enliltra porty old in the town hall rrttttrryiay ought witch attended. ottt report tt good allow that mg or hort- count: will now eltou the rink! t, .ltavl inertt'tnu week- torottio with her daughter. lira, ttrtnlot itourlgttn 'lcltll to attend iito we ' tlltrmtvlllo ltt their on, Mr. Wm. , , "m adlra' Aid ot ttt'e tlicttlotitlt ' their monthly rneoting I old at1 tho honte or MH. Snmurvlllti , . mallo- tttttnhe r' or the Anglican pronto alluniluil ttte ttiunlnnt in which 'dlbaull their week or vl undlir Aroitdcoeon i'otetto'ro. , I to hear thot ltrh, Funk llt title, ht_ tit wltlt diphtheria. lmeat'ttzu report to to tile ottoot that rtttntlititttt it ttttploytttg. tioriey not ntrrtod. New in up the turnout-rd lit the old bill'B tttlstle htd ttlvc lite hoyr n roll lllll MtIK. Tltlh eotntttg oration to no ttwtty hood or the tool. and A y who come to otteer tho ttoyn taunt tut turret tittt tt toot treod yell to good ' nttieini: to hook it nloyer up, no ilooot, ' tohtt. heart. [.r-l our good irierultr. tlto young lL ltllH here that wu chit lol- 1 w the ttanto horvtooti to tho the tlvhnltullnl . thtitottid otturott . ltrot-lnli ottrart~ ' Hl'dltlmll l it. (tit: and tuoeei stu'l. tttoltn it hm tor two lvoelih. iio Ml wdlt until he it gone, then Holt with-P, tttt Ml hearing him, The, ltttt tnoottng oi he settctnltorg turkey than with ltttltt'ht Stillun it Itn- tel no Munday ttott. ' l llc itium err. ,tgeti ldr the meeting wad titled with tiyttsentlttven oi ett wot-tit u llull- my, tlttet- readlnd over, the tart suwit's raptlrl the meeting who nailed to patient-(lay lluttllnlm hy nutlng chlllmdn. Mr. Young. the hit oruir ot linrirleoo called. tot t tttl oi honorary mornhern. Moo. heco oded -uy itlr. Hill), llldl lllL' .Mll WlHK named ll tickplnd : l. A. M. Armrtrottg. hi. p lli. ti. it, iiiiiane, lir. A. l-'. titty. w. little, ll. .v. Creighton. ttev. J. .1. limit]. Dr. nun. uiottnm, ilev. w. unculti. .i. ll. Sullnn,l\Vl , W. it. lirtwtt, .tv,.A tl linglg l, l., t. w. litnkonntt. w. Elliott. ll. D, llivls. llui'vuy Glltl kct lt . "Slit". on, tlev. ltlc ottnttt, , tlattgltor. ttte hooko'y hon )I it who at M r, totrt l Moved It) Mr. lioilttttr. seconded by in. (Litton, thut ll. Cal!oy he presl-' not and Dr A. .t, .\loel.eod he vice. itostdent.~ .artieti. Mu d by .tlr..itonnar, ooconded hy in. lean. tititt til it. Solvdott refnnlll ; to tile mytcll) he no well ltiled the i erottout : Mail. I ,llovrii hy .\li-. BE. heootttied hy vtlon. titttt .l. A. team; not as tlhlth ntnttogor harried. the managing oorntotttoe wot, next rhntetr, ltitmol hy Mr. llnitnur, sec- ontloi ttv Ni it no, it . it, A_ Young. ll.i ltoti, v, Mor. rtunt ttvt 'l . . mllli itr .ttiteti _ .liovt-tl tt_ . tl nsltliilli', t '-otlttnti hy itr. sitttlon. that he, itontntron out at rttttlitt ttt tttohttgor oi the trout! ntth ittli now a. iiorrlrit. liovoii hv Mr ,cretglltort. seconded to Mr well that .l. C. (Dillnt act at, ttnmtor la the IMHIII' -ctt-rlr.d. it . dl tl attor a VG that hiltt and willie M? the eotort. tor itto tron. it was then agreed nylon tn ummlnl : rhtttorlnitott eotutnittoe. - Moved by tilon. seconded hv .\lr. litwltlte, Mei-tors. sihroo ortd Citllell he hit. l'ltult- eiinrtr so tor hat-e tttugttt into the li'tmstlry a, sum ttl rust.- limxlnllll or with. 't at ;lttl itustnoss oontnltttee was then etoeird to atlelitl to tile renting oi the rink tor the reason, l'ltls cont- Jrllttc who outttytoscd at at a. SH . cition oud Young. 't lttti Vida) or .ty orgn zallntt wlll ltotd cull- \rul over the matting rlitk. The riot; o .tti l5 t-ut IN-ll tttot suttomltorg may to srltntlulru til the Northern Letitiue )(ar. uoh living the case, our lthot lllt: ll luth oi Aural-a, . htttton and lttlslvirl. or, a on . A ttilmlow DDM E rte iltwulcs which olt{ "S<Aull ti rats was catiryi urtott to settle were. truly .ntt widens. the asked no toot "All I rrqutre is that you-ll :Jllde ity what i stv, or )au uemln t ever name to no hghlit,"-ltu told his liuhhuy .itrtttr. v "You've helped the out o good tttatty tum, hiltllre," eutd l anIralni Grouii. or bi orrrslon, "Mid i tooir to )U to do it now. ltttl llcnrltzrisolt s Milt irroite law and got into my garden tester. d-/, and oetwroo what hot. hero on end whit ho-r et, t hltouid oay twootd lake or or {our dillldi-s to rev r. Gail you tit tt out or illii..t jttk t" , squirt? iior'ttia tltoo ltls ltetld. "hill" M tn here lirtltro you." he .24. Kl , ttd I'I'e been with hito to tank over the oath I've Iarll lsctl into not to itrosroute untels you tried l/i. sge r hit. 'roli hos sus- lt d trout yottr :laliuLlJK-rry Vllleil mild come to e oylsttiorahty more than tour ticilats xoltrrliu. tlut It. y'all lttJ-t any " ' "i'ht not ltflhtlng," hrole in tinti- rotn, "lln the whole. otttlire, notne 0' thorn squaulti 'nes tut I not have that to ntuett it it we ll test pony. ill in half thitig gr .ltut otl t-ooot-ti. V on" drownith it i h 'vttilt"|llootitplt th formic-um. tltogpowur hourotrtla public onlulult. ltuve tlloro wll limo whenthor oustt orsdplxdlllm war it let-(III lI ll during the initial tttagatt tit. ttlott tt law s uplimllollit; ltc laoto ootttdlt'uio lulllon lor ttlo dcumwu and their. oriented tty tho lixooutive cootyttttleo ,ot the Ontario tiraltott oi the Dammth .Alli- noon to tho toil-twingrenort 4 v ' ttt ttto opinion otttho uottttnttteo o'nr' ldeni Iliuuld lte t lgoery rot tltty with a live, el'e'lillvn orgottlntinn.ttto various ntunloirtat orgerllraitono .littked together to it euttnty- tton whlett will ooLordtnate their wot-ti lino titvo ooltorton otni dire tton ,to their ullurltl; lllu eountter ir notion in our ltrovlnoitti organtrotlon and hunt in throat touoit with the lirovlhotttl other. .No hotter organizrtuon lliatt ttlot which won iorntett lor the tturuou o oi lilo rhfumlllltlln oi loot ileionet- or the voting or Apt-ll nuxl oould no round ior ohtoreotnont Durwrlilm. ttttr lriendt hm. lllu[c!ore.-urlied to mulm lllu or gonhttltlttrt throughout the .ytrovlnoe ucrutttneui. unit t'u o'tttltllo'n to the work 0! ttto ootnin oumptllan, engngo tttetn. helm Ill ntd nit law enioroettteot. :y %_ movllEn-Wlwur but alto uuwtt oi Dirt Too Small to ow htay urlna moon: to Vou and Ynur Olllld. They are warm IWllry ounce a! [he \Vlltelil' iovo end uititottt care we con give tttoto, Idiom. tirioeieoi iittto otter trout IluAVemt _ ttnw inuclt knowledge and wihdhtn mt into the lnzltlIlK oi h good rntttttert cotititaotiv i run nut-ruined hy tint. covering new tiltngo whiolt it good ntotttot- should know onu-uo. The truth hi. them in teercely any know- ledge, itml cltly any rktti wiltotl can. not l)d.ull9d-t1lrcully in lVlrlaan up children. I , "l'wlt htmng eitlidron went itoru hotno ono illlllrlmr lu'vlsll an aunt. wa doyo alter their arrived they were toltott rtotontty lit with orerttrtt. ond vontlttutr. Alter .a.weelt oi iihtetth tttoy recovered, wllll the help ot to doctor. und_by toitowlng ttlh' very wise eounsal to go without iood en. tireiy tor twenty-tour littth and then to heoin wltil the very lllgltIt-Rl diet. Alter it tveek. however. otte oi them tell tli again in Just the same weir 'l'ho tlooior ttnttotoeti.to he a mother- lit-low a( the hunt end he quietly made on tnteotigotiott oi tler kttctte n. tor he hurt Mth ltoett caitorl trtlo llil'i ltnlltliellnlll to euro. onoeo oi adult t . lllgiaslloit nndtolotnaino nottontttg. ll . lore votl- long he round the erptone tion at these runny titttenoes; There to e ttituM'l s oi lultvtlvttl'tt wittottltod llt'l'll ithndrng utto to it yldlililly tai'e tnoro ttvunti-ioltr ltnhr ' yertier. tlo~ nillk won noginnlng to oottr In the pantry; n ioni oi lit-until whit-it trod Hill It ltlll awtty In all itIr-llxltl llt tx not. coated wltli tnotd. The ducker illltlh'l illtlll [llclul ril ll tllsll Lil scale toltoti i it until. room home setup canned Salm l) lollvttt ttrtl. route it tde ( ul all that Inaltjly l u'V plutt llltt snlll v lllK lnllli. lll Ills litlll , lll saw CWZI JI llllil 01 Ill!) littnll) lll tiller lllttl fella-l and llelttg o than who ttettt. rrt ltt ore, \ (inllltg lllllFNi. ll IIIl llzlll ll cllnttcc, lnv slotttl oi w ting ior it to develop and tin-n ourlttg it. he took the lett ovrrs end the mIlk and the ttrentt and pitched lllt nl out into lllfl place Wllure ubll (lililh . ltetong. 'rl\\ llllE nrllillc lh not lnlclltlcll lD alto/toting), lllrllt, ll ls jntil ll reminder [ll llln. lllly dlsDnieenr l lotus, liloierin. t'casth :tnll \ h ilevelnlt llt (oath ll llliz cxhntetl to slow it i. t \\'th|t Y all/)ll" |)au\rl la )t llhl nr llll)|ll ill t? spitllllllz llll l, 'l'llut't . In": Ilulltll'tltlh lll \A h M Iidt'lci'ld, many Dl \VlllK ll :er ll'tL IUl. war no sorry to tile. i out now- altt liltlg dlmln llic [Inl Ollluh liimlmttt \'r'lllt ll Irrt lltl- ill lt'lt ltlw. (ltlsl rl tl : iiiltl wlllrll (liltlsti mitte tltn nlnllil eitlturt-u and among KNIanth lvttotn tho tlilruit ttrott. titan has o r ttoett nl ilteso'liacterla llllKllI scarcely covert llll: limit] 0! ll 1)ln, nltl lltl: RS), llttey note the prove. to lttlttg derotattott itttn iamiilrt. rhlllllntz hart-nit oi rltllilrclt I.lIIt.l clilldren Ul lialr nls. t lllk mpldl) l leVPlnnt't Eri al ml- otttes or ltaeteria its tmnrl as it h leii slnillllnt; ln it warm candlttnn. lml l: ll! l lnslsl lllal \Vllcll lizby s hol- it!) not horn warmed tor a ieerttng ttttat ls teit ln it roost be thrown away. not kept ior the next ieedittg. Many u Yam) rise A?! dtanlloed nu: rrsuttr-d truth the practice oi tlartn- lttbt baby livull lWltiL or more. ('l'lt. nl coins-r. unet- not rotor to \vdi lltltt: ottoe attor llttslul lltallall.) ice Cruultl \\'lllcll llllst mulled lltlo I warn! llultl and in then rotrazen ls very danger- air. [or Ireezlag doc! not. ill! nac~ lvl it only utteekr their erller ttrvttontnoot. .titny etiitternior oi lu- dtgostiuo which hrrc etvoi-l through villages utter a party or picnio hate iteett duo to ttte tact that the tee erettnt eaten was retrexeh ltt "its way. other hooterio tleteiun in meat. iith end in t-ttttoed goottr wittctt are tttiotved'to stand ln the ernr otter they are opened. those are tttornrlnes, 1 0 are unu tl t-htid tuner iront otomaltte [inlllimllus httti untlcralantl lltt chuoo would surely 17" : all! lllntllur ol carleshncaa wllll It'llvavtvrer. Y into art mum to us- l.ll kindly tot-tn, roasted togeuter in great mulli- lutlus In this rnkes Wltll ll mhke our lll i'illl light, out even thet- nttv herotne nttvtltol, alllP, tattrrt, tor luaianrr. Iltey (i lrull lull-ch. Muld ullllkP Dxclerl and yeast CAs-TQ'RtA Fol tIS of (Iv-irme *Itgnatuu o! lipole ta tielhle and spread: a otckiy green dunger-slmul otrr the tone (It it poisoning, tt ll the only or event min tttottter to control the growth oi these organ- .ktteltett ,grttwnatht on which it atlgtttn that win to, We . P e P t . r 'E Igiolllun'l'llo utrxi't obart igd kooptog tendon-toil. Abe Lula title: which oahttllrl lto manlury cuoxa lnd orrvtoo'r where orunttir and drop. roar lodsu and grow_otd. brundlnd DOlIDMt Tllt! hour ttottio ,wtththtt wide mouth ought to no. "It! model, for rti , Ill coilltllncn. Thu holloewtto nitotttd wlar tun dmoson nlItI wttrtt tttettl ho tree upotlv that they tlro oientr, lior hondr had he onotlcttt whott o coolto ootl. ovon. Infilllialhl nul' t o. oiled. Vmullns' ltltltletttunttt. Our/moqu u wotnt eontoht tho gorrnrt oi diheos'er wttlett rnttttt oi ttto ttrneiiul to develop their dndly noetlitilttler within or lio- eattte oerteth eurutlvatoticrt are at work in o ur trotllerti desire tug-.thotr Vnowt g out trtulrierrod lmm' our lllllullls into. odond ,tltun intof other Maplu'l Ilomlltilll, may ttroduee titu morale ol wtltoit they are reeds. the ourott Tureen ltetng tttthent or went in the hyhteht oi. tho vlclllnu who onlthent. ,. . , illoht. tnloe him even pet onlrnatt httouid no rigorously kept out at tho Tli#8216; ul c oarrtoro oi ditt- rave gitrrntt. t So much not lt n raid and written ottottt ttte nnuly-le, tto toot tttttttti audits [tower to lnioot the iaod and the hodteh at the llr'llllwl, children. and one rnttyltuiood hil) that no woman in it good mother who doeo not lilil ccn IIIEIII out of lIL l' linuuu and Him-UNIV ntothnd oi driving them tract the rtetglthorltood odd trout her olilldrcn. 'l'llu) flrt! lllil (gram catrlcl 01 l~ pltald: v ADUM lb IIOl tlt llIKlerus lll limit. ll. lK dangerth llut ttllilt: m ll KI'DW dolllll- treating lltltilt l' . A tttotttor tnltht klltlw new to weep no or to rolieot llto until end ilitttlmy it. not merely to miter tt. site rnuht dlltticltlly scrttll Moor and center; will. noao orttt and expose tter roornti. halit- outat-iv her tut-hen nd pntttrlev, to ltrlgiti. dtreel ttlttttgttt. a Alter tttoti hair neon eleunty prepar- l ll and ltt l't't'tl ll mlllll DI', cleanly eaten. mtlldren httouttt no ottttgetl nlwliyK to wettt llictr ititttutt and to rerun nnll oloan their netts ltoinre oomtno to the trtttio, VMoltl noon-rte are oonvoyed (tout ttte hand-r lo the, mouth and time eaioo.. (llllltlrun out their hands without dainty nertlnie. ltt rnld on every-tiling. : tttrt erotrtio under their nail and t all contain nactorla. lvtlioll lodging on their iood rtnd thawing into their digoritre traeio nro liltier to cattle er.ttnrth. nottoett and it the symptoms at indigestion, lllul ll all clllltlrtln lll (ldnudn were lerord to wll ll their 1: , hnntlti :lnil llttlh ttctore eating ttlrre'l-rot'iitl no it truly amazing toll In the tie tit rote. A rltlltthtteotatlhi nut-e told to me , preeettt. n1: gilt. that l-loapllnlhl . Chfiutmda Irl the D Inolll'tltlk liuw dollglttful two; l-lu cnllm dimer, vrtll [munit l'tal Ir furnleltul'lo in ict ottd tram hdhpllnltly that m (1th uttte. ~ . t not 5" : Home tied! a l of o bml 11:?de mom on"; ? ll. other c! all doec'rvtog of a atrttttttstt ht taunts vltu ll'vn lIl Thu Harnd and to l) whom it Let all Illa [A \Tlrllsv _. lFttroltto'clto l to heartily, tho ll that it mu llut ,wrld. Tho. will a, aro porliotlorty llmzly tlttr Yultlida. blink Robm Illa c tutti if my ouoototodyl to tho tit-amt pteoo In all tho world. A Famin Gift r not , Wile, oht, clienful cummm fumllllmy,0r cm. at wme other oppto rlote limo of {o mlturtz. atmorett cltlrlly llu, ztel, ln nmnld For mother, there n the curtain or the lemvogrm oodttso lltol alle'li out. wartllng (or then it long For rrizrrlbera a IltAn o mro or out For {nlllgr or blg bmll'lu, ono' of tho lintttllzal and most vblcnme' or" ill: dy titer. late the table gilt. of furniture. Pith: to to Chiffon-the e. ll La la rota unduly dope. low, it to make the home mom Allruo- the, mom retitled, onto oototorithle onetjtoot. much too... clellc loua and mgr: horny, tin. plum guiding, oi to t. annoy tho good ultra out an the mil, club Kellie: land he with Home" n ml, not. Girlntmu tinting root-n wile, dot. tt moment summlril rlclllg dealgndd lllzmry liable, or o handsome choir, or on nltucllve, decorative hall root and mirror, ulcl to lteeplng clulllu, CHRIS Ilme. or wouldn t tit. hr at. In reedvu a modem vAnll cit tog villlllrig d {K , ortiettoolly Ilulymd mueie ooh And [or hi [h o juvutllu hodrooo. fumllumt noll'tlrl mam tt tepnczsrtlo hithrul t , l baoulllul Inndlure. / For men friendtt. lm's tlta trout, Illa bench on which to mt table, llm my den. '41 or' o methadone: box,n table lamp, 1: reotda bench? nnllnlua I: happlnuat untilot tout the edvonteppo omunerlcy. of furniture to a luallng or Arid - it vlll he! to but-tle molten it the id tam For llta [rlettdrt that an do . T'MAS d:al:vluy b oite of tlle irtohl popular, mbsf apprctpriate and mom use tl of Christmas Gifts 4 s yutrll n hotly . boom onto motto I V ti eh: vcro to. _ o timer, oi: a mu, bedroom rocltnkorta marina cablrttl, or t. ohm. t More Furniture Suggeutiorta For the mooted! don ler uh opproprloio lllnn o l'lm'l come tart to! would b: mom a bench or an cl? bohy,thue'tl the cute llllla ool, or a ll chair, or n :mnll tabla and chair, or a outta , no to you ux-7 is propdoto or that more trttl lullng himdthip ll'lnrt out. o ' trotting tabla at tho tut, tl-ta card that women molar. llaua u tho bad-mom tort, and many kinds ot tattoo liable; ml dial-m. An o pMEnI to n mnn anal-tie vile, what could be more lullAlzlit than ts lclepl'ium tattle And cloud, a oor or pedealal, rt ludlrtg tohlo or o Talzend of Happineud Gllln oi {Limllum uh gilt, ot ohm and g ullm Bun, they llva Apkw nrnbulLJ mint ot you! ioye a: l'rlendoltlpforlllu pzrwn la vhom tt,tt outed (ha norm, vhch k "Better Furnished Homes Mean Greater Happin t 'l'ittt announcement te'lntorted by THE; HOME FURNISHINGS BUREAU Bank of Hamilton 'Builtlving NOT hum. Your local dulcr will lie that wlll mole uppmpilul: trirtroo. Toront Cu who Hume Fuknlnltlzigu heron. doe. not on mmttore or ooda or ony kind. Ito oltioct to to promolc o gmler lnluul it. the (outlining or pleng la ve you any intormatloo on John about enttoltte Eirnitttro r our home and to a lot; you outlet and intiin Elm ott Flaws nada n4th k llaydn'srllmlllcr ltnd rant tter heart on milklllg ltttn a l'tl'llzhl, but through tlte uerruatiton oi ltls inttter and other-it tnterorio ovoreonto lter ohteuttons. llaydtl's great nthtictont. a lilo at up; and dot-rots. When he was eight yeara oi Talks on Music H) t-l-itl. i:. u. Laugh", Minn, llitr. "IL chorrthet- t.turie. II ll'l'llt -t.ttatnht~r Iulhmo may in. Mild to in: titty lltllslu Allllilllli: to he rh-tiut-ntett ttttlotr-il. lit .1 room or ~llltlll t'tinl t'll ltdll. otchehtta tun-lo or opera. in ttthr ltl alt' lt-i utrutttttusttlott the trio in eludes llnn) rat it is one oi oi Inthlt: \ltlticll h htitt nto.t tttotro v all citilshttlta I otn. il- or or tt t'ulllllltzlluns anti Yl s o. atllua, tttteto. trioo, truortettts uI hll lllg: dlltl wind lllhll'tlllll to. also gleeo, ttiattoiotto solos and t The cat-llohl instrumental txlta nlher tuu~to ot wttiot. _ anything ccrlaln l.-t kilontt. has that eotnoosed tor the sol ol thti-t he soon lell luaam as uottlotttt, horn 1562. who was a no lIIIlltS lute player oi London. England. llr-wlhnil t'ull l'll rnusto tor the tlx inhrttntoots comprising the sheet at \ .lotttt Jcltkt to rald to he the not musician who soreiiittod ln lnsllu- nlt l'llzll entooosttloo. tio wrote lamb ittl little Dlut ci oi the cuttrnttor rnusto l'lttss lnt- vtois dull the organ. citamoer rooctrtr are tillll vort- mucll ill rogue. The Chamber hond milslsts oi htuttlciaos who play only chandler rnusto nddplcd tor knell ner- iorntanceh its girro In rtrtvate or entail trails. ' The ttlortero eotnyoottions oi the ilhonthtr tttttslo rigs-o trout the dhot to the oot ette. are usually mitten In sonata iorhl ior moral lnalruntt llls in concert with this odded ittsttoettott lintt each instrument lll may on in; itlvlduil part. not .1 rlan part to earn- rtleto the ltttrtuoll). ' tihotttttot- tnuolo origin. ml tinting tttr. middle ages to add to the pleasure nit-l outttrtalntut-t oi the, ttttttttttcter not ill until the. violin lteaohte n oi-ntntttetlt in~trutnrnt illtl citantttor rnusto little 3 dorlntte lom l, '. . One or the llrst to.eotttpoee alum one cutter oi st Stephen's Cathedral Vienna, who is searotttng tor ltoy drillers, was ~o pleased willt tintilnit voice and alttltl) it t he ot drive will; ltlnt towinnno, .lt sevettiern iiaydn ltlltlltl tttittsott on the hlrnul. no home, no ntouoy, and itt sltoitttieti oi L tallton. . triotld luuk Illm itt tnttil could rent it own ullti'. llt thM'S gr t in. in tire tn lu he. oottto n roott groin ntusicitn. . null. Ii~llcr living itt lltt- ttto M\\n loaned Illllt sottto V ltlnlcs oi tttnsie, inst: lltiyiltl reott .iotl rcriPllil, nho eontoo tum ttatizod llltllll all and at twenty- lliicc year. oi .tgt his git-at opportun ity oottte. tzlrt l-nh ritrntiurg invited lla)lln to hit rutlnliy- lloute. llaylln ioutni lttrro ttt uitlal country house urultehtm, nlthlillHE ot ll iew- rtrtoga, a couple oi lturtls and ohoes. Haydn osw his apnniluntly and ntade use or it. and annltrd hit hnowicdge to the H L4 0 E iialtclal ' T HE support years before tiott). allele and District deltlga, l ilkttv htilt'iitu- umuuu tremor tn w to you. .v. A. ltt. Liam. , itrr music to a deitotto iorin was Stun malllul. noroyiius tAlliatrt. lio nru. d d over tr tttontond wor s mono- which was much citoutttrr innate, lio lallu. The dltitcttttry or ttnoa-olhtttt; oi detttoti,lci> on nuns matter tilt and was the predeeemr or Haydn in ll knowrrhlso oil the teacher at ultttill . lltt- deoartturnt at this til-st! at music. V R ' IVES O TORONT C We wlll be pleased to have you call or tiny time you have busilleea to V ' - Wadi : r' ' miniature orclle d. Fur this ctr- ganizatlon ho wrote his great string ituartottos, and other important cham- ltcr ntuhte. Pram tlttu time on llnl dn as oliio to compose llls ntuote \\'||llv ll:)iln htnried tile as the son oi a hour peasant arvl tor m hltugglntl iigiililht flmerly and won. heunrnlng a ttell ttton null devoted himsoli to lit? wort: titrr or lune llaltllt a. ho was ate luctlundtcll gttdrosoed Pyt younger routetnhorarirt. was the iotller oi the sutlalzt iornt zit/l oi modem lustru- inrzttldl tnuiio and llluElcal lturntlr, itut he on most happy in I ! conluasttlou s tot- ttttartoltrt and citatnher muslc. L IOTT 4/ Venue Ind charts: at... 'I'Amnlo. Accuunllm vyy :lllnoamnity, (HUN/Ht. tno, secretariat, oommmtat levitate, and clonal-Lt tmoryovontjent soul-em lupbrl l lnnrllctlolt In all dlpuL moott, treeh dctnttnd ior our oreduttee. Write (or oertteuierr. w. .i. Elliott. PHIIOlDll. Strength ot a strong. welt eetah. lisbed Cunadltm Bank. la a strength to any community. Tltt; llrtttr oi Totonw, lncorpotatod lu 1955 (twelve the Canadian Contracto- this people, of {Illa Town the full ttelrvlce of it garc- 1ttlly hmtlngid ittatlltttlon. wltll gvcry facility {or meeting the blotting lined- at In curtomeia. touaeltuld and bttsltteas accounts invited. lllch we un he at servch Srplrrrther. tore. itiltidOttohto NTAll'It 0 notice or Apollootiolt iot- nlvoreo. NOTICE it huruhy given that Ed- turd acct-or rovlor, oi the City oi grqnlo, tn the cauoty oi York. and the Province or Ontario nrtver, will apply to the Parliamenaoada at the next Suselon therooi ior o Bill oi ulvorce irotn his wile, Lilhaa Pearl Tat-tor, now rooming in the city_oi To- ronto, on the ground oi adultery. Dated at Toronto, this 1th day a! no, mo. GOLDWIN c. imam, l'll Yonge St. salteltor tor the Annual. 5 tario. Butcher, will apply to the Pu- ilarrtorlt or Canada at the next human thereoi ior a mll oi Divorce irorc her wile Agnea ltoiden. oi the cold city ti Toronto, to [lie county oi Your to ill: Provider oi Ontario. on the smul ld ct adultery and deitiitlult. Dated at Toronto ttti, litll day at Angutt. A. l1.. trio. John iiotden. FAQ, tty hls solicitors. I'E. hittiritrni. PtlElvAN o. LAWSON, ttontttetle cttanthertt, l5? [lay St.. Toronto. Ilhllca oi Appttootton tor blvoroo NOTICE l5 hereby glt'en that "6an droonwooo, oi the village oi Lamhtoo. Ontario, will apply to the Parliament oi Canada iii the next session thereut for a hill at Divorce irorn her hus- hand, Aitred Greenwood. ol the city at Toronto, in the County oi Yarir, nnd Prat/[Me at Ontario, on the ground oi dceertton and adultery. Dated at Toronto this mil any at August. A. D., trio. llrien Greenwood, by her sallallhrd. liontNET'lE. GODFREY. PHEth d LA\VEUN. l52 Bay st Toronto Hello: 01 Application For uirom NaTlCt: tr hereby given that WIL ltettl nliavM noyia or tho City or To- ronto, ltl the County oi York, and Pro- thtco oi Ontario. Gentleman. tvlii apv Dly to "la Pnrtttrortlt oi Caud: at the next Insole!) tlttrooi tor a tilil ot DI- voroo iroto [its uiio Mnmarel Stilth Doyle. ol till city at London, in the County at Mlddletsex, to the province or untorto, on the ground oi rennet-l. Dated at Toronto title litttt day oi lune, A. 0., lino. \vtiilotn cleaves noyta. Red. by hi. solicitors. huulh'xrrz. Gout'ntzv. NIBLAN d ltllwsoh . l5! my sit. 'l oroo lietteo oi Apalirrtion iot uttoroo NOTICE ts herehy given that Ru]- .l etmlry Moiilull at the City at lcrorito In the county ot York. and Prolthre oi Ontario. Returned Soldier. ttllt 591' tn the Purllttttetlt ot cantdsl at the next Session inert-oi tor a Blllf or Divorce 1mm Ills \ rlle Kathleen. Loretta Merle Morrison, now residing ll the said city at Toronto. eta lhe ground oi adultery. rtAleu at 't omnto this 23 hi dry or uneven a altovsit. in in street. tminlnt souetter- tor the Aoolloaot. Noll oi mtlatiott [w Him NOTICE to new, tttvott Dill Jot. "DIM oi the city at Turonw. to u county at York ma vahu own-- in the county at York and Province or ttotirr ot Appllcntlan iot- niroreo. NOTICE IS iterehy KlYLIl that lluot nathralth ot the city at Toronto in the County a! York and Province oi Dn- torto. the \tllc/ol \Vllilarrt Galbmlth. will apply to the Parliament oi cohadt at the next Eeasluli thorroi ior e iillt oi Dlt orcc lrorn her husband, wriilaro tialhratth. ot the City or Toronto in the county oi York in the Province or of tarto. on the ground et within and descrtlon. DATED at Toronto thls 20th dry oi August, A. n., lino. tluei aatoratth. lly [in solution, ROBINET TE. Gonlilitn'. mum at LAWSON. ' 152 my Street. Toronto. notice ill Mptteuton tor ntv <ro No l'lct: [K hershy Elna that Lllltu riot-coco Itrttott oi the City at Tomnlo. lit the County at York. and Province or Dnllil . will unnly to the Parliament oi Chanda at tilt next lisdlon alcleot tor a BI!) or Divorce irorn hor hhrhaed Frederick Ansell. at the City or vu- couvrr. valnnz oi Dl'lllllt Colnmbu, on the ground or doserttoa and IdtJl. tent. noted I! Toronto this run dry or August, A. 1).. tom Lttllan t-ttoronre Ansell. by her initiators: _ RoumltTTz, GUDFIIEY, PlllllJm A llAwsDN. l5! nay street. Toronto. nphltuttou loi- ltlrtmh 'Norlcr : is tttzittzmi Lile thtl Hutry wllllun lollyan of Si CM! oi t'lrouln. to the (loudly or Yuk Ind protinro ot Ontiilu, vklll reyty to the ivrritatttrnt oi netted. ot the next "salon lltuedl In: | Bill of liivoree lrattl ttitt wile. All titttsttriit Maymm 01 Ill: um: Elna, on In! Slunntl ol ldulleri. V , DA'I'EU A! Tannin ltl Ilia I'M-huts! or Onlllm tttlr ihtit dry or ottoher; tm. ' Henry tllllill Hlylnnl, I51 Ill: Baum-t ANTON "mum. , noyrt Full tam 3 m.