl o. idoorllulli, luie oi ine ioulu oi l ewlnarhei, In the county oi iio - Tanner, _ducuscd, will) Lllcd al henlllarkei loo lhe Yanl dlly oi h'lnelllher. lino. liro hereby noiiilrd in file ille some piopcrly proiou iiiih lhn undenlgncd, role exeoulnr oi llle last will ui lhe said deceared, on or beioro lhe iii-nu. nluill dry oi noelmiler, lilac, ar [m- medlurll oiiel- ihol date lhe oxeruier will oroeeed in aluminum lhe use rlnongat ihoio nariier eoiliied ibire- lo, having regard only lo those ciahnr lheli riled wlih lliru, ind lhe oxreuior will noi he rnspouslble ior lhe meta ihereailer. .liuiod oi Neuron-lei ill: tilh day oi Narelnhrr. im; w. o. MCGALLUM, Newmarkel. Box 85. holler oi Aphiluilon ior nlrom NOTICE is hereby given lilal Annio arilr Wlllbu oi llle clly oi Tnmnlo in (he Cnullly at York Ind valncl: oi Onlurle, Married Woman. nill Ipply lo [he parllilllrnl nl Cemda al iile nrxl ac-nlon lhirolli ior a mu oi hlioroo irorn' hel- hurlnlld l'rrdrrirlr llenry \stihi-aro oi lhe and Guy at Toronto. ill lhe chunly oi Yarl, in. ille ground oi hdulli ry. niled ol rnmn |ll| shill ih) oi \lmel ior, a. 11,, mo. Annlc ilolle Weslhure by a l. (i, . ll. 0mm , sallcllor ior lhe relllionrr. node. or Aooiluuou ior mom. NOTICE hi llmhy slmi ihai illiud wullun w.il. oi illo all; 01 Toreuio. In lilo Cdunl) oi York. and Provlnte of Onlarln, 'l'allor l annular. will up- lily lo lhe Pull-men! M Gland: lhe nexl selilnn lllt'reul lol- I Bill D! nlrorrr iloln Mb} lie, illli- mini o! "| lil Cll) OI Thmnlai III lilr ileuniy oi York, en the mound of artillery. Viaied ul~Toronio Ihl! iwonlyahlnl oi 'orrndh-r, A. 0.. mo. .llir ril WllllAm walls IJY Pro will? Pi l V. V V ,, War l rioe . _ liohlji , Blin ELSEWHERE UNTIL'VOU SEE, OUR VALUES): . lliililihg- Wliyihish EVery Night until 8 o clock. PHONE N0. 1585 8: col, hid-7 . riotlro oi Ilnnllzdiioll lol- I: NOTICE l. hereby given ulll lzi- w-rd more. Taylor ui.iho Clly ol ' Toranio, in lhe Coull izaoi York ind lhe Province oi coil , 'iiriie r will apply to lhe Plrllianl oi door a ll lhe llexl aersion'ihrreoi ior a BI oi hlvome horn-hill Wile, l.iiuall pearl Taylor. now reslilliie in ii r oily oi Tu- Wiggigiztn liLlngl-oliull oi ndullol y. i aron o Emlyn i, lhlo 1 : day or aowwm c. nLOlE. v ,l'liiioligesn, Sullcllor ior Ill: Allrlicalli. iloileo oi Allelic-lien, ior liliaron thlca ll hrrrhy given ill-l "will! Cuuuly oi York} in iile i-myiooo oi . lurlo. Mechanic. will apply to uni hor- llarueni oIrCanida al lhe rleri rersion lhereoiior a hill 0! illmicd irorn hli niie Tlllle Kmpp oi lhe uld oily oi ul'onlo, lo ihli coillny oi York, or Ilicnx ullq? nod dollerlloi. a (' I a m 11 . n D mo. y modulo-no. lieuryilr ll, Esquire, "011th k {llMNANl . hh nulldllan; iiaa Tlmplc llulldlilkl Torah . on ll" DINO": Nomi: ii.lllrchy eivrl. ihii lino el-hlay Marrlldn oi lhe iiily i Q ilronlo in |lle'L why '11 You. um l'lrollrlee oi oniorlo. lirlurnrd soldlrr. nill allon lo the ilarllaluonl oi camel pl lhd hexi Eamon lllcrlllil ior l hill or Dlrorou iroln hlr wlle Kalhlreo Lorrilo MuleJlonlailn, new rooming al lhe raid city or Tom-lie, on lllr ground oiadullrrr. . n.\'l'i:i) ut Toronio lhhi 23rd day oi Seplomher. 020, . allavitil ii (INNER, 151 im- Slrtll. Til-iota. SullclhrLIiir lilo Aplllmdi. M iloiloa ai Appllullm NOTICE is hurry .lroa lhu illulll allorrllil oi lhe Glly oi 'ivro-io l. iiie auunli oi York and i-rovtrro or Dn- iario. lhe wile oi Wllllml MMHL will dimly lo lilo l arlldmlul u more; Al ihe nrxl rlnloll illereol ior a liill oi nil-om ironl her husband, wuilrln Dimming "1E L'l|y DI 'l Afnh in 0-: Couniy 0! York ill me Pva or On- lrrlo, on iho smunil uI ldullery .ud dest lonl . nATltn al Teloulo Illlo lzolh lily oi Angeli. ii. 1)., mo. ll rel Ullbnllll . ~ 1 lrr ruurilen. noninm'rlz, aunrnuv, Pli erN o LAwsoN. in my Siren, Tomuhl. Applluiion ior nliom ' NOTICE is llloiliuiv DIVKN lhsl mnry William 'Illynud l! lilo cliy oi Tomnlo, in lhe Gouuly Veils and prorlnoa ol anlarl Mil and: lo illr Pullmiml oi mum ll me hold session lhellui ior a hill oi iii-mil (ram his vile, Ailn 'lirahaih iiolmrd oi lhe same ill-ea, on lhe around or adullery. unlit) ri 'l'ol-ollio ill in. Provino. DI Dnlnlo lhls lblll my 0' Onwllill'l mil. ' Henry William Moyoird, hy lilo Holden-u. hAilTox .i illaniillsoN. JOHN i}. ii, (minim. so larder iho rauulnai._ l iloyal nauh inning, ' Tunic. kropp of lhe Cily Dl.'l , lo the '