Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1922, p. 6

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SOLD IN BOWMANVIL GOOD POSITIONS fa ~ ~ 25^ ànf~ ot hnwohv pepeha" 17;W edShorthand ye Shsw Sehools. ~leven ehol o ronto-SO eo8 're-0dcfproven sacemo. An fi n mloyment BureauLg. Sti a wte. Write for Poictte 4 F.MINTOS, CMd priaciuL. e ffl 0 BSTSSI MTORNT ~BOUNSAL123' MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ImPrtor dIrect of : SCOTCH AND SWEDE. GRANITES and only týie bout aras. o f VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 emýploy no cemetery caretakeri as agents preferrii;ng teo eil my owj goode -thut% aaving the purchas4er the agenter commiassion. A calu soicited. F. Hî. BOUNSALL Praprletor. Bowmanv0l. Phoneo826WB. THE 4"LIFTUP" (Paented) The ýLIftup" a patented In-, vention with non-slip elastie Ingide boIt, gently supports, the abdomen aud le very beneficial for use after an epoeration lnvolvlng an ab- dominal Incision. Mpst ef- fective ia relievIng those physical alimente f r o n which many women suffer. 'Write for the name of a Bias Corsetiere near Vou, BIAS CORSETS. LIMITED 41 Britain Street, Toronto FILLED CORSIETS Bond for frse booklet of r lauat lasModeli. Detroit To safeguard the child from dam- pkg. on receipt of priçç. New pamphWt malled women. So if you suff &age that worms, cause, use ---er' 'ree.THE WOO MEDICINE -- RNrOOr.mnts,' irreguilarities, Chicag ~Worm Powýdors, the medicine par ex- rw~- oeoso r a cellencelfor cildron. These inow- à la cOS M I t ot CcmýpouzJ. chaj of Life remer Uexcle igrsrie, dors iI cleàr the systom entirely, A safe relbl repulating meciicîe. Whiat it di Sleing cars on Light trains and . ~.iediofineoin thr d.. Soniia;d o tmrlr as n hep½cpa dyfri o f morme, will regulate ~anu stimu- rcso isrntb-Nod. sn 1, y e fr qu Fli informant -iion trm ay rane late th o organe in'u *iosly affoctedNo2 $3;- No. 3, $5 per bo.. The VegtbeCr r=nk Ticket Agent or C. B. Hornine h ythe, morms, and will ,encouragean bstS o al rcipgit o rIM eutafoa- nof1~ l)1.trit Pasenger Agent, Toronto. helhfloporation of the digestive fàiym&i ree pamphlet. Addres: J. . . URY Ae~ processes. As a vermifuge it can- THE COOK ti1±0.lb4E CO, Ph.au 78 w-~wgj be relied o for itaefciees flother Gave -YouI ResuFs G araneed OWMNVILLE, NOV. 23rd., 1922 LOCAL DEPUTATION GIVEN W SLIGHT ENCOURAGEMENT W yNot(nlïet.Y ù hl Residents Of the township of Dar- lington, Durham County, do not ap- adian National Railwaye entailing the abandoiment of the present northern route of the National sys- I i tem from Port Hope to Toronto and ti uta efciea the' electrification of the Toronto Eastern as a substitute system forI handling local freight. To exand stili holda firsi -q Mpress their view of the proposai and Iof o their strong opposition to it a dele-I gation consisting of municipal offi- ofco cials of the township visited Gerard Ruel, general counsel and E. W. Oli-l i ver, engineer of the Toronto Eastern Wednesday last. Their protest is f ounded on the dlaim that the ces- sation of service on the present line and the salvaging of the right of way would leave their shipments very ip much "up in the air". Furthermore,V ______they 4$aimed, mince the Canadian Pacific right of way was the next closest to their centreof shipment much of their local freight wouldj necessarily be diverted oe that line. oe At present large quantities of dairy products and a considerable amount. of fruit are shipped from the section by way of the Tyrone and Solina Stations, both of which are situated on the present northern right of way and are in the heart< of the Pu;rlington district. The tenative plans of the Canadian ýNa- tional Railways entail the scrapping and salvaging of the entire northern section of track and the diversion of ail steam traffic to the double-tracit line of the Grand Trunk. Ail local f freight would then be turned over to the Toronto Eastern line, xhich.it is proposed shahl be electrified and subetituted fort hoe northern lino. The depiutation, came as a resaIt ..LE BY F. R. KERSLAKE of former reprosentations mado in f avor of the Toronto Eastern planDr h î ' Sy u by residents along the lino of the-D .u a e y u __________________ proposod electrification. The mom- J laie3c.abtfe ai bers were informod, however~ that WANTFD no change could be affected in the and Enmansor, SALESGENT plans of the railway unloss the ma- RELÀ-IAEaLEN jority opinion warrantod it.- Their For this district to sel! our viows, they were promisod, will ho Fruit ~ rnýiOamental Trees, laid before Sir Henry Thornton when F1cwerng Shrubs, etc. he arrives from England.-Globo. Commodore of the Toronto Ferry Exclusive Territory Company for the past y- ars and GOOD PAT for over 45 yeara captain on diff or- Ou gnc sVaube.TeZION ont ocean-going saillng v ,ýsols, but Our g nc isValubie.Thelatterly on the Great Lakes, Captain Stock sell is grown, ia ou (Received too late fer last week.)Chro WaeyddonOobr4 owaries serest. On Monday night, Novembor 13, at 68 Sussox Street, Toronto, from Vareis eth am st. a large crowd gathered at thie home a stroké. Captain Wakoly was born Fce OI of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Troevail to in Port Hope 65 years ago, but hadD Pelham Nursery Co.,ont bid adieu to them and Misses Flor- lived in Toronto for the past 30 and JbneibhHi fa0hee the . 60Cap 'oe; ene adJai ef ore they moved to years. Hi ahr h aeCpain their new home in Oshawa. Atwilliam Wakely, was for many years the proper timo Mr. Herman Pnscoo ncagefvrosein osl called the company tQ ordor and spoke Of the ocean. His grandfather, a f ow words thon called on Mr. Jesse tûoo was a marine engineer. Arnot who rend a nicely worded ad-A j R dress. Mr. John Balson prosentedaadaV % Mr. Trovail with a leather coverod Mn tl , madIe to e t" Rhucaatlsu arm chair, Mrs. G. Short presonted 'l 0 lecàS-Most 011w pains are easy.M A I Mrs. Trevail with an electric-reading lamp, Marion Trovail presonted Janie with a French Ivory mirror ....... and Norma Glaspohl presented Janie with a parasol from hoer S. S.. Class7o and Lucy Northcote presented Flor- S ence with a French Ivory mirror. tL:n1 HORS AIL ENT The presents wero given on bohaîf of many kinds of Zion and Kedron frionds., The quickly remedîod with recipients thanked thom for their DOUGLA'S' beautiful prosents. Complimentary _____________ speeches followed. Tho ladiesA B E G Y PT IA N sorved lunch andth company broko From Pqin Io East with T.R. C-1..,"B L N IM~E T up at an early hour. The bost TrHOUSANDS, of Canadians have N'1 - E T widhos go with thom to their now 1 ried .R.C.'s and found they STOPS BLEEDING !NSTANTLT. homo from the frionds of Zion. They do drive out rheumatiam, and ail PREVENTS BLOOD POISONING. will be much missed around here. simîflar pains. T.R.C2s reach the CUREIS ANDHR UIS.TLA Miss Mîddleton has beon ilI, 80 seat of pain, for their miedicinal po A.. fuil-size, fuit best ail around Liniment for the there waà not an:ýï echool for a few der ta earriediin the hlood. $1.00 at stable as well ais for household use. days ... . Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snow-yorrugasFeeame mI- AEP t lfeaesAND ruaglts. Sainto's an Mr. redrengmai' of good oap i AEP t HaDsadT zit. den. Oshawa, visitod Mr. A. T. ton Co, Toronto. fManufactured only hi e ... .Mr. .and Mr. Jae s a m eron, o os a p h...wM, motord tr onto.mes . Mer. Canada s Standard Remsdy for Pain.B stf ran n D fOUGLAS & CO., NAPANES, Ont.' Mr. and Mm. Charles Stainton, Osh- SOLD BY JURY & LOVELL fl fd ______________________ ..._ George Sonloy, Toronto, Miss Son- Sonloy, Guolph, visited at Mr. John -y~j I AFor- use in waohing Ai Sonly's .... Mr. Howard Taylor had M N W IN1I T E Di Au Ch Id' N eN to be removed to Bowmanville Hos- a portion of the "Sý tpia. Ail wish him a spoody re- to the. machine.-I covery... .Mrs. P. A. Langmaid ha& * Therele omething more b 1een under tho doctor's caro. 6 e D iy Ithen fancy in & chIlds re- 1 ____________________________ ecinof fats on Us -plate FREE DISTRIBUTION 0F GRAIN anditurcadY aSoeptauçeof I eo1 Aaddrig t once--we want 100 men right n rleosTelYred pafing mearnical jobs u lk working around automobiles and ~U~~uLUuiUU~'uU the' coming wintor to. Canadian tractors, every day you put off comfiflg flhtUIIIAI II-UIOIUII farmeérs by the Cereal Division of the to un~ you are cheatîng yoursolf. Nover L UOQ & ~ ~ E W~' S5UW u lEpeienl araBrnho- was there such a demand for tralned UO It la tac thatchllrenxad * awa. Tho sams wilcne t ofmen. A f ew weoJc of time invested now It i a wý_ tht eâ&SaM apringThe t&abouts5 ibe,) it o will *give you a trade that will mean ln- spig hât(bot5 b., hiedependence for lit e. Leara automobile Stps Ileadaclie TO B P ewtpS'ple Oftefl oats (about 4Ihe-,) bre (about and tractor operating and repairing,otireTu H L 1 barlcy vulcanizing. battery building and oxy- 70l ZITOWO ptcdel take t*ik ffeicent 51lbi.,) field peas.,(not gardon peas- acetylene welding b h Hemphili l c fmtNvc eA k -weight, solkj bar "SU RPRISE. ail household use, machines shavo or éllc. ,ýIR'IF'IE"bar direct work. A Su-cueelV Ma Among the notable profeceonal mon of tbis country who achieved g"~t success alon strictly legitimatte limes was Dr. R. V. Pierce. Devoting hie attention *0 the iepecialty cf 'womien's diseases, he became a reeognized authorlty lu that line. Over fifty years, ago thie noted physician gave to the world a Pro - scription which b as noev er b ee n equaled for the weaknesses of womea. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., long siace found out wbat !a rien- rally hest for women'sîdiseases. He le ar n cd kal ibm treatifig thon- sandu cf cases. The remilt cf hie studios vas a medici- - c.ailed7, flotr Plerce's Favorite Prescription. This medicine lu made of vegetable gro'wthe that nature surely intended for back- ache, headache, weakoning pains, and for the many disorders common to women lnalal a geo fHife. Worn who take tis stand ard romedy know that i Dr. Plcrce's Favorite Prescription $bey are gcttlng a safe womran's tonlp sogood that druggiste everywhere tilt Itlgnboth tablet and fLid terni. Senl-'d_-1O teDx.., Pierce'. -braneh. U boratory iBridgeburg, O*ê.5 à* ~W - a blem., mpound st 1uld inos, but no did t eurVe etableC - ,und dgxd. NowIar rrk alone whilebe- » 1 had my-daugh- Dto do it. ,I have rends what it han te 1,Jasper, Mùnu a'eVegetable Cm b au heled.other ffer from dispiace- s, backache, mer- ssing througb the, bner isplni id for lr.Ptr apoun stands upon wyftyeYrm of Dver in relieving coughs and colds, t place as the most popular ugh medicines. Colds and Bronchitis Mrs. Chris Dresser, Bayfield, Ont., writes: -We have used Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpentine in our household for corne time, >and have always received good recuits. 1 have useci it for MiY children as well as for mycelf for colds and bronchitis, and wc find, it gives immediate reli(f. Three boules cf thie' medicine once relieved. me of an obstînate cold when cloctor's. medicine had f aïlecI. I cannot speak toc highly of Dr. Chases Linsced and Turpentine, and would not be without it in the house. If you can make any ueocf this letter you are at liberty to dc ce." Asthma Mr. Thomas Bond, Sheidrake, North Shore, Que., writec :-'I cuffered for years with asthma, sometimes being unable ta lie in bcd, but after a- îreatment cf Dr. Chasec Linceed and Turpentine, I amn now quite - well and thank this medicine for reuîoriag me, Of Linseed and Turpentiue ay i»e, fire. inesas mucl, 7&- Milderner Baise & Co., LMd., Toronto.

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