Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1922, p. 8

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TYfflNE their new home. Mr. Werry made i a very suitabile reply and the comp- (Received too late for last week) any joined in singing "They are Those who were nôt in attendance jJolly Good People."' On behalf of at "The Spinster's Convention" on the W. M. S. a fiower basket was Saturday night missed an evening'sl presented to Mrs. Werry, accompan- fun. The business of the convent- I led by an appropriate address which ion wa rasctdwihdîptc 1n was read by Mrs. L. J. Goodman. aff ore much amusement, ail enjoy- Mr. Werry on behaîf of his wife ex- ing the practical jokes and th e solos, pressedappreciation of the gift and recitations and ehoruses. Proceeds the many kindnesses shown them about $71. Mrs. R. McCullough during thieir sojourn amnong the won the prize.. ..e The masquerade people of the comniunity and their party held under the auspices of the joy ln the fellowship of the church. League was a snccess in every par-1 Refreshments were served, and a ticular., The costumes- aff orded a[ vote of thanks was unanimousiy good deal of speculation and fun, tendered to Mr. and* Mrs. Halfacre and the judges, Mr. A. H. Brent and for their kindness in opening their Miss Ferguson found it difficult to home, after which ail repaired to give their decision but eventually de- their own homes feeling that they cided witlh satisfaction to al ...... had had a very enjoyable gathering. Miss Mary Newton of Oshawa te- . .. .The W. M. S. recently had a cently visited ýat the Parsonage.... very enjoyabie and profitable meet- Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Wickett, ac- ing. A good programn was rend- comp'anied by Mrs. Wmn. Newton, ered and the ladies were especially Oshawa, visited tiheir parents at favored with the presence of Miss Little Britain Thanksgiving day, and, Mabel Dav ey of Orono, the District enjoyed a good concert at Haydoni Superintendent who deiivered a very on their return home, fine address la which she emphasized Tuesday, Nov. 7th, a number of Ithe -need of a deeper spirituality in friends and neighbors, inc1uding the lives of ail that they may more representatives from Oshawa and successfully carry on the, work. Hampton. assembled at the home of Slight tokens of appreciation for ser- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. H. Haifacre, who vices rendered were presented to had, very kindly opened their home1 Mrs. John H. Werry and hier dauglkt- that we might spend a social evening ter Miss Florence, with appropriate with Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Werry, addresses... A good missionary who had taken tea with our HoIst program was given, in connection and Hostess. About 75 people were *with our Sunday Sehiobi last Sunday. present and spent a very pleasant Sidney T. Hoar, being the Superin- ,evening in social conversation, in tendent of our Missionary Depart- fact a neighboriy, visit, and during ment ... . A good debate was con- the evening Rev. W. T. Wickett, theI clpded in our League service. Thel pastor, called the assembly's attent- debaters being Miss Mabel Wight ion to a change in the program, and and Miss Velma Staples on the affir- on behaif of the neighbors delivered mative, Norman Collaeott and Floyd an address in wieh hie expressed Dudley negative. Resoived: "That appreciation of the wiiling :and Home missions should receive great- cheerful services Mr. and Mrs. Wer- er support than foreiga missions. ry and family had rendered their The affirmiative won-both sides e neighbors and the ehurch, stating, bating -well. We hope to hava that they had aiways been true to number of debates in our Leaguel the best interests of the community' during the winter. ... The deepest and Christ's Kingdom, punetuai ini sympathy of the community is ex- attendance,-at the means of Grace pressed with Mr. A. W. Clemens and and loyal in support of any Temper- family on the death of Mrs. Clemensi ance Movement, in fact anything whose life has been a blessing to al that was for the benefit of humanity. who knew hier ... . Mrs. Wmn. Moore At tihis juncture Masters Teddy we are very very sorry to say, is iai Woodyard and Fred Goodman ap- very critical condition with no- op peared conveying a beautifui hall of recovery..,_ Special services are mirror framed la quarter eut oak, being heid in connection with our whieh on behaif of the community church, which we trust will be well was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Werý attended. Everybody welome.... rY. as a slight token of appreelation There was a good attendance- at Jun and esteem la whieh they are heid,j ior League this week. and wishing' them God's Blessing in' "The Tea T7hat Satýisfies" In Sealed Packages Only Greetings for Christmas We Hlave Nlany Attractive Designs in Christmas Greet ing Cards at a Wide Range of Prices. At the Big 20 store you will flnd the latest de- signs in Christmnas Greeting Cards. While tbe new styles are just a bit better than the usual they are essentially correct in every de- tai We s'uggest that you order now. while the com~plète stock i- at your disposal. W.T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMAN VILLE neDelivery Daily Give us 2 ýial-you'I1 get better meats andý better serx ice at the right price. Our' pricP-s are reasonable and the cuts 80 tender and fpfl of flavor. Phone your order in afternoon and it wilI be delivered by 8.30 next morning. '~A. y'E"dmondstone zý of F. F. Morrs Co. Bowmanville The 1N~wa~t1e Irdepýnd it THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l6th, 1922 NEWCASTLE Rey. J. E.* Fenning went to Tor- onto on Tuesday. hsrtre home from Toronto., Miss Elizabeth Haneoek visited la Oak for the week-end. Mrs. Wm. Jamieson had business la Toronto this week. Miss Dora Langler returned to Toronto on Thursday. Miss May MeEachern is spending two weeks in Toronto. Mr. Charles Warren visited at Mr. F. W. Cowan's last week. Mr' Cccii Cannon spent the week- end with friands la Maivern.' Mrs. Wade and daughter Ethel, have r etnrned from Toronto. Mrs. Mustard, Toronto, is vîsiting with Rey. and Mrs. J. E. Fenning. Miss Nettie Casweli, Newtonville, is visiting with Miss Sadie Robinson. Mrs. J. J. Wright ieft on Monday for Toronto where she wili spend the winter. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Port Hope, on the birth of a son. Miss Eiva Cowan, Clarke, visited week-en.RoetCwnsorth atekMen.RortCwns ve Tel Mr. Ted Papineau, Oshawa, spent the weeck-end with bis parents;' Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Papineau. S Mrs. Fannie Clarke, Toronto, bas I been spending a week with, her brother, Mr. Gco. Joli. Mr. Alian Howard, Toronto, vis-- ie cd is parents, iRev. and Mrs. Seott Howard over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cherry and fam- ily, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mvs. F. W. Cowan. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, Orono, and Mv. and Mvs, E. Syre, Leskard, vis- ited at T. W. Jaekson's on Sunday. A nambar of our citizens are ar- ranging to attend the Unvailing Cer- emony at Orono on Saturday next. His Honor Judge Wavd heid Div- ision Court bere on Saturday last, oniy two cases were on the docket. Mrs. Wm. Huatar bas gone to Tor- onto where she will spend the winter witb ber daughtev, Miss Amy Hun- ter. Mv. Norman Toms also Mr. and Mvs. A Moffat and family, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mvs. M. E. Toms. Miss Nova Coleman left for Tor- onto last week. We hope that she wili ha mach benefittad b-y the change. .We ara sovry to report the deatb of Mv. and Mrs. Asa Cievke's infant daughter who passed away on Friday Novamber 9tb. 1 Mv. George Eilb eck is making ex- tensive alterations to bis newly ne- qairad residence on King-st. East, prior to bis vemoving thareto. Messrs. Charlie Gibson, E. Mose and E .Walton have retuvned from a successful bunting trip aroand Fenelon. Falls and Bohcaygaon. Mv. and Mvs. Samuel Riekard, Shaws, and Mv. and Mrs. W. A. Gib- son and grandson Reg. spent Sanday with Mv, and Mvs. Cao. JamiesQn. Trhe first contingent of bunters to ratura from the "North Land" ar- rivad home Satarlday nigbt, thay re- port a splendid trip and game plenti- fui. Our esteemed citizen, Mr. John Allin, bas been under the doctor's cave suffaring from erysipalas, but we are pl eased to report Iflm on the mand. Latest reports from the bedside of Ex-Warden A. A. Colwill are more eneouraging and bis many friands ave looking f orwavd to saeing him up town soon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beliman,I Bowmanviiie, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds, Miss Carcy, Miss Shaywe and Mv. Coîbourne, Toronto, ware Sunday visitors at Mr-. Geo. Joli's. Mr . Haney is moving bis bouse- bold affects fvom Forest and is oc- cupying the, Parnell bouse on soutb Beavar-st. Newcastle citizens ex- tend walcome to Mv. Haney and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Galbraith and son. Scott. Brampton, spent Tbanks- giving at Mv. J. D. Gibson's, Mr. Gal- braith was principal of our Higb Sehool about fiftean years ago and bas since hean sebool inspeetor in the County of Peel, their many oldi friands ware glad to sea them. 1 UNVEILING 0F MEMORIAL GÂTES AT ORONO The unvailing of the Clarke Town- 1sbip Mamorial Gatas will take place at OronoCamctcry on Saturday, No- vamber l8tb at 2 p. m. Thase beautiful gatas ara heing anc cted by the munieipality of, Clarke Township as a saitable miema- oriel to keep in mind the beroism of soldians from that township wbo made the supreme sacrifice, A suitabie pnogram is being ar- ranged. A procession composad of members of patriotie, benificary and banavolent societies, sebools and eiti-1 zens gcnarally, beaded by a guard of honor and the Band, will mareh from the Town Hall to' the Gatas at 2p, m. Thea unveiling cavemony will ha conductad by General A. C. Meedon- naîl, K. C. M. G., C. B., G. O. C., Royal Military College, Kingston, or a Geneval Staff Offican from Militaryý District No. 3. Othar eminent people will take part. The choirs-of the diffarant char- chas will ha united to lcad tbe sing- ing, and the band wiil enliven the occasion witb erboice numbers. Reave. Allia will ha chairman. T. W. Jackson, mnarshal of the pvocession. YOUNG ARTISTS DELIGHT NEWCASTLE'AUDIENCE The joint racital given in Alex- andra Hall, Nawcastle, on Novembari 8tbh by Miss Jocalyn Clarke and Mr. Leslie Holmas, Toronto, both young bsingars of bigh promise, was mach enjoyad by the audience, wbicb mani- festad its delight in the program. by frequent and prolongcd applause. Miss Clarke possassas a beautiful mezzo-soprano voica of a warm and rich, quahity, whicb showed to ad- vantaga la the sparkling "Las Filles de Cadiz" by Delibras, and the more measarcd and sastained rythm of tbé "Saphie Ode" by Brahms. Rer ligbtar lyrie numbers dalightad with their fvasbnassend spontaneity. Mr., Holmes is a singer of great promise,ý bis fine banitone voice suggestive of .ample reserva force. "Vittoria"" by Carissimi and "Italian Boat Song" by Tito Matta'i, displayad the power, and also appealing qualities of bisi voica. Tiso duets "It was a lover and bis Lass" and "The Keys ofi Hleavân" wcee nthusiaoticaaDyva- ceivad by the audience., In Mrs. jChas. Clarke the two artists lhad an admirable accompaniast. The racital' was givan in aid of the Organ Fand of St. George's' Chuvcb. PORT GRANBY_ S. S. No. 1, Clarke, sehool' report for Septamber and Octobar, namas la ordar (>f matit: ýSa. WV asr-, Hanward Eýllîott, betty Wede, Le-ý land Payne. Jr. 1V-Mary Loek- hart. Jr. III-Winnifred Lancaster Norma Elliott. Sr-. II-Amelia Uonywill. Jr. II-Arthur Lock- hart, George Kimbaîl, Alfred Brown, Jack Glover, Kathleen Honywill, Jack Elliott. Jr. I-Isabelle Camei- bell. Primer-Jack Kimbail, Fran- cis Elliott, David Lock!hart, Jarcd Kimbeli. Marie IL Selby, teacher. LAKE SHORE A Basket Social will ha beld at Walcoma Public Sehool on Friday evening, November 24th. A prize 11 lba given for prettiast basket and, a lso for the highest priced oaa. Lad- ies with baskets free. Admisin 25. A good progrem is promisad. Gertia Martin, teacher. Clarke L. O. L. 265 will hold itsî veguler Novembar meeting on thai 20th inst et Cowanville Lodge boom. 1 Important business is to ba coasidar-i ed. Ail mambers ara urgcd to be1 presrit.... Mr. Will Brown madeaa business trip to the eity this week .... FaIl plowing is baing rounded; qp la ont secýtion althougb it bas been v(ýry bard and dlry.Tha Junior Red Cross Auxîliary in ont sehool is husy collacting for the eildran suffering from fira in North- ara Ontario. Wa advise -the var- ions teachers of thae oanty to write to 410 Sherbourne St. Toronto and get information about joining the 'Junior Ried Cross. STARKVILLE AIl are pleased for this, fine weatbar. e4ving a chance to. finish Epwonth Langue wes wel1 l attended Fail work. Plowing is about finish- on Moaday nigbt, tha meeting being 'd.... . Miss Beulnb Hnllowall spant in charge of Lillian Clamence. Aftcv the weeke-cd uncier the parental the devotional services the topie was voof, also Miss Edna Ruthven .. takan hy Mr. C. Cannon f oliowed by Mr. Clarence Souch nnd Mv. J. Colin a raading by Lawrence Crydermen, bave returnd from the West. Mr. e vocal duet by Misses Marlon Pick- bdi uthven is;expected soon.... ard nd orohy lumerBowan-Mn. Lou Hallowell naturned earlier villa, and a reading by Earl Osborne. howgto if iherohving .a. Msy A otenjoyable evening was spent bn hc 5ipoig Ms byAl mo s n Audrey Cowaa bas hean visiting lber bya rsn.sisten, Mvs. Arthur Dunn ...Two The "English Club" of the Senior f air citizens bave started ont on the Department of our Publie Sehool sea of if a togathen,, when Miss Glnd- bald a debata on Fviday afternooil, ys Brown and Mr. boy McKny were the subjeet being Resolved: That the united la the bonds Cf matrimony on automobile is of greatan service to Wednasday, November 8th by the maakind than the honse.. Ex-Pria- bey. Thos. Wallace of Newtonville. cipal J. W. Bradley and Mn. George Ail extand congratulations..:.. Mrs. Jamieson, acted as judges and efter J. Mulihgan bas retunned to Orono thoughtful considenation that decid- to spand the wintar. . Sbiloh Church ed that it was a dnaw, as both sides is holding its anniversany on Suaday lied shown some very clavai- angu- and Monday., Nov. l9th and 2,th. On ments and the general manner la Sunday services will ha conducted by which the affain was conducted would bey. H. A. Bunt, B. A., Canton, do credit to members of parliament. eftarnoon and avening. Kandal The champions of the auto were Miss choir will asist la the musical sen- Marjonie Cowan, Miss Ray' Deline vices. Monday a-f owl supper will and Basil Wilson, while the horse be he~d .... Nedntlsday ýnight, serý was abiy handled by Miss Ruth Han- vices are growing ln interest and ail cock, Clarence Gaines and Chas. who can should attend these inter- Thackray. esting meetings. j CHANGE 0F DATE The sale at Moore's Garage, New- castle, wbieh was advertised for Sat- urday, November 1Sth., is postpon- aed until the f ollowing Monday, Nov. 20th. This is an important sale so ha on hand early. ENFIELD Mr. and Mre. Harry ½4mes, Columbus, visited at Mr. John IRephurns ...Miss Irene Bray, Toronto, spent Thanksgir- ing at home.... .Mr. George Ormiston je erccting a niew driving shed and impie- ment building..Glad to hear Mrs. F. Gilbert je improving. She was operated on for adenoids, ansils and a growth in the noce, lun owmanville hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, Earl and Jean, Miss Marie Werry, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston. ZION Miss Irene Paseoe is visiting friends in Toronto .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Beekel and Miss Middleton visited at Bowman- ville on Sunday . .. .Mr. Aif. Ayre and Bert Giaspeli are ltting their sheep for Winter Fair at Toronto. .... Misses Jessie and Effa Balson have returned fromn St. Mary's and report a good timfe..Mr. Howard Taylor is in a serions 'condition. ...Our young Ladies of the Ladies' Aid have hought hulhs to grow and give o - the sck during the coming winter.. League re-opened Wednesdisy ight for the winter months. Rev. W W. Joues gave an interesting talk on Thanksgiv- ing, which ivas greaity enjoyed .. Church service has changed its time from 10.30 a. m. to 1.20 rp. m., with Sun- day Sehool immediately after, heginning next Sunday, the 19th...Mrs. R. F. Riehards, Oshawa, is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. W. Balcon ...The Ladies' Aid met a' Mrs, J. W. nalsons on Wed- nesday and report'a halance of $120 af- ter the Chieken Pie Supper. They are going te quilt a quilt next meig at Mrs. ,James Camerons ...Mýr.Bert. Glaspeil has tnrned and raised bis old barn and je pu ting a foundation undar it. SOLINA liecent visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar Wevry et Mrs. T. A. Wright's, Blackstock; Mv. and Mrs. Ciare7-Thomas, Orillia, Mv. and Mrs. A. Gibbons and daagbter, Toronto, and Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, et Mr. Henry T. Argae's; Mv. A. E. Heys and Master Bill, Toronto, Mn, an.d Mrs. W. D. McLaugblin, Osh- awa, et Mv. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. E. Webber, Brookln, et Mn. H. E. Tink's; Mr. Jim Recynolds at Cberrywood; Miss Mary Reynolds bas retarned home to Tor'onto; Miss Ellen J. James home fvom visiting relatives et Columbus; Mr. Alex. Hyde at Mv. Donald Yello-wleesý; Mn. and Mrs. Jack Brooks, Bwavle et Mv. S. Edgar Werry's; Mn. and Mrs. J. Reeson and Miss Ruby Rac- son, Columbus, et Mr. ,Harvey Herdy's; Mn. and Mrs. Harvèy Har- dy et Mv. Osborne Irwia's, Bowman- villa; Mn. and Mrs. J. -A. Werry, Misses May an.d Grece, Enniskillaa, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Miss Audrey and Miss O. Hoeg, Oshawa, Miss Noma Werry, St. Catherines, Miss Olive Luka, Toronto, at Mr. S. E. Wavry's; Mn. Herbert A. VenNest, Toronto, at bis sistav's, Mrs.-N. E. Wright; Mv. Tbos. Penfound et Mv. J. T., Randla's; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Westlake and two eilidran, Mr. Amos MeMallen, Oshawa, Mv. and Mrs. Leslie Snowden and famîly.I Mapla Grove, et Mr. T. Bakar's; Mvs. Penfound bias vetuvned to bier home la Oshawa aftar spendiag two weaks witb ber daughtev, Mrs. W. T. Baker; Miss Irena Bragg, Bowman- ville, with bier sister, Mrs. John Baker; Mr.ad Mrs. C. M. Gage, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Avery, En- field, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar and family, Burkaton, et Mv. Frank Westlake'g; Mr.' and Mrs, Wotten and family, Toronto, Mv. andMrs. jGlenny, Toronto, et Mr. J. J. Brown's; Miss Lucy Brown is visit- ing et New. Park and Pontypool; Mvs. T. Pascoe and Miss Margaret, Hampton, Mn. H. L. Pascoe, Kedron, et Miss Mary Hogertb's. .Mr. Richard Pascoe's meny friands will ha plaased to know hae is up again and gain ing strengtb nicely .. .Ris, bost of friands will ha sorny to learp that Mr. James Jabson is so mach worse. Nurse Vere Baker is egnin la attandance. . . .,Congratulations to anothar of oun bigbly esteamed choir girls, Miss Marjory Wonnncott, who became the bride of.Mr. David Johins of'Nastlaton on Nov. 8tb. Pvevioas to hanr marninga baer girl friands pra- sented baer witb e parlor table ns a slight token of affection. She will ha missed bave but ont hast wisbes jfollow bier to baer new home. Mr. John Baker' wns a Grand Juvor et Cobourg'.. Mn. H. T. tArgue's sala on Thanksgiving day was weli nttandcd and pricas were ORONO FALL FAIR The directors of Clarke Agricuit-i ural Society wish to announce thatl the prize at Orono Fair for best Dur-1 ham herd was awarded to S. Rickard & Son, Newcastle. CHIROPRACTIC Your Nervous Force is the Best Tonie Chiropractie Spinal Adjustments add years to life and life to years. Free clinic for children ten years and- unde.r Tuesday ,Thursday and Consultation la f re. Dr. D. E. Steckley, Temperance' Street, opposite Opera bouse, Bow- manvilile. Phones: Office 141J Residence 141W. Hours 2-5 Tues. Thurs, and Sat. 7-9 every evening except Sunday. Visiting Hampton, Enniskiilen and Burketon Tues. Thurs. and Sat. forenoons. New- castle and Orono Monday, Wednes- day'and Friday afternoons. PÂINTING,PAPER HANGING ETC Ail orders for painting, decorating, kaisoming, etc., wili receive prompt, and careful attention. Before dec- orating gee my samples of artistic wali paper and get my prices, Phone 363J. Jas. H. Abernethy, Odeli-st,, Bowmanvilie. 37-tf' Ready-made Medicine.-You~ need no physician for ordinary ilis when you have at hand a bottie of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Ou'. For coughs, coids, sore throat, bronchial troub- les, it is invaluable; for' scalds, burns, bruise6, sprains it is unsurpas- sed; while for cutsý, sores and the like it is an unquestionable healer. It needs no testimonial other than the use, and that wili satisfy anyone as to its effectiveness, MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. P& Graduate of Trinity University d of Royal College Physicians, burg. Spýecialty-Diseases- of wom- en and chiidren. Office-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. HIonor graduate of Trinity University,' Fellow of Trinity Medicai Coilege, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the P'ont- *Graduate Medical Schooi and Hoik- pital of New York and Feiloiw of the Toronto Aeademy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton's Ré%idence, Newcastle,. Hours-R-to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 1). m., and by appointment. J. W. Bradley. 1Newcastle General Insurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Com- missioner, etc. Ou)R DE R COAL NOW I expeet another car of that good Coal (Domestie Size) this week followed by a car of high grade stove, next week. Gjeo. Jamieson Newcastle Are You Ready For Coki Weather? STÔVES AND FURNACES Quebec HIeaters with and without ovens, Im- perial Oxford Special, 9-20, with high éloset $55 Moffat Cook Stove, white ,enamnei doors, high closet, poiished top, ý 9-18,................$80.00 Wood Cook Stoves, wood heaters, base bh- ers at sped-,al low prices. Stove Pipes, Furnace Pipes, 'Elbows, Stove Boards-, Coa7 Scutties and Coal Shovels at lowest prices. He C. BONATH4AN HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Read Walton's Specials Bes -des the special service we give our eus- tomers ot ail tim~es price is also a big considera- tion'tiat makes it worth your while to deal here, for linstance: T ea, extra ,.special, lb ......................,..49c 20 Pars 'ioap for ..................................$1.00 5 Bars Soaii and box Pearline ................35c Fresh Bread, Buns and Cake DaiIy RWALT'ON Grocer Newcastle New Idea Furnâace Tl'ni- furn tce 15 built to give the last dollar's worth of z;atisfaction that can be built into a furm- n?.ce. Manufactured by Hamilton Stove & Heat- er Cf,. Ltd., ard sold by WM J A MIESON- Hardware' Store Newcastle B3rit ton1-'s -ýBreazd Quality Supreme, Service Unsurpassed, Delivered fresh daily BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES Choice Groceries, Confectionery and Fresh Fruits H, S. BRITTONU Baker & Grocer Newcastle .1

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