. 'lllil-i'l' 1' lpnwmnxm on. a. w. u'rrron, aubooanor to Into DI- Hume l'llylllollln non surgeon, I Nowulurkul. Qn ln'rlo : I 'anonom unlvmlly or jl nronlo. Lalo holll or realdonl physician Unlon lll:anle llnll [Ill/o In . I Iron. I I I r "d'" " Plloll (llllcn ou II : 10,3042; 530-8 W an arurlnnlo In .\lndlnlno or 'roron'lo clhlly alllo IIqunIJnl. III llIII noynl "n" Iyllolnnn nun nlrmher hi I; Ileun or P] In: Howl college III sur l I IInd. vnrlner cllnlcnl onelnlnn n I. : lIoII llIlI nna UnII IeI-a .Inpplhu. London. Ilnslnnd, I an Tuned, Glnuonu Suppllvd' Telephone ,IIo. IlnunI Io; l-ll; 1.3 K l oEnT plaza". ' PAINTER AND I IIANGER, Arden Avon 9nd house from Queen SL, Nowrnorkbl. allow: 870014 or wIlLL PIPER on l.IInII,. I lllllla 289 M UMIADA 5, FE AUBUMHOE OD. . P. a mn'll. lol l leprull'onmllvo Iron no. or Il. ~ V ' #Illlllk of 'l oronlo Bulld- Umcling, llolsmru lll, oppoollo Market, . Phone 308 A. BTOUFFEH, Newrnllrkol. _ _ I 01 Piano, Voice and Vlo. will) Du lcr III all-kinda oi 'llunl cal Instruments and Ronmirll. Plano Tunan lrnnl Ior Columbln Grulunoluo, - (III honllonos and llamas; o pliiloe tonkl Fromplml MIEB NoIIIl InnKEwou, npllolnn. p III I-IIIIIIIEiioII wllll n. a. MCMEWOM, Juw . lurk nrc., Nownmr __.~L o. w. wmnleE LDT nurluor,obllogorfl [ nmmm Ulllrlc. In II. I. J oIon o IlullIlilllI, llexl llIIIIIlIIoII'II llcnl Unlulu Ulllcu. Ilowmllkal every day Tlllllldl) . Oillcb Phone 305; Ilouoo l-III. ~ mun lllnlls to Loan] on cal Ionlalo. DI M nxnopl Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing? Emiratin and "I. noun-coll: anlrll III lb. shop. run LEADING momma ll.-0$RllRll-E I: sell KIXV Y0 MMTWI ohm _ uolllo on A Tan? 'lhrn um um IlIlng Io conslder I: Iour llarnngn, Much oz Ille dl! l ullllvrl II u long (Il' nlIoI-l II! can he alcl-IMI I! you hnve mu 0! our Ir All": My equipped Ill. Illa arr lmlrl arllclcs. I! you [1115 .In. IIn'IIlEd we have some splen- cnl unlnlen Inns and gull, nnlen wa llclM like lo wow you. Fred. Nottingham. "mama: 'Sllllllllel Sessions In EIIIW . Irorn .IIIII. ml. to owl, I-I alv- wnlnnonr npporlunlly to a II"! sellooll, Toronw, l lr l gnod buolnuo parluol. ett.l y IlnIn. wnurw, II. n, sols you." on, Toronto. 'Au. mm clung Alia. mu. L O I * :29. .nd olurlu cu, 1mm M ulnrlu onmd our Var-unnu- "l ulrlm two run In" bowl I " w lll-n mr boron. II II n6 W M In our anon-m l- gol bu- : III II.- won Ior om noun or En3~ . . . lol. p O Box M I Iron. now ull I lll r, .IlIlIl wlll llc nIIIXo , - llllll VIIIlny "lulu, Inc lllllng 'I In, I. anInInIcII lo 11 on. , , u, 0.. Salllr Iy, ullornoon 'I'hn l lls III. I Ilnvonm'plpyuu b plruml loIIbI III IIIIIVIIInrlIuI, IlIo Innro IIIIIIIr ll.2'III only ulllllulmlllu loam.- rkltt. ic _IIIIIr unplllll "Evil-Inn \Inp uIInI Farm Produce vrnloulur' nIIan o In - .. A luIIIn llmll ) III II-u_ll lmuln III: nIIpnnmnno. I II npplnn IwInIllnlhII-Iohl III - ulklll. hall or IlL IlullIlll ralli- will] ..I qu I. )qu IIIIII nun. lnln p. lu IIIIIIIrIII nl In , n lIoI. would now polnlupn MIIII III Loo ll link. I ' , ' l lllqu slnndlnn. , , I, . - ,I llc l'l'llllllllal Illlll lllllII Ml Nllw< IIInrboI I lllllll: :lnllunln IIIIvu onno IIIoIII Illu lIlMIIIIIIIIm ul pnnblllu all II... {In Illllllls who wrnln nI IIIII roInInI llluh il'lmul Hulronm prom, and II III llllSllu hurlunlr IonnI-n, NowmnI-lr'el ll: lll [/10 In. nnnprnlulnlun III pun- Iprnnlng Inch/nu oilloloul olnlr.wllllo Mlllll: or IlIo honor olso unlonun Ill II... IIIIIII-qunl pllmlb. .\us. ISIII . III-V uunur sol. II II. n rungnnllu L. Will ulllll Iv II III I'mh l l'l'hllllm'lllll{Illul . W. II. II, IIuwnlnI-u, 1 In III IoI-o wlll III: nu IIIIII' l'vlnuI Slambl Ml) Longor Ne wry. , Lu II LIruKKIlll l {H II n, III-Ions |'l:lllllu ll null lllo huleIIr p I- Ill Iron. ( l'rll \\'Ill be plennurl p. lwun IIIoI llm Inn... nol on lldll'lll Inn. Iln pIIIpI on. .Ind Ll lll'llllll llallllll III {III} r blow; III llll; pInII pun pol-II l'l IoI-nrl. "rho .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII In llm nI- AH \\'l'l|l lnIo I I|\l In hn p lll Inr who I ll puI mm M nuy or IIIIIsn uIIlnlnII III InIII an: ball. The "IIBUIJDII uclludulc NI' XIII: sub an" I Lni {allows 1 Jul! Alllg. i'l'uwn VB Tannery. IRA Gallle vs SIIcclnlly I!) Town vs CMIL B, tille'unncl y \ ll Spenlnlly. l7~4 llnllk v! Tunnel-y 2 SII cIllhlly \ s Town. I I ll | lIIEIIlIuIled In Move choice I)! III IIIXIKS. turn- 3' our-nun; oI l \\'l'l k uolwnrn IIIL 'rIIIII. GII'Is IllllI auII-n Sjlr- ll Illrls. II III; mud or sprclalurn hollu; II [lllulllllg or Miss M nrln lr'll IIIo, IIIIIIII; or I lllns .lruvnu Ira rIIIII-n l lllvlr opponenII w lo mulch, IIIo mull holng n snore III III to 1 In Invor III the Tuwn Iunm. 'l'llc- nllocllnn 1m IIL IIIIII III lllu l-'r I. unlnrnl In 'rorobII. nIIIounInI II) rum Fnll rnlrr, 1920, Ilzlr u llIrI ,rrlou llrnIlIor'II . . III-nIrIpIon . Colllnuwand . Ijouklllmln . < III, 207-22 cpl, 27-29 Ill I2 and 13 .nrl. I and 2 out. ll and I7 OI .5 and I. III. - -2I H nnrl if. .I. la-la . upl 10720 Oct, 1-2 ml 13 unl. M and I5 lug. 28 II. II II 'I'IIIIIIl'IIl-iling llny 'l'urnlllo I:IlorI , \\'IIIlllIlrilll;e our slolon. \Vvllnpsun illl lllmil, Mr. SIDI'Iv in}; lllllly I)Il)l0| l'll lrl Tnl l'lllll) lakllly \ lll lllm ML, Slllllm'lnllll. .\Il i. Cally Illl .\lmllcr Dunnlll. The party WI I! on II visit, In Mr. \VnII ulllr erlllllll anll (lullin at (Ill: 15] 'Ill. Ml'o Cally, II-n, ulpInI-slanll, loll. ll car III Ile Ivnlor rmul und oll III I-nIIlI-Il Trim) the nklllll fmlnll his Iltll~ llnll lll OlI nlolell. .\II'. Cody l elllninod in 'l m'mltll'lwal' lllKlll ll) make all I ll- \' ' Hm SI l lv car, I]!!! . or up: party camp, hon... by ll v. I A pllalm lllllssugc [rum llim on Thursday morning slnlcu llInI he had I'Pcl'n'lll d me our hul IIIo tires were all gulls aIIII I l'yllllllg of value tukl. . M IIolIFoLK FARM IIELD FOR Iduno ll qumnlcd why. IIIoIlrn who ordered IIIIII Ind wm on rum. who, am, .IIIII- \\'llllln lx hours 1:! IlIo Ilan llm crown uIlIIlorIlllls were nolllitd l'lll [If Hm llml) at Jan ! A beam Inllryl drrold InrnIor, IIIIIIrr ctr- umllblancl s WllIcll lllnlud lll luul play, Irllnll' llrlIIIer, sued llVNlly. won lodpll II. II. looIIl Inn 0)! I charge or wlllul Innnlnr. The nding ol Illa lln'l) IIrIII. home u' arran are allrllmled In a 5611101 qu which his yolmger m-nlhrr III alleged Io havn moo. - . The dead ( III and Lame Ilelmnr. Illa lsllnr a rclurned iol lel'. Ilkll been 'Ijllr rollen n . II |- or. ,II'IIII I'nurlI ln'II - Ilulllluwomlllp, 'l llai- . - ponunu IIIIIII I Ihu dls- I'- can sud Ial no mel al my I an I know whalfln do. lull um. mirror: made up mound Io I,ry IL Lb... (Ilkon IIro Dom IIIId villa-n morn. lb . woodln ' am " 1 : Int Ibo bnurin Tnu u Ii'oe' Ior me. do only recommend lhun In moo. who roman. Ibo r... 1 dl (loud: Comments , pf Exchanges. Unucwunuhln. Inn-c Illsl by garllul ll' l n, llllIII ll lIIl wIIbI WIII Follnw. nunln,w .\lor l ) , r vo sr All llouloporIm-Iu III IIIIIIIIIIV III... (III I'll) Il'JIlll I ally I III \Mllllli he IIIII .- Ille lll ,Illy III l dlklllg .I-pnrn- Ilon lrIInI IlIc wmurn pnrl III llll' llrln llllzlr. , Words now corny. III-ochvlllu hlll'clII'dI-I Jl . Iv nru, Illll UNI .IIyllIlnII I-Inur LII l4: mm on Ihu InI mm III I llrlllll'lll - upon. new or .I. nIIIl Unllu'l'rvIIII/YI p2 I'gllgt'llll pnongl. In . , up . In I.an or up: Inn II III M nrl'cr Inhnl. .\III-r II... nIII llluollnn llll?_\' I-on v nllr ll llcnlll uIIIIlnr. - Wrong ldnn. KlngblullAVlllI: law I. zmnhlng IIIIII nlr, value bl Illl'llh Ilr lIlIl IlCln}: l ll Y II I; lllll' IIIl If llllllll VII. IlInI-n III. I lllEKll lllII'III-IIIII , llllllll: n in lll I rdIIlIl) lll snl nll III III I , I- IIII' mono, IIInlr Illhllflll IIIIIE IIIIIIII . Following/tho Aoropmu. 4. ultra] _ II II . noun... ' . \anlrllll ls gun I In pup null I lat. 'l u pl- I'IIu liflllll' III llIr lll , Nlllll llll IIlll papI-I- null. Ind .Illlllms Ion lllllllllls r :l IInvr rI-(nsl'll Io bumlly I...) nu.. lqln r Implmll lIlL M lgc amount. or 19 IIIII p.- I: III llrlnllng Impur Ila. lllrrl ll nlll'ellJlI'lll. and Ill) lllmll Ii IlllIIIlnl ml hrklll , lIII , : [III I chlcrn DnlBrIo l GloeIlI Column" III III-.I.... Drurv I II I ril I, llIIlII InowI, npl an - )\ |' m IlIr pI-oIInrn us I, I.- pun-II on I... oflllsplIIl 1y nnnonnro Ilhllurlll. III- h s not illl ll IIII In and ill \l mg mp l5 InIInI-IIIIII III" II I. (I! II... HrI IIII-r H II] nnlal'lll, I III II en rum pophnps LII pnrunb II-lnI-II l~ ll- ohln lo boronm unnwslvll w. l. nr pnIInI; lmll lnurlhllvn lml's l IIII lll pI-npmlu III rllll.II.-I II- l'Ill'lll (PM. I Inll. I,I- The Boy Who Dl l Pa Ilonlruw lllru-oury: I; lluinu mound and I nvyjo hour nInII he [he Illbap. nolnlllrcnl. a] II... lIny whu Ilovlrur Him] Ills hes! sl lll (alch ll: pan IlIn aclmul I- Inimllou .ll wIIIcII he TGIF. IlIII Ih8216;world Is Iull n1 lllbl'drlt'll allllll- rms. or when IIprI-s .Inll drcdjlls um um Iollnwnd by null! nunknnlnu For the boy who Iallna lIEcalL-IE Ilrglocled Ills unnurlunllius Ipnln no no nonmlsernllon. no one bul Illlmcll lu Lllnm vol III, pupll ho IllIl III III'aI In lll rlaas Ivorl unll sllll lull $1.an 01 Ill 8604] In :Iglll allnulll run up IIIEIXIB)(M1 l ll il hr, b1 {or Ilu- llmr Illsrouraglo. Hannah I StouifVIlle. IIrr molly SIOIIIIVIIIL II'II nIIs luul'll- t'd \V Illl 4 [I n'Rl n! [1w llrnlll HI Mrs. Lewis lrll| lf\\' Ill IH'I' IMO. EPSIIILI'H I}, 38- Hrnwmng Aw I u mull), on Sunday, July :5". (I at n very pawl ! Illness at r :1 rats du mllnn. ' . llccuasull I15 II dnu lllu- lll .\ir, null MN. 4} Film, and I ham XIII silent lll r IIII Ionll do; In SlnlllIIIHr when: silt "Luh' Inull) II'IL-llllb. All-Ir her ( amingo ,\I and Mn, alholhnlsw rcslnnd hm IInIll Ilwlvc yuan also him they nulde l0 Toronto. Sun lrbru Iwo suns, Arllllll . LII Slll lmlre Olly. and Juli, II- Ihero I x , husband nld I Ihaul 3. leave om . smellng up, Illn - II rlrnp, nth: ill III-Iran , [glint-rah sblg ompnnnd. ' oIrn so. nd col; "4' an em wlm rennuo oft bl]! tho lime. [LI-led orerylblnrbnlrnur M Indy good, and the list doe. by! Iol my be hour peeled b9 on my l'ool lg!" or Able lo do I dly'l ,Irorlr, I Dne y cup or our llluo booknrwn III. In my door mIImy d try I bottle 0! lum'l Ve elablo Com- k God I dl , (or it. cured me. I,- now we r . thln erelgr feme Illii l egg LnblgCompound (or oral... who In my you tea and have recomnl dell It In mynelglborr.,voucabpnbl mylct tor the manor Iborb I can't mob blrII, Harm A, MITCHELL. 1761 7th min, Em, Owen Sound, em. {you Inve minymplqm nhonlwblol. oulfmuldllkew nvwwuletotthydia '. PInKIIIm Mudicinn Co. Lynn, Moan, tor bnlprpl advice-(Ivan {r Lydl ponnrb I OIIr Toronto Letter. A man 1...... ll III-nI-hnnIIl If"!!! If: porn I]? Lille - llr', liaylmrl h:- on up In II... Mll lll u! um bulclllo, llml In IIIIIIIII ~25 Inlnulon Iron. II... II..." III. In... luplncu lo lllE Ilonlll lIlu,l.n.Ir ups I'l'. ml. llo VIIIK nllparcnll) ohoul on I v an . nurnl nppn ll|l> Illlll'lllll allll up, ovary III (III: [may [hum In. I. Inpullllnb oI me Ill, slur In Iln, ' .Ing .-:I.lllc ) n ax", \Vllllll I. l'ulll. Inllll) leunll' lolIl lln-lr urns nu .. mull or II ngern nmelInI; I III IIII \ESISUL , I'Ill: oruw oI ,oynpn l. IIIIIIlcnlIy II. pruwnIlrp; In B ImIn IIOIlIg IIIIII, onII lvlllll llIrlm wnn' s l. .I. Sll el II hpnII IIIIl a I llll'nwn ml or llonlll) nIIrInIInu who" III ,II II n blruul .Ir nr Lumen slrunl llllll I IllIu , . nllv III II... oIchIpnIIIs <llIIt lI Illllll Imln lullulcn or ulIrIIlII ,InIl lllmc llnll Io IJB InlI-I-n Irl SI, llnnllllal, I pm pl 'nml plucky In, \vllllnlu .\I uh ,\I rnnrnl uoll Iron. hr,an lll owll- In Illc lld) pIsI II .1..- 1|an, '|'|Il~ lull) V II. IIIo l lWll-ulll, lllu III- young I llun on. haul and IIIIIIIII who \Vl're. . l ll h. I ynl'mz ' mm D! I unnrrr. in IIII uIl \l'lpn. nlnmu In IIIr, nnlro or Ilm lm) , I. ourlork III III. II" drclllllml IIy Ibo IslI-ls IIIIUNI Illlll Ill Illl Ir I llrrrlll m l' ' r, IlInl M1 lklllK - \verl IIII r, \\ l| n )on grnw Ion lllg Ipr lle IIIlep>r o.- IIIler In In Ilu, job lm I I II .Inlr .\llrlul, n. Innng llll ll ~I~I.I lo I onInIIn IrrII cull In y, I l: young l ll Iron. l7 lo 22 v v '\\ :Ilamll'll \l\' III. a mo Klnlll nlu-InIlIloIIoII II I, mm a > I l bqul, llll'IlCh wll III ) lll.ll* II- III Illat , II hry Inln II... In or :plnllng :ll llIa loll Par-m, IIoIInloI. II... JnI) l.l.~ l n well .\I up w. .l. . lr surlqu II-unlpul, has nollllcd YIHK Illnlr urn. I-nII-loII nnI ,nIIIIloII or III IlrIIlIrr I .mn II IIsI-nII-Il 'I'III rquIlln on: Eh I :IX good hullvnl kills. Iprl llIo ucrrlnon was \\ I ll) II bnnnrlulvnuonl. lllmlll ll|'l.'l'lll ll II our 0! mIIIsE. II \\..I:lll'\ pu llIlls lU plnnI- Illo young men or 17 lo 22 awr IlIo llllll'l. or IIIc simmer "lillc rnnllIor Him] I do, in n all u.- \Vils Innnr In Ibo llublllun an Inn III-IInI III the \VIIIICHHK. NI. I be , run I .u rlrlpprn. Thn mung In... I: mm In sIIIId I... with Ile lnr-o In our II-all, nun his hands Ill lllgll Inl'l' Ills urn-l smn I. ccr~ Inln sII-nlp pl . Icl. oIInrsn elm: l mlllg llll'll IvIll probably have no Ml- mlmllnn mr n slenln pll'lu nlII-I- Inls. as n llngllng sonsnllon will Iolluw, an sorrn as any nnr III Illani ms a slam plpr. llnl llaIr-n, II ls deolurud lllal the real pan llllr-ul II nol ln Inn 811;]- plug, "the young men look Inrdlrlnn nl'." II In lll-3 nulnge In In, lenlIngn or llm culrlr s whlnl. Illls lhr snrnlnry ollrrl, Il Is declared ~III mrl llkl: l\' ,enls," , ll .5 nlalmul llII'Il since lilP spunk- lrngs were blurred, llml lm born I mall rlal orrrrnne III Inc rlrnllnr o! onlos III 'l'nmnth. .lnd, Iholn who know Dani ray lhxl v IlIr [llxnishm zlll Is I. 5am] our. nun In rnurb Ilrllrr um. long prison senlrnrps, Rheumatism Nodis Ille limo ' r 4 to get rid 0! III , rolllo IIuII our dnnrhlrl, Mrs. llnrvey down. or Tommu. uar mom.- who mm... In nolilorblr amvgd lIoInII hung on Ibo mun mm and II I. .I. \( p-Iron lhalrdlsnulei our Illa occupancy Ind oIIII-I- Innum worn the piling Isn- lorII In ll... Irmuy , , ~ , , .0119 mm II um and until lmn MIDI-Ed ll Illa, N30 . 1 I. YIN In llio arry nlonlr wolpclrr (:1 Ian lnl: lo me "Dr naugblnr'nllve. . n. Leslln Plnll, o! Hinton, and mu. Glrns. I'llnl. o1 lows, Ilrlar Ind llrolller. nlso survive, ' ' How am (unruly n III-Ink. mum 1" _ . om Mums Blon- ma. no: I |hll1!lll|hlnx'lblml l." r ' In hln We ll Ingrown; , Im you're mlllsl, or Tn- - Nzuum II. pulling tor you Tlle with: we llaer's here- This is your Jinan- grasp i l-i: v I ..I W 'G um! I- II 1' ? l Id Il bll 11m .Ibr u oununtxlgh'u I: t on. I n Bold'ln mwmuhl n ,W 1 Plush lo I TORONTO ce 0! cbnrgu ' dnrlnrr Ibe une III Ibo b ' Ibo coal l quIIe IIIan Ibe uie or Ihe ' Ieaplb n'lhe I and con 1121' and Innlrlnm= _ ally; Improvlnr III II' lnpancn. (Ibo IlIIo tonalst III In oarIn. III. lno mil or )curlllml Irblcb IdrImI no de gn Iq r which ll lled lIllI'ISQI blood neural: and nerves, and Inn enIIIerIn ln or nnurlo wblrl; II omrnnl IIIIo hu Dallhel blood nor nervu nunbly: hentu In nobrnrcnlnr IIan luunullln .rIq norm I... b proloollva coranbn Ior lhu dormln. [l con-urn of n layer or amullnalea nolir- hlch nr'n Inrln gn' Ibo uanaoo oI IlI o oer-nun. In Ibo [Issue lmmedlulely under. n_ Ib In cmluavelurgo nurnbeuol Indorllcrnnr nr Imral glands, e'aob or wnlcn II nuIrbulul by a nunnllu or III. ,I-bm glands urn round oodles, rmnll In brn wlled mm o bull: Ibo me and nl Ibe luhe onenll Ml the lum- Iooo II] I Inbnol-nhnnrd orlllen. - Tho nlIln ol the home In charmer- lred by III areal senovlllvenoza, much In IIIlll Inrlhnr pyomoled b y xnnd naomlng. FEW ahlmnlu. I, an) , Dnm plro en lraely an lhq norre. , As nInIedIvlho nnIli unhe rpldsnnll bra fanned by the den-Illa. Thlu lurv mallon of canal]: cunllnuaun, as II III Ibo mull/anon n! Inn cello oI mo oxlnrruu surluo oI Ihe eoldnmlr. Th'a hnlr prevenm [he Iree escape or Ibm healer, hence more III II [en ency Io mumulnllon; Iho TI nun gslhem dual, em. Iran. the r rrnnndlngn, and II the annual la IInI groomedrlhe cobI' Iron becoman. nlled wllll the necum lnllon, whlch beromca damp when [he :nllmal pmblrrr, In In clnllnm IlInl IlIIn ban n tendency Io occludu lhl opoblngn ol the own glands. hence lnIorIcre VllhItres pornrurnllon. Who Inor,or'boI Inero In much torn-rm lth mlllenllnnI II, In an ubdlnpnlra Inclllhn he home Ian In regularly and you groomed look boner. reels heIInr'and glm more raIlrlncIory VIII-Irina IIIIIII lIln ImIe under Ibo Mml! cnndlllmlh Ions Iue groomlnr, The blue! or grooman In Io rerun" IlII. Ionlrn, IlnIII. drum uemplrulou And nlhlr torclxn Inannncen .rrgnlnrly. In order Io do mu a curry comb or some more "Ian In: unedrjhnl Irbcn being Irorlrod by the had, both with and mutual the mln or the bnlr. will arlIaIe llzB hllr Io Ila an Iron. the Inn... Iboreby loosening nu (ulelgn Inmlnnem, The comb should' nol have room nu lclwlly Ibnro In war- In or Irrluuo the IlrlrI. Then n .IIIII brnrb Ihonld be used Io rernnro all Imelxn InnIIer IlIaI IIIII nol escaped When cornlr In our nk . the run brush belng sumeIt nl. A oncr brush. the bearlng nurlnce III which connlnul nI brlsllcs nIIonld now be used Io rc~ mmu nnylhlng um bllll remalnn. aller which llIo whole nurlaco ol the hody nbonlrl hn well rubbed II"! a clean Ilnen dam, The lull and ammo nhould be well brushed Irllh the out! IIth and lhrn combed wllh mmbn dnrlgned Ior Ihe Immune. II Ln well under nrdlnzry candl- llonn, Io grnnm n hnIseIWcll lece dally. II a hon-Io has pernplred Irnrly II In good pracllcn Ia rub hlm well wllh clolbs unlll he becomes nry. II this be neglected he should be gmomr ed to remove the dried persplrallnn and other accumulations MIore he LI xed Ior Ihe nlghl, as under such can- dlllona he doubue-s rlsls hem.- . an1. ll. Reed 0 College cur-lob. nacth Mle ulnrrhm or chlrlu. Thls dume ls Iananslble Iar many d lhh among young chlchl. A cclzd birds apptar and r9 mall: nndrr Lbe Imver or hen murb n! Ihu Unit The] 1301M: lhomsslvr: from me (9:! DI the [helr fea- lhcls nerorno mngb and Inn wlngn uroop. rboy Ia: little or nothing nlrlmngh Illey mmhmlcally pool. nI things. A Ibln whlLIsh or creamy slleky dlschnrge coma: Irmn II IE mu and cllngs lo the down, lflenlly olorglbr up Ibo venl. Tbr blrds be come shurI burned or huncbed up and moslly Ills In a In dam... law, however. survive. I . Fast marital mmlnotlml :howa IN or Ibe almonury canal ll usually anal: except Ior rume slimy IIuId. The mum all pale, Thu liver Izuy have 1 law darlr IIrealII. The 'lrooble .IIanlly rIarIn wlu. emu lulldled (mm egu laid by a hen whose mm In diseased, 'Olher chiclu In [hm Mull man pick up lhe bruth 1mm Ibe dropplnrs ul lbs .I. (acted chicks and so [he dlsmu morn... nose I;th Ian ulro In. new and npparenuy recover will p.me hm dlsranod avll . more. onenuy Ibo egg: whirl: Ibey III l.ch llama to product HIE dumu lll la chlth batched ham them. in addi- um. In um. hall/ever, uIelr egg-in ux power: uul usLuILY be low. and the Inlcllllo err. umnnl Ibose lhal m Iald will be l mu Derzeuuxe. Con. mnenuy lt ls Ind polky Lo Iuo Ior breeding pulposa lhase blrds lhll bue sullemd Iron: wnIIo dlrrrbm when lney WEB young. lleallllr oblm should be removed 1mm comm Illlh tented cm and placed In lm dulnImIod surround- IngaV [I [I I good Folk] In kl" Ind burn (he I uled lDGdnleM and Ibnn Inorourhly dlzlnhcl ereryInIn. IrIIb IrblrlI Iber b 9 come In mnuel. each or wbIeII column or one? more , I ,1 , Irlbnled o largely In lbe nnonlnr'l In; or Inn holler CIA oI Inunlc . Ire-Ir ago "Hymyhony" ormb "collect!" Io lhe average canndlnn Ipelled born nornxl IlnI Llaurnnce s LIIIle sym- One or Inn monl 'on-Ib while de Iblolzlrromn III the rnunlul world In Ibn pant row-yearn hnn been IlIII III- orennr In me number or Innlrumcnlal quarlrlll und larger xrb .Concert alone In Inklng IIII place In Ibo bca'ru phony hu Ilroved null. or Inn Canndlan audience. ' Sarah ncqun Vick. oonlrnllo. v'Ilil ' Lleuglnca'n mule Symphony, n . Irrnup' nI- olgbl mllxICIKn . III one cl 1 ypr all: Tum"!!! nn Ibo pragxrm l a all allqll Wl l Lleumnc the modern Krouwl which Ilka Lon-.1 en .IlIle symphony. / WAN'I'E I 30.000 HARVESTERS $13.00 to Winnipeg Flu-Hull. Cull W In". b-md. lam"... II." r. em pa .IIu. I. WII-nlprh pin. mm. a almnmmd. on! Wmun llmrmi III?"- on. ol .Iur"d u... ml: 3 unc Iv: II... EXCURSIOP} DATES lr gufnma And. Mn and 1th Toranlo nna Enll llInrooI lm. 11. And IEI. Toronlo, Norlb, wan ind nbulh mom]. I . Lure Toranlo 8.30 p. m. " var rhu Inn wanna-Iv , mm Comb. , moon.qu aura hurl. Arr-I, Irr Inn. 5mm Puun u DroIrInm.c.u,ny-.Imonm. Io .bl. In. Hot Electric Electric Electric Electric Refrigerators, / Toasters , Irons Washers Fans Slcreenr,J Doors lceream Freezers, Screen Windows Hammocks, Rubber Hose. Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens. SM S HARDWARE o Phone 39. Sell the Farm You Don t Wall PARIIE OnEEll. IlrlsENAlrE 0F LEAD, uua DzATH. N E W M A R K E T [FOR THE OAS" vou DD. V {17" oven 15,000 ances PROVE nlnllr LIETIIODBI Ill) BIIAHGE TO YOU FOR LIEYIHIJ. Ho Cll rao In You for Wlllldrawll Our System Locum: NIB Buyers. ll. Slmul Farm Agency, [L'IIIIL J. CURREV MEPH'EBENTATIVEI NEWIIIAHKE f. The Largest Ill Wolldx I le VOFK. TORONYO. DETROIT. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY I ANII .ILI. r FACTORY MACHINERY, REPAIRED KINDS 01" D. E. lanes. 0. A. College, Guelph. - Tho Innz'lmlrn npe nbuula b rca y bbanl now no rum Into b 4n um clan" Ior young hula. 1m: wminn om- lI ls esllrnblru uInI aboul 30.000 men \I lll be required In work In Rum .muras Ia uilbl In Inn-"(callus the y! In Manmh , Sunk-llama Ind "I. la \Vllullbes 'u'zd lll run lpeclll Iraln; lrolll omliln. Annual. th, lllb, mu ma loll. L. Minna". Ann, ....I 6 opposlrni ' Imuble ullnmvarln > m ullwn mum. , AND MADE EQUAL TO NEW. Iruu. Alumlnum. Imnxe. Ml, mllu'bla 1 And other "dull. I w. Illa do IAImI; ooumuo ruul. ammo, *1 GET YOUR CARBON REMOV lly'uur I'rnrzaL, DIM. per-Minna. We nre loonlod III usual for memvu - WI Wald call Iron. ED?