renlo irretbylory eiwlud filly. Tillman! an mam! MAIN wt ill 'an mnlleralor, I! run onlnrio uovelnxnunt no. on. nouneed IIle leaning ol wrllu Ionbya. ' eleelien In North East Draulo ,to IIII the money nluulc by lilo re rumnm ol Ilan. m. Cour. lgrmer Mlnluler or Human. Ilu eieulion will be huld D}, Nnvcilllicr Ii, wllll _'uamlnull ua eleven deyi. curllcr, onVDulthr Irliolllw: Gilllbo _a Tammy lawyer, \leI llu nnurnlue uIIIeer. a-Ile Inllilsltr or eduenuen llult are Ieeied no Inapenior oi auxiliary aloarea In Ina aeileala oi,IIm pronoun, u wen a: noeoiai ieelurnr on consolidated- Aclloola and oIIIer- Inpiel [or tile du- p lrilllcnl. oi euuenllon, Dr. 9, main. oiair, min at the llgonl bxnerienecd i. m In lhe prev in e. V WII/IIII lllemhul u present lrem nIi puria nI lilo l incd Iliu aceond annual - eearenilnn oI Ihe Onlnrlo iIeInli Drug' plate AMuelnllun opened 'l'uexuoy nt |IIc KIM I-I Llwurd ilelei. ii waa Iihlcd lunt aunul zoo lnelnhare wera In aIII-ndoaee. V III. .vuIIlae ilnae at oaaooda iinll yetlordov eonnrmed um eanviaiian lum Iine ei shoal) Impurml unnn Dr. A. c. Iiuniooii, Iliuyor or iIIlny luver, who cam amine wnrdlill IinIl iila cold l'relllb'bl enoilie oi whiakey larllouo. 'l lit lie-Mellon wa'l boned on the gonad tuol the doctor had no lioenaa Io liell lluuor. and me oeeuaeu IIaIu Inc II Illul Ila might be Ieallnieaiiy, In. 16' uel lllorully Igullly a! nil ol- ., lil: orlglllul Illle won 02,000, and n wan Inpniemenleu by ten daya In Inn. 'l llu Allurncyr eliural re- .nIIleu moon and gave Iile dnnler Ills lreeuam oile'r alx duya' impriaonmonl. Seldom, Ii am; has 'l'oroillo ilnd lne Ill lvllegelul onlcrlullllns under one moi such on nearennlion at lhe emumerrinl oau llilllmlrlnl lulereIIs aa wan renreaenled limeadnv niaut nI lllll mamillrenl hammer In lilo Klun Izd wam ileiel Ienuereu by ilIe 'l'nmnln lidaru pi dee lo iim nailing dale Kaleb or me aha-libero nI Climmcrce III Ihe Iii'llltlli Hill lire unll reIireaoula . me: or Inn. ilnminlnn downturn A imldlllu gathering or women learn all ovrr nnlnrln Iwml held In moor sirerl Dre llylnI-ian church, A all-mu; mlulo III lIIe will}. in which line lolrnalnv. In Ihn number 0' about Iilty. Ira demllun illoulhnlrer. in llll: eliorl la Ilrlnll about u elnser c Iirlween Iile yuuua Ineopl oi Illr Cllllrl ll (Hill Inn Women's fills. ,. _ iI an reullzed Iiial III. church was loshls lIle girls by nnl niIinII IIInrn \vllnlnvmliwlmlu IIIem, . and l ellurul s'miliim TIIE VE ABLE 0;in . crop libs been arl alIundMll. one In must planer In Cilan . Ibie year, and~manyinlir ons wiii.bava a Imam morality in store. it In [In- poIianI lil- ll care be IalIen Ih staring In. lllnl loaaen Mil be reduced to a minimum I I llllm annulu be dry when alared mill will~l rlosslllll: plll vallan Il: nu Inn will mll un nboae in d - e nrheiow a? edgreea. In order lil Ii lIII- ~l|rl lm ill llle nnl'llrles llml III: 'rV yIi Ilr, nnll Ill Illl Ill bl l olllllllun In mid rolling. provision siluuld lw mail: for air lo .prlss lmdel noalll un'ld ll llllzy are stored In edllniiemue or large nunutlliea mmll nruwnnn is mane lly kelng the Im~ IIloeI maul six ineues oil Ibe Iioor bi' Iirsl pulltnx down or ainlied lemlmrnrl' Illinr willl IIIIEI Mil )llhl. CIOEB EIIOHKII an |IiI' In lines will noi lull lhreuah. nilar 8 all ! (I'Inlmrary wall a lrw In" at ll iIII Illa prl'mnnenl \V:All maul/l nrnnil a Hill lrerr eIreuiaIlnu If r, Klil'plllg llll m ln cmllirlikc liar . \lilli mninga helween Ibo mm. an Ian and Eldci In a good mrrlils, snlslly and lirsl unllrr ennniuona similar in pnl llues, llInuIIb n llilpnrlrlnl Ie keep lbem Indeed in lllr erase. cellar II- In IIei-nm Ioo dry and low lllilr Iirllll Ia iI Illere Is dun. ~ In hepi in boxes II III! A sark lie! \vul. ln \Illl araw. _ llilllle la rnl unless mm In a dry plav'r. Kl'cfi lllem slmd mil u: Ihinl - 15 possible. Where qualilillli llrlI Villlrlll. I'll} alllo room Mlllirl llirm IS HO lrrlhl 'Ill Ila (mind A :ml l DI I . In SIDI JH. / Canine will snon will In a warm, nry roller. Keep 'inem oulside as MM: n~ pesaible lly prniualiiii; illem Mill lean-5,. :lrclw, nr mil. ii Ihey brain In men Ileinrc ll. la lime to pull llitn'. IImSl n lllHlI In lllc ground by lwislmiz lire nlanl and ibua cliennina iroaiu. wnrn slnren where Iile air 1 w 4r.\ IIII kcl p halter \Vllll Ina Ml! I'll alrnli Il' on frml WPEDPIHB In Imwhpaprr will pre Hril 'IllInK III snlllt' I-xlrnl. N Is IeIl olllhlllr unlli dunner I - r II To keep well in . rm II needs a moderately dry. wall vellum Mn) eoIiar lor best resulls. The I: - alumld he. nlanl ed In lIIe "Ili'vr in rm rio together In sand or Ilenl rnii. sexli m eaeil raw with a Iain or n or more aI world to keep m lane shillmIlIal aparl and llcller I name a rlrcuinlinn nr Lllr. The ll slrriillv l be iIenl maid Ilul llle Inna .IInid wellinn lilo leaves and II watering is neeessary. T Mrt vll " .lllll h [n rilirll mind I In JIGENI boxes nr drawers were way v IIll III- In In. narII and In i "Vim-HUI! warm lllilcl". w. 'l . hlaenun, tr hull" the riuauloerp III the I urinary name I M pry-lain: . braa v 1!! M V, Ip'vtllr Yorlr , H ,[nlrl'eulns It lllril ll nip Iiiei, even. though ocular Judas coalnworlh dovniea pmouooliy all nln' Iime lo II. no Iln ll,lmynlalhle in will nlldml al the wo llucculzry Ior'o lcr 'dullcs required a! a. Inaaealerduaaa. - In viewer line. In h noori with: lAllornuy<Dencral, ihlI Iudga ree'om- mendulllial the General Bea-Iona nnn County Judser' criminal Court be ux- panned lure the swivel Criminal Court at Illa Munly. Thin would lull/o Iuria- diclllln In Ill crimes, remain and mlnnr alienaer and dial) in nomi- r'lol iIIe present Iurlauiollan a! be General aeaalen 11 County Court luaaca cnmlnni anurt. ' A clue! judge would preside, wlln nuoh naliainnta he m uy be Ionnd na- ceosury. Thu court would how no L'lvll .lurIrdIniien, run the Iudaell would be available lor_ olyii work. The eounly Crown utiornay would be lIIe nroaeouIer, and the eierir oi Illn penoe the clerk a! the 9 rl. ' .llldsd Conlawnrlil luribar renum- melldli tile illililnilon ul lilo Juvenile Court wllb lhe cenlrnl Criminal court Ior purposes at dn-ardlnallon. annanl. lllllnn. ildvllze llnd [Il'oVItIIHK Mlle! .IullEns. l'or lhn inurpoaea oI ille Central (lrlillllinl Gollrl nnll Illu Muxlulmlcb' Court, Judge nonlaworlh would have a rmlmllon bureau eainllllslled wllh n aeleelod Ilcnd, , nnd ainll or men nud women. Eneh oIIIecr uhuulII be nulenlnd purely nu merit. nnd nner n atrint ecmpellilve exnnlinnlinn. in uannoollnn \\ llll Bucll IIureuu lllarc should lie proviainn (or medical ex- ulnlnnllnn. nohll: Apiliuvamizma iw lazqulll. Liloololla by Dr. c. w. Bervlub, Gllvnglu. Went uhiua. __ "nr lheir IIuiIa ye. shall iInnIv "mm" In aliil a IIir teaI Ior Iulllrmdnl. iiy lllll'l teal liedleal lliaaioua have ereryilune lo Kalil by eruIIny. 'l llc raaulla ler not only numernua nut monIIeid null IIolewanIIy. and would 'renulro volumea lo wrile In detail. We wish here murer lo bllmlllurlw and unlplmhllc II Iew oI lhn oulaiand- lug reauiia. Till Ia eapeeinliy de- imbin In Ihia Iieuln y year or Mull cal Allhlla. Blnue Dr. John seuddar began medi- cal work In indio In mo na Illa Iiral nl-uIic'ul Miaaionory lo Iorelgn lunda. Illa lllnmlnt oi human bullerlns reliey- ed by hIa aueeesaura ln non-Chriuiiuu lullds ls beyond all exaggeration, sui~ lerlllx does not {mine when we leave. our own shares. 'l'lln people or nIher Innda. .iesa Invnred llia n we, have re ed a umnaurohie nmeunl oi reIier by Ibr'mlnialmliona nizhiiayinllr a. l-IIyaIeiana. 'l'llil; is 'cslieolnlly II-ue an inn millions oi "silul In wo- men oI Indian and rinsiem lands, to wllnm women piiynieluns have brought Ilnlnlll IIIESXIHK. Sinlialiea alien and do linl always Illllll. Yul IIIBY 11') SI": some ll . bl llllngn llollc. ll i In : Illnl mm are IlilllllIIls oi IrI lmenls annually Ill llllsiloll llnslillllli, In China. hi Illxilllmzc, lirere are m-er 3,000,000 IIenImeula a yum. averqunI; IulIy In A 000 (or crash llll l Worker. Dur mn no yellrn. llIl; banlnn llospllal, rue "Ni Ill Iiillnn, II. had llwrl (hull i2.- ouunon palilzllie and over II. .rilllulls, ll Ii lnlllnu: 101' Ilil.l Illllli llel nnd sllm s M npl-l r r - mmnI ni sllilln In the bladder~ or w ('ll Illere llln'e been anon. \\iII Uullllll slonl a 254]an 250 Imunde. Dr. Kent rI-eord ul Inna ( l us Is Illl|_\ lixuvmlt ll lly Hill! of Sir \\'Ill. 'rllll l[lnn nl IIlIllllllll. smae ur. .lehn Sounder mm In imlla In MEI) and IIr. llr-Inr l r lo liiiina In lost, many othe . new: aIiro:ul.In lh - cunsI-lix sufll rlnu lllllnll ' ' are Ill Il CIsI. l )ll islnn. arles, in whom :illo ll'l: women llllnul .Ioo nI Illnse hrI: In mun. ml) In in- llla null 120 In All H! l: Ill!- ures may seem b ' lo lame. bui compare one nbyaii or In 'raremn. There are pmbnbiy noi lull as I all) Mlsslnllury Nulw's In till fnl ltg'l I "19 as are In nmllla alone. and HI whal liieae Iew bim- mount to Incr-hur- nenen phyaielans, and In Illa improve- lllnlll OI ilnspllal slnndnnlr, P IHVIOI lln ovi>rslllrrL Tllnae I'll l' "Il'flil- mailers." )Iizaion iInsleals new number abdnl eon and dispensaries ennui mm). In nlllllllun nl (I very low special lnsil lullnns Ior irpere. Ilie Illilld. the luv emu. an. nni rlo nol Illlagine luaI Illrsr are on up In standard." Pal-r bane run more III... 15 per cum. 0! tile :lIrcnIll II llrispllals are \r 0! the name. ii I: probable lilal same ol our nil-gt: nulcriean elIy Iluepllals east llS Illllcli to erect. Elllllp EIIII mallllnlll, or do all Im mlsslrln Iroapiiair coal. IIIIINI. TM: in wnrlby oi invcsllgav llun. llne oi iiIc anlal llillg lasulls oi lhe Niillllry nI _mrlllrnl missionary work Is lllr gulpul oI Milve\nlcdlrul workers. PliyhlclhnsI overwhelmed wIIII wort, \vrrrv Karon! lo lralu . slslallls, 'l lllls lll'Kiul nllsslnnary mrdlrei Much lim. mmmlsiy Ine a-Imlion at me gin Illa oily. prob ll'lll In I lies along lllls line, I one neoelr must be Iaunhl in lil lll lhrmrnlr A nemnalnn has hem an in In a ~c'nre nr more oI nlls xlnller llll'llll nl null, \V'llk'll II. n (lirIINl out several hundreds I gradu- nomlulou ilonicuiturial. . All In Illa upelilnnz ., you think lhni lbi- punk III Im- linns ha: been rel-died v" ' v WIK alga l! yuu <nI-II ll 9 l .I u a." "llb ni wml'l hoe haw ales. nearly all or whom are nimaliaua. Iloel or the. an allariren In mission- ary bosouals. In which Ibelr oenlrinn. lion Io Iha nroiersionri and rellxlnut nclIyIiIea a ,vm. cqmnlnndlble, Hnu Iminilng in helm day- ahead. __ Scares ' Nuheifrnlnlng sailooia have bee n llhud. lrovn whiah hundreds nlvyn a glad. mlle nureea ,hnve lkv dy haemll dngtm. And in In; nPldi) and earn Ine Iln u: {romtyl'ork'oltlm "9ng lulu n. J . l I . . larlm oaaoda; * . _ . 'l'lla hlwva meatlouad' nahlayamentu V ( century a: medial rpiuioa are duraiy w'arllaJMJIIo and 1me Iurtllinallolr d ana nmmen. r. v _ , malarial? or nil ani V , ' ' . . orniu vtoulylo I" __ _ lo_a ee children on ma alieet willl ice cream coded-om- dies and peanut. numhued on Eunllay. 'rha enau willl willolllhem eemrnenl- IIer nrw'nv'lllluhlu nlru ju Iimblum Iar parcnlaiwllloh llloy Ieal keenly. and whlun many/think anouid not he oer rnilled lo prevail . In any aolnrnnnlly. It In irua deeinlonn have been given in remain and niher allies and Iowan where cem plululo have bee madu ru- np oling llia alique oi llieno Sunday nurulluaeo. Illnl. lnunmuell nu runiaur- ' auI ore nermiiied to null man on sun- Ion. and led cream. enndy, peanut-I eie., are loud, Ian-elara their node in not a murmur, ol lhe Sunday'lnwli. That may be a lean) view ol llm calle. Dul lilo halo u! mean conlmndlilei on Sunday Ia ncveriheieao u vioiulion ol Ilm aniril or the law or well no or the moral olillgnlinllu {or llIii ohlurvauue or Inn Subnnlll. Them In, however. n way by which our rnuniaipnlillea mnv und allould IIrolllbll Illeno promiscuous raiee on Sunday, The aIalulex pro- vide that in Municipal coun ll may liu- child an malnumnia and enlllla hnunea, und give the power oi L'nuDllllK cure luin resulnlinna governing IIIe plunea which may be Iieenaed and one or Ilreac regulnliona may nroilinII Ihe ue- euuae Irorn oeiiing lee cream mndleo. eta.. loll) consumed on Inc nremireo. or In nerunnc who are not llalnzauru piled a meal In Iha restaurant. An enier aemnnt ai lbe sundny lawn re. apeeiing Illu llnlle nl cigars and also ellea III niIa dealrnbin. The Low}! ion Mi moldyer prnlllllllls Iba anle nl Iobneeo In imy Iorm on IlIe Sabbath. Aeion l'ree rreaa. , boa-w... DEATH 01 MRS. E. ll'UllST A Nn ve OI' TolVl'lBlll]! Tile dculb of MI' E. lllu lII. Lill- nnunced Ill [own [amt Friday mDi ll- I'ng willie not unexpected was nu culi 'willl genuine rngrllt hccllu llli llul BL was the [list 0] the llusiil sa pimple wlm were the pion eera or the town and a moat highly respected womml. She was a vili Im at cancer and died just about six months from lllullillle IIIII mill- adv nlserted ital)". Same weelm ago she enlm ell El. Illicllnul'x lln pllal nnll becamu ll Ilnlieul OI Dix Glover who treated Ilnr wltll.llis newly discovered serum. This treatment llbll beneficilll enacts. Sulfa II; was alloyed mill {or Iillml . limli Mrs. Hurst improved. The llmlndy was loo deep rented. however. and the pat olrcnglll, 100 much do- l u (Mo ecl , cure. A low 'wclekk ago she was moved In tile Illlmn or her llallglilr . Mrs. NDKInInX, in IE city and mnmlncll llllrrd unlil llcr deolh wliicll neeurrud about mid- lllglll 'Ilhuraday. Tile body was 'Iu nugljl to Il lirasull's lion") in low" oil Frilllly lligllt nilll llllring tlll: next couple or I n ~s many of Mrs. liurat'a all] and illlinlnlAI Irirl s linlled to L'. rllss lIIlIiI :Illlllix" ion for lice and and synumllly rer llle family. Mrs. iIuI-sl II a an exceptionally- Illlu wolllnil w ill cilal acterisllcs developed by l'l umslanms M) a ling n unusual wllll women, AS ll Ima 1 59 woman she had llllrillg more than (I ll'ly yum I ll nnlivily cnilllucletl slIIzc SI'UIIV ll genrml slhre nu Io [Illliugll rnIl-wonlller and {NIH nil nllll.ll|!l s Ililll Iran the Min nlion of :III who know lll l', PII l Ul nrkillilly hull symllniilolic llllllll't <Ild maincll Iilrougnoul her business ' . '{ly snlzcilnus or the mlldiluln oI ihe uurni-luual/I nnII exercised lllh \ lIlIl of charity to all oxlclll unknown In anyone but llerseli. While her llll lnuz was not ill lel'll-Il imillll l' was her home :llllI (Lullil IIC {lIunll lllnE lgngl : in . work at ) ll Cllul cll Hurst was a "alive ' null mine In Al- lil lyrfmlr years ago she was l til and ill [885 1051 her husband. III IS JI the re de- slrriyed ller elore, stock and home. Slip wIIh' ill (lint llllll located on about lhn spill where Mr. \V. F. Knight's blnro nawv slnllda. ln'llle adjustment DUN" llle [ire Elle Intnlr rd on the rarllei where (he Slol e still does tunin s. Mrs. llursl us in business_ In yet Ine pioneers of Allitlon \v re Ilene, Silo saw them nil pass lill Ilel's Ill-Dame Ule longest eslnblisned llusilll'ss. The funeral (rink place Monday nllzr llanll. Service was hell! (it the [lame by Rev. . Ellison or Rulllleymnlle PI'L EI Iv iIlI Church, Toronto. :1 cousin or Mrs. ilm-el, naalated by nor. P. w. A. Hoiloris. Ilir. Ellison, who knew . rs. Hurst intimate mid warm irihuII-a In her ulroug Clll'lsliun ehorocler and sterling principles. The eorlege mnrerl along Viclnriu rlrdnt wiIiI all business pinces eioaod, nil nonda lakeu n and blinds llrnwn. inlennent was made In Ibo Union ceinelery, llin pail bearers being Ibo III sons and one sonaIn iuw oi Um (lucmsnll lady, The liva ecna and one daughter who survive are Genrgu and l . N. burial of Alllolnn. w, II. and lines oi 4r . renio, l ell 0! Detroit and lies, w. \v. Airllinlny ol 1'oumlo....lllialnn Ilrrnll l. +- mo: roun nuuonm ' me: omo: TRIP WInnIpca, Man senl. EI our hundred miles by canoe In Ilie mills or nonnum nlnnnoh. Ills been me ex perience ul two WInnlpEI! men. II. In aleWIlIiamr uni Prev, B. C. Wallace wlnlnlrolener oI norlhern Mudleen. who l-l-nt'l menlly lNIn Ill! llud ran Day. The trio mmd at Nor. my Home andula 'mllle dyawn llle mye: rlvar w ihni may by the Sel lib-II ulilm. one In ! weird Ind.llln bull: or Intura ,' III no unlimllllu'm'lllllig ineno Anya borne i$l,046, 090. 7 l sundhorne 31305 g / no... hen Ih'n Imrlubomn ugda ,- to Weeahome hutiu Fnleign of Canadian prdcluctn shipped (tom 1a p701! outside Camdian"lerrliory weirdo our Imrilime growth, weekend our. pmperity arid ,plaoes'cdnlrdl ija part of our baa-bdrm commerce in the. halide of ajcompgtiiive natio n. nae Navy Manna oi Canoan * - he man were In whal I" , ."F A reverie and the lady wna In a The null: wos ln a r'everIo and me MI! W "I l hull-mm They calm. Iauonooe boln nIaaIIinea were ban ed. ' I . I . iy damaged . cup lu o. Torah. III lug province or out , parliament oi Guild. nl Illa ll . alon lhureo! lar d bill or Divvre'a froln hie wife. Balrloll anh ouay. on Ina ground or adultery m lonn ronlo" b.,-I 10.; . numb 0:! mm: [4 . .lry llno 5"" noammll, 09min , PHEi'ANLA v Dated at Toranlo. la the Provlnaa ol ' Onllrlh, the lolh d 1 0! Avril 1910. Dunnln Mudunnld alley. ' by II Il lllcllnnl HDBIliET B. GODFREY. PHELAN O. , : LAWSON. In; lacy 8L. Toronto. uolloa oi uppiiullan lar Divoml i NOTICE ill hereby given lhal MI undue-nun, GhnuIleur. or iha GI or Toronto, in lhe county at York. and province or Onlnrio will to me Parllnmcniiof canada II me out no. alon iharaol, Ior u Bill or Divorce Irorn Ida wile Mamie urine or Ina raid (lily bl orbnlv. In Illa aouoly or York. on the 'groilnlls M adultery Ind daaerliou. .- baled or Toronlo nu. ma dry 0! play, A. D.. 1020. . Alexander Lorine. by J. E. condemn, Bum, narrlster 466 6 Adelaide slI Weat. Toranln. Hoth oI-Ilpplieaiian For nivom NOTICE In hereby men that wu- Iiam nicnm noyla all me cily a: To: ronla. in Ibe County Ill York. and Pro- vlneu o! Dnlarlo, Gentleman, will up- - ply-la the Parliament 01 Canada at lilo next aession lharwi Iur n'BllI cl Di vnrclz Irom nlr wile lll l'Kal-zi. Edllh noyi or the city or London; In Illa ' county 01 lllnaiesex, in the produce or Onlurln. on llid ground a! adultery. Dated at 'l omnlu this 25": any I)! June, A. 1).. [WOI Willlum aienvea Doyle, Esq. by his Sollcllnl xV nonleB. GIJDvnBY, PllELAN at LAWSON, 452 Day SLI Toronto. - lleilco aI Applie-Iiun Ior Divorco NOTICE is hereby given but Lllllln ,lloranee Ilriull ol Inn 0in at Toronto, in the County at York, and Provlnue a! solemn, will apply to me Parliumant or Canada at Ind next resaion mereol Ior n Bill or Divorce Irom her husband Frederick Ansell, at the (lily at Van- euuver, 17 ounce Oriole i- hereby aivrn lh mu . e Dlunnwn 0! till CH1 oi,'l'qrenlo.-ia. . lha counIiyI ol Yolk. Me hull qu/ . aoply to t a Farllnmunl a an at ihu. naxI neaalon Ihereoi Iona Bill 9 uiverna Irom hir wile, Ilnaoaa Marlon Daugmon or III nid Ciiy oi 'l'ornnlo, ly on the ground a! mule and deter- " . tic I noted at Nmnlo Inir aI-I any at August, A. 1).. mo. ' Arlhur nonunion. ' I by hII noliolten. nonmmn. GODFREY. WELL 4: , v LAWSON. I52 any Street, ' , Tam. . _____ made a! npplic lun m a $0. Nomi: Ia hereby slven .thl. u- I warn cool-a. Taylor. oi the _Iy.,ox Toronto, in the county or York, and Illa Prnvlnca oI Onll o. Driver, .will apply lo In. Pullman} otcamdnllr Ina next seaaion thereoi tor a Bill or nivnroa lrnm'hls wile, LIIIIAn PeIrl Taylnr. nDW rerldinr in In. ultypr :I-or route, an Illa ground at e llllol'y. . name at Toronto, lhll 1th day at sent, mo. . I ODLDWIN 0. Eu] .r 5 -' . I'll Yon538l.,l Eollnllar Ior lhe Apollo-III. M ilnuaa or Application tor Qiyom NOTICE In hereby elven Inn: mun' qrarnwecd, eI Ihe Villuu or human, In ihe County at York and Provlnoo ul Oninrio, will apply lo Illa Pullman: 01 Canada. at ina next aenalon Ihereo: Ior a,niil III nIvoree Irena her nun. D ld. Allrea Greenwoon mx his only an Toronto, In mafcaunly or anh. in; Prnvlucaoi oatarIe, Von lilo ml. or deseriiim and adullery. : Dated at rareoIe-Ihie 25th any a Auguat, A. 1).: .mo. Helen 'areenwood, . - by her solioliarll. IIOBINE E, aonrnrir, PHELAN} e / nAwseN, 62 Ely SL, Toronto. NIT by unit, and feature by feats ' ure,-a parison shows the Gray:- Dort to be bigger or stronger or better than other light Cars. The mptor is bigger, with cooling system to match; 40-pounclcrankshalt; three-ling pistons; Westinghouse starting and. lighting; big axles; long springs; deep uphols- stery; hand-tailored top; side curtains opening with the doors; Thermoid br linings. Any Vman who will tce the trouble to measure (and Wei II and test the units of light cars will be ab e to see and feel the value which is in the Cray-Don. - M This value has mach sales 30 rapid th you should see the Gray~Dprt dealer at pm to be sure of securing your c'ar. K- N. ROBERTSON, New/market, ' I. , I E. w. JOHNSTON, Sutton W. oles o FNTAI; TORONTO W. .0. . LAW. ALL TAXES lNCLUDED A odel l5 Regular 51,515 15M Special $1,746. 151) Ace > $1,862 10 Roadster $1,575 All oJl. Factory-j Fulsht Only'Extra ll n Zeithyr-