Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1922, p. 2

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A s every Link in a Chain is an indispensable p rt and contributes to the strength of the whole,so every bran ch and sub-branch of this Bank is a vital unit, closely united with ail the other branches, and is a link in a strong chain which en- circles the world and guards the financial safety of clients. THE STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, . . - H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, . - - - E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager WeA% Make It Hot, ForlYou tîonet-0Combustio Ch.. Cab t tA-.gement fr liot Water Coi _a d Aj oto o er t. /NO P, " op J Oaflpl Pf Sa. oR-y AttPa Cas t OA- VaBiP, ,O ni ai Thàt's our business-installing furnaces that have stood the test of time and give best satis- f-action. an Don't pu± it off any longer-corne in to-day adtalk over your heating pro&blems with our ex- perts. We represc-nt largest manufacturers of furn- aces and stoves in British Empire. Greenaway & lliTt Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville For Sale By F. F. MORRIS CO. BOWMANVILLE Thne Risk iýs too Great for theSmal remium 1, here is rno safety without fire insurance- mo one can afford to take the chance. Tuyý the premium is insignificantly sal and the risk is too great to take. Whether it be a small home, a barn, an office structure or msînmoth factory we will provide the right kind of, insurance at the right price. Simply phoine us and our representative will cail, explaining our plan in detail. J. J. MASON &C Sý.ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 omnl. Links in a Chain interesting. EETO FOFCR About six years ago an addition j EETO FOFCR was built at the «east end of the hos- Officers elocted for 1922-1923 are: pital and at that time we were bu President-Dr. J. C. Devitt, 2nd terni dben a rge t aythe orin.tea oVicetay-reasu.r. e . b.Man deebt tla re exatefrint st ohasVcetoRye. . . est, . . a this debt and each year to roýduce it Directors-Mesars. J. W. Aloxan- a little. This year we are free fromn der, Thomas Tod, Fred C. Vanstone, debt. It is truly an occasion for! Norman S. B.' James, bey. C. P. gladuesa and wo miglit indulge luin Muirhead and Principal W. J.. Mor- that ceremonial known as "Buruiug rison, B. A. the mortgage", so to speak. . Women's Auxiliary for 1922-1923: We have been enablod to do this1 Presdent-Mrs. John Spencer. by the grants whîch we received 1 ViceDo-Mrs. L. A. W. Tole. from the province, from the county, 2nd Vice Do-Mrs. Thomas Tod. and from the town and by tho help Secretary-Mrs. M. A. Neal. from the Ladies' Auxiliary which Cor. Do-Mrs. D. W. BOsta supplies the hospital with uapery and Treasurer-Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs. so many othor things needful. Ejxecutive-Mrs. F. J. Mdnng, Wo have not much to reportl -Ms E. R. Bounsali, Mra. C. Rehder, the lino of improvemonts or extens,- IMrs. C. Axýthur Cawker, Mrs. J. C. ions. W-e seem to have corne to the1 Devitt. crossroads and there we romain, Representativos to Hospital Board markiug time as it wore, till our -Mrs. Spencer, Mra. Tole, Mrs. plans for the future can assume Nichoîls, Mrs. Supt. Smyth-. somo defluite f orm of advancement. Auditors-Mrs. Manning, Mm. ,For the bonefit of the public and Best. those not familiar with hospital Inveutory Comittee-Miss Clama matters, I may say that for some Allen, Mrs. J. M. Fowler. time we havo been over-crowded in Buying Committee-Mrs. F. J. our accommodation for nurses and Manning, Mrs. A. E. McCready, Miss help. Occasionally our privato Ida Stephens. roins are ail occupied and at times bey. C. P. Muirhead and Mm. there is not au available bed -in the John A. bolgate cougratulated the public war-ds. For the last five years ladies ou their splendid report and wo have foît that the time had ar- on the groat assistance and support rived to build a new esidence for they have proved to ho to the Bcard nurses, and move the laundry from and Suporintendeut. the basement of the bospital to the iu the absence of the President, bjilding now occupied by the nurses. Mms. Tole accepted the compliment Durîng the past yeai- numerous ou behaîf of the Auxiliamy. things indicate that a btter policy, ---_______________ considerîng the future of the hospit- ai would ho to couvert the prosent bospital building into a home for nurses, settiug aside a part for helpU fl 1ýla bÀ# and continuiug to use the basement the way open for the building of a new, modemn hospitai, but the large prmofment i notat resenortavilaie. Agency. suovme of m oy requred fothis m- A The. chief reasons f or building a hospital instead of a rosi-douce. are Al Unes of FIRE, LIFE, these: The original building was erected about eevonty years ago for &,CCIDENT, SICKNESS, a résidence aud is still more after the plan of a residence that of a hos- XAUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- pital.' It is not fire-proof. The cor- ridors are narrow and the doora are TE too narrow, so that a bed can not hoIVE passed through.' The diet pantries which are cetrally iocated roceivoe 1 ouithai hebsemntinow rovidhs LUi th V. Scobeil, neiher air nomnhin frote sleeping and living accommodation Agent for five helpers. The nurses' dining 2auI dooe w.t of t*0 "Bit 2w, room, the kitcheni, pantmy, laundry Bowmaaville0t t. New Wall Papers Just received a largeç shipment of Fali papers suitabile for any room, Very reasonable in price, from 15e per roll upward. Very choice designs and colors. aW.'T. Allen " ,Big 20" Bookstore1 Bowinanville Stalbdity XVHEN you are dealing with T.oai Aýt8 W a Brandi of this Bank you ln ExceoS of are dealing with a fully equipped ~65OOOOOoO unit of a Bank with resources ini excess of $650,000,000 and with world-wide banking connections and services. HOSPITAL ANNUAL MEETING Nurses' Residence Again Chief Topic of Considera tion. (Continued from lst page) WOMEN'S, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY and furnace room are located there, so that I can not describe to you how Mrs. M. A. Neal, Secretary of the overcrowded it is. 'Then an elevator Women's bospital Auxiliary, pre- is much needed but can not be in- sented the Report of this very help- stalled in the present building. An fui organization which was enthus- X-Ray is a necessary part. of hospitalj iastically received: equipment but we cannot spare a To the Annual Meeting of Bow- room for this addition to our equip- manville Hospital-Ladies and Gen- ment. The floor of the Operating tlemen: The Women's bospital Aux-i Room la of wood and la not suitable iiiary has mast closed a very success- -tiled floor la required. And, se I fui year-successful in two ways- I -might go on at length poînting out First, in the amount of work accom-' defects in the present hospitai build- plished and second fromn a financiai ing. standpoint. We have held ten To provide accommodation for the regular meetings and two specials nurses by building a new residence, of the Executive. The average at- to get quartera for the help, to move tendance at the regular meetings was the iaundry frd;m the present build- 14 out of a membership of 32. We ing and set it up ln another building, have renovated the Women's Wnrd, to tule the operating room floor, to redecorated the Mary Beith Ward make an addition in which an elevat- and undertook to partially refurnish or could be built wouid cost a great it. We. are sorry not to be able to deal and would give us a fair start report that it is ahl done. Funds on n new hospital. have been voted for the purpose but If we improve the old building we have not yet been able te seclire further we are binding ourselves to suitable furnishings. It will be donc it indefinitely. It $eems advisable as soon as possible, however. Two to retain the hospital as it is tili such smaîl rooms, one diet kitchen and time as ýby a uuited and earnest ef- the Nursery have also been redecora- fort we can begin a hospital-not ted. necessarily muèh larger-but upon We have bought over 180 yards modern lines. of sheeting and our committee has Iamothopnn a sul made it up. We have also made th pemleof thoi own tad shouldt cutowins iw css, surgeo'igwsbthoe adopt as their slogan "A modemn drwessgons gnd babies' ' hospital for Bowmanville" they dresin gons nd abis'garmenta. would not fail in the achievement. We have bought towels for ail kinds One of the many wise sayings of of purposes, table linen, bedspreads, Horace Greeley was "If our fore- quilts, blankets, etc. We have hired ihwe agodsouhnsgt a woman by the day and kept nl sight w ea goodasouhidsihte these thinga mended. Our eff orts Tiwe'dsah ea ge at csightamare" have not been expended -altogether wT h .aestrstoheanoccasion whan on wards and patients effects. wooshould testhe fresifght" and going over the book I noticed many book ll oteftr ftehs articles which eventually must have ptl found their way to hooks in the There were f ew changes in the1 kitchens. For instance, strainers, Training achool durîng the year.i and in one place an alarm dcock. 1 The staff was increased by two but feel sure that Supt. Smyth wilî agree, one nurse has been granted three when I say that not many thiugs montha' leave of absence on account asked for have been denied by us of ilîness. Two hundred and thirty Our attempta to earn money have nine (239) operations or an average bee vaiou an sndr, ad hveof twenty per month, and thirty ibnluedalouatd every, knndae-three obstetrical cases have given icued and sewery knwe oud the staff quite a busy year. vcaxand llacfrm anyrboy's pcocket _We wish te gratefully acknow- boaadlr£ok. h uhary efort'sphae ledge a bequest from the late Auna boodkd. dah e xla theffrs aeP. Ditchburn for one hundred dollars. thne a dcealhit th ,Bungalow, These bequests from time to time theanul Crismascollection, Hos-arasocefinpatnade- pital birthday tea and a talent fund arc ourcn e ospiraio nden- to which everyone, with fow excep- WcouragemettohosptaiesorkHrs- havenbeen spovd eraustiai dona- pital Auxiliary for their labors in our hav ben evealsubtania doa-behaif. We could not do without tiens fromn efforts not confined to thom. We tender our thanks to the the Axxiliary alone: Mrs. Spencer Board of Directors, also to those who gave a tea; a number of, women have given subscriptions and dona- hoýlped to promote a dance given at tions and to those who have in any the'Rosa Can Co's new building; St. way contributed to the success of Paul's Women's Association present- the bospital. od us wth $50.00 which was ýpartof Ail of which is respectfully sub- the proceeda fromn the inî mtted. Skewl", and many lessor donations' mVery cofigratuiatory and apprec- have been received. iative addresses followed by Messrs. We started the year with a bal- Thos. Tod, M. A. James, bey. D. W. ance of $823.60 in the bank. Re- Best, B. A., and Rev: C. P. Muirhead. ceipta from the year's activities have Reference was made to the splendid1 been $1,729.37. Total $2,552.97. reputation the bospital has made Expenditumes $947.77, ieaving a and the many surgical cases that balance in the bank $1,605,.20. Ail have been successfully performod. of which la respectfully submitted. Editor James reforrod to the bs I the town and Hospital have sugtain- THE SUPERINTENDENT'S ed by the death during the yoam of REPORT Mr. L. A. W. Tole, for svera erl, a very active and heipful member of j Mrs. Florence Smyth, Superinten- the Board, and moved, secondod by1 dent of the Hospital, presented her Mr. J. W. Alexander a resolution of annual Report as follows: condolence with Mrs. Tolo and the Mr. President, Ladies and Gentle- sense of bass f eit by those associated men,-ýAllow me te preseut the niuth with Mr. Tole lu hospitai activities. report of Bowmanville Hospital. Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., and The year has been quite uueventful Meys. J. b. b. Jury and C. Rehder but ou- ficancia relort is esDe+ al l were re-elected bonorary Directors.ai.oOcOcr.O cfaaoOa BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 2nd, 1922. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan. Bonds for saie. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, Hox.ee 366J music, T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cuit- ure. For termis phone 12, l'Green- Court", Argyle Street. 49-.3m*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy. sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Coilege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Graduate of Royal. Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanvilie. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E:' DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and ithe Dominion, Dentistry in all its branches. Office -King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite Bank of Montreal, Phone 801. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complete equipment. Sunday and night cails promptly attended to. Bowmanviile phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. THEO M. SLEMON, AUCT-IONEER Farm and Hôuse Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate.- Enniskillen P. O. 'Phone 19'7-rS. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calîs Promptly Attended to. Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 24e& GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor in cement work, house foundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B OOK K EEPING Comnplets Commercial and General Im- prctvement Courses. Students accept-ed at any trne. Good positionsfor ai) graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, _Oshawa and Toronto. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. On Octoher 18, 1869, there was a heavy snow fall that remained on the ground tili Spring. What! - Burning Coal Jt's costly and quite unnecessary electricity in your home. Here are Electrie ileaters that give tremendous heat, ýone of. which will make a room quite com- fortable until the very cold weath- or arrives. AH Heaters guranteed. to suit ever person. if you have Heaters and prices Sinigle Unit Majestic ....$10.00 Double Unit Majestic...$1 5.00 Buy Your Electrical Goods At Our Eîectric Shop THvfE fHYirD RO e1s HO%%p Phono 192 Eat Bowmanville More, Meat SvWiTth the cold weather you feel the need of more meat to strengthen the body and provide the necessary heat. You can't do better than buy your meat from this store xvhere everything is fresh, ckean and our business !59 conducted under sanitary conditions. We Deliver The Goods Wilbert J. DJudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville TodI's Bread MADE IN BOWMANVILLE IS 8c Loaf AT TIIE STORE OR 9c LOAF FROM THE WAGON BUY BREAD MADE IN YOUR OWN TOWN- THERE'S NONE BETTER THOMAS TOD Baker and Confecioner Bowmanville I 'lu I Hed Office: Mentreal Branches in ail Important Centres in Canada Savings DeDartments lu ail Branches BOanlk'of .Montreal, Established Over 100 Yeats j' '1 k it ib.

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