r non)! mllli. (Venue-any. nl ng. I n llospllal SI-li hula an _ r m,- iu lhe Aislcmiilx- lhll, I I "Mus lining phvlduu lax mum e llullirnu _I I ' roe-la 0mm. - . (Willem ll liongllerly. I llunlnhurch. Iwho' dicd' Mll ch I nil (in cnlnln n: was. r nd I Wm ire lhe widow. ilaee Dguslllmvr .,l hellenll four neen endllwn ill. Paul'l w. A. 3 "l - ' 'nn- unlrrled end young (ddlon or . lur Illll'k lnvlled hylhe inaullern ,,, , I u Ilnlloll ni.lhe Wl'lluln lllr l rlell lqu 0%; weu nnndny even. mg ni-ll, id 7.30. view lhe work o; ...c , el y . AnIInle exhumed. iln Iilll ul lhu 'I nmll n hullea will in nine. iniinwod by n nugnl nun, oi nu. I .1 eaelnl 76m I I llli- . rullu-na u!, |, iuurn nmnell ol lhe W \e ler inlIlllng llu- mllr'rled - iuni luung lnlilen In: the l'nrlnh on ' AIer llll Nil. nl lhe l llllll. in .M duh peel ymir ll \vurk 'nnd henr ,.. I. 'ling ndilmnn h; arm n: ll.u vrnnullu In. nnd ninu rlilll ll lli u! " . ' urn. heal Tlllnu Allen All. l'il-in lhe niunuun nl luuellen lhe W... n unle ul lhe hielhudlel hengue .ri IlllllliIK nn lqu play in he givuliln [In il llnll lilielirriden elenine I. ,. ,n-nlly r Il nl um! Umy Inlend in mum. nII l erluua "oi-In nlung iiilil - 'i'hl- . 14' ul lie MN nlmuly in- | llllil lll wll! III .1 full haul-3 nine .1 edue nllnnnl n In nuui'i'll. g - chrlxllan onureh. , r Sunder Allrll 2h. )lorillilx lnnle Leaving holinng .. . l'elhnm, nlenne hring lr hey oi mum in sunng Enllanl .. n he he): Inznlllch - - erl'luo will on ~ unu rnrc nil lllu Insl nnnr. , e s. s. lennonn.end ilindlrnled 'll'illl ii Llilll-rn linen. . A gnod lune lnr ynm in eluue wllh lhe whole 'nllilll'. ' , ___Q_ splendid Plaluroli Iiileru llul u very inrge milllcllcu Lll in \lllhoniel ('Iml cll on 1' ldny ~ llll- ' by lhe G. 1'. ii. v llu- hm lIlrnugh unnadn min . nel' uilil iruvnn llue ldcli ni lhe nuguilieleul nennl-ry el lhe im- iillllilrn. [In henullrul null pimn'l nllu. ilnll Mu lulul-l eernhllllll-u. l'lli' nulls unn- Ilriirimlml hy Mn L. Mk in, n n ni lhe unnlnany. nnd ox- plililul lhe pnnldr. ii was In l'lllll nllve evenan mill .l llo mllrl: nmeeede \lLl l gu.u In lill- ndey SHIV/1.79 Till Lonil aws, While 1- dlleIi wrlemne end an: end to l'l lw luenl news ever i . lllrnnnne. ueunle'whn here lennllw nnnmlllcl lillnln ni cllurcll or seeier elm- ill gnl heller renuilu and mm eeeumey Ii may will wille onl -sneh mallers and hand lhern In nl lhe I villlce. 'l nlilng limldm' "Helen ever I lllllleull nmller nl Mil. ' names nnd lnIlInls get i mlslakes are ireilnenl- l', llll'll are nil annoying in us as [Ill hum ha give lhe Hme We mm In. Ill-\vs whelher you can wrila it out inr lie or him in rend il by nlinlu. hul Ilu- \l-l-llleu PODY ma) w: an mm, Erlallnh, . mun i... gniljdnrhing in lhe hush an. mule 1, .\lr. nu. Ilarl lum Hired Illh lllhhl . ll'll ll'l l (Ill \liilii all lngln llll~ Mk Anbllirr lug silurdn illglll. Luslll xi Garlkn um ~ on lhe mow lhls ween. . Tllh lvmns (AID greenlng up. linil llwl' w-oh end lhe ll ul .st ill Ill we? hail DWI" u 'lHNil dnw u l'awli Insl sums did a rushing nl w roslllvnws in lKilL - lll'rln up ll,- meh ward. i lllnlnnllng plilnlnes hire nr wheel uuille I lilh', e -uuue lr lllrl " lil. .~ lhllh in \l\\llllilhl'l .\llllllr) Hon] .ll i lllllilnrolhly enlel lnined il) 'I ll llnrly .n \l-lul .un- lhu Ilil. lune "Null inr - hull- luu- -n ..i qunnmnp end "I' n null Mr .a men In lug. Ul'n . . lld Mr Innlw. in. Vll II lreliolle I ~ J4) xii U ml ilu,liinn, wllh \Ilas linu- Illl nl l v Ivilnu. pieno neleeilnur - . AHSR Mumi sneer, llan lmw enlnl .llr il ilullmnllrnuneld, Cum * i Hid) Wllsnn and . -\ [II. will hulunrnun nelrr inns ll) \lr. 1:. U'llrny Kenncy. h }~ a lull murmur and own ruinuln lo him: a I r I "lawman 'v nllilnnmEEi? A [lulr ol "Washable Cliunlolsc : rnlue, ice I Neal rilllng. aman in unnenljn'u ale Plum. , I ere win he n unlleellon oi nanm , . l llul'ii Chul'thluxl lhe nexl lwo wacky Severn Ili)i| waleh [or lhe dnle neunl-einnul uexl wee . I Thu Helium: Frgblcm. - (in Tuesday evening in meelin was held in lhn Board nl Tde needle of lhe (Ioinmlllue nhpolnhill by lhe honul a! Trade and the ann Council [0 call- elder lun lluesllon at House snoring The ulnller will dlsnnssed ler lw hnnra. l , l mini 9( iilllerenl [)1le oi hnnses lur wnrkmenl, wilh mllinalcx oi ensl. were nreaeeled by Mer. ii. wnsnn. llm! men nl. lhe lllnae snnelnuy wnr . ML 0. li. 'reneli, Mr, lligeln. sen nl Tornnin and Mn 1 . n.\K|rk. A renreaenlellre wen rho nrenenl 'mlll n Toronto rm mill manuful lune nurlunle nun renelyunnue llalllws. \vliurkl illillled maul-i nun prices 'l'wu [rl'llle lilb (need llm Cuinlnll- r . sl |llc nuuiner n1 heusre nbsn rlnulreu enn 2nd. lheemeney i-euulred ln hulld lhern. ll hulls Lll'cldl d In inset-l in nm lwlI lu'linl 19cm {ND ukms submlul d by .\ll' wduou nnrl to ask {or nrnilienlhuha from my clllzens who Eire dl Slmus 0' nurnhnaing liqmus xllii ar in lhe pines and hi lhe coal eieled lhereln. I The Gem uillee lilvored lhe (undue llon ui n ll lly Company. in which lhe rillzene would he asked lu-|aku sleek. and n ilenlly commillee was eelee ed wlla will cam-m llievhualncds hennle wllh HIE \ lcw at heeileg in lhe enlerprise. The members, lhe comnilllee [in-sum were- .I. P. llarvey (ehnir. mnnl. Mayor Eves. ileeve elih. Dt-Dlll) venrnon, Aldennsn lln 'Ard linne nnd irreel n. hurl-1y. Mr. [3. w llunlrr, l, Aubrey Dims, Dr. C, l ii. Clark and 1 . B. iliril. I ll is hoped lhnl lhe Commlllee will here lhe ilnaneial ee.nnerellnn :mll enlhuriealin aunpon el lhn enlireI business PEONB 0! [MD wil 1| ls enlr hy unlleu ellnrl lhnl nu enler lulu nl lhlsl luagnilnde end he sue- mslullr neuoninllahed hul Ir curried hul will nndeuhlediy resu ln ln cre - Behind Timal N6 ,2 _ i: you hm an. ol our la or ill Ollilr Rial! W Mhu. 11 IWIQII. II II rt ly . Ip|l - dld limo kupir. V"(I Ixnu I lar heiun behiud'lhnn ll_4(\l| Il ln yam- ponm. The cm n WP bill qlllllly, Gold "In... Ana wur- nud7m give lamination. Prlu an m lhnrhugldx ruin ii ' hr min , Mlln has In !!! F "H" .Ll lllly inn-mm en sunnrlmrndwl 0 lll llnmll ql Ilrrr lor aoine lune. hu nun r . _..l l.. unlun for n "Illl'll a] hr 5 hr l-nnhlllla h llonlilm mg enlnhul mum and hill Isl"- 7| Mule slennnmmllr vdll'l hlin. I Came In and luail nver'uur Mylo; uud uunliliee. l- men'ni endhl lnnlerinin, and Dr) fili- li; GQLLINS ' THE oLoVEs ' BATIDFV." having llimnchlv amnEnE uEchE' nAviilFAo rlali 4 B",v\1)| In! {ounu cspdulnlly KWI l . .only $1.21; any nonulnr and very prllclienl. nun now Exmn 160 New lh-lenhn. LL, Apr 2l. 'rhe Sanlh well rlni'avm-lnx le-nlglll (mm n nelles nl [oi-millle lhal swepl lhru lhe cunnll Xeslerdn) The nmullf ui deed in Arkansas. Mkisls lmi. [iln~ hnnln, 'I'ennnnuee null licorqu exceed; 160. 0(0ch lluiuslnd or mnre in. lured mall) will die. according In re- lnnrle rel-rived. Ilene Mini! nl lhe ciirudlllHAVcrc in )lle. slsr'lripl nnd Alabama, The propelle- loss in lhnse Slalea elnne will uxl enll $2,GDH.UDG. lli ll Cross vyal'kL-N were senl inln dernalnled liiniriela lordii' Tle repurlnli lluhdn ul or buildings com- nl deslmycdi g ll ere-en nl lnlrl- under wiler and crap; ruined. m I iaulnrines. April 20. -M eleven ll'clar}. lhle morning. l\\'0 men, he appeared lo lie ioreignera, walked up in lien mnuriek al lhe'eorner at King mid liluu-el. Sireela. one of Hm inusl lh illni'nlcll resilienilai earners in llle CH3 and one or lllern nluck n hlg m~ vvl r ngnlnsl his ulninach, lvllll lhe remiri; ; "llun'L any in worn or ) nu'm n dead man." his companion lhcn renehed inln nrlznrlcn'a Irnua em pne- m will exllueled n ml! at hills in lhe value ni alon. llnznriek had luel drawn lhe mulls)- ilonl Mule and Ms on his wall in lhe lunlon' where he is employed, - I A Few Suggestions Here are twelve Edison Re-Qreatlons" that should be in your home. We have them in dwell and will be. pleased to play them {or you if you will come to our gimm or telephone and We will send them. DEALER SHOULD SUPPLY LIST OF TWELVE RECORDS FOR THIS SPACE lese he re legruen_'!l \l= _ n .Ind WEI-In, I' MI I, 'ynricly of the be in lplilic. . r n. V. IMHO , Pool mom mr . I A'b bunmeniwuenw, i a FARM mull; 5 ~ mm, I . GIN; Imm'n 1. Own! Menoidrloll. w .' he! Dnvid. Is Me 80ij I'Hnulnu c- helm allownllnvallngll. v sl uillo will hurling. uMm lnx' oilienr. who: Stanley '0!an mu! grnhi "lull.- Win. Perry lmcl Ina rayxlrs le,roan g,2o.. _ I I r husowwians- . .. Leg Mlklml lhe ,Clcl k he nulllnrlrnd in Irene n Lloense inr a one i-hle unen reeelnl at 315.00 le card Nnhlelnn. mime-Wall IrhelI loyal ilelllnga- heed be paid lhe begun at slum-y in llcallnhnlll: wllh lhe ny- .nw govern: lngmmo. "' ' , ' . - Dull: .wllkie Tilnl Ill? hill or nr. Ixey my arms. inr medieni Kl l'll in Mill. Warren null 'Mm. be lull). , v . r . l.egge.Wnlln 'lhnl Sol. Allinnnn I he mld'llih re nllonelllng bnnw de. house-WilhI'e wllnl , 1110in M. lingahend he relieved lmxu nellenllng Tune [0 lhe elnnnni oi mus, heing nineunl uncalleeled inr NIlirlhhnl hi . nlon, f - Dull llill Marlin new be lh . rc ull cp Clnlmv \Vllkle-Wnlls~1 hal lhe nudllor'n ilenorl IorIlhe Treadumr u Accounll lur lhe year ending nee. ainl he nun In llerehy meeived nnd ndnn nna helm-waile Thal J s, mom he roiundnd 32.00 re dug lax wroniqllilly enlleeled, ' v lieIrne-neiaon Thnl .ln und w. Iienenn he Elven a 9mm) an uldernali between, Lela .10 end :li. Con, 4 til Wm. Bays nnd A Garden, n granl or when ohnorlle linisIn null i, can ll. and 515.00 mm |o w. .1. Killed and Win. Culling. on. poslle hold 2! null 25. L n. i. Dulnnn dec~tilhnl the .c ark pre- pare ny ,ew re enlnmullnn Slelnle thirir and presehl nnme nl hexl regu- lnr hleeling or council, ~ . Lang -\Vullk11lnl llio Clerk ht, Iniiirueled lo cnlnmuniunln wllh ll lluldellIm inrge elm lree remnva iron. nhpnelle Lnl. ill, ml. 1. . ,wallnhdlsnn rllez J. A. Walden bi! nuulorllkd la prepare Plan: and Sneelncnllnnn re Klnghnm iirldge. hellge-lVilIIele Thnt lhe clerk. nhlhnrired lo ndverllne Inr 'i'enllern loi- lnnklng cenureie The On lnelion Connolly nuiehrnell lo inel-l nl Mu~lla llail, Nohlelnn. en Sal. llrdn). Aprjl 25h into ' OUR OTHER LETTER linu. "hilm'l llchN. iuri lninsaler ur [iulllllz wolhn In lhe lian millil l has hneu Iehhying nlunng lhe Conan illin nxemhm ni lhe udininiilmllnu nnd urging lhe linhiing nl e conven- linn. ihr pri-lliulnnrles n! ulllrh wlll lu- deeided upon el n eonierenee. Il Ia undernland lhnl lhe (Irennm ui lhe L -minlslcr. whieh coniemnlnlel murrilnllnn of lhe 1illmrill Cali- Purl) . so called under lhe v u! lieednnnld and Earlier. inel wiih nnnsielnmhie favor. unll lhel u we evilshlemhle numhnr nl lhe rlm nr lluinn will hr: at nee. n condition e1 roman. I > l'Ilr- sllurlllml simply gnezx IL, .indi- rnle iIle prl irlnl diglnlcgr-ulell nonlllv llrlll ul lhe nevernmenl film The very idea ul KK'XA EIMS c'lliuIE r luual ammnr riiiieuleurl lo lhe niudeul nl came in rmlilll's, full! when i d nre ' Cooper mnl I'll I lhe Ell-called heri lhe ni (-i In alnmsl lrnch. Slr ileherl will? , ll N sl d. li l xnl-clcd hack in ilhnlil ihrrr weeks, in lhe mm"- llme. whllu e plan: gel: in Vermnnl. lhe rum-e widen he I: gum!)er le hm] hm llrmlng Inln handles: dlxsonilml willloul actually Wnlliln ' H. On "it! clul. iris has breli havering Sir \Vllll ul lthKEnllE who ll)! firi- mlwlliy dielnlen nlueh ei lhe rim-em- lxmm i railway policy. "E In hm In Illa lnhnle nir. and is nu lean neiirn lllollrh pinhahly l1 lil i In nan In Ills Illil l'iullll "Flu Mr. Rogers. Sir William nnll hle hasnri len have done well ulllll r- lhe Lnuumllve re'idme. und lie nel relish llle nrmneel er lhe relum in newer nl n mural, nr ewe el e tanner mil'llmml'nl. Sn lhnl hlr ("m-ls wlll nn douhl he lenl (0mm! rnurgalllmllnn. nee-lea Willi oorieupunanuen. lien. Dr. need anlell lhe "mm wl i n mass at enrresnendenee re- gnrdlng lhe uraud Trunk acquirlllan nlnneeai. which was, lo say lhe Mal. higth (-Lllh'lllg end lnleresllnle. Under lhe guise nl nu nilnrl la recllf) a couple or insignillmnl errors in me nrielnel aehcdules. hy which lhree am! a hill! miles 0! line shill-l wllele ill Uhlled slnlae ms leil uni pl um aynlenl in be aoq ulre and an olher small line In oninrio, \ms rough- ly dEicnbed. nl- ilrld hmughl dawn n hill whose main numnee anly'ls to mill: en ngreemenl vdilclh ln lhe unin- inn nr Sir Charles [mist-III mm hi lhe uleel llnlnenl eeunsel in iii-eel i'lrllniu. was h gllly irregular. il wllllhi ali- neer 11ml lhe runeiing el ilierehnldera- or "iv Gluilll Trunk. railed lu Fcbl unl') in nillly lhe ngreenlenll we: mnegly railed. .uul. n: n consequence ihrre dl-c unm- llollhls as In lhr: Ya dll) nr lhe lmnraelinn. 'l llc,00 rnulenl dce r lhnl pir- lluiucnl cover up lhe hinndel- hy plal ins lls slam/ll el [Mimi upon II. ll uugli inel r nmu Um Opnnsllloil lhvxunndIlhe l-arllnnwnl mul) lhe reelnenl mlvlm il wenl lnln (en-a :h The iulnlsier annireli llull lhn hill he pl-unrrdrd hul 4'" rnrltannllllnnce. '35' not luklllll any," and llrmalnded lhui lhr nimnl-e elund ovrr unlii ihey had .iu opp" lilull) of examining Hm \annl 4hr - mule. nun-ind elarvmunlu. lien. Mm- enurIKlug reid lhe on- lmrllllm ind no ehlerllnn la mum-i5 a bill will ) nil-HIV with romn um- sm- darn- Inn! n! lnllwl arms In' he ; evioul lfmhlgllnni _nnl may aid oh- Mi in wins ileprlvld nl nwnrlnnily dl suing lnle lha ermine-u ln list-IL r-urlinmenl lulghl he cunning-tn lnrlhor julnl inun- larloua mun. HA reminded lhe Iienre null alluan lhe nilllmlnn at me Grand Trunk hul lul Nuv lhe doverniprnl hull noun duw )lrl rinlng'q IlnSmllul-nt. . urged lhe ~ in. . in ll'lB Id heurlive indulri' Hiram} g qr. Iha ml lurid or in; rel x,(~ Ia ,I live or lhe upnmilinn i il " ' ull em lids suihrlng l ud lhe hlxl'h lhe (Illneellieu, lu lhu hlrl- elllle'ulm . w'illm w lilimlill. Vlu w' oqull luy loll lichdhd llin nresenl hill would nMIhllvu been "Manny. Al'mm Ilmu ill? 3 nhvelnllll'nl hall rolqel ell ills enggee- lleu Ihnl heiore_lhe. hill wnR read n (lllrd, iimr ll eiinuld he resuhmlued lo lhe dense in enlnmllllee. ' pullllnu haulll nnl summit lhe omen! lllllrns ll sienna Decimal- lhn elieel will. In rplumll Pnrilemenl la regi- gluing annrnl-al at an nellun alrenny man by' Ihl- auvernmenl. This denied |o nerilnmeul lln rlghle are n dellhernllr and Immune assembly. lie nugnesled Ihul lhe wnrdllIK oi Ihn hill he .nnged luI mnku lI aimnly n measure 1!: ourrnel lhe two minor or- run! end leave Ohm! ln lhe lulienl dle- e. nloll liu- slenerni wowslunl oi lhe .Ilrmnenl. - ' needing. Wm mu ,\lr, hing nlnlnd hy lnlliimlan llinl lh mlnlsler M lullweyn llud inlhunled here . he alnrlnd reading, Illnl there we; only one or lwn dnelunrnla in he rL- lie hnd heen reading lnr almm lwn lloum will muse here eevnred nne er (\VDI huddled page! in view of in Ergo! nuinher nr lellnrr wlilch lhe on- insider. deeded in examine, he M184 dulled Illnl lhe unvernrnenl nheuld nnl rum svrllnd reading hnmedlnleiy. inhale Adjourned, Sale Register null-any. IllirII 24 AuelloIn nnln nr 25 new or nlnillllnlz llmller. hush, maple and all: an weal ml! qr In! 2D. ran, a. Whlk h lhe [In-hem- ni .\l .nndlnen. , Ellie al line, F. N. sinill auellnneor. % limp/.- moi-g .Iehn linen. n drummer. or Aumm, whu died Semher Hill, 1016. lull trill comm-M Iul In walklr 'rnwmlllp . no nlul 'msli than. The \ do .\l.uy Him 6W", ot Allrom. bl ll \lwll Ilir! l-nIIn- nelan by n will l xumlvl errlolnhnr mi, 718. ULUOMINGIDH. Mb, l, imisiny ei Murilhaln nnrul ii Iell- elm; a! Mr. Win. Slurry sl Mr. 0, ll. Irnnulnl- shunt \Vudlicsdn) in Turnniu. ~ )llss Gladys sihernlde is vlilllnz'llerzlunl \i . Slum. w are new I a) nioemhlglnh Pus| (Mine and slere has been eio ll. .\lr. [1.1"ch IS humming llJe app mum of hii. rerldrnire in- l-rucilng a m renullinh. l Ill-lien "cl/in] Meeting.- are lining; held in [M chrislinn lihuxeli Illls rm- i .\IuI-h inlnreul ls lining lninliesled and- Hier :4 good mm m *M - TIM iuy lt| lhe lnumge I 1 rnmhln r- sjiukl m one el wlnler l hrelen. end npring, genlle mine. I; l hnull, or long wax-l- meulhs here hcl-n nuunshen on allel and new nineolu. sluii: {he hnehhnne ni ller- Ill: {lou shclL ul new spring i: Calling ll: mud. The lm-l zl- In; a icvn| Hill I: wan eig- gniling lhe (um: and r0 . lhe mil In ila inumey diurnal. Id mania. sell heel ni ll HMS. . rehln n lhhle I. ni spilillilliiil'. Is seen or. lhe he lurknene o! Ink-i IS inni- en the Menu el hhmlde is gone! s. Marrh. a: \ml S'I' allllelnd u-ilh lwalhrr we me an shdill." I III nrillell, ll lla) and la enenerl. Tinnugh turnncP'e sill] we nre iluliu'. nl Hines, llll lhe adlrnl of .\l 3 Incl hacklmm K/l winlrr is ill-0km. human and llumh and heeray: lhd sehn well he piiullng lhe laie and mow-l m5 lhe mss on line law _ o. n) . laI lhere enslat) grezler "inn lhal when lhe ulnirr rnne. -\anl mason. Newnmrket Marketd rluiler, per ih. _, Ele ner daz. . eels. per hushrl . I Toronto Markets ' Illuller. ml- in. K51 . llel vtlo'l. oal . per bllShlvlz. nhlrkms, [ICE "0. 'Hmn f "a ' II" "In , MIXEK "hula" . Live Stock Markets: x hulk - lirlrn l: lee Sim Ilrmvrs I, ltllulrl ilulehrr Sim.- am, ,0 x 21.00 in ml (9.00 iwn elm Spring Term MIMMm- unu mo ' mew-e w v a & win-wwwi snrlun Lhmbi Shl'vli . m old, Im all. in: he baulnwhgwg The Oil ' To hatch lilghual [Iril m will In 'l-nmuln lhle. ' inn-inning. _ ' GILKALIHI W. a... v'uNtlllz' ' :Tlio Ladies'1 8lm. " 1 ' NEWMAR-KET * NEW" SPRING GLOVES" ,-I r ANDl l'lOSlERY __.:__ . , queen Quality moved In all his dweat. in; uni-Y ' . Shades, Douhie Tipped. mnalngv ln pr B'Mm ..7Mn.paln'tov32m Vilma Ballad allkal oaehllienvy lgmuwor all" my no dupe mom , . Navy, I lnd Gallop aine . ' m New Noeller lol- the alluvmor F Moy. collard, collar and cum, dimly-WM. Hoalher oathmore Hua- l or Early; saying; when: wllh 0mm Show. all ahndoen'. v r .- aood school More (or ID Klddlaa In Black Ind , an, Fine Ribbed , TheBest lllcubqtlilrhlhdb G U A R A Mimi Imore Chickse. and BMW Chicks than'ally ot edi- [sou tor. may we I)" II onernnmdmoiulellumm. I um ohlellr. i , Made inv'sevellr-sim. , 60 EGGS to 600,!3615 3] CAPAGL Lr. See the Bloodline. llon Elle: I'M [Ham um Phone: "T menial (hot I ' 7 mr. \vm. nurnr. u mlllklluwm leuiqnl Hl-iwmuul. In um Wiener, - The VII. MIIES Ell, tiillilod, a. "5.4m: we lam: can grow cucumber! lo comma-m willl him, dlhu perm-ray u M lulu. - Hi has wnlrmu nu tor lung, ll law, m In menu Imwm. m um ll . , A 000!) DEAL OF MONEY in lhe mwinq e( onenmurh \ulln Ull uly lsIl-n w. and ll l'vllllm lummu oilau la hul lua unl- meni- My? 1 0 llllllilll BURNS, P08? OFF )! MX 6, NEWMARKET seed Farm-lied rm 0! Charge l- " an cur lmwnanl o! Ingllan Wound lulllnan nl PM ! innl m in. Hun RQ-dy.lldu 1..- ill .ume qbll y . I I I V Vlnhgl o' luring yell! glen-In. mm lemmian my any my, l Mailll Sit...