l l lllttsolt s' lhttlltlial Gala IN Tut: , IMPERIAL BANK aLuoIt, RESTAURANT MAME-a . TEA IROOM Flesh [lyslts urn, alto Iiy oluu tsr. sreclnl Prleol I, gallon ouantt- ll . w. It. (:0 IESON, llotrlurd near the Market. -nb.__.___. NE on ot unbllo opht- Inn to whloh all mod Products or. ournrncnod cor cahvlctlolt or uqultul to tho ololno roonr tohlo when on tethered the onnaut- Iudcu who para upon the Iltnou o tnh or In load. w , route the trlat at our lulry Ind our are-d. Thtalr uumy And ooodnm wlllibn elusblllh- so. I . 943;; 9144/ PM : 59 NAN-5 " Fun BALE (hon you can buy sultn hrgof high- Ilzlng '. [Ingratd 'All 2, Great Boot Specials , 5.95 and 6.95 . r lutttllttle, brunt], illctllum nlttl rllllltu d (Ales. .- ualto and north. roar only soltl no as and 59. N eckwear Special [cotter Ncekwear,'ull bequlllttl nrw hl . lla " ltll haltutch or our New 1 "balls; ' r d papllllg of two 0|" Gauntlan rude must go at' greatly re , ' ,Vicunaa unit and cl 'wa '0 III blyll", Dxecllunl. In I] ll aulur 31%.... , 'Itegulur 52m Mott's Men's $ '5 st Cashmere "we, rmultu' $1.00 . Ellll llllllll. NEWS. urtolt otr. . I - The Overall Int] has reached New rnarltch Bnnker Bogart donntd the new salt and norm: down Town ltlsl Monday ltlorutntg. King counoll meets at Nnhlulotl on Shltlt'tlt tyr , . .. 1htntlrn PIN-y. ' uucrlntendent snrllh ol the omen nmlalty wot-ha exllrtdlctl emrtty lly cutertolnhn; the ultra ot- her, Slit" at a Theatre l ttrly In Tm runtu last Saturday overdue. leavan and rctumtng by .heelal mtropolttuu t Tlte lltllitlg wt. \c| y greatly npllr mll. hlothodlat ohureu. ' . Inlay Ant-It 25th. to . q; Itlcullm, Itoardttoonr. . It a. ltd puhltu Worshltt. "t'h'a saomment at uardteru." 2.30 unday Scltnnl. , 7 u. m~PulIllo wnrs . nrttnlunl ol1lnly tlnluutuuton." ltev. \v. L. 1.. I r In the Co 0nrhllvn Stare. I .t pullltu meclllltg tor llle lllacusv tllbn at n Go-Uperatlve 'I'radtng system IDIIDWEtl by tho ttnltctl l- arrners In thnlr cltalu ul etorrn wttt he held in Wesley Itoll, Newmat-kel, on Saturday, hluyx at. at 3.30 n. tn. lttr. It. w. llurnl'thy wtlt he present'to address the lurottug. 't'hto ls out to he Just o farmels store but the peoples store. All may enjoy tlle pleasure at tuttian at thetr own slow and all may marttot- rule In the lmnellt or a dtvtslon or uroltts. A romlal lnl nllnn Is oxe tended to all to he urrsen Adv. matte a It hays nauttrrnal and Shel-d 'mrnlal '[u 5 {pastor neat Sunday._ marge Itotcl on M ltd-1y ntettl next Itcnulur $2.50'ulld- 55mi/ . XTVRA ' SPECIAL Saturday I Only Heavy Work Slims, regular 8250, Saturday much and lltuo and nlach Etrlnu 0| to, Saturday . mhmeretlo lloso, hmwn a let-Ihl .. . Game to the urte'ttou. Next l- ltlay In the lhtlt day to mate rcltlrlls 0! Income {in Palm . The low nayo all [lm srmh must ll out lltc moo]. whether mural-t; humble or otllenytec. act the htnnkh at the Itnsl olllce. col-nectlon. ' ' In Um lttethodlrt church Item an eervtccs next Sunday. It sllnultl reud n wreck trout Sunday. "rhrao .trc shortly the themes ol the a. w. v. A. A nlcclltlg I'll lllc Ncwnldrkul l'lmnull It . It ht: )lrltl tn the mull hing at a sharp. H In ilnlll l. l't |hrt| C\PYT member of tha B tllcll he omen: as hustnass ol lltlpull'lnfl' will be 1' <ittdlcl'l. 'rewn mu salt. The season ls hot-e agatu to not llnsy,on llasc Ball. To get started a ntrvellllg wllt he held In the long I at 9 url ck. All ntnrnslell please attend. chrtstlan Enduvvur. r enlnte was In nta er rthattttnus a was taken by Mr. t- Bowsor. All the lnclnlzols are urged to he present next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock as Mr. w. J. Stephenson at Toronto wlll add : the young people on Endeavour 'worh,~Com. rotunda En llvor. The Aurora Unpllnla attended In a lmlly and they are to be cangmtulalod truth as to aural-era and the excellent program they gave. an ovldooeo ol mneo and card . lle Newmarket Lawn llnwllhu Cluh wltl hold an M Home Dance and card Party nt-xt \V y M 8.30 p, "1.. tn the Odd-Fellows' halt. to whtetl all are hlh d. I'llc llckets are on sale at moat of "5 slums and 1mm mom-l hers o! the urnnrnttte The heat Inuol: pnssiblz ht): been scl bd and natrnua \vlll have no reason to oom- pldln tn that rusueut. Ilelrcsllnttmls he pl'm'ldtd nlltl card tables \VHI he set on those who ureter not to Tlte Itowlers will attend In. overalls null thnso who am not Eow~ In may come Ill any dtllrc \vlllcll nlt so: thetu. Gentlemen may l-rtn any nutnher o! turtles and the Com- tulttec wltt see lhat all enloy "teln- llhttoe and hot, Huron st, Now- nnrlml. II are heal land. mum o alllv, lll hlrltble tonallon I0 YR - tarn-t Apptyto . this EMMA FOX. . I tta l rlnco Arthur lllvd Vonu and Ohulll cu... mute. tttm I ol' trot I 0' Damon: u , n n' Auounun ,- tree to the fullest extent, _ Nnmn ("Min Oahu . The meal much a! to Dailer "It"! at Ag cullura L-l condunllna ll Home Garden COMES! tn the E Aunly lhli your amnl lK the young wanton and yellth me who have left Puhltd School. The wnlents If: uuppllcd wllll (he neceomw 5044, plan. a! QIL den and Inslmcttom. TIIE M us M be Judged during Illa hummer and IIDEI RI mixes wt" 1.5 anldeG. Anyy all! n: (o va e In um 0n< lesl should 32nd Ill "N31? nun In I. C. steekley, DEDL o! Mdtl . New mul kzlt o The 3m 3m nuguzt mw In tho Newmh ot_ I no tor madam on to ln'ltto county. wltt also be woollen wltnhat too and 500 than of as V Dunlpb IWK h d an $5.30! m ,' I w :L lnclcd whnt cnthuslasln can aecompltsh. Next week the lopltl Is "cllrlsttah lrtnetple In lnttulllry" to he taken by Luna Starr. wlth hletrtllc may at trader. 'l'hto Is also the Montth nuet ss Meetlug cnr. v. M. o. A. A ntc tug of Um Newmhrkel thnur llvc took place In thr hoard ul dec Rooms art 'l tleetlny evctllIIK, Chm. Ath hroy Dat In the ohalr. cant. [er! 3: mesenl and have a mum at the work alroozlr accom nttshod In the Dlslrlpl, whtah Includes a Hnys Gal-Iaxclllrr In Aurora. and thletto Clubs nrgtttllzrll at uncens- llltl and Keewtek. The lotlowlng Loeal Ollil'cm ware chalrman nr. Dllatt Vl -Cllalrrnall J. P. "Al ch no "nayhoht outdo" tor ll-wmlrht. Tllc oueotlon at Dayllaht Sm lng earn up tor dlwltsslon In the Conncll on Mammy overdue. your at the mmm wen tn (tr-or ol Doyhttht Saving Ind rourlaeunot no N. porl that the moon suesally had deotdeu to adopt lI wan out emtty right. It this con- I- uotory hod nula Luther co. m to tom of It the Speoully wttt adorn It, eomoreoolug en the lot of May. No smooth has been elven yet Dom olhar tm anoemo. I! laid numylrmllnuo tomoosunouu'limolhmw lhe IB glance at tho at H 5 ' ~ It: nt thin Needs, Wot-ate Flash on i very latdut'diotntea No lot the; buying powey of} ready cagh. .1300 (2-pieg zoom-24,50, 2150.30.00.13 nd null: o Ira ltllll, the driver at the, . rtver. moon w lea'dlng , , ,I mammal turam ds and Surges, >0! eults ever 'Embraoa thla rgolti NO NEED .TO WEAR OVERALI-S We' fath at it til mend .all pt r otl 5.00. ING g o'c ATs " duc ea. These and all wanted uollty. rttha and . .NOIV Ilsa. In on the lulml. hlacke, tn hhll'k, $350 In $8.00 include Rnynaters, fabrics and colors. ' Fk 15.00, 18.00,, 25.00 . . . i yAX lI lltttl olll , und slot]. on Hats elegantly. trln'm are more em Ghavlats, or null known muklshs 31.50. 32 00, zau s New Spi'lllg Mn, brown, blut), grey, (law: Bull EE E E E m2.m' We: slh-o , .sloa rally, rel]. .. .25c .69 S Gavammom Bundaro ' , wtlttc Illoeeunt Sweat Glover and all uthnir kinds ot ~,Sccdn at \V. II. mesa W Preanyturton church. There was In large attendance at hoth nut-\ lccs on Sunllhy,-' ln-lllc mornan llov Alex. 3130))!"an or To- mnto, a composer of rnustc. epoka very Inlprcsstvely on tha llnpqz'lanuq u! utunto and the good It has accom. nllehad. ltev, Prlnctpat It. or hl'tt- ehalt 0! Hanan, uhlna. conducted lhr: sarytco In the eyenlng. Both gentle- Int-n atltlrttssctl the Sunday School In tho (let-noun and were much an- proclatt Tho ltlnnl. rmlttahlo Drop a larlner has grown the luol two rats H White and Yellow Blossom sonar Clrn'ur. a secure thls mm AND Emmy ansIt Down IIILL lll ro anEn 'lgwood. Atlt'tl la Thu ylllntru - at Nollmm. It as tram \v "Ir, a 105! nlslll n] it dulltnlohllc accltlenl, Ont: death It already reauttcd, wltlle anolller \lc- llat. :tl stander. .ure . lrlwrnn Illa nod th-nth. About 9 o'eloolt last _ atom a car or en try \\'m. Brnml. oldest son at Mr H s. nruwn, Ine- chant or com grand. and euutalu- the three hltlc acctttlaltls, was re tut-turn: tr. town alter an attornnon duttnu, slarttng down the sleep that run traln Notlawe village to the Pretty lttver. nrowu attempted to men a buggy that was tlrtvtns slowly to the hhlnE rttrccttan. When nearly abreast ol the buggy he nullccd a'oar Ilh pmaclting tn the opposite dlrml and swan-ed to the ton to allow It to (use htrn. :3: came logoter and the wheels tu- tcrtnrketl, and both we! on duma the var llavlug l1- .nll) lost all control. and ntunund m r a steep olnhanhtuent Into the The hum was smashed to atoms, uh c the car lumotl clean over mltl ltnally rzslcli nn tls elde In the tnldtlle at the p lty Ilch ya Dolm- PD'I' IY arr tldotawrt Ilanner.) The dread or notng anytltlng dts amt-auto is dnuhly nuglllt'lltui l- uuttlac It all, 'me llllng whtrh IE nlemly' unpleasant at "NU heoornrs nosltlv y distasteful upon second lltougl Each thought removes yan onec more trout possthlhty at Mount uttshraent, It heeornes dltneu tt la rrn-ce alto erll Into dolns even a lllllc thlag. Some people \tlll sleep too cold all nlgtll rather than not lay and odd rnor- (amtlng. Yet they will when anatn and usuln thlnklug Lhnul gatuog un untll to whole uteht o reel to mourn. The holler part at tlrr next day ml he agent In thinking at lull oleht'r oratory. and so wltt I ord annotate tor omtttloo tnunedluto un- pleasant dulles. 'rhus It roe. one ling le g In Inn!her.unltl you A ramplalely welenecl down by moon. The Finest Suedn Glmm 'L npo Glam ' Washable than a with le Biggest: Assortment, Lo NORTH S GREATEST NEWMARKET The hughry and Brown'rl a , around or Delmll. to was ln Tui ' Anywhere Our Toronto Lett#8216;. I tvu yallllllul auto thlem were lea: ltnrrd to three are at Kingston and a l (I hI th ) : ln lllc Ontarlo L'- lomatory tn- Judge uoatsworth. harry ~ HI tJlll lllg hlS slay a! Burwaill. h h. httdnkcll three UMES. .\I hmli~l and l rugtlytet-lttu POYL KH .\ll..non llourds am .endlng out a largdr l Ill new InlSSlOn iL'S l0 . ltl than lltcy 1mm . nt slnrc hl'lul'c llle Wall". 05'. a! the . HlO'llkl candllhk': for "IO i 'l) Altl ltrr t-tlut'tltd sotdlora, who had \ d YUI Ill ill lll \V k llfl t: Hm tllllhrr k UK H er . l- urostllng \vllll Iitllt n at r. The Mu for a retar- huyrnlatlon nl llltnat- I .1 mm! M It lltltj llt In A Inn 01 [he Llhl ml month. lormtlt at .tlnr nh. \\h|t lt, lull: rcrrtgnlztng "ll' llt'llt' llurl: III .I Iv ll-rt nlluln, would turr lt hold a t 2 c has llccn ll!) Tlm VIUIII [4 "am the Con- H i) Illl UM llot cm- t| [UH N~tl0n$lbll|lk __._s..oon Idn. AND Mm; n. HARMAN CELE- EMTE 'nIEIR 53rd BIRTH- DAVE lhlcrl Itannnn lg t|)-lltll tl htrthda { Ian at tlu lllmtn or lhetr gland-laughter. Mn. tlghr llccartltr, a! H] Manlmsc mum/x Tamnla. l'ltLlr hlrllldays are Aclllhll) Iltrce wot-ks trlv IIII| llt ltbmllctll was ItPld on It hrrthday. Mr. )[arnwt wt; horn on Yunge street. in Klns Townsl Slevdns before her maltose. End lter falltrr, mud Slaw: unsung or the met srlllcls In F t "W, Tn. agro collnlt. rm mania] ,,J pm "we lilh' won ymrs ago. and Mn Joseph Elu ). who was DNSI EI at Ihell' m1? ridge, \ms nISO It 59' at "It: cElL hN- (Inn on Saturday i lre chlldmn are llrlug. llarr- ol Sllwur: Albert nl lltaclmtor; llnhm nl Talonch tlrt, ,\L Sntlllt nl Tomnhr. and _\l A tuntrt aver ||IP_ \ HM tunttsnnssurtr-d on < a T oTltAImIta UAEOLIHE WITH LANTERN Nun llhllztlllt . .ttutl _l9.~llatsy McAvoy or Zlnn's Ihtl was badly human 11st evehlns about the (are and on Int- Ithnds.~ he was Sll tlnlng gusnllm. Ills umllmr hhltttnu a lantern several reel atruy. Tllc hlred man, named t urrott.wrr asllstlng lte tulltca trout the mouno cotruuu In outagt wlth the lantern exploded. out: Mr, Mutt-0y nu rtruolt tn the (an end on the hand tvltn buml a' nooIIne, and late clolytnnnook llre. Ito mu tor more olatanne, mun, n. throw lllmiell to the mood. EII'I nenyea. o mum and the the } Showl lng ol Gloves to be Faund . . . , t . . . .. 1. $135, $2.50, $2.95 5150, $2.00. 5250 $1.95, 3100, wow: Prices and Best Service GLTHHER$ A Pnlto'rtcAL FAMI ILE . llolurt . the rolluc on was taken at u glare of worshtp tn the Unttctt at . rt . the preacher. a colored than. announced that hl: l-c- sretlcd to atatc that a ccrtalu hmher lutll rettrctl to rest the nlgltt helm ulllt ut locthIK the door of hts [owl no -In had In the nlornlng that t or me chickens had vanlshed. I do 't want to ho personal," he altttmt, ut Imh my susrllclons as to who stole IJOnI r-hlehens. I; I'm rluhl In daso summon: dat man won't put any money tn de hax, whlclt will now ho passed rattnll." There was a one roltcetton not a oinght luonuwr n; lltt: enuurrguuhll tclllnlute exec "Now euntlnuat the Inllllslt-I'. - want all and um- ntmtll lty wondertne hero I hrolhrr lites \\'ltu ylult'l lack clllchlni l)1t ttruther darn ettst hv was a .mrthlo loh runs. at llnanr " - .. 1'0 as A8 noon As oun FA'nlEl'lB wtndeh I lvllllps oat-e sold that to our ttth 1. \\t>, must and lllt: set In narador under relt lton, resolves Ilsell Into a nllnttl . :dlnad sell-ertttoat truth. wr hate the nh..ntaee n1 hII they * We should pmttt ht thrir pmltlbttl. Tho tl nlll rantu v sult tl Ilt tlmbltttl ol alts"! [an than and the lelrvplluue lot- all Ihno. 'I ho twentletn century has worked out It: old [mule 0! north] nut-lanllon. lar suroecdlns Kcnr ratlons. Problems 01 rhruteousness are contlnualty un ltlr solutton, and conllnually we are 501v llltlg SUHH IMHH not only Mr out-delve hut tor those who rlralt come tant- To he as good as our lath must he halter. Illan R great. tltnl hotter. ~. "Opt n th dot) a lot In the tllr. the inns are not and the Itowera are ldlr. . SOUTH END FLllllll AND FEEID STURE rent raduo on the arm qua reduct on. y hand-tailored, asgemblod anywh en appurtunit y rd: slit-Ian 115 suits In. he lot, a onnls mad and pha. phatlually'der nb . - llalltS: Burro Real Estate #Offioe A notary alto Or a most rtrslrohlo uulldlng Lot tar warehh ura or coal and wood yardv the only properly mollth lo 0.1 . 11. tracks, Could pul In nwttch. - 0o ratd proptrl) :tre anlno Pmmh Bulld- lnh s wlth tot, ul uaod lumber and usolut lltItLIEH. Would ettt semmlr l) or loget r. name Home on Elm St. a rant Ilaht. wa .r, errnrnt r;lt.r 512w duwu. Ilalaura arran co. ' Itouao on prowoet eel-toot, 1 rooms. Hammond Itoors. ful- MACE and modern conyunluuce. 'l'ht. la a lust this houee. l llce 23,700. $2,500 cash. On lnln 8L. Luna men Bulldth Knoml as |hv llDSII-l & llellly LIV- cry Slnbk n. Clo-l lltl dllnn (or any kltld a! lltlsmf . ll Iltugl he mm :0 . tcl llult k 32.3w.- - I On [Jun EL, Drlck "Hus". And Lbl "11184 H. 10 rooms, llttlnhvzd hula, 50ml dole llr. tulmca. gauge and stable. Th1! lo deslmmc urouerhr. some on easy terms. soooo ally- 'ashooatoo ttauao on Llaln t SXNIL Gnad lot lortla. who I: on \ID Update llnuae rqlllllfll \ th walu. electtlo Ilaht. lurnace. Illbld. ter hen houses all in Inst ultra eoodlttoo. node cash. Oornlr 'I lmolhy And olluklll 5L 8 loomed house, roughcul. tn- out-es land. Fly and hen house. duve- house and strhlu. I rlco $3.000, cosh oztono. l'ltla Is a amp. our QIHIJL on uorharn ac, amount Noel ltottat. 5 rooms and nhll. water tn house. Getttcnl CHI . garage. )len house. Tlll! Is a good lluy at stauo. .th Qulch to gel [lossesilull let all may. undo do Items. In. con. wattehuroh . slut clay loam tn 1qu atala ol eul- llvallou. l'rarna house. lrarn. oarn ultra shed, llen house and garage. shade and ornamental lreu. Some lnul trees. Lots or water. l. aum new meadow, a um olo umttow. 25 aerua (all ploughed eloeo to Ilton How About Glolll ' lull 'l'lllltllty Sled We have a good oloott on hand at reanonnhlo p rtoer. IUV now hole" the ldvulce. wo luvs a hl stool: 0! new! All: "ID to down at him-o May In. slbllly and honcleesl) helllnd In every- tnlne, W ctr-mute 'ro womv new no lawl- cost at dlln. more: alumnus umnarttona when M roll {or Iaalm polo hut tttlr Id njutrlo blatant-ed nth a lane coal" based at mum 7 , hlmd n'nu an to madame. and alter eooaldrmmo cum c on the llro'ln the Mn med y, your , on water. .\Ir. MMVOY no ntveu u- teutton null or. word at royoom' wu cmt'l t ndlll h ' | r on an "a sellout. lhn htlrn! to the me Mn; very uten- sh b. The [until an L30 bully taumrtl. llr. MMWV IJnmhorlud a narrow nouns. both: home Mr who t It-m. v . t TORONTO coma and not the adv-nun by ouytnn wtqu W: m rtuoy. r llalat tco pasture. Clare to letnu- ltd. \lt lotto to "ash and mute School. Terms to hammer. Let. us show you lllls property. . an A5. at onolu ml t ' In Itoth llwttllulourr. tom Illa la sultan, 15 tulle to mount. no eel-och, oaorl enrol m1 0m atoll!) hen-o at I roams. aoodbu- on aton- wall mm. mm and hen hours. Pl! bell. in um out I who , 10 um now and. up laws done. 6 2mm mm In End now and other will, IN; l- u out elm two and N50! MI and my term. t , ' I .V , venomtmr 1m. h Nil P