Foro on Reg. . FM?" {5' . ,ovEl'ATs- '. All chi 350 non 'suin inoluoing ' I " 1. Bluoa . t , $15 is . ' gISC ,rl ne i'iii w'ooi Engllsh onahmoroo, '-' : Forced t V'S ' ' Men's :AII Wool, All shrines, Beg. . $7.00 I r . road. Outv $4.75 o allko In. All shades R69. . ' sane ' ' 'Forced Out 950. SCARFS 'P ie l ly'to .go "so" y' IBIa and Tan Inuiudlnn Broauea V Rog. to $18. j Forced 'Out 37:95; _ W ' Llnarl with 'or' Without neon: 75. 0 350. v each or; 3 HANDKERCHIEFS Monogram for Si " (FINE SHlRTS V GLOVES Llned and Unlined M oohu, Grey and I Brown, neg. $8.60 Forged Out $1.85 R rTvao HATS- Req.$5l00 Forged Out V1.95 HOCKEY. SHOES ,allk one arushodwool. All a ' Reg. $3.50 Forced" out. silos hadou, and and Fornyiha Makes, Reg. W'MSO 7 Forced out $2.15 l Arrow ol#8216;anolh#8216;nlbhoii, Real, $2.00 Forged Ollt 95c. . . ' FORiSALE: 1W. E.Ruytledge,"s ' Machine Shop i Slorl house, cook Slave 2 Lith Culling non, ior hand or power . 1 n-ln. rlole ilhopoero I on Troclor. no. 8, is h. pi hiuumer oi Sienm rorlohleo unmner oi Sleniii Tracloro . Nunlner oi Threshing hioohloer a 5: Mill. , Numhu' oi v voou sows and hell: I noun; i 52-In. inurrleo Tooih saws some in one 1% Siialtlhe i h h, p. Steam l orluhli: .l vlrlu. Plaln Grillicr and riirvolor. ' Porloulm irnni w it Running- on. gown manna r FROM Tn: ORIENT light v-neouver. ll. 0 . Dcu. 7. llev. 5, ll, Chow", general superihiendenl oi lhe v Meihndial church in Canada. umvw here (0-day from tho orlul-il on me ne'r anliiesq o! Ahlh. lie will lrnve Ior llli home in Toronto io-mor. iow, ' In Japan I) the neulon oi ilie world-n Sunday School Bnnvenuoh. . lie declared lhnl Ina unnieienu lull resulted In lnonl. mlhhli: hrneilu to me quuui. and Ella whole rountry-hed been nroused to In ndvnnluiei oi Sunder schuol nod lleil- nlous PAucIllun._ There were. he said, u nuny as 10,000 pwrilil in me Sun- nny pmeeislnno connoeled with in Cnnierenee. and. there were demon: uh:qu oi Immense en mllumi -. . . . 'Rh'eumatism Norma. Sol- u, Naurle Templeton I ' Rheumatic r. Caplule: ml 300 .splmllolls roe rl chown nilnnueu. Life Around-tho Huh - LEMJWIELE Miro; Clilrn cook'io spending in ioiv earn wllli on non his. 0. hrewe ry. lllIIKWvoll. - I A number iroln our on ',:I||Bllllci1 s. s, Convrnhon at lung ou. lul wee 'ljh cl'l'uiw rellnrlh o solenn urogmmonn wd hope our Sunday School will he oeueilieu In- lho in-l n Aurora. ' in split oi ino inelomuni wenlhor lhu leelnre Elven ny li (John, on hoe. lsl in-oin oi the Pullllii Llhrory woo well olloneou one uroronnhly cu- ioyru by everyone pronoun iii. Conn huvo n lungs! lnlerenling account or lhe llio 01 Edison. lnlernpcrned by many umuslng unoedoioo concerning ihu oreui inventor. Two pruliy nongo wero very exqulnllely- sung hy 'Mlu Marjory \vlllls, The liorlleuiinrol soeluiy had a Very iuiercilinlr lhne on Tuesday evenlnx lhsl. whun ihor Build up his yoor u program vvilh n Musicale and social. llllns h'ila Cu! r enlerlnineu ihe nu- uionoo in a ven' illuhslng on or. in scverhl well 'renoored Nullillanl. liu [(udgklumn hrolhero snvc aplenqu isoleclluns on lho \ lhlih, ooln And iluoin, Thu Illuhlusl Iullii-e inl- onoh :liicnmpllahul young men. ls lnuoro v y hrlnhi! Bil-suan muli olruo oi 'hlohrnonn lllll. uccomplnlcd hy Mm. urn, mni leri'il solar. lo the groin ile- lirhi ni lhe ouulonoo, ruin. hu- hmugh nove severnl rerllullolis in hrr usual yilehlns mariner. One 0! her oeieoilons inning in a humorous war mini: mollllii rs oi iho'Soolriyi Soloe- Liens irom n niulo qun'rleilo_: Messrs. hriulhury. hmnrh-eih, Urlmshlw ilml llllhmuxil. aeoonipinlon hy lulu Con- nlo nronnrell ,wm greolly onloyou uy iho audleu liolo onorieiluo never ran in eniorioin on sulllmre. During iho evanlng, Mr. 'ihoi, Slepliuns was preseuioo wllh o Slruol nonilen lry lhr Toronio iiorileulinrnl soeiniy ior-general proiioienoy, _Mr. sxeohrnu won lho largest number oi prize. ior in year The honorary I'rDsldenl M the Scale , Mri II, \V. men to nui-u iouuoo pl, .ui'ilu room; ' my 7:35 west- Eyg g $2331.50. hair. '33, ! an '1: (tot .iroe 1mm) ,1 . ', l rloury. nve n short aileron . . Mr. J. o. Mouonolu. lhu hmioeni oi lilo Sooleiy. nresluni in hit unlnl goodun oner'onii'ni'lhe plane or iha reiruhmroir. part oi ihn gram, lhn Tmuu r, hir. um" r iunn- io meel ruin-ll do, RM . T716; Joule y} upenl ovzi.0600 iiian who; nooineo LJDlnke nude In ' Schomberg Airy \V'll] Show room Tuesday in xenon: . Mlhs D Ncll onioriniuou 1 iow friends on Friday evening. lir. hllullu cl Murphy who in orlillo vliilllllg wiih lils son. Mr. \\ lll niurphy. hiino rloronee lloiholn oI_ Drllllu has been home ullenillnngi wedding oi her inner, nilsn Violrl. him, \vul hillone hoe heen our m; n iew nevi oi llle heme oi Iler Iiinlliur- inriow. Dr. ll. K. Dillane. lira. Show was in Toraillo a low ,inyn noel work 'auendlns the hllycr weaning oi her hrolhrr. Mr._Jnmcs Spring. -. , The Anni on Church oi Lioyuinwn are slvlhg o curlshnos oniorhihirnrui orni lree in ine iowu hill. Senamllcrs, on Friday. lire. 11. A very nilrociire prourorn ll; helno prepared. - The "Merry Mllils elm oi lhu splionmrrg lirulonni ,sunnoy School wlll he sun in \velimlne any new nlelnhero lo llliill- regular s unuoy ai~ lrrooon eloss ln ihe hoorinrnl oi lhe chuluh ml 1 o'clock. nine in iheir inhi- \vack nirolluun. You lnosi came to the school unn orrl ulvrn in iho ninrirei Iinll, Tucs ooy. her. 2lsl Among ,lho runny llcills oi lnlvmnl on llu: mmino I: o sliorl ploy. enilileu Russia Corner." sunio (hour will he lhero. Mr. and im. .innleo . Spilux cale- hrnieo inn islh uhnlvernnry oi lhoh- weddill! oi llioh- home, 137 Avenue lload, Torouio. on Solurday evening, Nu . 21 About ihirly oi lhclr hn. inruloie n-lhllveu wen: present. in- running oir. Spilng'li rnoihor. Mrs. \Vru. nrlnlr lionnrrly oi salioliinerl , \vllu nl ihr ogo oi rlrnly-iour is en- ioy-lnr.vory gun-l llcnllli. Allel- lm reroplion n very rhinly luncliuon was 5 I'BIL Till room: were pietllly decorolrrl \vllli pinh mes and while nilryshnlllenums, lur. mi; I lure. Sill-lair rocohiu runny henuiiiui ems ,ni Illlvcr ahd eui~ulax olso o hooniiiul ,shrol oi.vvhlio nun yellow rhrysiinlhe- mums lilo niii oi the hlononlo Order oi willull 3k. Spring in o inemll nu nlonooy. noco'rnhrr aln noon, uio niorrlogo oi ylolel qt daughlcr oi Mr. nod Mn. .iohn Boili- uni lownllne, Teeunioeih. lo Proi. noy II. ilrignall. Wu holomniuii hy'ihe Rev. \Y. II, mental ! In Ihc Dmumu oi ihe more-i sodomy trump. TM looked ,uvnlns In hlue out. \I! wllh Elwliil: mod-'an bar-no: you r. ourl '0! gun on; l II: shah! like Ice at at. a nurnpiueun well- heen lull]. Iliior mony iohenn ulr . iiernz. couple ion hy moior rouio lo iheir home in hrl no going wn ouii holne oi grey hrondnlolh., Willi ; ruin one uni lu nlnich. 3 no Sniurooi- looi ihc young people oi Schoniherl; onjn violnliy prosenlou in our colerrn lonmliev. Mlhs \ilolei llolllam, en un: eve oi hor mur- rlnne or pure. u mnponled - llu mllowlnx allilrL-lis, wlllcll was signed hy oil oi her along moniln To lllll Violoi llpuluni: . We, ihe ) oung roplo oi Sellouihrrl; uni! vIclnIl) , a! eqll hllely Win [0 allow our oopre ullon' oi ihe gond- ioollng and me ship which has e Loieu hoi e rn uo lr. iho pool. in preioniln'g you ~llh lhls purso as n shoni Inuml nu'l' pi our regard. we wlsll lo exlrnu you our nrorileni cun- miulollon unontyour wmlng worl- rion hie; Ilnd wish upon you me o i oi henllh, woallh and prosperiiy lhmushnui. '1 ' shined h. 20 or Illeimung people or sellomoerg nun violnliy. The young people were noi lo Di: nhiono hy lhelr eldem, and ii goes 0 allow lho nersonuge oi esirern' in wlueh the urine in halo hy hoih mo and young. . - Han-y Mallo , [he oighi~yroi~olo son oi Jnlln iin lay. was seriously in- lured when he rlippro willie climbing on a moving hug" on day iui \veelL "ls loo cousin 1 onu oi rho roar wheeln. and he re lhe liprne could he slapped ho was dragged some dlgluule. his in; was mean In ihree olooeo longing irolnqho numhi r oi can rrrio announced ior lhe next luv iverlrs wo'onnnol say lh-i lhio annui- nm is In: lo he i qulrl one. . mo Jnok Final pain on a VI!" and rrrryono sermon lo ho exiro. plug ! in rape hhu. snorily our (low: io see ohi min.Snow on in: loh. The Schombera Dnnca.0|ull will hold lurinahriolrnoooon on Mon- uoy, hro, 2'1lh, iuohlr llollduy). ll: unuol. llrnilereoun iull orohesiro will reuiler Ippi opmln eloiiono. , g New, you hookey hos, the weather I liavo you KoI lhn-yzlln yoli ii not. why noli MP] Sail I Ftp. Bdl'lrmp Sun. moi-I We heinog io llle s om; m: i ._ inhouio none. Arid we ll be in h in your long violin ior Aurora on colours. "I: lire happy] ,1 V. J 44 The mm in was ooriorrneo ni- Hue iiev. hee. oi slouiivllle. nun niinr several dayh lnp ine happy couple :relilmuil to vivinn whero iir. lioliidne ills: pumllasul iho innn roeenlly ac . rupieil by his (alliur-ln-liuv who in: nlovou lo onolhor Iarm iurlhrr huulh inn lho xiii com-union. boushli lruln _.loll inhlan. , : The urine ls a lalenloil nrnl ohorrn i lng young iooy, while iho groom ls ve llaIIqulr. llzivlllg serum] in [he \hl where he won sevorcly ivonnriml. The; soul wlhllcx oi lhe cammunlly are ox-i iennrn ln llie ) nuns rounlo iro- lnilg. harlm' nno proop our hie lorelhor. Stouffville. 1'llo,.\nnual xruns_Ton and Solar: |nl mNIl III ||Ie naplisl Sunday School will he held. hoe. 20m in iinleliii-u 2": many inrnns oi Mr. nrol. p rkci- will he norry lo hrnr. lhoi he hon huu u very ouoilrn nilacr oi Ill- llEl'rs. I I mk aorrlon huneen laid on work ior same line as lho runull oi hIVlna seamen llls moi. ' Minx sllvui sldesiul Zephyr rhileo her olsler, hiro. Lrvl lioover ior n iow enrolhia werlr. ilir. In iii-own lull ihe mlsioriunr ln lonln o vaiuvhle cow, very ouoorniy. Mler ravenan lo oil lamps ior st week: llli: lown'rpoopl: ore none I")!!! oluoylog eleclrlo llnhin, Mr. Thor. heynon oi Temperance- rille and Sir, a, M. Bevnon oi ioiirr- in. were vlilllani oi. rs. u. N, For- sylno n on Wednenupy. cool 'L-bnllng nil-eel i In lilo mines in now :i-lllnx ior u on per lon.- - Trinllnr. Milnth > honorinle'l: 'vlsillni in ihe r. lonilnn win in Newmariiei Iael Thur-om, I V Mlno ii. moronic hon relurnni la lho oily Illor n risil niher home here Mr. ll. Shoal ind inrnu nigroronio. n oproi over Sunday wllh nli roolhrr. All: Minnow wu iii in! oily lui week. _ . ~ _ . Mr. 3 dlol nu mono inlo him. , nirphroso house. '. Mr, ii. lull-on h moved inorhom. berg. . r - r - _ . lulu I'll and won whner oi iinl p iu (v5.00) or summer; school lnr _ rp_. rpm: at Toliennnm yu- ln > M In 11: iii! . . up: nus lo iii: any MIMI ."~ Farm -_ Finances Give Salim hmiunKEr ARMERS who are working to get ahead an: invited to minke free use of our banking iacilliles for theirbusiness affairs A deposit Account will enable you to pay accounts by cheque, avoiding the necessity of carry- ing large sums of money at the risk of loss or theft. The paid cheques also. form, valuable re- ceipts for gaymenia made. Loans' are freely made to respons- ible men to 'enable them to increase BMW" :heir production of crop: and live F. A. II. Llrur, .llll och Talk over your glad]; with our legal Manager. Hls ex niche: in nancial rumors may be a vllue to you. hull : Clpihl $5,000,000. KFT0R0NT0 ' Rennie: 56.794900. 171 Perils' Neglect Digestive ailments are frequently neglected. People say "It s only a touch of indigestion . it will go away." What begins as simple 1- cli momfort is allowed to become a serious chronic-ailment. _Never neglect th o treat- 1 ment of digestive derangme T o relieve disorders' of stomach, liv'er, kidneys and bowels, Beecham's Pills act promptly and. usuallyoveiuonieiliedi iuilty. Take BEEGMM S M wachrem m, 25:; coo ' ' rework!- i