Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1920, p. 6

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z . V ill , , It'll N. no' ttro apparently s m m but. the M. I dill. [slug-ruch i , W? 0i , l Itiitort' l uhlln nonoot, your-tit glide. ntrrtrs'ivqulred te Instr lilo. ,tolel anti-tut two: limit-Stoves Military '(ln'rnpheii M Myln le' oil. Cora, Wither. in. .ldvolvndtjlnslorii nan. nuuy "unit on. Venus llayer,ttn. VMurlol'y limits tto. .r _, . antiplu r; ll/tltTY. tut, plant-ht gathering look .plaeo ut th- home "at ltlr. Llnill'Mril. thunk uniliuii on law evening. The -yoilng people at Mount nihert oini vluiuity singed s eliurlvort to welcome Io iiie humd oi his parent; Mr. rivet- toli written and pride on their rctunt {rein their honoytnaon'. A gcrloroua atillailliil immillte lIt rtontJurtletl . the pro ettinitrt Into u \vcluomn home lur the newly weds and n [draw-til to tho perents no they \vers,rnovlng into ltinunt Athert. tlysters and other good thinge were served one the gtictin. nhoi lt too In numbt'ir spent a ery ciuoyohle evening. PERSONAL. , , r ' '. esm. Lorne ,ld Will plotter. oi - . 'T'o nte were hand over Sunday. Ml ttdit hello cook und tturtorie Inn-turd. teachers in Toronto. ore l enijlng their hollduys at their homes In lnvnl, ' Misn halite near and Mr. Anhlord of. Toronto went at her home over tho holiday. . ' v r. Wm. -,itise\rro ghr st ecott arrived into lhu'houst rooontlv pur. chitned trout litir..ltrtilur otdiiaul. Mr. Stephen Tholnpto n at Cherry- d won in town over Sunday. - _lo Misses nrownsoornhu ol thr- hrtuge were visiting witil tlrn. ohos. ' 1 Brooks over the holiday. :4 Mr. Frank (loan or l ttrlthlll was it virttor ot the horns onilir. .lumes Law "n tlitr week. , M, nsrnnrs Armitll'onK ipent n couple oi days in T_cronto this tveelt. ,.lttr nyron Sister 0! the nonunion nunh. ltnroitton, spent tiic noster liolidoy ot the horde ol his mother. Mrs. thnK spent Miler with ends in istoutlvitie. Miss Illnnche Reyes or Toronto spent a tow dnys In town with her sister. Mrs, W. noiiertson. Modem. lions llcpnrd' nnd' illilinrd ' , Kigtrtley were in town over Sundry. Mrs. hoyd oi Newrnsrkot itpenl hosisr with her tire. 'M. Little, Mrs. whiter Armstrong is visiting her sister nt ctrerrywood. Mr. Gomnh wagg end his mother niio were quite Ill in Newmsritet were this to some home last week. v Mitts this ltnrrtson or (lines lion. pllul. ts nome attending her lather, Mr. win. ,itorrison, who is seriouer III at his homo on the en. concession. a w Qi lesville. Such cold weather to rather LUS agreeanlc tor iiieitc linwcr hennetu. Mr. kohldlond ol Guelph visited Iris old meson around here over the Willie-it promotes it to y tsk'torrths' oi r'ttootinnol-eur yrhgltl heron: ope in! den, node the 0 MWlmupH Nantes are u (HIM! , 't hp iiIon. ,h volynt You 3,, ll npy.-hiory,litti. Milli smith, horny, llmuurd llllhe, nsi Percy Young; itlaltiu ~' Wag Williams, tiruoyi alorion, not. we clout ill, art Frank million. F it ngper. 'mnlc llnntloy. t ion i-Ilysa- gan. Motility ltoo'ier ind Murchison" equal,'l dm lireotto n, ~hitn ,yeusg, .ltti-Inn unrhholduy" hlalvtn Itinrthri. llchrsa' lliil. utltton Morton. rose lllul Jl'crfy DlJttlltl. Willie hoiisr. Hrmit neitii. ' r ' _ those H. lliirry rtortin, l-ltuunnr Slraulcr. Lnilm ltoruer, Vloiut "or- nor. too Morton. Latnhcl l lliillllr. moss 1. 5r hennetii Lawla, Itr. ihur Went, Dollttld Morton. nlsie west. tilting l. Jr UL-rtthl Watson. llrtrner sr.~.ioex hotter. ,stdnev l'tiitler.h mm Poitier. , l't Jtllik ltorner, olive ltlc- Neltt. Waiter Young. Arlllur Watson. Arthur lleilnr. , r A Idn'tituionn, Murny ltnntioy. Keswrck; nlr, illiroy in doing line. he got u esr loud or noel In tilts week and expects nnolllc r one noon, ritr. Freeman hyo oi Toronto spent the week-end here. some ngain. Freeman. l '. Mr. nor Morton use he en In Runs wick tor s Iew out. Mr. _, hiss was In Toronto tnr s [our KIRYH. litr. .Ioseph hitter-rind n triund oi Toronto were the guestn at tile. w. Ewing river the noliduv. Mr. Lee itiorton or homo lorvmsthr, Mr. II. it. tiilroy went on it hurt. nets trip to Toronto on Tuesday. tlr, end the. Wm. hovisnn uro hark attain otter spendius the winter in Toronto. We ore imised pleased to see them their. . Mr, G. nthnm oi, the Sterling hank spent llltl Euler hoiitinyt nt hie home In mourn. . ilrp. ilrostr tlurry ol ltnnover is leillmt her pureutv. nir. nlill Mn. 1. l'nllank. - MW: Eilllll Marlon It) Ilium) It)" III-r hunter hnlttlnwt. Miss A. King at heeton is tit Iiotne tor'tiir, imltiinyr. ' ( er. Squirt: Yul-k, M time or write iris. Is very low. Mliis II. Worriner. also this M. Lloyd. are spending their hollthyd nround hem. - Iiii. .ioy Merrill Is nnme tor n low Toronto was Pensed to see Mr. .L Conuell out nontn. , Mrs. J. vnnlvormnn rind daughter tire the guests or Mr. John Mllrr l. Si . \ir, Glrtllalonr- Martin at Hamilton harm; tor the weer-end, The . illsslnn Clrfle oi Itle Cltrisllitn Illiilren met at ltlr. least: Morton s sn wrrinesddy evening. A The Ladles' Md 9! the Christian Church tire limian rt tech! and special milsio on Friday evening. .Wo Nipsnb ' _ nuns and set this oi nurtur setopth ,put yesr. Hawth oxe sh ns consoled tn chancellor with the ; Mllnlnl tic-l pummel ... Arno ths dtlrnatlons tor the avenlngnytli buns fuglnyol o Moots Newspaper unopened to no putt- iiiihcd at liope twenty yiilll s'lrorrj new. Mina Martian hoiuhrtrgu ol the Full- tteal nept..~ ttlr. Evans, litunielpni . Goods. the Church: tiles hsacotl. adu- cntion Mm Wittreo regg nnd ML IL .iirrg -llorsonnls Mr. nogera. Agricul- titre: uordo n Tsnslsy Sporting News: Flnrunuu Tsnrley, lrnhl- Fatind. Suvtil itl 'otllers_ ur' 'writiug mlrlcnllail- eous ortisies. ,Tnis promisedto be very Intermitth on don t intact the dots. Itriduy the. tuth. ttir. \VIII and Miss litnud l'ttlrlmm spent Sutulqny pvonlhgvut Mr. wtilred relish ' hlr. duel Mrtt, "till snout Siihtl/tl' evening at hit-J It. lee'a. Itir. sud hire: r'red Itogers lttonday tn the city. Mr. lI. noodo nh d'Evcrlon lsnulll o couple at uuys In litrig this week. hit-1. n. leo sud Mirs hive spent u couple or days ln lhe city this we 1. liir. rut gene ol nit. inert visited at Mr. (Ito. Pess'o on Sunday. W PETERS: CORNERS -hlr . Amos crittedoe'n iron moved told his new house Iormci ly owned by Mr. J. Locke. , . Mr and hire. Durand ei 'l otvnlo spent the week-end nt plr, is. Mil- Giuleuddyh. ditto: uladys Curl ol,anonio was visiting Miss Gertie nigler over till: week-end. ' Miss aartlu lll'igter and titles uisdys Curl visited at his his. peters on Easter Sunday. , Mm, Vcro stream of tiswunrltet visited her sister, nlrs, hleniittcuddy on Easter Monday. Mr. orloy ltuyon hos lisen sick with n and onset; ol l-llcumnilwi. tutee ()llvc Terry with home over Suntltt Misti peryi Limiter spent Suntluy wllh ritenus ut Newmoritet. his Mny IIIM IIS and Miss Hillel tlsrrnthers or Toronto open! the week. emi ut ttr. .i. hurrrn, litr. 'rhev. Woods uuii Inmiiy have lllnw il to Bolllnveu. nirs, Joe. peters 'hiltt lit-2n ill with lurnuogo. Klit l DEED amt A limited quantity 0! good clean 0. A (1,, No. 72 Dots tor sale. Ap ply to l ll. TCIIJLE. phone 201; Mount Albert. Th's thew-atom: on'iiion'da shout.th os'i tr'iha DI mimics. hut- not wt out , ti parting solute. u: m - Thu Mullah a! the Pool Dl uyllore' wu badly malted V and luckson'n uud ism , / . rt Putt litre, w it. Thompson, oi Tomato were the met summer vista tors this scuon. They were at their Gallant: on Easter SundIy. H Our Torontttylsettgr. Juice Coulsworth In the sessions Wednesday sentenced usvid Ctrlten and Sidney tlurolrrnent to tour years even In tho neultenllnry nor the limit rrom the Grand Trunir hallway or tile skins valued at 52,090. which tot-med pat-t ot i1 shipment Irvin Prince lo tlln celiis herithur Company. Aurora. litti iinnur Nauldod lhu ouanoa sit a tert uuit one. and stated thnt he did not Xlkl) lllu demeanor of UN DHEOHBH duran their triol. Mr. lithium) Ollie at Osgoode Hall gruuied on order to wind up the ot- hint or the Toronto \Vorid Nowaparcr Cniliiuiny. . ' ' In neeordnnee h with it decision manned nt the recent litlornlllollitl lnhdr eon -ncs at Wuahlnstan. the Onlhrlo Gnverhmi m has EDDDIHIM comrillshldlt which will copier,wltll mliLtr commissions from other prov- Inccs with a view to eoinrdtnsting and nothing the [ahar'luws oi Ihe no- ininton and the provinces. The mem- bers oi the Onlllrlo comnusstoo, it watt unnounced to-duy ore Snm llarrts ot the linens Lithogrnphlng company or Toronto representing the employers: II. J. lloiturd or lismilton represent- ing the employees and Dr. w. A. No- rieli. deputy mtnioier oi tenor. repre- sentiug the Government. The com- mlssioss \vtlthold their rst contor- enee tn Ottewu next month. . Nov. Dr: J. n. itsnitln has oceepted. a unanimous esil item the Quarterly uttiotal hoard oi oerrsrd street iileili odlst church it) become their parlor tor the contemnre term. heglnning duty 1, mo. _ , The entire Sunday morning ool teeticn st Gentrni lietnnrlint ctnrreh. which, on account. or the torso atlend ones at the l ster soniee. amounted, It Is enttmsted, to almost step, was stolen hetween the mount oi mo and 2 p. m. The money had been lllaclld In it cupiioorvl tn the church oiilce previous to its being counted at the rinse cl tiln xterviM. "1 - l oil the twenty-sixth time. lilasitey iinil mt rimde to the doors Mon- tla) nltrlll to hear HID Vesllval a! it: i.liir Mnn) or the old melodies. including the rich notes or Drink to lie Only With Thine ayes." were re- pronuecd with great etieetiv ness. , ~ ~49 UNITEII airmail WHEAT Fllnidttnii Flinn FOR ML: and posture. sweet clover. impliimcnts leI lhnn ii dellmd. PETER 'N'tH'ETT. '3wto lauds volt HA tut) Acres. being composed oi lot t In the nth Cup. at East thlimhury. at) stores cultivated and haituce bush 23 acres settled with Will sell stuck and luron To DE i-vtmut tnuu $24B,M,000 \Vashingluu. April #nelnmurso- ineht oi the wheel tat-mere ot the United Sirius tor tiia losses they sui- tered through the institution or tier- hert liool price-lining policy wnlte lle_v..'ts i'o od Admlnlslrnlor. is provid- ed in a hill Inirnduced m "In Sonata tilts ntternoon hy Sennlot copper at Kansas. The iosscs ol the Kansas tarmers alone are estimated at to . Iy Tail of Ionian his-dry ' cstst e bUhoJItn .soutn heir, to to, son. Wednesday; April ntu . r. w. Mo- Kay nr tintis n whihm s niln' I eioelt ttnd'irnplentents on lot to, ooh. , .ncorgInu. lu'id 'west ol a 'K'. R. . slotlun. credit till next oat. solo iiionen rlt. w .l Kostor. duct. onowo jaenln tt-r Till Titoon net-hit. April 7.- -A priv sta telephone theolqu reaching uoritn late this lui ternosn reporter is nonnuneulnsh hc- tween colored rrensh - troops end e'rotvds ot civillttnit In trout oi the rnsin rost-otiies tn rronlrtort. ,Tno troop are snirl iii-hove trees snsoyed by the srpwds, which, continuously lrered ot them. whereupon they open- ed the. kllltns. seven persons snd wounding nisny others, .tu studtug women and drop . - W... idlittii umlu. Loriho , _ TO HELP tvnnltgnn on. Mitiion nolttrr Will Brown to Itst mohtnles tremoenadisn mil-trons. nchsoiiitslion et reload-s middle class or mechnnios, artistes and small tmdesmen, ruined by the war. by ex. pending st,ono,aou through small loans. is the pins oi Dr. norts n. Bogen, ntuetcr-aeneroi oi .vewisn It tier work in poiaud. is now working on, so one at the mold iestures ol the reconstructive relisl program 'now nrtog curried on to that country. "Perfect ndutiulstr'stton ready to carry this work on." Dr. Bogus eehted the Canadian .levidsn hellet committee, "Fill! In wooderiul opportunity for eonatruotive service," ltending a unit ot 25 sltilted reliei worlters, which recently arrived In Poland, hr. iiogengwlth liendqudrlom in Warsaw. through his unit her his roller orcsnlzuttons covering pncllcnl- ly ovary part oi sirlciten rolsnd. he reports. wnlte couriers are covering the cnuntry. delivering remittsnees trorn Csntdtar'ls to their destitute relatives in Poland, ' in line with nr. linken lt reesosmto- tiou policy, on appropriation oi also aim tor use as small loans to aid in rehuhtlltsllon work. was included in the Marsh expenditures oi 6110.000 inr Poland, by the that Disttthutlen committee. reliei dishurdlug organiza- tion or ihn Clnadisn Jewish War has her tnd its shied hddlea. New .ylngersoll City coun eil debllhed to exeirlnt returned soldiers (ram (axes. . Ineir Tillman, d'retumetl soidtor, aged 37. wus dleueiIJn the? River Ollnwn. . sw Hickey. cl (lull. was hit with n cluh while In Kitchener and rohned ol st . v ..'Itie by'rlaw to grant 0,000 tor the creation or s memorial In the iewn ot Clinton'lvas arrested try a mommy at tau. 1 M cm th'm. commas- WITH .FARMER tor the prominent Ml l. 'tlt e ulm anyone who as. seen assume," to eonimunita with him. qhhor nIt-iohlily or by letter. , It. tin oonlnou' rn y tor alanine. .y' \':A ,lt may not in 'rhlly' itnnwn. but there ll (100D DEAL l OF MONEY In the growing of auoumhmywnan doltnlttlst uly tutors. up, um i. 'wttl ply rumors smothers to looit into this motley. jhhdt 'Arvnv 1 0 th~nuhho. ,V . don't- emote lion o. m "NEWMARKET' i. lied 'F or Ollnran l "Pound guilty or risylsg wuitsm De Purge. a military police otltcer. w. it. Elnluk was eenlehcmlto 25 years in prison and Jseit elements ond tltrotd Blmlls is yesrs eseh. ' ...l ust as people were assembling tor the Enster oommunton servics at the church oi the Epiphany. Frovl- deno It. I.. a lighted candle was up- sei nohintl the altar. causing (In: which destroyed Advent hundredsol dollars' worth at ecaleslsstlesl rt riz- .' tugs. - Children (32377 ' tail FLEIGhER S C A T Q R I A Von llan A outrntiiy oi swect clover SCEJLI White lilossom and yellow nisrnorn. Protect, Your ,. Homes and Balms ism now prepared to trite order m ' Uttivei'tlttl Light tiling Rods Toproteei your pr Prices on application, tit. n. Mme, Suttonlvest or hsvrsshoe. R WW KESWIGK BAKERY Flour and Feed, Apply to warren Greys. .\lnlln| itincrt. am, M9,... I, am, "my onep, 3w . ont io POYM OED Foil allle cit-eon Mountain, Good Yteiden. Mm some nettlngs oi wnlte \Vynnr dotted. turn to try. til. E. Bastien, Que enmiie ,rnone in}; ' .8 Ind-Viol and choice Drgm Flow sit-rhy- arr hand. A (lumiin oi eosd Vlad Onu tor eel: i Reasonable Prices rum . .. , oncii , COO E7103. tilting, 'ltit ttitii i BEND VOUR GREAT}! 70 WHE VDU DEBT. h PAW] th@ M an , itan 000.000. with:- the total loss to the t. Alien or him, h tormer horp, paid a tlyisg vlsli to a l his old mean on Good l rl- do I Mtss heriiis ouiin or T. s. L'. was home over the weekend. Mrs. Walker Morton or itsrniiton and Mrs. non. Teller nt smilhv le We": visiting their sisters. Mri. I ul- tiom and Mrs. cowlesoo over tne holi- dsy. rlrs. :. h. smith spent the wt'ck- enu in the city with her daughters, Miss hmms 'i ot Toronto spent aaoq was, or her Itnole'e ylr. n. IL (rsrry i." 31:; Glory and lilies Torry. . ur eeaeliors. nrr sunning the holidays tn the e y. the tanner is working at the Art School. Sharon. helnre taking their densrturu Ids their new home in ottswoy the many triends and neighbors or Mr. and tilt-r; ltsiph Sutherland assembled at the hull lsst llenday evening to hid tnern s pisssndt tort-well. The evening wt: spent in euenre, games and danc- ing. otter which n dstnty tuneh was served. The tollowlas redress and a sectlunll Dank-case wss presented to them i We your triends and nrlghhors have arranged this evening together to give you some visinle proot to! one liteadir ieeiings towards you, end to 1ka5 our regret at your ledvlhg the com- m mm. Lem, and MM." rounity. We have all at one time or Kenneth sre spending the holidays in another alloyed the hoxplullty it! your the city with their dlsicr, nit-s. llston, home. when your dental. personnle We tire [thast to see Mm Aiy. end untaltlug aourtesy mvo won.le ward bark at 'Ililsees Lilo her home here. and u, a while], esteem, and rememneiing Elllra Duane 0! how Wt: have depended on ynu [or ,keswich ssent Good Friday wt - |helr help in our cnierisinnleats and social cums. Mo srs, Human) and (lint Sun. . . J. J. D knl' 01 Toronto uphill lite holidays st tit. tonne here. The nne noon at ntr. ii. A, hot. itisrn hos horn s91!) to Dr. It A, \v. llrovm ol tlrnnllr whn takes pos- heeslon niny ist, We welcome Dry ltrown to our titles. Tirol-taster services in hulll churches were very impressive ind tho exiru tnusio \v.I. +pnre nted. There were tilt out to s, .. sitogtdtiei on the Mt-Jh'tdlsl circuit. 'l llrl Auxllllry s. VHt will met-l til 3 in luck on n at Mr. ydney Milne'e and now thst tlis rosds ore quite good we will look . Iar everyone to come. my. hovering wits s busy men on W tesdly lull] attending to Iwn more weddings; out Mr. v. King t. the wender nt the wood pile. A val-y lntereclintt Inventor [I I: unu- out alw helper run hy a gasoline ch. mdny evening. April loin. s olu- concert unit he stm- 1n INS , , i the Methodist Church try the Aurora . a linole- sessions at no votes- 7d m mai soloist nth with .. out o . This, talent cop s? - 1" Hit. s moi less to us. We Nellie that your sum: is lit yutir new llnulz \ii: wish Yul I tircsperlty and mail) [ ends lint! hope you will not toreot those who have gathered ll e to-uixhi (a \VISII mu (jail-spend. We ssh you to accept this hunkvtllliu as a constant reminder at your malty triends in Shut-on. signed on Ilzlltill or the above J. \v. ratmsrn. Print Tell. Luclnu \VM- son, to. Wilson. w. it. Sultry. iii. A. Hulllsa . ltr, and Mrs. Sutherland though deeply moved h) the unexpected gilt, expressed |I|Ulr Kralelulmsssr Ill 8 law well ulmsen within. Thre$ burly eneers w e given to Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland otter which some worthy hvucllln were slven. The evet > CHM to a close with slotting. filed tin with you till 'we meet Inln, r, Mli erylnrown '1' DVD}. in! outer n'oudeys. . e Missntgrtdn mrnr spent .mster in,'t:uro_nw visiting irlnnyn. , ' Tns snhui n! til tattle ' Itttx' (tantamount utursti wtu o pen 5430 BrddrIo-lny liarred Ply- mouth nooks. Yesrlings. tot; egg- sireln, moved with 3 young Coeirereis or zoo egg-strain; ammo per in. Perl 2 50 2-yesr-olds. mother to pen 1. :25 Egg-strain. mated with a young coelrerets, hintheis to pen 1. nt .50 per la. Perl aA on nuxed Yearling, rusted w h a 2-yeer.uld imported brchG- isy masters, too eixsslaln or 15s. per la. voutirr yards. lot i, Can. 1. vttttors welcome even day except Sundays. , liAnl tY ALLm. amp llolt. lei s Sale of Lands; wE F'G SALE OF LAHBE To he sold by puoiio authors. All the right. title and Interest or .i, A. tire, kntMn as Jlmes A. nu, the de rendsnt invalid to loot crrtstu unmet or Ir 0 land Inii Ilre! sllunlc lying dud neintr in thef'rownrlw 0V aeonomtt. in the Cnunly oi York, and more putteulsrly deceased as tiring the south hall oi the t hall or tel nunlhrr thirteen. in the sixth concession or the llWllshlp or (tear- girn, lit the Couniy oi York};an phr eri ontsinlug 50 acres n! isud, mom in- ' r , 0n HIE propnrty who t5 erected k [mule lion ?0 (eel h) 2|) {121. WHII :ttltiillntt to (set by in test. also it (hurt! horn on Il'el by t reel, stso rt visit. the property (I ienred'wltll wire retiring, tlterc is also it email orehmi, snout :o sci-cs or the ltnd is sold to he \vurlrrhls, Tna properly It 51111 . , shout tour mites' trons palierlstv . lotion ml the csnulhn ho rthori: nth. wov. tinder s writ oi lltilu Ir- stven out o! um Supmms' omens.- hetween *5 the tummy. y at spelt. It, 0.1920. at twelve o'atooli t the county shorten Om, in "I: heart house to the titty nl' Toma- . Mcgoweli, shs m _ iiniicri Slates wheat gmwers ls esti- rnnled at czto.ouo.oun. i The bill by Semiot- Cnpaer author lzes the Seeretaw oi Agriculture to Investigate nrltl determine the amount or losses and make payments item the guanntce lund which was given to the Pond Admlnlslrallnn when It: organlxnilan was aulhumcd. The mezsurer or loss is titled ui do ccnlw it hushel. MDGOW u ..The shortage at power in ,Wood- steels has led the local hydro-Electric commisu to stop the use at power for not)!an purposes. ..VVlIllb Foam at Educnlldn tig ller on spending a ipoe per room tor s new yubllll school, out the ladders tar exceed the estimate. the prion being over 550.000 Der loam. nlsrtrnsm. April 6. 0wtng to a bm k in the newly canslmuled Hydro transmission, Markham had to Mitran the Easter services in the dark. soltlll part of the village where they (IRS! through it Kl til'a oi trees was burned oitt. ehurongoers The ground wires to the mileage. April 7 M. A. v. llnl- r ruple. prohibition notninls on lot i'... tiiitedgo district. lllrdny started to nlslte good his threat tlist he would "(ill the ions so lull or doctors anti ttruivglsis that their tool will shell out or the wtn'iinrvs." lie rewmmelidctl to .i. F. Kramer, prohibition i nmln', ginnur st Washington. that the liquor prescription perm or 55 doctors unit to .lntirgisis he revolt-ii tor tint, - hi the l t'lrlllhliinll I. v. ' lll hritlgc. April 1 6. 1' _rt. ll-nln Na. ,93, notineen r-ort hope and To. mule, two at Turonln AI 12.30 p. m to.osy. wu illmllcd snout tnur tnll 1W7" lixui tdge through some limit-ire In Illa nt blame coach. The en. tire train, with the exception or in. tru wheels oi the. costar. tell the true , two bandage ore-ones and the mill conch oaths overturned into the ditsh. Only the eornlrlnuton onsets nod tn ltd-sender ousnh were left up- rtutn. 'l'hsrswus-no monitor-on hoard. sail oliitoasirut . revere sh wh A tits trgln wu being it... Vt 100 {Im- t ytl the DI No. will our to nasq ..Angus (lumpnell. superintendent oi the consds Furniture Coy'n lltltory al Woodstock, dropped died shortly slit-r arriving at Work ..A tury st itnmiiton ssve Thomas .llenogus 92,500 dsrneser against Consolan Properties ror mJury sue. isincd w es s chisel Ieil upon his head [rent an upper storey oi the eompsny s building. Winnipeg. April 'l. ln 's spectacu- lar tire io-uight the hints street south harm, the central corps of the Winn|~ peg_l:teetrts hallway Comnsny, were destroyed, resulting in damage est mated by the company's uneisis to run to about autumn. illehrnead liill. April U The town people oi Richmond liill held a recap- llttn in night in honor at 25 returned soldiers. rehldenls o! the town and vicinity. latch returned mm was prenoied with a gold Ends! In recas- i'illlcn oi his service overseas. - . and resident occurred on Snub dd} morning at the G. T. It. bridge at the. Nsrmvis. wlteti George A. Cut a inns Abdul i9 years ol ugc. was ta al- ly studied. tie as employed with s T. It. t'imslrut llon (ens one are inoiding lite bridge. % no Nov wttlittt Db hill will": because tum is no one tr. help you get the thingyeu Ire alter It docs nul matter when. itrly us tar its ILIe principle goes. llnlllt-l' you \d'nl a concert mat or on, education. "the point is that it you it at It eilougn you osrl set it. whether you have anyone to heal! you or not. voung people who I shout complaining that they do not hsue iriesdr to help these target ttlst_to s msoluie will Ind uncut-anus; anon urination mayhem helbol'll i and da man tor them the world outside den sees lien togein ' . . ,Inr uu rnill mutiny - "Gore honking sot-sh trio s lretd- w-ll. lro s uitla wood is rapid may. end it mluht om you nun." lush abundant: but my ,IIIOUNT ALBERT CREAMIERV in! vol] WILL ALWAVB ? Dir? FRKOEU AND 1226? DEW/'6 _. tritium ALhEit'i i3 RICH I CREMlERY Him 6.? GYGUFUUILLU (Sim?! int Elisha $69. triathlon alw r. Marlboro Poultry Yards and Gardens R. LFU NW} ux 2&, Quonltlvllln, Pltultu Sis. r4; tymllllxn to the Wurld'. but Layers, Oomnlnaa reins thlblllon Ont-1M- \v. \Vyundutte s . Anrons . w. Leghorn h. Plymouth Rock 1);;th Stock on.) truss tor tlitsuins Fruits and Hunts in Sr iltll Illsncdlltiit lit-Mm. \l lttutSthAtim; $WW&WQ.OWQWOQOMQNO6Qb Am paying at his price low Muskrat t and Other Furs ALs o Buvme "H E: N s . . ALSO ALL KINDS'OF JUNK Got my prlnalt Mfum' V Plot-mi pryp #32- : input you all A r

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