Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1922, p. 11

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King st. East Bowmanvil.e reasonable and righ+ Paid creditable betere ycur readers ln connet-tin) Sleeping cars on Lîght trains' ana Office phn, la Hou* Ph..., 2z8, 274,121& to tiese wio cherisi it. with tic 47tb hristms aeaÎ ý- arlor carn on tu pr;-icipal day traîna Ia tic icant of London in Dccmi- tic Hospital for Sick Ciilrlren" Fuillinform~ation fnman y Grrnd ber, 191,2, tic Right HIo aloibl Ar- Faithtully.i yeurs. rUI lk gt ~ .E pan tfiur J. Balf'our, nlow Lord Balfour, I.ERPET0.~ ltlct Pas.iner Agent, Toronto. said: jChairman ofthte ADDeni ConîrnlteE J, LMiJURY, ÀAges - _______________________________________ "~The people of Canjada and thse P a.U'78 B*WmammLI BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 218t, 1922. other overseas Dominions must have Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Winter, _________________________ --and will have their feeling of nation- Oshawa, were recently surprised on TH BIDESality. Every Canadian ought their wedding anniversary When THE _______S to want to feel that Canada about 60 members of ýlie Aduit Bible By Lt.-CoI. Charles R. McCullough lias got lier princîples and Ciass of King-st. Metliodist Sunday development and future. Do not Scliooi visited tlieir liome and gave (Cotiuedfrm pge10) !et us discourage that local patriot- tliem a reading iamp accompanied by E n silag e, E n silage (totietnedaghy omae aa-feigo ainit:Cnd frM.Wle ig letahro bÏl-mz da. E s*l.A.ISM. Let tliem cultivate tlieir own a suitably worded address rend by sorbd b th slwer ut teaierthe Canadians, Australia for the the ciass wliicli las a membership of %?MEngish.Ausralanbutthewliole for the about 150. Neither can we pass by the ab- Empire". See the new Jacquette dresses at of Wolfe, whose namnes continue to aiong tlie une for nigli on 300 years, ed by some people in keeping away tliis day, but wliose speecli and view- and- in some respects is the wisest from work. point of the forefathers have long and happiest of us ail. tWlReivaCod-lsar Cm since disappeared. Slie seems to be curiously uncon- I liRleeaCi.Clsae Ci We hve edued he ric ofEngland was none the worse for selous of lier position in tlie Em- the commonest aili»ents of mankind We hve edued he ric ofthe Norman-Quebec is none tlie pire, perhaps because she lias lately and if neglected may iead to serifous to$2ÔOpe tn.worse for the absorbed warriors of been talked at, or down to, by lier conditions. Dri. '1omas' Eclectric Our Ensilage WolfeO erto. neiglibors. You know liow at any Oil wiil relievê the bronchai pas -____ Wolet sdo lisasrto gatliering of our men from ail quart- sages of inflammation speediiy and Silos are now open. and substitute tlierefor tlie words ers it is tacitly conceded that Can- tlioroughiy and wiil strengtlien tliem intercourse and interchange. ada takes tlie lead ini the Empire against subsequent attack. As it And here let me remind my liear- gaine. To put it roughly, she saw eases tlie inflammation it wili usually I r~s hatthoglitli Frnclmanin- the goal more tlian ten years ago, stop tlie cougli because it alinys tlie Briisn 'IIn adiI Cannurâaers ~eted tie uffi the FEnliman- and lias been working tlie bail te- irritation in tlie tliroat. Try it and added tlie slirt. Tliere is co-oper-wrdievrsnepoeit Bowmanii!lle' Phone82w ation to good purpose! Upon lis return to England £rom ______________ If the Fiemish-speaking and the lis auspicious Canadian and Ameni- French-speaking people in Belguim ea tours, H. R. H. tlie Prince of PAINTING,PAPER HANGING ETC 49-3w could ultimately get togetlier and Wales said in London January 29, Alodr o anig eoaig discliarge a higli and hloy service to 1920: Alodr o anig eoaig net oniy Belgium but te liumanity at "Tlie people of the Old Country kalsoming,,etc., wili receive prompt large, is it outside tlie range of tlie must realize that tlie patriotism of and careful attention. Before dec- possible to expect that a problem, tlie Dominions is national patriotism orating see my samples of artistic evenbiter robema ca kep aartand not mere loyalty to Great Brit- wall paper and get my prices. Phone occupbiter oa omon cuntry panaran.' It is loyaity to tlieir own 363J. Jas. H. Abernethy, Odell-st., retard tlie deveiopmnent of a co-oper- British institutions, is is îoyalty to Bwavle atîve citizenship and tlie growtli of the wonld-wide British system of if e ____________ ___ -()W le% "w i" r"m r"a fuiler faith of province in pro- and government, and above ail to ibKMvince? tlie British Empire, of which Great JAS. BISHO1P, AUCTIONEER 'Bowmnia N u 0LI f ail people it isý true, including Brtilk h iin, oyBiacksto tercsin Canada, as Emerson B pri et heDmiins.s ny Ail kinds of sales attended te in- wcast the rces apart luding farms, farm stock and im- To aveyou tres roprlypruedsaid of Englnnd: epasdi t TeKn a.li osiuiia plements, reai estate and furniture.____ Tohae oU. -re poprl pund"Nothing ca ena asd ni sovereign cf the Empire, occuPies Nearly 80 years' experience as suc- W KN WHOVwitliout damming exceptions, and ne- exactly the same place in Canada esu actoer Alslsa- WE KN W HOWthing deneunced with salves of cord- and the whole cf the British Empire tended te promptly. No extra ial praise"~. as lie dees in Great Britain". charge for distance. And the chargez are reasonable. We have liere in Canada tlie op- From the beginning cf the Cana- Tpirt as iso, hno27 portunity cf tlie ages te develop aad dian Club Movement the dominant Oshiawa P. 0. or Tom Percy, Bow- W4 perfect a national type better than idea cf our minds and the everpres.. manville. 40-t 1....11 Jh as been. Is it net the beunden ent desire cf our hearts were for r xî1P%0 N.- duty and service cf eveny well-willed cencord and co-openatien among the 13 % 'kda âcâ urse iesCanadian te, make lis couatry better constituent elements cf cur Country. Tree Surgeons Foresters than lie found it? Witli the multiplication cf these "Un- Can any section cf Canada afford iversities cf thc People" (extending WANTED PoeN.7Bw avle to refuse its full mensure cf support after a period cf thirty years from REIBL A ESAGENT ls Phone No. 7 Bow'nianville te the national greatness and en- sea'te sea, and even beyond tlie sea) RLAL AEAETls largement of seul of Canada? Can- eppertunities are afforded for in- For this district te sdil our mas ada has further obligations te dis- creased usefulness in establishing yet Fruit and Ornamnental Trees, te charge net only te lierself and te tlie more flrmly tînt goed-will and good- Flowering Shrubs, etc. 1e great Commonwealth of Britisli relation witheut which there can be Exclusive Territory pifli Nations, but te the world nt large. ne real, Canadian solidarity, ne na- GOOD PAY Freely lave we neceived cf the rich- tional seul. Ourngency is Valuable. Tbt e s cf the nations, ancient an tuN eyer was the time more eppor- Stcwesl sgonaou TOR N T ~ odemn, freely must we give in ne- tne the hand more ready te grnsp ewn Nurseries. Our list of turn. ta ne ,w. Let us increasingly in- Varieties is the best. We are possessors in commen cf vite,-histen to nnd take te heart inter- Foe paticulavs write Th OlyHoelofis in i Cnaa this great 'exortation from an il- provincial messages cf moment frein Pelham Nursery Co., 0't TheOny otl f ts in i Cnaa ustrious son cf Canada-the late eannest mcnannd womea cf other Established 40yesrs 600 Acres Centrally .1 tuated, close to sucps and tlieatr«. Sir Wilfred Laurier-in old Quebec provinces than our own. Let us go F'rpof. Home comfont and liotel conveni- some yeans ago: further-in view cf our passing ad- ce Fnet uiin. os ta ro Adi i le ifclis i olescence-and get frequently the iI i ai l t. S ng e ro m w b t ,A ndin nd ail th e fi c i es ,cfa ourth e w p i t f d i t aosed v s t r le0e. esc. uicesi . ine., 1Cosyin Loetebttr ta anddteBits omneat n n ogpnn ;ie 26Wlt ai ely I-î urftr etiisb h pla fsviiteos tinour gaes sa 7 i e nh. AVSîReET-Tr ONmw tO at, $2. fpinstagud ale sicisurdares.of omefo teuad:So RpirSoKn t . Tee many Canaians have ben doeersieasecfsStatesoa doberowt ah 0.Beka thitatiow entaddbgt u liigs inqie GLEmS.,TRNO eagtfrs lm io ear 50c to75. Lcëen,66è Dine, $.00 tatnw yove tere ian Frneand teriih _omonelt_ adn Fr ais-ief« rfsadbas @» Fithandens. Tccrlet en nideedtinerMrntitorn-anlprmptsevic. epth Bla nd WItTis neady ineibckýe rfta ties ourtheops wref1 Reah iiziag ththe u te espubli -To pM fr ogide.r-s inng. Tlirey slould oo thrswilndsmrea-, mre so e and hs Kin g St.rpaWr, prespenity romotin ais Or bHdesich eoch citizen rna Y P ,whreyo me nere andenand r te soret us eatPtthoeneg rth ~A:Y'1NG ? fut tieent cf ud igty. whoinare unabOLE ýTo.,eiThemeIs H.C.Pu gi you hes he ttntin heydeerv tle a n adian lias Fanentad- minds, may I drw your a<ttention t Give tnuis.b e acrwd. the faand'tha t .EdtHospta cor andprmpasterice.bo Komee h theyxvii pa. Jut nw egs ar scrcebutfeedTo ie tti vea oread" cf gret pling great thengolaabieidta1Bn aliie riesisn pediprstinnatndtows theed by aotier erganhe th en iryo temst er mrkour ctizen-lseidieurs tien he ahctzno aaaan o rtc h hl h Scientficall Prepaed Poutry Supliesen wblazonthe en ad ronoure Proine ,irsetvorcs omi suhasw aryi soka17 Nd o'1ntcmlan t' u in fror c f'i st aime, cornetherelnof are dC o rcL ful o te pont f auacicf wo tre and eity.Is e thsl abot otgetig leny f ggyur oies en lathe fneiness c ites a wndul woarkpaei or% r Gie or iesth ttnto te dsat ad tnk cf a r aifnainal and .tievic ad th e dutsetl(Sin BndatrCalAumbensCommerc t e ic ay.th lrgst wasret 0f po uty SU.. itoerntonal poha" fgema.Hplitis rrea hng. inasfiell at- Rmv leCus fDsae lit wont doen a tlemncpatin tt- psnaatoention, bothersurgia ann phlies n townf.theiaustof Canamarkortes the nit- icafr tetoptinL wtnt.iin rKie h inedrSatonaEnland, or. eeher" e xed h isinetîain neaonreoi i auec Itmusaonte "Whda mstwe o n rthecPovtte respscfte o Psrovn pedcts efcs sia nd foe i fr Cnd ow?" Itenofaas i Timedentie hfunction emthe Rhuaim Lmbg, ae te Izi s e a r r Y'stck andy LI Inotcoplin todipa eore in te rgtiatbry ptaronus cand eysn t thtio aksCntpto, ieFm abot ot etingplandofegaituroeher mnlyte meessfom nnd yeur rders.tis aCuIr isesesiSomac ntidne attawa ofemermentisolgoatcian our W eFrve anrktedeservingh,, Troubles. ervusmes in man PHOE err186 ares ssrBeoWMANVILL inenatial eigburs.nt jWat 1ed Ho sptiofr yr sc r:h s.l , fonm vesptdheCads e Curie- y su- Iwon'tedo nl, n ri mtercf rnl ate anewnd onortuclni raci pleou o ranoatnadpostonaska sgnatr act or a ildd ethe tn ains-.bil ExatMeiino re tffe. h- 1Wa teti rety o Vesine nt c ties anic nuthe spiare musotran orcor av eumese Rell-taeo nvand r lehee.toiarming tincesin oth fumiert 86 Sinmece S t.e auseawofh eit rumtmberethat Canaeda wastme termaccpits oftheugieut tht PhoisDeness24 tma and forlpada fnish t ens in-ic eMany ttierfn ae itofte vais o' ___________ Lumbago,__ Lame__the__ iast hwî"Y A L INde rsrecding gthAt rstice. ti oours ctomn wieicteyeti ak ostpt-,PieFml OttnsriEotismag, eif-Su r eL tie eiypirounlldsenWii, Trober. Ter opsessJnay WPishEAil8O ur Frinds L criincyeigho, ne. Confit dce sHpreaeticf averagedascfiure frsrsodredl oCio wouw'dld"vemycin etter og, OCetateans...........256 racte. rourcioul postreas fato nathe Ouat-p asaiet.e.........199ntin .re a Ofie ano' tamie cf ati onsailcf n the n tics Tich thynge t et itit great, D . . .JOE £~1LI~Jfl~RomweG a. ladi i siiwdrwrk is yourresasei t as eî c 86ange dCalSt. t.., Oshanto. Bemiy cf nations at anrgaas Mtîntacietsth hro got alOtri TP s hostndstoda22tl4 th i a e se ti fnm thei maWcest-riceindcd othese oittiof wmit long a vispedexiene nWorld et îumanity, nn ba teci strsi wok Evrgadtefts ande Zed tafndisutiAfnic aindtduai on t riti ifs iginlyIorami i~,jî UJHEN you have aaved enough money with which to buy a Canadian Government or Municipal Bond consuit this bank and obtain free information as to the particular offering best auited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial investment intei- gence gladily on request. us THE STANDA4RD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY.THREE MILLIONS riville Branch, - . - H. W. Lapp, Manager ck Branch, - -- E. A. Preston, Manager tic and Newtonviilc Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager rhat S hal I (Gi îv e T hem rFor Christmas? Soive your problem this year with the price- sgift of protection. Let this and every Christ- ,be a merry,,one for your loved: ones; provide In with- an eternai guard against future unhap- iss in the form of a iife insurance poiicy for 000 or more. PROTECT THE WHOLE FAMILY by giving them a policy in the CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. You may p9resent this Christmas gift supreme Christmas mnorning if you act at once, Cail and get particulars to-day. Real Estate and Jnsurance Brokers. e50 -Bwavl inta Claus S'hops Here ' IFhcy ail want Candy", Santa Claus says- m-atter what else the kiddies ask, it's sure to be So tell Santa to be sure to, send candy for ir kiddieE' fromn our store-where they are olesoine as weil as deicious. Novelties, hard candies and chocoiates-by 1, àx or in buik. ,HiRISTIE'S BAKERY ne 97 The Cash & Carry Bakery Bowmanville Àream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to cali on you we would appreciate a phone cali or write us. )rono Creamery Go., ORONO w to Invest.

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