Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1922, p. 6

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TREASURERWS TAX SALE 0F LANDS A Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes will be held la The Counties' Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, on Thursday, December 7, 1922, at.the bour of Eleven O'clock in the fore- noon. A list of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes bas been pre- pared, and copies thereof May be had !n My office, and that the list ia be- ing published in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Ninth, Sixteenth and TWenty-tbird days of September, 1922, and that in ýdefault of payment of the taxes and costs, the lands will be sold for taxes. Neil F. MacNachtan, Counties' Treasurer. Coboug August 28th, 1922. 35-13 -ine ï-e kemedy ilurin e eRredy COýq L_ _".O 7C, PQ H 0 PMS PHOD 1N E The Great English Preparation. STones anîd invgorates the whoie nervous system. makes rew Biood in nid Vein. Used for Nervous Debility, Mental anzd Brain Worry, Despondeni, Loaa of &nergy, Palpitation of the Heari,7aitine Memory. Price $2 peï box. 3e~ for $5. e*Sod by ai i çruggists, or maiied in plin qkg. en receipt of prksç. New pamphlit maited 'rgeeTNE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO,ONT. mned i ine. Sold in three de- - res of atrength-No. 1, $1; o.2 3No.3, $5 per box. repMl on receipt of price. e pamphlet. Addreaa: THE COOK MEDICINE CO.. 7020370. Dur n-.. D1AýUOtuERU WAS WEAK AND NE nVOUS Mother Gaie Rer Lydia L Pinkham's 'Vegëtable Com- Pound with Happy ResuIts Cobourg, Ontario.-"Lydia E. Pink- am's Vegeta2ble Compound was rec- ommended to mie for My daugliter. She had trouble every month which Heft ler ia a weak and nervous condi- Mv ton ilth -weak back and pain la lier riglit side. She had these troubles *frequently was un- ~ able to attend school. She bas become regular and feels inucli better since she began taking the Vegetable Comnpound and attends school regu. larly.-Mas,- JOHN, Tossse, Baîl St., Cobourg, Ontari o. EverY niothetr who lias a daug-hter suifelbg f rom sucli symptoms should give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comnpound a trial. It le prepaed front root s and herbs, and can be taken la saafety by yonng or old. It -bas been used nearlY fitty years, and Inany, many womea owe their good bealth today to the tlmely use of Lydia E. Plnkham'a 'Vegetabs <om- pound. STOMACH TROUBLE? INDIGESTION? Here'% Good News foIr 'You Llndsay, Ont- "Dr. Plerce's Gofden Medical Dimcovery la the. »beet Medicine I have ever taken JH. Fawoett, 8 Beach St. Your health la most important te you. It's easily lmproved. Just ask your nearest drugglst for t-lis Pre- scription of Dr. Pierce's ia tablet or lquid form. Write Dr. Pieroe, President Iava- Uda' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., If you want free medical advice. RAILWAY' TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eat Going West Exrss842 a, m. d Express 4.22 a. am Expes 1.38 a. mi. d Express 5.46 a. mi. daily except Monday Passenger 1.23 p i Pass'ngr 3.09 p. i.Pass'ngr 8.42 a.m Pass'agr 2.02 p. m. Local 7.19,jp. m. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. mi. Express 9.58 p. m. d Express 8.24 p.ai Express 12.29 a. m. d Canadian Pacific Railway Going East Going Wet Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.47 a. m Pass'ngr 2.45 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m* Express 10.08 p. m.,* Epress 4.33 p mi Express 12.20 a. m. Local 7.42 p m* *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towin Agent. Canadien NmttionaI Railway. West Bound East Bound Tyrone Station Pass'ngr 8,15 a. mi. Pass'ngr 6.34 p. mi ,Liver, Pains Pains- under the, shoulder blades tel! cf liver derangements. Other indications are sallow complexion, indigestion, constipa- tien, bîliousness and bilions head- aches. The quickest way te arouse the liver te heahthful action îs by use cf Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Çontinued use will insure lasting relief, correct the whoke digestive system and purify the blood. Mai. Wm. Barten, lHainover, Ont., writes. "For orne flue I snfered hou 11,cr trouble. There was a hard, bearins- down feeling - msyback which 1 could not get rid of. Soute on. advised me to try Dr. ChaWes Ki<ney-Liver Pilla. I did se, and f ound thent excellent. The dragging feeling in my back dia- appeared snd 1 f l mucli benefited gcnerally. 1 have great confidence ini Dr. C.baae's Kidney-Liver Pilla, snd always keep themn on haod for general Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilis., one pi11 a' dose, 25e a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Ce., Limited, 'Tronto., BOUNSLLSr MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 SCOTCH AND SWEDE q and only tebs rd@o VERMONT BLUE MRL 1 employ no cemetery caretakera as %gents preferring to neli ,nY own gooda thus saving -th e purcbseer the agent'a commission. A cal solicited. F. 14. BOUNSALL Proprietor. BowmaVIIle ,,Zutoo The Double Trazk Route between Montre&4 Toronto Detroit Chic*gt. Uiiexcelled, dinintg car service. Sleeping cars on i.ight trains ane Parlor cars on the pr;,-icipal day n'alni, Pull knformation i'romn any Granc frnk Ticket Agent or C. E. fleminr ')istlct Pameanger Agent, Toronto, 1-,J. H.L H. JUOtY, AËe.t-- Phne, 78 8.Wm»ÎSmil BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 2nd, 1922. SAM CLARKE.M. P. P., IN WEST Thinks Foreiga Settiers Are Waated and Opines Grain Prices Aren't Right. Reýina Leader (Liberal,) Oct-cher 13, says: Samuel Clarke, M. L. A. for Northumberland County, Ontario, and o o ftho oldest members cf.tho Ont-ario Legialat-ure, is la Regina on a t-rip t-o look over bis farms at Wolse- loy and Grenfell. This is bis tbirty- ninth t-rip west, and bielbas been in Western Canada for a pemiod every year since 1883. "I don't see how western farmers can make any profit on 80-cent wbeat and 30-cent onts wbile t-bey bave t-o pny t-be exorbitant prices cbarged by implement concerns, railway6, and prnctically overyone wbo sella t-hem supplies, bie said last night. Yet I seo no way t-o make ends meet wbile we, have such- a higb tariff which puts goods out cf sight in price, while t-he, American tariff practically pimies an emibargo on 'southward export cf farm produce. I don't blame t-be Americans for put-ting ai tariff wnll agninst us for we mepollodi every effort t-o make a reciprocityï agreement. This tariff is ruining t-be wost. I have been west mnny times, and I don't think t-bat it is ia as good shape as it was 10 yoars ago. Then t-bore was some evidence cf prosperity in t-ho, counftry. But t-o- day t-ho averago farmer la struggling under a load cf debt. "The moat serious aspect of t-be problem la t-bat t-be farmer bas ne say in oit-ber t-be pricos lho recoives or t-ho prices hoe pays. A wheat board would have boon an excellent t-bing for t-ho west. Tbougb I don't t-hink it could make monst-rous prices, yot I do t-hink that it would givo t-be farmer a chance t-o bold bis wheat until hoe could get a faim prico f or it. Tbey could' advance him, say 60 cents, wblch would on- able him t-o bold untîlliho wantod t-o seîl. A syst-em wbereby t-ho banker advanced mon:ey on t-be st-orage tick- ets would be t-oc complex, mucb t-oc complex". 1Mr. Clarke disagrees wit t-be gov- emnment-'s new immigration- policy. "The beat sett-bm is net youm Eng- lishman or your Irishman or your Scot-cbman", lho said. "Expenience bas shown me t-bat se f ar as farming is concernied ne one can t-oucb t-be Germans, t-be Norwegians and t-ho Swedee. They work, t-bey st-ny on t-be f arm, and t-ho whole family will get dcwn t-o work and, make a fine farm out cf a bope-lesa proposition. On t-be centmary, many cf t-be Eng- lish settlers, t-be clasa we get in Can- ada, will work for a year or e, and t-bon will give up and go t-o t-be city. We need people la t-be wost wboj will live in sanl bouses, and live cbeaply, rat-ber t-ban people who sport areund in automobiles", declared Mr. Clarke. 1 Mm. Clarke t-hougbt t-bat -t-be On- t-amie farmers' govemameat was net as st-rong as at first. "But Drury is doing remamkably well". The member cf t-be Ont-ario logis- latume believeýs t-batt-be problema; of t-be Ont-aric and Saskat-chewan f arm- era are commion, and t-bat t-hougb botb provinces bave bumper crops t-bis7 year, t-bat pricos are t-oc low for profit, ACCIDENT DUE TO ERROR Judge Wamd Dismisses Case of Negligent DriWng Against !Napanee Man Douglas Macpherson, Nnpanee, wns t-riod in t-be count-y judge's criminal court, Cobourg, beo r0 Judgo- Ward on t-ho charge t-bat or September 3rd last hoe dîd wbile in charge-cf n met-or vehicle, t-breugn negligence, cause act-ual bodily bam t-o Mina. John Baker of Brigbton. Ac- cording t-o t-be evidence, Mr. and Mrs. Baker and their 15-year-old son were diving west of Bowman- ville, t-be son driving t-ho car, wben t-bey were passed on t-be road by Macpberson's car, at t-besane time anot-ber car was coming frem t-be opposite direct-ion. Macpherson swung is car la front of t-be Baker car t-o avoid colliding witb t-heoct-be car ceming from t-be opposite dir- ection, and, st-ruck t-be Baker car's ,left front wbeel, t-urning it inte thbe dit-ch and upset-ting it, pinnîng t-ho tbree Bakers -undemnenth it. Mra. Baker was t-be only coeburt, and she bad t-o spend seven days ln the Bowmanville Hospital. Mac. pb'ersen was brougbt up in police court at Bewmanville and commit- ted for trial by P. M. Horsey cf Downinville, but e~owed eut on A funny feat-ure about ail these t-ricks on travellera about Toment-o Union St-ation. is t-bat t-be rogues go scott free- and their plunder 18 sel- dom r eg»ied. It, seems t-o us t-bat alert- policemen should, keep t-bat avenue cf traille .dcear cf human sharks.-ýEditor. MISSIONARIES FROM INDIA Dr. and Mrs. Nugent, returned medical missionary from India, who are home on furlough, spent a few days with Lindsay friends recently. Dr. Nugent took charge of the ser- vices ia the Presbyterian Church in the morning and the Methodist at night on Sunday. Both addresses were, very interesting and instruct-« ive. In part Dr. Nugent said: There are over 330,million people in India and as yet only 5 million of these are Christians. These people should make a special appeal to us, as they are not only of our own race but are also British subjects. Ail In- dians or more properly East Indians, are flot Hindoos. as most Americans call them. The Hindoos are a seet, a religious body. Besides these there« are 70 million Mohammedans, 5 mil- lion Christians, 50 million untouch- ables who are of low caste and are not allowed to even worship in idol temples, use public wells, etc., nor, attend schools. HInidoos worship idols, every animate as well as inani- mate tbings. Cows are specially sacred and a Hindoo who would kili a cow, even accîdentally, would be outcast by bisý people. Mohammedans worship God andl Mohammed, his Prophet, but do flot believe that Christ is the Son of God and would kilI anyone not of their belief if they bad authority. The people of India are principally f arm- ers, but their system of renting land seêms very unjust. Each man pays rent to the state, makes bis own im- provements, and the m~ore he does to improve the property the higher the rent hie- is charged until the farmer becomes discouraged. The mission work in India is very difficult and entirely insufficient for the needs of the people. Mrs. Nugent and I with two unmarried lady missionaries have charge of one haîf million people in a'district of 60 square miles, including 1200 towns and villages. This includes medical, educational and evangelical work, and clearly our forces are inadequate1 In our absence only the two lady missionaries carry on the work. To become Christians people sufer terrible persecution. One rich man lost bis 70 head of cattle tbrougb poisoning, bis land too, until forced to give up bis profe- ion for the sake of bis children and grandchild- ren. This is one incident. others have suf ered similarly but hav,' remained flrm witb tbis one exception. I oe mison work pP-'? Yes, it ways. Owing to resuits of mission- ary work the, people of India re- mained true ýto Britain durîng the great war and sent large armies to help. Without missionary influ- ence there would have been an up- rising whicb would -bave cost Britain men and mnoney to subdue. It also elevates the people to bigber levels. The status of the women is particu-, larly low. A girl must be married at the age of ten years. If the bus- band dies, she is a* slave in bier rnotber-in-law's home. and leads an immoral 1f e. Does missionary work pay? Yes, it is the greatest in- vestment la the world;_ DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINKI B. E. R. Waite, Secretary, Shawnee Oklahoma Board of Commerce T-bat many business men should have a wider vision of modern busi- ness. A vision whicb will lead the wvay for increase.d opportunity and increased business. That if you have good business, Advertise-ýand keep it! That if you want greater busi- ness, Advertise-and get it! That you can make quicker profits by quick turnover of stock. s That if you don't have a quick, 3turnover. your stock will depreciate .i invalue. iThat you can't "play dead" and iget anywhere, .1 That the man who hesitates toc - much is lost. 1 That hit-and-mias metbods in busi- 1 -nessdon't pay. - That the public wants good seas- 1onable merchandise at reasonable Prices. That if you have the right kind of gooda, service- and prices, let the people know. Advertise. That advertising and service sell rgoods. That advertising brings business. That poor goods and service lose business. That every customer who leaves a store without the goods he came to buy, shows soniething is wrong *witb either the goods, price or'ser- vice. That if this happens often in a tore, something i wrong with41- Yonge and Charles Sts ., Toronto. Every graduate of the last twelve *montbs has promptly obtained employment, "Solid menit" is t-ho *foundation on which is built t-be reputation cf this achool. Enter any time. Handsome Catalogue fre W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Fodplus Vtamines Ist efficient food. If there is lack of normal vitamine content the food is like a wire without electricity; it lacks the power to function.I Ienhances the value of the jdaily diet, because it adds Ithe preoious vitamines that help sustain and 1promote healthful progresa. Scott'a Emulsion builda strength. Sct e",ootOt 23 The Firiest Green Tea is undoubted1y i aIaain SOME OSHAWA ITEMS Rev. Geo. Yule bas had la grippe but is now convalescing. Population is likely to be 1200 over at year's says R. Hl. James. Oshawa bas dandelions in bloom and a second crop of raspberries. Oshawa bas imported 46,000 tons paving brick from Youngstown, Ohio.~ Gene'ral Motors MaIe Chorus isi t-be latest- musical society. Miss Hazel McMullen la leader of South Oshawa C. G. 1. T. Oshawa, bas- a Board of Trade, J. A. McGibbon, Secretary.' Oshawa wants big barbor improve- ments, too. Also subway at G. T. R. crossing on Simcoe St. A. P. Griffan, Oshawa, is one of a~ biking party froin ocean t-o ocean. Cecil Bint is president of South Oshawa Tuxis Square. Oshawa Men's Indoor B. B. League bas donated a cup f or the Ladies League. Christian Cburcb will bave tbree hockey teams tbisýwinter. The 011 of Power.-It is not dlaim- ed, for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil that- it will remedy every iii, but its uses are so varions that it may be looked upon as a general pain killer. It bas achieved that- greatness for it- self and its excellence is known t-o ail wbo have tested its -irtues and learned by experience. Chi ropractic (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease without Mediciin s or Kaife. Chir- opractora have rernarkahle suc- cama in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rbeumatism. Lxumbago, Lame l3ack, Constipatiot, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles,. Nervou.nesz, la many forma respond readily te Chfro- practic. Examination Fre. at Offlce. DR. S. M. JO)NES. 66e Simâco, St. N. Oshawa Pbon. 22,k r W en You Buy McClrdys r 'An Electric Range (PE7.Zet ý IT ISN'T a littie article the.t wfil last only a fev- days or weeks or months. It is- a machine that you will use prebably three times every day and- that you wil keep on using year in and year out. It must work propfrly always. It is an important- purchase. If you buy a McClary's Electrie Range witIr Protected Elements, you buy Iffeîong satisfaction-, you buy a rangei whîch cook-broils, broils, fries, bakes: roasts -e'very kind. of food botter than. r--ay other.method of> i I oGkig ye inented. Makers of The seamless, round cornered porcelaîn enameled. washable oveà îst. fireless cooker Ila London, Toment-o, ?4ontreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B, Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmoaton 59 Real Good Soap A Big9 Bar of Good- Soap-Bright, solid soap- with fine lathering and'cleansingqualities for the family wash and household use. For use in washing machines shave or slice a portion of the "lSURPRISE " bar direct to the- machine-Lt wiIl1do fine work. It Is pure fresh and wholesome and the flavor is that of the true green leaf. 4 CI

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