Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1922, p. 6

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TREASURER'S TM SALE 0F LANDS A Sale of Lands f or Arrears of Taxes will be held in The Counties' Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, on Thursday, December 7, 1922, at the hour of Eleven O'clock in the fore- noon. A lîst of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been pre- pared, and copies thereof may be had in my office, and that; the list is be- ing published in the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Nînth, Sixteentb and Tweaty-third days of September, 1922, and that in default of payment of the taxes and costs, the lands will be sold for taxes. Neil F. MacNachtan, Counties' Treasurer. Cobourg, August 28th, 1922. 35-13 IMP nhnpI N lght and Morang., ~IIIUP~~.~Rave Clean. Heoithy >fJ~ Eyes. If they Tire, FOR Itch, Smart or Bura. Y t EyE if Sore, Irritated, In- YOUR flamed orGranulated, useMrinoftn. ScethesRefresles Safefor Infant or Adult.*At ail Druggists. Write torFreeEyeBook. MudneE7.ReuedlCsr..Cbkaa. OO'SPHOSPHODINE~ The Great English Preparation. STones anîd invigorates the whole nervous systemn. makes new Blood in od Veins. Used for Nervous £àJebility, Mental and Brain Worry, De.qondn Lss of En V, Palpitation o theHeat, ailngMemtor,,. ice $2 per box. 3 ji for $5.9 SoId by aldruggists, or maîled in plain pkg o rcept f rie.New pamphit maided free, TUE WOOD MEDICINE CO6JORONTD,ONT. cOoks Cbftton i-06 A cafe, reliable regulating gnedicf ne. Soid in three de- Wres of strerngth-No. 1, s1; o2, 3;No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent ppa on rereipt of price. Free.a pamphlet. Address: 7HE COOK MEDICINE CO., TOlS 01ONTO. ont.fP,,,.Uli.1 PAINS IN BACK ANO-SIDES Relieved by 'LYdâ FE.Pink- ham's Vegètïb1e Compound LIldsay, Ontaro-"I used ta have ~eybad Pains in my back and sides and often was flot njJiIIWLtdo MYtWtoko Itidmany medi- chies before I be- ý:W gan to take yours. Pinkhenms Vege- table Compound ad- vertleed In the 'T(oronto Globe' and -end it to ai of keep It in the homu sth tlmUre and take It oneIn a while no mat- ter how wel 1 feel. for one Ounce or prevention îs Worth a Pound of! Ourm- -ELZABETH CÂmPEL, 13 &_. Paul St., Lindsay, Oatr1o To do any kInd of wos-qmd you know there Is imach to be de-Is next ta ImPossibae If you are suifer- iag from sorne forin of femna4e trou- ble. It may caue our back to ache or a painti Your 6aMe. t t ay niake youI nervous and Irtal.You may be able to keep up aad around, but you do not feel good. Lydia E. PlnkhemVg Vegetabl Compound la a medMcne for wamen, It is 'especlly adapted to relierthe, eau"e of tiiese troubles, a" I*@tov them to nornma heaqtà, SPARKLING EYFS Fo1Iow Good Heltis London, bn." ave talreni Pr. Pierous Faore Preecription and It beneficlal tante. Âfter Laving ty- a v.a I wak ~ - tIel noT>reaion s ~ ~ ~& trength. Dr. IresPaat r acnipti 0 caib.refled po aa Mer ~ ~ an ant tthetenn tnlc" Mrs.~~~ John Shlr, Caenont Promy a Proet Wenstand Lonpton Oant-" Wblen Io raha midldhe aet was la vur po halth Mms ronwn snervoas, woaTul hav fain Spuli anti heatm flashe was a physical wreck. I tnled many difféent mudicines but the enly medicine that gave me any relie! was Dr. Piercu's Favorite Prescrip- tion. Beforu I hati takun a hall bat- the I was feeling like a diffurent person-the more, I took'tue stronger 1 get. Whiat 'Favorite Prescription! dld for me I arn sure it wlll do for other women at this critical period of 111e If they will give it a fair triaL"ý- Mrs. M XM. Taylor, 56'D HIIl St. Butter go acw ta yeur auighbor- haad drug store anti obtain Dr. Pierce's Faývi-te Prescription in tablets or liquiti. Write Dr. Plurce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for fre. medical. advice, or senti 10e for trial p)k. c! tablets ta Dr. Piee' Laboratory In Bridgeb>urg, Ont I OWMÂbJVIL. ~O<~CT 2t.1092 CANADA'S GREAT PRIDE Ha$ Any Otker country iaA SImilar Record? The Canadian National Exposi-, tion.-'held in Toronto ln Septemberý 1922, had a paid attendance of one million, three hundred and seventy, three thousand people (1,373,000)., There was but one arrest for drunk- enness. What could more emphaticallyl' demonstrate the value of prohibi- tion? Here was the greatest throng1 of pleasure seekers ever gathered1 together in the history of the Domin- ion of ýCanada; people of aIl ages and9 classes, with the holiday spirit, out1 for a royal good time, and having it9 to the full, with no regrets, the "morning after". What could booze have added to this occasion? What does, booze add to any occasion, but head-ache, heart-ache, and the hollow mockery of a forced and de- graded, though, perhaps, boisterousi mirth. Who isn't delighted withj Prohibition and proud of Canadians1 and Canada?1 Appetite Good, Gaidned 20 Ibs. Could, Not Feel Better From a nervous wreck this man was restoreci ta health, strength and happinees He tells bis own story ie diis ketter. Mr. Raipli A. Roberts, Loverna, Sask.. writes: "In 1917 1 had lost all appetite, f aed 25, poumds in weight, become very nervous and shaky and ie fact ivea up ail hope of recovery. For me tine 1 had suffere< f rom consti- pation, which kept getting worse, until 1 was f ast becoming a total wreck. Doctors and their drugs were sending me to my grave at thse age of 39. "'Men 1 read about people being restored by Dr. Chase's Medicines ansd after three months' use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and Kidney-Liver Pllis I founci that my bowels were rcstored te normal Inovement ecd day and the constipation was no more. 1 had a gond appetite, had gaiised 20 pounds and could flot feel befter. 1 shail aiways be grateful for these benefita.- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box; Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pis, 25,c a box, ail dealers or Edmansor4 Bates & Co.. Ltd_. Toronto. Lookfor the Mark!. IThe Norwegian "Fisher- man Mark" of quality and assures you health-huichng, vitamine - bearingcod - liver oil in its purest form, pleasant to take readily assimnilatei and transformed into strength. The "FPishermnan I ak hudb ne r WhfflYOU - eellt Co'ming *tfe.llng olck- yout vi» be au lgt a20 miuUtes If lt's *h~asdu ortisetist gorning îf It l.aa Mol= Pin ul on., and thse whole body take chances. Get seayloakeat thse first higa ofa Head- e aboz-atdealm or bymailpostpaîd ltRobnso&C>.RegdCoaticook Q The Double Track Route betweeii Mentreai, Toronte' Detroit Unexcelled dininir car service. Sleeping cars on L.Ight trains ane 11?arlor cars on thse pr;vcipaî day trains Full information from an y Grand ['runk Ticket Agent cr C. E. Hornlng listrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H., H. JURY, Axent Phone l8 Bswaamvitl& SEIZING OPPORTUNITY Paper- Read by Mr-&. Kathleen M. Adams at the Woman's Institute In the first place what la the real meaning of Opportunity? Ailaw me to offer this uxplanation. In one cf the oId Greek cities there, stood long ago a statue. Every trace cf it bas vanishet nýow, but theru is still in existence an epigram. which gives us an excellent descrip- tion of it and as we read the words we an surely discover *the lesson whicb thase wise Greeks meant that the statue sbould tuach to every passer by. The epigram is in the form cf a conversation between a traveler and the statue: "What is thy namne O statue?" "I ýam callud Opportun- ity". "'Who made thee"? Lysip- pus". "Why art thou on thy tees?" "To show that I stay but a mom- ent".' "WJay hast thou wings on thy feet?" "To show bow quickly I pais by". "But wby is thy hair so long on thy forehead?" "That mua may seize me whun they meut me". "Why then la thy huad se, bald behind?" "To show that once I have passed 1 cannot bu caught"-Christ- I ian Press. oe-fiow- Truly Canada is a land oe-lw ing with opportunities. The home makur, the mothur la the home, the tuachur la the echool, the profussor ia the celege-ali develop a trem-1 endous opportunity. The mothers and the school tuach- ere have the gruatust opportunity, for are they net trying te develep in the young people of aur country seund mintis, traineýd intellects anti above ahi a spirit cf revurence? We recegnize that this time is a perioti cf reconstruction but- we [caow this genuration will not finish tbis work cf reconstruction. Bat it la eur epportunity te lay the foundation for it and te providu the naterial te finish this work. Ia ordur ta do this we must incrèase our inturest la the schools, in thu social life, la building up the cern- munity spirit la car tewn. The very fact that the Women's Institute s undunominational gives us a great- er oportunkty cf al wolrking te- gether in perfect barmony for the cemmon good cf our commuaity. Humanity 'needa devulopment spiritually, pbysically and ?ntality nd itisaup to mothurs and woý,men srirkers to take a more active part n the church, in recreatien, and la bue schocîs. To-day we are told a great deal abeut killing germa. But theru la onu germ. which seuld be a real ive germi among car woen work- ers-the germ cf serviceý nilÙtua~l hulpfulness. Service la simply "leove n action". The importance cf our work can- net bu estimateti. We ought to bu eaders cf thoaght ini our commun-, ity anti an uexample te the youngerý girls. Wu mothurs know that this s an age cf organization. Thurufore. we shoulýd maku a spucial effort ta get opr girls into organîzations that count. What about the home 11f e ani the future genuration if some-' biîng is flot done te' stamp eout the evil practise cf cigarette smoking among the girls? Hure la an oppor- tunity womea workers te teach the girls that thuy are not simply ex- isting te amuse and te bu amused. But the highest tbiag la thewarld la love and service, anti that the greateat service they can rendur is for Home and Country. Let us leave this message witb the girls: "For yesturtiay i. but a dream And to-morrow only a vision Ta-day oaly is ours But eacb te-day well lived Makes uvery yesterday a tiream of b'appineas Anad eacb to-morrew a vision of hope 'Live well this day". Sucb la the salutation cf the Dawn. Are we using aur epportunities te make aur foeuiga neighbor fuel that she beicones bure?. Wu can at Luat be liberad wi,1h kind wortis and pleasant smiles thuy are wartb more, than money. rhure la aaught that la butter te hear [han the foot af a frienti at tbe dýoor; [hure la naugbt that is butter te fuel rban the clasp cf a siater's hani Tbat says, "Wbat are words between us"? 1know andi may undurtani. Womea have &. witie fielti cf activ- ity, beginaiag witb chilt i f e. Our emmunity work sbeuid start from >ur schoole. Make the schael the 'ahlying paint for the whole coin- nunity, Juet a word about aur :cboel andi a f ew of tbe oppertunities for butterlng conditions.' Wu hiear a great niany coirnlAints. Thn-thr, la the question of bot lunches anti supervisuti play groundis. h fave net the lIeaa;t doubt that ii will take Place in the nuar fut- .r. The teacburs umphasizu the eed of co-apuration butween the parents and the teacher. The chief liffculty hu.re hs lack of inturuet on ffu parents' part la the seboal. By naking theu most cf this appertunity 1 esouýV fiu nni-,lino. a orliauu- tien to the month's sentence bu was fineti $300 anti $37 casts, anti, if the fine was net paiti, bu was te serve an atiditional six months' sen- tenice. The fine was paiti on Octo- ber 2, ccnsuqueatly bu will not bave tihe fine thrawn off.-Cobourg Sun- tinel-Star. we would follow out oui- motto: "For- Home and Country". Because the child and the care of the child is certainly the foundation ,of our nation. SNow these may seem 1ýut little things, but Mrs. Watt gave this mes- sage to the delegates at the Con- vention in Toronto,. "Don't go alter the big thinqrs until you have settled the little thngs-try to make the Institute a big thing in your commurnty-a great big thing in your own life." Remeinher the only thing that matters is a smnall Instîtute in a smali town., One kernel is feit in, a hog's head, Onu drop of water helps to swell thu ocean, One spark of fire helps to givu light to the world, Set that drop in motiorj. Givu wings to thatspark It mav runovate the world. "Truetworth la in being flot seeming,, ln doing uacb day that gous by Somie little good, not dreaming, 0f great things ta do by and by". What women can'do for human- ity may seem a little thing, but the effort mpltiplied by hundreds of others creates an irresistible force. I migbt in closing mention the' wonderful apportunity that bas come to us of ridding our nation of many barmful and hurtful things. Since the ballot bas been placed in our bande >let us r>how to the world that, the ballot in the hand of a woman is a blessing to humanity., What kind of a nation will this Canada be? The answer depends t6 a great extent upon the women whaese motto is "For Home and Country" and this motto la surely an fippropriate one. Let us resolve to make the most of our oppotunities wbich our posi- tion, and influence gives us ta keep our bornes and home Illfe inviolate against anytbing that would destroy its sweetness, purity and sanctity. "For Home and Country" magic, words That thrill the beart like song of birds No dearer words to those wbo raami Than native land and "Home sweetý Home"'.1 For broader, -blhgber tboughts bave. sprung1 And grander, truer notes are rangi Since woxnan ba& awaked to find The niche Inahf e for ber demigned; "'A niche no other power can fil ,Since 'tis for ber ta sow and till To sow witb careful band the seed,I F'rom whleh may spring but noble' deeds.1 As mother, daugbter, sister, wif e,1 TO m1nootb tbe rugged waYs of life' To guide the tender trusting feet-i In annny patba, ife"s carels ta meetý For ber ta make aur lives wort'h while, Ta dry the tear', ta wake the grmile. 'eHome ie woman's true domain But quite too long has hidden lain Hler powers, like, mines of golden ore Waiting the band to ape the door- Orseeds, which wait the seowers, banc1 To Spring and bautify the land. Chi ropractic (spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause cf Disease wvithout Medicin t or Knif e. Chfr- opractoru have remarkable nue- *esb In removinIt the cause cf .Xppendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheumatiam. Liumbago, Lame Back, Constipatiox, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubl'es. Nervoujnemu ln many forma respond reaciily to Chiro, .ractic. Examination Frt. at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. ",6 Sirnîo, St. N. Oshawa Ph.one 224 Prepare for- a Business Career By Attending Thse Weli-Known Yonge and Charles Sta., Toronto. Every graduatu of -the hast twelve mnonths bas prompthy obtained empîcyment, "Soliti menit" ia the foundation on wbich la buît the Morethan 50 Million Packetsr 0F DELICIQUS Mu 'Iq OBITUARY THE PENNY BANK> Frances Papineau, Oshawa f Averagu monthhy depýosits mtade by e ach papil nttentiing Bowman- Frances Papineau, agud one yearL ville Public Schools dariag May andi and ehevun months, infant daaghtur Jane, 1922, was 30 cents, the anme of Mr. anti Mra. Clifford Papineau, as Port Hope. Lindsay wns only 15 Wustmount, diet inl the Oshawa Hos-; cents, but Cedartinle was 55 cents. pital' late Saturtiay nigbt, October Average for nîl places reportuti wat l4th, from inward paisoning. Thu 34 cents, sa that Bewmanville la little girl was lan the beat of bealth slightly under the average. Onu on Thursday but on Friday mornîng. interesting fuaturu la that May de- she was fount inl beti in an uncon- pasito this year wure an incruase on scicus condition. She was remavud t-wo fermer years. The record la to the Hospital whuru expert medi- May 1920-$129.97. May 1921-, cal attention was procareti but she $155:21. May 1922-$163.97. A neyer regnined conscieusausa. Mr. liku increase was made la Jane eacb and Mrs. Papineau bave the ry- year. Total duposits for May anti pathy cf thuir maay frientis in thuir' Jane 1922 la Penny Bank wns burunvument. The funeaa w4s $84,9485,47. hulti Menday nfternoon, the remains being taken ta Coîberne for bar-________ Mrs. Papineau la a taugbter cf Mr. Henry Lathrop and eistur of miss NEW LAMP BURNS 94% Carnie Lathrop, Liberty-st., Bewman- I ville. We uxtenti sympathy an the' I very ýsutduen death cf little grand- daugbter anti niece, Beats Electric or Cas A ne w cil lamp that givus an RELEASED FROM GOAL amazingly brilliant, acf t, white ligbt, uvun butter thaa gas or eluctricity, Joseph McCuiiough, Manvers Town- has beun testeti by the U. S. Gavera- ship, Released by Order-in-Couscil ment anti 35 luading universities anti On Saurdafound to bu supunier te 10 erdinary OnStudy Shuriff Nusbitt ru- Iamps It huma without odor, smoe cuivud a telugramn fromn P. Pelletier, or noise-ne pumping ap, is simple, acting uadur-secrutary cf state at dlean, safu. Burns 94% air anti 6% Ottawa, stating that the Governor- common kerosenu (coal-cil). General cf Canada bati authonizeti The inventer, P. N. Johnson, 246 the imràeutiate reluase of Joseph Mc- Craig St. W., Mantrual, is off ering te Culleugh, serving a month's sentence senti a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, la Cobourg gaol fer breacb cf the or uven te give onu FREE te the firat inlanti revenue act. He was also user la each lccality whc will help fineti $300, anti the ordur stateti that hlm introducu it. Write hlmi to-day if the fine hnd not buen paiti, not te for full particulars. Also ask bim colluct it. MeCullougb was suen- toeuxplain how you can gut the agen- tenceti on Sept. 28 ta a month's sua- cy, ant i wthcut experiencu ar money tence at Bowmanville by P. M. Hor-make $250 te $500 pier menth. amS Ask your grocer for a pachet to-dayr. A slow oven wilI not spoil your baking when you use fGG-O BÊiu Powder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORI-OOD GROCR. Rec.al Good Soap- A Big Bar of Good Soap-Bright, solid soap with fine lathering and cleansing qualities' for the family wash and household use. For use in wasblng Machine a v-e or alla. a pottin cr the " SURPRISE" l bar direct to the mahae-hwiIl do fine work. 148 reputation of this achool. Enter any time. Handsome Catalogue jre W. J. E LLIOTT, Principal.J E sse nti'ally Different, The Safest and Best Famly Medicine muuwuuumnmoeoeummuwniuuu MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only bis best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I emPley no cemetery caretakers as agents Pruferring te senl my own goode thus savlng thre Purohaser thre agents commission. A cati oolîcîted. F. H.I. Proprlstor. Phone 326W BOUNSALL Bowmainvllle. El..5 nT"HERE are two most important things atout any i lectric Range-the cockidng element and the oven. Everything else is of lesser imnportance. And li McClary's Electrlc Range both tiiese points am dîflerent and superior. Thse C"Hkng Elemente are prctected. The heetlng colle being eml-edd-ed ia tougis parcelain, a"e protected from spilled foodi and ailier damnage. They heat as quily and remain hot mach longer tha any ailier kînti, Thse Seamie.. Oven-a.f welded stee!, paroelain enameled wft roued-ed corners ie sanftary andi easlly kept "ean. It oper- ates like a firéel cooker, because when case. heated Ît StayS heated uLntil thse baking la dan. Makers of Electric Range i~~ILondon, Toranto, Montreai, Winnipeg, Vancouver, / St. John, N.B, Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Edmonton rex. m 3a 5* Are Sold Annually. -A L. c mi 1 'l9ýýý Il. le ýd

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