Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1920, p. 6

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lrlll mania all-Ill to . t u o- tit onion. M tertrunnlutr Illumllml 'nlt rrt u lilo lime lt-dtu rir iu ihu nturl alumni-,- lllyg nlill ti norm on its M the dailth tilt tetthne," Luise on lto inert vitto tulle Mlll,,'lll\llr ti _ yy 'pno tt yti A: only lo crow uud uro Iul led in-perenlruiinn. it In tuott u ennuy how i u; ulr;erueltler hlurea. ' llnwl nd me when u h vy otteil , , oieu :o it Juvoluiila ly >evcryaiiit 'riopu deed, iting ton lilo explode In oili- " lial,th ll lhlln let )5le. t lthuui :Mll t" whiin-tt , > it l-t e tlrhl utolu-n Nlul'il-ll ' l the Iiuhtt-h n -m to know III]: routt eoruer Ilild,\vllull they iiuvn peel ite Al hut tttootlre .' and WL lilll lllltt law :Iep rngulll. An elderly men at it who to going Ittio ttte line tor the. tlrrt time v ht wetlplllt; hitterty. i that ltitn who), in wilting, end no tio- titut he hurt \rluIPllit-dligli llll mull. the town . , tit unit it ruihlt oritl thine, hell-4t 1!! are lull or water ht we blilillwt uutueivee on n. null olip I tinr lutoiu nilrk lll the tuutl. tie :tttyttrtt-e,tery hlo wlr- " '" ~ Dru-ooh... , scoilzs ltth its! no .Wamnri u Thom owlnl vtttiity nun ripuro, V "th women who tyrant tlte high- heeled titt ut' ihnt in home tented uptirl tho temqu puhllc ln-lluyi ilnn return ' he. vtiuliy, liuurtt nuti tlcruvnal maxnu- Ill-tn," tloolttrini hliro Etlilu t Lowe. phyuleut cumin} expert or (:htnro lrt un ntlorruo ut the ' uterine heuriou oi the Millillallii Ediiclillntthtlioaluuon tu-dnv. ilor nooerlton who greeted wllli proiouttrd oppluuou lay the {any diet it or zoo teuoherr. tut/o ly wotnont . ntpior llvlns: uolllng hueit 4 mtlui e," tron otlronotetl by Zilng liuwe .uy th nnot-re rnnt which the prencnl my world itt unlit-nu. end the letnhlnn hrn. Iohuiou poriieutnr, lis uullerlntt in )rerdoson. r / . V . ml. - at." A M LE mine on mice loxl me no order. s taint N, newer lII system, i had luut "Worked up the cxceuilve or a large none-em into n desire to hey. i into my- eontrnot 'torm lylng on hin d wllll my linger on the dotted line i reached over lnworu hit you VA" on to pen And pinuoen it Into ttte luh. tveli. lie turned to run with n lieu-n on hlr theevthe woltwho-ompir. i won r'eudh with n louutatn pen. llil pelt uncapped, l hunded it to hint. lie hliirlud to write; "to top woulo not llilw. l lilo)! ll itlul slluok llt Mdln he elude the Memphwllli no renutt. , "I will 51:! one." he hall]. 50 he sleppe into the other room. rlrhiepily allotment: lyp d ltim with n oueoiion. tor lte llld not eonto lmoh tor three mln- ull's. Titan he otooti at in den looked down at the contract , I heileve i had hotter lllllllt lltls ototter over again," he soul. nun .tli the tour i put up unuld not huttoe him. i hurl lost it linlt: heenuse my- ion loin pen who empty. Now one or I mun nr trio rnlns outlet. week in an \l'llt oul , lu'il lib rl guldr d8 lil) slime 'nno hty nhnehing over oi etllo to he made. andJlle multan out of my ex-' penso ocootutl. ls tllllnu nty tounioltt lieu. __..n........ _ ANOTHER FmE OLD VETERAN A letter tzootrt to the Ploiliwr trom nuother oi ttte pittlnux or tel-nun old uu-n. who have done their hit in the printltlvc days at in lh-ovinee tqu o 3 new rooting ereniil , lllouglt; till rull or lnlci e nut-e or motel )rritrr is ilr. it. 2, ltsiowei intuit terror in the timth or r. t pom" ant! to wlillt iluti terrier itnl suttetell lu hnhatt or llit tetnprrauer rt ornt. iir. .ltoorc'snt-t, l rrmrtnhet- the tin or ultl, when I on n small hut \vtt y t trout-en in us it I was a hllu p- dot; 'i'wtee itte hos. threw o listin- hxe alter me when I ran out ot the shop untl he eoninn-t t- trh me. The weapon missed me a ll went hereto t river on iit Ice, Jin (other olerl \vllnli I was [\vti nun n halt yeorr old. | e eounlt-y was new tnd tonne:- scarce. so that mount uet out and work. We vt o a youth 01 yo hays anrl three girls, nil .[illnig ntyseit horn lll Duunly cut-en, Ireland. I who horn In cittuttlat eitoriiy otter the arrival ot my parents at their lirnl Cmndlall ltome oi Mlllllirtllk. nurhnnt tlouuty. This out to rant. at the time or the tlrhn HW r. My pnrnniu look up lanll in tehnt woo known he llm Queen's Holt, and tor-nod part ot the Mum-ix nettietuent. Those were the days or itnrdrhlpr. Mimi the helllera haei to go runny onto: tor n tryv Dallnds ot liour. I out-e drove a ynke ol oxen hitched to n \vmtlrn Jumnl'r. twenty-live miles - t round trip at titty miles. and brought home's shipment ot tour hundrod .uohglit ot iiour, lnolead ot on auto box at tools. mien etltlt rrto an axe -onn m auger to repair any hreahs lllsl might occur. e iiionrrit. I may mention. wore oil Orangernrn, and the members or the rising peuc tiott tohten the Order when the In the right age The I: Mom I. are" , inonlnrlo to ntlopt \empmnnh prluollilu. We hud great I. in suturing splendid mon n uternltnrst Nu inelliber til the many: Order has any right. to use strung 'dttuir ony more than t niturch mun tter; hut drlnk wot lot long u nutsu to the timer nod to many or our churehet u wait, i hope it ,is wiped Wul tor .il tune to home, This ovu has been hmughl eloro ltntno 10 my unruly, to tin: or my noyr w tunnel: to depth try - nrunlren - lunntie. while endehthrtmy to do ittnt . a kind at. , . Thin r n hut urcth ltlmoll u n mlIIIOml y ad var Junl on the no pl . more. it it. \' tori-tut: Join. to China. .The murder mop. rolorty whileer error. I , ilill \wiy Ill uounlcrtittllllg . 'Pll'diuf no. a on. ' ~ 4 v ? lament-mu i'novod no eoieriioo , wminoo to'r ou eonaltlon. qulld- rolonior rhnuld be united '11th h' wring: have'lllul vly ti Ll: may icolanlu' lull ll llxlil. "m- wblt h nil-yell mitt-ii ouoonit. lit [ll-mu! prim ot hello] hno honor it doo- not my io,o'iicmpi t'o turner Any hot the out colon! no no nil-hm our be purchnnnti Irotn iho Entitlch Elam to rtrrlve l n tiny nnd give u need n crop or honey or no "in! Mtur ttupern ltnve been removed in Hopi-tuner oneh caloriy Altoitld be ha I hunk-lent nutouut oi nyrun nude or water to brine it runnly, e1 loco up to an or to nouudh 'l lila teenintl may he done nitont tho unit Ill/October. lllren my be printed in boxer ior . 'nuttloor wlutorlng holore or nttor lt-(illlls nt the cnnveqlen oi the hue- krt r. lill' WllllFr nucklns uhpuld be nmlllnd holhrn portion onto neuthor. For cvllnr wintering, hlvor nhould on nitcrn ln lltc celinr LII Iroerlnr up tlntv.lli November, pelccllnx for-the npernll on ilt pooslhlo n cold at, lm ttteilotely toitowinrt n open or wuln weather. When properly prepared ueeordtnr to home method rlmilnr to more tlenerltted ln ltutlotin m o n The winterl'prr nt libel! in Outnrlo " outdoor wintorrohoo, roe iro no t . mutton Iromville time the roonlnr and pncltllis lo mmnlmdvtlgllll tho lol- lowlnr April. The Mutton ottoolo he watched tor the rngululim of temperature run venttlttton when chimng or wepthormeur. I , [new null wintering ammo depandn nit liverJ ooo eolonlro oi young been young eueoni. plenty at good ntoreo, hireo ynmlyr prhogpna limits signi lrotn col Wnot- .t On e at wurnt our ot iiprtt eolooloo ohouid be removed 1mm rel- lort nun rtli nhohtd ho onnolnoo to detect oneenlerir ones or tholo than ot anm no tormer nhootd or unit- ed with thou.- hrtvlns ouoono And the lllur rtvonioxtrn teed. it would not be onto to [links a lhnmulh mm- luttton tor dtorooo until the nether- ir tumor than it uotutlly II in April. Karly . tn 'Moy. when tumhio weather urlvks queen. ottoqu be clipped and-this mutter or atom KIV~ v on nttehtlon. At queen-clipping time the hrood nhnuld he innnocteo taro lolly tor :rllegiiouu diomen all do- mlbod ll: nulltlln ZIZ, BEG DI!- -0n}hlln- ~- rirlE ot ntront; coloan will began dilrlnl frull hioorn null outdoor uiutoled has my be un- lmlwd noon titer, in htoitwnro opt-in: thu'u'npukln: my be iett un~ til ally in June. the monomers mntn duty In my to to get queen. ellppod u nulcd nun tree that enth ooiony develops properly or to given room to check swarmlng impulse u the one my be. . June to the Hui-11.an onttt end time at aup lng (argue motto honey aw which bexlnh between the 1/01): nod unit ot the month, depfndlns on tho ileuon and the latitude. no sure to giro lumen: enough to Mold uny crowding. which may cnuno the has to became olrooumgeo, oult 'wnrlt uno ownrm oxcmlvaly. it sbuuld he the beckecnnr ttalr-lluprcvenl enorm- lug A! much on oosniitle, llla lh done hy keeplng ynung queens, glvlntz plenty at room and a systrruntie examination or hroonrhntuoero to detect colonize which are preparing ll) swat-m, \Vlmn queen cell! are Yul-mil lar advanced [hey sliuuld XI be droiroyeo and the oueen horoolt r . moved. Alter. the colony hns tloon oueenltos one erlt the oooths Elmiild again be (-xixmlned and all cells 1 !- erpt nne removed. Thtoone will pro- vldn them with n queen nun, only one is tell they will not uwarm annin, Where on improvement ot stock is dashed the new queen tnuy Ito given instead or lmvlux one qumn cell. Natural ruartno slimili! lie billed on the old rtano alter remuvlns Ille pureni colony lp one elde. The worms rhould he given the auntie trout the old colony. New sonruts work in: great vlgor because [hey lithe no mood to oore tor durlns the nrot wecit. colonter held together without hwarmlnr gtther utnre honey than lose which swarm. They niso centre the Iteehecper icon trouitio rtt unexpretco tinteo. ii-ia the bee- iteepotnnpuuiotle only to reduee the cost or honey Diodncllun and thut in- mate the quantity he in toilet to produce as grea'ily an (mssllllc. Till: may he done mc e hy toot-tn prevent tion thnn in any othot- .i) . Uulluln 233 ml lhl: runner up thoroughly nnd'shaud he earotuliy :luulztl by (All hecke n. :. ' Most 01 DIAI his! honey [5 K'ttllluetl during tote lune ttnti catty July. None or tls should he extracted until near the uni or July when llin horn are ttentty ituourtt gathering hrht honey. ll might he neeeosury to we each colony irent my to tour el- trttiing sheets to urolo early er. il-uetitln. ily doing ll: we cl tt tuueh llellL-l' ri Intd honey truieh eom. luauno u nutter price and lnntnininii ntueit enter it lg ttolmtltnt-E in honey :3 a oloine Doll. . _ colouiro which have not been to. uueeued \ty nnlurai morn-tire or hy own i enuttoi utethodt ly Jiii'ie or July shout-l he nitonoed to in Auguot no ogst reunite nrr'uiu-ily ohhtlhett trotn queens not mare thtn nne yror Blt'L ravlnt-lnl iipitritt, o. A. Cut. ten. Guelph. I731 ? IRWIN? d. . Th- rottnwinrr lnoiatnt in. twin: by to mil-h tattoo-i. .hnt might hove AWN-1m notion Anywhere _ A A lady who not poultry tun onion; othero. insult-tn town. ' on. lay the laid on; i for dinner, whlolt unveil to in n tam. t " II." Illa to MI'IN'VI- l. ivro purtn granllliilcd aunnr tn one or . " i . t. . . . .1 ohm monotony. A only noun-roan liy It in plu .--\vull, in to oh till? wliew. lllll hoeeht. lltllL dulitlwll mm o Malt, it'lur Illuy lutd othnuun the troll tor three lloun. uuo oiill the comp ou )lllrar l.n Vlhy tar ultentiinl them. "I don t onr Iliqugll. , The Inriher the heltt llllll l hop we ll never n will : men iill llIeIIIIIIc wu rtt ll .' , \Vuhtouuh, the guldl it no one uerer elutneetl hit DXpl on, It iho white neuron who llmi'd llll lltu tku etioo u to titluh nohouy L in onion tu' ramp there likewise, it won mil, Ills tilt. nor hie duty to lllttlnltllnllli'ill. mt w- ho herore he hnlt ulliiiltuil the to til i wllll ilte three rn on who itlllt'tl to no where. llluy'wern rm mourn. tine llfltil heru,very lll. ll who hit: hrotlter uutt helped liltn pret- lh. i'origlr [lliicett alulig the troll, 'l'llu other hum; tuuctt. .liin yuiee rum; nut lll Hm wlldl llkt) ooute tlllziir-lrlllutl hlrti euli, This route relilelilltcrcd, loo, llutt ito hed h-eu lllu the nut llulo ltuutertt to look upon, lull oiui ttlhn 1|[lll htronr, and he lint] luugliutl tnuoh onn eheereti the oilter l\ 'i iierc who no Nlll art they would Intel illlltlBs lll lrllmg rtinrtko til H! eoutp tires )rnlruyml them to enoh-niher nut \Vnh-tonah teit hio ennseieuee was perrcotlt- , eicur in tho until They each iqu uwhoio ntdc ot the tone to thunuielveit, Ir they uttqu rilny on their own older the wouhl he no irnuhlo Mill hero he into n happy thought. Gravely] Ioullml at the llimtl: the one too mull : one too thin, the one with tho Vllllll lllto sunlight and eyes lltli deep miter lll yhutlotv. lio did n : know their nunteu, nut lhlit one he ll cu bent on ll addrernnd tit-r. ~"1 onl oh tear on lnku, hettohi Not where you tto. All KOMII .Trio timeli henr other ride twin . =\\'e'll hluy right on our own side, llialikil, \\ hotlt tottl lirutupi- ly. "Any-troy. we re all pretty Kogd illmln. nut the routenthoreo what 7 iqu i ld. .ttier Hm to and week ot lite enrnn one day rho llild ttrung out iqu in walls to pick llcrrlcu, ulld Y Hart: c.1an tnuopieinuu ornrltliutt in tho un. tletltnmh: \Ylllclllm; hernly. ohe heard the ninth. heavy tnorementt III e llnlly xlIL lllouglll iwire the ltlItJ mung her rllie to her ohouhirr null reril a good shot xlrolxhl at the ntovtntr hustler. Alinosl inrlnnily lllcln e no it good, llenry ltrmlilllltle of hlm tr tantruurr, and llnth rot tight n a. rent. innzlnx ' newer. o lilltl )tlli" wNil (41 vlsll it Klrl lrlcnll. IIIV in h; , in no, hero wpiwt l'uoul'an' E ' ltd more we! hearurun 1 .o .v n'rhtyeheertul at" I Jollan I) . tunerh ll innit our unteloouittt up there it utoutlr mo; tutti ltnuw we worn rtan to titer. run too haen ilp with uuupl .(wltltl rtnoo, uno' M04 told u allyhollfyw l here Ill: our lwt e polo landimillnp'du) o u Ill lel't: ht~tlioidiiile -eurvo wli l0 it pine urn it. 'Er/llpaltlyltti dldli'l. loll uu Illmul you .in nu llvell, my ltulll n with no, nrut Dell ih t'r her I -l)i:ll it tluti lInil' . nerieuht she in ootnpint Iy dtrliiution eti. u tl the ensure-month ltroheu, am] w,- more up he . to try outi ruult her tor - llll hotl h'ertrtl t-thu iukr'lront hlht, ti alwiyr vented to route. l hellnr , Ihll'l ittni ltlolhtll Shutter o it hhuyeti hrtthte lmr oytupniheticntl i v Ihelp pit-tr hurries. toot Maybe Hm X J"! it [I'm wlwmlly l'll tile trutltirhth with you lot- lllln ' lit-try I'm: lmw n thut l l lu tiyhitt Mr .l 'll'llt . pill. \Vll rtl not tll ll IH l tt l rnttli you re llNirrl ul lIl nwtuliy totinw, ltclrniltt nt (I huet -_vuul hie hrnthrr. llnr. i room. ml wnh tlnrier .lurlutt lit nohl-Krdil. yrott nntl tyheo he hatl,to eomo up here out. i l, i told hint l'il ytuun hy. lie-n hem ptrity ti : uorveuo ltrri lk. dawn Itnll wull " V lltillinrl 'thtrtrptlv queried ueth. the men, you Yet, the one tit-Ii one engaged in. end I were In hr mnrrhtl lltlit loll Motlelnlue Collier. unit alto Inunil aul ht tl hut-n mgeti |n he tun." iunley mall in lonlt mirt- OATH/ink cAlmo'r IIE ounEn with I.0rJ.\ll.Al IONS, art they cunnot renetr the tent at the ditonno . Culllll'll in n'lncal nineane. initially in- tinenood lly onsmullonal oontlitlenn, and In on; to curl: it you mtiRl tak, on Internet remedy. llall'n chinrrli iirdiotno ht token internally and ants lhrtl tlm hlood on the routine rurlacen of the vy t llall'll Callrrll Medl- rluo wail prowl-med by one or the heat nitynioiaun to thin-eonniry tony/ears. lt'in competed or some otthe hoot tnnleo huown. combined with some or the liesl hlood purine . The perieot enmhlnntion at the in rediento lu liall'n Galarrh Mcdlclm: in what nwducen lell woudet-tul resilll'g lnvfalz ltnl onnditious. Send Inr re . F. . CHENEY & (10.. Toledo. OlllD All nrugiiiotn 75c. r ilrll'r Purnllv Pills tor rousitpailon. n really ' , lmir-wuy round the lint- tentlrnoulals, , l filo , it will WU! 9 5 4 r. it ho ally t ,, l . ~wrirtlu honuinnn the luhlied a ulilo hut, w in; rtiu" Wl \vlalll.ln rattan our who/wall hn inrtdghin the tttthtor In. no , it won. on n ul ottoe ttuto r to tiny out ll! .hud been ' ntl throu drum] enotpenleni herore lionetnin'e told hrr the pea oven hurt on hortrou menu" a ', , I -, lmay n l or good to 1 II lint". hir tune toolt on quulok titerne it my I lial'r up uiuly . her hilly no r nee. lie lot/rd her ooutpiete V the itrtnr lllm up here humurtu It he. i- eti they hut] unl'ouued io oneud their uteneyuioon hero in ennui-4' ' "'l lltil'n witnt_ilrliiold in have V too, in love at that ulgllL Bllu nlll lmilk unwn the nvorornwn path to the comp with his words ring- ltlg ltt her eant rind a guilty land on her. eunttrleuoe. llut the .tteeret nt Hill with \ani-lunnll, Dnd yt-lmi the uaaxcllr lleh lo-tutte a lone IIIkIl with her'shet never llulruyud plan Sl tlllllly Imu lahl nut. lie wail tn hrlug ilniherl IID l0 XIII: pehtt wherein lilnen were mill. ltltn it-m to rem! lot when lli-ll onto tiuti her my up he not-row trnii. r l'lie lwil uniihpll dluhi waitoti tIn'wu; oi the bdsevul the. elitt. they hurt ktmw L OllIUl' DOW lDl V0 \vlll'lll) w . and when neh nntl .\lrn Ciiln. nuttht rllu . ullly rutlietl t pplly. lli o wao loo nutrh nt alukl: to git-r ill) 7 [lent-l lllvlli up iten neth, hopelully. ll they retue down. it tin-rt llBll heeu an) ruilhle th 1 llln lill Ilylllx llt l llu: lllllllilc m'lW lllllle in oil riuttt. l'll het h . eel turrt~leti,up her ltllll l'llu . WM/C he toughen up al lll'r had n t-orhins llrlni huvon't )0 wonder ll you hlll heiltwo |ll:tl1 \vttnt l" " l.0 nt llrnl ttlrht." t\llrt\ t- thorn titerrn ll whitilr. then it holl 1r n I] . "nun-t nnhtror y the hogan. tton'i mine on a hllt Dlilli l you know the llrrtl titty we met ihnr "'l c comltlg down. rain it. h. I know We nil rliflil," llc tank her two handtt in his and lornod tter to turn to hint, ve never eren risked n Klr] to tntu-ry rue hetore," he mm. II on here you won't et-cn its to me. I'll throw ) nu (H'Er my shoulder amt (' l'l'y you link to camp it you don-t answer me. she laughed up at lllm teaelugty as iron Ilml linihert come in sight to- eolltt-r. -. "I d love n honeymoon in camp. too." the sold. Warm Era to Miami, Frlcnaa. ,Jlll nrulzzlsta 75m. nil r WIHDL'M won an note with her titr' ' eron tutti lnnrvniled ht the it | LteiltI I [In/lululuun t t l I i iiii\\\\\\)3 :WI'III'E SHOE DRE . KEEP YOUR SHOES NM! THE BIG VALUEJPACKAGES LIQUID AND cm: F2375] Nil! CLAW. Yul, OXE WOB M13 Ellilll'll LIAmEll 271022; 11!] P. P. DALLEV CORPORATIUHS 1).. Million. my. x x x x x t. to x e E? K i Y n . to no to tho country on 'l laasu'm or null op PHONE 98. I hit us matte you Gomlorinbln in o COVERED EUGGV. CARRIAGE 0R AUTO Drumnt acrvlcu. churn" Rooronnhlu. E. A. BOVD, Prop. iltuhi mile on Pliunn 172 vwmnlty Aitontloo to kl voqu lCN. ROBERTSON, Newmllrltet. E. w. IJOHNsToN, utton West'. ,_w 3:0; LAW, Zephyr. all? O-DAY'S Gray a year ahead of other light pars. ' From the front axle to the gasoline tank in the rear. qur 'engineers have made'changes at every point where change meant improvement. And fromwthe European-type hood, with its many long, narrmv louvres. to the Rayntlt c top. hand-tailored In our, own shop, to-days GrayZDort and You must Dort; quality look, that makes every owner speak proudly of "his car." Our dealers tell us that they are going L. Moo llm mots WEB/3 1237 . l -Dort [5 modern. refined, has they simple, dignified elegance... i t I see, drive, ride in, the new C(33)!- to be shalt of cars. Better see your deal9r ntlw. met.)sz t t .' a, Model 15 p . 15M Special 2151) Ace; MLTAXIS PRICES- m... Regular $1575.00 $1746.00 .' $1862.00 V f 10 Roadstqr 3.1575500. or : 4w WWW M W. , CHIVS F' OTA TORONTO The is you t-olnle bu IV( im tli ueota:

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