Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Sep 1920, p. 6

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.l'r - '4 . msdwvoqrm . ' L 'A. I ' w limits Ixsr 'tFrk. - I . hd Inullttue lmvn horn ultiu Id make , lir-I hayrnenl nunthlel - I I ran... ii'oni. r. . 7 odyiiiywrhreuxh. tinglqu nth Rummivn ilidy wrre hiyhddhr . to dry Inr ll hullhe lull , Jar-it. h ,In. nun. will. (rl _ , , . A :1". cliff-ulnloid oi IIniIeyhury w... um n: his ilmlilcr. Mr. Al. hr- nold Ior n kw day... Inrt , "Mr. mm. nun war I. tirilor at the horn e'i III, II... i.tthlI.lli my eundny. lire, Jul. he nor. who hno hoot. In h'ed, orl hunt ti... menu... wllil h't rt I.aul.le, I. nltle to lie tinth In... uni/I. I I _ III... M. Ouuh-leu r... rrldnv tor her uarnn' In In...qu otter .. visit Ind-n Willi hur ..ather. Mr, Wallh. My... nuneun Iluwen rclurill'd intl week Iro n. n vlttil to he. hihlor. Mr... M Inlhlnyui Hi, Paul. Minn. lllri. Milton and illildl il oi i'lIlIu- dolphin .Ire vlnliiug i or fault-r. IlIr, Al- . nerl nlndiil. r . I " hurl. Oilvotllotm hun nonu lo lim. , iy l...tulre a ponlllnn on It... aorluiulml tent. Int; ninth. an r. and Nr iininiliqil ' Inndh l dliail vlitll nl lilu)lrImtl at Mr inui -'wi. k will. hire. I. who roturncjd In her home nt Knlldlou, attenyislilnr rcinllven iler d It Eurll nui'willi. - * ' - it), "\MHD" mull-nu?! an Snlui'drlyl in") n iWD monllin \IiIlii wilii frientir in Kill (dine. _ Mr. and Mill. J. .. Silver or Ollllwn were vlultun ut ll... hon... hi hi. ulnter, Mn. 'rhor. Walltt iout week. Mrt. (lumpiln at Detroit wuwlsitlnn at the onto or lllrr. 'dohu smith lost my . Mrs, Julinanu and daughier 11 at It MIIME H, Mun ore winning ut the horde - at her mother. Mrs. 'J gnlom valnccn llf i'oronlo it. ill cl, .. V. ~ 4, A It nk stole... unending o week vlfllil triendu in the hit ntidduitiusinlhd nxhutllion. , {iidili iilic Sullilnerieidl, MlaIt [Ian u Dick and hierir... iono on Patti Surn- mdilcldi oi "Gunninrton ere vititoru at the me oi_ tiltt Ml...er,t.reir on .Wed ty Iari. - Minn summertelnt W1! presented wiliI u unmanned... , dllllwci'llihfore lwr mnrriugh which loite- pluue thh. rnunt . IIIr. 'nnn hirs.. i_ew_ard 'rrnvlsr and Mr. dud him. In Cash motored to 0riilIoon nundoydonlf. . v nlr. n ml Mr... d. it. Ilowiund agent. the we end it Ilarnllionuud IIur Idiot Item 0! -0wen Sound was l'l ..vIrltor nt the home at her .urter. Mn! ... weal. . ,- Mrl..inyi our Krilrr at Indiana is virlllngdtlendr In iliouni Illnert. Mrs. w... Ilonltlns at Mlliianti is vlrliinn all .r. ho.ne at her unrie. Mr. II. Iloss. , WVSBM A V Beihaveti Kl. Tito indies oi the noihnron w. (I, i'. U. put-[Iqu holding a Mother s Ml-DI ian In the s. s. Iinll, rhurrdny alien neon, sent, vth. . . Mrs. W... iihrrili oI Koslvick h... itlhdly cemented to norm: and give u. an midi-err. Spchini music v.1n nlsn he provided. Izvery- mother sllolilti uvnllihernselrns of thin nppnrillllily s the meetings art) nlwn -.. hrennelnt. W - .YDrciIard Beach I is " AM " ' ' Sn (nr only 'lwu culln l'tt lin d [ills week iriltlii ' um] I wine's. 'i iln Bouillan liniiw ml the Drchdm iimdii Fast Oiti will eh I . nntlsd will use hnli u dozen cottages. 'rho Misheu Munn ret rn..l in the city on Tuesday ln rttslitn Iheir duties on the Public Srlioui .Ioiilttg sluli. Mr. nobl more at iluitnlo iv spend- on , .1 , rams: VInIIo.-u'nrem...t. in this I? Aird..i llnuyiviinlii, is in I}; hid methan l ? und. tin... reint dud "u l itblli . . a inductm ltny 'l'urrIIhIru... ism-~ i'ill. II. II. und inmiiy, ilro _nl. Imituirl-iiiddul'x. i in: I) It kind purl oi IIiItl King's doinaln, D_ 'i ', i'i'giiI-lillor 1on undid.) initlily. d filmy II. 'thII _ iii-might 3 Julia] for lllu l Itbp y hitei , l I / V nlrr. Chili-ill) ()chI of surnlu re npiulilliw u ltolitltty here yiaillrlB fl'imltiK. Uitlirilc lmll Eiunuh are my highly outer ned I....- chur. lilt ill ltiitititcf LII, Ii Iloya in l.le einiiioy oi the II. '1'. It. hutoniy n ffiw' wr'littt imh he I] ltiiilud us It I \iil) [limits I... tie. Iit tilts liit). I-Itiltt. liliirlllul ~ liulili, chm-lie. . I v 1 MI. Irene 'l llyittr in duhlhur oi our you ll! indiufi .Wi ) him quail. lied um... I... nula. hunt-duel... Myrtle - .i'nyinr. llli n going it [or Kllnlil linli: mid [term lilnugili. nurnl y lee... undone did it. But more none of 'you aim hunt. Mitts lluliitlt flil'li {or ui'nceluiuo h untl geomul 'illii accuracy. I loll llci' I iieiinw: Hill: is proud '0! her uliiiiiy." Sim any llulilillK JuBl ' miiea, I ' '. A gnl- Ital erunlty in town in. titty :unri ruined up and plllillilld lulu uhenn or stone, Just. nu u- ltziuiky home would do. Perhaps it hull iJcIm ukul uvnlcll. {would n t have I: Part] our for A Hill, ~ iivory lilnu'ypu go in illan it you have to rush mil: nnd.'l.wi Idll far all tile WUrIil'JusL ilk!) pna timn llo wiul a Htli biioi'n Hie r it) start. i ~_ _-mnn culledhore qu ck nnd'uilme near Ming dialled 'uiltniklll. 'ue twisted lilo .crnnk off and on for more than an hour. All ni. once it snarled nnd away, site went. I would have I "Litahlctlil wilh nil nxc. . A Dazzling -Betiui' ' A [him~ mernloi Traveller whirled up to n looni atom some Iinyu arm and i good nlllllretlly oiihiidd iIiI liu was accompanied by (H pretty 1 iitlle dnninel us you are likely I0 mimi- between now rind Christi.- mns. Nil-wonder lit; Was in a ' i y sociable mnud. ~ lio explained slit: wt... hiti_itntimol nlu, mil. tor he. .holldny l tried Io get her- to ith but willl Indiiteronl sudcutlit. Tito cat had her 'lungutl. But. him 1th II bdauly unu don t you lor edin ,. j . The Trustees of Egypt schnnl u uetiod in getting n Innh. lanolinl- who w l he on deck when lilL" our lot- i s installation nr- rive ' ' 7. Mr. Allan Sennoll, our e - teneher, ht... .eeovered no as to h.- aliia to (aka a hit it} Coilingvmnd I . S. 'Wo are much plouhod to it or the ' lie chitin to Hold. n... In huy 9 supply at foulwani'. linn'l lilni. lien! l.th Dutch 7 Amongst. ii... summer v. 'tol ,<l ill the Lilkrt will) have dilpuiil ll ths on! l'nmi (Americans) WilDSE nequninwnce l {oi-marl (llrll lill int-Ilium nil ll slit-pl" itigiy sweet hohy Iztri. st... won me rigiii from the Ward [50. l wad Mill in part with thorn. l scnrceiy now why. Illii. {IF Slit' went :I'llii Salli "000-1.. h) .. ut. L, AuniIA I . lI qullrup lricljil-Il down my clinnk Anti told lhei -o Idnre n... Spook. A smile erjoy n eilrl her toee That, soon away my ni uws chm. i'li Walcli {or "IE2 your." Our Murpin raiscI-n nre feeling more chrnrful. heparin u... that again nilxi Inn 3 iew days with ills cousin, Mr. John dinnsrnond. Miss washer or Toiotlln. win. I.. spending a low day: at he can...- hurt eutidgr. runners to hr the Ill...n- hlan croquet...lnyer on the hem-h. Miss Lang oi Mania and .iiss Beaumont ni I-mglund ore Wmdink u week with llIt-ir unrte. in John no... mond. , ,Mrtg. (ith\'.i A. In .ttltiisoll at 1'0- ronlo lit upendin a want In. her [Miller and ulster, Mr. and Mrs. Suita- 0Y. ' En It. more colllgcs have horn Elmi- ell Shut}- nunlnn, Jam-s. i'ilnns. link tau.- and e... or ii otIu-Is n. the south end. ltwu,eud Lot In mierllstiiir. Ior Sale. Aonly lu w. II. nnvunnrh. 15 M IlanBK ron MILE . A. (land slrrinlv work ilorsr in. min. Prlce 350.00. Annlylu iiAilin Ai.l.I:I , lot I. an... 7. kusl trwlihmhurl ltounl AliIui-l. P. 0. 3w , _- _M ooultmv Hold: Ion ML: ' lldod lnlal: dv. Til-rig, runldlnlng Iiini: rooml. all mined und dammit-I], hnrd Nieer riturtrd. Ilve minutes unlit Inun Mnuiil. Alhrri. Anply lo Mine. 'r. CitGXiN. awn YORK PIONEEM Ann millet-lug at huroh. vsdturdny. dept. 11th. 1920. In the il;it oah,-. them . urelty in u, s. and Nonnrunswmk. Some nurnoiu holding I... a raise in price. Mr... Ell. iiiovrl , Nemnurkei, and hot s...an children, nre,vis. Ming. rpialil'es ant] Mendy: here. A man v- ,_. IiiC'l (lOliNiEil- S - IIan. i i hm the kiddies shying, th, .ny holidays ure n'er. now I rum-t hltt itiit lo leisun- and scnmltur till (0 it'll-ltll our m0. Entry io'r pa'll fllzti .\lr. .Iltli .\ilu Gillicutiy ltad an hhrn hum... ion-n turdu. night. The ennu- . I...- own. ' .Viasldr lint-i l ML-rn holidays in Tot-Ania 1 unit). Yolk II... In Itsirin (urn it w .u, . v I Miss llortla lIIIrIc-r spent 3 hiuy it! Mr. Ius. helm. ' hilys Nettle i> sphnliitig In. Anderson spent lite . work-end in Newmarltel. Mr. lleho. oilirr oi nelmli In \lslllng trim-is around lhtae plrlh. w v IaLAitD cutovz' A cm nouul was held lhdl 5 ...th- nixlil on lim Willa ilby n |lI ll Inigmsi oi the prop sed Union,tn.ur..h hm. whieuwnt. r. are-I .urrm. .ur. i hrslisqn only prraidb nyer n unique neugrn.p.tarr.rnosi In which wus till: Imitm : j nod, n: a. runny. pn Hung-R; It. nruhi; ~ r v , )iitllller l Bduulihn -, cnutur Bilth hruuntaa: . Annuuatlodto Mihi_ln be nude in .I. 0., Glnxhgmh ( 15:!ng Slinrgn. Ale- comp... y .e El: 0 n.0- ' . N. s. cAhWIud . Sunni-y. ' illilictl upnrrrennrht th'r fuiand umro . I hit-h Mas ambled with :rhn cilun it-iurllll: I Kcle k lxrld n rounds of the willle oi hire. mm. or. wndnudoy titeman' oi Isl wuuk. nmidrdnwr b) It... w-uhltur . , Mrs. roweetl oi Toronto,de- l hult-d two s'oios uhuh w...- .n....h npnmluted u wrlI' n It... mph-41y 3U; Pvt-guru (J 1-month. (li lilr close at the man... relrerhmunu lwere name on .ur... \\ llldueilby W". l I sold "downhye, sweet huhy mm = ' Brown The hrdvadllnir _ ' l . e. oylns iruturtnIiIeent- w d hm PM '1 Maui. lanthanum threrhlnu ,uut In. I ' y, i .7 Itnlnin buying is It I hide. ill-limit In hnr hurn It'lil' d- ,, Sewn-end. inadcll tu rantunnd (1,9: In... iiut'll ranging Ire... KiJl l In do her Inn... Innuenee e um .....i lltln l7! ritrgodt. In no iaili> ut I would not In numlnml In Hue Ihd y... l .nnrltt-t tlcidliu I 75. a his. . eIlIe Wank-ll nur .Indnl Indy lint! n..." rutmiielllix hnr new Giti: aicl c...- w ntly ny'nttnrhtnh t. dandy. hum. her in' hunt und wwnitx nunnd mi thu, rndhunr n...I .. .n... run hum-yen In new... iicr nrarntttty lankan hum-r... l l|' I and lid)! In (I m. ' pin. . . Jot-l unnnell iI. certainly n hnIIy r .. llt'tl': non. owned in buying nut... to... Iteiiiugddcill hull. and Illiliirblli niineii oi undid... in genernt. I inn. quick nnd ltill'cmi I... I. tit Wlilt. hack hrenke. .nnunu Imp. . r o...- well dinner ill I... lilt Inh Kalil cleunlun out Walla, lelnn n........ e. , Amunny vI-nullilg hurl. work Mr. w... ..\I..ru will hI-ln onI'uIIt.. , u nntl llir 'wnllrr Willnttn Itliunt um; 1hr we, end ni IIrurnhr-Idge repr ltliliilk out- or the rilurril drle. units III Conierenec I ' H rhe lIu'xL Ilunntiutt I rrcl'iwd on Monday night wail iiiai lhl. l'rru iclll- tilillli contrtenen w... tranilierrins our thinlnt are they untarI.- "rue Inilnrr wilt mated to him In and at tile sessions to iicnomld {Mil-Jim "all end ilrawnillli Circuit to.ll.e an... nunuuu unnolnlmenl. Sorry we ore to my "(land bye" In Mr. and Mm: nor.- (er, wim'iluvr: raIIthin Served twn yen... here preuelunn tho gospel. iiow- liver Iexlend my "limit! in mum and wihil e... every theses. and nrqtperhy In their succredlnr territory. . Tilt: Inlninler In return, I undumlanil Unit I. being item In ,Itev. hunter's steed Ir lluv. nurahato or II... Tdtdlilo clrmill, who I -lzI.-iil:ve will do ills hum-rt duty and render hlr uIloltd time In lhr. Inlerent oi church wnrk; .ur. nuruiun. ha. hcen In lite-ministry to.- Ituvcral uh... lJIuIrIel Itder and I might day. Mr... Burnllnm to a mighty honorahle I-ieyer lady and nun. I. hmlllnlt coun~ trmnee to greet every nerrdn, 'i s who. I ailinlre Itbove nu lhinmt. Away Vwilil vinng Iruwniulr teens and lusliuil innaues'lqn, .Mnt hutlrn on as I paliltl proaeh wholc human aiqng It... nuhleet or Two nutter. (liirltiilan c ,.. I impl: In my- .uext hutlret I may make u nummhryvnlung the line ot the Cuill ncu tunnel-they. A As [in Him , nur lnti'cilllni. Md llny Thu/ill? I... iIutlllg I grain tar Iliie emu. Grain c... I-nronio. llopn noun... censor will accomplish a bumper imde. My eyes art: it wing dhn. writ | Itar e- "Sleeping iichuly A HAii'l LlAit lit-rd lit-re Ir. agoiu . Ith wwk. Mr. and Mrs. Lilli: I)! new. Tiles. linden and mndren, Ilerhic, Ian on Itdndny lul- Iirohtivitiw. sari... where they will sham a couple DIJnnnliIh wilh ilicl. dourhler. \i.~.. i- aeklcr. Miss l.I Ir ole leII or. Tuesday tar \Vl'ul . where uliu is du ou Io lcanh stllnnl. We wirirher e rry .uecesr. Wnniler what li..- tilimclluh It; In Mount {or sm'nr oI our hnyrx. MIMI he the nruxnenadm. turd. .\I..ry Inch oi Santimrd ennui Ihe weekend with MI...- Pinrence .unnrheeti. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arnol Tonic of Jim nlnrg are visiting at the ilunle at his lIIuliIL-r. . ilr. Lawrence Built-n his purcllnsrli 'nn Lizzie, he sure to drive wilit ilolil llantis, Lurnn, \\/ .ur. and Mrs. John A. Rose visited Mr. rrmsius Sunday I... Sunday. Sorry to report Warren times not hudh- hurjl last we. . We hope {or -I rheedy room-er. nttend colluge In Torunlo. Miss lldu liosu and. hir.,KerInriiI [lode were the guests at Miss till-la Ilnsr last Sunday. . Mr. and Mr... Leslie Peal; look It lir- Ing if ) to Siuuiivilll: on Saturday. , Mr. Henry Joh hion and doughII-r Ilaze li-dln Munilohu. were visiting the Iontwr'u sislvr, Mrs. .lIIiIn Mourileaii. Tito ll. it. 3. held lili-lr monthly .\lr. lIuyId sruacituin. on . Wednesdny I thing. A large number mended and ranan I. hand ineellns. .\ir. and Mix. Cilitord. [(0. . ir. and MN. SL-ili klrion motored to C uremont on Sunday la IIulI. itialh l, Swell oiuyer cutting is the nidl r at II... III - .- I . nillo Plununt-r spenl the ad ut Mr. 'rhus. nadru s. Mr and airs. Wrn. Suwdun also .\Ir, Ile Illllon and .\II.s Jennie Plununer mm | - mutant .\i i'Irri i'iuniIm-r on Sunday. GLDAII uliAii : H. can! wruihrr we are having tinge the shower on Alonqu nlgltl. Mr. and Mrs. linud Jones sprul Sun- day at r. .Iohn AleNril Air. Siuurl Taylor I'isllrri ..I Mr. llunhiil than: on Sunday. Mr, John nlnck'r lwo sisters tron. 'i orunld, ltian lle hrulhur Jimmie npcnt Sunday yiil. ttlrtlda ho re. Iir and ms. w. ll. Taylor, also Mr. . itrnni Melhrml lnd illilc t til.- vtailetl at Mr. Will u. shod Inn . ut Innrdole or. Sunday. _ Mr. and Mm. tiny iiobsnn and litiiliiy sprint Sunday at .\Ir. honor-l Mum, Miss Ethel Taylordr attending a week Milt lit-r Full . Mrs. 1. her. Sultan. ' . _ . ' .\Ir. h'an mitt-y. ulsn tzrtr .y city lills weak. The nntaloen nn- mmhrg In hrrr Ir. ilvriy onirr. Ilutml inmostlhln II. In-I I'ai'S last raough. unlit). or- I nus. ct... P, Atkinson nnd mini. III itolium Landing ,wiiil to glbm the our... maids-wit? to.ltlndly "dried during lite lu r. . gen and lunrnl. oi Ihvllut Wm d ,ud (nth-n. Io lilt- hmoul w'eo'lhrr um I ehh m mi... .I.hir . wars are rblntlar prhaclter, s. has rucuull) (alien Mar ch '5 getting loo dark to write Ilium. .\iI-, camel Prim it-il Dn to I meeting at the home or their touched , his-3 I r .. , titulitti. av opulent... Hiluzi'ovtr lh we Mlil'MiEl' acting min. t. 3,) Monrnn, - . , LeDPn oulhtn visit I; will. .ei-rtr ler.hi JIL- I Mr. had Mrrf't'rurani lll'ld Mr. 'reri- vnll aro'nlu visited; with lltr. ....d . V Sldudy, her all on Sundry in) . line Killbiucn Inore livvlsllllig In aiotlid, - , . . . . I Mr, V I Marian nnd tw o roun'ot [ihlruil oru viullinlt aid Irlnudn nhd reihllvuti. I I . t TM. in luver w'nalhon tor warning hut nreily \wlnd) tor threshing; _ I Sunday buyitiy hunt I the record tor I mung nil l wt-N 6 M7 me (i it on iii .uclropniitan in the even InK going. ur II. and it nroeersion a! nuloh auntil Mitt-ill e .ry II minulcti. NI liwln litnt'ilt r iii Toronto I ma Mrn, , wit-nun inr .. tew tiny. I ' Our 'scimol renneuou r... \Vndnuml'iy with the tender lenuneru IIIIou,t:I..rIr znil rut... Terry In charge utter enjoy- my heirhalidnyr. hills iiuhy ilkiniiion o! Newtnal'khl rililrd nl Mr J, n. su.iih'.. lort week. in... hiarIIJIIhumI-Iuon lull. on" Sun- day tor l rIri hover wht-re eho ht... hern enuuurtt id tench isnimoi. Mm ntnryorle uwlr in spending o week 1.. the rlly wilil relativer. MI... lteillta Mo'an nt Hamilton in Vittlling iiur ymndmmher, turn. IIII- .qu Duh". - . tile anti II... Were t and little sinnley ho rrlv~i11|nml hllcr their ilolllldyh. i ., . Minn I.an Lewis leIl on Scili IQ lulu. up ith work As the Ktnder- Knmtn teacher in liil: i'rlncer Helical iil kukuloqn. I . tiiliHcII Mice Smliil and. ncalricn Mnn uncut Sunday at Jaehnou'u '47 n . ' MisulMlnnie Terry hits returned it) iler harm in Cleveland alter spending two lnonlild Imuns reihllver hem. Mrn. A. ' Wnllu in still in the oily hince litu deniil of her ninter, MW. W. Bracken. wliu twill! found dead it) bad last Wednesday morning. The Iun~ l'l' i V95 held from her idle llama. 72 horlhcatt st. Toronto. Mar... heuull. /ui Iigwm e... red the clasitt-t and we will ...I.... lien, \ iniiu very . In, drill the, .I. .I. Terry attended the Inn. cl'al on Saturdhy. ' WI: iim non-y to report that Mir. ltiII lepvard is very iciVI Willi not. nllicil hon... oi recovery. Ml charity in Vislllng in SI. 'l imltitm .al ill'l' hlaillr , Mrs. E. Caitlwk'llt , Mr. and Mrs. wiry \VidtllliL lhl and Mr. nnil Mrs W Shropshire of Pine Orchard splint in P day evening ill Mr. J. W. iloi . . lit'. Prank 'ltorldn, who lint? ilee living in Ill l ii for several years. motored tlirtlilall lit-m on Sunday it) via iii alslni , . irs. Dori. Cole of n~ vrnhhae. lie hiarlell an Saturday Hidinan Iron. IIeIroIt. lie was ill:- ml'inniud by iiili 1W0 boys. ill wire (Misti lelty Host!) tiled lasl slimmer. Mi". anti . lim, ilnrr of Home is aunt, Mm, James Kill hurt rgurtieti imm llcr II II, Conn. and reports a . ... . Nab): nipen inn? is isiil her sister. llr .I. I. 'I'ei f! 7 "3 .ur... Atyward snonHilt' weekend at hrr nihler s eating. at Ott- .mi ndacii. Misti Mai..- In... returned in her 7 aborgclown. Mm. llgtwilliamton nllt'lil. nan. day at ill-r brother-n. Mr. Moses alr. Our nciiaoi teerhrn. :tnti rulminra nre lIilstiinK, around getting ready [or I'll: sciinoi Inir in he held next Thur... i 3:2 Mrs. iitliil'itntl .ur... nrekelt oI ro- mum on. rIsllIng hi Mr. \v, A. nur . iluirirr ' IIr. and Mrs \ a Moiic'd toc. Inle fin-Jul Ivuek. hrwmnrhrl .Ieimlrrl Sullon again wwnnldny but our ten... earned on I...- hunt. .I hornryllle on many. Stilion loam urt' leaders In litt- league schedule. , . A HIM-ling wits ill-iii h. Knox Fres- hy-Itrtnn Ciluiclt on Monday iasl and a tall wdn rxlendrm in Nov. molded Taianio (0 ml Inerrhwe [ell vacant by lite civth ol ilev. II. A. iiamiiioh. Mr. iiarry Sinliil has retarded In Toronto. IIr. Wm. akiey II. mating tun. wer to his nrw illnn al nation. in Hairline Elllen Ir spendlnrlwo .mu holidays al Keswiclt with her {m Slum. Tim Mission Society or Knox cnureh Ire naetlan u uni. oi cloud... lhr Ist we: in Senlembtr. All (hose wnlti~ hunnr will please ime emit aylinnd iii an. II. t: irnrnonaId-s store. In spun at lhc shame or himtir liiis Werk will m must ul II... han'ul In Goal-girth anon..th anIIlmhury h. Iiie Imus. Pom whit hm Iiirosit I alnlkt- report u snicntiidp iritl. .\I.-. II, Slurtrldse enterluuru the Baseball rm... Ttinuthy droning. 'Sale Register funny. Gopl. CL Mr. D. Gram will liolli on Ilnparlnni unit: it! iio ld goods, ele._ Ill his residence, Mount ,Alhrit at it n . In. No reserve. w. J Krslt-r uuuiionea . otilla I'M runnnmn Mother, W'l that n tuuny dream I had that night I" it! o little boy who Wm husiiy eat;ch wilii iii: an-rirtasi terdgi. llY. I'm lure I don t know i" re- nllrd his mother. sligiilz-si. idm nhout." , "\Vily mother. at course you kunwl" the hoy reproatnllmiiy. You were u I ~ . , Olin a! nulth to Mini uI the trim... who I... quickly ( lma to mini Wilt-n their hum "w- hurdl ml shunt...- night. und wt. .wiien Ihd y-nw It... Impurrlhliiiy oi raving lint buildings or any or (its roalguln. did whu they A I." prouth "moonlit. eould Ind vpmnnlad "In [in timm summon. lily. In lit-ht. control lot I . (amount. i I v out... late tantalum ur'at hue been Cure rhouid ho token hut lo let the within camel lhoy hide tiny undet- wtmiem pm... m... the Ollgk. hunk-Mound .aI crepe, Boat lkmgalel (or Thine;wa nga , ~0blei- mklhg' ' , - I. ' hr oaurtomunrtmenr or rIeuItnru. rrerramd , i: srumr are the lam... oi the urge dark brown my beetles. or "Juno. ' I I. x n .' no thuy n... cum Inn'th culled. which ure amillur ro eygryEne. Thu grub! hree d tor the mort nut intoldvpasluiu When the rod has not. been broken up tor ion... you... When tuily Irwan thoy a... hick, tut crenluml. while; h. 6010!. with the body pnrtlaiiy curled up and : camellia oi n darlian huo iron. (in load lhuwln: mourn the nltlh. They had on the tools oi the In, Ind when this in! h Dionshed up they ntuck whatever Fill]! Ill" be own. Til!!! YMH no mnt underground, t one Denim nnmr, oitpn to no; worms. to the wily Itimmar nod dardur the ten nr lolhle oi trees 9nd samba. Altar buninr Ibuul in the early man they rattle down ta teed and when [round when the roll ll llwn nod under m nor nibbth nbout (encel nhd hulldlun. . ~ ' I who [1'an, baht. underground icednii. uo Very dimcult Id control. A treat variety oi Experimch have been nude with 'chomimiu 9! man! north: but non in: armed auuuulm. 11.. only nnihbd oi control n. the mention u't'h lnlnm ot mutton or drop... .No uid ohouid in lei: in mun tor mm mm mm your... An old nutunnnrhuu krona/u , l.- olwn tend to be roll or time [rubs nnd Ihoy will utlult ihl tool: at-nuy pinto t lo" place at lhoir ordml iood hm. hm. rumor. ed. Corn u, mhtm will on. lo< vlivlyrhht olonr to least Ewtgd bg than and may he needed down wit no. . Mfu- lha becond your ID] crol'I mil mull] l onto. Dim: ploughing . in 0910b" More tho walker 3% comer. cold will ornate the nut Ind dutrey may. . my and null". mm. tum other Mid: Ind ohunu modliy dnrourthetn. , are 1 old hold is tum It would be well tuner line the... with hurdle: toughen rurlton at, n ttraa. rind yhun thut (I cleared more the... or. to 1. hp md- Inc mound. . , . . Wl wotnu m the tuna d! click beetles. an edited Ire... their elude... hnbitei mining up in nu II: with n "ditch" when ind m their tau:th 11.. diam Au iztlt . A. d uni-m7; rant: not. i v short exit. duct duu'myuyor libel. lu calor. g grub. m long a rognd alum very hard Itidu. man u. [all 919' I "10," I ! 11m. draining!!! . W 1am, . iitqhittdry' whimud o'uoz at. W siw than Ln a nu um, 3 a; t red yo; 5 to mature. Th 1 upon the fad lot 5!: 7]:an (In! my be nova whet , , cilily Ihlurluur to corn dud mice, in tins letter; which they 0 It... bur: row urea: hols... An In tho an of tin Whito . rubs. no ligament of III: roll \tlt wiuu ol nyltiud bu been luund amine. .Ithere to n We'- nlon. Mot that unit will kill them, hut Ith i.- nn hath-o Int-lake. Tin only rented : '- nhort retnuon oi c1029. 1.: in um (and White aruhn. PM. in Aunut nnd cross. Diana. 1 in Remember will duuor (rut number. ctaau etdtintlnn. 1ng... no need: or oth Iheltu tor the MINI, lh tum carnen and else- wimu in dire ot Imporum. hmlr up the old stula! in lilo uric. all turn... Ihould innov nr. 0. .1. s. lacunae. o. A. Calleze. Guelph. ud Elm. sweet eldrr in untermhtad spoil Inlet dud hurd cider demented n I told... To not the inlay me w- :16 oath-r din-had or (round in n cider unit and lil- iuieu nasal-d Iron thrill-in. , v The tymumln'otappiulrucr. or . my nth-v (mil juice. in, Mount {NIH Madmen til it 0! (hr?! nebular] an my . Wilda! Participtiiibn Certificates Til Wiieai Boiud bah announced an I. initial payment of thirty cent per bushel on Wheat Participation certi cates, pay. table on arid after July 20f , 1920i Any Branch at The Sterling Bank will collect (or you, the amount due on your certi cates. Lehveyour certi cates 8! the Bank nex t timn youth-a in townrund we will mm ll link the collection {or you. IP' "1) y e l tuuwleh, quuenslillie, lnhmond IiIlI, , Newtonhruoh.~hnnnlnu. rhnrnhllt. BANK: jiiE Sindhih ch . '7 I To Save Hard Work Become a ICI'edm shipper, AIID W 63? Till; Dmi lihm cnw m IIIIIIINII nil taint? 'clillhitv For p a upgly to The Mollm Albert Creamery .00., _ p" r . \(lraamcrldo i1! ' / COUNT ALDEN? umulfr'IIiLL'e , (3.1L. V .' Flinn: CD9 ' Fildna 1133 and SEE pint PLANT admin _ ONE or OUR PA RONS SUTTON . DAIRY AND CREAMERY. ' Littliiedn [BECOME Phone 42. your. Ymi.d1.l In uteromola plum tart-Into in (in united o and I39 ,Hml OI m! In M D! lnllt. ~me in, [with crushed to re the tune only 0: than celi- m Bin the tried. I It Ihut on. hot dTuoyed they vtli.l.aduu. tortatnv hi on: I ; - Cameouenw. in th- munutnetuu 21(1qu claw we Inuit dutm ilu nut en lint ue pmnl ll gun "at other: xr orn min 12:. Thu our. not my or doing lid. to Io Duiluriu the juice bimodal : nitor It i: on [MM lion uu trull Ind non am in wall-lulu wot-tum. III the run or clur th- tuteurtutlon procus mm... hurt; It... Into. to In de- um Ir. tor tea mlonm ud Iheo lauded and can b. lightly. corked. In or tin Iulce wllrne lulared. 1 a 1qu I. than utored thty or . Io... tlmperlluu Io anon- it In (lieu. Bud cider to produced by anovinx the truth em: iuiwto truth: In ti... out. THE lermnnutloh L1 lulun ] Induced by thr. lellvilies vi the nut cell: tint/rat into the juice [run It.- hurt-he at .h: nilplu. Al. however, there m min... lunch. ot yum call- nu ma mun; mum more: liable to he on (he truit inch my Lulure .ho 1 hlvun'l the lit: llnnanullnn either. what yohr dream It : tot-ruin: th- iitim and 3 ET; e... In. mold domnnmunt. n lumiieudd y nt pelt-rut : quitty a! It... emu. mum; .t... u. . at. It I. - reed Div-n re cot-luv] tho 1 annou- ood nut to tho rol lulu u soon :a'shuiaed ! lulu. 'rhu uu and "meatlllcn Ind '_ no but lawsuit. for lumen. notion in 15 m F. Pnt. p. a. o. A. Galina. W Saluma) . Aug. 28 at 2 p, In. paid ' lnlrd a. Idilows : County Idle 5 mills on llll dollar. _ I 'rownrhip rates A mills on lite dollar. riiirrs or dulll'a, hut okil larldito urnontrur I nIlIl-oo the dollar. in which smlrs and n . Tp. Gmnl Io Schanis 6 iIllIis on the dul- rotiulntl hy the various sociloua. In the Salt: oi the Sultan chillindaury telephone line to the hell 'l cirriiirrilc Co. terliw or}. Frllidy Oct. 22nd at r p. In. __, _ ltt 0 ..de utilli noon. on ma / lier ijcji I .\il.il. WI Iddlnl Conlnrl [or (our yours. rlx llmt'i pu-r urn-k an Inn mule Iddition a! IMI lI-ioa rent will hm QUIKKIVILLI (MAL ntzuu 9. I ten vi) norunrhur, Ire... the hi Juluhly'. tout. nul. lnihl'tllalioil a: lo cundliiom ut pmmi 2d Colilmcl nny It: On lull nlxl ll n" iurllis er 'rl-nder my ha vhhilintl II "rm" 1.0mm It... Post Diiicu oi 0 mm and at ilm nl ro at it... Pan [li Itn-r intnrglar. Toronto. v o u I , . New York. Aug. (list. airluei Gm Lt-ilmhn, well known musnid I riledaw 0 en... om oi "Everybody wot hm cum m M P , hut gainer, neg ltiiied hm sun. do in- on nulnmohilr. L.l_..n... u an years old. The dun. oi lilo cor was held on a charge oi t W" m mullsidughlt-r. Life is undo I... liol oi run t..- Members nil [Ii-went. Several nrmnnu were rtrrlt rd and in! rates tar current smelt uhllgutlaua. luv... hhhilu . i.'ti- are Mimi \vlh ....t are... In. heal. . - , Also the hpot ial school mull 'ruto rewiniionrmus passed coliactrilnx null N..th In: mink ml W In Us. For Out-3" Air ow Simian or Cnuncll adlournrd la Int-(i M Pr! _._ 0 held: Emil in. . 25 me. 5.....de . i ldn HH- lilii iiarli hl, ii. \\' liAVlthht Mann! AD 1 m. {or iii: Content : ' 1a a I p on n unwed Nollu o} Appllutlon to] cum , Mint; I. ilt'th): gin-il'liul you: nluqhkiii I tin-uni. I]! ran... . ml lite L'ounly oi I'orh, Mrriiaxlltb EPDI) In the i'ltrllhnII-nl ut m Illu uni nrrrtnn [lit-Hui tor a . lilvorvr ImIII ill: wlkiletrlularmrf mn": IInu Mon at th.- bk . y at. Iliu- ground oi hdullery mu drsrw thl. :IlsI thin" Frluird nnilern :mtihlning iurttmr urrnmllr. lllvrn- Au"... [L I... "20. Arthur _ by his sollritaro. . y A EUTMIRLANU. Tm gummy, rnllwt d - v Dotti Dim: Imitation , LA nsl null-e lnaprelor' other. . .1, Toronto. .lutr. and. mo. ' litulthton. CASTORIA

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