Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1922, p. 4

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Phone 188 I------------- --i- Miss -NelieC Botrell speint the week-end in Toronto. Secure your CbnittmspI'8sent8 at Methodist Bazsar, Tuesday, Nov- eniber 7tb. The Bowmanviile High School football and basketbali teams jour- neyed to Port Hope on Friday, The football teain won 1-0 and the bas- kethail team 10-8. The teams were banquÏetted afterwards. Bowmanville 0'ARE YOUR HENS LAY1NG? Give your hens the attention they deserve and they wîll pay. Just-now eggs are scarce, but feed the hens plerty of the Scienifically Prepared Poultry Supplies sucli as we carry in stock and you'll not complain abouit -ot getting 'plenty of eggs. We carry- the largest assortment of poultry sup- plie-, i otwn, HARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE 10 j'i. Tailor Marcl a Tad We an Say To Ail Thesi Do Astoria Shoes Fit? They do. d Will they keep their shape? The Does Astoria Iead in style? Alw Are they made of best material? cmii 1 buy Astoria Shoes at leadit COPELAND SF 5 Bowmam >e Q2uestia ley will. 'fays. SThey are. ig stores everywhere) H0E STORE nville Dominion Stores- Ltd. PERFECTION' Best for Bread lu$38 98 ILbF WHITE SATIN ' No Better Pastry lu8 e 24 lbs. iu SEEDLESS RAISINS lcl New Fruit 1el SPECIAL BLENDlu Unequaîled _in Price, ~ 4Qc)r 1h and Quality Z MIa Opposite'Statesman Office Mns. . R1eid, Oshawa, and Miss Florence Pearson, Tovonto, spent the week-end wth the former's' daugbter. Mrs. Harold Wakelin. New 8-page Book of Magie, won- der pictures that %pring into color at toucb of water, in next Sunday'sI Herald and Examiner, Chicago's bestl newspaper. Buy it from, A.' L. Nicholls.i Moo ill be rendered by Mr.f C. S. Hailman, Tenor Soloist, Bo an ville, readings by Miss Mary Hall, Oshawa, and piano duets by home talent. Adaission-Adults 25c; chiidren 15c. Refreshments extra. 44-1w (COUNTRY CORRESPONDgNCE CONTJx$UED ON LAST PAGE) Used Cars, At Real Bargains 1919 CbC .rolet, overhauled, painted, new top and tires, $140.00 cash, $20.00 monthly. Model 90, Overland, overhauled, painted, tires practically new, $150.00 cash, $18.00 month- ly. Many others a§ good. Luke, BoyÈs, Limited BOWMAVIdvLLE, NOV. ana, 1922 TYRONE Miss Evelyn Brent visited friends in Toronto and attended tbe Ontario Religions Educational Council .. MY.ý and Mrs. John Hoidge and Mar- jorie, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Phare.... Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Moore, Enniskiiren, visited bis sister, Mrs. Thos., Curtis, on Sabbath .... Nurse Young is nursing Mrs. W. H. Moore wbo continues very iii . . , Mr. R. S. virtue and wife, Osb- awa, visited at Mr. Will Staples'.. .Mr. Ernest Gardiner hasr gone to Tbornloe, New Ontario, where bis kouse and saw mili were burned in the big fire. . .. Mr. R. Hodgson bas purcbased Mr. Herb. McRoberts' property and intends turning part of the bouse into a garage wbich Mr. Sheckleton wili take charge of and also live in tbe bouse. .. .Major E. E. Snider inspected our school oni Wednesday and reported everytbing favorable... Mrs. A. W. Ciemens is visitîng ber parents at Campbeiiford .... Mr. and Mrs. Earl Couiter, Haydon, spent Sunday with ber par- ents, Col. and Mrs. W. Farrell... Farinera bave been busy bringing in their turnips and potatoes, the lat- ter being a very abundant crop. . .A number £rom bere attended anniversary services at Leskard on Sunday and aiso tbe f owl supper on Monday .... Mr. Milton Werry's fanm stock saleis on Friday. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Werry and famiy from our midst, Mr. Werry bas soid bis fanm and intends mnov- ing to Osbawa next ....... .Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hudson are nioving into Mr. W. Brent's bouse .... Mr. a nd Mrs. J. C. Eliott and daughter Letitia, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Mon- crief and baby Jean motored, froni Peterboro and spent the week-end witb tbe fornier's sister, Mrs. W. A. Hamiey. SOLINA Quarterly meeting at EI.dad Sun- day at 10.30 a.m...Teniperance Raily was fittingly observed Sunday when littie folks sang two .choruses and pastor W. W. Jones gave a good temper*nce6 addrests ...Masque>- ade concert was a decided success witb costumes galore. all colors, 'i- personating ail manner of people aiid characters. Miss vera Baker won lst prize and Mr. Fred Crome 2nd. Rev. W. W. Jones and Misses Reynolds and Annis were tbe judges. The Misses Jones, Hampton, sang nicely and with music, readings, etc., eonciuded a good prograni. Pump- kmn pie refreshmýcnts were served ...Messrs. Isaac and Harvey Hardyl have secured a carioad of cattle to fatten . ... Miss Mary Reynolds, Tor- onto, ls home and Miss Bessie Rey- nolds bas returned to the city.... Mr. John Baker sold a consignment of iambs to Mr. John Miller, Myrtie ...Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright mot- ored to Toronto on Saturday and Mrs. Jýilia vanNest accompanied them 'home ...Mr. and Mrs. D. Yèllowlees and daugbter Jean visited Mr. Neil Yellowiýees, Bowmanville ... . Mrs, H. Hardy and Mrs. T. Baker visited at Mr. J. Ree- son's, Coumbus. .. ,Mr. and Mrs., Jim Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs. Dufferin Nelles. Waterford, and Mrs. Lesie C. Snowden, Maple Grove, visited at Reeve Baker's .... Misses Jennie and Lizzie Spry, Mr .and Mrs. Herbert IRichards, Bowmnanville, were guests at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's ... . Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Penfound and littie Hazel, Osbawa, visited at Mr. W. T. Baker's...Pleased to learn that Mrs. Dobson wiii spend the winter at Mr. Isaac Hardy's ... . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down, Oshawa, visîted at Mr. Harvey Hardys... Mr. and Mrs. -W. T. Taylor visited Leskard friend . ... Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Backstock, visited at Mr. Albert Balson's. HAMPTON Among recent visitors are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker, Toronto, Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, at Mr. J. H.* Burorws'; Mr. J'os. veale and Mr. Harley Hayes, Windsor, visiting at Mr. C. W. Souch's; Mr. Cyril Jeb- son, Toronto, at home ... . Mr. and Mrs. W. Wii)bur, Misses Minnie and Norab Horn, Mr. Hilton Peters, Miss Enma Saiter, Mrs. J. W. virtue and chiidren, Miss Melînda .Potter visited friends at Leskard- on Sunday and attended the anniversary services. . .Misses Frances an.d Beatrice Jones sang at the Hailowe'en social at So- lina on Monday night ... . Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Cooper and son, Roches- ter, N. Y., visited at Mr. Wni. Smaie's and Mr. Clarence Smale, Niagara, ILX- 1D '0--j '--.i IN-1 'Aff- W-11- P-44-11 +1ý.IUOUTMAXTTTT.TýIP XTnX7' 9,A iCi99 f Auct ion bSale Farm Stock an d Implements Theo. -M. Slemon bas received in- structions froni W. T. SYMONS Lot 13, Con. 4, Darlington (% mile north Tynone Station) to sali by public auction on pramîses TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Coinmencing at 12.30 o'clock the1 f oliowing: HORSES-Bay Mare, 9 yeans oid, Heavy Dnaugbt, Bay Mare, 10 yara old, Hleavy Draugbt, Chestaut Drîv ing Mare, 6 yeara, wouid make show mare. COW-1 'Cow, 8 yeans old, extra good creani cow, Durham. HENS-About 30 Hans. IMPLEMENTS-Deering' Binder, good as new;,Deaning Raka Ramper, brand new; Deening Dise Harrow; Deering Imon Harrow; Massey-Harnis Mower; Massey-Harris Combinad Seeder and Cutivator; verity Twin Plow; verity Single Plow, new; Frost & Wood Sulky Rake; Log Roller, good as new; Chatham Fanning Miii, new; MasaayHarrs ChaiffCutter, hand or pqwer,ý new; Massey-Harris 3 H. P.- Iasoline Engine, new; Wag- on; Set Iron Trucks; Set Bob Sieigbs; Set Ligbt Sleighs; Set Heavy Har- ness, good as new; Set Light Han- nasa; Cutter; Buggy; Democrat; Cant; Stock Racks; Hay Rack; Tur- nip Rack; dravel Box; Wagon Box; Seuflers; Planet Jr. Bean Seuffien and Harvaster; 2-ton Stock Scale,j Wilsons, complete with Rack; SmalP Scaies, 240 iba; Windniill Pump; Cistern Iron Pump; Imon Vice, large;1 Anvil; Lot of Toolsý Coal Oul Bar-' raI; Sbeep Shearing Machina; Fonka,l Shovels, Picks, Hoas, Axes, Wirel Fence Stretchers, Hay Fork Siinga,, Ropes, and other articles too nmn- erous to mention.1 FEED-About 25 tons Hay; 11 acre Corn Staîks; % Acre Mangolda;i I1/ Acre Turnipa, BEES-22 Hîves Pure Itaian Ex- tractor and Supers. WOOD-Several Cords Stove Wood. FURNITURE-1 Supreme Range;ý 1 Refigerator, new.1 TERMS-On bay, corn, noots,' poultry, grain, wood ai IaIl sunis under $15, cash; over thi', amount 6 montbe' credit on aproved notes,. in- tare at at 7 % per annuni. 43-2 Au"ctioun Sale Farm Stock and Implements Theo M .Slemon, Auctioneen, bas received instructions froni RICHARD H. SOUCH rLot 3, Con. 2, Darlington to sell by public, auction on, the premises on_ WEDNESDAY, -NOV. l5thi Commencîng'at 12 o'clock the fol- lowing: HORSES-1- Bay Mare, il years,i Reg; 1 Bay Mare, 15 years, Reg; 1 Bay Mare, 9 years; iMare, 12ý yeans; 1 Black Horsie, 4 yeara; 1 Ligbt Mare, 14 yeana;. CATTLE-1 Roan Cow, 5 yemrs, Reg., bred Apnil lOtb; 1 Cow brad February Sth; ,i Cow bred Apnil l3th; 1 Red Cow, Bred June lat; 1 Red Cow, bred June 15th; 3 Cat-I fle, 3 years old; 4 Cattle, 2 yaars old; 1 one-yea old; 3 Caives. HENS-About 20 Hanso, SHEEP-11, Leicester Ewes,, 1 Ram. PIC,4S-1 Sow, 10 Shoats, about 8 waaks old. IIMPLEMENTS-2 Haines Wýag- ons; 1 set Iron Wheal Trucks; 1 Steel Rbljer; Maâsey4I1arnis Bîn.d-1 r a, 7 ft. eut; 1 Two Furrow Rîding Plow; 2 Waikîng Plows; 1 National Gang Plow; 1 Cockshutt Piow; Massey-Harris Cultivator; Chatham Fanning Mili with Baggen; Mc- Cormick Rake; Massey-Harris Drill; Turnip Drill; Dise Harrow; 2000 ibs. Sealas; Massey-Hernis Mower; Dean-, ing Mowar, neariy new;' 1 set Han- rows; Te~nýp Scuifier, Set Bob Slaighs; Hay Rack; Stock Rack; 1 Cant; Gravel Box; Apple Bottom, Turnip Dump; 1 Cutting Box; 25 ft. Ladder; 1 Barn Truek; 2 Top Bug- ga;3 sets Double Harness; 2 sets eing.8le Harnes; 1 Cutter, Massey- Harnis Low Down Manura Spraader; Grindstone; Spraying Outfit; 25,Ced- ar Posts; 2 large Grain Boxes; About 50 Bags; Fonks; Hoes; Chains; etc. FEED-20 tons Timothy Hay; 20 tons Ciover Hay; 3 Stooks Corn; 1500 busheis Tunnipa; 500 bushals Mangoldas; Potatoas; sonie grain for 36 îcli Corded Velvet, in Navy and Grey, Reg $2.00 Sale Price $1.39 yd 29 inch Corded Velvet, in Copen and Navy, Reg. $1.25 Sale.Price 89c yd 27 inch Costume Velvet, in ahl shades Reg. $2 * 75 Sale Price $1.98 yd A2 inch Ail Wool Navy Serge, Reg. $1.00 Sale Price 75 yd Ladies' Ail Wood Heather Hose, Reg. $1.3p Sale Price $1.00 pr Ladies' Ail Wood Black Hose, in ahi sizes, Reg. $1.25 Sale Price 85c pr Men's Fleece, Lined Shirts and Draw- ers, sizes 34 to 42, Reg. $1.00, Special 89c per garment Men's Ail Wool Sweater Coats, Brown and Cardinal, Royal and Oxford,, sizes 36 to 42 at $3.50 St0'anfield's Red Label Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 46 $1.95 garment Stanfiehd's Combinations, ail sizes, Prices $?.95, $3.50, $4.50 Men's- Woollen Gloves, Grey and Heather mixtures at 75c, 85c, $1.00, PHONE 83 Auction Sale Household Furniture Theo. M. Siemon bas received in- structions from MR. H. T. ARGUE to seIl by public auction at bis resi- dence in SOLINA Ail bis valuable househoid furniture, etc., without reserve as he is giving up bousekeeping on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 (Tbanksgiving Day) Conimencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the foiiowing: Radiant Home parlor cook stove; nickle trinimeýd Souvenir range, wood or coal; Sinimons and Clougb organ and stool; washer and wringer; 3 f eatber beds; a large number of ail- wooi white anrd grey blankets; sheets; quilts; rugs; dishes; glassware; l5lbs_ Daly tea; piilows; springs and mat- tresses; mohair sofa; couches; bur- eaus; 4 rocking chairs; 1 doz kitchen and parlor chairs; Singer sewing machine with attacbments; pictures; large library of useful books; 1 par- lor and 2 kitchen tables; bedroom sets and bedsteads; hanging lamp; flour cbest; wbeeibarrows; 2 band sleigbs; grindstones; forks; boes; 6~ grain bags; crosscut and bucksaw; wasbtubs; knitting machine; cup- rboards; shovels; carpenters' tools; hens; 2 pullets; 3 cockerels and 101 other articles too numerous to mention. Parties wanting good furniture would do well to 'attend this sale. TERMS-On ail sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 6 montbs' credit will be given parties furnisbing approved notes witb in- terest at 6 % per annum. TIMELY HINTS FOR T hanksgiving Shoppers This may trul-y be said to be a season of tba.nkfulness and thanksgiving. --A. bountiful harvest 'has been garnered, and every person appears to bCprosperous, busy and happy. You will have an opportunity of further thankfulness and rejoicing by par- ticipating. in the special values being offered this week at Bowmanvî1le's larg- est departmental store-West End Hou-,e.. Specials for Friday & Seýaturday, Nov. '3-4, You Save by Buying at McMurtry's" Eclipse Flour, No. 1- Pastry, 241b bag - 85C Cranberries, choice fruit 23c per lb Fresh Mince Meat in bulk 25c lb Natural Figs, very choice 20c lb New Canned Pumpkin, large size 2 tins for 35c New Dates in bulk, very fancy 2 lbs for 25c Large Botties assorted jams 23c ea McLarens Jelly Powders, ail flavors 3 for, 25c Vancamps Pork and Beans 2 ins 23c Star Ammonia 3 pkgs for 24e .X Ray and Pulvo Stove Polish 5c tin Nice Juicy Oranges 40c per doz We have everything in vegetabies at the very Iowest pr:ces. We expect a large supply of poultry for T.hanksgiving. 36 Inch Cotton Cashmere in Navy and 'Cardinal, suitable for Children's LSchcol Dresses, Reg. 45e Sale Price 39c yd Pure Linen Tea Towels, very special at 25,r 58 inch. Table Damask, Reg $1.89 Sale Price $1.59, 28 inch White Flannelette, very spec- ial at 125c yc Childlren's Ail Wooi Middies andl Skirts, in ail shades, at very special prïces. Men's Grey Flannelette Work Shirts, sizes 14 to 16½/ at $1.29 Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and Draw-' ers 69c per garment Boys' Wooh Heather Mixture Glov@s at 50c per pair Boys' 201 Wool Pullover Sweaters,, MXaroon and Grey, Brown and Purple, sizes 26 to 32 at $1-.95 eaclh M.en's Heavy Wool Socks, grey only at 50c per pair -. BOWMANVILLt. Auction Sale' Farm Stock and Implements Tbe'undersigned bas received in- structions from FRANK BALL to seil by public auction on Lot 10, Con. 9, Darlington FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 the, following: IMPLEMENTS-M. H. Binder; M. H. Mower; M. H. Rake; M. H. Dise; M. H. Cultivator.; 2 M. H. Single Polws; M. Hl. 4-Section Har- rows; 13 Hoe Seed Drill, M. H; 2 Wagons complete, M. H; 2 Stock Racks, M. H; 1 Grain Box, M. H; 1 Scuffler, M. H; 1 Wbeelbarrow, M. 1-; 3 Section Harrows; 1 Monarcb Fanning Mill; 1 Cutting Box; 1 Single Buggy, McLaugblin; 1 Double Seated Buggy; 3 Sets Team Harness; 2 Sets Single Driving Harness; 1 set Bob Sieighs with Double Box, M. H; Whiffletree,; Forks; Shovels; Hoes; Straw Knif e; 2 Crosseut Saws; 2 Axes 1;verity Gang PIow; Wilin- son Twin Plow;- McLaugblin Cutter; Oid Set of Sleighs; 1 Incubator, and Brooder; Root Pulper; Bushel Measure; Bbcksaw; Baga and other articles. 'the 'implements are practically new and are in good condition. FURNITURE-Daisy Churn; Sum- plex, Separator; Ladder; 1 Canada Pride Range; 1 Iron Bedstead and Springs; 1 Front Room Heater; Î Small Heater. CATTLE-1 Black Cow, 8 yemrs; 1 Shorthorn, 5 years; 1 Red Dur- iham, 7 years; 1,Hoistein, 8 years; 3 ,Calves, 1 year; 2 Steers, 2, years; 1 Heifer, lyear.11 1 POULTRY-25 Hens and a num- -ber of otber f owi. HORSES-G. P. Driver, Brown WOOD SALE 10 Acres of Standing Timber The undersigned bas received in- owner, to sali by publie auction on structions from Mr. W. L. Law, lot 16, con. 3, Darlington, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11%h 1922, about 10 acres of standing tumber in Quarter Acre lots to suit purehasers. Tbe tunber us mostly -Maple on otber hardwoood in the South woods The purebasers will be given to the fimBtýday of March 1924, to ne- move the tumber. Terms-All sllms of $20 and un- den, cash; oven that amount, 6 mon- ths credit on approved joint note., with intenest at 6 pan cent.Sale comniences at one o'clock. Ja... Bishop, Auctioneen. 44-2w r You S5ave by Bsuying at M%'cMurtry' "You Save. by Buying at McMurtry 's" McI.Murtry &C-o., Ltd. AUCTION SALES Saturday, Novembâr 4-Misa Maggie McLaughlin will seli on lot J2 con. 9, Darlington, about 6 ut i-, of standing- mixed timber in Yï4 acre lots, some suitaýble for lum- ber.1 To April 1924 to removie tme. After the wood Èale thýrewi1l be sold on lot 12, coný 9, two cows, two heifers, tw(y calves, 1 steer and 30 hens. Sale at 1 p. ni. For ternis and par- ticulars see bis. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. 43-2w Friday, November 3-Milton J. Werry, Tyrone. will seli by ]public auction, ail of bis valuable stock implements, etc. See bis anâ complete Iist in this paper next week. Sale at 12.30, p. ni. The* M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Mr. George Jamieson, Newcastle, wiIl hold an auction sale in the near future and any person having ar- ticles of furniture, implements or live stock to 1-po f ui ake ar- rangements with him during the next few days. He has already listed some farm implements and some horses, cattle, pigp. and poultry. When requiring an exper!enced auctioneer secure Jas. Bishop, Osh- awa. Phone 287. 40-t Mare, 9 years; G. P. Mare,' Bay, 9; years; 1 Aged Ghestnut Mare, Drp e.H0GS-6 Store Hogs.> Hay, Grain, Potatoes. Sale at 12.30 o'clock TERMS-On Grain, hay, hogs, poultry, potatoes, furniture and ail' sums of $15 and under, cash; over that amount six nionths' 'credit on aproved notes with interest at 6%. Theron Mountjoy, Theo. M. Siomon, Clerk. 1Auctiioneer. iTyrone, October 31, 1922. You Sm

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