Min-tint gimme. tat nun-lid. - , ,1 into - Mn Mull! null: rnunrl. twp . I . W m0 m. null heathen l hu m no'm , hruuruhmttonhhi', I . - .11 .- " )- uv. lantern-ll use 2.? ""3 ntl' II x'D i l' t: ' pr-m ll tension. Ih nenrtnnt head a {u lof llcllllc Incl ltlzi the otilln melt: wullnn to nu, (lit: .u no sign. at . ' which Illoultl mm . ~inllnsil u t tint: Ind treatment whim . pmhawnirir no her .1" the nonnative-oi nu pupal: tour, rind ' 'wllull my lolpqou to nynlti it ( ill op-ruurn. I My'qulglly nilltlvo pull: . Mind the colts-saw) Mullet, hung. vhf-III oral-Ivth to hound. Iii. Ind Inlet-It, 500 it box. Rout-y . n a "11 uid 19: tree myld. ' mo Kilian-III} p tr anemic-i Co. rat-ruin hunt , Toronto. ITIle aw {arm nun-Drum, 11:1 202 im- :5. h. letdown. jlfl bRtsALE W Iirkfutltadge s ' _ V Maithine Shop i . lemma-um timiiwp it, We .Lmiomvhiantitu. noun-tr. w, '2. "immune. I: Iiiiitttltiitii, ' Trimmier Wmoiliauu.al' moment 1 . _ iv-vanity, m*PIIN>Ilnld WWI r ' mittslvirtliitia, . '. iPitUMBihitlnnti ; itittRNAcasr-t :l 1' DUI! PRIDE. $- 8. KSIITIII, E wzwnhm 01111 York r '6 : nan'te'thxlis. with or l\i0$s,i9rop. hiltahe 1556. tilt. . nquiiz. .llumn 81. Ni} (Malta. Hui. Nair .G. {I ll. Stalk . , il ltelament instrument wettest dedan at V . mouymz i, ultimo .Al in BEADBTOKEB in North York. " 'lnj 6| 8Mth Qtll Alla. ' l l rotten nit-eh \vtthntli.wy altiizniioit purist cunshteruluo in t Na! lsltzh hexane. h'p pout-nut too luu isle older lqa mull on we take went the mic. We inks one at the}: nu. . The innteitstton oi - Madam Bloom! .Aplillm ht eur warn Nimble! us to alter you prernpi llnest workman- shlp ut reunushle prim, }.ii HIMurrunlu :npmtnn om try our um. ' nuihiiho smite out to order. htrnest hnpnnnrr null Deniers at Mul ltln and smile in North York. Brighten Up tilt little min with uw Wall. Paper! mm mm mud , MWM!ODM KW1 mmm ium can expiai utility the urr._ tent in 't'cmilltnrnlnll ltv- leiltlhll. lIB member in 1ltil_0tl\io'mmenl hne estu- hiiutlrn 1ilill sell Nl dallatllnn V nitnihier towuilinitlon another'uli pnrliuinunt- nryhhrrit-iun. 'it.(llllll ongltltai illili. or \h Ullmr .munnmm'lll ~Doillnl|$ill0m canrutu hnn litltl tilt tl nun, uhuitt ur Ull'lun entrainment, le 'nutlon merit m. ine n-ln n nttw llxmlull. molt 1n"'Iii"'ln4:Ihe warty. .lltor'oniuuinh Iltr: imhenullr pony tn .ihu anlnl- nion uuu in the :iaiurinuo it in he rnvh evl. 'l'lm ernrrnain are to he lion. ltohrrt Hagen-i mill lion. llownnl'l't r< nuenh. (kinvnnllom ere lq he uiiietl ' iii-la ylgvuhutiell-ntutlnutielthvhnsi. llio lltlrillllnl and u'eirnh-rl m .ni prlrh tent: in it {out iugtltt. ll thitu a hell oiatc. in not in tingle lhoylnen nl Conta cmllhn uoen'ii clljoy llw eon. Yl cnm 0! ins olhtllom M'lell til putter oi 'olite 'Tliiii jenntittiun one p'arlloilllllfly'llle letter-part o! t - in'u M'th nlliieitun iot' urn, . ontl'll-itnn morning , ,cebnit muuut b'llue illnltrrrln tin nettthn A]! exert-pie mar hurnlvn ..i\n Ahsocluiid er ef-naluil lrorn nlin remian thni EDDJ'IEI neutronthu people urr, warms, the olllxm 1man in him early, the ilila willn u n lllmumi, attorney: 'h huuil mukltl ' my lunch uuueriunntmiunll the new king in touching lawmiihu vnallonnl temper hy'taltlnig .nn .uriuntui Mlltlldtl toward whines. liuienrht entered the world war rlzier'n mly war with Turkey nntl n llllB hII/lus -.wnrtwlth settlin'nnri [Eh-elite. bcvmity he nulrl to he llm belll. twiiippeu state in lin- mnnx Ana thntunuy wounllmr'lmr prepent high enrleoynrnitohtnke the MOM-DI MEGA! 'N'utilmlly one nnltu ll n nuemnloi mid neroniete -trnunr.in, pf nuvurtt {nlltol Olil ntvnriti nnuenn would not in!- hnon lure lnlc '10: inuin loi- remmry. : Inlitlllna uhnnnttseilialinn. Aclqn lime preseswiuu u puhiie etiucetipnlnt humpmhnhr his country not mvlt ien blunting .uirtiignuihe nut 10' nettle ln it, it it itinhthne .llio uh: million or the enuntry ilrenlcil hint in: the runnntrpmei-luuti tiy inn-m hucll m llaln. l mfeawr sternum 'Luck. oi MmtlrL-itl, wrttee to the honrlon: - 'l'lrllell n letter, in; nuiurtnnou u!~_\vlllcill he tint-n nut utter helm-e armlllllc nu. nlenee in Canada. Canadluns would constilor- it on llihull out itrmtniilly hunt lllni us he rleiily deserved. ln htn letter to the Times, )lllti wieenuy ulelrniling pretense: mu thnt pruhlhi Ilanlas it exists in eight or the nine l nrllnltes oi G mndl in mi nppailing isnsler." lhnt ii is lby {ethic ntnriru pirilnnth ropr' and in. 'h) "Lil lllLiI and llllol lnllw- t'llolsnlf hint hint the vast ulnierliy ht .lhe unnturt people one nil the t men are opposed In it. hays. This language lllm - 'Prtll sstlr Lml'uck s cumptlcnt'll la ' 590 h {or the gentlemen' nl (- pi " itis-riishiynlty Is very nlnnl when no Sins llltlltls letter: The most harlot warning ls "coiled lar'dtzultl D llsil veaple rll any class \Vlln lhlllk or "tinnitus to the United Slulrttt one 0 ll! an'Provlllrtrzs'uf CIIHJG J. 'rl )' will min motillli hut htttrr rim, )5 till: the nurine-ehn nntrlptlu nonn- dlitn? llc 1!)ch throughout Is susihclm'lsl on u unr with 'lho highly- pnht mushy putters who yrarn inn Itl'llll 4m lltt t [tuhllc planar r throughmruCnmnn. tuphohtinr Ilqurll- and propheorlng the hire mulls aml linnneini ruin which would overtake the enuntrylt tho hnmernr weir, closed run his sale at intoxicating ii. quail pmlllbltd. . - u-nwg- won t smut! mzm o'le alums iii. ls [Nulan to he a may nouilnou night (or uni i in ICE in tiny gl-titn on a string at )aullls getting their siloen sirluntl in at shoe parlor. Their they sit, some or them tint misting "tut: lmusqis, lite molt nl them villi n elsmtv: stuck in the thin at their and SlIlmE lltillr llama In! (item. Now timing honts Ii n goud hriet as-luits is Woble tlu it lltt'vntsel but it s a idlKllll poor IlllrlK to ldl tl in into a ngular lab far it llcet Ill inreinnrrn. t The uuruher ht men with cnultlil l shim: lllelr own slliles \vmlltllt i. phi. title shoe sltlnins lnhs lur it cariloml'x Bunnl. it hit sort-es lwlil lng up the qurn. tinn. what are we mlslnt; in this country. a senerallnn pl men or n mp M mushrooms 1 W ..Potntou Gold at cltntilnru Satur- tiny iur ".25 u ms or tut) a peek. "Thu early hlrd tluu and doing at tile wnmt. Being one at tho NI en the nmnlsu, he in 'nure oi rerun. urine, but it may not he whit hu warty ,wn-t lhn prover-in mean- In tint us in: n chants to lol vwiinl hr 6le will. lust-ennui gettinger any deer (cl- any inaivhlunL ' mt .. with: was: hill on hn wimpy Iccnm~ ,eynetluu. liner uniting up. rill Mon at: i. him in the llti nui uuhueu that - into, with a toms urn pr around - ' Ill V ' .ltm r Sushi-fall m i .ihtt illnlrln,mhtnnrir.tlnnt,tl.ml ' , Jlnihxmioll lhmir" mn,ry:' ' 'ytieinht xi . ru'l ' illnnl tor tFlln I. Me Hi: lclrl drlt .Cu It ll), .ni tony Norm Ilw illuyllcatldn. ntennl llnyer nl ulme to use . .nann rlME :I tmunttm 'l or ilic'Hm. , lh llll. ut tth nhhl Tall! lmvn ytiit Ielmctt to have trout itntl new, A! t unpunrithii. l lnlglll hnow llla iiiuu were elite. '01 nourso, thin your -wunn \wcnlllcr. Then when 1] hr nut wit i're. my invert wouhithru hwn alter ut {rank grunienl. i no V doulii hlhrlleti motiie r them {to noon, lllK. "i-wlth it would iuni -wnrl1i: 'l'ilm sick at thin. the hnnuillul carpet at show will on have Klvm'plluc w a gram one. At learn leahun lmm it llllio silo when millions ut iii are together hut you, men would not amount n lushon. . ileum at little lull rll klilil worm, that you lm'vn no hint ho will relunrli iinw pleased lie with you. Then you will he an illosn thtntsh 1' your nrztsur' Tim: the rouliin on takes the pioee o! the nillehnliee. til l'lleti n chance to let it on. thin: stun. l ni sweeter 1m stunt no to church. t itu ut tretuomi' sutt hut hnyiit .i l-rurtntls the Ill hrunl Easter nitny. Alum pntrlrie' t- \rr}' hating the itrntini illlulplEi'n llilllEIP' u wont ot hm, .wliisll tires, tit-tint set-luau l think ll It; uplilt n v unr- that any rirhrs. (or lllt it. not lmt: lllbl N ly would Ina [or nnnltur pining... l the. that received from lliln, we waul Elva Innt il more thnn w: do. u an only do our nest. u w cannot give ruueh. give ultol we ca ItlILl wishrn. If we \vcl'h as on s they we will not outnpluin z. \\t. shortly on u Ily-l w iherlzing th or lit-e llllntlli tl Julie ethsi tutstion. llsc mll -ht oi tun Dye Old, Faded. r stylinh nun H a, 7.... ' nirnut patent . mutant-or lr'rr' who!!!" not Ink 1 IloM Cmrn t innuru mud min I! in am: it n . Mriiirni ,onu Ar irin thinning with-.the' f er reputlv 'lt other taint . * "I'ttut- thirst in er f blm tht Alplrzl8216;r i [mm . by ltitl. iuitninttztfnt artitielnt Irilduuli I . unrrhoien the Dubllt llle ot thereon . trr ' rut n manure .mpl n It'lboltn eimnk md ltlllnltlm a! While it-ir Ilclllkltawnitlint Anglhln II tho lthllc uruinst in llutlull, tt. rrihiuiu oi ytilomplmy, LttL, will the tinnlpeti with thrir lienrmt :tmlu .iumk. Matt Hiya Clout 4 Soy. Ml'tll el", on ion l el'lilh Ur \vuii. l~ienrueti 1mm iii..ltuikunh'n lull lrlnnteii nunlrruun ohruhs'iunt lull, t nttvh-nily ~wioheti the imycu would. hurry nnti {mitt coma and n lthiutltui turpet 01 (MW. l'lllouglll llow lnilililienl'iiii'mu And i decided. it we received cvcrylllllll; we tlnntetl in our pun tlmc, it would pomeiilney'he like llcn. it my with hnu been \wuld huvu -pnture 'lur !!! We hear people hay. nu he ,iiut ll vniumeu lttwe linen willien Mlaul t'tnwerh and grasses, onehnn .mn nuke. llitt could talk or hear. i think 'll -weuhl my, " ll, 'I It! nrhnll hut 1|ch EIclgll- lo'ad 0! him or mlii nan tie iimm over us. \Illlloul hurting: mueh-with 'tlm 33ml: treatment." Then i llllnk it wauirl hay, I run ieitrll you "Ilium unlount lo the name it; one MK thing: tin-lint worry about the hitter. lint titty tiny do tum mile liilnipi. (llcn hi the cull. Just when you think till l3 hinti- ure,-your Lord will show you the heel; ontl lylntt tlceti that you time done. prism. anti my n Lllll I no oil liui ll it htti Item one li 'z out -nu would have reeeiveo That reminds the at one my ehlia tor. caught, one cold (lay in the will- trr, hurt it new around the huusu un \Vcllr every tiny r itter llial, until n-weel: or two line. it spirit in a tree mtnr the house, imd SnlnI Wle came all nuri lllouglii il sling s i tell heme tot antler ll ll really hiluther shin (it the there reed lirne nhtl thil have it in its h imt IONUMU , lu lliiY a: I lllllik (It (Ith should for Iltnll' till~ 1 Jill sure lh(\"r molt-7 I: to rrlrnli the Kingdom at Christ, . heur ih elih miller thin gain n nsiue, or it this were know. ror our snlnrloe ere liliqu lite same no out- llllnlBII-ra sutl iltul s wlial. hhtii We tallllai give our share. I! one gum in Grid'i rnunu aeeurding to rumiert. new, lay. in- ht-neiit in unn- Well. with it rim-er. a mile, Mull wants it this dues not till their purse much, it Ill ,cthuumSW? them to rornt-l how iii-mill they are. m. .J lit-nsalon mlcplyel villi volts lltllllcllil Collmll to raise lltt : IIILII , by my lil htnus. ler the purpose at iii-ting in thr, Hecltt iit oi n hhkt l mini-y at when - snllirl, unit Itrr etciliulinn lront nluni- . Drill! icllnol 4.1x, (or ihh lierllnl at ten ) s. and n llxret lie neutrinos-J. ."Inr the real 'Dlnmnrld Dyu v Init- Illnth l lli .teut' knmnlho Mill] hit utmost passions.- 'tfltu tum repuliea; lime-ii or file inning. thu purl lltitlrh' mil-nili iry; lowe'reo thu ntillunill eh- and erprllnrr lllle prooi no and perpelunhzti ineouetity ui inr- ltune, uniting the people at Illa lnlhm tolerating a term. In clerk ineetl u very nyrnpnlheitn nuqiunoe, nndJlrit _ rhituuie ul the dictum at the interest: that the term wu prirnurtiy for mu hennili hi thu wui-liinrrrnnh" ii-nr , lireeluu'with npnrcclullvu luuuhtcr nno nhnlnuse shun rolemneen nu lhu liitnhllhr thith to tile 'liow Fill-in r- huhnr lila\i:lnt ltt were entirely tyin- pnthettu. ' 1 Union notmitnt ll Tlrnd. in apellllls. the motor pnhlhit ru- tpunls to .llt'ilcill Unvummeul, he hurt nn npoinnten,.hu mill. or )iuvlnyrlicch a nuiipnricrnl thrt unvenuurut ' it lint] henu mahuliihly allectlvc hr n H wilt-lilowar Oovcmittenl, - liut m ltln c "In Hummer: that Unvcmmem m hell mil. heun quite nu citeeiire. it rpneuron to he it little we'nn' and tired, Mid the cunaotnn eteehmite on neverni recent. unnaeions lmd liiven in- llmallolr nl' nreacnblng the proper thinr tor tireu people. thot oi nirinn than or irept. ' "lieu not cahanu uinoe unhindere- lloll been niiotl hy what in ltnnwn ur the -interertr. and were they not n titty. u very nmutt einss and n my neillth oinyni We have had under the lorrn at urrnoomey." he lawn h. retii ahlocnoy me numeracy, hi "I \vcatih, the autooney or interests, in an itulocmcy as wall iliilt nt \leam lichenzpiiurn. a minority milnu over in in ority olliic people, Th litrllf," he went en, In uh uh. uoiuieiy arttneluiiy unnrirunluti unr rler alqttlnsi the inmate in pollina- tion uneinut the lnerenne o! wealili. ugaliml. tho prosperity oi the mun- rpfli pupuistlnnz" ninhieen Veal-.4 two. he Hid. them were six and atiall ruliiiunn at Pcnl ilc In Canaan nno their. were hnrety eiglll millions now. in lntemlninu yearn mlllloliti or un- ntilrrnhti had come in, unit there had heen the nuluml ineiense. The in- nnrr wnn llml lltllllolls nnu gone in the [little taleh. enrnmrnilveiy in tree trnun country, where oiin thirty r. cent, or the i ,nhihur Kaitlin were inh- lnetett in tutti at all. 'UnnnturlltTLtl" hpninlt'nriuin. lie ritiinuieo the 'orlrument oi the lirnlccllolliul, llial yuu must expert and must mil. imnurt. Following out thut gtrlnullile, he [mulled out. trains wauht nl aizecd iuuun to the seaboard and return emnly, 'Slilpa wuuhi enme tiltlily lo unnnun am! no nw n lull. it Its most unnuiumi that chunrln should "(we lzll'lll ht rill on iinllorts' l lirlllsit 3 Hill]. \Vlly should we let it llthscilll'lllsll sltlps so to the Slulmi no 'cd. "lilo e Kulmgl in tire tru- on the northern enti oi lllli sk rll hemisphere and Each of us Irene In llt'nlll rm ills or llQ! own tcrne , i" - Lari" l'OYI'LIIllK llli [llllllltv l ' ' he nrurrrrtuti. A nu w it to hi to r. Iv alignment in pniiii I -. lllqw ut liin rnr L - hi it nuiiuh's l' t-nlupuhru lunrla. Dr. Clark rolti lln would he ginrt to stlppnrt the principlt that lhrrr =lmuld he no enlnnelgn lunar wlm What we wunt." he said, i a rllt'ap eieetiohs. Voltlntvu war): . tor lliu than with whom you ugrne anti the prlnclplrs with which you agree. Then more would not p nrrti in he any enmluln'n lunar at all." hilohl All Be Wenlthy. Thrill prnlruiihn Mlan on the ptrllllcs oi the country lower; "in m- tlnnat ehnnnter in this resnrnt : that it hams paiemnlisln. and it lowers the nrtllt'lnnl eharartrr almigin limit; at enterhri nLl endeavor nut-t llitll \lLllml :tcllvlly and power." The L'lrlH pruriusrs then-iniity or luriune," he continued. ll Lima consumption." lie proceeded to show him _ the hnhilunt -ln onehee \t'llil it ll children will twelve times d the tax "ml the wealthy bachelor pnhl. ll iltnro is our thing more lll. tl| nnuihet llirtl l rosnontihle lar st irH ln , V hi. il in pmlilr nntt proli e. rig. white li irrew a in on nhunrntni oxit lluriliK the w .i e n drr n [still in all ltratreled rounirlra hetero the war. ' Tuan Ind Vrh ll. i .m' Ithil linne lit . he said, whrn thu nurt' in n rhuht lie teoirrl hy the slhlnllclll nl ih e hreieuhnnisl, that the min pmoueeu lilgllcr' siren lor the monsoon... Tlln inr'iher yau lrot rwny lrutn llte protected areas in tho Until-ti stntes and annnun, lir. Ctnrr salt. the hisher werii the wages. tianrl on llto I muuslvex' tuition in pnnnun oturttst the men lentil! tar in the Irmollu. They inunhl lor demon-any: Ihnn irl tir H hnye it in pun-e . Lrl us lure t ihu ruin or "in people uua net "to ruin oi terms. They lourm for [Madam let us have worm. mu . [HI run. in tulle$ 'rti ey mus! tor gullian let us unyn Iuwo u! hob: Human! . lulu ulvmli. _ lhn nutuurpey o! sc tillnmitifha mot , In New lpleu existed rhmnlrnilr anti rnhrtsntiy uu- ' bead/it'd loch. tut. '4 ! .ml than mild-y , it yY, snout-in: awn lt he purine. year. ' 34 h.- [unelul um um till Iy'nt i uni nnl repair [or the mutiny Bptrini'reurino. shtlto I ., WNW-Mr hm I veil Brim em '1"th lmlh. 1-102. : mu uimit orl zlulqo under halo-r - any million: at, Emim obi 'Bllaw-M' in. m term-tn , an: the r ' l lwod ,hwn vr l'lie rationing prim pro 1.0. Brlteoa'omr yloud ' limeliriiiri Standard Tourlnc. ".450 nt aoojdc to: arrive uI ur-' "manlde u. m'ieuulr'n Lhut'mlli-u-EZl-y r. i. puasnuhh whrr'. ha rer- hi. m 5 Hi- ' ' . 'd in t6 :1 h hmahh weir-this .; ht ' nt c unit rlipr nur oiling ml nnuhu aw. taut h when minimum in duivzd lmm tin. runner in winch the miter our oi MI Elion Motor lquheul . gallon nt amt-ins. t Roittlnl/trr o A THE CANADlAN BRISCOE Motmlt (10., himitetl WEAL'mV nil. tailor IN nhthcH 'va Yarn, hprii tit hr, tunes hlarhue. nwell-hnnwn human, wan that unit kitten io-rlny, while taking up the Mining attire morning ter- Vice in the luslllollimle at earKe'n Protestant Epliizuphl t Church, ihlh Slrot and Sluyvuoalll. Piano, in tile eirl uriutoernt dlstrlnt at New York, "I: nsnaiiant who ruptured titer in short ohm by a Kr up oi vhrliahlonera. Dr. Marker we'll h (l and per nontt physieiun to .i. Pittman! tilurgnn, alliu h pnrlrtitener there. years old. The church was crowded with parishioners many at them repre- seulatlven or the weniihient lamillcs York when the nhoetinir teoit THE GREAT HOME SHINE .J. t lli: was 55 Had outer. 1bMNTO linrmry. Nation is hereby given that Winniired mllh, fill-many horn Gounly oi York. in thu Flotilla ol ctnntlu. It the unit tension in lane: Bmllll, ballet/ed to Do In In vii Winnipeg. in tha Province oi lunch and dau lnnr r the Province of Ontario the 251 of Pom-um. A. Dr 1920. FOIID, Enllclton lol- the ADM Adelaide street. East, Toronto. Psalm tor ah: Tull. orthnl. Brown Letitia Slum Whit: Cr nntl Liquid [or White Shoes l. r IIMlIL VOILCAN- _ WANTS AND Touch up Your Furniture and Floors Furniture that is scratchrd It the surface is spoiled. Ill: article is considered :4? less. This is not so. Save the Stiller: and you all : all. . Use Float: Ind lurnhius that u; :lllbby can be nude in look like urn by min: WOOD-LAC sum a dunltlr. baulilul Enlnh or woudimllt ol ltlgh and: urnhh Ind pellntlttnt ruins it hunt... la mmmoll wood rurimr the rich nppuranrr at more upelnive wood! such s. mummy, machood. ehrrry. t rte. Tulv: beautilul-Iladu r Get A Sample Edit: the attached coupon and mute a trhtransumrhrr - lo do well chair or mull not... w. nlii it": you tuii insinkllom hon lo tier IL ' wt tum mry heunhuhhi to by WOOD-LAG STAIN. "our. al llppllullnn {or DIIOML hiked Wlllr oi P rbank F. 0. ll: the Ontario, will apply lo Illa Pullmlni (or I bill of Divorce mm hei- hlullm ioha. hut iomuly ol'lmiliai in lliil Counly oi struaou., in the Proytues 9! Ontario. loot-rust". on the ground at DATED til Ihe Cll'y ol. Toronto, In :Enlcllsm. lanoWN A tanw- unockvnu .,.iol~it~tsth,., Dealer, ' , Newlilarket, 0m. noun. oi Appllnulan inr aileron NOTICE it hereby given tiut Hum- old cum until at the City M The mum, in the county oi York, m Province at Onlalio, Soldier, wlil vly to,thu purhainnni hi can : II thn nut err-tun inst-ant. tor u pm or Divorce iiorn his Ville. innit Gim- iinu litieii. o: in: city at Tomnio, In: Count. Yorit. on the urouurl nl ntluitlry and detention, v DATED ut Toronto lllls Ellis dly or Junuary, A. 3.. mill HAROLD GHORDE UDI-LLL, ' . hy htn sniioitarr. ROBINE EE, GODFREY. PllELAN A ' LAWSON. Sollcilara ior lilo Petitioner. Ilollea n! llvnllctlllun for Dlvoicsl NOTICE. hereby given in Lint,1 in nullon, married woman at in City at Toronto. lit the Cennty or \lorlr,,wiil apply to the Parliament ti iltirsttz st the next Sesslolt thmei {or it Bill at Dhome Irom hrr h hand, Franlt Bill-Ion. oi the city at Toronto in the county oi York llore- tutti, Tailor, on [lip ground oi Idill4 my and llEEerllon. DATED at Tornnih this isi any at l ehruery. 1920. Alum , Sillihmiwihhi) tit Ct) 59 Victoria Slmcl. 'rnmniu. Solicitorn lor thr Appiitlti linue. ollepllnuan tor nilrlet. alumni: is hereby git-en thll llcn Bowlu oi the (my at Toronto in lll county at Yurir, lil llla Pi- 'm at untari will apply in the Pullluiiul ul non iii the nu session them! tor a hill at Ditorce lrom rm hut hand, George Amos Dilute oi the on ol lt'lltgn lun. in lite Cuuniy o! Fm~ tense. Lntinrcr. no the ground at MCI lemaud uesertion. DATED at Toronto in the Countyw- , this tih (hr til vehruiry, A. it lion Win- ee at Email a (lily Meni- h day at, IO NUIIA Dim rl hy tiers hr in. noniNhlVrE. aunt-ilm. p Vitmtisrtizs and scarred is an e) .. ol Ill ltindQ a remblnzllttn N. F. BENNETT, Newmarket, Ont.