Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1922, p. 5

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"First Shoes I Ever Had That Really Fit", Spolen by a lady who is wearing her first Pair-of Ciassc Shoes: "Ccemrfortaqble? Say, it's a wonder some shoe mnanufaeti-r'zr clint think of this 'l'ong ago. Fit? 'l shouid. shout they do. Made to fit a're21,ý foot- nc t a wooden imummy. Jt's the tirst tlme .1 .vet ':ad, a, pair of shoes that really -fit. Look how sm-art, too., Mighty good-looking and stylish". ArnO she isn'it a bit more enthusiastie than you wil! Ie when yeu wear your first pair of Classic C1assie Shoes are fashioned to the actual shape of the himnan foot. Like a glove fits the hand, the Classie Shoe follows the lines of the foot. I fits snugly in the instep and supports the arcli. We also carry Blachford and Owens-Elmes Shoes for ladies. SATURDAY SPECIAL-18 pairs Ladies' Brown Caif Shoes, one strap, Classic Make, ail sizes, Regu-ar $7,00, Saturday Only $3.00 CHOOSE AND BE STYLISH Copelaind Shoe Store "For Reliable Slioes at Popular Prices" Phore 249 J. BowmLnville Toys For, Kiddies Christmas will be here bef ore we know it. The 'children are',already looking forward toý Santa Cilaus' animal visit. This welcome old vis- itoi, has sent his first shipment of toys to our store and they are nowt on display. Bing t!he kiddies clown to em have a look at these toys. our store and let WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmanville' Furniture Dealer Ontario ROYAL -THEATRE, BOWMANVILLE MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20-21 v/j ;P-DM 1=AR.L DgP k N GGrgPS' STOIP.Y N'TI-9 ýATUPDAY gVgNINWG PC«' 'CENAQ.IO 5Y P0k-F21T i4AISY- DRECT9D bY HAMON W91GNT NO MAN IS INDISPENSABLE Except to his own family', says the Inimitable Arliss in a rote full of common sense and chuekies. "A DISTINCTIVE PRODUCTION" BOWMANVILLE, NOV. l6th, 1922 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sugrue and family have movsd to Hamilton. Miss Mercedes Herrington, Co- bourg, speat ths week-end with Mre. G. M. Carruthers. Miss Lily Penfound, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Noble Metcalf and other friends here. i Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jswell and Mis F. M. Jewell spent Sunday with friends la Toronto. Reserve December 23rd for Base Lins Sunday School. Christmas Con- cert. Particulars later. Mr. aad Mrs. 'Artl-iir Key and son Arthur, Toronto, receatly visit- ed her uncle, Mr. S. Candler.7 Miss Ethel Eastman and Mr. Hag- ermfan, Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss H. Emmerson, Odeli-et. Miss Anale Wilkinson left Friday te, spend the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Mack, New York City. Mr. and, Mrs. S. Taylor and Mrs. Mitchell, Port Hope, were guests of Mrs. W. H. Williams'over the week- end. 'Mr. Edward Rhines and Mies Ag- nes Mayaýard wers la Port Hope.over the week-end attendiag the King- Rhinýs wsddiag. Miss Muriel TrulI' of the Post Office Staff, and Mr. Albert Wilkin- son, Regina, Sask., epent Sunday at Mr. Trull's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. James McQueen and caughtsr Gertrude, Mimico, recent-I ly visited Mr. and Mrs. F. W. IZir- kendaîl and friende la Cobourg. Plan for big svening's fun and su- tertaiament on December 6th when W. A. A. A. Miastrels appear in Bowmaaville -Opera Houes. 46-2 18 pairs, Ladies' Brown Caîf Clas- sic Shoes, one-strap, all sizes, regu- 1er $7.00, Saturday only while they last $3.00. Copelanci Shos Store. American girl lheld la an Afghan's harem. Ses aext Suniday's Herald ,and Examiner, Chicago's Best News- paper. Buy it at A. L. Nciholls'. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Zealand, Wesleyville, spent Suaday with Mr. and Mre. J. T. Bragg, Pros- pect-st. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and two daughters, Port Perry, spent Sun day with her father, Rev. E. A. Ton- kin who had been quite indieposed f or two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Belîman an- nouacs the' engagement of their daughter, Olive Leura, andMr. John H. Huile, Tyrone, the marriage te tae place, the latter part of No- vember. lier hosts of friende will be glati to kaow that Miss Ethel Morris, who recently underweat a very serious operation for appendicitis la Bow- manville Hospital, je now able to take a short walk ont daily. Oratorical conteets at the High School are elways very interestiag. Citizeas ame îvitsd te heàr ths sevea contestants in Assembly Hall on Thursday eveniag at 8 o'clock sharp. Go early for a seat. Mrs. D. R. Morrison returaed re- cently from a vsry pleasant visit with Mrs. H. H. Todgham, Walker- ville, Mre. A. W. Brewster, Detroit, Mich., and other friends in the West. Mr. Morrison aiso eajoyed -a short holiday there. There are lots of gooct laughs in "The Ruling Passion" as played by George Arlis t Royal Theatre, Nov. 20-21. It is e comsdy drama and for those who feel a certain restraint àt laughing outright, here is a con- tinuous chuckle. ~4young) wom-an workipg in 'a Bowmanville business houses lost ber chatelaine bag coataining ber pures with a- coniderable sum of mnoney Sunday aight lest on the G. T. R. train' betweea Oshawa and Bow- menville. ,Ses advt. Mr. end Mrs. James H. Da.rch, Providence, ennounce the engage- ment of their third daughter, Allie -Obreenna, te Mr. John William Mit- chell, second son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mitchell, Toronto, the marriage te tae place quietly la December. Sunday School 100 yeare old. Bridge--st. Methodist Suaday School, Belleville, bas entered upon Its sec- ond century of activities. Trustes Board nmeeting la Method- jet Clurch called for this Thursday night ii3 celled off on account of Or- atoricel Contest et High School with seven competing. The regular monthly social, musi- only sister, Mrs. D. Weard e-at -Ton- awanda, and relatives et Westfield, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls. They had a splendid trip and greatly en- joysd the outing. Divorced and remarri&d the seme woman three times, In next Suadayes Hereld and Examiner, Chicago's Best Newspaper. Buy it et A. L. Nich- BIRTH S FARROW Ta Clarke, Nov. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Farrow, a daughter. SLEMON-Near Haydon. on Sunday, Nov. 12, 4o Me. andi Mrs. Milton Siemon, a son. MARTYN-In Bowmanville Hospital, Nov. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martyn, a daughter. DEATHS CARR-In Darlington, Nov. 15, Sarah Lawton, beloved wife of George Carr, agefi 49 years. Funeral service Friday 7tb me.t t 10 a. m. Interment in Knox Church Cemetery, Agincourt. KERRIGAN-In Blackstock, November 11, Robert Kerrîgan, aged 89 years. ROBERTS-In Cobourg, November 11, Sarah J. McCluag, widow of the late John D. Roberts, la her 83rd year. WILLIAMSON-Ia Orono, Nov. l8tb, Fred W. Wllliamson, husband of the late Jessie Cutteli, aged 61 years. Masonic funeral to day (Thursday) at 2 p., m. IN MEMORIAM CROSSEY-In beloved remembrance of dear Carie , who was callefi Home Nov. 19, 1912. Oh loved of mine whom 1 miss so! Are you thçre at the sunset gate, To watch for'me down the pathway, That leads home, soon or late? My love, like the soul, le deathless, And some day-God knows when; I shail pase through the sunset gateway, And greet my dean girl again. Lovingly nemembered by Motlier, Sis- ters and Brother. Ia loving memory of wife and mothen, Maggie Eliz:abeth Hepburn Ormiston,1 who passed away'-Nov. 18, 1920. You are not fongotten wif e and mother dear, Non will you ever ho As long as 11f o and memory last. We xiii remember thes. Sieep on dear one and take thy rest, They miss you most who lovefi you best, In silence she suiffered, in patience sbe bore, Till Qofi called ber home to sufer no more. Husband andi Family(. LOCAL AND OTHîERWISE Miss D'. Amor, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. F. F. Morris over the week- end. Ladies' Classie Shoee, regular $7, Saturday only $3.00 pair; Copeland Shoe Store., Miss P. Stephenson, Hamilton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Wallace, Liberty Place, Reserve Wednesday,. December 6, for. W. A. A. A. Minstrels ln Opera House, Bowmanville. 46-2' Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Crago, Dar- lingtan, recently visîtsd Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Millbrook. Rev. C. R. Spencer, Millbrook, was gusst of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Woods, Elgin-st., while la town. Nearly 450 were present at Meth- odist Sunday School on Sunday last. Two more teachers are wantsd. SMr. and Mrs. John Cherry, Van- couver, B. C.,, are visiting his mother, Mrs. S. Cherry ,who le quits Mî.. 1ReV., C. P. Muirhead preached at the Harvest Festival services in the Parish of Mllbrook and Cavan on Sunday. Wonderful 8-page Book_ of Magic. Paint with water, develop beautiful colors, in next Sunday's Herald and Examiner, Chicago's Best Newspap- er. Ruy it at A. L. Nicholis'. The James Papiers did it again laet wesk. Lady in Bowmanville lost her fountain pen and a little advt la this paper found it.: A cape was 'lost near Burketon found by a woman at Salemr who advertised iti in this paper, and the owner who lives near Oshawa read the glad news in The Statesman. Dose it payi to advertise? Yes, .if you use The James Papers. B E NNETTS THREE PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA Open for engagements, Real enappy music. Apply box 327, Bowmnanvllle. 41-tf WANTED HELP WANTED-Girl witb somne ex- perience wýanted at once for general bousework. Apply to Mrs.. H. C. Bradi- ley, 156 Centre-st., Oshawa. 46-3 HELP WANTED-Reliable woman for copanlIon and te belp with the bouse- ,work. Oas In family and good wages. Apply at once to Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty St., Buwmaauville, 46-tf YOur Xnas Gifts Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 49 Bowmanville Mary dee h __ .1 LOST OR FOUND LOST-Collie Dor:. thorobred, strayefi on Nov'. 10. Reward for return to J. J. Spicer, East of Nursery Corner, Bow- manville. 46-tf LOST-Robe, nearly'new, green lining, on Thursday evening, Nov, 9, between Solina and Blackstock. Finder please leave or phone Burketoa Post Office. 46-1 FOUND-Auto Tire found in Bow- manville on Saturday, November lltb. Owner may have saine by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. Apply, box 357, Bowmanville, P. O. 46-3* FO UN D-Man's top coat in Bowman- vie; also sumn of money found in town. Owners may have saine by proving pro.- perty and paying expenses, Apply Slicer Corporation Ltd., Bowmaaville. 44-3 LOST-Strayed .from lot 32, con. 5, lDarlington, on Sunday, Nov. 12th, Red Cow, markýfd with littie white, left horn turnefi in o forehead, rigbt horn turned out and up. Send information to Arthur Langmaid, Hlampton, R. R. 1, Phone Oshawa 162 rliS. 46-tf PROPERTIES FOR SA LE FOR SALE-34 of an acre, 6 roomed framne bouse, bard water la kitchen, good barn, 2 hien bouses. owner leaving town. Apply te Mrs! Editb V. Scobell, Insur- ahce and Real Estate Agent, ]Sowman- ville.,l46-3w* FOR SALE-Lot about flfty feet front- age at corner of Centre and Concession Streets. containing good barn, easily con- vertible into, bouse. Apply Bruce Hon- eyweil, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tels- phone 194-2. 22-tf $6,5010 buys good 73 acre farm, 10 acres orchard just coming to bearing, fair buildings, good running spring, only 21/ý mlsfom Bowmanville. Also other farine andi gardon town properties for sale. Apply Jý' L. Metcalf, 26 Wellington Street; Bowmanville. 46-t FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farm located at Tyrone, Ont., contalnjng one hundred and flfty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, nine bearing. Ploughing possession this Fali, Apply Ptruce Honey- weII, 60 Duke Street, Torouto, or tele- phone J 94-2, Bowmanville. 52-tf TO LET FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good landi and balldings, immediate possession Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 16-tY TO LET-6 Roomed 1Iouàe, furnisbed, immediate possession, electric .light and water conveniences. Apply to Mrs. WmL McClung, 37 Ontario-st., Bowmanville. 47-tf TO RENT-Brick bouse, 6 moims and 3 piece batbroom, hardwood fluors down- stairs, pipeless furnace, electric lighted and wired for electric stove. Apply to Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Insurance Agent, Bowmanville. 45-3w FOR RENT-Good brick residence con- taining 10 rooms, closets and pantry, electric light andi furnace, corne.r Con- cession and Centre St., Bowmanville. Possession after Nov. Il. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Clemens, tyrono. Phone 194-r2. 44-tf TO RENT-New Tzouso just being fin- ishefi in town, 6 rooms, 8 pièe bath, pipoless furnace, electric stove anad flt- oires. Apply by letter only to J. J." Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 45-2* ARTICLES FOR, SALE AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, first class mechanical shape, appearance good.Apply to J. Hately, Central Garage, Bowmanville. 87-tf. CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaugblin 1917, $800; Chevrolet 1920, $875; Overland 85-4, $450. Apply toA. W. Pickard, Phone 185, Bowmanville. FOR SA LE-First class driving outflt, Hackney Mare, Rubber Tire Buggy and Ilarness. AppiF El, Laird, c[o R. L. Worden, Bowmanville, R. R. 3, phone 124-15. 46-lw* FOR SALE-Several newç tubes and tires at cost. 1921 Ford Coupe.in good condition, Tufihope Cutter and Massey- Harris Root Pulper, nearly new. C. J. Mitchell, Newtonville, Ont. 45-2w FOR SALE--Othello Treasure Range with tilefi back and warming oven, ther- mometer and everything complets, for wood or coal. in perfect condition. .&p- ply Arcie Thompson, R. R. 5, Bow- manville, Phone 139r2, 45-2w FOR SALE-Happy Thonght Range, in good condition, replacing with electric stove; also eleclric fixtures for entire bouse, will ho sold at bargain. Apply R. R. Roskin, Corner Concession and Centre-sts., Bowmnanville. 45-t Roal 'Theatre BOWMANVILLE jThursday Navember'I 6tb Bert Lytel In The Saturday Evening Post Story '4THE RIGHT THAT FAILED" BIG SEASON FV or "Sunshine" Furnaces WLîile others are complaining about business being duil our firm is enjoying the biggest season's furnace business in our history. 35 McClary Furnaces'Installed This, Season,' Many of these orders have corne to us without solicitation, but through the recommendation of the many aifd users of the "Sunshine" Fumna- ces in this d:.strîict. With cea] scarce you want the best and most Pconomi cal fui-nace-MeClary Sunshine. Gjreenaway & Elliott, Consulting Engineers IPhone 18 day or night Bowmanville Y our Happiest Moment --dand Her's! W\ýhen you slip your Engagement Ring on the third finger of lier left hand-the symbol of your love, and the pledge eternal. Surely that Ring must be irreproachable-not necessarily c ostly, but p ure-of stone and artistie- of designi We have the kind you want,'and the kind shre'll be proud to wear. ALEXA*LLIO Watchmaker Phone 207 Jeweler Engravrer Bowmanville The Cost of Radio? T,) gîve the publie some defiaite Idea as ýto the cost of Radio Equipment, we ar(- listing belbw some of our prices. COMPLETE OUTFITS Crystal Detector Oulits............... ..... $16.50 ta $35.00 Vacuum'Tube Outfits Detector Unit-Single Tube ........... $64.00 ta $110,00 Vacuum Tulle Outfits Detector and f stage amplifier, 3 tubes . .$ 130.00 ta $225.00 PARTSi Complete set parts ftr Crystal Detector outfit, les orial . .$9.50 Complete set parts for Vacuum Tube detector unit, lese batter- ies and eerial ................................... $47.50, Special Everett 3000 ohm head phones....................... $8.00 Thesie retail i11 U. S. for $8.50 Friday-Saturday November 17-18 Alden, Cullen Landii and Sylvia Breamer in Mau With Two Mothera" By Alice Duer Miller, Monday-Tuesday November 20-21 George Arligs in "THE RULING PASSION" Wednesday Nbvember 22 Marie Prevost in "KISSE D" COMING Nov. 27-28-*Rememberance" Dec, 4-5-Matheson Lang in "Carnival" Dec. 11-1 2-Douglas Faïhbank ia "'One of the Blood" Dec. 18-1 9-Mary Pickford in "The Love Liight" D e4 25-26-John Baxue,a in "Sherlock Holmes" Northern Electric R1000 Re- h - ~csiving set requires no storage ..- battery, complets including ,,phones, batteries and aerial. P rics ............... $130.00 -~ ...t, . Crystal Detector sets wili only receive up te a distance of approximetely 25 miles on an average, but Schenectady, - Buffalo, Newark and Pittsburg have orcasionally been heerd bere on crystal ses-no batteries required on crystai sets. A good Vacu-nm Tube set will receive stations et any dis- tance uip te about 2000 miles. Please Remxember-We only hendîs standard squipmsnts of the best quality----every complets set sold by us is gueraatesd and includes -6 moathçs' service. Wben you buy e- complete set £rom us it will be ebsolutely complets, reedy te operate. The En'iS..pire Sales Co,-' "The Bungalow". Bowmanville, Ont. Open 7.00 to 11.00 p. m. Monday, Wednesdey, Thursday and Saturday nigflts. Phone 370 fer private demonstration if interestsd. III i Admission: Aduîts 25, Children 15e r- Ir

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