I_ " tor. tul ufl" mtu' Inna Ala, a simple Buttrqu ltuntr. Vllnllprlctii ill-utol. list qui- tege Stine], Toroiit why- e v__~____.__t_ I m ior uto hoxesrtiut'z (too. a, .l all uwllihnhnry toh p Grunt awn , Lot tu't-wo AMIT TIIUI tin urntn? v tween Aurore arm tIiurrte. gamut. ' 3 write 'n ,[l llttitlthg 2! [Ian Iwint, 'rorertt'. lou _ ittrlp Wlan~2 atria nr uterine-ti Woman tor generrt \VllKeR titIJ. 'tp ' '17] .t _ I hithl'orti turtriut totnr. - rillwlllorltei. (lnll . _ snip-Airmen "tin-til with-h trnntr . n, in, Yttoe tnhtrlrp unit on all otresii. Apply to ,l. Kerri-ow. L'i . lltlln nilt lllimll Shh, Nar|ll Newuiorhot, I . r t 2wuti V W o tor Bil eon, Joel-uh r\\i:. 7 , r elr, ahk ttnorr. eteetrlo tight, tur- tilt , large garage,_ nutri- on . 'n ' l rm tirtttinger. . ' t r / 'v Into it reunion huuue on itrvien 'ue, turrwee, etretrle llptIltlh, hnth. unvenlt'nccx. l~t<l nrrinhitne tot. itert are: . ltwiIllrlrkcl. F; uqt 5 an ttirt tor gone: i hit' wuitr, tiirre itr [ullll|y. ntintte, ex. ' ' oriany plenturit hrttruIrint untt htt- r intro [111mm Nllmti Klrlxlllrtl. non , at ttl' nlrll Avpuajltaltnmlt um. Tor lo. ' i tlmllltttteitm ' PunLIo HOYIOE 1hr; Cetulzlr tl nk {hot 1 nuah n'nla tor euro uint uniting or green helium tot he s rclul rlm/rirl: No, it N. tttittriit't'sox. isleeretur that " ll" EVAPBHATOIII run HALE . , I. A! smile: and n|lll:r lruil In st) plenuiut null futile ho tsunmeIllic chanipton Fruit Hvznomlnr which i have tor ualu la n ioott unnipteto sot-er. . i nries e )turrcl oi hppleg u ituy. Will also balm (an inuvea nl llrentl til 0| : ultro. A little there than hell prte'e tor outotr note. ' , 'I _ I r . it, LHWlR 37 white 5 thlitltrkt Notice in norm- euro thorn ttonr t will he hnht [iur lvIllic'inllrlD Valet-rt tiistt Aol..,l,iy tittiI ttuhou .the Judge at the count ,ourt n the Cnunly 0' ank nl Courl'llullhu Iqrt Illl cth any or iiurehrlrt 191mm tu- o'ulotlk a. in, to her ontt determine - r . rornpialnta oi errors si'nl'amleaiorio ih ' . r the anem Milt iii the htuiilelnuttlv ' ' or Newrnerhet tor ma thrteu 20th net. . ,i I). J. ANDERSON, Clerk Ill "to Town 0! thvmttrkul. v at r . t . Fort utttg 7h. puro.uroa 'porcharon Ewlllnnr HARLEY 167098] (3820) red up in. notiere, to rerun, dam-4 ' mum 'ol alumnus. Danton o! Ellull, ditttotot oi Mormons, oept. or time, FIAnclt , Marley twi- alt-ea try Ilrullltrr, no. 158: mm, calllna. "at AMER, Th. Ibo" Bulllalt will ht: (sold by Public Auction ht tho I Iiitnltzf routine. tin-manger. all A IUATURDAY, OCT. 30, IDZOt ' I! 10 a'olnok B. In. TEMIE onutt. - F. ii. sri'iitir, Aunllotlehi r it. hondutt, Plan. Foil MLE uv TElluEn "-rwo hnuilim arvl titty holes or choice oily lourri. tho aer'e or ship, ittty acre: rhnrh p'rhioipalty' rhuplo. same ettr i, horswonu, heeeh hint pine Alto tenures rniirert "will, A ten roerne roughoust houhe. with goon stone teller, tinrlt lttelnn oral. noel. shon ll roor. Never tolling well or house, hunk horn, lGxG , trip rout. I itowtng wait in teen mum: one litirih gust on tounriuttrin, t eht horse itItatta mill tleruti tr. ltlyrllve enttle- nod tile pen suit tire house and time a A i turn, :tritori; one hurh aaxriu. IliarrIp all I: oratneri and well ienoen aim aprlng. on him. wo aurt u hull mllu irorn hietropolltun and 5h intlru item a. 'l' 11, unit tt. 1 . ll. htotlrihs, nlll suhtr the tho your tense hot-vest or any leniier not llcccssarlly amputee. ~I iferment reeeieect up to Nov. to, tap, Par terms and mlltllllmis ope plyno nor as. itetynrsrg ' 0w . F0" eitm i . Ollie out at Bu" orelttutonr, ernn. Wllld or eight lirui whteti were tr-iuaht r lumen: lmrn htra. Omhlul, nia-ttt to r '09? Cookerll lrorri smlali Plains. I ' Jersey. ' _ , . . 'yznrllng each Illa, re. Gm- I' [with rtrhtn'. 'i hio w. tartan ro oro. . itrvimartr . .,,I. w .uxltt w_llt . rit'lihole ettilhluir ,or ltii_)'lltlllg else on P. J Box tort. _ l'tiit ljlg'llelrgll it tie, DmurI ln" nursed ray uom roe ht tilt-two t hitting ahew tug: rout h tag lirmtg . 9| , it: run lelna tht urine at Eta. n to. unlit .tvn. tat, int. , i-w . Na moor whethu order motto puli- tlo thah o storm or protests train all ttilll the utoihet uulyu ndudtlhu oree r' til to Brian] uttlll nol. 20; DIPHM, lloa rlg heior'e lll IGayemor-lurt'inut'l- an I 't'lltt aeonitturtIinihrgh-rom, iturI lmVlng m dn vott,preitto uterine the war .lueter'lnn oo tie and. re not willing to meet :eomhrttllon hurt lh a trovemnient, vitrtah lutalllad with tho ltlg Hamill a oenI tail that Ittrey hall itorrtiiitte t9 igkuhli; 'Ipm ll t: it though ever holueIlr antlers. 'Tllt: Furrmm to hr. uuthorttii. tor Niiligstlltnl title or he, tthll Amen relhierltrh hr Illltt onntry paid in, dirt- tlL'lItlll this your over .ri ne milllnllI dol I:Irrt. v I t. u ' I.) I ' tin year two have Jill oliunttnul; mop oi ullIklltvlri or intlt llllll VEKB toli with ehenp sugar (hero 'woutti h tuore at little irrill;.ontt yegethhtI ititirridnnen preser vrtt ior.Ivtitler urti- thun'wohseverI .th'e eose helururrA rent titotv would hove heoh 'atrnek,ot the high eohi nl living. tint will t ionr pt 22 rents n who or rhuro thryI Jtvlilllkl; h oriie will ho lhnttr. to a truth nnmtrnt ni nre'httrvlng. lrull will rot unit the tort oi living tr unu tioolert trout; tl I rprurte . 'l lth lla'lt airlinerettori tllt.tl allot-tn ttvtlry home it. attitude. The urlutl plea lit helm; lllilde Hull 1 |Illly hurln'l the r-olrtttlete rhenotirily or the innrlrei the nllKr lr rnlllt will close mill Illlln Ih'lll Ill: Illrhwn "I" All wtirk. tt ls role In troy "ml, the hlltqttr baron-t nut-r little tvlinllier 'lllnlrr c riut hi on low; lmIlllttll prnitln 't'liet- nlovhte tlin ex. \ t irrn rteveIinturril it t_tut the urerohnht wllrl intro htnok htnuran s when n atrnnp t-orneu llt'lil ti. hro Illl own lti'rtt. ' ll nille ll) llm'l: lrleilllti Ill (Inurt. 'l'l iitnterests hnew ilrot thry Name the tutorerts Got-eminent ot tittuwn hutl nlt they have to no to to null null they ahnll reeetv . Ann thin in unit rlonort meter the plan or ureter-thin intent tintnhtrtot Editorial Notes. tie htutenieht ii; nrntte tlntl one hun- rir'au lll}\ii. tr lti ttnnntiu have clna'tllt down during the pist your. llJ litil nthlett tn the list on the turniiutene ls Thu Mllcltt-Il ii rder." tn~teeii etiotv oitentteuoy to re .te llr n lower level than they tiuVe ne unptett for to push lonhotIlive ylinrs, lltr lit; exue]l|loil nl'cohlrmid new gfttlllr. x its a eorirerinehee stieuuluv lUII it ltl o hulth "I'llncllutl" but ll : pr-olltoer n no the only people tirot ore "i uuellllg" huenl tieolera take it. us a mull-3r ll! Illttllltuma. l'llt: Suliuul ll dlr. . lull-lquc takings lllu :tltl) out ol llttl t lullllhllud Aigf lllulztl Full), The [ own-ups Mir tit. r In lie lipi titan: (lull: over lllttlrttluku lltlili Kcllllltg exllllilis lli tirrillur lirtlur. ll lth I Llln. llLi nnl slllmulnli: pro rtuettun the trrire groutt tintt hell r '12 gilt-n ehrhir r. non lit-int i unit tor tl reprntuh on the p -l or the . hen t iti n7 nnnrt ut tli lttll) oi lls tiwn Mint-y is ronehig the ieniprr oi the hrohto oi '- to to heights Ill ntrtnrintiun allll interlire never heron, p llil'll liy hIliotntplun covet-inherit tthlte .r eru- riut liyrtilltcliun who penning cuttnt>| undo the titllltlltvti nut-onto . given to the lnliornl Gilliat hy it e utilltm oi the tiourit ul trtiintuer e in l i (all: to protect lllc sugar r triers t'tlre cxr prose attire eonnnon people. it now tuulra oo lllultgir the irllierot eunrhrtste. Mr. w. u. tttiurtlon. niuy he eteetru. utthoueh the eonattnrnur ms raw-t): gone Conseivuttte. I The alulullt lil la liltilch ll lllt: Unlu- lmi' 15 ll'lSuu l l s ll izlnu lll tl tarrneis rro not Ilhing iii-um power iur thAittng lintlmecr pnrnosts oo ttielr terms to the extent thut p on would he tent to hettere by the general spits tinn trir rntliaia. ltu ortiete quotes the commission report to show thnt litrilwra do not use theso thieu oxeepi tn the netetihortioou or hip itistrlhnttng Beiili s WlIIEl B "NZ rule {or llmlr priwcr llllLl llxlil Its very law. ll 1: Shawn also llttll hunt a tln ital my Iar "in ms| I [lie ttll ttlrlo MIME) , MM ll tithls iron to he eorererl tli itrrnera would hate to pry t2 Et tls per httotvutt lloul'. 'l'lll slt tiitigly advise Iarliiers lti [iul ll| lirlh't tle tlocli lcll plan at llit tt\ttt ll they wlull to enjoy llle advant- uees or eteotrir, tights entt tight point-r thllltit the port generation. tsuutt [8 LIFE lltt, tor the open road I Titus slope the peel. llul. when you go out in your ttivver you llnd tliot hell the 'untls Lu e closed lul t'atmiti' w" [IOYIDE l llbh hy Elie nollce llml 1 will nol he gold to tile Setary'hr-tore No- ru hy rny \ illll utt er not. line, 1920. / oss lMZiA n. - N wlnarkel. ENGL SHIKN You owe it u a rlttty in your trinity .lr..intn the s. 0. ti. Lodge "lr n'wtmr- Meals grin Tuesday. it. 0 IJI IEK gladly given i, lay . . Jun/hm You won't c, EVANS, " E 'y, no: 591. nails or lellln llnaded into Olllwa ti i u r "hitherto: _ I .ryluu degree 'irotn inure .tptri-tn'rtr iuv'ot, ,theI pritlthrrp ricoch- ' tti hy htarratlon or set. . ro l put hi it intriy contem- ttvr.erttt;iittti puItgrentiI'rrntltlhnrp . '- ".ii one were to contutl In pulp ulIllilp .tilrtrtetrwli'ero thtl (girl ui shanghittoooh. Chlhlt' innt shuhtuttit llnvo theirlho rtterii, lIL ntllitg other or peolmuluu;tttto eneh thur . h'a' wouln non- theflumlnefurer. Tllln aiulrtut, comprisingper hopir pot tens tl rIi lo rty th nq gimme .rulle heulnh Inorth p Wei twetj it the ml to the _Yt:L tow tttvort it 'OllllwIS tho rlver to rip month titlrt uto the rnont north to the irorr'i rteutrln o line drawn through lio'otluhtu tutu pnhttlllli Itliluuglrrshonhi u phroxlrrihluly_ttihlrig Ilu ll sl pI oi 60I to tell it. a I' truly those who innit-v how etoae ttr (lltlnescrllvl: o, htnrrolton it on tlt .it Ie uh ,upp ate what it 'rrteauiinhen 1 qu or roiieronr tall wholly or in port: ' i Jim strengteh oxen mi L'i litw h V vliultn reupt titlh yrn r nntl mitlil Ith thht themni or tihe'n' a' taint Ilttlluru tlilnue (Ilt'o n ol: tiitti. 'rhn hearth Ii tlre..rno'iit roIrety iitieteti ports liltvehotd oii all their n ntniulu ~niit].r0|?0 lrct5m0 ln that the rriurirelu trilligiio northern rltish grn tielng lawuert 'wlm heu that unit ht uhrv rirn t'o arm-littll tIl teir otviItnar-Iy priee. ho' ttotna ore en nutie oi all vegoth. llon lhtll even iirnult llll - one erowa Ilth lell the rilhlrlat/ Au tor the people theniaetveo inony ll Wt: liren sulislhllng ull" Roll [line all male or gruhn nll louver hint Ital-k ot treeit. 'onn where there ltuw tinted, Hteru vll c Itflllkilnnl erultitltj OI Ybl I lhst'tlitg tuto'rither dtutrtett llml ore reputed to he iilrlm happy with renpeet to eotp nroapwls. tiu on the potting- lintittow tlh , tn "titllntt oi irrtr'ey" pro- vhieri liy the management, rerugers go Mrlll or eouth as they will. tturr- 'ilrllrlil im'l ulrctttly eongroguttug in this pity er Koltehg , nnn ht thtir enrty unto olllclnl asllatlon in growing peer. to [misle ol the tilhtrouit and truth. int; that must l lP'l'llI: tieirire w1ll|llr hi tit-er. 'rtinneet the nrlala (ithh'lil nllr inning Pent; 'l;.at until the tin tthun. rhino it, have ulreatly tut-innit u "tiliin Chen hut. ' thnrnrio llellM snetety. 't-tte neihuudn or llllit' snetely lhll mainly on ulllulnllt. i\|l lilllclul'i l njoylllg 2t Mlltr) Ill liver 50.00 per int/mil "luhl t'lilllrlllult: one-leillll 0| IltL lr ll: 1 riot-y luI the retiel [null-i. .\tu - utrutet throughout the provhiee tn the dlttlrluiu ihut tire not otttteteu. nre itiskctl to eotteet wont), atrial) or 31mm neeorehig til the hill: nlltl pron .ierlty iir their tilhlrlcltr. . Alttttll $100.0th ll'lqtl nttteinl annreea ore n-iw ut the ultriosnt or link shotety onu .ttgl a": in the rtltterenl [liler where cl llpti .lm III lit? gzllllttl btl |u plir iht: srtllil llir llw nllcnletl llrl ll. 'l'llvll la Ivituicta rctll Lit, nflwm cn |Iln| tlll Ilitty t illl ltmhllily mlute li aill tillltt Hittit ftrrt'lltl tllihttrlllllons In {full \llllm ry Hlll l \Vllltlll (Ill: |lruvllltil)i. wlll llL \Vllllll) lllr tuirllt: |u render lhnt roller \vl en the eirlgenrles oi the 3/! lenninn. To rent. o whine or. ilillallty still] ll'i [ilr'A L' initial-c lll \h'lirltl ill ltlrgti lltc ullicr llc~lllul|lil| til llilh nurlmn til |lrc pi uvlnce, unit the nrntonhteu iirirtnt urortnttty tin. Iliust L lliu} llt lhe nskull I la: l [flle lo i-tirOIt In t ury Wrt)' [U K! liilltl< (ur- | lP'. 'l'rt llI-t .litl 1t Clllitl>at- I tills'll l litts lrcln oignnizett mllliprislil}; nil Nasser iii the rlistrtet to ptun it. .ttlllL-ttl tn the ttortrt at tut-gr end so in orennlze retlei, lltnl lltt> )nltllg. rlrnug Lind ImMy' wlll lIlv . irhhml lit EHKIIKC lit [lubllc 411- u nrlall litliui \Vllll'l grttln (ll greatly rctlunnll llrlres will he ~utrt to those who turn allllitl lti lill anll KI : ol unlit itlrtlt- l0 llle lillorl) llrh lllllle. Mr, firllllll \\'llt) th it! n ritut nl mlclmg cltll M "if th a Clim- xllllltltl, rcp llell in it must Km]?th \' Y Ilpuil llll: llIArrthlllK prevail, NIH only Is he lenglil responulhte tor taoh or erons and the hulllltK or slaugiiltallng u! all anliiirtls tn the tllhlrlt , hnt grelll hnnrts oi roh- hers lily lllell llr' loUS calllng I c' y Iant cklllrt llntl inure liftmlul, witrm hostages tony hr- Liketl with the ltutrc Dl gel : SAC-v til Silnd ls BED a hand til IIVN' nilti hundred stiltmleA all at Church \Ylllil tz tt Cltl lhllitn gratin were M \ r rrililp and earth all mine iilultvtcn. huliaultuellll) releasing all bill it smuli a! live lir all. among vthpru th'r't'c the trnstees til the llltiii nll. 0n ltllnllltu lJCK lI it mall mill ltls little sun u re onrrtert away In the illtl. The child cried Ml- |t:|'l) Ir I| [Eur M. liean lukctl rimt iroin horne. l he tether rileulteet with the terrier ol the group (tr prtnrlt the bu) (0 IQNMII \vllll llla "lollicr. Arl- peirtng to relohl, he gave permission for llti clllld to Ho, lrul tiller- he lmd when three steps, the hotter shut the llild llcztti \\|ll| Ills rcrolvkl . snout-i nln int in the hour tuiure llltl'e \l mlltl lie :4 nltlmue 10 ilnl ln wheat tor the spitng erop. hut an the oeuritry is nhotti- etearen at on work untnnts unri ttith hoaeerl groin to sow unless it is prorhien uulcltly. it it it; liioil lllevllnllle lllal M l7an all can be [tuned In a Kiealer [inrllnll OK the utttrtrt. Mr. Grlillllt renarls that it will tthe yours to realm-t) the lth ti~trt,to its oiiptntt iatrty nrorperon; ohnuttlnn. _Itt the crowns oi rein. ch3 pass along llie highway In Hell oi loort hi the more torturute.ols~ lt-lell, eonslhrit mmlndem oi Ihllr oli- l l l | . grttrrnge-ue teit behind in Ilte tarot at llhsnrlzd ehltureu. hurt it ll not intre- qurnt to hurt thoIheutro o! thruellttte ndsl IVSnys hreueht up [mm the wetoru hi the rlrm. H is toIretture unrh harrowing eon. 'the' prlv-ttunr ulI eohutttoiis tlpit - Mon}. --)liu Murt'a itlEl-e'ti: or Tomlin their on rito'rfleIlrtr to Tuwn'lul rum-l. (them Ill<cCttilIotiglt oIiITa- 'rrmla \ MN lIobl Mlmilln mutt the holiday. ' ' ' .\ttia Little Ltortl rii 'reruiito apertt 'l'llllylkltElVlVlK Wllll lIL'l' cuuslrl. MM. Prank (Juli-r. #umrttlge .toupinl: ltutiuny vist- lure, Mr. Iieluml tilinilitlun anll brl l': or Newmu rhet. t, .\|r. mlu llrhneun. wile anti ltlllo ulri ut,'l'uri iItitti spent 'l'hhrtkhglvlng liolltluyh In 'l .\llti' ,nnr n httirttirr ni' hpenl the llrllllllly willt .\lr. Null ilturttin. Mrs. inonu slltv er unit MM. Sluuk trig huh gntte lu \viittlinuhhene rnr n tirrpth (ll week-t. f Sl, t:r:t| Ntmm tt'kcl gentlemen ale lIonitett u Milhnlllc .lhorhig rll li:trl lt: uh Wt hildy night. 'ttiiv, ttnhl I."t .ier- titieltcltutl in hit. tornior ehnrge at t. ttVL lllluNl toht hunrluy Ity spot-tot ri-nuoiit. r ~ , 'orhi .ttrrt. ll. v, hunting; oi 'i'rittinlu attunt l'huttkittlt-tng wlllt til-i mother, him. l.. hrnitttirre. a lot ttenu Mult- 1] tier lonelier eltnrn. ht St. rlhurine . .ttittit ilngerh. spent 'rhtnihnglt-tug hotluhyh or i home here. gm. nrni my. a. .t/ \vrltier, lir' Ollltwa 5L, 'l lit'oilluI IlLlIiullnCz lltu Ell- gogornent ul their only nought". he nll: llrnlll. [0 .\ll . Mlllorul 3c 0! K05 wteh. son or Mr. unit lira. whr. ripe. the niurrioge to lukt: ptaee tn hove lmr, i -\VL- ltmtl the pteuaure or it cull lust r' ltlny rnurnhig horn .ttr. itutit. thinrt on at the tote oliver liundy er vtinge treel. ile 'inr heen livlnir lu Alletitgou iur the lhhl zu youru unrl llman tloettted tu tulh hlh Lil ullluii in California entno lllli my to lmV u lntik at ihl Irlelltlh hetnre going tur- lher uvthy. it l't at; you r illnee he llth lett Net-.rnnrket unit in -yenra :lntzl: hth luvt Vlall, it lla lieen a great rtnlliiinetlen to hint lu ineet niony ltleuits ol ) lilll llllll he will eh nwny with lriiltl rneniorieh. G41. (lqu'ltl It! l lrklldll. 3 Thu l lnr la rl'ilnly on Ulll lrtciill truin home it nltvrlr llll3\l 5 ll \ elf I Ill-A Y HIV)" it hut'whnt t r lupin heeotirit at an apt uenrwintonee t \Nlr enrpiinert to limit til min liltl m lifllliy Hi. Peter tirt wit rtlullklilt ,hturnle.rinto- lug rm y tart hutltll nly. Mm, llrriwtl tvns n noun titlillllllir, olho it good utrrihtlin. ts r.- vth hinrt nntl enri sltl all: ll) til) littr IrlBiitlo. yank nrni ihr lltt err-zit liurvont. Mill in the litiullllltil trnlt sun" . S'i'tlliiv vliiliic 'l ltti Odd-l tlllows ll'otrl Mount Allie visited Ute lodge lI i-t: Dll llay night pel tl Ilev were E ivltn (it . A $2.00 Seat Every Night Everyntghtrhenerrmiioa in your twirdollar scat~at the vaudeville, musical comedy, 0pm, wherever your trncy leads. 'l ll in t I NEW BENSON does not blure forth in a tinny imitation of music, but what you ltear it a psiieer Re Creation" of thellving urtitt l ' voice or performanm. Thai: tlterc in no dl 'eience between the artist s voice and [lie Edison l Re~Creatlon" oitthrtheenproutu hyserurt test before hudlxh mulling million. I J. R. V. L IUUGH OH, 1 lARKEf. tlllluns as these that the ionilriu aa aoaluttoii is to make its appeal to the world at large_ and all those interested in the arnetiurutton oi suttrrlng rnnst nation/11o sueh In appeal. l- am venous thet are earning In [mm the wzsl lt MW tumors that the Yellow River in not Ilia southern honnnhry'ot the drought hell. Let. Ien ironi MlcanM iuioinn he that llmlll'r eenalttohr an privutttng the , l mmd .. . , . , o'e- rly. titular. teu lhair iotlowrr-y rmat to- tort g-a re- r'ponalltta DuVamllleDl, _hi,t no it; Ihli "run "with 'rirho'r n they hate attgoeu them-elves. gr ior inttruoa; the Wiuutpeg imd Manoeuvor rieitt- thirtieth, hart Ilt'lllcll' out the up- setting qt IIho later-r oi Ogvunb . moot Ila/Gunman." II Mr. Dmty n comment upon thirteen I is an art oi yotty tu ilila enunlw la sill Cannilllms u! Ea h olltltt- B throttle, FOOT JM-MED in or humour! wtitte .engugert DialJllna hi the' threahtng on then-inn or htr. tier. anvtttoroii Sttlllrllhy tho , htr. 5!va r_t smart iiiet with an acaltlunt whteh rnhrltt hove heen veri- hortous. in klllllm; liver It: null-luctler .01 ll"! retinrrttorhls ltert struck the Imp riurir. whleh oprneri, lulllilg lllstilb lll lqu lilln [lie lender. Ill! (all! will lnhlrlitl- l) l'llllll)l!llIIMW'BGI)|1M'H or the Ieetiot. Forlhlmlcl) HIP. lmrtlm| lllriw o" lite liett.Istnphtrig the rout-hi - unit he merit-,4 \vtllt n badly rethn n or: - tin-Ly hrutseit root ornt nIhldtlnw sin that tile itnlvrti t 'on 0! [Int rm h \ltrlltly Mr. Si'lllrl'p liwl \Vuliltl uiir luull ly hove been cut to pincer lltculun World. 2:34 ..tr piper hilll'l lit-alpha the vogue tonne prnettenl err. in lltu eruiipnry tit illttitltllill L n ill I'l tl lit: lliltill| ltrr |ltil l t'lllllG till. ten! 01 llm lllk elly VllllllQK. iilrew Mercury. _. ,i t-rtty linugllllll, (lturi ' Wt o lull. l'tllll l ll tittll \Vlthnl . Donulil, Ill Thrunlli wllu Ji't ll to hot/r lllnl rl) u nth-nu "Ala nntt h|riltrn not: in raslt nri rt rt2.ttoii tn Vlutat) H lh Ititt'r: ll ll Arrested in Montreal. THOSE who eul- tituy us have the usqunnue till they will receive the highest rte- gree I)! service null sullhlacltmt. We ore equipped lu sullshcllnn lil : llturnugll ltttrn. Our oer. vtoea are dellmlllv utile lull] pnllltl. A-T Internet . I ha Cradle. nah ~M liztku wttrur on hot. titti. 1920, to .\tr. unu Mia. perry nah. t dituislilt , smith in-t-iast trwtitln'itiurr. (M. )5. tire, to .\tr._ and Mrs. run A. Sinlllt, it sort. lllitltmhit-0rl Tamil; . Ut'l, l7tit. N20. to .\l rind .\lr.~. l}. llliiellii tn. n upright, alurttrun tn .\'ettrnur t. ttrt. lath, twin. to Mr. and His. Word rttnriz son. (wills (lwu liars). Loom tin net. lath. thin. to .\lr. anti Mir. 1. it, met: ill within n sou, t The Ale'. humsurh-Touo oh 'l'ur SdHVr (luL t-z. 1020. til lllc llama ft! Illa lilltle h parents. Dreatlalitanc p P t Allan G. nmzdett Ill Ulla . '4! .\II. and Mrs. ll. I d5 0' 'i omnltt la lilln 1.. dilugltlnr ril .\ll'. and Mia RUDE" J. Tuiltl, ttlhn Ai the Methodist 9an sunuge, oueeustlllr. on Oct. 20th. 120, hy nev. H. s. hovering, .\tr. isthe N. King to Miss n kE t2. Gentle, bath or Keswiuk. lta ronth. I L'tlrr -Al ZEDlnl . MI Tuesday. 0C1. will. lino. Mar) widow ot the lite 'rhneltty \Veslel', lti her Eartl ) eJr. Mullen Al litil lale reallkntr U40 otrtueton AVE., 'oronto, rni Salurr (lily. 00L SUI, 720, Eller \vltluw uel .ttnohett. to her WQLDD-a lit Memoriam. Dollilg4llr luring retrtenihiuueo oi Gunner Malllalld Goring, \\ll ItLtlli tlie.aupretne slerilltu somewhere tti Frt Out, Hill. Inn. ttest near brother to irerdoni's cause. 'l'hy utauliuuu (1|th when scarce DEV gun. waiting the tlriai trumpet unit. The last (all In and the great Well done. List we int-get. I .slster htartertt. S. 8: J. Roadhuuse Rtlttllillrtlttltttltrlatlttg tutti IL. m. MA arr-hoe. ILL on". non" . Align mun-toll roll. letter-tam. i Price and terms i-lshl. ' " ooorl hulltynpo. ' err, in A i condition Fire rel ltlhy Ital-n agil- ' Filo. mw 97 Auro- on tile Italic nIhot b. I . .Alul (alith and 50 not-of ine for halo. . prgtiet tlas for sale. 'Buy your Victory lnuurranae yau ichad. . g' 4 ,ON FHE ,llEl ill'rl EDV ROAD, v A worhuhlr. i here orehurit. 3 WL-ll t llll] ti \ tiliillmlll. in hon ., Alan huthruoni. anti inrnut on the pliriltl lI. TWU llerlng thUt, ling [ICII lwn It"! lIOlI h. Stll l I mllu. Zull'piillnv. itattwoy titput a rnttu. ' m :irrnugrtl. Illtlll lr l'r I l lou orriueni. 20 oer-ea wurLablvr. hnlanrt: hetti outl protnr . tr. eity loam sell. some hlhuk loom tiullttble tor culttr). nnet o spring ereetr. School 15 mile. allureii at mile. ,1 Po-neaaton arrautrctl. i-rtee Mon. 'rerine rilrangell. ' i GOUERNI JENT "DAD, By, on north worholiie. balance p'atllut'lt, Ll hlnet. Ilium toil, level. ot A router. I sehont in miles. mm to rdw. Church 2 miles. Posseeslon arranged. so aereu ttnrhrihie, hnlnnec hush anti posture. good water. 3 mottled rough east ll llbc. llh good view. ontl lirn heus . srheol l . itilIt-t. little payment $5000. '1 miles to city Llinllvt t'inlarree orrnrtgrtl. nEPnEDElIYA rIVEB: w. litlt mvis w. IL voting. llut-rrrtorttat nolncourt. L'. at FOHDTEH, notion. HEAD OFFlClL GEORGETOW'N. ION . .t. R. phenols, \ Jul Iaionlo. ! brlok hollae n (It went tilde MI mum at Nev/mark. I Call and tiojo pup lent] Hill of [arm nn d town. @ hr S @ 08 AGREE, ONE OF THE BEST Fltnma Ill SCARBORO, Insurance. 1 nullrtlnp'r. 1'20. col. [ill Bilndu "0W, alto, let. 3 write that Flt-e. v r' -'l). HAMILTGN er SON, e 8V1 MILES FROM DM JFORTH cit LINE they ltllin still. IWt-LI Pl . one hoitne til it runrnv. water ltiattlh'. t,tllil,l {there ls olto .t new hrlrk houn- oi i; rhi, ii irl llilr itsrik Lillrn ntxiiri. tie-up 1 ll'rlnt i uni 2r r'rttto, The hour.- tlltl out i M: ,t in. I not EltlIlHlU. (to hnnztz lrt ronolt'ro 1-9., on THE gram; tiont), 5/. must; momtznlliDnLE.1ar.ilLEa FHOTJ 0|TV LIMITS 5 here: orcii' ,ti, 130ml Wilt]. 1 wt, mine house or o rooins. rVIIIIVIna hoe iv. mite irotn honors \ l- t Uri "ll: |ll [lit-[c lhyitll lllu [It ll lttlrttry ~'ltrllt' Ill |lltl lIIIIl it! ill - one cnula at: 101 hulltlingsmr alone fEnCEli. all (here I! wlli 1GB AGREE ! VEGPRA 1 .lcOE CDUNT Y, 0N ll-ll. LllLE [3an BAnnlE, 85 MILES FROM TORONTO res goort nrclirlrtl. Iaoou.w nter, t \hell and a spring erert. hant tiorrr horno. tie-up t horses anti 5 esttte. nurot thrill and telephone. l ilce $3,000. 'l crrns arrangin 10!) CHER Il rl TO l'o TE, 3% ltllLE FROM l3Lll'rlllTDN may learn \Qll. Pl ll] at 5 in} nh t'rnn-i tnrnr llrn hunt ll'vlltvai turn )Hw-l ), a box slntta, aha llerup H onttte, Met in trnnt ol cattle, tlrl\lll;.,' inure, hue trh tirttr SILItSO. WllLlLOUGl'lBY FARM AGENCY J. .t. lIInYUEr ilampton lttiia camellia tullllrz tor opthtnh ant! l| 'I'c_ll| nutllrnhu Oul wort Unrrrt nqu to Eittrttvhpunt methods. I cmnhreuk, n. (1., (let. llh lieu. w. t,. .ttuehenrle King s 'rhhnhset I trig Day on the heat lap at his tour: through lhittth tlntnuihia. lie nirlhctl he . ihtr. ironing .iuri tits p-trty otet their rlizrtil ~nltlut< dinner in the gueti. ui ittin. ilr. tithe, protineiit rntnl-ter; oi pntitie uortrs. : hi this rtenlng's liltullllg .\ir. tuner nltmllliil. illld iltlltld limt Llul'lltK (IIB prurui tour oi Brillili untnrirhiu rhel ~|ceplng A tll' ln wlll ll 5" Klltg and lilsl |ttrly were ira hint; on: nllcn shunt \vlcltul Iheltt er lillcllutl in ion u. long may oi mimic ears our to. \tlllull: E DIJiLnl olllclaii {tbwl "IE; reentry oi ennriil'iui ext no: to the lixpaycru. whonre lnulllig tor retiei (Hill llul (Or addlllmill hurll . tie matte a tlgoreui nlllck on the; hielhoris \Vlllt lt the gorerntttrnt host stud. hbnu an. luxury tax, which he said, wus simply o means to exloil higher prices train the eurisumer in enter to 'protltie lu~. rotn (th irre irrurtttos tor rurichrti prehlrc . 50ml repair, roultn wnttrtttu lit-luring |u llcrll. Ailliul bltlt lltttk >pl ll at Slra lttil (tk lllt: i ornrrrs' sun site : Your rit unl In J tlHHIIlt-lll all hr. mil to he it Mini! own the Intel-4|: [23 tort, ctlt ll uittl htilii htte g. ttrtl tin ltrtn st. Ilux I'l l it. i-. tor Calnury. so lltr' ltlwiitlmile v.4" or McKenzln anti Mann," Your lrglsr lillht: rllarls 1n Pi lrllliuenl have lJEill largely lii humwrl a] the demands 0! |ll(< itto lntllhltlttals. In the Ltal St slull loll enhlalllsc-d lnlo [faulti- lrou ittcnsurvrl tor throttling lite on. present htllLoI the common people. Your war titties Lchllttn AM. the clo ure Ill Ind nlliu- "tenures 0| a lar mltlle WEN an! In the credli M I ireraoin toting colllllry uoh as Cat) ndh. Ynu d "la chuies n! Cuntntlsslunnr Murdqu oi the Bond M Gnllllnnme. In el ynur recnm Ln Parliament M hill 01 t thgtiotaIry lntllvldttll. u menu 0! his Blrlmerhly You munite right to laying that it Mar-turd oi the ground or adultrri. DATE trio, thr people or t _-t their wild Ior Wu ier wnuld "xi-iowIwhtt IMY tum 'l tiw tun . FEDERAL FltiAltoEu lit-on tt-, XML. in the ~t ilr- til now: nari or nld Lilla tor ett thin oi llll cd tuitlilttg, 820.000, Cull ttuan .\l\u I\\lt lilrlll: lll li bl 'Hw \'tt 4 Llul!tltllh s. "allot! 1!] "U: 'l'0\\il til Nrthztltrhel ( ltt- lirlt k clttl till l tlk :\ht Lrtt l. t llll tit) ('iturtll >|. nun tllttr '(ml h we 1th a rernomhtonre ttr urine: at ratrtlrn unit myaur piiuteeruph. [like on [pLCltrllnL ll uuliititnti Itltttst-Il to h triltcatli iii tl l'a- ly. ltnrtnulill policy ztitll Ilit lllqtla or II . llh clil titltilliilslrttllrllt lll unto. llt: honor in. n on or in. HALL BROSII . , ll [th mi: llll hill Ill toxim- pm onnphua wgnut tn Imllliliil nullin-ii oi aorerrnI , ttr. point-ti tn the l.tt | thit I r . Newmai keti One new \ thi or Um "CW Post 011k:- Pl Stilt ' 'n E t 'l Lil lrtlllll tt or hit pursuing m "1kg {owinuc m mag K loh/Jlir [sk'llr ie Illllt: l0 Salish m emry menses 9 on need gravel reed. Phil: rti;ht mltl terms to suit hutchssrr. 24m aeree in north Gtttttorhnri Large trainsI inlet rlnt lionrt. rill lit 'iltn rlhlit tht l nt :u l into. tho in in tl t'on one into prrltunrn: en-t :h: innum- .i. in port; or the tort t'ill sllclttrlllh' wing antl it the protege all . pr , ,3 in. the , I toll in tire llon. nohrrt Rogers. the tnettipm t to show ton. tzorii : .itt' hltilslt r intiuthee in the nollllt ul hie: nmnrhy optiu-th Mi. or Iltlx century in the I t=| scllrrallotiw tnrgrz lion-t, I You :re tlererihrtt ln iurlttrntnt in \\',\L ttttttittltta. litti tit tine oi )olir \vrstrrn entire i host their. on Mr. it. it. lltnll- ll, l tnllsenlilve Nt:\\lll3l u mil Apnllcnllnn tor Divorce I NOTICE IS Ill-llllllY Q1Vl lllJl llrslll-y wuttrin lr ynud or the totr at Toronto, in the Caunly or \url. alltl l lollncrt ol UlllilluI ill ultl'lY |o Hm I nl Bl littlli-lt til "i! llh-XI erosion tliereot tor t hill at nlt l {rout III! \Vlll), Allu- Ellzltiltillr nu place. (in the at 'l ortinlu tn the l mhllltz or out. o Ulla lath day or Dclaltcr. INth Willi-hi hluimrtl. by ill: Shllciloru. ml't't' N r llllNllllIli N, nuyat titthh Dullilllii, 'i'orento. "mm 'l llc *wlll t t tact. 50mm! noon