Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Oct 1920, p. 2

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. l. Hp! emitter. ' W :lmljl etlnioh or retloel etnliitor.'itevwnnrltnl . I pound A rainiTtro tn Queenevltl. . llx y g tor nil ' In can??? w 0U1:lmvl il ' .iiowlunrltel, ull . piornlug ,ipni; eoptaintng ll lu't o eitm t-lnriiloy iLlIJci-dl reyvltrll ill ' lire ( itoo oriohn Futile. ilednr valley > I 3 ' all 'Il rill-eel hole nlnllnineturerhl Drldml. Gelvlnxllli tree, Voter 03mm i io rectory hitter t-ndeiptde Hithl,"l i.l rnr ilo. l e i ,. liawse vii mo IIrinIn llotllln i_u epiuniltd noildtiien. tiltilde and out. good gel-den, - n w hunter. and garage, hunt lnen- t n nn liiiurril st, it. lloyllotdn. aot l' .. . i .vo onto .h lnoiilitlt house on Arden Awhile iul-nnu , ull rlt-anlsllls. hiltll. till"an oner Also ntllnlillnx'liil. Arlply'ngrl are .Nowuirrlr . _ .vil . , ) iwgudi We want our ere-lustre line opened up luently in Newintll-ltet. wtli vrl'y otiitahte limo sole tng rlxllld. . w ell ultniiiiotind (seven years). lllgll aloe- huniuestl. yielding large proittl. i 'otirlnnenl. higrllture npeotatly nlllill- to to pl ll. due pundilioiie. stint. ' rant-hell operating in illnny other or. t Vncqllll cti land ll to handle. write in ill-at inatonoli to ,w. 'l alllnlge' toil ti Joiu'l Norit llilmtilon, iintarto. I atoll allotiittstmmid. ohm or ultimo. V i . I llmwn lilitl dulllilil erri wish In lllutlk Ilwll ncliililllird latill (liluntlli-{nr "to many klnllllullrmil hlwwn "mint during the illness and death ot hlrdslll'awll ' . own/0F Tammi; iter und Mrs. A. v. lltggillnen wish in exp as their elnrrre llltlnItl? to t llelgiilioie and triendenor tlleir usnis open and sympathy in the less hy death at their only usugliter, i l ' .._._a.-_._....>.....,..... t!" For: out: o One pen rt! nlITorpinnwnr, l-oul. Willi] ul L'lKl lanS \Vlilll'll were ltwll lll lilst year iroiu Jill s. Graham, mayo to V cook'a'hotilto ril lrom M|GII plat'na . ~Ncw .tersey. _ - ~ I Also yearling noett Blrd .ilro. tira- lmm'B strain. This all he sold right to multo room. . ' 1 . J. FRENCH, Gorllan l Ste Nun Xi'l. l llune 219. P. n Ilnx 703. p anti AUCTION lSAVLE ! . , ~ o .Hl ll BRIDE HDL Elli COWS, lli) .lil'an-rl) of W, Jr Currey. lol. 20 . In 2nd Gone. \vtiltehureh, one mile Snulll til Neill-market , DH FRIDAV, DOT. 9" 320 it as iollliws . e to laws, irusih U'llvc . by sides , II Fonwdrtl Sprlnscr ' i Remelcredjuw, r. yrr, riltl. tilii :illvrfi'sltlua it lltll. Anon; WE WANT A reliable agent _tor ovary un replsrent dd diatrtol, to suit our watt-knowit trait and nrnamenlnt uou ahrunn. nto. AY. :xcLustuE Tahiti- r TORY mum's. raluahle under t , eonditionr. eon Adan or NURBEIW. EdrAaLInHEn do liEAne. write on nu-oteullro to Money n-ommrnt, PELHAM ltlunaznv op, Tunoitm. Ol . roman: _ ri-orlahle Engine 13 it. P. hi Klind .nonditten, sultixtile tor corn Cuttlng. mover Threshing, Elli, Alan 6 new .tttnes to ill Engine; Will he sold cheap. Apply WM. llrllltil ilnx M5 , Newtnnrliei. Foil GALE on the attraettve urn-her or pump SUCH mid l ucl Avenue, splendid house at seven good-sized height rooms, tilt-er decomlell, with an up. rilhIrsi anti domislnlt s iiiitt. steeping porch and large sninluer illtehen, niee IiaUl mntn 3nd Llll modern commute times. Silualvtl an a lot smile teat. Apply to owner, air. IL Everest. az hFFLEB l AerEsl nun i All Hulls ni Apples rol- sale li'y lilu hashet or harret. dond cooling on- pies, {55. lal lilikel. We wul also hay our applet by the harrel on the tree all we play them. call or phone to. t . it, it. TERRY. . ailth Aye. 'itwda Ndwmn-kel. M ION Pawn: ALI AT BARGAIN datum r ' -i gcnd;rincll stove. - i Knob!!! Owned. 1 small Sme lion-d _ - ,5 Humming Hanging Lnnip. r ? iow sinus Lamps, Bedroom set, white 1 Eu. 1 ii . : IX'vA'w 9' lthntner 011 "It! Trap-Lino ny F. erlltllll tho-ma or one urtng the nine . This lle ocrtui'en tiltawlt inotudur n it_a atiunle pun. lionit no eo'rue tour [hundred lit a 'wtiieh lilnhionn unull uydry pin it of lnmllnx in in .pro ' a Couple: The now lls lined uaiitdlu I will i r elntucto dairying,,'iletd revs) inn tnnd pinnl "dlncliles, llv' mock. the orohsrd'onri garden, nnd poultry. in Illn'nlllcell neoun lint erineltld, f nrln Feodu. ,. Grain toi- llutnnn l'ood. edition oi he ltloplo Sugar indulltl-y in Cunnilul i All hone Granite and tire Niltllndblti'tur the I! log irom the penitentiniirdirnnpli oi the til-pai-tnirnt,ot ngrllinltnre al.0l<, tow .II to tiilio'titet annoutiadinenl that mode regarding the opening oi Evening lliillln lul tiinssen in Newmeriinl. -. it In true lIIlll lanl yenr the attendance in mine at the aotileetn who n dtenppotn , illrlrt tult lllli teetinioal nehool ultnlilt li not he illoppud altogether. Tito ct A llrllrl should he hired atlntller chance. it there lire nttl appllnnuonu to, \ ut lltrt cx cntllluro'ln lhd'mal "Inlll nl llnd engilleerlilg'cineiierl there to o e rinse ttinl iiull' llavoriolterl an ttiut tll hreril-lttlitlri'g. ' have hoped lllnlllllti opening ni;ilt 0 industrial titiiiliieo tu Nowmnrlet might lead to tile introduetioil ot ltouonheht sorenee out to (hr the patronage linen not indicate that ill ililll In opportune. 'l'll'lnii wile llnye n uttlt il tile ludllrtrtill dipoles itie pnllt three yiiar< enn testin to l ery great pemiiat lieneitt llitll they hill-r lie , rnplllite hi liellig a tillll grant glienettt to the elite. alllp M the. enminunlty went they tiettel- ntteildl-dl ny'ttiu yolllig peopl hinlend oi loitering their time on the treels end at nmnlenlent llnltn. . 3 MW _ King Council The allot-e council met at lilurle ltnli, anilclml, on no iwlay, Sept. 25th, toil). ilellllierri all present ulld iniliuleii ui innt meeting read and eenilrliiod. several eotutnnnlealiulis were reeeiv. ed and rend. Tito ioltnwing tititii and aceoulits wrre' prenontedmnli ordered paid : lletsert linens, gravel nndrooti woril , . . , . . . . ._._..i..312.l0 John L. card, posts and lulniier't32.iili Aillert linger, hauling gravel. .. Leo liolntnlon Iluhil itinehine co, repairs to gradcr Jontipll Wells. 5. ii. on aeoouut. liiv. 2. Con. '1 .3le llt:soi.u'l loNs . l.ogtse.\\tnts 't'hnt the Clerk lie instrueted to write II. A. James, super- intenlirnt nt highways, and request him to hurt: orllei-rl issued to repair ll . oliltmllll King Cemetery as the some is in a deptorahie enlidition and il care ni damages will arise unless repaired nt once. also that the op- prcarii to uellient lirtdgo. near Youtin 51.. on liing side read he repaired at euro, a o the , veral new culvert ( b he in led on as to mold the severe humps when passing orer the limit I name. IIil: Coulll'll take no notion in we to hill :nr damages in automobile or rendered ny lloiilas rilleptunh. ' lei Kut: UM!" "lal Illa (llt l'L' lit instructed to write it. IL ll.litaektselt runlmclm , Purl. Crulll, (MIL, It) JIIDI'JI' liulnre mll engineer, .1. - \V lsnll, for verifying 2| minis litimra any turlllcr payments are matte re ilrtdge central-l. liaison-lldgxei llal tile iionda litrv uislled la lllt : llollticlal's n! llama, ll, ll. llolilii stlead, .ud J. A, Watson, 'hL' approved as sutilrlent and salisiaotoly. Dolonll\Valls~ liht i. A. Watson. "township linohieer, he paid 520000 on ticcnunl. l Duluon-LBKKEV ha t llolllngsllead Brim, he paid the sum oi $50.00 tor a pleee at land oi ntratghien log on ldnydtewn rnad lot 2 . hetween 5th and Sin eon. as per tormer agreement. Wat .witirie Jnlat oomlnunleattan horn w, .i. cresaley in regard to con- ntthin at side street in irnntoi tas. I'altons he reielred book to ODlllmlsr sinners oi village at King City. llEKEEAVlIkIc hdl this illuiiletii al- tty grant to the King and Vaughan leVmPlI s .lssorlatton tile us'ual giant oi 520.00 a similar amount having noel. granted hy Vaughan Cmttmll. cot-rs peptide to Are to loCanull i Wilma \VIJ l'dl cte'ri; accept Ilic sum of S 0 {ctr dead trees (In rtoliirton stdernad ireio .iames lielt. Lt Willie That it. J, Thompson he paid lilo null] oi 555.50 lining amount a! cxl't hs wink dent! DH road niy. a, roll. to. This Council lany- lni; IIL tl nulls Ilml HID same was duly oninpleten. hoggo-nolaon Ttiat this tiounetl grant . i: ilurns pathmaster on rtoad DI . 2, eon. 5, the powe'r to re. mote gravel train roadway south. oi lilidgn now nelng hunt to repair rend- vray In his nest and hill to north oi nudge, the same to apply on roadworlr as lay an possihle ' Wilkll v- hill. the lloipilal for 5ch Children on paid the sum oi mt tor malntonra oi Llll cohsll oi srilonlherlr. , I.ogge~WalIs Tltal Milton Payne he paid the gum at man lorrltlllllls dog might III Ute cl 0! liming she-in, a per iiy-liaw governing name. WllklanIIMhll' this M nlrl- p-llty mm in. _ KI ' aliltunl (riot in that Ego a to r. Mound, j . anwnrw Tmlr ~ 1101' ' ' ill] will nppe gi to tilteryatie who over pad lienrunl willall go io matte ,tionads the - _ otelllittin wild lite, ' i diirtouitulo at . i' ,tiocree' , pullllentione- ure tor lie trec' henoi the uitiznnll'ni. . uial LYtl ill the Inn is die ' our-tit . dphl tolttin rich: reamgreeiaettmr one as: m I made wet I - r thirty new untiotlttonl . f "931 , W In I no mo- woman Ind nlaelrr epoch tn ollolr liven, Not onanoinnniulrmred t- . . undmm w proper I I omit. ery, 0mm.|blh1! ilmltenio 03w Lid E ex; vat mil" II 'I'mo , ill I tell: and tnvlg r oi til rem-la mi mwlh 'eulitirit til I hm .9" v an item? become at the tune 0) Elk rillllillnnh Vegetable, a. l... m. at women norm: til- } and .tron . and on good old lulllonlid root ml herh r ineliy roll. tail-ti no narrotial or hermtuloruge lnnvl nynnl he paid 920 tor, ilileep [killed by dogs unknr'lwil.. (in motion bounoli adiourned to meet l-ll. siiil oldlt'l z on suinrdnyt not. spill; 19 .__9.__ _lQUEEN8VILLE wo are certainly getting home hot and dry weather there daye. ' 'I'lili ltueslton upper "li5 "lluw are you an tor \valia' 7" write that were he . known to he dry lleiei-e urn dry now. 't'hreelltng, ooin liuiiiulr. tall plough- lug, elm, are receiving the otte o oi Lllti tut-inert; at present. our hut-g to extending the cement nliluwulk at the north end. hir. w. A. Dunn nttepded the toil- orni at l alttilwltlk nii jtiuesday inst ut his mouth, Mill, 1ch itellnrliey Heli- nnll, \vlla se dolltil uouilrl d on Sale diy iiiornhig tailt, ' wedding lielle oru ringing. Warii't Saturday. Sunday and lion. doy heuultful'i \vdrnl doyri hut rail treattler to here now and you new your turn. lliu leeren ltiak lovely new in the woods. . A heavy- ntorm lldhnutl over us on lioiiday atlernnoii and ltle lightning ntrueh a hunch o i pigs lying under o tree hy ilr. Ii rlinh Millie's nature and allied one. lin sol-the had the pludhure oi milk lng and eating sonle iresh red reap. herrioe on Monday tli .llr, lioht. llllgg't. garden. come l\ll . nwt whole are your lnlillstriorln linivvinttes i liesert. \\ lrrotlte and ii. iinward oi anvlllnrtet have ere-died a itile verandah tor Dr. c, A. Terry. l\Il.~is plan iieliarlanli oi lediiionlon. ltaugliler or tile late .t. c. illeiinrland tn vhlitlug triends around here. Mr. sandy illilne. in, unit hittie lln" landed in the West at Ii tml to start ttie's our journey, We wish them success. nor hllldtgl' . me the ilnprnvlnnolit still on tile hldl: walk down hy the sta- ttou has until repaired and the e tension is lletng laid imin llr. clan-le- soti's to Mr. I m son s n-rlle it the south. \I t;. oslrr and Mr, W. Watson a g tllng their new hnlis ready tor ollhide Iilllsll and the ma; SDIH nnd oarpenters are putting on the Iiliisiiiiig touch or Mr Putnam's tmtl atr. liovanagtl h.- Ills house at the north Drill till i d up. i Water is pretty -r.e around here and you almost ll '2 to steal it patiiul. ' lll'lhl :iliitli'ty Wits "lolly Dd) nl boll) some sliiioot and good CHIth were out. New Sunday at the tilililst Ullllmll lllc Men's llildln Class Is Eun- rlltsttIJ to mid? lull, tillarge at the Cl -eil sel-rlre in the Liliet e or her. attts Vitrla Smith has gone to tinetpil College to tote the dictionary course. 138lte oi the alethaltlsl ctiuroil ilrill n soetll evening on Tuesday even- ing when the Execullvt: lit Sharon and liradlord were here. i Alter llle hust- miss was errr games and lunch iinlstl ed up a very ptrasnul evening. The hurial toolr ptaee last Frld 'y nits-room. at ou ernsrliln cemetery nine. llarry strasler titties licriorte hell Wight) oi Toronto. The re- mains were urnllgilt-un hy special val- and.n large crowd or relatives no eoinpsnted them. The service was tniren iiy hey. it. i. D. simpson n for iller pastor her and the many flowers \Vrrl: hehullltil: A large numher 0! irlends gathered at the cemeterr and nilr sympathy lxjxlenged tn the llus< lire. Hilde oi Au era and tour hrotiiera We notlchdlllluseti E. and N. ha among the irlends who were residents here some llirle one. The litlrhl oi the late litre. A. Smith at Toronto. Was held here on Friday and we extend our sympathy to the rattler who is tell with a little ehildron to ioei-\lile world alone. l\l r. ltuntrr is the new Tomato ilaiiogrr. . . Mir. n. it, Thompson aeooirluanlrd Mr. and Min. liartus York on n motor trip to Whitby on Sunday tn vlslt triondn. - 'ianlr W. ..lirytd Keith, a-llellevllle mer- rhnnt, was hammering n pieee ni ainei when n-le-tla llmkc n". [tench-alan ll! ieit eye, donimytng the tight. - ' ,.\Vnrholii, o small tuinherirlg to wa ,sllltlll oi_linyghton. titan, we. swert liy throat tire: and hail the hlitldtug s burned. ' . ~' io Tto: 7 All eredttoru oi: the tale hire. Ange lino De ner will remilmja incur-ll In] it ' till-Ir 5 0 13W hand and two rl ldren ml the sister. . I MH. it . 1 them hatpidiiit tvlth Mm. thorium. can , Hlds Marlowe tiloyu impending n week will hilly littered wondrl ut ddlnon oi naive, ill.. to Latinuoae ijootltd Iin in ltlitlelll . lvulflho inn. nest wished. - i i Pod r and itisoi'i-ilelllpeon at Toronto tpent over Sunday with hills 1.. Slari'. r . ,. ~Stiaa 0. ll _l(ni lit oi 'ruroliie vldllqd tier Iii nd, i it Milli start: (or a tow llhya ln weeli. v .trn. lid. lateli and run or To. ronio were in Town ntteltdlng tllu lull erol oi litre. Brown on Saturday. ~ Colltvty dieik it. w. Phillips and ville. liontrollero iinln run end I'lttmti dim OI Toronto, title I! lllu I'Lllr hurl: Inst ltriduy. ,l' _ i , may lletiuurrte of. Toronto wait "it: Kl|eltl of MI .Wclllllt.I lfltil. Friday on [W l lill' grounds. - rs. ltollman returned to the I)! lie: tlouglll r no. N. [L Cut"- lieit, alil l rltltiy, illl nprntltiig two months near Multiply, i tr. ii. .lilil-rlllon'tlan rtelllrllhi to 'i'own alter working his intnlhg olillln in NDW Ulilurlo mr IIVL r three mo lllil, 'rilo idlinule or nre willeil he nmugilt haelr with him inohti ll'ooll. lrlinei- oi New lilla t We iiild your paper very- " reeling llt eel llth we amid not do wllltou : lt ill-opp us in toilet. with Hill old home town. ' ' I lliiioiig .the humor Nowmnl-irot horn wilo attended the iratr last I rltlay / wtiilain, item y and John Women. Find . r'rwl ill. ltugiles .and I". c. 'I'nnlii all at Toronto. p. tr. and hire. w. a. noon on- ilaunee the epgigelnent at their dangli- tel- .leah Meant to ML ll. 1". Laws, only sun or air. and Mm. Tilns. haw lim unnlloe 'l'lil) nll trtIBHc 10 I10 54) emn . d wry unlotly llw Idlsl oi rie- lDlJEr. , w rot. i: ll. hallgllor ufiiowronn. yiite, whose atiielee en'lnualn were . pulittslled in the Em inst spring, iian til-en engaged as organist hy the Sal-- nlti i We expect in tin spring oi. illlnte 'l'illkh iroili him this Fall. / \tl~. endillni. w. .l. lrwlq, stoutt. litte, out. announce the engagement or their nllivlstng dullglllrr, itiniiet limit: to llr. Arthur D. ltayrner. rident tth oi .\Ir. and in... Peter lieilner. IllilerlntI ntit.. I E'! to Ian:- plane lpltettr Our Toronto Letter. llnllrattou n rr tllnt_tl - lgilt gl-llnnl lies at tho 'I tinirat Sellout wllI r lit: lziIEL l' lltan I) Till: . i do not open till neloher ,lllt. liut already 3.0m) have registered. prllielpal McKay stat i ttint on the tort day or tile reglrtmlton he was ltlicctl to s ill-e pnitre asslslnncu to llll t) aw y ahout moo who sollght ad. inlltnn- in the pudding, lle e stimat- ed that over realm will have retit- eterr h diluting iltlrtli, aiid uinlwtlon the enrolment ,t iinally i. rnpieted there will he ineieases tli nil depart- ineiils. Griilitl 'l'rllilk Hallway changes time Stirltlzly aetoher arlt. limit/ind mul dioeuliannry - lletd under the al plees oi the oynl Templar rif l'enlite'mllco These day night was won lly iliiss Llltla ital- rnlinson. The rloentlnnnry contest was part oi the pl- in hold in eon- lint-lion \hlllt HID HUI nouncil cnnvcn tleil oi the order. which 'hegan [IE ltll'kllltgh in Toronto that do... . Hanan IIINIWNIIUlL. Cutting corn 5 on the hill eLIaie now. The U. I . 0. or Zephyr lttlltmdml a car el euni here last wet-it. Loading nut, potatoes is tile Ilil yet. p tee is llxc'tl now at present 31.20 p r hag hit the ,huyors ,\Ir. and Airs: Wm, Sednrr iii.) are hinting away ironi this nclgllborhood: We wlsll them every eueeess. lllr, waiter Green or Toronto made a itylng all here on Sunday. All the ir-iends were pleased to lie privileged i to chat with hill) Mr: Joel dilapette is nusy these days eanrasstng lneni iruits to and ire in this section. . ilr. r: illiter has horn on the sick list or late. No more news. Sleeping Beauty ; .u.u AURORA POULTRY Aim ' PET B I'DEK ABBOOIATIOH - rilo iitst show oi the alloye As: sociatton was held in commotion with the Aurora St JlnoI Fair and ttnrtteul. tural Stirlng on Friday. Sept. t'lth. and was n ziedl'nutness. The Assume lion intends lint lng another Show tilts wml s Winter, when they expeet to make a County record. ' TIIB'pl-Itlclpa! exhibitors were : ' _ Henry llllise ldgtil and Dark lira- ilnlas, linuipinen aiiii Langyiisns. . w. J, iiillinga tooi-r, white, iiilie nhd lilsnlr nrplnglehs,.t\hndd Inland llrds and Partridge \Vyandolla, Il. (\thusAnln-erl plylilnuih noelle. . c. E. Denynlv- dulnnse Geese. nutnen I'owl, pigeons, WIiJle 'yan- dolls and hatred plymoutti tinnit- .1. it. Snukwhll Wynndott Home". Sliman Jums and illnelr ittlt lnmat. , - Aliren matting Campinas. (Ed. "\nle Fgr with or tones we are antigen to omit the rite Mal-ere.) . unnutl Mung (dowry. own'ed hy a taint other mm ny. WM tel-thy del strayed ny-nru. - . . - Hahn lmm'w Implom n! "It! lutva et 'rt: riv ,NI tied a . TORONTO and also met a mindset it olll irienlts , Tit: Lupine gunman , V. i. MID UIIDIITIIKING "pun iiil'rd'a Oltli llalnd . .Niil'va'tdltlth undertaking and :rnteotn'l te 5 . ' . gnocchi . ' ' ftiilts, WATSON, . . it ,V Proprietor tulip. DliNuAM, Ettlbnlmdr Tho cradle. itndnino At lteriwiuk, on atl'uhldiy. Sept. 23rd, IMO. to ill - and tire. lune. llodglne, n so 'l lil Newlnarl . - m. etih. into. to air. and Mn: horn it Too. )3 lion. . ' The Altar. Irwin-Illirol lll Whiteilureh, llt llll: lmllll: til lllc llrltlte liarcnll. till the ZOllI ft! 51.1th 1020. li) Elllt-r l): I riilihcr. Mr. James L l . [twill ill .1 nlllumwoil, (0 MIA! Eilim Mt: yaliilgchl tlnltiglilel" LII .\lr'. lirli iii Slitnpithire. The Tomb. Attlno nt llnnitllge, t. titth. their, private Alltdrl Alklnu oi tho tettl Diallitlltin,'ln his oath y Brown-lit Nuwixlurkel, pi. d. "doze, .ltirttln :., wile at hot. ltrllwp. iil llr trip you ,- lnlurr ment in pine thuhllill iltire'. arnham llt 'i'ornlilu leolhIlull lie.- pltol. on Sept. 2ist. ma, hussett lieverley. tlelored son at tinarles ti. anlt ldtilan . t. nhaiii. need it yrs. Punt-ml too. place on Wednesday. Sept, 22nd, intorilleiit -nl Aurora cemetery. 7 Similar Al. the Wettesiey Ilaapilnl, 'roroiiha. on Sept. 22nd, mo. aler- lol-y liett, deurly helored wlie oi Harry shorter, oi 2m Dan lnh :lvc. Pimch trorn her late residence, on Friday pt. 'leli, thenee ny private Metropolitan ear to Qttecnl lllo tor lll- ternient. rennol8212;nn Saturday morning. Sept. 15th, lino. at the residenre or Mr, titlnrlins \vtee, itirn, Illzzle iteliurney i'enilell. dearly helnvod wile at Mr, l nk Pcnnell oi litdlnnd and only daughter divlhc late n. G tellurney and Mrs. anal-lea Wiee, aged at yearo. interred on Tuesday tart at slroud Eunluler) . Emmi At lie reilde nee oi her sen, ' t;verit win Smlllt. to noon I\\c., 'roron o, on Sept. 22nd, mo. 50- pllin. widow oi the tale Thomas smith, aged '16 ) sr t months and to days, Steinem Mrs. .loshua nrnery oi Newmarlret. sorrtoo on Thursday nigtlt. 'l_nter. ment at Newmarllet on arrival at G. 1". ll. irldn on Friday morning. alllnon On Saturday evening. sent. 25"). 1970 Maria Goodwin Gill'lun, )lvltlnlv oi the late neorge Gilleon Counly laittliill, lretand). died at the reitltlcnuc or her sun-ln-law, Mr. d. a. Weeds. Toronto. Service .ltonday itvlinlnsl at l. W. Mllcs' innerai .hnp Purleml tray-- lng on it a. in. c. N. R. tralil 'l ltt'sday tnl- Mount Alarrt, nl. interment in l'mnlrltn Cemetery on arrwal ni train from Toronto, In Memoriam. Phllltpn In still but loving memory of cart my l>litttins aitn natt., tlaintl- tun. killed In Julian on Sapl. 21m. tits, in his 22nd )uni , son at the late Edgar PIIIIII osday brings hllc mind _ > m a son i loved so dear llte client would he hard to [Ind What would i give lo hare iliiii hrre 7 Ilawe long my lite may last. \\'llalel't-r scenes l view. , whatever loys nr enres he illllte. near tiari i will always rrnienlner _ you. '. / 1y missed ny his snrrying mother. phttltpe ln proud and loving mcmtlry oi Ple. Carl R. Plillllps; titled in no. tton at hourlen Wood on Sepieniner 27th. iota. ' v ondly remembered or his rlsltr and brothers. ' S. 6:, J. Roadhouse Etiiii ittlitiiliiitlttttiiliii ideal} . north. minus. ALL owns RIO!le MRIFUL Irritation tiliitttsatt's I ' Imperial {late IN THE IIFEMAL IANK Hum , 33' ' 'IOI on!" AND aurnlxa Fumlilled illr nardrn parties. tailing esetr III not used. Gillan Bury Cull I'll I it a, int n noun. sad llinuttlils to teo.cmni til lirtoil , . V ,and rial-no. lino amount-i IMO spool-i P au on main Myth - vellan , ,v union . .' valuations". .100, Avri Flt-m. . Fina .I NOUIO- tto'ue limit In h- V V _ I urge ghoul} Vl'ithi-y Bonita In now be be age nebula Investing. Lot up whitejha lstlilulilc [il'nlgl'nmma 'fol'i v on. or the boot in north awi Gilli-led on anon situated In shone-t Fire" Prevention Day, Oct. 9th,, [920 m ./ , mbur . r ' 1 Brick. part at IddwmnrkeL ,Pi-loo gnd NH": tinny, ugh: to yield i:qu (Wu/e. 05" w. Vine [Input-Anti,than you. v D. i,'HAIVlILTON 6t SON. >_ : 1_s_~;.-.- New. Bugging I For Sale I Rubbet" and Steel rTii'es. Vow Shooter 2 USE 1FORD CARS. v ROBERTSON S GARAGE, Water Street, NeWmarket. . pRiNClPALsond TEACHERS Slit: tllnlsyliu pupils t l' (his lrttttililllllitin ; :tlill lil~ti' ll llhl. fiil' nutty llll l'ilti l'i tl Sclinal llunln, I't-xt A llllkh tilill lull We will present one l-Iluusniill gold lilnlttll nipl l inlet uilnlily tnnerihed. as @QHZ I :titiutl lattice, to he (rtlitllit-lwi lot h, the hops and elite- or (Jittttl'iti til the 'll'tl and till lltIlil lligli Helirltil. Ctlllltgtl mill llllihui'olly . rnnipete roi- nine grand prizes: WD {SOLID GOLD MEDALE' SEVEN SOLID BILVE llt' lloyiil PI lllllllll eliultlll hn I lll .trl tullltii'y '5"? [\Iill'llln are ritual in MEDALB lli a tiIIliti in to.- r.'.- on iilllillllllltilt ONTARIO FIRE PHEVEIJTI6H_ LEAGUE, INC. iii iliillitltitiii with The tittlni-iri t- lro .\ittr~it.il|'s iirt it-l-. / SNOWLIALIl I Miss Blilclicl .rild Bll "Illll lt h lumt il {ruin N N. 'llll liltl now. . Pct-glint)" and at . . on Salurtll) . , ii lllE Kll4'\l M Arlllur Slal Ml day. The notvern on Children may were armlised great. willie the people or Aurora helped to told their neallty. Mr. and Mrs it. ltalnrs and many were the guests nl ilr. and airs. l1. .rans on s inlay. We Impl: |li:tl lite erowtl will Ium out as great next Sunday a lost Sun- dar . The buy that was lost in Newman let Pdlr lulned up alter a visiting time. aiiss ti, rergllsen ls' spending to hamper oi days at the home at Mrd. l' Williams. The people oi the Bihle mus are waiting patiently until another enn- lest her-ins. A {cw irorn here attended the Hell! nay at Sir llenry pellntt's last Wett- hesday and sit mpnrl a splendid time, \ttss nernltly iguana is visiting in 'E\Hllzirkel at the home at atlas Em- lun llainee at Eagle street. . large crowd at lllls' nelgnnerliood f lchrtllctl Newman Fili- ou Friday and all report d a good time not [\ ktitl rrry riose. i spent Sunday with Mrs. a. storey. .t eiolvd gallium at tile Cililrcli on on all liar lail slit i return was certainly a sun . Miss Edna stornlng Ii lmlltldylug in Toronto. hope she Itllprol es_ tn llraith, . . I as. him ! \ 5 two years in Illtrwdeil Party-lire. thousand riilrr rap. lured hyAlt: tleirnnnn trout the tilt slant during the war hare hern rrni lo om..\\ nnu .__._ svntriirrd u in: strolan Tull lllolunllntli oi Toronto people A $2.00 Seat " Every Night Every night the New Editor: liynurtwcrdulllrltal#atLite Vaudeville, musical comedy, .opeia. wherever your lint] leads. 11m NEW EDISON do not blue forth in a tinny imitation at music, but (what you hear l a dart IR?- , Ciutiou ol the IVl IrIllll voice or rlomuntc' That if": no digerenee tween the artist'a voted all" t e Ediwn'd J Re-Cmtion olithasbeell prevennyrt t test odor: nudsenm willlln million J. H. V. IkNTONi NIWMIHKIT- It 2-year eld liEth'ain llriier attend Mill Iol l8, Indian. 0! With on sundry. nest. nth, internist ?!I M In motion gill] he "warden. . l lllVID dually! l 2, ilth Country .IMMW M - l Minnie. i ~iian will lllewmarl ' l ebrtlin h an cilull . Newmari inane lft l shit ? up mitoltdc t A 1500 Monday r 'Tliamaa t .iroizl For "My ltle mild l'll l Next :teple "0t olgniiorlr: who w. t The in highly in baoll't stl rushed l .eirpensoe. uio nulilll .ar wdll a Mkltui'hi EEIVD lite atly nay lets "it my" non You re in he rol l meinneya allow the ll in one at. '10 llt pm lltimmti 12.30 p. Ill rho Lest V A. Nllit inns. alll ppsaed av -otl Tue-d 'lllll) . list-ear. while nil had ultra \Var vliil, hey. at. ed him al ale nerds inperat s rnl-nt lulu -I.luoc LII a 1te l Ladle" it l :inl teatn won )lllss i ml item l-(ewpir-. i it all lost The oi _l|.\s )ill ( .eaeltnns a mo [ct a lltnl non while is it 'l Cll 'tilllule tr. Ihu they tune sell in Vlrl im itrntlti 'the ire. shown...- Di lldlltlnm anor- at. lit . hrcriltmrrt lllc llrilsap all itillnlvs -iitlyl. t. . l'lri- sp. men 4 illr' A Wnrm v _ liltl. tar M 5| JitIlI llll tut-ll l "I'- tinst tl he ton on Ind Win It Uln'llll l .nrerttngs i ' mttenlrd lhe herthl iii-tr let- -

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