emanate "unwind. > Latu suni or 'roaidpht ybyml uplon osPitail Fail Rivpr, I MIMI. mm" Phone at others, iloura ~ Hill-12 ; . 3.99 B -r Gradual!) iii himlninoj Ji- t :ulao lelutillu at hip hoyat upheld 1 u a, I . rant-tout ta littlth Ere llnnplmrmdavn|wl~ my liialluu, Eur, Notiovuld Till-oat ii a at l ltynlclltnu and me iif iizyal College, at Surpoo .ao. rennet- oitalcol .nspitat. Mndun. lanai-ad. y . :yna Tainted, alum [null-a Tuieplmiie till. ' tioura a-io t- 7-8 .o. ltt Kow wATGHg RND limit ull Park Avanuo v Adjoining Post Onion , BERT mean. . PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER. i do i Av illil hound trbm, )r n- ., howmarhot; ottolct: small or with . Mull on hand, . Phalln 213i]. P. or no: (0! /,_.__... mutant: LIFE ABBURINOE Ou it. P. mutt. nlatrtoi. Hunrosn w tor no. pl Vorh. w .-i k at Toronto nullit- illllLE ion ( mum inn, liotatnrd s Muritot. , ' 'lellu 30h. , A. BUFFER Nuwmnrkot v anIuno voice and, Til?" honor h'i all kinds oi itluatoat lnhtrumaiito ' and ohms. Piano Tuning . at tor Columh u l'lllolluli and muortlu. Complete will a. w. wmntltnn, '- ilarrtmr. sollulwr. titan iteuiniritct 0th , , niltoo. m 1hur olno Phone 30 . linusn till. i tivittt leu bib to Loan on rill Hatntu Furnace Work] Plumbing r' 7 g Eavoutglling Our Specialties saa the Bathroom Quint at tho Shop, W THE LEADIN G TINSMITHB [1.031150th &,Si)li8 EXT T'o i'sitti'rtt-a unoulz'mt Qur Special l thi/ week: 3 S yrle Randolph ' NeatL-Al'tistic HALL BROS... sueeaasora to E. lurhrlnp. . Phataurnpllsl o Newm arket, tutlto : 2)na poor Wart: oi Ilii New Poll otitea. t-ihano sag. ittEiltth'u unearmou ia l unullanltir. nuwtrtnllu'a ._ our FLOWERS Funeral Flowers. iBULBSl i i t t l i he ordai- laaa than M. i. nailrartd W. I. IIIIIHIN. WHEN! 1 8, OXYAOETVLIHI WELBIKD Aimolt alt hroiten parts at Mu dhillol y can he natialaotorliy "7 lujred at. reasonable prices by 'lhls process. Try iL N. H . ROGERS. Nawmukgl. 'phona llssinanoo out: oraionolas. Iro'tn'n Imiool in intuit at iroloala hultdlns. uart iiamtllon a lieu lantalo ltawmartt'or ovary .day, ore-pt But at Bank at Toronto. tinder 1". lirllllmrs triennial": slum, i .hsiitaii" n . , o . ., yd 94-1 lialtelitiilu r ' who starts wlIIfoli'rp Wedneatlux'lillii Ilullti Wednesday. in May/and will to hone i ,do. to throughout ',the . months at, Mandolin, July. ulttlsl tind eptenltip ' llu 'llit-un ttnlts . lian also ulst L'mi to til/ran sharp ut nuo train it tor a similar noriod on \Vetinesna ,otternoon. with one ur two excortlotls, th a m, eiiaht 'v pl'at'litilll y unanimous in the tuition to elude their stores. ' rum Fred a. r ' - - small mill-trot hlst Saturday. t)ng wna the principal culnlno'dliy, unit were planned to drop in prie . nultor tilill oantlnues high end potatoes tooit a raise ni another at a has. iWiinl; _ liiieou were tin tololwtt ' , hypo, per dot. t. llm hacu chickens. per in. r. i-olaloen, pct-,l'iatt . htaplo syrup . .. hive Ciiluken |1t:r ih. aid lions if" its. . leu nuaitu. par ih. .Ptaoori ar palr l.ch Young Piss, tildes, per in. . Cali Skins, per lgnyulltdtin ' p Bleopairlna t uilnw salt-noniai Wuk. , ' rot-nearly an yearlnthr, salvation Anny tho worin'oycr hus unnuaiiy count-sled a Dantnl Wdek, 'Dur int; tiiat period apeuial aaoriliccs are made ny Salvationtila in order that lituilnny'a eitorls may, he earrie on rind .oxlonded in every hold at e - tltihVoL - / This year is Jubile oycar, ho merited try a Juhtteo tacit. wooh, -Aa in previous your-u, ao'ln mill, tho week at aaorlticiul Klviiik will hit preoeded by want at pray r. , : ills, no. will ho in keeping with tho 'ulill li or the Juaiiec. - , umioiul tor the iriondahip and co- oparalton eiu uttnar among "all peoples, ll'mztnccill'e or creed or denomination, w, .i. iltdiiardh, tiorninissloner oi tho salvation hrrpy tndhc Canaan host Territory; invites all to loin-with lho atitaeni ondaoidtcrs at tho salvation Amy in this week at prayor nut medl- ll ' Iriltthndilt char/oh. ' Large congregations last Sunday. in lira idracnee ot'the mom who wus called suddenly .w l'drry Sound owing to Hit: st-ritlus tttacs at his stator. the putpit as tilted hy Mr. lianiols at 1 0- rontu, who ism'o oxcctieut service. The morning then . on "character iiutldinn was on'gti in its pmotttta tioa, inwmsiinig. attractive Lind h F- tui. Beside s u tluc new u'nthorn, n- lroduetnl; two autos, a duet and ohorus, Mia. )iurmy at ltetuehy. a tumor mmnlier ot the chair (in... ltog ~ eontrthnted a h tvlutitui eon- tralto solo, Next sunday morning there will ha a hapttsnlal amino and sacramental sen-ire ill the evening. ' The rwietiait year or the choral. Those in ur- renm should pay up. so as to ttppoilr irlulltl iy in the annual report, Allntial Suiirhy School meeting next week. wtti norm in ltawmurtat. ilu il-icndsnnd not dun ol lira. win, .l iery gatheiul inn- home at li'ontJ livid on Wednesday. tin tith, to hid ilPi'Jtll veil to her til- ture honte in Newrnarhc they presented her witll on e at gold. Thu presentation r. a made hy iir. , ihnon on hclmli ot ilm' many- . . ng was spent in playing bards and dancing till the early hour oi the morning All re port 'npood than. Mr. ii. Banner. man road the ratio inp addre Mrs. Wm. .ldildi-y .- e, a low at yopr triends have assembled at your home this even ing in spend a su at hour hcrore you ldkr. your departure our our initial. You .r have head a good neighbor to us and have shown in many \vttvs that you are possess nlhhig mall. in the pa tyan lime done a great deal to brighten the liv at oihurs, i this will surely bring a well inert ,d reward to you. oti can limit hash inrlht-r than some at us and l't't'hil days when the people nrthis iinlgllbol'llotitl had y low or the control-ts and t'mi us that surround us in our hnni lmrlay. .On exchanging your hhnle on the term tor one in the Irwin we reel that you will he in a hetior nnsltinlt tn enjoy more at tho oointnrts or tile. Attor your lung reittlt ltce on the turn. you two soron entitled to everything that no hi and to your happinr. , ow, in order to show ' some way our esteem tor you. we hate hroultht u this alight t on or our rcsord, We kltntw you will appreaia it. not tor its value hut tor its associations. with it accept. our good wishes tor your health and happiness in your new home. We promise you a will .colntl any time you may ho auto to returnand m ake is! will among us. . Signed on aha 0 your many lrl'tmds. Jerry, MoKihbon, . slit: lit .Ind nervptu. mmxy you hays Magnetism; g'eold' the'Gripvor ttu, which has late you thin, 'wuk V a pain. This iathoju'mem pat; your ayatenl in order it is time, . {or ll'ouwdeaninx. ' ' . v v ' Aland. oid-fnsitloned'literallve and tampean with: in one made: all who Ioout and hurts. without: the under aloohot, anti called [35. Heine s Galdun Mcdlml Discovery,_ in tablet or liquid form. Thin iI _rtahire'y_uinlc. which matured the tens or the ttlomach. activity at nine liver and smothers. to' the nerved. strengtheniiiiz the 'wiiolo system. First put: up by Dr. Pierce' pver 50 yis ago. now procuroblo iii: any drug store; or send 10 with to Dr. Pldrw'ii Laboratory, Bridge- burit. 0n't., {or trllti package) SPIMYIAG it their-nit grower, re ' brewer or iiower grower- doeu not spray nowadays, in. is itlmoht oer. ' tnill lu httvti inferim nrudtmt: in his at him], imtaii ll'uil plantation and Karlie There are so many inlur. ious inse. and disca s which at- tcct aiurpo nrapurtion n! the plants he grows that ii [lmy'ill e uneon, lralleu them will eltllct ill! no - will tall or elso tliu vuluo. oi Um own will he very niuoh reduced. There lirmiew or these insects an d diseases which cannot be well controlled by using some at the remedies which have heen'tliscnv cred during the past twenty tire or thirtyvycara and which have been well tested iiy many experiments. hilarityanv however, must. lie that' ouglily'tiont) it good results are to he oliloined. italorluta are expensive land tho coat iii labor is high and money will bu wutiled it till) wart: la lntilruperiy'tlnnti or not done at the right; time. ,lauriy aproyinga are, as a rule, the most important and those who oontemptato spraying as all should win) littve orchards or gardunh, should get everything in readiness to hell at. the right time as tit-hi) lllll) nican mnnh toss. ispray dutch- dilrti aro issued by tho Dominion und l ruvinc'ul Departments at Asrlt lut'v, i may 'l'tl recommended to heapplind at r-tuin singed ill the develop- merit or the leaves, ilowcrs and iriiit. in the rose oi ituit i|'t !a thn paroy ihlntd he app mi 511 that every Judi. hill] and null. will, if nessihte, raeeive sumo oi themote 7 al, not only on one part at it iliu ial. nol only one one part or it but as nearly all over as passihtc, id i l, {inwrii' and had or yultnngiiit mi ed means a pose . rig point, tor d ease or in .ct past in the t-aco 0t vegetahles promptness in the application or a good is just - ittlpni tttlli as with . One does not need to he pint-rue t of tho which Dl s in using poison in nontrotling the Colorado potato heut . as the results at the spray a , lllllll lii." :tllimmtl in the death or the tin . hut more taith is rc qni .d when dealing with ' use; ttiiti inserts which are, not a readily slim hut which do much more harm and usually the grower is veil rclvnl'ilt-tl tor sueh faith. the tql'iuuiao tor the mixtures and solutions recommended should he tutlowrd as closely 113 he sillie. ii a man knows the chemical coin- nosition oi the materials he uses, and has made a study at spraying, he may alter them slighin to meet certain circumstances, hut it he knows iittie ahont them he should ea on the spray calendar, he should also spray us neariy as possihte at the limo Euggcsted, A doioy.ot a tow days may mean practically the ill I)! lill mixture 01 buiuiiull used as l. ero llliglil he no return tor tlit: ldlitlr and oxpanso Write to Miller the Dnitliliinn or I'ravi tiial Du partments at Agl iclilluru tor a spray calendar. I . FLCHI MElSFSCOUG some on It T RIP 7 Then the that thing to oonrider iI your Manse. tit-ah at the dil- comfort'nl o lons'ar short trip eat: or avoided .tt' you hm ona ot our trszlIilis hairs - emulan vylill tha nooeaaary toilet uriloiu. it you pro. tar inam untitled w: tun some splen- nltrnnno Swill". ' lira. lottery la a siltorp J. ,A. Bhnrnu of mar/town am! has bought a hnupomn Timothy qereL'whare aha lnwmla lynldng htir ho lna. , did untitled helium, t was [Iva would in: to show 16 - ' Fret];1 Nottilwm I " . which ant/oral Rm lly- , tint. to it, .9 B. Com. follow closely till: instructions giv , . . J Hull: t- or; :itt.i'rorn off/hi? titans And mille- u! at: array: tor- the .Town' itewera n Disposal -Piaat and mllyl'tmrhourjw alien! In axi- ploiniog the alum and answering on . an ,wlte .tliu' iorola were all wo tm out it won inund tliol . the, Imam would not. work or mvltntioh alone, pumping hrina required to servo the . at side at the wan ' V 'i'llni nlaha tiresome pro huv qtllle nmplo oapanty tor a pop . i. on at or seven-thousand people, Tllb'mnln' . era nru 15, [En-ind 20 inehra in dialnele lhkcli to cost. the engineer said that ihde'o was such a variation in can. traeta theta dun) it has very llnrti/tti rtvr an estimate, but no thought gt. one would cover coal at 'ncwrra and sandal) tilt: Dinpohnl Plant, A car... prosnor with n in h. or motor in also i tttluirell lopunin air into the sewers. [to E d litiud s iluti Ju i domplolhd ill Illtlirlnt; plant or only hail the eapaetty at a on or 3mm and he did not oeuutdcr it to hr. ,crrhrpared tor atti- oicno Tim engineer Mgicli that the Miami and llmiilcn tor the Want side or the Town pro new ready tor tch o'rui work can no commenced whenever desired, at no. 'Kcilh, area and Nasaltt were appointed a Committee to secure options on right ot'way clams: private property antl i to Coupon. alao lo cullsldcr the operand alter any any. gealionn tor improvement. Mr. Pearson, on tiehalr. oi tho rirc .o Lipid Committee. stated that thry had rttceivcd two pmpetitiana regard. lug tho cleaning ot the Town \Vclllt and wanted the opinion at the Counnll hotore marine any'reporl. One was to eiean the trolls tor aiuo Leah, and the other was at no a day tor the machinery and two nun, Gounod decide in tar-er oi liming three walla cleaned at Hot) each. The reporting acwuvlls Mite Newmzrlmi Era, nil]. mm in". 5 5i 0 Yam hantal, power tar yoh, .. 752m Yark nadlal, newer tor March 723.30 1. ll: iiniiau. re Wat, \Vorks one 1 . n. ltirlr patrol . 12.50 \Vm. filial. thawinar pipes . my street. it. a no lleteued ta hoard at lienhh: slattard & liili . . : iianinsten . it. it. Marshall . heron-cit to merit . 'i , O'llcalll. snow cleaning, one. to lots l.0ll Allnhtxlilnn ml- trte current. {mm 105. liar-den. hot 5 and 6. It iilnna, iictsiord . ., granted: niuioei: l zmtl. rcterrad to F. a. 1.. Com Ainplleatlant Ill) n (r {m Jul iltgtlul. not al, and heat. slide 'iieo-npsch st. mnictl. uommunteationa. ilmill Planets "atan re met pari t, deterred to P.1d h, not... ,ltroru (Lillatliarl Municipal ,iouniii (In. re account or Sii. . iteiorreti to cite h to :ttiltlxt. l'rtlnl I ctllltr I re millet-ts. i'rom .irnriiaan iteiiet Assuriulidn. yiilt Cd I llll . iv lil ,ionestl War .itrhe on tile. Front 1 1tx llrtoiin i.<ugue, pin-td Mum ii on tile. l-rern do, i'reamrer, r. tar tale lot to "' h S ii) n ht: mil rt lisl of lands tot- sale in (tr- ial oi Ittntla rears tor laws and tonvard same lot- \lr. l.unt_ , would like to have some uildotstap int; l\'llll tltu conned about the pay- mcnt oi the giant made and what the (inunrit would Mytedl tram lira iland. Mr. lictth lilntlgilt Mint: hotly slldulil he . rotated to arrange the matter nut to the Council. _'l'|t'n Mayor psi-rd the opinion or the -Llit off Corns! Doesn'thurn tilt and FiEemne Costs only a few cents. With your tinserst You can hit on any hard corn, aatt corn. In torn between the tat-s. and the ham skill ealiuscs lronl bottom or net. - A my bottle at "thumbs" opala little at any drug store; apply a tow drops upon the corn or callus. ln- atuntiy it atop: hut-ling. thou shortly you tttt that bothersome bout or oat- lus rtilht on. root and all. without one hit oi pain or Iarrnraa. 'i i-itly i No hnmhust ' new to Huang oil-mic! 31 a nation llama Nu: or mail :4 baths. W0 My: anudggolw 9! hora than (I) yum lm in I uyl melts (Lute. Dartmlmant II M dirt to its tannin-a. audwtu build w t rhodium lilm. While NP '1 niorumlni't u . Pratt Multh ED! "Wm". 01 - . .r , Juli illodugrd t at llm llocmllnal Health and Gavanm. tit-tagging a one, - . lumingerwamper a " milk, will not Wyat- mm. u 80 ~ . V The goal: t, twelvevlwlm would be2.09 oran 3 travels Gents a-miie; 'i'hp wat: {or gal an altar a , Ford Truck iaonlyA benu'amlle.- The will dei' soon pays (or gel! Lite Mugad'mt of W ' A Ford Treat will eaves at: lent so lnllee a - ' on long hauls. it angle); yot l ' 'lecting milk or 260 miles to war twice ' to operate at :1 lower cost: mile and as mush territh as with times. ' rout opa roa rr'ueir (Clan-b .aiy) mo t. a, 5. word. or: ' Use only Genitlrle Find Parts liowewti . v a an dtnotna Ford Piano 31;. , prompmpatrrrrma ndolm' coupon - regarding Daylight saving. no thought it started too early and iahttd too long, and revered. mm the lot at hiay to the lat or Sept! The vote stood as tailor Against -Kcilh, (Julie, McCain-0y and hundy. ror Oairome. Pekmon, handrail and ashitt. I The Miller said eorapioiot had been mad uhout the Salvation Army black- IUK tile ln'ttcmlk down Town On 511- urday nlgltls and iiinught that it the matter was amount to their attention it would tare any legal steps which night he miscomlrunti. 'iihe matter at retort-ed to the H. 5: ii. Como thigh trellis PR6 with untol- illuminate; call nmi also no balm buying. E , VlOTOllV AND OTHER BONDS ARE BOUGHT AND SOLDL , D. HAMIL NN a son, Band Bucket-ii. Eeteh Real. Styli: V 1 Motion. Mr, Keith introduced the tollowlntt' resolution: that whereas the To- ronto & York hadiai hallway C have named to minovc part or iitrll nil.- at the water \Vor'ea plant, providctl they are not required at ally tutnre time hy the Town to replace them, he it inspired llta. the solicitor he a. slructed to notity the Toronto 6.. Yuri: hallway (In. that it they remove the d rails in a point to he agreed upon, (It'll the Tomi will not ask that they ha retold, .\tr. Pmnan stated that by demor- nr the end oi tli- shed there was titlith roan. tor | limiting oars at the Water warts without trespassing on ill riaht at \' lir, handy wts strong in tavor oi handy and . LtNiHii urrr appointed to Uilhllii with the hand- op and than 'tn agreement, to rd illickli .1 motion in (Iii: . Town provide a puhtie hump tar net. , ohl can, and .k ltlaii'z armngcmenls do tilni'g' i iirl alll/iclttl in tile sil'ccls iml ' iitiI-l \\i||t exile; and an clvi unr ditty place-t input Town. Milt-mill? disrnsuon tellawrtt and allagrvetl [Mi 3 i'bwn Dllmp_\\ rcqnirtd. Stteral places were sug- gaslsd and some nnletliena made. it was tiaaiiy [til tn the rmprrty committee to in annuity amt il a sutlahie place I; ohlained, the Citrk to advertise the saint: in the local pope . Mr, CZHE S maltnn was ucenrdtngl) wtihdruwn, The i"l CulilmiiiL D asked leave to lanoiatr- three mn ma'nl iiil' water \Vorhs noidenrn, ao tworl_ - itihlns ilFL ll ne on lJlem lol lilo past live year teat-c granted. rectory sits. air Nt shHl Kigali the opinion at the Council on the add ulaly.ot opening a rmtl to the now tuctory site on Andrew st litter itirilltr tletussiun it as, lllt nttl hy ttr. I'tdlsml "That the i ayor, ll . inortr ha a nail rattan in I"/iLIt'It li.lI|Il)I| iltL' nlilnu- taeturihs plantation at -.\[.r_ inure." Carnot. neuarii Elinouiutii utter ti o'oio Head, i It TRQI HFUL Bolt new MW do intsi a trulittul buy. We nerrr hurry haunt him when he tr ot sight. We a er say: i won- du- hm he is: l man i knew what he is doing. We hmw that he is Ill. / . Stuart and up minute. uith tailor-inn IilllL l~: i ulnuloi tin [idittaklilltlu rare tllili litllsli. , . to litmkttrh or reply tor sci-vim, in new nooteno ol ttrnrndullte ountin Fit. lulu-tr and lltslllrlii unannl. trod. We tune a hip runne oi suit. llti alli'ilItthill-l-mih' in nrw stylus and patterns, in hint-s, or and hrouns. - $20.00 to $60.00 MEN'S L 'At Your Service :Wllerever You-Live: 'i lie \\'Ullllill in town, urtidunlry. this the shine titl- vtlilltlge tts her sister in lite 0in ill expel-t Service from the best known firili til i CLEANING AND DyElNG Clothing 01' Household Fabrics For years, tllo'ilunle s hits sigill- ' i lud perfection ill this work til milking did things look like new, \vilulller Rut tilltti armenls or oven the most frug.|e rutl- erittl or household cut-talus, draperies. 115M. and Hm when he comes home; rugs, em- iiiaiziii liiniiiriil Pill-cola from. the country sent by ma i or: - whm he is some or howlans he with express ronuivu lilo saint: careful a an in (cup overtime he leaves the house. We don t mvn to out lllm tilt-k mu] mail! him coleth Dro- I won't" that "lie that! rattle. it. W D I1 Mn: m kllli l by Iuibmttlles all illo' 34min l7] New Ym k'dWK lift it month: lion as work delivered pursunuii -\\-rtlc to us {or author Mriinulu your panais eireet to I " ' ,U1 or Pwke'usnasy iffmmi , 701 Vanilla-Ml or run