. . . utau. tteg'sn lgll in end til 'ttM .ltrrtteilrr You .,_ i , . w diam -.-rnlnog. {our in o '- to ply 'thtir dill. . idem .All. A Lot 3'! You're sh. -. . .. . s .2 , lit. ., r . w-pud liy youil l-n ee' lentil work on input outgrown Attpty d. Si hlnn mud, yunseiist. [qi Mil ! .tewel' lloplt Stove wjlll doreu iongttln line end. one e l. . unrglltn ill] enroll, r. mite ale Moll" roulopllonell I ,dtrlint vim lllnllutnolure li ptleeo, : ttutalosue. tree. ancc-O-Pltotlli l'lt olary miter, t Adrlhldn/Mh tilii . ' . r'anlo iiltek house 'oiindilioll,:tilildl~ tllld tlut. n tiy tumour imd ga ' tl tihurl-ll st. Kt. ll. ltoynoltll. eiiirie ttnllts,iiltli .' lltfl ntllnlnillk lnl. killi .n horgem NH. 5' until; nit-tn lp er ,et elder. tor soon or lL ula'llrrilthtitl. Ktrliy, llnlt itlirl. Newmllrkcl. . 2w-7 ng A, . " l .l rst igltlhml . outlet 9? int/limo .\lr, .trltlul- Smith lull tolnlty lllfl route oil to till-nil their molly-menus to'r their llilduern plllhy, nhowll dmtng ihrlrd l-e 'altw'lll ll tllt- lot-it rilwilri lid mother tiolile to my ltr' Fl, King. tillout the hull pl .tu V stetll Gull. it your old Owner nl ' here some ily prov-illit llroperi. paying expenses. end a norm. , liliinio' not alter the reirullllluns R when yen ztall . llnr 46f, . .\t\-. W lion d numd pl'llic old nine or tel. hounded ttllsim sorrloeshlo indie court manila the Legislature tun illu eourilo oi the oxnrnlnniio n on t'rtday Drawn crumpl lt.~'t'. arldlllll rend n tuttnn at we input. and lurottltrdeptlrlnlen llloil inlid tile inlnlni must, all r survey. o'eti Mr meriy unurgnnlre d timher drone try puhtio ompetltion. "l i|e..dllloxub illut toilowed is time ltivon try the Ta- ronto Telegram : l . 7 - ln lilo toes vl tilei netted hir, linrdiltlr. "why did yuuvtmll their nrosn without roulpetllt lznn 'r etpltredl tlr. Vergunon l countdown each i no llu its merits ulttl dccldud ln'tiie troll tutrreelii t)! the proyllleu:.ln my _.iuilileu Lutollt iild you 't eontddered l hell i re tltlnli ttloi hove the itlii toreo ot the vial ? l .- '. ,"l,em importer to tho regulationn or ill. slolulds it t eohsldor it tn the best lnirrrste nt tlle prevlnoe," lllltrcd liht in. ' V 'rlill'i, it would ttitreer.wns _ l-ipie upon which the inlnlylrntlon at I'll lml lllt'rl watt carried on during to' limit ol tlld lllttl aerernlnent, when. eulilnet lnllilltlrrt l regerdeddhemreiveo no. there tows ttnti ntatutvs'ond ruiod ,lly lilt-lr l| Mimic il l! llllllg wonder ttlllt l _ _ lellla ill the It!) lllllll llllll ltit ik Killlll \ 0' llll _ I osutlym 'lill w ' web. Editorial Notes. The ldht tit , lmrnt lllltmr 'l lh .tlls" tor the Dominion lllll-illit the month at Still: rev un oi six million dtll \ r. eh.d titiili tilhi uoure .imi llllrl will he Kludliy tuel wilrll those with ere nodding tllp . urlitr to nny up A in .l - pit- nod to note lltltl the ill pl, pt ngrlelltlnrr. under the upper. tlsllin lit .\l J lot-kit hl tlnltlx somethan to re ve the ult- anhlened l iuwltlx tielniielitlon wiliell the grind- Illht-re at the pl-esl-ntgen :tllrln tetih . lnllbil'tll'itlt ill. the rules at the etlinpelltioil are to he leimd elsewhere In tllhl lh' o n!:|iltl-I- it is to he hoped thul the y in); men ot-lho iinunty will enter h 'll llly into this ot- iort to encourage this hrolwll el tzlrlll industry. wll is destined to it. rose production and ain t the split tie turn on tho term. t M ' .' tltitlitr in cool should sire l attention to the uploading oi ll is nol (malllgll [6 my l ull (we willing in ll-Iy the ltoiuutrage. 'l'llcl e C lint. ' ' Sundays Souqoh vhtl at, the Sunday, School, lnoulttl'lldalnut thlt moral cll- shrub wail 0! lilell clllidm d'tll'tlultnidtl n i tlilllld ulitirlioltti meta . your ego end wisl rl that something ClliltIchllh'rd exllibll ol Lite (lil .unls llmlu that oh . , 'progrnm with tie Onklt lu heard Ul . lllb'prlnp , Ut rtl'c tttlilctl llnnilli _ Bcllutll VllilllrI tt Thursday alltl lt' .. i to lllllnllx illiimls. the Gun .mlo. llut these [eullll'tl wurn tiller illlk Willi l at lit In - or mnlitvrl, or I souls] thor- it'lgn , or titanium end elilldlllliunn mtllqllmted militia meetings at. nlgllt, with erlmmli on the flutldlly hetero or ulwt' tto week orellolill dealing \Vilh citlld ~ti lil'alilctllu' . yclll', watt {all to no u KliULl IUI'WltI dtep ,lo'mnk ttllnls (llmllKlL Mrs. (Din) Wilkinwn, who is lilu hllperlllmlldelll .0! lly Ell - dl-un's division {gr Nm Lil X t'K ltd. nnsaelntloll and who hall. ntwayii lied ilw iihd oliqu for new motel-tut and. .wr'mulllrldsi will llln willmlL tee tliot that ill the ohrtetlnn Chill-oil lhsl timing 0! lllo Ciliid V Welfare \vul k HllB,B W ill C illmliua, (Jilin, like it could lit) [ml all "are. 'l'hcll' uv. 1 }. Gt Ilnli laid Lil llit _I In l rnvllltllni Bonn] 'ol ii iii willell he had put till til 0 tllttlnr liltl auspices-til llw Cl 'tll eilli tllll $410391)! untl Mlllr I1 illlio tliy eilshidllgit wus rated try the (Him. mitteo to undertake in put on . coliibillilliqn (it [till ltli'nlvr tlllil droli'u \Veeil pl'oi, ill .with the child well 0 mulurctt (tilt! Mt llztil rltlfm of Mull- ligament Colllmitlw L0 ltlylk tin-ll- trill Child w (it impl. . llt: platter i clltlircd scve 1 Hill . . it thought. hot i" ulted jn ttle pi preln ,thrlt wus [i l, till lutll Week, litulliltlll was ill iia'vil llmvlttg tiiullll'ud uhlttg \l lizll llns, [or tile well fur the llmlllllon it one Mi y'otlns. , - . 110 moving weep. - Mr. J. l). ("the pt .\ ewinerltet on- titlich models ould h running in Miller l ll ll; lllIlSl la the tlt'illlt l. lit:- i. .l Eie dll iltllllm tilttJ lillll) titles, rereti wtttl hy the l; storm throwing the titllllllryhltlt put oi liglil and power, so that the. pit . in .s tlitl not some mitil itoiltiay lit timi week, ill the out mun. lioth Till do- end Friday. u- i held :1 ellitdrell'il when lolly one ohildl-ell or yo 0! ages were lll'llttglll, iiy their tIlolllois end wt-l c examined by the meld tltlulol rl wllo ll Eniy Kal't- their time it shill tor tile good or the titlh The Ontario Depart. lnont oi lle til tier reeeuily reeeir. i ll $55001 ) gilllll l't'mll lllu Utl ment. to no 'st ill in ltii in the pro nee elld name or llilti rt ill I used i- ill here in Newmurhet. so that we are unplug the ti rt re. l lllll. Miss Sillilli. lilt lm'ltli m - rullle-tu us to some tc the elimr, uo' no ill fuelling. therein; and , llg tor the little ones; niro under thirgrmlt, \h- doors, lil llldllitxot nl tlle exhibit name to us, used the tlieyiug pietui-r ontleiltertuined the ellildl-eu oi the town witil splendid il h vl health pietul-es nod ttl s |' surely olle l tee u pulllie grant is ht ug rpeill ill :l 'y to stir tl ille llulnlll lKv in ii. i Pliunr till rmtl'r EVAPOMTO" FOR EALE _ no unplug ulld other truit is :Ll plentliui lttttl soulels so uenree lllP. uhomptnu Frull izvoporoior will i i .l'lllve tor so in most complete sat ,l)|lu5 a patrol or apples .l day Will else llehe ten ltlln' oi. lirolltt dl (inf lime. : Illl it'l lllolt. lllitll ildil fir-t tor nlllrl oale. t1. ., ill-2w , l'llllige St N ulllilrilet. :l7lt ran BALE AllrdL'llVL' cu lltr) ll flirlilt: hull, '1 Main lll it'k trolltlnes, eemellt sidewalk. 10' min 11le trilln Yonge st. tilrl .1. llttllts Itltl ll :tlit] will wdler llultllictl Itl Hlv eheu. good drainogl. tiu'mti horns. llpple erenard and plenty other irult. idrgeuspalegustlwl. iii at s to . SIlndd-untl ilowtrs. llillllt dialv p session .\ddn 4 or call .\, ll. Pllll'l S. l'tmile arirz lilellnlond lllti. I ran ML: One pen or Llutt Ornlnglonls, com posed at eight llrils which were hollglit inst yesr 1min Mr Giuliani, mind to Cook's CuckPrii rem Srtllt'li I lulllil. ti. F. 0. "ALL vttl'v: 'rll ' ShEuiALit." unseen, ll I, (avlit ) chase, mild or strong ul 7. a. ltnitlnti l'uw u' . lzqoo Ilk no Powder 0hr n, aprons to lions down in Nowmsl-itet l Co-op-l tors, A l. tin "-00 s not one lllY specials mud , , hut "(rampant-Live or What thl New duo-icy. ' Also yeoriloir coolt nil-o. .\lt'r. lim- Mill s :tlrhln. This will he sold rlzht hi more room. t l . .t. it'liixtitt, liorhalns Newmm-itr plume 2w. . 0 HM 701 Vt ! WW; Qliclllltzri Wllu nrougul Sugar Answer-J ): lluited runners will he idle lanterleu end trot-zine line 5 in Canada lllls winter mile lIit-ri ls torotlt rlllmn in releasing Hm lnlluhmeodt oaal earning equipment. This Is wry ammrdlll wilt-n we ship litill over upon do or delnllrrnite were night on lreletlt ears in Canada during til mouth it! lulu lost. This ltlrtllls {I gl ( irh's lo Ntnsulll \leo urt' \Vitllilli; n Sllsnt P frir lltt , (lnll- dohsoiil Frtisi ittl 'i'hr .lppolltilg renditions tit ltlpease and dis a in the wltrsl r-n areas at izllrope lmye railed lute uclltin the li llrtil lied Uln~ Snt'lttli' and they (or the .oprralltm at all tied . clutter tli the world in pro- titttlut roller No words can des Olllmllr'ftl, llcre tlww In!) million ( iilitJrrvn lll Hllml'lc telltlw lrt'llli lite war fultl recently . tl orphan utilldren'wrm iolmd \vnndnrtni; dllilusl like enlrnlts in tile ltuiilenlun .liountolns, l'ila hold-unorier oi the Cannon llul arose at amlllo are ipptatlng to all ioest hm iullc! l0 cxlend (l ilcinlnt; hand and we hope that the walker: ill North York will not let the tipped] go un- ileeded, licl nlllcers everywhere eoii Hm mcl llthi lugelilcr and plan to rdlse e dntlalloll'ul (inch The humanitarian nature ot the appeal d rnlluds ll ALLI'OI ZI. trim litillnl) eoutlt-t or littt\l. M tt. .i will hold their next meeting in tin l nl'ltll' ot the .\iethediri dilureh i no on 'ljuesdly owning or next we is the Y. M. n. A. at Onltll ltl und Qurhre County hitoeutlvl. will he present. tollowlnn rt hurl lltn mire Lodges. A, F, ii A. hl, survived by his w1te. mutilation. Tilt: ludlrs oi the toxin are elm-idles summer and llllllle lnltllx mllm wal'ds lilt , . titlsillustt will he eenstdered, lug lilt. EVEnlEK MI address it! pronllslia by Mr, it. it. haiiuoiyue. neeretary at it ilr. it is hnperl that every melnhor or the \thllr-rl it, l latt. a thriller, tnrluerly n! Allmm. tiled in Oah llle Wednesday . \lr'. molt woo horn ln Nurlll Vol-l 3'1 ) on age. - d tarmrd there untltl lll-lltlailll tore t-d him to retire ulmtll VB Velma :50. do 'waseu aetlve nll mlllef or the Au- lie is Anniversary services in the Moth. knowledge iii how It) i e and help others tell rile. thyitgeleue Ii :- * :lllf tll l) . , ~ lli DEYILai lil- spretien (or the l nvlll , gm Vt. y elellr llllLl y to under. utldrtvt en pvoi JIliW. dentistry, showing the need oi dentui inspe tion. pointing out. sevewll e. where incl] illspet oil llild pruvdttl ml spiiollo epidemi. in rtliltir is .d- 't'hen ill the even, . ti. '1'. \\'t-lih. Sulil. at for Ontlli'lo liiitl Ollellitl: ly eloquent instructive, pit-using lmd stl re dI'L lluw l ciiglol ell lliall must lil glll with I 'llylivid tilll Iltl lie cal t'itztl by him ttr her to the homo givril to tl elilldreli tn ('lLllle in them it] ' ' l-iduy met-nine \ lulu pialm i so long and \\ tll'kELl 5t) lll lltl woke up to ,e the ground white \Hlll snow nmt iii snowinr. white trees i re rutimg witil the .iglll, titles i re down, the power was oil and things generally disorganized. .hllt the committee pressed on and ill spite oi the storm the mothers in goodly numhers ' [will a ter exumiuutieil. and . there also it) do Null tor the wetter-e ol the ltl1\\'n and the Ill' : all willtnlll er - utteruuon. Lir. lluliiitir- n et Aurora. tailled to sit lllal re present and tile audience was good considering the weather. Then all night the pagean Tilt lllgllls or the Chill!" was put on, it having lleeu ill tllti hands or Miss Niles and Elisa itiellnl-nson ulut others; also a ptuy celled "Prejudice," to Show the telly et gitmg ltahy nuything tn lltlp it in sleep and w It ll-Ell other lessons or heslth eusloms. t2spt, . iiylrs or tile l'.ll . hnd etlsrge oi the singing iiotll lligtltsolud right well did he disetlargo his pert ill routing the people to sing some in the good old liyttllls and songs till all were enthused with the sense oi cnmlnullily storing. the play nd the pageant will not soon he inlgotten, when Blu all, in the play told the nurse llltll. she did not hetlere in the new tangled wayd hf mingling up bnhiu, tilnt she told ftlurlroll riiildrun end hurled eleven. it tooit the people rather pointedly to shy the inanend. the nurse will not sin to tell her that it she had hull ma e the new methods sorn ln. and no 9. in. he the preueher. looked my. Home. IfMVlI} y (mod tum-on tor lu mov'ory will he rostrum; an . i mvm culllmt . .. ndlrt chureh next Sunday It man a. luv, Porno will K l-yeu old name titular mien troru tel 23. 2nd con.- lwmlolimh oil snooty. sent. "lb. lotorr'utton it not oil the eleven sue hid buriet would 'n w he alivo. - When in the present i.h' lwm menu was Bel Wham {Int mother micro {fort'itiki Pull: deyi , _ . . ~hlr..lnn Mm. .telln hingtilm lit Toronto npont Monte tiri- aunt and ltll-tly told wee . slte nded n gathering to Write sully nil-rill. ler semi nal sun MM ttitnr ioil Kirhy. spent tilt: week-elm ivlill lltil' Iltentt, Ittttnl lldlttl .\lnraillt lluriitinll gate her. . "ltll sprllaneepii Silhu tin \Vetlnesdlly night. lids lie eu ylsltlng r nation. tor a torinlgllt. lett tor homo ytmln mom. i up in l 'l lmlnll) on idly rlmlm tih the .ngaeelm-nt lit iltii second dl . nt ltllll llt l'k II! PI, rlnge will talle' place the cut] or de- lnlI/ . i wieh. (int. tll ltletrullol-e. nose plane the laltrr pert pt nutrition sllnron wishen to gigemniit or their Vera Martha to .\lr. .\lelvln Doll" EV WV cit Queensylllo. plane the letter part a! Detailer. * was all free lo IN. lllls H ' smite. . I ualdiy _ Mr, Meets tit prim was ll v lsllor ttie hlothoutef . a. dolly tori s . . . V , ttlo {Masthead oi the . - 1 little Mildred. hoalnon violin; with photo. Iiir. slid .\lrs. tihnr. cydnl ant drlul dud-yellows the (lily on lr. null \lrn. idhhee illlLl tensile day with .\lr. lltl .~tino ldn lilittthntn til 'rorurilrl -~'rlle gill lrtelltts ill .\lIn-i lzdlitl '1 \lrh. Watson littsmlttllll . wllu vial , Mm. .\hxtllliter null lildy Iriiuld ld spent till ltuy \vtlll .\lr. lieu .\lrn. ' Klrlls. . l V. [\l l . tltltllstltl ltlltl \Vilt guest ill .\lr. unit Mrs. \Vuitt-i- trpll is during limit" my in Town al he ll) , . 4rht-i wet it loudly gathering lie-homo tit .\ll': wt . :u t ,nlny ilntt Sundly. her will Hit-Ill. in Mr. William v. on iinllnile. 'riie inur- H r. min .\IM. rut-it .\lertrirl, ties. llimennet- the engagement to Gnollrt. tn . i'llltl Mrtt. \VII- The Martian to take l c Kan, son at .\ll llarn King. htrs. r. ulld Itrlllltr than at nnnounee the :n- sewnd daughter, The marriage to l I'riP . in l ll. filled up wllIl :l at * ill litilllil. Thu [08' it n 0th iii lill lirrtl tit and the tlruuly or r:- ntlitclllitin ill UlL' llUlH . . s . till the mill-mg tilellll ltlll lit-en planned tor and \lr. Jmlt the teenager im- llid liollrd et llt uilili wits Itii ctinuttli mother to room hurt: \tilndny illlni lltttlll to entry ilut this ruptur- ltt tl hy lilt lt' mid till tillwt ll. old ' to i lip 'w u all thei linulttiiltu |i\t'~ . {till "I j! ' potion end gitttlllc~1. Till , m} or rs rot-ls or lit-:tltll iiitll willeh ltilii elm-les- ill on iuiin' tlli showed the origin or tooth eche ' its deem ll) K lllllg lite loath cletlll ll [ilin sllnwml lll lilkEIi danger in m tram eulri lintisc ti..- tagien in il. llloo gill IIJde. on t wi. V '5 Capt: their other little girl $110in up amt sol Oil. ll you hall a mid 'Dscupe 3 nllyiiliug. .\iouy thought the slum: lllin the lessons were imp it. helpful and the witle vcuk tla proved ll sonnet: or intele'st to and old. v The 'l\l\vn dorm 'l eonated the its till lips lta at it Duol i and low] nurses donate lite tl ur may not good SS. gun to show the pnottla over the. V . . truth the llttuld " tit hxal n'il u tn Olillll ry not she is new entitled to prdpttee. 'l'ills spook lilillllg lit-urt, and al '25 child t:li ill KaH lti urt'lvt d how to prove t it _ join ing the tooth ilrllsil llrigade, nlie itlll itnllymell. where over thing is going to rill-ll and mill and where milk H not handled with elenn vessels null clean hands. tine shot ld the moment. ll all his slant-s oi growth nnct the humor oi spreading eon. the tiles swarming ol-er d. V ,r. drink any more milk after st rig whet nwrul things it re lilo tile [Ctr in wouldn't cal nl' til-ink All in all :llltl ' ting ol lilq hall and t it! [mid "lo 003'. g llln ilull scrubbed. Just think of scrubbing lite Town all. their little untl services. Tilt: llcopld save iillel'ltlly til llm Miluclions al illlill when satlittlllenl. wasitlatle lbl'l: was Ll law dollars iell alter plum all lliils, Wiiiull la in be lut'lled nv ' In the local l iillL dl s Aid Snciely ful- needs lilal ll'lS winter. Titus lite t: at danmluuily Welfare alltl t l ltl 01mm iitls llrl lel. The, plan llasvheull lnlkcd of tll . This plan and tile SUCCESS 01 ii. ill llt llllel cnled t7" idls n! lltt: Provincial nuialiml and will he Catlictl it) the two ploiilletol cmlt nlllioris Ill Onlal'lu Bill! also taken In Michi- llle \flay lo dmlllllne 55. work and nursing the sick and leaching ellii. til-en lltg 1'9 a! limit" lcalil, ill (in) eomillat itoowrnloh tirade in l-ttJn ll i desire lanthunk. who unwillingly unlisted ' .- . '- '. V. . . . V. ulnltorn utat. mudu"ttp"t.l 'tl . . _ r t. I . A. t - ohm great all undertaking rd yell Ibo-WNW oily loam ll) - No. 1 glad, people, {at u olllze lit 'y tllltlsl ilkt) Mrd. ll. N. Wilklnwn I3 lupl. DI bhildl an the county ,worit, whovcould lmpt evalltl dllect ulllvrn in h grunt and snout piece Of'LBEI'VlCB likls (ill: has buen l any and la inclined to . \vllh lllci' nhurcli, nleasla rumombllnt the very people who Bug Dill. this {red elllllo; {PM} pictures Inluran a all llmllll matter. it). till ltl e ' '- . oinl' il people nud rememh I tell 5 tllut JZ per eenL ol ull noeint. re- tlmll nntl t vcll \vtll-ltL-l'p Ul'e clill .ll llll tilllulil/ Tllo.t9ilul t'|l the [illolilu s h t {'lenlil v A o.,_ lleteltloro, (ml 0 . motoring to .\ltllhi-uoi: stertls at nope \Viliord 'l tplirtt lull lrnlll u inn InK nule nnd tin red l 1 xkllll, Hr lt-hllllt tl lute last lly a wl llhi hot h w oil drill in Ilht Ilothlt. lo irenvrr ii, llt rilt,1l]1tt(| oil the limiting heartiwlllirtl .- w Sallillnllitllitlti. Broom on the Broom hrlokvh properties for sale. you. deed. i=th (GEES . / 'Tilo sr: who em. [liUY lls illn'tl lltt , Inaul nEO lll l lilt ! \Vlil I utLthi the ltlptlttml tic .o e oi st'r :lnti titlltnetim. \\ (l drt ctllllmit d te ustlslmtiou in thorough mun. tier per. drp ld- Illolmik j lo'enlldufnm'rtcht. , ' Alia even! good podium: flin cello; Novllmnrltoh. call and m your Victory Bd i'n' Fir insurance. U Bellamy... 3:20., (Illa llloro' Goodbulldlngo. / reuse qt the well. tilde of rilnln Street In our lm lg 1m 01 {mini and town. :1, digit, let. uh write ll'llll' e a ll. HAMILTON do SON, , Eligglks 2 Pet Sale . VRUbb and Steel Tires. mealtle ' USEFORD pntts. 7 ROBERTSON S GARAGE, A Water Stl eet, Nell/market. ltblt: nn'il Dnillr: HIS} WET FUNERAL DIRECTOR NEWMARKEY. ONE, 7 Matt: I7'DAV on ttlrlltl 'llta l llitr'd il'arnlet'it .. (Jrlll rht: oradIn. "minim-Clot, 5th. me, to .\lr. lllld Mm, J, l}. llndgimi, llarlll ll! llllihv lliund Hill, (A dauglllrr, itolnor lll Newmurkel. tlet. 5th. to .\lr. Zillll .\lrlt. God, A. names, a All". ltceior lu King Township. sept until. 1910. to .\lr. ond .\lil, will, h (.il', rules ( I oirhii. 0N WE The Altar. copion-ulttlno Uil 1'ilul'rilld) ltll:l'- linull. opt. doth, two. it the hello 1), the llllde patents, .\l .md .\lts. .ltls. LilllillK, Lurmdl l. .la hy Rev. 7 dill. A. A. i llltilll n! illel sept. tutti, two. st Humid .\t no tillurell. 't'elulltu, hy the list. it. i. U. Simpson. added or the l. .lttmus .ilhenhead. Lottie le' 1 L TC ny mnmI lll Grate 5t, 'l'UrLllIl'J. hy it . ltonila, traileox Eh: l. ill ddugll- in or the idle ltohoil ltuiluah ind You Don t 'rtlE wontttttamAlt l ltlu will lotion why you one lltl hell...- ANNOUNCEMENT? [Jo tllive (Eu. t)! Nm mi'll'kel \Iiill lirlltl a t. n Mnt : tile tllttl tinulllr-llrlwstlip .. lN '| ili'3 'l"l\\'N llr lllL DNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 13 .\ l' thrill O'ctloh lx'. WE .l'lJllI OSL HAVING POWERS OF TORONTO. ' t itelt Fullll live ( lmpliuy. tllmltr. v , , . . . Willi UK l(l ehlliulll lll full in llent ill Uhl led i ll l5 a ltlt itliiJ "' "W"; [ills/idiowilltt eellrerll. liming rt_ we Slim-- "{4v - A "" - W " " sliero fully in Divot-illicit. .mela. i. I . . bl. poet....l......l_o.. we... l... his Meeting is Open to the Pu to. TO THE FAHii'iE t TD EVEllV SODVl ~ liriluch ""' ilpi-lutuu ll . It lds, lid uilt- you an s in i or me ttll, ) ~Ilt ltlpttlh, pltli. lni- dlliy pitt'tl i Dunnalb-llaltnnlv momma. A cottatztli pnuunnm or mutant. tiutdnaiis m? i" 59v 2 " wlid, I1U.\li 'll-l lili llv l\' .\im. llanllnll, Allistoll, (tilt., in .\lr. Wlillslll J. lit-lined. ul ritouitvilie, (int. 'lwo little girls were heal-d g mop the 3pm 0. . : :\ the resldt oi ' hrlde'r parclllt. tienire . llorton, on Sept. 27. tom, ily her. .i. x. .\ltlll-Jlll, liullih lsaheltr, daughter at .\lr. and Mri. w. .t. hell, to .\lr. \vllttel- itoherl harlou. son at Mr ntlli .\lr's. ll: J. harten ot net-ten. lllcouwheon-Elrblllhl Al lllr home I the hride's parents. eclllll5elll. on .rpt. to, their, inure Edna, dduslt- ter ot .\lr, and Mrs, .lohu iirethet. ltt Mi", 1 . Arlhur .\lcCitlclieun. at King township. Burka-Rol nwin nmntd. dn Out. 3. 1920. up new. Father DnilaN. .\lr. .lllehrru nutke'tlt Newltlalkel to .\lls Amy Hawaii or Nnrlli Toronto, 122 ACRES I TO 2 MILE}! FRDZ J M5 acres we loam soil. cattle. open yard. sheep house, silo. til miles. s e d loam soil. lelcl. cellar. elstzin rattle. lllllo, arranged. ia Tomb. Elm Al zrhhlr. on \\ t:dnesdl)' ill. . 29th. told. Charlotte. widow at the late James date. In llm' 23er your. l- llnernt Saturday to llount Allit ll Cemetery. ltl Metitoridti ' To part with him we loved so our. our tons is great; 'mt'll not Complain: iiut trust In and to insult asadn. wtte and Cillldl'm. AUC'I lOlNl SALE Sam I Nawmurkcl on "nu". our. am. who rind uhlldren nil Mam} mm. the (his [or urintur Itian and proveth tan is, not holy'lnlnrss- sine in our'lluam. Than when the six. vii nllll'lu: Anna in to nlmtt down',eVhILIK Jena-GM Ind mantel-on w bmnk up ovary tights RHIS - l . no totinws: trawl-a. Item. caves by stars a pot-mm springer-ll l hesl-lgred govt, sayr- oid. ( 41 Waldo. . uncalled r TORONTO a! maid nun\liounln ooun, Tho properly lot'w, J. Currey. lot 29 in 2nd coll wutuhureh,-one tolls loam soil. oluninu lu loving memory or lislllioh .l. lieddtlt. who entered into rest. Dumber Vlll. IVY], : Illa arrow at Memory, tier spirit is the brightest tlower." l -Slslt:r. s lit J. Roadhou Ham IEOXHG, lie-Lin E lmuu, [no llmtSe. Elli). phone. hallway lisp Tamil lmngrd. > iniiiliiil Good water. i well and :i springs, 3 rooms. water inside, eriiir. Water in statues. School 1% (mice. Possession arranged. 63 t iGllES IN TOP-0370 Pu as acres Orkiillle, midtch push and push Ire. uood ulter. 2 well. unit s spline. Bank barn north. lisrn Na. 2. am Driving house. hog pen, lieu house. sheep house. nun] molt ind telephone. price $20,000. tots Aon tl llil_lllNG TR, all we: STONE ROAD, 1 idile Fiscal whom, 10 tdiLtzu mo i To ll 01 t2 moms, cellar. cistern. trio It)er wt Litble. mlmce hush and pasture. a n There is plenty ot Mar on the property, there being . via 5 also n launch or the ilulnllrr lllvery stone house o! to mums. . WILLOUGHBY FARM ' 2: ,uw ls. asqmmowtt. owl". i Need e lVALl( lit 8 ii th Elli-1T0 TR, 0 THE GTONE ROAD, ERIHDALE,15 li'ilLEG Fl lOl'l'l GITV LIMITS ie hsllnee hum, to uni 3 seed ul clllrti Lia) ' lb and lrJlltt' lllhtt of lllmlt iliiu touts. tie-up e him-t: anl it Drlhltl ilDu ltDK Inn. )lrt't li . Firintldle ellumhti. itlnusl d l 3.550. Terms srrlns CN THE OEl'ilTnE ROAD, 3A ri'lILES FROM cooltslllLLE l sorts or.-l.ard. nlii i'lume liull: it e moths. it rll tn lei... .lldtlt ennui :tntl rlluwh ll. e min a, depot H3 lmili Terms nrraiilled. , Roll lO t _ at. 50 acres walkable. lislauoe bush and ptslute. l mu ontnllt r M! lnlllll and sandy loam roll. Plenty ot , 3 will end 3 dd 3 I; s u until lam 55x55, tie-up ti liars-4 Hllaelb ltl loving memory or my cattle. Open )dhl. Water in sldlllu. nl dear husband nelusmln .\ltlgote,uho housr. li t: limit-3. silt. \vlndnlltl. sl-lloel and rlul h t mile. mill : died 02L Sill. i918. depot i mile hum mall. remission .lirsollltl. Dr! 1000 12m. . A hitter grlet. a shoot delel v, emptied 165 RGRES llld VIMHAN TE, 8 HILEB FROM WOOD- RIDGE. 11 HILEE Ftlont 'I ORONJE Hi ad tts on ilnrrl. nod - i tr, chitin. illirlng house. hos prli. hi llllni null null Prlee Load. horses nil-l l1 esittr. School and otlurrh it .lulle. st 4 mtlo. Poisesslutt al lK AGENCY . o . _ _ Y may YA'I WIIX it. LWL' . d. v. W- " " vmam wh I. e, um. lotion. . . l M lll me'ctlng 'teaulus . lenrd :i Vanna a l'or l) .t.leuoy t: A tall titling or 5 Man L sir .leht wool.) and then sentry ii detain ur all: hntl mother ll rhipgln . mien l u upon lltll eroiehly he hegau suit was ill phone to ldrllllt low Kile ninth! ML nrought . the light st. ' . tssh Mel siditwoil. Tim In three o'cl the tillun mm c. )nungrsl \tnl. liltlt nr. .\laurl Mr. and i ml.