Buoouoor w' l , mlylllolun and Surgeon - Nuwmurhuy lil rln _ arsenals universal all .m' nlor redidenl phyulolu n liter: MBA- Union , Full. 1 Hill r . . mm - l'ilime 3i, , omen lilrul-o 1030 12 1 ' 3 8 _',_..... -. .nr. 3. J. an. n 3.. irradllllie Ill .iiedisino . univelail - illojaioenlinld ~dolieso oi lilo naval im iionpiiul. London, England ms Tdnm, alum annulled Telephone 0 iv 0-5. 1! n. .'Mokowo' ' wA'rOHi AaEH AND dlilihELLE Purk Aiiilliuo Adjulning Poul. Oilieo ' BERT GREEN- l l AND' PAPER HANGER, Arden live. indilllluuil lmm 'Oueon EL, Nownlurkoi. ONOIGE BTOOK or wnLl. PAPER - on hand. Phone 230. P. 0. Box III. P. Hindu. ' nisirioi Neprounuillvo lol- no. 0! Vol-k. Mildly llqu oi 'i'oror lle llnild. lnll. Ilqlslul d Bio, oppogite him-lull. . 4 Phone Jim. muFFE . Ndwmnl liiil. , oi Plans. Volualund Deniar in'illi kinds 0' Muliibal inalmmonu land liar-Lira. Plhuo Tunlni! ' Nacllur lin, agoni 'ior llolurnhis ursiouoiss. .Ginphopllonod and muorda. oomplow nimkl Fromm. nominal o..w. WinnirIELo,~ iiurrlriunelielwnain, . - - lleL miioe, llulelnmillon a lisal halal Uiiise. lisvlrnuilsi every Idly Thursday. . uliieo Phone 308; lluunu ivl. i alo iunds lo ilouu Furnaqe V MM Plumbing ,_.,. Eavbtroughing Oilr'Sp eciaitigs End the Ballroom Oumt oi. lhn Shop, W TUE LEADING mBMiTHB R. OSBORliE ll Sills "EXT 'ro BMITWS GROGERV ml 31:??? Style Randolph Neat Artistic HALL BROS. decorum-a to E. znrbrlqu. I Pholom " Newmarket. m. dill 14h! D00? Want Cl! ins ilird hm allies. Flinn: 553. . 7 7 [I FERRIN'B GREENHOUI bl G?HHIIII BYl HEWyIKKIY. , our FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS! no order Ie - than a. Bolivian We in. n. Fawn. illou in oxvnomuu: WELDING. lilolool all hruken earls oi Mua inery esrl hs sullsinoloriiy no. olired sl rossousllls prioes ilhlsl rndaas. ryll. N. H. ROGEREl normal"de Mono null-donor emf nal. of Built a! Tom 1'. Milling: B the novel a pllyoisiula and member-.91 Golldsd a! Humeth Lil Flux llolluer . ellniolll ~saslsieui ill nnrdllnldn Bin iinispllal Ill! Univer- lly college. l:or., hello and Turn . 'loi. oiiiillod LIFE Aaaunduo: no. Vio. in Blink oi'iroronlo oaooni m'l ilcni Esiulu. WW DI alrliumo Mid , , denim e ' 2.30 s. ml 5:: roll. ' 7n m l'ubliMoruhip,'lli;v. it. h. gwlll ll.i . . , r - ' l V v - umr mull-l. " ' o woo sill-go'marhoi loll su V lluuer wno' him and In demand l are. (o qulul eras dronhed u ililie in orlee. liner: slora and one. oh d lownsneeoln :iiio. her ll .Suclidni lnndsullelr neurones android ol rlilol nur dozen, le nnlnls syn-r ll nor lral. I , , . . aioie aoeiely mound. . The union nrhy er licrvlcd in lilo I churnh lunl'ul enillu was in he in ihe lnieresi o! the Foreign iiihlll Soclnly. licv. IMMHII, II "Illi- iionnry irnln hidia. wall lo'give-llle llddre x, ingelller wiih la'niern lllides, shelving ills manners and culilmmi or no: lnhnhilonis oi illal nouniry. Nan Dillllled. ,dll'. Wlih-id-iielinio. illiulloyI-d in iho navis henuler .Jlllmmy'll lan nery. oi. wliil u pllniui accident on Frliluy lusi when hisrhanlhgoi, eaughl in the rallill'rl or ll nloohino. ills, hand wlls, haiily ernshed and olnnnlnlion or the lillie linger wns neoeslary helides .lhr removal oi several small hone. n ihe lumd. Dr. sroii slu- lied lilo injured man. it ll. ll. sw onll usa'r Mushsih. - ,Alioui. 'iiiiy oi Nownial-kei lligll .Sellool siullenls weni. lo l'orilnlp on Friday nirhl to hear Muilloli in Jilueheill nl llle Iioyul Alexander. . sndelnl our look the purly lo ' l- ronlo. llnd llrnulllll illenl hack at on eeriyhour. Saturday morning. The sli'lllunls werelliliglliy delighted with lllo r'lhly lll'ld "duped consider- uhle hone l llloroiroln ll ol- ii'lrlumr her or [i alu'dunis. inelmlll, illio your. in ll pool. a! lll olr lill-ruilrre mulled. r i o EMNMMMI Colitis Milrillll A. Edwards, oi Queenlvlllo Is lilo solo hell and exeeuilix oi the will oi her husband. hlihn zdlvsrds, a tunnel or llssi awlliimuury, who died yonruory 25in, leaving 80.421. iieohy is an equity in [5|] aerlnl or me No. 1, lourih eonoession or Bust Gwll llniliuryl H.500. sud ihe remainder oi iho oslsie in eanh. e229; ah'eorl nod uwlric land; eailio 82115: horses woo; iurrn implements $510, , end ilnunchblll gamis 'dnli lurnilnro non. Tho will was oxeeuied .ianuuly lain. mm. = v al. Pnul d church Ill. Home. . he (i. and . M'Gonlgie have sent oul. inviiaiions lo an Al lion oi. ihe neelory and Parish lien on Friday evening. .inril lllh. 'l'lle eveni. il la anliolnuil-d s a memo anlo one in ii. ilhllll'y or e llie I'm -h. linl'i' will he i nddl es lly prominent an ill w. .i. ill-union hns llindiy coil sonieli lo give a hill; on "Bermuda" lie lies spent a [mil oi llweo wil Le - in ihe ealulnlnns ciimalo oi llns sonihl-rn islllliil and wind he he; la y sliniilll he ni inlea . lnilresl in oil. A lino, musieal pray, am has I till-l lime lln- all who llllrnd on ll L-i'ellllig, April mil. hislllodisl choreh. . Iel' ldnywllol' illK was hcnull- inliy hrlghi hul eold. however ihere was in exlra large eonnregailos and an ex'cepiienally hrighe serving: through. nut. an nilundsnoe or Ehsier lilies and dlllor \vhil HOWEX E' lending lleauly 'nnd iragranee in me ssered ediilee. Till! nasior's sermon. rounded on the lexl. "llow [E'Ghr isl rlsrn'lrom illu need," was ioll oi none and eomlori. 'rhe rousie was very 'anororriais and exee nuonslly well rendered, reileoiios mueh eredil on ihe organisl and direelress. Mrs, hinson. Likewise lhe evening service-1 was largely uliendod and exceedingly in7 ed \viill serininrc. Nexi Sunday Roy. F. L. Brown all ihe Missionary' Demrlmenl or ihe Mellilldlsl Cllureil in, dauudu. 'wlll hreeell morning und evenlnll. Evanusiirllo sullen. we carry illo lolluwhlg il-oul ihe ilarlie Examiner ~ lld sneuial el-sngrllslle amines llliug held in the wounded srs lneez. ing wlill mulled sueeeaa. Large 'nlr dieuers are telling purl. sad ihe in. lerosl grows wllll every meeting. Rev. (L M Sharpe, ihe ovaugeiisi; shown iiimsrii s men mueh in errors: and moire-ll his messdss very plain and eauvinelun. Mmy alrlldug llluslm- lions are used lo omnhusho his poinis lill suhieero uro Varied and his Ire mam oi mom is well u lo lolly lug. Elma: lian lo kllem lhd irull. no is endsavorirllr la rerun. - v The mulls is u vrry lmpoml ll: ior in ills auloylneui Ind onedllvenasa oi ills, rel-vice Prof..|'|l|dd h-a pmvtd himself I very luwuaml an null-And Min Wo'oliln u UM Fluid leuaa I lendld damper-unis. . drain. .0 - 4i lerealingmuslu (mil nrl heing glands l iulll lire iuierelll oi ills hesrergluld . um a: Milt, on unle rannid or: lint why. will mail in ,Vim.YilN! dud vim-ty- , . . . .uielfDlwdvery' udltecwdv Ind it will search any 1rd k0le Wif l ll ln" ruut . 8 m n! i: will , ldldlinells. , : You can {MN u trial a .01 the lull at: by-sendin 'lik. in use luvsiids- z n.1, orlranul uhorolory in hrldkel' blitz. Dahlia. sun-awn. Barb ll lnlve hkerl Dr Pleroo'a Golden Medleai llheovery ior liver Lroublo. slid lound il excellent. and ,would noihowilllnul ii. Iauilerod irolu eongeallou oi the liver allour nix ear: ago and lullvllyauiiy inulrhirm lcinu eursd m6. 1 ilsyo also given it to m! iuluilyior wldaand Ileurodlhnm in a very dhan lime. We mun iiavd Ila d uiloulldoren iloliliw oi llm' illewvely '. ~11) . Eileen nllreuala. Kiri-ileum our *1 had become nil, . run-down, wall wall and uervoua hiy blood wall old silo, 1 look ins (loldun ruedioui nlleever 'drlli'win eolnnioieli resrored in good elieu. i an. ulwnn recommending lids nlsdieins w my iriendr, many oi whore hm and equally ul neon radium lino. El'll. Km rrhu. M ulelilllunlslmh ii ninu iilinb Mom The iarroer raid ruin his son. w \viilie Willi. his name: "llurii is o euli lor you, my hey. in minerals and lmnul li hlidll he yours Io raise sud ieeo. lo,ednesie and rerun, in water is end diel ll noon ihe wholeeome gruh." The hay limited pleased ui. BUG a , 'lliari. n rear earne lo hill eye. he ioid his dad he'd do ills ilcdl.'ihl)'d'1llllkc on honelli iry. 'lhe eaii,il had u might career, ll grew io heal ihe hend. ii won ihe iinesl looking send lhll glared upon ihe land. lie gave it wdidl , led ll mill. pul. liran inlo lill iced. lhal now had ovdl'yllllhg, by heck, ll now could ever nee li.waa aiong in rail. lile hay willl en lmrlnl'ldnl air. mil. llhhonr on,lhe iriller'n led and led ii to ihe, lair. Alli! {herb I! cleaned H1) everyilllng iroln all lilo land around, il was a only right iiom ihe horns id Where it lenohell lllo ground. .A drorer elune around one day in our some mulling sioell. and lhen ihe hoy who led ihe sloeh received one swirl sill-oil, i'lli: lluyer pullcil u long green nurse ihul never could no smash iho hoy he will his eow oil righi. lull roihor leoll ihe cash. ll x iusl sueh hung en mar, illey say, lilai work a limp oi norm. and mailes ll rnesi almighty hard lo keel) boys on ihe ian n. -sseo k. MABBNJRE Alli) nLoouBliEn .Consiilniiuonle. liareh 2s. rzsll- males oi easnailies during ihe mas~ saeres elliarasn lasl month place ills loss oi lire ahoui 8,00 Armenlcills. [luring lilo disarduni ia Turks l..re kilibd, Thu ks losl VI: iill lusnlld mm! ill klng llm Fn rh at Munich, Ciiicil. iii-m lno roernl Arlllcnldn mM'ntrcs ooeurrell Paying Toll ior ilegiehl Needless exposure in lop and roll rreeuosliy rail" in n dumnge~ men: or lilo Kidnnyn sud Bladder. ' When those imporrlnl orgsus isu lo do rnoir duly, various evils oriro, such as rhoumllins, sesllru hoods and solder, sun senile, lluuoago, Iciilllc neuralgia, alone in die bladder or gravel, exerneiaiing paina in the {luck and sides, eooslssl headaches, dizzimu, B'pcciu aalillg oerors lhs eyls, uneasiness or mind wiluoul reason, sod general dehililyo These are signs at serious kidney and hisdder Imilble, sullen resulr. lmmddinienlianliam 'l llaldosl depend- bio whirin isiound in on. Pills. The, men pm wt lilo open on. widen wo- [untnezled my rssosrnrwsary. my quickly and rarely relieve eongesloo lidnerl, passing alone and gldvei, heal mg and rooming sudalseli orglu and naming rural le normed. Thomas 0! lrilsr. irons people who have been rdlevod are William-My mull-lg lo as. Their wricers'oilen has in is dyad use good am to alter Kaela me all pill. serlaisiy and Hillel] will bring in. lulp rllsy mid. dens fnr (res angle, or go ohm lo your drugglsr or deal". sol a use Monayleiunds'dun zl uoi Rival: , no Nauru-l urug l: cusollrll as or ems. llllniled, 'rurouro. dulled uted hadron, ha-llruco, his, gun lulu all. Butt-10, m1. nI ,vauum: A'I'.A Lou v Iron mtmllmuirr for your irisuda. you should ram and oi our ialling lnaelaiues In your home you will ihen'uwny-lhure lendin- mull ai innit. I my ilnle you any to demonlinlo lheln sud ~(dll you about our ulllnd him. we all!!! loll 924 P0 WWW ' _ M . .e only .iis' V eluding all rough. uneven illin shells slim! you "ka ow would. mload ie rel. and nr'o_ nol. villle er newline. my gm! hens ln ihe a , . . re lllll yo l- mini: he boll)" me hold all vain-inland :26 his as has n rmly oi lrzlh ' wu'lor and some whole min every day ' ' lr'oriiilsioi milled A are lined. a well voniiiaied onllar with u. ialrly ev isuloeraiuro 'lnulres a reliable looalion ior ihe; lneuhnior, Ellyn well-mum; msellhle oi a well lulled make. .sullly lho lloneral direeliorls reoiylih eaeil machine and have ii sill-led several days lleioro-lrusllug lllh collate H- I l The rim essonlial oi a good ilainh whelllorunller neurol- in ineuhnters ill in hove lgml Irom heallhy. vigorous breeding sleek. I The lresnel- in: egg ihe holler einlnee_or a good holell. Sellelonly cello or a normal she, d . nr ony neolliilr or nilnorlnai iii no no no'luildw iim 0- gll lo heeome'ohii- ind Milan: llelllK sci I lel Hie llcm i or inuuhulhrr u illir ehonoe \vllh Kood hoiehahir rm and under mosi eon. liiiionr IIL) will produce ga'od healiily ehielll. . T0 in: uueeelntul ill ihe brooding and rearing or elders requires eon. slanl re and oilenlion lo delalls. ii ehle l are halehed by hens, iel unui ihe chislrs gel. so lively lhal ihey inoill on leaving ll. ihen remove ihe hon will. her llmad lo a eoon ure- dousi) urenerell inr he I All eoonl should no thoroughly dirlnioeled he- iors one enoh season and also he- lvioon lrroudo. A hen silollid no given no more ehiehs ill-n she our Map eorniorlahiy warm. ' 'l ili: arliiieill rnelhod re. quires a bmnder so leads lhoi. ii villi he noisiiue lo produce and hold heal enough in mole ior ihe damiurl/ot ihe ehiehl in any weslher. easily and well voniiioied. rrile ehiekn should he lull in ihe lueuhalor unlil nerreelh- drv and greai eore lnusl he taken in avoid shill in ehanglng iilelrl in ihe hrloder. The broader lousi he al- nlolu lilo Rhine lempoi iilure as wllai lllev were accunlomed in in lile lnr cllbdiul- ior a siarl. Exircmeli or hell or error run very nilaslrous. Clllchh require no iood ior is in an hours siler lican illiehod. as a chick wilen ll. ieurel lilo oileii has a nulli. elem sunniy oi nourlslunenl lo laid it ior several dayll. lleod small (Juana l(||(4.i ol a lime and once during llle - i llvo weeks. my oreaderumhl, sihlhiiy rneisienell with milk. mil. all , ninhead oalroeal and hurl- oraehed mixed llrains may he allowed hill all challe lillould be maill gradually. dire llleln nlerlly oi rreen (nail and oleor grll. waler or rour mill: whore ihe rhioka will haw lree amass in ii. sell leeding hood hers oonlainlng mould grains end my lnfliih M lilo has! mele a! (call. ill; the growing slack willie on a gnarl nraro range. V __<,e<_ mill. nuns GLOVE]; m ro FLAMES AND DIES A37" RESULT chienge, March 29.7E0) seouls ond indlans ruh iwo places or wimd loreiiler hrisllr and admin lire. Mimi c oils Kruk ruhhed her kld gloves so rigorously ihnr idle ohlained Um some rcsulls. liul llle ilro hilied hr lse ill-uh. who was lwmiy yam old, and head ul a iirln dealing In use ir h nlnlnru, ls tlmliing a your oi tLoses. she annilell a |lrF|mlair lion oi wlllcli l <nline lorlned a earn - rullnod ihe uli g lol s brislli) and produced a road. which ignited llle nrrrwraiion. 'le lluliit-s spread irorn ihe piuv ililny oeorgelle crane wli. , she or. whoring, mill her hair was soon alilln. hiirs llazel l cllilu, employed in an l7 inlning oliiee. was halll. lnlrneli in lrylng lo ashlsl Miss Krllk, who iliml shorin niler dn alnhuiance had ialzon her home. iier race. arms uml hody wore so llrldly inlrnsd ihal surgeons could noi save her. she 'hnd also inhaled snailgli oi llle turtles lo aileel hrr lungs shrinnsl) . v anon uelroli, Mlcll., March 31,: l'lle {allure or an anloruaile interlocking when in ael caused s collision bl:- iweea ill-n loaded alroel oars ai \Vood- ward and Grand liiver avenue! lulu lo-day lllal iululed serenieen neonle snli hadly sllilsherl ihe iorvvurd nails or hoih earl. Dye That Skirt, Coal or Blouse Diamond nyu" Muks old, dhnhby. Faded Apparel Jim Like New. Dou'r uorr shoot my menu - Use Dhnwn I) 2.5," gigivllieeil to giv- . new. rial. lad: as: color to rosy is rkl wheuler wool. silk. ilnsn,souou or mind ling? in. Rn'l I n nirseueu Book ilio . aio sullen my , um dollar all :- When 12 u'.u use ran-l Minor eyes mulled- Gm: you oerlaiuly no.3"? _ ihe hen remain quietly on ihe nesl on. - NOV/sill the udlo-yqulc'an grey linwve the appeal: . ' .flh ' leoatol In! in? who and calm: -' N E U - T 0 N E lhe wuhable, unitary nllli that will run lad: or nib o Manyrolsssing runs and lo union:- y harden For Woodwork, etc. . MARTIN'S WHITE marlin. (d.e mind as lure) a heard. iui nish ior usrluooms, Md- roanli. elc. For Floor: . SENDUR'B mull PAINT a wide range hard with A beautiiul animal nish lira: wall and wean and ours. of in home with, a tmldl 'ol paint, hereurld Sign; neglect'yol'lr .lumirur e .and woodvrurh propecilon mill work you save all. r t 45E For unarmed Floor: , I MARBLE- I'l'E he' wiser door liaishuoar willinde lilo. hudw. more Ahzld unilll dul will nm rsw nor mull while. lr mil be vialth with my and wdlu. 4 For Furnlluu I - WOOD-LACSTAlN iu many shada,0lk,Mlhogin ,cnsrry, uc. Gimlo limped vewoods ihe :ppunnce oi the , male eerily. Euyio ere. PM Vtrnnduh: OUTSIDE. roncu PAINT driss ll:in lo a no lmun uld mare ilk: iron. _ wonder; Shire the or mne llisd it may: whllz. 0i win". It driu Cone ,aod smell or on any ald'diiz you wniemplale. Winmli be MARTIN-E lad lo adviser e Ii : I lull nuke oi glullRPdDuIrlqunhhu ulmd moronuoierourr.runaysurpese lolmylulisae. N. F. V9 5-5593 ""8 IB livuno F0" You The Town or callingwood is havan in gill. \Vl"! "Yum and Ulla is What. lllo huilelin has to say. Nailaaarleli in well rill hi ihe liydro an long as iil mil he avoided. ' lie Coiiiegwood i ulJllc liuuliosl Iia\ c \i'hilis [li scs [0 ME .1 good- slzod iighi on lilelr hands, The on. [10:an loree is ihe Oniado liydro Power Commission, which has us lmadr lalleln in Toronto and spreads in lenlaeies all over iliis provinw Kam'l K lulu lllc holly criminals Ll" lilo pow nos'eiilierlllll ii is chilli and argued lull ll. hos hloomo iile greaiesi and meal pnwdrlul auloeraeyl lilai has yel gel a hold on ihe neonie oi nnlariu. or or any Dal-l. oi ihe no7 minion, no lo ihe eause oi ihe nrnrnired lraul/ie. ll is in! all ille blew oi one year yei ihe dream parl oi ii meal on eredlied la ille nasl rear, laid, in shell iile Commie sioll are laid, yes. more illarl lll'ai. |I y lll c charged with a de cit on the year's rlrlcrnllons or no less inan swim. . "Cit. In so many other Dan's. lilo Oliil llio Hydro Coininlsrlml lllr unnrr hand. They are near. y ||il:, inll ihr, ave coilingw-ond's ll mills Ill some l'lula 1912. llyv alrlgiliuih v ieen ilils rnenry i: llnnnhin , They silllnll' :nll hip ll uni D" will. or our com. lnlrr . in uliur hand, should illerr harmed u. in ldri - or lwerll loin- hours in ihr lrl.lsi hi i rolnillal e Ilrr me l' n lid" noi nrrnr l a re l oi sewn per cent. o r imr nroili iel ihe ulllario Connni loll oi iiirr c lor elnl. - hrn iilvre is a inrlher glleoaaa since ihe sun lallon as llulll illrl, ~orne years oils, inns heen nadorsiold inai ihe leeal eolam all was having you oi lilo onrrsling l: urnsl: in eenneeilon Mill lls opera- Iioll. Mir-urn nur eeni, oi iis wsrir is ior lhr. high power lines. To es- rrrlain l amoral charged ii has hren ihe \iork oi run your: corresv pnlldence. ins depsrlmeni in Tori)le doing morn rsnoy side.slspplug or oornnieiely ignoring ihe pointed in- riulrlos run in ii lly lne Callinzwodd Cmnmlssun. .The news came sl in being rectirzd shoot a week ago when lhe ioral ealnmirsion was loisrrned lhai ihe rllarge was 33.000. Ndl only llds lull siior li m years oi sledd- lly Dl K ful- ul'e inlarmallon lllc l'urnllio oilioo oallniy sod lhsl llley do noi uaoemsnu why the lnroml on was n'ol given name. Til: rom- lni meal liin nnian'o iiydro Gelnrnielon and mess liltlr eiailns , charge ol llrnril and also ii posslille eloor no other noinls. ii sallsiar. iion is noi srsured irsm lile Commis- slnll llnn ihe gnvsmiiiull iisoii will nrohanlv he approsohed. The local ruininlsslon is laneli. iis Sand re- con: ior i-roilll ls irnoelred hills a weird hr. and it is noi proposed in nnil pal. lasleud iiglli is his wold. This IIli) also. early urxi week, when ii is linerisd an snpoiaimcnl \illl ills secun d will iilo anialio culnlnir slonl" ~...4. . _. "Everybody hula: x anoeiler. The! are noi even using lheul ou noel doun ling tonnes". We would hr weasel I" any ogre. The .Ibulsai llullo in in: violin hu Men No av solemn i. au- ler. lawdlsr oi William. III"- ll 11. . In Uni Ii could pun "WW" I!" u or nil 9M rs: Int I'M- r ll lilug halls in] (we like) binder-ramming rum inim- aeoonill of in lean. M glad! livel- Mid lli'e "Illa and b in II purine-l . g l - . d. in new (all. We hair a lllu l'slll oi sillivnnd sill-lug lllp-LmlL iil new slylrsi nnd noiiorln, in illlli's , ul' iou propose to visil 'l ulo iol seminal nu . ; BENNETT, I / Newmai'ket, Ont. the f save all"- so (IAN :ilii] y liiiii l lilnl 'Ill lliliu (ill ullll lillMi, . (u lll( nr 11 oiy ror sol-vies onions oi drnrndnhle mluiilr. rli, illhrlo uni .oniun alumin- v llllil lli'll i, $20.00 to $60.00 NCAN MEN'S oil" FITTER LiS Wilm/ PRPERTY _; with u for quick sale. \IIOT'ORV ANDDYNER BONDS ARE BOUOH ? AND 80 !- D. HAMILTON A 80", . V _ Band Bill s. ,At- Your Service _ evel' YOI'I Live The woman ill lawn. or collllil-y, llns lilii ammo ud- vlillliigu us her sislul in the oily lll exhurl dorvloo il Dnl ihe best iill0\\ l] fll lll ill CLEANING AND DYEINCI Clothing or Househillll Fabrics - ' Ful- yours, the Mind huddled ,llod perfection in Illis work of maka old llllllgs look like new. wllsiller pal-damn sl lllellis of even llle molt frugda mu erial br houeohulil ailrlaluu, draperlu. ru 'elo.. i Pig'an from llle daunlry sent by mall or I 1me reuaivu lilo Mllne ouralul Allen- liun all work liolliiuriid personally. . Wrii: in u- ror=runhsr porno-liars. or will your ouulriiiml lo Pdrkeig rks. iiilllnll-dl i ivr Call and lied us before buying. l