e; OBITUARY DARLINGTON COUNCIL Mrs. W. H. Moore, Tyrone Town Hall, Hampton, Nov. 25th, 1922. Regular meeting of -Council, The late Mr&. William Moore, the members ail present, Reeve Baker youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. presidîng. Charles Walter, was born in Tyrone Minutes of last meeting were Sept. 1lth, 1873. In 1897 she mar- read and confirmed. ried Mr. William H. Moore and bas .W. T. Worden was appointed path- lived in Tyrone ail hier life, and ýby masster for Beat No. 86, vice Milton lier cheerful disposition sud acts ofWry rmvd kindness she endeared herself to aWeremvd host of friends and particularily to Harold Bennett. was appointed those who knew lier be8t. Early in pathmaster for Beat No. 20, vice if e she united with the Methodist John Henderson removed. Churcli and ail through the years, John Aldworth again made comn- took an active inteoest in ail depart- plaint re water course at lots 22 and ments of churcli work, cespecially 23, cons. 3 and 4. Referred to 1923 the choir and W. M .S., she having Council, recommending that an en- sung in the former for thirty three gineer be called to advise. years. Surely it can be said of hier A deputation ýappeareil before "She bath done what she coulil". Council requesting that Council take Four years ago ast August she action so that' gravel might be pro- underwent a critical operation, but cured from W. H. Moore for use on iu spite of ail medical skill and care-' Township ronds. Referred to Reeve iul nursing could do, she peacefully' and Couns. Brerit and Souch. passed away on Friday, November Jas. Curtis, School Attendance 24 after several months of intense Offilcer made his report for October. sufferîng whîch was borne with Adopted, christian fortitude. By-law No. 831 was given its sev- The funerai was helil on Sunday eral readings providiug for the hold- the 26th service being heid in the ing of Municipal Elections for 1923. church and -was conducted by lier (See bills.) pastor, Rev. W. T. Wickett in the Treasurer ackuowledged receipts: presence of a large audience, as- J. G. Langmaid, rent of road, 1922, sembled to pay their tribute of re- $2.00; A. E Jeunings, cement, $8.50; spect to the sorrowing friends and to Harry Cînyton, dead trees $3.00; the memory of one who had "Crossed Geo. Connibear, refunil on work on the Bar" and entered into rest. ronds $6.50. Mr. Frank Walter and Miss Aima Orders drawn on Treasurer were: Courtice impressively sang a duet Ontario Bridge Co., Iron entitled "Looking Beyoud", sud and repairs for mixer. . .. $ 56.911 Miss Evelyn Breut sang with depth C. W. Hastings, rep. pumûp 651 of feeling a solo ýentitled "Some Day F.1 W. Rundie, gravel.... .... 1.25 He'lh Make it Plain", the choir sing- Mrs. E. J. Burk, gravel. . .. 1.70 ing the chorus. The vacant chair S. J. Trewiu, shovelling snow 2.40 in the choir gallery who appropriate- Wm. j. Leask, gravel....... 3.25! ly drapeil. Chas. Aldworth, gravel, etc 3.701 The beautiful ,flowers from the Mrs. W. Jeffery, gravel . ... 3.75 msny frieuds, the 'Choir, Adult Bible Art. Belîman, gravel ...... 4.00 Class, W. M. S. and Woman's u- C. W. Woodley, cedar....... 4.32 stitute bore testimony of sympathy_ Bowmanville Foundry Co., for the -bereft sud love anrepc shsrpeuing grader kuife. . 5.23 f or the one who served andli nw C. W. Woodley, gravel. . . . ...7251 promoted to higher service. W. H. Moore, gravel....... 9.75 The flower-bearers were Messrs. Jas. Gibson, gradiug Van- Gordon Farrell, Clarence Woodley, 'Camp culvert........ ... 15.001 Lorne McCoy, Garnet McCoy, Lance Steve Sabulik, gravel....... 21.251 Phare sud Everett Virtue. Mrs. W. Jeffrey, gravel .... 22.50' The pal-bearers were-Messrs. Sid Nicholis, wideuing road, Fred Moore, Arthur Moore, H. Col- etc..................... 70.00 lacott, W. S. Staples, Frank Walter K. E. Courtice, do ...... 75.00 sud Russell Virtue. The Alger Press, advt... . ...480 Amoug those noticed from a -dist-, Mrs. W. Jeffrey, W. F. Bouus 3.75 sunce were Mr. sud Mrs. Hilis, Mrs.i W. T. Wordeu, W. F. Bouus 5.00 Moyse, Mr. Colin Hambly sud 1. Geo. Reid, W. F. Bous.... 7.05 Walter, Port Hope; Mr. aud Mrs. W, Chas. Welsh, W. F. Bonus. . 7.121 Walter, Orouo; Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. C. Snowdeu, W. F. Bonus.. 8.75 Cornish, Arthu~r Tremeer aud son Muskoka Hospital, care of J. Frank, Little Britain; Mr. sud Mrs. J. ilunter for November 45.15 John Walter, Frauk'sud Miss Mabel J. Aima Pollard, deed regis- Walter, Miss -Alma Courtice, Mr. Jas. tration.................. 2.65 Short. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Counties' Treas. Counties' MÉs. John WoiÉden,.Courtice; hesides rate, 1922............ 15,712-50 a large uumbe&_froàn other parts of J. J. Smith, S. S. 19, advauce 100.00 Darlington sud -Bowmanville. 1 A. Milson, S. S. 14, advance 150.00 Ail that isý mortal of oue beloved i H. J. Haucock, S. S. 8, adl 300.00 wss interreil in the Bethesda Ceme- Couucii adjourued to Friday, De-1 tery, there to "await the resurrection i cember 15, at 1 p. m. of the Just".1 W. R. Allin, Tp. Clerk. The deceased is surviveil by hier' husbsnd, two dsug'hters, Misses My-! rtle su Margaret sud one sou, Leon, together with two sisters, Mrs deepest sympathy as they mouru the E. Moses sud Mrs. A. Weyburu OÏ hoss of s devoteil wife, s Toviug sud Grand Rapids, Midi., sud one bro-j teuder mother sud ari affectionate ther, Mr. James Walter, Shelby, sister. Midi., to whom we ail tender our . He Giveth Ris Beloved Sleep".. Gif t urnitureý; For ChrItma Let us make you a suggestion when consider- ing Xmas Gift-s. Rtend this but do not stop at this, corne in and ýook ever these'lines and see what a useful gift you can purchase for a littie rnoney. Trays Book Cases Book Stands Work Tables Card Tables Foldiûig Tables Den Tables, Library Tables Tea Tables Easy Chairs Smokers Stands Lamps Foot Stools Pedestals China Cabinets Couches Umbrella Stands Hall Seats and Mirrors Cedar Chests Dinner Wagons Writing Desks Toy Furniture - Reed Flower Stands Reed Chairs Jardinere Stands Music Cabinets Kitchen Cabinets Record Cabinets Pictures Frarned Victrolas Children's Tricycles Go Carts Kiddie Cars Walk-Aways Ride-Aways Wheel-Aways AUl steel for Children Vacuum Sweepers Bisseil Carpet Sweepers Victrola Records Book Ends F. F. MORRIS CO. Furniture Dealers, Directors of Funeral Servic-e N ewcastle Orono Boi Phone 10 ewmanville The Newv'caýet1e IndîepýendjEri.t TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1922 NEWCASTLE Mrs. Glendenniug is visitiug with friendinluToronto. Miss May McEadhern has returneil home from Toronto. Miss Rena Thomas visited friends iu Oshawa ast week. Mr, Norman Toms, Oshawa, was home for the week-end. Rev. E. B. sud Mrs, Cooke went to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Arthur Gray, Oshawa, was home for the week-end. Mn. sud Mrs. Reginahd Lovekîu speut Friday lu Toronto. Miss Bessie Gibsou visited ber sis- ter Frauces in Oshawa over the week- end. Miss Betty McKenhîe, Toronto, is visiting with lier sister, Mns. H1. S. Bitton. Miss May Bonneli, Toronto, visiteil witi her parents, Mr. sud Mrs. T. W. Bonuehi. Mrs. Howard, N. Bowen entertain- ed a number of her friends ou Thurs- day eveuing. Mr. sud Mrs. G. Ash spent the week-end with ber parents, Mn. sud Mrs. Wetherell. Mrs. Metcalfe left on Saturday hast for s vîsît with friends lu Mou- treal sud Ottawa. Messrs. Steve sud Charles Per- rnu have gone to Muskoka to visit their brother Joe. Messrs. Frnk Branton sud Rob- ent Gray sud sou Eric tripped to Toronto ou Mouday. Miss Charlotte sud Buddy Hay, Toronto, are visiting with Graudma, Mrs. Frank Bennett. Mrs. Bert Taylor has returneil to Oshawa sfter a pleasaut weeks visit with Mrs. Allen Gibson.. Miss Kathleen -Dunbar, Oshawa, was guest of Mr. sud Mrs. Hloward Boweu for the week-end. Mr. Volney Moore, Toronto, spent the week-end with lis parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Moore. Dr. sund Mrs. Ernest Allin sud !Mrs. Wm. Rickard spent the week-! eud with frienils in Toronto. Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowmauville, wili conduct the services, at the Pres- byterian Church on Sunday, Dec. 3. Miss- Budhaunan of Teachers Staff Orono Higli School wasss guest of Miss Sanderson over the week-end. Mrs. F. W. Fligg was "ut home" to a number of her friends on Wed- nesday p. m., in hon or of Miss Fligg, New York. Rev. E. B. Cooke sud Mrs. Cookel are in Toronto attendiug the ses. I sions of the World League agaiust Alcohohismn. At a meeting of the Presbyterian Chuncih elil receutly a unsuimous cali was moderatedin l favor of Rev. G. Graham, Warsaw. Mrs. W. H. Anderson was called to Cobourg thîs week iu connection with the peu ding damage action against the muuicipality. 1 D. J. Galbraith disposeil of two cars of lis fine beef cattle to the ever popular sud reiable Bert Foster. Shipment was made on Saturday ast via G. T., R. .Mr. sud Mrs. F. W. Rickard sud family motored to Toronto ou Sat- urday. F. W. taking lu the big Stock Exhibition while Mrs. Rickard aud the children speut a piesisant after- noon with Sauta Claus. Mr. sud Mrs. Albert Bail of Revel- stoke Manor, Mr. Horace Waltoin. Hall sud Mn. sud Mrs. H .R. Pearce were dineil sud pleasautly entertain- cd by Dr. Waltou Bal aud the Baille, at Harris Loilge atweek-end. Mr. Roy Holten is moviug lis family here from Port Granby sud is occupinig a part of the Paruell resi- dence, Mr. Holten las taken a posi- tion as flisher in tic Anderson Smith Cabinet Factory. Diuty Moore entertaîneil on Sut- urday eveniug sud was greeted by a host of the "Big- Cheeses". We un- derstand it is the intention of the genial "Diuty" to repeat the dis- turlauce next Saturday eveniug1 when Corneil Beef sud Cabbage wili le served iu bonor of Jiggs returu from China.ý The joint committee of the Quart- eriy Officiai Board sud the Trustee Board of the Methodist Church, met at the parsouage Thursday nigit sud tooli the initial steps toward work- ing out sud introduciug tàe budget system of fiuaucing ail local require- ments sud counexionai obligations ofl the dhurcI. A finance conmmittee was appointeil with Mr. Geo. P. Rhckard as chairman, Mrs. W,_ F. NEWCASTLE Reeve G. P. Rickard is under the doctor's care. Mrs. J. R. Fisher made a trip to Toronto on Mouday last. W. J. Moore took in the big Stock Show in Toronto last week., Mrs. W. Fligg, New York, is vis- itiug frieuds in the olil home towu. Mr. sud Mrs. Gordon Asi, Co- bourg, spent Suuday at ber father's, Mr. H. Wetherelh, Ciurdh-st. Dr. Farncomb las returned home after a two weeks visit with bis AUTUMN WEDDING Stainton-Cameron At the parsouage, Hampton, ou Nov. 22nd, by Rev. W. W. Joues, B. D., Mr. Russell L. Stainton of Zion sud Miss Florence A. Cameron of the same place. The happy couple ef t at eariyafteruoon for an extended motor trip west. The very best wishes of the entire com- munity goes witl tiem for a very happy future. After their trip they will reside at Zion. daugîter, Mrs. (Rev.) McEvoy lu BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Detroit. _____ Thc first regular meeting of tiec Mn. Ed. Papineau moved his Litersry Society was helil ou Thurs-1 louselolil effects to Cavan on. Sut-, day, November 23rd. The uew( urday at Hewsagocizn presideut, Mn. Lawreuce Mason, wasi sud we are 8orry to lose hlm. in the clair and iu a short address1 The youngen element are enjoying hne hiflow sunt fr oun first touch of neal winter, but the elccting him to this office. Two man witl f umily cares takes n differ- choruses were given by the Hanmony eut view of tîiugs, wîicî is not Rounds witl Charles Pethick at the brigîteneil by the appearauce of' piano. A piano duet was contnib-1 most coal lins. uted by Lenore Quick sud Gladys Batemun. Iuteresting sud, amusiug Olr esteemed frieud Johu Middle- impromptu speeches were giveni by ton with lis "Gang" retumueil from Albert Aluin, Eusa Colacott, Ernest the nortl woods where le reports Roaci, Dorotly Bounycastie, Chun- laviug lad one of the most success- ton Cavenly, Cedric Needham, Mary fui hunts of lis long career. Each Muirhead, Eugene Beach sud Jessie member of the pnrty succeededin l McDougali. Noue of those caîheil obtaiuiug lis deer, some of whièh upon refused to speak. The Treas- were very fine specimeus. urer's report oftle Girls A. A. wns Mr.Claene Alinba f rsaengiven ly Marlon Pickurd suda the Mr.Chaenc Aln las orske financial report of the school maga- fanm f or the more exciting life of zine ly Mn. A. R. Scott, B. A. 1 the Commercial World sund las taken Esnly iast week M. J. A. Houston, a position with the Standard Bank M. A., Higli Sclool Inspector, paid lhere. We predict a successful car- lis aunual visit to the school. Ou enr for hîm as le is one of our tie ast* of lis vîsit le addresseil the lnigitest anul most capable youlig assemîleil schooh. He pointeil eutj men. Hene's te, you Clarnuce and tînt our sclool life is a training f or1 may you fil the G. M's clair lefore citizensîip sud tînt t-ils coulci lest you get through is the wisl of your le oltaied by unity andl teamwonk. numeous ewcathc nienls.The boys have already begun te __________-plan the rebuiiding of the ink sud NOTICE levellîng the grouud upon which it is te le luilt. Dr. D. E. Steckhey- ,Chiropracten, wili le at Newcastle Hotel from 10 to 12 ou Monday, Wednesday sud AUNT OFFERS SANE ADVICE Fridsy leginuing Friday, December i 1 st. Ploue 3313. The force of this ailvice wlh stnike more tn one young mother as timely sud sane, when she says lu BAZAAR AND SUPPER repiy to a request for ailvice that it is qulte naturai for s visitor to make Some fellows are always hlhering a fuss of a smalh child, sud sieulil about the chïurch wauting money,l the child le attractive sud responsive lere is a chance to get even with'tbe the more notice would le taken of Methodist Clurci, Newcastle, on lier. Mothers ail have a jealous Thursday, Decemler 7. A Mamn- streak regarding their chihdren. If moth Sale 'of beautiful sud useful son'e person wtl a naturul gift sud articles at -bargain prices, sud a maguetie power over children uses grand supper to boot. Briug lots tînt power te graduaily weun tiern o--nely lots of goods, sud est fnom their parents' authority, tlose lot of good stuiff.. Sale at 3. Sup- parents wouid, of course, reseut it. per at 5 p. M. 48-2 A visitor needs to le amuseil, sud ______________a chihd can le very amusin.g. Tlere- PORTGRANBY fore, they are really the clild's play- thing for thc nonce. Can you not A Basket Social"wiîîl ee lcîl t! use diphemacy towards youn frienil Port Granby Sciool, S. S. No. 1,aud suggest tînt a quietly-worded Clarke, ou Frlday evening, Decem- suggestion from you seulil have a ber lSth. A good program is le- stroug second lu 1er? ing pnovided, including oue-act play No eue should meddle, or hint, cutithed "Fun at Five Peint School". or in auy way come letweeu a A prize wilh le given for pnettiest motlen sud a clilil. Nothing can baskei. Admission 10c, ladies with more quickhy spoil a child's pretty baskets free.. Everybody come sud ways aud innocent manuenisma than hav anenjyale eveing ,482 to h ave too much notice taken of lav suenjyabe eenîg. - er, to coutiuually speak of hier do-I iugs as something out of the ondin-1 NEWCASTLE METHODIST amy; to flatter hiem looks sud to make CHURCH lier tic pivot of interest, ne matter _______who is present. But do not le too Rev. E. B. Cooke, Fastor.' unhappy about it, for wheu youn 11.00 a. m.-Moruing Worship. friend las gene things wili soon 2.30 p. m .-Suuday Scehqel. straîghten out again sud become 7.00 p. m.-Speciuh laymeu's service. normai, sud you will e wury of in- ,Thc evening service wiih le under viting lier again until your littie girl thc auspices of the inymen of the bas grown to a neasenable age. eongregation aud wlh e addressedj Chldren adapt tiemselves so, easîly by Mr. Hl. R. Fearce, Dr. Ernest Ah-i te snyoue,. wio notices them tînt a lin, Les Angeles, Cal., sud Mr. J. ittie patience on your part wil W. Bradley. bring lack your old influence. Do Speialmusc wll e frnihedynet show your hurt, or jeahousy, on aSpae chirmuic wiheleadurshed by disphessure of your frieul lefome the a X mai chIr uder te edersip o clili. Love wilwlu out. To this service ail are most cor- dially învited. LAYMEN'S SERVICE On Sunday- eveuiug, Dccember 3, a service of exceptional interest wil le helil in thc Metlodîst Church, Newcastle. It will e a isymen' s service - throughout. Thre inymen wili deiver short addresses. Others will conduct the devotional exerdisesi sud rend the scriptunes, wiile a maIe choir will leail the siugiug sud ren- der the autlems. Fifteeu minutes wilh le speut lu congregationai sing- îng at the commencement of tice service. The centre seats of the dhurci will le neserveil fer mes. Men, thýs is your service! Cone!l Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor. 1 NESTLETON Mrs. Samuel Crawford sud Mns. R. H .Suggitt attended Provincial Convention lu Toronto as dehegates of Nestieton Womeu's Institute. Miss Bennice Emersen, Mn. Gor- don Hardy, Oakwood, sud Miss Don- othy Tribe ofSsskatchewan, visited Mn. J. W. Emerson ou SundAy. Grain'thrcsiing is nearly complet- àcd. Mn. Austin Brown being on the home stnetdh now laving had a good e. season witi a go deal of clover jte thresh yet.- Mn. R. H. Suggltt, Mn. Sam Craw- 8 fend, Mn. Oscar Edwands, Mn. aud Mrs. James Gordon, Mr. Stanley Y H. Malcolm are ameug those who attcude'd the Royal Winiter Pair in Toronto. A caffatena tes was heldinl South S Nestîcton Fréeyté-ian Churdli ou Wednesday ulgit of hast week. A good supper was served andl s goodi programt of musie and recitations by, niPort Penny talent sud a pleasau 2j eveniug spent. Amoug tic cotilutors to the Northeru Fire Children's Fuud from Durham County as reported by tic Toronto Globe are: S. S. -2 Mauvers $4; S. S. 1, Cartwright $5; S.S 3 Hope $1.50; Cosanea $1.15; S .IS.1 Cavan $1.25; Onono $5; S. S 4 (Bradley's) Darlingtou $7. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three, of the tlnest building lots in ]3owmanvllle are b-,n oered for sale at real bar- gains, situated at the oast end of Leversi Lane on Liberty-st., 40 fi. front by 125 feet deep, handy conuection to town sewer and water. Apply te Norman S. 8. James at Statesman Office, Bowmsnville. "Don't Worr About Me" Tomn's Assuring Message On s littie farm away up nortl Tom lived with bis parents and onE brother. Ris father, :Well up lu years, found himself unable to ceontinuethE hard work of farming, so Tom o)0 up the burden. The income was noi large, sud the lad sigued up with a lumber gang workîug nearby-sawiug logs, stripping barît sud driviug the teams. Atogether these two jobs, farmer sud lumberman. kept bis dayl se wel filied tirat; ho bad timne for littie more than sleep. Nature re- sumptinu claimed auother victim. Atter tryiug variaus ways ta over- corme bis physicai weakuess, he went to the Muskoka Hospital. ais par. ents are auxious about hlm, they 'seud the other son to see hlm often, for tbey are oid sud feeble aud journey- iug is a hazardous undertaklug te them. Tom's owu troubles are neyer sO real ta hlm that ho forgets others. He asks for thoe about him. lives for littie bits of uews about bis home, aud nover falis to send this mes- sage back, "Da't worry about me. The people here sure do treat you Awouderful work ls belug doue by the National Sanltarium Association. The death rate fromi tuherculasis la Ontario bas been reduced by more than onc-haIt durlua- the iast tweuty Iyears. It ueeds your help to make its efforts stli more eff ective.toHn IW. A. chalton, 2 Coleoge Strecet, DARLINGT-ON Reserve Tiursday, December 21, for Base Line Sunday School Christ- muas Concert. ENNISKILLEN Mr. Roy McGill is lu Toronto. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Wotten visited f-rieuds iu Toronto. Glail te see Miss Florence Brunt able to be out again. Mr. George Preston visited rela- tives in Lindsay hast week. Miss Marion Ordhard is with lier sister, Mrs. Fred Heddon, Columbus, who is Mi. Mr. sud Mrs. George Preston vis- iteil their son Warren in Oshawas ou Sunday. Mr. Albert Oke's littie daugliter Audrey wio las been very iii with pieurisy passeil sway on Tuesday. The funerai wilh take plc Thur%- dsy at 2 p. m. Dou't miss the popular Play "The Early Bird" put on by Salem Young People lu the Methodist Churdli here on Friday evening, December lot. Admission: Aduits 25c; chldren 15c. Procceils iu aid of the Furuace Fund. DONATIONS TO MRS. FRASER These contributions are reported by Mr. John Metcalf from South Darlingtou sympathizers iu the deýath of Mr, W. H. Fraser, her hus- baud: $3.00-Howfd Foley. $2.00-J. Brock, M. Munday, Jr., G. vanCamp, H. Farrow, H. Free- man, W. Snowden, A. Prout. $1.00-C. Cox, R. R. Stevens, T. Gimblett, A. S. Burgess, R. Wordeu, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Mrs. Haruden, Mrs. Rutley, 0. Suowdeu, A. Lowry, F. Hockius, W. Webb, Mrs. E. J. Burke, R. Metcaif, A. Lobb. 5 Oc-G. Power, M. Samis, J. C., Elliott, M. Munday, Sr. 25c-Mrs. Heinnen. Inadvertautiy omitted £-rom former list: $2.00-Chester Power; Elmer vanCamp; $1.00-J. L. Parsons. ORDER COAL NÔW I expect another car of that good, Coal (Domestie Size) this week foflwed by a car of high grade stove, next week. Geo.. Jamnieson Newcastle Are You Ready For- Cold Weather? STOVES AND FURNACES Quebec Ileaters with and without ovens, Jm- perial Oxford Special, 9-20, with high closet $55 Moffat Cook Stove, white enamel doors, high closet, poiished- top, ï9-18........*.... $80.00 1Wood Cook Stoves,, wood heaters, base burn- ers at speeial low prices. Stove Pipes, FurnacePipes,- Elbows, Stove Boards-, Coa7 Scutties. and Coal Shovels at lowest prices. . Hi. C. BONATHA HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Read Walton' s Specials B es i-des the special service we give our cus- tomers cit ail tîies price is also a big considera- tien tbat makes it worth your whule to deal here,, for instance: Tea, extra special, lb .......................... .....49c 20 Pars Kîwoap for.................................$1.00 5 Bars Sop nd box Pearline ...............35e Fresh Bread, Buns- and Cake Daily RWALTON Grocer Newcastle New Ideca Furnace Tbis furnace is built to give the last dollar's worth of satisfaction that can be built into a fur- n-ace. Manuifactured by Hamilton Stove & ileat- er Cc. Ltd., and sold by WM. JAMIESO'eN Britton' s Bread Quality Supreme, Service Unsurpassed, Delivered fresh daily BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES Choice Groceries, Confectionery and Fresh Fruits H, S. BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle L I Newcastle Hardware Store MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. ~ I Graduate of Triuity University, al** of Royal Colhege Physicigns, Ediu- burg. Speciaty-Diseases of wom- en auddhidren. Office-Parker9s Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Triniity Univettity, Feihow of Triuity Medicai College Liceutiate of the State University oï New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medicai School sud Hous- pital of New York sud Felhow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Offie -Mrs. MeNaughton's Rosideuce, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 D. m., and by appointment. J.W.Bradley îGeneral Insurance Agent Clerk of 2n&~ Division Court, Com.. missioner, etc. 1