Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 1, 1920, p. 4

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Read Dun s ender's : T . to Sales Manager: .' Duneen s I nllva Instrucqu lo, the Sale: Maneuer 'ero Everythan In the more met Ile eanU eeIed Ln sell mysI b9 . - sold elIsome prlce. ,Ee I have taken IIlmIal. III: were. I,wIII lgnor e 6091 or Home, I wIII'glye hle old Prlee e. blow that wlll I I leave hlm Dazed, Dlppy and Mn, Come early. It's your. - I 11ng opportunlty as Saturday, out. 2nd, II poalllvely the LAST 'DAY OF THIS BALE. " ' ' - VSENSISITIenIIL I . SHE SALE 2' - ON SATURDAY ONLY, we wlll glve youthe Olgaleo of any shoe In the 8mm, Value! up to $18.00, whloh Inulud ea' All styles of, Shoes, you even the new Scotch Brogue for wllh any $25.00 Purehese or over I 4 . i S EATERS All IWo'oI In eaulllul colors and 2 Tone Effects, nII elm, new: 9" 5'0 _. -'-S. aIe Price;. 1 ,: ' Kharki Pants ' V In Good Heavy Flno Grade 01 KIIerkl, Double Buwed seems. III nII-sleep $2.59 vigth Gowns .Men'a'E xlra Good Heavy Qunllty Flannel wIIIII or without IOoIIerI A Reg.l rlee$8. . $ I . . . . V U N D E A R Men s Fleece Llned Shlrie or Drewere In Geod Heavy n I all alias Regular Prlce $1.50 6. Sale Price. I'SX' In Blacker Natural Color, Double Noel and Toe . ReuularPrlce $1 .25 Sale Price........... 693a Double Sewed Seams _ Reg. $8.00 - ' Sale PrIce . . Sale Price We nova a Behullful VFInoVLoI. of 0am, all New GIer's and $1.98 -' shapes, put In one hlg lol. Sale fl TW d Hats ' PS 7 Reg. Prloe $8.00 One. hlg lot, All ARegular $45.00 New Fall Tweed Huts, Newael Blyloe end OoIorIn , all new Fell Goods. North York Marble 6: Granite Works. ' V JOHN D. MOSS, Prop. Pnou 255 L. (I. I2. nnx 412. Ilunm :. - NewmanIeI, Onl. Near G, . n. Slnllon. I _ IIe luxcal essonmenl ueslsns ol MONUMENTB, TABLETS ' AND HEADEWNES In Nnrlh York. l'EIIlclenpy A. Barrie." Dur Mono. ' EIlImmrI swan wlIlIouI any obligaurn. speml eonslderallon lo dependmu III I-Ilrn nernae. No eonlmcl loo III-ea I No under lee mall A: we me one of Illa one We lake'eehe at them The lnmllaunn III Modern Eloolrlo Appllenoee aI our worn :nllllel uo lo 0!! you prompl Benin! and meal wnrkman- 6M]: II Runnable prices All unnuman ner-VIM done by our new. - Bulldins sum cm. In green Lugenl Impurlen um lluler: ol Marble ll-ld Gnllle In Norm Ind heal. smug; em on uuht, ) nln- Id Mn am on p'r olntl DAY from I ~ Fur mum uuculml npply'w my Grand Trunk. eke! Agent or G. E. ,Horlllnz, Du nII mumm- Mgnl. 'I o- 0. ' mouse-Ion. I Rog. Prch $6.00 Sale PrIce' . . . . . Comments . of Exehanges. cnmmnnuy nII-ma. III-IIIII-III MI-I'Elll )" 'I'III: III I Il.l- nI : I II [III KI' anI Illllll cIII-II III nIIIIII or usefulness lI llm IIIIIIII I II Illl' Muller's Punslo ns In onInIIII. .IIIInn I-'I-II- l nus: 'I III III InII II. III III lIlI I. thllvll pm- \ il|lm,' lllnllllll > - Inll : Illlllrr I'vIIaIII I'IJIIIIIIIIIIIS Ill'lll fer llInSlanBlrs ls vl ry InnIIInIII Inuns I. IIIls nlll Ina : lIlnllIer will: tIIIlIlrclI Illlll r 0f :IFL' Ilrleulll'm Il|lml llol I Wlln III]: III.I IIIr lluzllnllll by unnln. III whom llllelmnll IIIs llnun pnrmnneully .dIsaI llel], 4'Il' I-nIIIInIII Io IIIIInIInI In- nsyIIInI IIIIII IIIIII IIII um I resldcnl III unIIIrIII [or III IIIII IIIIII- yInI-II III-anm [Imper IIIOHII I' Io Inke I'al e III IIIr cllIldrI'n. wIII rIIIII-n IIn IIIIIwanIIz 3|)! liclmll (nl' hpr lllalnrnn e (mm "l n Kowrnmrnl. IIIS al'l IIIII-II nn nIIIIIIII-I- I. . IIII llllgm IIIInanIlIIe .\rIIIur Ilniglln II Ills IIIIuIInaIIl, Fasler urn nII-mung "In Same IIoIII-Inn III nIIII mIpI-II, I They Hol llevlks \Vrkl kv - and mom III-II IImIInIIIy snIIlIng III IIII IIIII IanIy II wnnIII h [t s III IIIII nIII IIuInr were IIIII; III nm IIIIIII navnnuunnl sI-I- "(II IIIny llrds. taken Ilnllcy, IIIII- Inr wlIIrlI IIIrl-e Is un Inll new nnr ever has been, unvnrn- Ills pm tlvu you: - CASTai RI'A mew ... rue-Town Aunt lllnl lIulltII'. Rumors, Lll mrals, InIIn-I lll rlIs Inn nIIIIns In: [All In rIIIy nnII [Inlrlnue "IUXI lls, IInI wrerkere HurlI' NEVM [ll c lms Um mess oI Canadian III rm clusszd. II II n nIlsI nlenls have L'OHIE and 1m ? Kane, llull I Cauldlans IIIIyI: always remulncd lrup Io IheIr lqnule and men eaunlry. HIM. Iluvlnx been my nemanslrnIId eurlngi "2.98 TEnnIBLE Fluu'r WITH IIAIIK. eANnne auruan In my Sleek rII-a. , III 'rII,' IIII-l IInIII III II-Iclle um I "('11. III-Ir I lllll'l' t'IllIlh III-n III.III II IIIII SIKhMIIlIIIII \illl' l l oIII-II I llw IIIlles II IIvll'lsIII I " :IIIuI-IIIIuII. 'I'Ill I-nII Innn- Only with IIII- 'I III IIII- . L IIy HIP. [Inler nlll II 1h IIIInI- IIIIIIII, III nIIIcn f0ll| !lllmll ,I Nulllls Alf Jullnullllinll \vd III'L II (ll) IInIII IIIIII, IIIII- IIIIIIIIII \\ I|ll sIIIII .IIIII 1mm IIIII IIV InnnIII, IIIII'IIIIIIII-s III IIII- L'llll- llll'll llillllni were Ililllllllll l!) recas- rm IIIIr iII'MI IIIIII, I IIIIsslIn nnII IIII; ulllm s IIII IIIIIch as "Tony" hr HIE "(HI DIlIr rII|I|IIrnII by Ille police. 1 7m u; TInIIr wIIIIII Tlll Iwn InI-n IInu previoust Ill!- IIII IIInI llm) would nol III Iakcll llvc. nnII IIIny can lcd [Ills dIIIeI-Inlnn [Inn In Ilemardlnm-y Irmgllls. Anul' m h... WIWM am, ,5 a m 3". may IIIII IIIIIn IIIInIrII In IIIeIr IIIIIInII I I nIIIII sIacIII IIIn pollen rcnraI- nIanI In IIIII slack wlllI n wIIIlo. llng IIIInn Il|ltlll III IIIIrrIIIIder. .mnms IIIIIIIIIIII IIII nIIcII aeuuslnn IIIey were grel't- I \IIlII rIIwIIley III (In: [mm In In- IIIIIIIII mI-n snuIewIIIIrII In [he IIInrk. I'I'IIo IuIn \VPrc I; l unIII a (Mark M surrender, and II II: lllcn nII-marl III mu llln sleek, IIS Um pollen were II Inc IIIIIIIII' "'IIIIH IIIInIIIe III Isl lvrmlunu III m IIIeIII out before dark III-rs InIIgIII', InIIIIIrIIImI a posnlhlllw. I: IIIIIII simul , I In IIIIII HIE III-Ink was on IIrn IIan Inn (hill nII IIIII. III .IIIIInII lhl lll III III nIIIlrI IInII IIoscI-l In. one III we III In I-nunIry-IIIIII rmnllnIl E III III.- I.IIInu-I-. A IIm- I IIIrInI; III IIw .InII order. III: m-nlver Into the } nusnIIII IIII- cnnslanl luslillldc, now- nmIIIIIng In IIIIIIkIIwI-r, wlIInII allended llIe gm, nnl a llIal IlII ullnrnIII-rs III Illcse nnllllcalgmnmucr oIIIIe anIIce llnsSL-was IV'IIcII- ,I ,nIIIrIy all ma. shol: gnlng Ion iIlUJI. mun From Burnlnq Buck. The IIrInrvaaes wen: IIIIIIIIIII IIII Fall styles; ellhor Belted or Pleln Models, all wool I 3|Il l1 III "IV I Nel eel All Wool CHINESE FAMINE .1 wonsf IN 25 VEIIRB' I II... II. II... mus III we IlIsIrlIIs served lIleIclr I II nIIIII HIII MOIIa III IIII II I mvlllctu An. I \"ll * IIUX'UY III - I llnnrd. Inlll r ll' I-IIIIIIIIIIIIII ll: IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIV TIIG fallllnI III CIIIII: 3 III \VDI the ImunIrr IIns c\])l*l'll2l1l In In rem. Io,ooo,noo .Irc IIyIIcIrII and 3200.. 000,000 I: IIIIIIIIIII. * LARGEST DEPARTMENTAL s'ron: IN IRELAND wnEoKEn'ev 80MB IIanI ]II, 27 I-IIIIIIIII A Xllluiioh : "I? cIly nIIInII Iwa n I-IIIIII InIs murlllng. ,II In. InllnweII III IIII. rIIllII III I-IIIII W In val'lmls purls aI IIIn IIIIsInIIsII Illslrlrl. I, When IIIII Inwnspnuplr \ d IanII InIIII- In IIIr InaInInII. .IIII-I- IIII: IIaner IInII exulredI Iney IIIunII Ihe maln llInmngIIInm, Palrlek sl., IIIIIr- III we. glass, and [he Ironl n1 3 III KE denarImllIIl slnre. \vhchI Is saIII to em- play n large 'nulnbzr In young slnn Felners, comnlnlely \vrel keu III II IIy IIIIrnIII. \\ InI.Im\'s er-I sIIIasIII-II In [I]: up. per quIIIII; III alnlu| III-cry sInI-Iz'ln "In vlclnll) . AI mIllIary IIIIIInuII-Icr. II wnI snIII turn a nmllmlllary renoI-I IIIIIIIIIIIII Ine'm were In mllIIIry naIrnIs near HIE wmIII-II slum nl (he Ilnle III Ihe 9% nlnslnn IIuI IIIIII. Imam were IInsIPn L'd III the scene. They we III-mi nn IIy snIIIIIrs II-Inn "In rool nI HIE slum. nII-orIlIng In IIII reporl. and IIIII sul- IIlIIIs rIIInI-IIeII Inn III-II wIIII.sIII-I-Inl valleys. A rnIIIIIrr gum Ila! helm sIIIIInnIII .11 le III: I I Ille Inn III "In slack wIIIIe II wI'II IIIII ,IIIIrnInn, (Inn 0! them IIIIII Inpar- I enIIy nun klllell Ilerer IIIe Inc): wnI um, All III!) IIIIIIIIIIIII was bun'ud 41 Inc hady, Illielnslns IInIInI Imus IIII IIIIIIIIII arm. IcnII- In IIIs body. flnn IIIIIIII Iusl nver IIle IIerIIII alli sl In III! IIIIIIII II nII nnn In Ills near 'I lIe_IIIIIII (or IIIIIIe nIIII L'Iilml m- In : days, durlllg wnInII IIInII Inn: el I In menu-en III III; pom nIII name. I ly any sleep. I Delmll. Ebpl. EDI 'I llemnaur en tered [he Jewelry slnm al Nll) nnse Inn lllIMnA'I Slml ItHlay. IIqu Ine -nl~np elor'rl lwo Sun Jul], 20. m3 .. I ._ 7 .l red, III, Ind IIIIIaIII-II wIIII Innney Ind " . jewelry valued III "2.000. I The Inn: ip of linse yauIIIII ,wcro ee eully unIII-III ind runavn! In n_ Ilollnllil. w; Many a \\'II IuIIeluc hlllIurIl I~IIIIIII Iqu her husbanr s coal an: IlIrIls IDM'S at xymnuhy because or Im- Isl-I Imun he must spend I III; d'sk close In HIP. whllewasned \mll, arIInIII'y. SenI.25.~rn.aay, III III: IIrII unIII In llle IIIIIory II [be great [Irlmshy IInII bL HI grower: hm IIIIIII. ed Ind nnnIIII ri-ull nnII III-1m have landed cIII-_IIII I Sunday, and mnmlln Inn sIIIIIaIII wnI-II Ihnuund: III IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIn IIIIII are rolllnx on "In Imus. .nII IIIIIIr olllcs III-e bumaal Ina moms: DI ImII Im {or unnlnx our. poles. Illa IInII OWEN m .IIIIIIg my IIIlr InI-IInIII Ihe IIIIm-I-xu III on In and Inn duh" If! 50ml mm on .nIIInnI. II n :IIorI-n III elm lo IIIIII nag nun III. ' SUITS Men a and Young Men s In Blue and Mlxturee,eleo- a few Brolltn Mlquroa. Regular $35 00 colon: and elies. New Fall erIoI _ Sale Price . . . . . In Genulne All Wool Models Regular $20.00 SALE PRICE . . . . \Vllllb', 0nL, SIIII. 2I'I IIIIaInm rIIIIlIuIy u-Is nerpeIrIlIIII IIIIrc early lllls IIIUI HIIIK, when cInIIIIIIg III IIIE I-IIIu III nIImII sum) wI sIulIIn 1mm II. I. JIIIIIleIUIIg :Iorn. 'I III- Illu Wan IIIII IIII IIIl nlIIIuI ma lIIIs IIIIIrIIIIIII - Iunnn- III . IIIIII Il 'I IIII Ulll IIInI XIl'Il'l-l n r Ill IIInIIIIIv and A; newly norlIIII 0U}! IIII- garnls. IIILI v IIIInI IIIIIy unIIIIIII IIII Hm IInII~ cIIIIII mi , IIuI III - .1. well. .\n IIIIrIIIIII IIIInL IIIIn TIIIIIIIIIIIII I- H E, lIIIl W4: Il'ualmll'll I! 'M, [,N mml IW'IMI m IIIIIII and, In II I'DIIVII ITIJIIHI) III IIII: null. Tl IIn Innanu IIIIIIII-rI-In-II- I n II lllt dellKIll III ll: IuIII- wIIIIlII .Iilld .III . ulglII t AIII- , - [III ( 0qu WI. Iik II IInlng IIIIl IIII ladlh , ' I I In H: \W'M Farmsjgr Sale 100 ACRES IN GHINGUACOUBV TP., 2 MILES FROM MAV- FIELD, 3 MILES FROM SNELOROVE IIIIIIIIII. InIIII Illl, IIIII. nIIIIII IIIIII-I 2 IIIIIII ulld n cmr k. SIII IInnI-I III II rooms. IIIII I. IIaIII IIanI 60:35, Inn-I I-IIIII. hnrn No. 2, mm, 0. II 50x30. I' I I0 IIIIII. nIIvIIIg IlDllsIs, IIng IIIn, non Ilu se, IIInIIInIII, Ilural mail Illll lvhllIllonI . , Stone mad ,3 lllllI's. l uhseialwl nnyIInII-. I rll' smono. TI IIIIIIIII-II. 300 AGNES IN KING TP., ON ORAVEL ROAD, 1 MILE FROM LLOVDTOWN, 2 MILES FROM SOHOMBERO 200 acre: \\'urL'. lIlIe, IIalIII-II-r lIuslI IInII when). n In; rlrr'llanl. LIA) loam sell. I well and .I sanIIg. Ilrlrk IIIIusI- III II mom .IIIIIIII I-nIlIr. Illslrm, Bank ham 50x51, IIAHI Na, '1, GDKIIU. Nll I'l xil IIP-Ilp ll Illlril and IX calllu. nnvlng IIIInsI, IIIIg III-II'Io, o. lll n II-InII- new. >Ilj 30x12. SrIIeel IIIIII I-IInmII I nIIII~ ' IIIIIII IIIaII .IIIII II-II-IIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIIII dl pnl 2% mm I IvoserIIon irrAnKEll. I e 32mm). TIIIIIII .IIIIIIIII-II. 17a AGREE lN KING I'P., ON ORAVEL ROAD, _ 3 MILES FROM KING, 20 MILES FROM TORONTO _ us urres workable, hnlnlIre IIIIsII IIIII nnunnu I am IIrrIIIrII. Cmy ImIn IIIII. 2 well..- and II amok I gnnI In. . III 9 Nexus. Kllllll I-rIIar, III 16m, IlaIIk 1mm 96x50, lInrn ' 2. 430x36, IIr-un l nouns and in cJIIIt. nII/'11 yard. nnvlng Inusc 50x30. IIIIII you man. In IIIIII . nII-III 'IOIISPI sun 528m. sIIInoI 2 mlles. CIIIIrIII II/I IIIIIII.. IlnIII II II Ina IeII-IIIIIIn , THE RI HT ' IIIE IInIn \l )' IIIIIIII IIHINI Irv lnlh .- I III :I In:ll"lll | II IIII h an MD: OEI IVIIIII. nIIIII IanIIn- III II pIIIIII All IvnI-IInIIIe, 2 n Wnlle lIIIunwlvu In amnlo , Passeselon arranged. prII-n 325.000. 'I s unused. 100 AGREE IN KING TP., ON THE STONE ROAD, 2 MILES FROM SOHOMBERG . may loam sellI Plelll) III w IIlIr. 3 wells IIIII I Inrlng. I'rIme IIIInII a! s Innnu, rellsr. Hunk ham 00136, hknl Na. 2. 50x30. IIe-up 9 mm: and 20 InIIIc. "(lg pen. $I Ilnul I IIIIII. mnmlI 2 mllu, mun-av down 2 nIIIIs. IIIIIIIssIIIn nIIInIII-II. I rI-iP vaoao. rerun nrmnned, - - I gWILLOIlanBY FARM: AGENCY All workable. I am; umllal dI $3.98 Shirt Values Flne Dress shlrts, Famous Arrow Brand, Regular P'rlce $4.00 Ilne pellern, all $2.49 ' Rain Beats? Tweed Mlxlurea, Ballad or Plain OPPOSITE 'magrketn OST OFFICE, L IOTT/ . . I / U W Maya g - Yongn I I phat : SISI. 7mm. an an oxecIIcnI "mu , (cl-h flared: work. ll (lc wonder lhe demand In! my ornduius ii (In lIr'ItE our supply, EnIel- any . Cltuloqun Free. W J ELLIOTT Fl cllal. Shaw's Gatalogue' , III Eullnesu 'I'Ialnlnq mun II I III-nan me on request {III um "am Aqu. so. Inn. Address w. II, Shaw, rIIIIIInl. Vance AI emu-n 315., Tt l'lb'). Nullno III Annuculan IIII DII1! I. 'U'I ICE I. IIeIIII v gum ibelh Alex-mm at w {an I K In me County a! In M I>IIIIIIII oIIInIIo, wlll unIII In III.~ or Canada qI IIIn IIan .II II 1 SI ,IIIn IIly I7] 'rIIInnlII III III. Yan and Pun-Ian III 1mm ground I: IIeII-Illun III.I IIIIII DnlI-IJ III Toronto Iln~ 'tlll Nolle- III Appllullen I: own NOTIIJZ I, III-rI-III IIIIII II I: a , MnIdIII III III! I I- III IIIVIII'H, :10- IanIIIlI- III \ II anII I>I~IIIIII I Mm), IIIIIrII . Vllll II I) III HI IIIlvnl nI I III! III I III h IIIIIIIIII IIII n IIIII 0' IIIIIIIIII I: IIIIII VIII-5 Huhlr ll, III III :44 I 'l'ornIIlII. III III IIIIIIIII, III I'n-Hlll III nulan'n, In "W idIIHI r} InII II-IIIIIIIIIII, [MINI II TnIIIIIIII IIII. LIII IgIIII. .\. III. IMO IIIIIn IIIIIII. ll) III rloIlI.\I:1 I'I:, GIIIIFII lnrlo, IIII) HI? 0 wllluyplyloIlnl AIIIIInIIII [I I .I Ills nul IIIIIIIII II eel xmm III nlvnm mm In: hllaDI'mIJ, M I GalhmlIhInlIRelCIg0:331:33 um of YD! n B ' Iclorlo,ynl| mu Kmuull o! uIIIIIItrY I desel ou, ~ ' mmznn vu : J. A. "Ion. .I r. Dunn. w. A. vouuo. II. .I. Imn'ul. won Ymnle. I mum-t I Mumun. I Nunplan. II 9- 'Oml, lollou. HEAD urine: emwnwmwn. om. DATIID .I 'rIImIIIwIIIII mm an d - . Inn. 5qu M "' nun (illlllilalhlli I lly Im- .a I .I ' II I nnuINIIrm, uOnl I .IIAWM. 'Ile on Izlml. 1W" ' m IIII III IIIIII helwce ol the alomry thal Hl ' IIy nII "min. are n For IIII Tun Ibunda nus 'III 1 1mm womnl so "III mInImII ml: and vII IcInnur areas I III-II II III: Men In we made I lIIrouIII conslm nmIIIsII laIrIMI IlrsI Dl IIIIor u in In And I . law In mum

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