~Would You Care To have A First- Class Piano At A Bar gain Price ? You, bereby have the opportuffity of buyinLy a modern Dominion- piano, Mahogany, lately taken as part payment on a Louis Walnut D)ominion. This piano lias been littie uised and has been made as good as new. The purchaser of ths instrument WHI have a bargain. F. J. Mitchell Sales Agent Telephone 105 Bowmanville FIli Your Potato Bin Now You may reet assured prices will not be lower than we are now charging. Quality of our potatoes je ýAl-smooth, meaily and solid iight through-grown in the sand bills of Manvers -only "i5c bag. Hýome grown potatoes 59c bag. NWTEA WITH THE NEW FLAVOR Try a packa;ge of Luxura Tea to-day. It's delicious. We are Bovimanville agents for Luxura Tea. THIS SEASON'S NUTS ARE HERE Firet shipment of nuts for fail and Christmas have just arriveci, They are sweet, meaty and dlean stock. Take home a bap- of fresh candy, too, for the children. Why Carry Your Groceries When We'Deliver Them Without Extra Cost? -C. M. CAWKER & SN BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE OPPORTUN ITY Canadian Bank Stocks are due for a rise in value! Why net too late. Cor-ne in enjoy the profits before it is Write us, or,,better still, and we will explain, why. This is a go od *me to exehange your Bonds for others of equal Value, and make Money. Keep in touch *with your Securities,. Arthur N.McMillan &Co Irnvestment Bankers Bowmanville, Ont. Goods From Jap&%an Now Being Displayed A beautiful shipment of that popular attractive and comfort- able furniture madte by the induetrions Japanese lias just been received. The lot includes Work Baskets, Feru Troughs, Jar- dinere Stands, Settees, Chairs, Childs' Rockers, etc. The new prices make it possib'le to have any of these articles in your home at 10w cost, $50 FUMED OAK BUFFETS FOR $39 This special off er is good for Friday and, Saturday-2 solid Fumed Oak Buffets, beautiful bevelled inirror, newcst designu, seli regular at $50,00, just 2 of these will be sold on above days at $39.00 EACH WILLIAMS & ANN Undertaker & Enibalmer Bowmanville , Furuitur. D.aIr Ont..ri BQWMANVILLE, NOV. 2nd, 1922,' LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Bazaar and supper Tuesday, Nov. 7, Methodist Churcli at 3 and 5 p. m. Mies Ida Weekes, Toronto, lias been visiting her sister, Mies Edith Weekee- Mrs. Lucy Bowen, Port Hope, spent the week-end at Mr, J. T. Bragg'e, Mrg. Cl1ýrie Wise, Toronto, ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilcox. See the array of fancy and use- f ul articles at Methodilat Bazaar, Tuesday, Noveinber 7th. Mies Beatrice Devitt and Mr. Wil- frid Bowles, Toronto, spent the week-end at Dr. J. C. Devitt's. Dr. and Mrs. H1. C. Rundie and family, Brighiton, speat Sunday witli bis mother. Mrs. John Rundie. Mr. W. H. Hellyar, Cliaton, visit- ed hie brother and sister, Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar.this week. Messrs. Alex Bradshaw and Har- old. G. Thurston, Toronto, spent Sun-day at Mr. G. N. Thurston's.,, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yellowlees and chiîdren of Solina, spent Sua- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lord. A young folks concert will be held .ia the Lecture Roem of St. Paul's Church, Friday eveniag, November 3rd. 43-t ýMesers. Stanley Duna and Harry Rutherford have returned from a successful hunting trip la Hastings County. Women's Hospital Auxiliary willl hold its regular monthly meeting on Friday, November 8 at 3.30 p. m., in the Council Room. Women's Association of St. Paul's Church will hold their annual supper and bazaar on Friday, Nov. 17, in the Lecture Room. 42-t~ Menu for supper, Methodist Church, Nov. 7-Dressed hamn and toague, pickles, salads, jellies, cake,1 Apple and pumpkin pie, tea. Tickets 50c and 25c. Potash and Perl'mutter,, nich li rare wit and humor, in next Suaday's Herald' and E~Xamner, Chicaigols Beet Newspaper. Buy it from A. L. Nichoîls. Mr. and Mrs. James Sandlinds,i Mrs. Weaver and Miss Weaver, Miss1 Stella Ras and Mr. Robt. D. Woods, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mr. an.d Mrs. R. H. Hamley an-. nounce the engagement of their daughter, Lena Blanche, and Mr. H. Thomas Rîtcock of Bowmaaville, the marriage to take place in No- vember. iRev. S. C. Moore attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Me- Crea at Omemes on Monday. Mrs. MeCrae was 90 years of'age, bora la Ireland, and had lived la Om- emee for the past 61 years. Her husband predeceased lier about 12 years ago. She leaves four dauglit- ers: Lady John C. Eaton, wlio is visîting in Europe at present; . Mrs. R. J. Mulligan of Lindsay; - Miss Anna McCrea of Toronto and Miss Ellie at -home; three sons, John and Arthiur of Toronto and William of Winnipeg. ý October meeting of Bowmanvîlle Wonien's Institute at the home of Mrs. W. L. Keys on Friday after- noon was a splendid succees being welattended and having a good program consisting of splendid pap- ers on "Thanksgiving" by Mrs. Wm. Adamsand Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl. Mns. Ale.x Colville ,con «trîbuted a Bolo la ber usual good voice. Mrn. W. B. Pollard, President, was la the chair and amoaz the other business items reported was the sending of six. haleb of quiltsi, undercl1ýthI1ng for women aadý children which the members had made beaides a quan- tity of -other clothing for the fine suf erers of Nothera Ontario. The birthday cake and other refreali- ment% were greatly enjoyed. Birth- day off ering aniounted to $18.40. FLOWERS FOR THANKSGIVING Remember your friends and rela- tives -with fiowers on Thanksgiviag Day. Their fragrant beauty will brigliten the day and brng a mes- sage of thankfulness and cheer. We have chrysantihemums la their feathery loveliness and creamy white and golden tiats-big luxur- iant blossomB as crisp and freali as .the Autumn weather. You will also find in ouir .conservatories ex- - - n.and rs. Evenett Hoar and baby Charles motored to Whitby to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hoar's grandfather, Mn. Charles W. Smith, a former resident of Darlingtcca Mr. Smith was an old and much re- spected citizen. Much sympathy le expressed for the bereaved relativesi by their Darlington frieads.-Re-1 former Cor. LOST OR FOUND FOUND-A lady' Fountain' Pen. Loser please enquire edt Statesman Office. 44-tf FOUND-On Scugog Road,1 neari Bnrketon on Monday, Oct., 16, a plush cape. Owner may have samne by prov- ing property and paying expenses. Ap- ply to Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 44-tf ville; aise sum of meney found in town. Owners may have saine by preving pro- perty and paying expenses. Apply Slucer Corporation Ltd., Bowmnanville. 44-3 TO LET FARM FOR RENT-112 acres gooci land and baildings, Immediate possession Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 16-tf FOR RENT-Geed brick residence con- taining 10-rooms, clesets and pantry, electrie light and furnace. corner Con- cession and Centre St., iiowinanville. Possession after Nov, 11. Apply te Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Tyrone. Phone 194-r2. 44-tf WANTED WANTED-d!aretaker for the Presby- terian Church, Newcastle. Apply te Thos. Moffatt, Esq.W Beaver-st., Newcastle\, 43-2 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM-Accemmodation fer four scheel girls or lady bearders. Apply Mrs. Roy Hooper, 22 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville. 43-2* LIVE STOCK FOR SALE CATTLE FOR SALE-Registered BuIll Holstein-Fresian, 2 years, 5 months old; one Grade Durham 00W. renewed Oct. 21, rising four years and one Jersey cow, te freshen la Nevember, rising 4 years. F. B. Rundie, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. Phone 172-21.- 48-2w POULTRY FOR SALE-2 Barred Rock Cook bîrds, bred ta lay strain, $8 each; white Leghorn cokerels, Ferris and IClarke strain; Rose Comb Brown Leg- hern cockerels, heavy laying strain. Chance for farmers te improve stock. R. H. DllIIng, Phone 186, Bowmanvilleý 43-3* ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Baby Carniage, cream wicker, $25. Parler Cook Steve $10. Box ?11, Bowmanville.1 44-1w* FOR SALE-A quantity of geed Swede Turnips. Apply Rev. Geo. Mason, High pSt., phone 231r3, Bowmanville. 43-t 1 AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, first class mechanical shape, appearance good.Apply te J. Hately, Central Garage, Bowmanville., 87-tf. CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughiin 1917, $800; Chevrolet 1920, $375; Overland 85-4, $450. Apply to A. W. Plokard, Phone 185, Dowmanville. HONEY FOR QALE--Good quality' clover extra honey, can-be secured at village stores in Darlington or at Apairy. R. J .Smîthi, Enniskillen, phone 211r24. COWS FOR SALE-Two Cews-a Dur- ham and Jersey-both ready te freshen- are offered at a bargain for quick sale. Mrs. W. J. Smnale, Hampton, 43-2w* MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE-"«Excel- sier Twin'. Guranteed te be In good running order. Prie $85,00 for quick sale. Apply te R. Morris, 86 Ontario-st., Bowmanville. 42-1w* FOR SALE-One platform Spring Dray, 2 herse 1% ton capacity, in first class condition, at haîf price; ene Gray Top Buggy, auto seat, like new; ene Gray buggy, piano box, ail renevated over and painted; one 3/4 road wagon, light and fancy. John Percy, Bowmanville. 48-t PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Brick cottage contalnlng 6 rooms, furnace and electric lights. Hard and soft water In bouse, good garden and fruit trees. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf FOR SALE-Lot about -ftlty feet front- age at corner of Centre and Concession Streets, qaontaining good barn, easlly con- vertible totabouse. Apply Bruce Hon- eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farm lIocated at Tyrons, Ont., containlng one huadred and flfty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, nine bearlng. Ploughing possession this Faîl. Apply Pruce Honey- weiI, 60 Duke Street, Toro.âto, or tele- phone 194-2. BowmanvIlle, 52-tf Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of FrederIck Griffin, late of the Township of Oarllngton, ln the County of Dur- ham, a farmer, decea8ed. NOTICE is hereby givea pursuant te Sec. 56, of Chap. 121, B. S. O., 1914, that ahl pensons having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Frederick GrifFan, deceased, who died on or about the fouth day of Angust, 1922, are e- quimed te send by post, prepaid, or de- liver te theunadersigned D. B. Simpson, K. C.. Solicitor for Richard B. Griffan and'Thomas Rail, executors of the will of*the sald deceased, on or before the twenty-ninth day of Nevember, 1922,1 theirechnîstian and surnames and ad- I dresses with full particulars la writing~ of their dlaims, and statement of their accounts and tbe nature of the securi- ties (if aay) held by tbemn duly veified by statuery declaration. AND TARE NOTICE that after the said tweaty-nlntb day of November, 1922, tbe sald executers wlll preceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amoag tbe parties entiUled thereto bav- ing regard only te the dlaims of which they shaîl then have notice, and tbe sald executors will net be hiable for sald assets, or any part thereof, to any person or pensons of wbese dlaimn notice shall net have been recelved by thema or their said SolIcitor at the time of sncb distribution. Dated this first day of' November, 1922.D. B. Simpson, ' W C.. Bowmaaville, Ontario, 44-8 Solicitor for the said executors. IN MEMÔRIAM CRAWFORD-Im loving memnomy, of Will Cmvwfomd who p"sed away at Blackstock on Octeber 22, 1921. We do net forget yen, nom do we Iatend, We tbink of you daily, and will to thse end. Gene and forgotten, by somne yen may be IBut dean te our memory, forever youIll be. Sadly mIssed by Mother and Brother. SEYMOU R-Ia loving memory of Viola *Luxton, beloved wif e of the late Wii- leam Seymour, who passed away Oct. 8th, 1918. The deptbs of sorow we cannot tell, 0f the lees of oe we loved so wsll, And wbile she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Hem memony we shall always keep. Hem smiling face te ns se dean, Hem gentie foetsetps ne more we bear, Hem willing hands and face se sweet, Ia beaven some day we hope te meet. Sadly mîssed by Mother, Father Sis- ters and Brothers. KELMAN-In leving memery of Edlth Relman, beloved wif e of Geo. M. Rel- man, who died Nov. 3md, 1918. iThe shock was great, the blow severe, We litethpuglxt hem deatb se, near, But fl those who love eau tel The pain of saying a last famewell. Sadly mrissed by Hnsband, Sons and Daughtém.- la loving memomy of Greta M. Virýue,- wbo pasged awaY Noveimber 2nd, 1920. In our hearte your> menîomy lingèes, Sweetly, tender, fond and tmue, Zrbeme is net a day dean sister, That we, do net tbink, of yen. - Famlly. <MARRIAGES MANN-CLARKE-At King St. Meth- odist parsenage, Oshawa, by Rev. A. M. Irwin, Oct. 25th, Clarence David Mann and Hazel Marion Clark. GARRARD-HARPER-At King St. Methodist parsenage, Oshawa, by Rev. A. M. Irwin, Oct. ilst, Russell Thomas Garrard and Pearl Harper. SUTTON-TERWILLEGAR-A,)t King St. Methedist parsonage, Oshawa, hy Bey. A. Mi.,Irwin, Oct. 26th, Archibald Clayten Sutton and Elva Llewella Ter- willegar. FISHER-BERRY - At Centreville Preshyterian Church, Oct. 25, hy Rev. A. H. McConnachie, M A., Mr. J. Chester Fisher and Miss Helen Marie, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. G.eo. Berry, Centreville. GARRARD-MOUNTJOY-At the resi- dence of the hride's f4jher, on Oct. 28, hy Bey. J. E. Beckel, Bethany, Mr. Chas. L. Garrard, and Vera Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. Thes. Meuntjoy, both of Haydon. CAUFFIELD-PERCY-At the Meth- odist Church, Bowmianville, on Saturday, 'October 28, by Bey. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Dr. Harry Cauffield of Dayten, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geary Cauf- field, 'Cortland, Oh',o, and Miss Kate Marie Percy, of Ohie State University Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, and youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Percy, Bowmanville. DEATHS BURLEY-In Newtenville, Ocf. 26th., Charlotte, widow of the late James Bur- ley, aged 78 years. WA R N E-At bis residence, Front Budd East, near Cobourg, October 27, William H. Warne. DARLING-At Port Hope, Octeber 27, Mary Ana Baby, heloved wife of Thos. J. Darling, aged 69 years. HOUCK-At Espanola, Ont., Oct. 29, Matilda James, widow of the late Dan- iel Houck. Sister of Mrs. E. J. Power, Clarke. Interred in Bown-anville cerne- tery on Wednesday. FOWLER-In Moorefield, Ontario, on Tuesday, October 17, 1922, Alexander M. Fowler, aged 70 years, 4 days. Brother- in-law of Mrs. James Ceurtice, Bow- manville. Interment in Victoria Ceme- tery, Drayton. BENNETTS THRIEE PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA Open for engagements. Real snappy music. Apply box 327, Bowmanvllle. 41-tf WE WANT 100 MEN Rlght now te train for big paying mechanical'jobs. If yen are mechanic- ally inclined and like working around automobiles and tractors, every day you put off coming te us, yen are cheating yourself. Can yen afford te do this? Neyer was thére such a demand for trained men. A few weeks of your time invested now will give yen a trade that will mean independence for life, Leara automobile and tracter operating and rspaiming, tire 'vulcanizing, battery building and oxy-acteylene welding by the Hemphill practca1 system. Our free employment selricei at your disposaI. Caîl or write for free'catalogue, Dont ýdelay. Get in line for the big pay and steady work. Do it now. Hemphill Auto & Tracter Scheels, 163 Ring West, Toronto. 44-4 Personal G reeting Cards Caîl and see the book containing beautiful sam- ples of Christmas Greet- ing Cards. Both plain and fancy cards to, suit every' taste and pocket book. Jt's none too early to see about ordering your cards. ALEX. ELLIOT Diamonds & Jeweh-y Bowmanvill, For Growing, Beys and Girls, Feeble 0Wd People and For TASTELESS EXTRACT 0F COD LIVER wVill create riew Strerigth, eiiegy and stamina- iertifying the system against attaclca frein acute # diseases. sjch asGrippe, Influenza, Pneumonia, @ Couglis, Celcs, Diptheria, Fevera. Etc. * Wanpoles Extraci ef Ceci Liver aise siferdsI *prompt andi timely heip for pale, sickly, listless , oanaenic girls just budding ie owemanheed. If taken reguiarly it wiii iruprove theim rpaired op- a ipetite, help overcorne sleruiessoe breath, snd 8 & reStere a healtlsy color to lips snd cheeks. Price $1,0 At Keslake's D]rug Store Agenti for Mary Anne Chocolat.. They're 50e a peunf The Shop That LeadslI Oulr Thanksgiving Show is only a lint .of the larger and complete exhibi- tion of furnishings of every good kind Step In and Look Over the Shirts, N,,eçkwear and Suits that will be worn at ma-iy a dinner table on the great feast day. Better provo that you are as up-to-date as the othirs by providing yourself with toggery of the c1as,-7to be had he re. G. .TUSO Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. Apparel For -YourgwFeuet Pro per Fitting Foot wear, Women's as illustrated in black kid with welt soles at $11.00 pair Blacki or Brown Cali, Mac- Kay soles, priced at $6.75 pair Women's Oxfords or Strap Styles from $5.00 to $8.75 pr Ladies' Gaiters $2.25 ta $3.50 pair, fashioned to fit. Men's Boots as illustrated in black or brown caîf, goodyear welt soles, No. 1 grade, priced at 1$8.50 per pair Men's Brogue Oxfords for solid wear at $9.00 per pair Spats for mea at $1.75 paie- SPECIAL ATTENI1 ION GIVEN TO ALL FOOT TROUBLES W.CLA UDE 'I VES Bowmanville Cash Shoe Store Brantford Roô-fing ACKNOWLEDCGED THE BEST ON THE MARKET TO-DAY Better have that'leaky roof repaired 110W be- fore" it's too late. Insfst on having Brantford Roofing if want the best. Sold in Bowmanville by Mason & DaIe's llardware Phone 145 you Bowmanville