luingo permitan to Clitihlmnl." lllc lr _ i erid lo lllvu m Newman! t _ no, N err-tenured roacrcrlr. ' . ' Tltu ntornirotelm oi Illa King uaorgg tioirl hnyo hoeunilncd to extend the nonunl meellng or 3.30 unwilling lo rerelve ilninelot niautnenl I velqcl nlllcirri inr the earning "u, Thu lollvl lrnu hnd on cxoepllvnnlly pros- (remili ) lu and o 1% S ividond hit. ncrn .neiored try the Dlroulurii. . minute Muir . is (, llrllillllntil men on Saturday t: Inlvrlrreii with our rcgulne Milt-lull. ocnryprrnlty the huym imilk ioro. .prm hove orroprrcrl (or two ri . 'rnw lnnrkcln onn on BallimAYr .neo: iiih. one one 'on womanly/nil . or. A" room. wlll he present nod hig prl rrli.) nnd iilrm produeo, ilullui . r _ my in letting or ionoy nrioen now. Mr. llYl Serlddm Ii! I llle .Droilrd Itinil 1v. llnsum lllully oul \Vllll l) MIL)! .iw, one any [ml week. willie helping .r oilh culllnti wniad. rim calendars no in ctrculorion, M]. J. M. Willlun 0! Aurora lb . rumlnonre one to htr cuslomertit ' Iiilllrmullc Mm! in notilnr; in Town lino \uhk al H.530 oer ion. . ' ._ [)lln'l iorucr tun old pro le at tho litillililrlal lllmlc du ns lllc ('ylll lblmkn .awn. NU Tumsqu Ill-Um iillorl l. day Ill llil . )l ar. v- Patti ol Dr. Aiilcn' lunlly lire down \Vllll triumph. nsizorwolt , . l . ilniir the X ! morrreni. to loloel gills. (to hurry whitn ihu plotting to nail. ilur ntnro hr olocked wiln ..nny uneiui. nrnoiieai ullla ihni ore Allprt llillcll. |Ill|llli' Illlrdwnre. . "" " . ultrlllmu oonom. - . Nut .Worhrnurioy mummy illee. in.) dl a o'rlonk will lm ilotrl ihe annuoi illiil~lularl 'l eii with Enterlelnrnunr. in the roiruoi rooln oi lhu ilnllon iiiruroh. Anolller iinc and mini pronrnrn will he given hy ttrn H'lillilliy sirhnot ooltoinru in which all ml newt cordially invited Come early to rerun; ...noni. A ire wilt ollei inn will lie lotion. the entire proccerln hulnn uiuillly ulrtuurl tlellwcli ilro .tr. nrenihn lll'llI-l run the ilirlncie l nlillnu lamb. Imlll iln: very dilaitl Vllllg nllII it it lroprli you wlll llhernlly'remcmlrer ih wnrilly r nlril ltllllhn lll Ollnrqu. l .7 Ulli- oi ti lnrueoi m'ctililtc congru- Lullnlls :il .unrtoy ilroi illern liar. - n.r yearn, enil ll eer-tolnty must have 1mm grulllyllii; lo the iornrer inner, in in. J. ii. slrnpnon, lo nu xlcrlilil hy so mrny old irienda. it your. wiihnui saying ihot hie undrers on the supennnuotlon Queniion wnJ urmtlunly llllcmhtlllg onri wus re- i'tlh'l'il Wllll lndlvld d allenllort. in ihe. nhcr nen hi the orgunhil rlnorrglr tlineou. nil-o, waiter Siehlrerro ..rorluerl oi the instrument. I'liilril were :ion or Sunilliy school in r r nunscn in rho irue 'irlqll . the eilirnoon, nll bul tour, and nearly . mry iesoher who pmacnlizo in all. stove Prlooa Ilia lirry Firm Aitll tilier to renudn no no lorry no [It ollmtly is short oi lilo donrond o, ..t primal... We um oiieiirlg lat/o discount on all heni'ml in blOEk. The cold wrullici ls only sinrilng. ilur stuck well aswrled nt illnnn'. The lilccllng laei lrlolldny nlglrl who in charge oi ilro hilaolonnry ilept, A l- alllng try Mr. N llrooks. and h cliori run It) lieu Lawrence on "The early Irin oi Grini'l it ll hicllrcdlsl Mlznlunhl y, orl hl China, not .r lcrlillrls by , rllcn Shirk, we". very llllet cnllnx lind lne struetire. , , Tlu- lnllnlcnl nuinbnrs- oi aolo M .\l , W, nmoka 'l ld a qnhrlctle lly \ltoitn ii. Taylor and L, llarl and lieoors, N. Williams and ti. oilroy v- re ruuch nor-minted. - ' The League huve crrsngod n corr- ieui ior the purpose or ullmlllng new rnrrolrrrs and Llulldlng up this branch Ii! the Church warkrln [ire-War slrenzlh liy equally dividing the originni rnern iieru into Iwo sections known A: lire . and nluc . 'i'lle nllenuunoe rial Monday night _\vn5 18 Blue. and in lioiil ll: neetlng ior liexi itinrday ntgirl vtill he n chargo oi llie Literal-y erll \vlirn : inili will he given on All Llw linieroernenl. The County ilrowrr nliernoy send: u. [Iii inltowing letter ior puniiealton. in midi-r in mist in the prompt and oillaidclory ultillltl lrallon oi iuruoo, ihe Attorney Gotten] l5 arranging lu him i Provnetcl Cunnlilllw in the lninrtrtni tow a oi ihe Province unllcr the dincllirn oi the Counly ilrnwndti: ii will he illr: dull- ni llric oiilnc in uiiend. under the direction ni Alto "Say It with jewelry! iirown Allomey, Io [iollce work In con. nr clluil with oil mris oi the cam ! men there in no police inree. ln villus .llid Iowmi 7mian a Force. Milli: .i mune It iv the Provluolal nigger): duly to give whirl oeslsinnro is neoco rliy, he will not relieve Ihe local I l- ~ lire oi their duty or llllet lerc w r ilroir ociileeu. it will he l - duty in eninrv-e the -. _ i .. Flno Gold Dlumoild Potlde i.rirntnoi.oorlc. The nnmn lei-mer-K rry [imvl cloi r.lrrlulrr,l "d m . / nor, Act, and nut nol oi oor r .o .\iuninlou llyl_wr. rrlilolr oi rreceaelly 1" he tell Ill llln Iriunlcin-lhnulod' . _ s - it is Imam tour in: munlnlnlml ni nure iillch-rx u is illv lmllrow: the rnnunirrrorrcu l luillon, osdeeihtly in rural .itainotr. Au remnlunia oi rrnotnll mirror-s. niieoerr IK Inst-lr- (ions or the 0.1x it. or Miean ammo! liir nrorlnr t sla ulri nlrouln he ..l.- to the ununiy il.owrr ,U . who in rilnllonslllllz ior- llilt oniorrrrrrehl wlil lm pold ior nrry uunntlly oi r . when . Wool smaller-t, ; 3M 7.. .5 ,yoli. AOGEPTAIILE Von iiALtz uli. Futil- Dread 'I'rlmml Ind ii Lad 57in cirooo sem #33:. ' 9 _ '. ilAi lmtu) ROCHE-6r co. 7 l. L V l l ' le ruz YH'HG- ' *Fhowuraph; lull. ll. mllo much to" llioc o V llIO lovo ll ydu oan'l uai. lioi lilo Mr olrrlolmna' / V V let. u iillw'Pllolour aph dairy yaur moth inane! guild wlll. 'HALL BROTHERS, ' ' A Siillalilo Kilian i. 5 IGAROWRISRS ROORGEOR LQMS ' v iroli HEAD LMJPB 0F ALL ennui ' ,PRICES $2.75 [0 554.0%) ALI. AUTOMOBILEB ImE mgqutnlzn av Llll'l To til: EQUIPPED t'll l'ii iioii-mrmz LEIIB all an". :07, will, an WHAT WOULD DE 0'22 42mm} ' vloi ii 'n ieh y' wllnm titer irihiru lo morov how im Airwoman-numeric dumping oi ' .'nh inith . ".1 , '0 wmx Wool My Willow-I; n5. nlhbona, Flovvllufo' M ow Clyle oi muniv. / _ K. N. ROBERTSON' . Ford Dealer Wut Sli'eet, Neill/market. preruyizrten ohurotr. V heal Sunday at holh ahrvlccs good niiendon eo gweled all. r. \v. Spence. it, PM n.. oi lnglcwooo. vtlto nrenehed wo splendid gennnnn mill rnrdo n ilvorshle lmpiuslnn on till hearers, . , Noni eunnay ilev, .l. ir. lirsrer. ii. a. wiro hos lanorod ior iiulne years or uyiuidgo, end it. well-known to several of our realdonll I! an excellent spuker. wlii preach morning and erro- ing. end we cre exoeotlhu lorge can Aiegnlluna tn llc'ar llllnn Qom. Merry Chi iiitiilas :rtiE ai'FTs' v. , - "l LAS'lf_ hm oil in ' Gold u" Llnh . d and stroll Eye GIN. em a "will" u , Flue Ila Harri uoo ' l , Em. Fro. - . B l-our norm or P cu to erm- trout: !- L..Aiklnson 8r co. 1 oi the law in liii Cvuiliy. - V. Jevlihlu and opinion nus. nirlohi. canes, "roy- ln good llrlce i. Banquet. A rather one Son" nnnouet war held In the School llreorn oi the ollrici- ion Church on Thumdny evening or ltlsl.week which will u decided sub- V Almul in not down lb a colon. did rnenn. niior whieh n iine nddreas was given try iir. Vnnghsn oi Toronto. ilorc. Fockler end linii alen iooli part. The men nllowcli their npuroelition oi the hodlea' Aid and girl walkers by it nearly \ ole oi ihruriio. varieiy. lnnn' llu'dvo'ue. Kl klnd M beard in hole in a boon to ut- luau. roii When, you an llM' lliro. lhyWMIm-hm oi merino-log In! the ironing w , button hr 1 n Ion oi our . luddewul, hmi . ii iii {ileu- you urn your Inniil'y Md ir ylll one you ll tot oi trouble ii you buy our wool. ' Mostly isili mlml Holy-err Low in Ihli'l invecuniod oeiore .llneil ion in 'i'otohlo nn'Wadn e .gwilen. the; your] on hearing the uyldenoo hroughi [tot-vim hi the Dlpxeeuhl'pdllimlss d incense 'wlih- editor; on Qhu dohndanl. charged I . uplia oi Mle .1. ii. linillnlrahenuuero, uoocreiui nt lire rooeni mornr o blunl hold or the Toronto Univer eit undlit- llm dlreotlon oi Frill. iiewlel . . ulunioi '[llcan' lie lidilia.5ml|ll. : iionorv. i r .I-nmtcnuln' mono Leo L urdlner. Jenni oppinit. litarion more. .lnreplrine 8mm iielen Ollkellt neorgo <vrryl'o. l'rlmliry piano litre Ell Hoydl iunlnr l lnliilrv-Mlla l:an Sillllll. Mld P A heauliiul Xrniu proneni ls one oi more Blown-l. ilqu covered. Nickle trirnrnori phonnnmphn. ilnly 911.50. e ll. Ilugliceg Asvnl. riorn Till-bet. 11" w vow. nay We wlll o - the my, Luxury Tax an oil strrior MM. lnnh' llurdwure. uhrlorrnno unuildnmtirl. 'rhu nnnunt Enlcrlizinnlenl and e ririrnnc Tree oi Nuwn-urrlret ninth. :aillsl Sunday So anl will he held in llrn awn llali. Wednesday evening, live. 22. Trllo iirel rt oi the ore- rnrn writ ronrloi oi rims, curl reelin- iionn imrn the iltileni people oi 'ilro achnu]. lllrl tiny ollvn oi the nernnnorn ilepnrlmonl und llli; IllllillL'r liars and oirig al lllu primary. Al the eerie cluntnn oi this purl lltc rnnin school, ornieind by name oi the older rcirnle wlll'pt eh l iho Semi-snorerl unhinln. "The om 'illiie.cnrrteiu ihl|~i in our; one otoiyrni the Milling oi ilro Clirlot iihihl. Tlli: entire production will he givon in hullulile ooaiurne zmil wlll consul oi r znloa, duot iill lrlclleli nnd elruruoeu in nilillliait to npoi ren parts 61 "ll. Cam-1X6. Al lllc c lh eiuvion Sllnla will unto lilit nnnlilil villi lo the helical, n rinnv t hill 01:. Oillem 25. olrrliilrn Endeavour. The monthly on n! llle U. P GIEly llbL'l'uL lidl-y ovul- intr won rvetl :llli lllri helm; hhoul ihiriy-iiye p re out. 1' ie nrrei- an Wilts In t mi' a] IIL'E Cook- eriii nnri Verne hourly, A ooln hr Mu, No'inllli \Vllliornn woo orontiy op- prnei ted. 'i lle meeting nexi woek is in cll' 32 hi noy llennc unu ll. Cankerlll will nive'n paper on "Gennronl " itn lhty iu_tlu [)llililillnll emuelan. ull rnornhnrn ore- urged in he nrerent. lmn'l iorrel llle sootnt hour and which Might Service on New Yum Hve ruler Ulc duplilck i a! lllu C. )1. Sncle Yr Tile iollowlnr oiireorn rind non. when worn Elwin) lardUPl 1 eonrlion ilcullnz Trcnglircr lelk crinrpann l-isnlsr htne Sunk itseisiant Plaitlsl Mi'lorli: Johnston Loon curt Convener Malia! hienor Prayer nieelindvcladys Dogan and liqu Coilino r :iii inrrnry nersie )lnrlun VSrlc: lililellli ileiir-y Praax%ecll Luney A Flower a CullanAGladys nnlirr r Slewarils Lzlwrcnco oueherilt end can ilonci .lnoior c. E, shoe Gurlruuo liener Assistants hm lldcmi and \llcc llrlmlllon wouldn't other Litrn sol oi n or 12 slnlnlear steel Table Knives. odd or .laurpnesa wlli not ei- ieel ihe polish. see the... ci itinne' llurdwaiey Newrnsrlre liiiver t'ieddinn. The nurruner reudenls al orchard null \llll he [nit-milled ln [he Iollow lng llcm 1mm llle 'I lelllo SlAl : n goodly nurnhen oi iho guests who were prraml at the wlddlilg or Mr. James Hale! and Mlss Muion Ecoley oi 35 Wilton Cresceni on ilecornller 5. uses. were {rillillniied to hold a re union on Saturday aiiernoon nnd evtnlnz oi the home ni hir, and Mn. liaiec. l st. .lnrner avenue, and to oi- ier inelr conwalullllans no the silver wedding da) . ilorl. lire oddevrnoiu onri mammal-nan here we ul. Hie tonne Mm, llalci' slsler f A. P. Addison, nnd ihe iniier, Mr. k. M. sparrow. in oddiiton nrsny lllemhers oi the vou- iircgailon ill Elmrbtlurne sit-eel Eur odisi Cllurcll, which nirn. Hate her. at- teniied nlt hrr lire. nnd olso rnrny ulniis- males at Ml . Hales ul Ouae it were present. The \V II'l Mission") Sbcliily oi Silubounle nlrcci Melllmllsl church, oi which Min. llllchlna neon pmslilenl In? E Yb! lilll'liell llm enoctai nreaelon n- sending llur n neoutliul eilr-er haskrl third with lion-err and o pilr oi rityrr ruruilc- slim. and iho Ludlc-s aid on iho chum. roni lovely rams. M s. Illles was his ted in Iii-l-lvllla irrr riends ny hr-r rialerv, .\lri. . n. A illson um Mu. A, II Lolll. \Vlllll hiiee Addlson and H. w. E. were In allure of l i It: lulle. Melalnllls wrn' \iisr, srolrr, Ellie! itatl, lites .ouiso Addlsun. Ellis: Mn nn I!an and MLI. \Vi lr, In "t! ovoniryg a lunch oi delighiiul llllarmn lily win. given in tire Mlehullml when air. .l * llrrlonli, n classmate oi Ill Iiirliil, ltd In llle ilnlel5.ul am in- !alrionrd longs, . lir. . pow' waa 'lllpwlgl g Vhonojlrubly dl till-lemmi- i'olom, Unlimi- . lira. linlon nos hero or roshlrntnri l l'a onto all no. lire. inrt ltr. lhli vi' Qalllltn my to on. .v . Tho lieii Teinpirone .co. nru lnalnli- , inn underground wire silent: prepnrnlory in oecuoylng lheir new mm In lno Roller world! The rnpnny tntenoy in mi] nxtenilvc-i iv io ilu oiiioo enuioroeoi. - . Hullo Elhmli . .'ihe ioliowiug pupils cl , \vell lino pnsaed'lliclr euros: oi To~ - ronln Unlvoiail) Faculty oi Munro : Elisilwnliiry' i-tfnov arneri cook. .lunior Finno#ucalile .Cnl'mllltm. Much credit in line lire taller, who I; only ten years or ller . Don l Famcl / llv Solo and ion in the l ildoil linll on Pililay lha i'llir irons till _o. (inure and tree the uumumn! innoy nrileiea the ladies havtvlbr villa. tiring your i irienrlr ior- c soclchlo cup oi lea. null Lc llna nontost. M . it .l Fien won the only noullry tannlgln irii aecilun ilrnl err- tered llro Eggho ng Gonlehl. eonduer. ed ol ihc Bxpcrintenioi Farm rt ouswn ' endlni: on DAL win one he come lliilr r out oi to pen . l'linl mow pretty good nlroin. _ . Bualnoeo EIPMnlont To meet the ererinoreucing dwnanilk on |hlli hitilneiiii, Mr. \Villinrnron, nmprlnwr. oi thocllenrnlo n shoe lie. poir shop. irnn lnsialied'nnnther inn- olrine. -rlrla llmi: ii in the uondyenr oulnnle iloplri Locirrliloh ."maclllne, eleclrlc llc d, It Iii rimmed for [lie Gnuilyc'nr ruoohlne ilrnt it will handle o gronior vnriely oi work then rlny elirer rno uhino eon proriuoe. and wlll rilteh ihe onllliilry rnnne oi work iound ln illevoverauo repair shop wiihoul llelf. Mr, Wllll mzull has n W the herd equipped .ahue repsir ahnp nor-in oi 'roronio end at it the United Slim: Mnehlrtery expert iiayd il In mom] in nnne lri ilre umllncc. lir. \Vllllaiil con to olro nrnnuiueiuriog o high gruon oi warlimen n ,noeio, nolh ton and 'hinok. and we ore coin in shying that these nnoin will hour ihe eloneci in. nilecllon. l ruunlallvn. The horn oi the iiigtr School nor-o nirown lhelr oppreolnllon oi the Care- ltilic-r. hir. .lohn English, or melting hint o chriellnon llox. accompanled by the ioitowir nduress: lieu nir. hnaliali--. DurlnE the neat inli ierrn the horn oi illls school lrnio hpprreiaied your worlr or cornin r oi the scliulll. You lint-e ca~nnemleu Willi us in our nihle-. lies. liunln : will in oil the other phases oi sehool tlie. tl has nocn aorno lime rlhco we here had a caretaker le eo-operaie with ua in these things. For this reason we lrhvo ) nur oil. We. the hoya ot the school. love a greni pteoaure in preeeniing you wllll lills small token, hoping it \ vlll show you io a slight orient our appreciation or rain work. We claim helluva ihai ii is possihir lo keep the main organ oi your ilody any warmer titan It is. hut it you derive any added corniorl irorn ihln sweater Cooi during the coming v.1nler we will he riulte nailsned, signed on llohnli oi the boy: or ilre icllool try it it Dome and c Lundy. Enid!" VISGIIIIW. A rire ond happy oeeulon was oclenmied in Newmcriei on ruecury oi the home at Mr. and lira. John A. Simple, helng the soih anniverrsry oi lltelr wedding. 0n llle ililr oi ileorrnner, me. John A. Sharpe. youngest son oi lha irie John S awe. Eon. oi King To 3 illlp, wu mlmul to Mln Jule chnniler. eldcsl dsughler oi lire ltlo Joseph chrniler oi Newrnorhei, tn the old l-InKLlsll church on D Arcy sun-l. lhe lzilo CEnDn mnluy bung lhe 0| ilrtaiing clergyman. l'lle iollouing were present ulro ri- lcoded me wedding no renro dgn: lire. .lrie Kcllnoi oi hrtniionl ME. \\'[ll, Jelli ' nI Nuwmluln sister oi Mr. snarp ud Mr. loin. Sharpe, nephew ul. marker. other members oi the innily who am [tresan lsnl were . \Ir. nrnl \lli. \VCIlliitilon sit-rue. Mr. And Mrs. loot-i shin-p nnd Mrs. ii. ~ wrleon ni alxlnlo SIN. .l. i snliin ai' ilrtverlon. tier and M a. . Sharpe Dl Dull. ill'iJJlI \ln. Fn d Shirl-nil oi Mull the list. \lhvllh, Wele: Dlnner was servtil il 0 D. Uh! Inllll: doing very prelilly upren hridd'a: cake 0' "Vs slarln dncnultil lirn nrnire oi ille lnole. ll hvlnii nrnrt vorv sli-ie lry Mr. A. sooli r. inlet-um lhe Hm a! "In Elk? and X ) - were counted h) dairily rams. nurhtng ion ya: on osrt. srnry Tire gallrering ms rr lilohl (ileum! , one end t .hrs were cwrvssml I mall) more your oi luppy'oir dried isloll. TORONTO only home vq u Parllr. nenr Klim- rrie. V , ARCHIVES or: out. 1 . _ , 9 0-90 mil PM , Hod"? in still, cashmere orni canon main .upo'oluly 99m melon inurilw and (inlet ewe-loo Ddi'l'l lhq 911m; mu Wopvymu b [The 100 ADE MM loam sol]. level. or .\ir.. sirnr e. who no hild olll UVDer cellar. rlslem- V D Driving house. hos l etl. lien house. silo, \\indmiit. llurul nrcii and telephone 'rrrnrs arrangzil. . in noble rnllea. price "1.550. 100 AORES IN YONK YP., of! THE SWE H01 ), " 2% MILES FRO DOM/NEVIEW, 8 lile FRO TOWN ) i e or. ii. oi 9 rooms. m animusllxaa. one No. i. aural, aiahlr norm, ilrs [up 5 hor uel Ind io raitlr. ti rnilr. uurhle in he prraenll lrangcd. .\'lr. ilml MIL Sharpe llin uprill tler. v hint f , n { 3 Speoinleioeihie Ween .; lie. Q Ill- AII No. 81 34 lit. Ell SPECIAL, XklAS Voung [Jan's uulla t . . . . . . . . . . [.lon n Flesood Llned Undclweu, Pcnmnn o 12 palr Hell's Worlilng Bantu . {.'liln n Heavy nubbcm . lJon n Lcalhar Working Gloves . . . FJoll n Woollotl 80x . .'l . {Jan s Bllk 'i leil .. . milll'il woaleru . . . . . . . man u Pullover nubhel a . . . Lodleill Pullovpro ... . Lndlelt' V'Jll 00M! . . . Lndlm fllnlituowno L llk Bruno Ludlnz Home Dresses . . Children s aloopem . t .. .. .. Ohlldren u Undoralilrlil . mmy awmlmd- Lndlozt' Fluunnloue lllmuilne . Llulo Boya Dar/Juicy Bulin LtlellcziY Danllcolm . . 1 klth Vewolu , . Hail Gorillorloi-a ... . . .. EDGAR ilms Basia South 0" mug (Range BO}OMBERG,21 milla a FHOH 7V3 . .d'io 20 um irli ploughed. so new no rrr es woriooie. nsianEe built. In Infallaw. eelltr. elriern. nllhle. clay loam soil. and lolepirone. church I Millet cloae lo arhool. ilosir-nlon arranged. Pnco mow. Tern-iii rrrsnsgn. - V IN vonom o "(Pu BMW, 9% MILES Midi] . 'iiilod rvnicr. Bun Lliuich i nllle. .Iili wort-hie. fell". ll-loln. Ulluicn Hi rrlllio, price nitrous. N Elli/MARKET. - ilo. 2.414 in. llcvy rloolelil Ali moi K " 'tllg nonuotlon in All woollen 0.0on lnoludlnn Boyll Pullovoru, (hp, 801' and l'Jllli'l. all). . r\ V iv: . .3 EWEEE llli , 7 __ I158 AUHEQ Ill WHIT HURDH W?" 2 (3le W391.) Email our: 60150, ue-uo 9 horses end to nettle. Drlvlns house, no: pen. lien hausa. l'llo. laLl ler, 7 lim mom W16 05 acres nortnhlr. nrlonee lush and posture. Trim: arranged, condo. (or an mil. Pout, itp-lo-ulo-(nlituto nly'lo. ul buy now " ' toursa LUiU)Y ill $7 Slain. Wobl 00mm Home Reg. $55.65 sale .'loe $8.39 at]. $ .00 for $433 yd. veriono, All Wood Ooallngn ' - alien. $5.00 ior $3.93 thrilllCEMENs ghhvhhg . . . , i oa. $20.00 inc $12.93 ....ncn. S .150 [or sun .lleg. 9.00 for 81.6.5 .ncu. $8.71} '07 $9.75 . .nci]. $1.00 for Gilli. .. ..l'lcu. C'clo. for Ma. r ...t.....lieu.$1. are? 8250. . .ncg. $8.50 for $I. 3 . .ch.$1.85 (of $1.80 lion. $5.30 [or $8. J . . .l iau. $22 '0 for $17.76 . . .I lcg. S 30 (or $2.00 [100. $20.00 Mr $14.76 lieu. $16.00 for $11.76 "on. 32.00 for $1.10 ...ncu. $1.25 for 830. Jim. $4.28 for $3.73 . . .llog. $4.50 (or $4.60 .Rea. $1.23 for (13:. . , .noo. iESo. [or 110:. r .. .nou.\sa.oo for (54.23 S G 0 T T , N EWMARKE'I Hotel 1 Eilg stone houer oi a menu. walrl- u Nun) lmli Plenty oi wiir. \ v'ltldnilll. Small on l'mrd. Ch! 2 wk : and I Mndmlll. lluughcul ! of elm, iir-uo it home urn ti ullle. Water sellout iii Pds ailan . l our [aim roll. levi-l. llrlrir,noueo Hollool .ionI ur- iiriying lloliar. ring um, hon notice Hum) In ll| and li-kwmnr. PM: A, Aorta: in thallium-in, on Til: on: MAD, 1 lulu: lino- .Amuuuil, u mu: rho- om! mum All \VDrIlhk. -..-nuttiuiiy dulgnen in me inieri liew mm . cm. I... up, rgvrl m" 4" ! mnnll, cellar, a nrsuriiui little urine mm, H mm depot m inilcs. Moo WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY jllun orlrio: r 43 VID NRM 31.. Tblioii'l'o L Phono min is. ' , ant-u "xiii. tle 'I'EHM memo. hicrnhnnr enurrhr 3 miles irorn Looorl llllllr a are: or um n Ions in trace-low. i5 uren lie-ll er ( HHS well. dip 5 litian um 13 fault. | mall nd lele llollt, Parson-loll Ilnnjerl, tiring lulu}: oi to Neil llouan. .t lew prion i