Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1922, p. 4

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APPLES WANTED t Apples suitabie for evaporating purpose for which highest prices xiii be paid. Delivered at our evap- orator-corner Queen & Division-sts. John A. Ilolgate &Son Phone. 153 Bowmnanvîlhle [Solid Leatheir Farm Bootsi Made By Williams Shoe Co. Are Best By Test Men's Plain Toe Brown Mennonite Leather at -$5.00 pair Men's Plain Toe Black Mennonite Leather at $5.00 pair Meit's Double Toe Cap, Brown Grain Blucher at $4.50 pair Men's Plain Toe Cap, Black Grain Blucher at $4.50 pair BOYS' BOOTS Brown Caîf bai, size 1 to 5½/ at Black Caîf bal, size 1 to 5½/ at Plain Toe Brown Mennonite at YOUNG GIRLS $4.50 $4.50 $4.00 Grain bidehers at $3.50 W. CLA UDE I VES Bowrnanville pair pair pair pair pair Cash Shoe Store New FliFrniture ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING THE PUR- CHASE 0F AN EASY CHAIRt THIS FALL If so, we have some splendid new lines now i. They are the very iatest in appearance anid cornfort and our prices are very low. Corne in and see these. SPLENDID VALUES IN REED CHAIRS We are showing sorne splendid values and designs in Reed Chairs in fumed or enarnel finish- es, with upholstering on backs and seats. ATTRACTIVE CHESTERFIELDS Our Chesterfieids are the very iatest in both style and coverings. See these. FF. MORRISI CO. Orono Bowmanville -- -- -- -- HYDRO.EL.ECTRIC INQUIRY COMMISSION 1This Commission bas been appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-n-CounCil to inciuire into and report upon all power developmeflts undertaken by the Hlydre- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and- generally ail matters of expenditure and administration by the said Commis- sion. The Commission of tnquiry, will sit at the Reception Room at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, on Tuesday, 17th day of October, 1922, at 10.30 o'clock in, the forenoon for the purpose of hear- ing any versons who may desire te be heard respecting the Central Ontariol System. Ail persons desiring to appear beforel the Commission at the time and Place1 mentioned, are requested to communi- cate as early as possible with the Secre- tary, at the offices of the Commission, 36 King Street East, Toronto. Dated at Toronto, this sixth day of October, 1922. J. H. W. BOWER, W. D. GREGORY$ Secretary. Chairman. BOWMANVILLE, 0CGT. 12th, 1922.1 SOLINA Eldad Epworth League on Monday evening opened with President in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read by the Secretary.. A duet was nicely rendered by Misses Alice. Wer- ry and Lyda Taylor. Readings were given by Misses Edna Reynolds and Lauretta Naylor. A contest was then enjoyed by ail. Meeting closed with League Benediction. Attend Maple Grove Church Jub- fiee services Sunday and Monday next. TYIk0NE Mr. M. J. Werry bas sold his farni to Mr. Elias Trimm of Bow- manvile .... Rev. H. C., Rice of Bathurst, New Brunswick, wil preach in Bethesda Church at 10.30 a. m. next Sunday, and Rev. R. M. Patterson of Fraserville, will con- duct the services at Hlaydon, Long Sault and Tyrone at the usual hours was well attended and a good pro- grain renderei. . Miss Mabel Wight, our popular teacher, atte.nded the convention held in Rochester last .... ... . Mrs, Pollard, a most wor- thy citizen bas ieft our village and expects to live with friends irf Lind- say and vicinity .... We welcome. to our midst Mrs. Albert His and ber little son Gordon .... As part of the prograin of our League Consecration Service, Mrs. Wickett gave a rend- ing entitled "The Cup" by Annie Jackson Flint, and Miss Mary Rich- ards read John Wesley's poem on the 31st Psaln. . Mr. and Mrs. Talmage HAMPTON PROVIDENCE Shop evenings at the Community Store, Centre-st., Bownianville. H. C. Osborne. 41-1w BURKETON S. S. and Church at the usual tume next Sunday. .Rev. Harry Wilkinson, a former pastor, but 110w of Ponty- pool, will conduct the services.... League Thursday night at 7.30 p. m., Mr. Gordon Avery in the chair. Ail welcore.... The C. G. 1. T. lass wjll meet at the home of Miss Dor- othy Shortridge at 7.30 next Mon- day evening. The class gave a do- nation and collected funds to be f or- warded to the lire suf erers.' ENFIELD Mr. James Gray, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mr. Arthur Ormston's. . .Misses May, and Aima Werry and Messrs. R. McGill and Ashton, En- niskillen, at Mr. Russell Ormiston's.. ..Mr. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Dorothy Pascoe have been visiting at *Toron- to .... Rev. H. Wilkinson. Pontypool, wîll preach here next Sunday . ... Mr. Mervin Hobbs and Miss Bertha Sar- gent attended the Teachers' Conven- tion i11 Rochester ... . Chicken Pie Supper andi concert here on Thanks- giving night. Particulars later. Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, bas had nearly 30 years' experience as suc- cessful auctioneer. He conducts ail kinds of sales. Local represent- ative, Tom Perey. 40-t i GIRLS' BASEBALL STOURNAMENT World's basebali series is over, but the Girls' Baseball Tournament at El- liott Memorial Park, Hampton, on Saturday, October l4th is now the talk of the township. Teams are enterefi from Solina, Tyrone, Ennis- killen and Hampton. Prize award- efi to winning team. Collection to defray expenses. Game starts at 1.30 p. m. sharp. Lots of fun. ex-~ citement and a good time. 41-1 MAPLE GROVE Mr. R. R. Stevens, Miss Ida Stev- ens- and Misses Dorothy Stevens, andi Greta Munday visited friends at Peterboro and attended Millbrook Fair. .... Mr. Frank Hamilton, Win- nipeg, spoke very acceptabiy Sunday afternoon in the interests of Mis- sionary Work, Miss Bernice Web- ster pleased the audience with her solo... Sunday School is withdrawn next Sunday on account of the Churcb Jubilee .... Mrs. James A. Phillips andi son John, New York, Mrs. M. A. James, Town, visited their cousin, Mrss. H. G. Freeman on Tuesday .... Miss Lillie Trenouth, Hampton, visited ber niece, Mrs. R. D. Trimble,.... Mr. George Steven-1 json, Oshawa, visitefi bis sister-in-law,j Mrs. John Snowden. Corne and inspect 'our'Ladies' Winter Uýnderwear and Hose in ail styles and smes at very speciai prices. Chiidren's flannel Middies and Skirts in al the ieading shades At very Reduced Prices 12 quarter flannelette Biankets in whitc and grey, very special at $3.25 pr il quar4er fiannelette Biankets in, white and grey, very special at $2.49 pr 5 inch Taffetta Ribbon in ail shades, Reg. 45e Sale Price 29c yd FÎndlay attended Markham Fnir.-.-. Ms rgoyad cilrn 1t We w elcome- Col. and Mrs. FarrellCatharineoryhavbn visitin at M. to our midst... Mr..John Mutton CathaVirte's,.ave rsE. L. iliatM-. bas improved the apearance of bisJ.J ites..Mr EL.Wlam house by the erection of a n artisti- s on bas returnefi home after an ex- cally designefi balcony. tendefi visit with frienfis at Cress-1 Tyroe Lagu wil hld hëi an we...... Mr. Wmn. Sat.. andi two Tyrne eage wll oldb~i a- daughters,, Gananoque, spent a f ewi nual Rally on Sunday evening, Octo-1 fiys at Messrs. F. G. Kerslake's andi ber 15th. Mr. F. J. Groat, HamP-T. Salter's .... .A number from ber. ton, Mr. Paterson, Fraserville, and attended Markham Fair on Satur- Mr. A. tWe.Lagus by your pEn- day ... . Miss Ida Jones and Mr.F. courage teLaur yyu rs J. Groat attendefi Teachers'Coen Ccke upe tionatRochese.... Sympatby is at ape rov o Mndy evening. farnuly in tbeir bereavemnt ... . Mr. - I and Mrs. E. Holtby and children, MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL FAIR Manchester, Miss Purcell, Port Hope, ________vîsitefi at E. L. Wiliamson's ... . Mr.. Wheat Marquis-Kenneth Osborne. W. Cole. Toronto, visitefi ýt H. E. Wheat, Sheaf-Roy Rundle. Cole's ... . Mr. W. E. Jones of Osh- Oats, O. A. C. 72-.Walter Blackburn, aw.a, preachýef acceptably here on John Wilkins. Oats, Sheaf-Walter tlacekburn, John[Sunday evening in tbe abz-"nce of Wilkins. the pastor who bas been attending Barley, O. X C.-Edward Foley. General Conference in1 Toronto... Barley, She af-Edward Poley. Mr. andi Mrs. ;L. ýCryderman and Ensilage Corn-Gordon Cochra.ne, Stan- ley Rickard, Pergus Kinsman. chilfiren spent Sunday with frienfis Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam-Bloss in Orono .... Mr. andi Mrs. E. Ward Campbell, Myrtie Montgomery, Stanley1 andsnTrno pn udy Kinsman, Dorothy Somerscales, Kenneth n os oot, pn udya Essery, Alvin Dawson. F. G. Kerslake's. Miss Reta Kers- Garden Peas-Bert Nichols, Carl Gimb- lake wbio bas been visiting in Tor- lett, Mary Seward. ot eundhm ihte.. Potatoes, Green Mountain-Roy Hopps, ot eunf on ihte .. Elmer Walter, Robert Courtice, SamM r. and Mrs. Wm. Jefery andi Wal- Gay, John H-enderson, Willie Wade. lace, Toronto, were week-end guests. Potatoes, Irish Cobbler-Beatrice Cry- at H. E. Cole's andi with other' derman, Rae Terry, Fern Oke, Della Bal- frienfis. son, May Wade, Allan Clemence. Mangels-Glen Pickell, John Terry, Our weekly League meeting wasi Beaven Snowden,, Maxwell Nicholls. well attendefi- on Friday evening, it Turnips-Stewart Crago, Garnet Rick- ard, Gordon Abernethy, Wilie Nicholis, being our Consecration meeting, Willie Penberthy. Miss Norah Hlorn wns in charge. Beets-Marion Richard, Ferne Crago, Scripture Lessonýi was- rend respon- Edith Balson, Sadie Muir, Velma Gay, svl. Ms uy Cawrh Etelka Trimbler. svl.,_î' uy Cawr Carrots-Marion Snowden, Eva Darch, favorefi with a piano solo; Mrs. Murie1 Henderson, Louis, Courtice, (Rev.) W. W. Jotines inspirefi those Leonard Wenn, Dorothy Stevens. &rarsnipe-Anniie WihkMns , Donald present with ber talk on Prayer, Shotter, Nellie Snowden, Leah Bell. emphasizing the importance and Onions-Louise Hopps, Seeburn Es- necessity of prayet- iný oui' every sery, Lorna Barker, Rose Somerseales, day if e after wbich sbe asked a f ew Edward Attree, Beth Gay. Asters-Louise Courtice, Nellie Snow- of the Leaguers to leafi in sentence den, Beth Gay, Helen 'Wilkins, Dorothy prayers. Misses Helen and Jessie Rundîs, Elsie Crago.Knx adEeorSks ag Phlox-Seeburn Essery, Phyllis Clem- Ko niEenrSkssn ý&nce, Greta Lane, Myrtle Montgomery, sweetly. Miss Louise Johns gave Rose Somerscahes, Annie 'Wilkins. a reading "The Words of a Prayer". Cockerel-Wilie Abernethy, iCenneth Meeting closefi with prayer by Vice- Osborne, lenneth Essery. Winnifred Presiet Richard, Bloss Campbelh, Archie Muir. siet Pullet-Kenneth Osborne, Wilie Pen- Cbicken Pie Supper at Muple berthy, Alfred Laird, Vera Trimble, Ver- Grove ,Monday evenîng next. Don't non Trimble, Walter Oke. 1 Cocherel- and 2 Fulets-Willie Pen- MISSit berthy, Kenneth Osborne, Vera Trimble, _________________ Walter Oke, Farewell Blackburn, Jack-- Gay. Cal!, Beef-Wahter Blackburn, Fare- well Blackburn, Cal!, Dairy-Gordon Abernethy, Jack .tiuctiou-n Sale. Brown, Market Lamb-Farewelh Blackburn,; Walter Blackburn, Leonard Courtice Fr okad m 'ee. Pair Bacon Hogs-FParewelh Blackburn,! amSokadIpe et Gordôn Abernethy, Leonard Courtîce, Theo. M. lmnAutoerba Harry Cryderman, Beaven Snowden. ' imn utoer a Mctntosh Apples-Byron Worden. receivefi instructions from Spy Apples-Stuart Crago, Louise TH Courtice, Gerald Osborne. Douglas J. H. WER tI Courtice, Byron Worden, Robert Cour,- Snc w Âpl-Jak Crago, Howard Lot 6, Con. 5, Darlington Wight, Vera Trimble, Elleen Hochin, (Bethesda) Louise Courtice, Lewis Rundie. King Apples-Gerald Osborne, Alan to seIl by public auction on the Osborne, Car. Alun, Gordon Osborne, premises on Louis. Courtice, Douglas Courtice INTT rf. Collection o! Apples-Elleen Hhkin, FRfIDAY, JCL B.JDLft ht Car. Aluin, Leland Crago, Byron Wor- Comnig t123 ococth den, Ada Annis, Louis. Courtice. opecn at1.0 'lok-â Pears-Ada Annis, Eileen Hockin, Vera folloWing: Trimble, Sadie Allun Beaven Snowden, HRSSPaX erhonMes Beatrice Cryderman. HRE -pnPrhrnMrs White Bread-May Wade, Nehie Snow- matched, 6 andi S years old; horse, den, Rose Sommeales. eea upsi yarol;fl, Tea Biscuits--Madehine Courtîce, Sadiegerapuoei yarod;fiy Muir, Elleen 11ockin, Nehhie Snýowden, 3 years olil. May Wade. CTL - osi a rd Plain Cookesk-Marion Snowden Ruth7 osincî, rd Gay, Sadie Muir Velma Gay, Leahi Bell, Durbans; i1 Farrow Cow; i Heifer, May Wad,. coming 3 years oli, in caîf; 5 Steers, Chocolat. Cake-Dorothy Courtice, 2 years olfi; 2 Steers, 1 year olfi; 4 Beth Gay, Etelka Trimble, Isabel Gear- Heifers, i. yen. olfi; 2 Baby Beef, 9 Ing, Leah Bell, Dorothy Aluin. Apple Pie-Elaie Crago, Nellie Snow- months; 4 Calves ,2 to 3 montha. den, Eiheen Hocken, Eva Darch, Layon. SWINE-i Sow with il pigs; 1 Trimble. BeatrIce Allin. SchooI Lunch-Edîth Balson, Dorothy Sow. Stevens, Mary Seward. Ada Aluin, Mar- SHE-0Bein EesLi. Ion Richard. 1SEP 1 reigEeLi Fudge-May FPreemftn, Dorothy Stev- ceSters. ens, Iva Foley, Beth Gay, Velma Gay, FOWL-2 dozen Hiens. Pauha Colt. Ritchen Apron-Nehhie Snowden. Eul- IMPLEMENTS-Wagon; Set of een Hochin, Leah Bell, Eva Darch, Rose Trucks; Top Buggy; Open Buggy; Somrscahes, Pauha Colt.Role,1etntoa;MwrM- Guest Towel-Nellie Sniowd.n, MyCrik .îa gto, ; asseyr Me- Wade. Ellen Gimblett. M Crmck;Cutiato, Mssy-Ha** Doille, Embroidered-Rose Somerscales Set Bob Sleigbs; McLaughlin Cutter; Louis. Hopps, Isabel Garing, Eilleen Melotte Separator; Massey-Harris Hochin, Vera Trimble. Patching-Vera Trimble, Eiheen Hock- Drl; Massey-Harris Dise; Plow, No. in, Eva Darch, Pauha Coit, May Wade, 21; Plow, No. 13; Twin Plow, lm- Della Balson. 1Darning-May Wade, Mary Seward, perial; National Gang Plow; 2 Set Dorothy Courtice, Mary Brown, Ferîi Harrows; Hors. Rake, Massey-Har- Oh,, Eva Darda ris; Scuffler, Fanning Mill; Pulpe.; Feed Hlopper-Wihhie Penberthy, Bd- Set Of Scales, 2000 lbs; Hay Rack; ward Foley, Charles Colt. Wooden Stirrlng Spoon-Wllie Pen- Stock Rack; Stone Boat, Gravel Box; bertliy, Beaven Snowden, Edward Foley. Apple Bottom; Clover Table, Revolv- Collection o! Fungus Diseases o! inig Rake; Set of Springs, 2 Set Plants-May 'Brown. Collection o! Noxions Weeds-Kennth Double Harness; Set Single Ha.ness; Osbor.ne, Gordon Osborne,, Madeline Bag Truck; Robe; Pair Hors. Blan- Courtice, Byron Worden. kets; Crosseut Saw; Iron Kettle; Collection of Forage and Pasture Wbeel Barrow; 100 ft. H1gy Fork Plants-James Iiancock, Gordon Osw oe borne, Kenneth Osborne.-Roe Forks; Hloes; Neckyokes, SCollection of Inscts-Roqe Semer- Whiffletrees andi other sinall ar'- scahes. Bert Nichols, Beth Gay. ticles. -Map o! Durham County-May Wade, OSHL RILS Co D)orottny Courtice, Gordon Osborne, Wil- HOSHL ARI E-ok lie Penberthy John Wilkins, Kenneth Stove, Treasure; Dining Table; Kit- Osborne. ce his ap;Cres ih Drawing o! cow, beef breed and one ce his ap;Cres ih dairy breed-May Wade, Mary Seward, es andi other small articles. Rose Somerscahes, Louise. Hopps, Car. TERMS-AlI sunis of $15 and un- Cqurtice, Dorothy Courtice. i School Patade-Dàrlington, Courtie,' der cash; over $15 6 % intereat on Maphe Grove. prvdnts Physical Training-Frovidence, Court-aprednts ice, Base LUnd. THEO M. SLEMON, Auctioneer. We have just received new Fali Un- derwcar which is being offered at at- tractive prices for our week-end sell- ing. Penman's Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Saturday Only 89 c gar. Stanfield's Red Label Shirts and Draw- ers, 100%/ wooi, Saturday Only $1.95 Stanfield's Blue Label Shirts & Draw- ers, these are reai good quality, Saturday Only $2.39 Stanfieid's Green Label Shirts and" Drawers, these are union, Saturday Only at $1.19 We also have a large range of Stan- field's Combinations in fine wools as weii as the heavier weights at the foi- liwing prices, $2.95,4$3.50, $3.95, $4.50 PHONE 83 Agent Wanted, Wanted a live-progressive Store- Iceeper as Agent for Notice To Creditors IN THE MÂTTUR o! the estate o! William Csnn, late of the town of Bow- manvilla 'ln tih. County o! Durham, a retired merchant. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that al Persona having any dlaims or demanda against the late William Cann, who died on or about the fifth day o! September, 1922, at the said town of Bowmanville, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned agent for Catherine Colville and Bertha A, Cann, the executrices under the will o! the said William Cann, their names and ad- dresses and full particulars in writîngi o! their dlaims and statements o! their accounts and the nature o! their securi- ties, if any, held by them, ANDJ. TAKE NOTICEthat a!ter the I eleventh day o! Novembek,, 1922, the said executrices wUll proceed to distribute thel assets o! the said deceased among the, persona entitled thereto, having regardi only to the clainis of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said executrices wiil not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any per- son o! whose dlaima they shahl not then have received notice'. Dated at Bowmanville the seventh day o! October, 1922.1 EDITH V. SCOBELL, Bowmn Ille, Agent for Catherine Colville !andnBertha A. Cann, executrices as aforesaid. 41-3w Pure1 Wholesome Community Bread, W. advertiýse this unique pro- duct under the Agents name, furnisli window advertising mat- ter, circularize the Medical pro- fession. and furnish advertising matter on the alue of this wbolesome, natural food. BROWNS' BREAD LTD. Toronto Ont.1 Great &. Helpful Storé SOUND IN ITS PRINCIPLES Bec ause the people soon became con- vinced that whatever they bought of u.s, was what we said it was, and that every promise of liberty to change their mindÈ regarding -a purchase was fully performed. Recause from the first, the store be- carne a place of hospitality, giving great pleasure to visitors, and relieving them fromfi any annoyance when going out of the store without buying, AND FAITHFUL, TO ITS CUSTOMERS Because people actually found in -the store everything we advertised in the newspapers, and the merchandise met the otatementsmade, Because from the beginning its found- ation was laid for strict and loyal ser- vice to the people who traded- with us. Because we buy back at the purchase price any unsatisfactory -article that is returned in good condition. L adies' White, Dirnity Blouses with coiored collar and cuifs, Reg. $150 Sale. Price 98c Ladies' ail wooi Heather Rose ý--ini al shades ,very speciai at $1,00 pr 58 inch Homespun, in the large range of colors, very special at $1 .95 yd Ladies' White Flannelette Gowns, very mpecial at $1.25, $1.39, $1.59, $1.69. Ladies' ail wool puliover Sweaters, Reg. $3.75 Sale Price.$2.95 Snap Hand Cleaner 2 tins for 29c Gem Lye 100% pure 3 tins for 29c. Engiish Lavender Toilet Soap 7 bars for 29c Gold Dust Washing Powder, 1 lb pkg 2 pkgs for 29c Tollet Paper, large rolis 4 oz 7 f or 29c T & B Tobacco, smoking, in plugs 3 for 29c Do not forget this is Candy Week al over Ontario. Be sure and see our window for our speciais. Boys' Underwear in, fleece iined, nat- ural wool, in Stanfield's, ail wooh, prices are for Saturday Only. Fleece Lined Combinations 8Mc suit Natural Wool 75c per garment Stanfield's Cornbinations $2.25 per suit Men's Socks, medium weight, brown heather mixture, ail wooi, sizes 10, 10141> il at 50C per Pr Hanson's 31/ and 4 lb. Sox, guaran- teed 100 %7 pure wool at 50C Pr See our large range of Men's and Boys' Sweaters and Sweater Coats, al shades and prices ranging from 90e to $6.50 BOWMANVILLE B rown'se 8 100% THERES REASONS WHY OUR BUSINESS. IS GROWING: Sp ecials for Friday & Saturday, October 13-14. "You Save by ]Buying at McMurtry's" You Save by Buying at McMurtry s", "You Save by Buying at McMurtry's" WE ONLY SELL BREAD MADE IN BOWMANVILLE McMIurLtr Y, &Co.,,Ltd. i ---- -. - . --- - - - 1 Mrs. J. H. Werry, Bethesda, s returnefi from visiting ber qter, Mrs. W. J. Legg, London, wo bas been quit. ill.1 11 . 1 St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar 12 Ibs. $1,00 Tiger Brand Red Salmon, tali tins 29c each Peanut Butter in glass jars 29c each Aylrner Tornato Soup 3 tins for 29c L-leintz Pure Evaporated Horse Radish in botties 29c each Bananas, large and nice fat.fruit 29c per doz Rolled Oats, fresh for porridge 6 lbs. 29c 'l - N 'te ý

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