Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1922, p. 2

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The Economical Furnace Proplerly InstalIled Feeding expensive coal into a furnace-never missing a day for from 10 to 15 years--costs a tidy sum of mon ey! That is what you do when you operate your furnace 7 or 8 months a year f or the liue of the furnace. McCLARY'S SUNSHINE FURNACE installed the coireet McClary way means to you a saving of coal every day for all those years. In lfclary's Sunshine you will be absolutely sure of a furnace that wvil1 heat ail rooms-and save coal. McClary's SuLnshine Furnace installed only af- ter experts have carefully planned a.system that exactly meets your particular requirements. Consuit Us About Your Heating Problem. Greenaway & Elliott, Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville Good Food, F ai rrices, Efficient Service--Our Aim Fair prices--honest weights-cheerful and efficient service and quality Groceries is our formula for success. Always a complete stock of fancy and- staple Groceries at the lowest market prices. Come in and see for y oursef-m-or 'phone in your order, and we'1l be glad to deliver. HRRY PHONE 1-86 ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE Doà% Yoeu Want t'O Cut Your Chore Timle in Haif? ta he ria> ol itefi o daY. ..Why talc e h d m i dtrouble ta do t=i worx whea the wind wifl do it for you A Toronto W wl utyu chom.timein hahf. W mnyoyu voiker. It needs litte î!o an occasional oilng. = .ý ing to run. And If you want a reai water servie., with = nlnIwt r ner preum= evev wheinyu1 .Iteetdl oe~ Pampsansd Toronto Wate ystecu. Let me 1.11 you about thUn CHAS. HASTINGS Pump Maker,. Phone 350-r13 Hampton, BOWMA'NVILLE, OCT. 12th, 1922. CARE 0F FEEBLE-MINDED Dr. J. G. Shearer, Social Service Council of Canada. The Canadian National Commit- tee for Mental Hygiene has made a standing off er to ail Provincial Gov- ernments to make free a survey of the numbers, conditions and needs of the mentally abnormal and sub- normal in their respective Provinces and to outline a program or plan for their adequate care and the pre- vention of the birth of more of their kînd. In a single generation it is possible to almost entirely eliminate the feeble-niinded. Under the new Child Welfare law of Manitoba provision is made for the apointment of a medical officer trained in Psychiatry to examine and report on the mental condition of ail children who are the wards of the Province-neglected, depend- ent, delinquent defective, immni- grant or those born out of wediock, and for the appointment of a Board of Selection to determine what shal be done with ahl mentally defective children. -Ail persons accused of any offense before the courts are subjeet to mental examination and if found defective become wards- of the Child Welfare Department. Parents of mentally deficient child- ren can place them for training in the institutions of the Province, Thus fairly adequate machinery is provided for the discovery, sifting out, special training and, when nec- essary, custodial care of Manitoba's mental defectives. Ontario has for many years made~ certain provision for -the care of idiots and imbeciles at the Orillia Hlospital, where also a number of feeble-mînded above the ibecile grade are cared'for. Here howeveri inadequate provision is made f or classification, for specîalized train- ing, and for industrial occupations. Ontario moreover bas no machin-1 ery as yet for the discovery, sift- ing out, and examination of the large numbers of feeble-minded of1 both sexes and ail ages. The' Nova Scotia Legisiature has authorized the Government to es- tablish and equip an industrial farm for the care of the feeble-minded, and another for the care of prison-1 ers. There is no more need in the wayt of social reform in Canada than in1 this matter of the discovery, train-t DEATH 0F A GREAT LAWYER Edward Douglas Armour, K. C., Dies After Brief Iliness. A well known Durham, Old Boy and one of the leading figures of the Ontario Bar, Edward Douglas Ar- mour, K. C., D. C. L., died at his home. 103 Avenue Road, Toronto, on Tuesday, October 3, after a brief !Il- ness with pneumonia. H1e was en- gaged in active practice up to a short period, before his death, which ter- minated a long career as a leading counsel and authority on certain branches of law. His was a very active if e. For upwards of thirty years he had been senior partner in the firm of Armour & Mickle, and during that time -had been engaged in many important cases. He was a leading authority on laws relating to real property, wills and trusts, and for severai years, up to bis retirement in 1909, had lectured ýon these subjects at the Law Society. H1e was the author of many books of authority on these branches of law. For upward of ten years he had heen a Pencher of the Law Soc'iety, and during the greater part of that time bad rendered valuabie service as Chairman of the Legal Education Committee. As legal adviser to the High Sehool Board for several years he proved himself a trustworthy counselbor at a time when the bigb scbool system of Toronto was, owing to rapidly increasing population, forced to begin a multiplication of secoadary schools that is still in pro- gress.' Mr. Armour was also interested in letters, and since its formation wvas a member of the Executive of the Toronto brancb of the Canadian Authors' Association. bis satirical translations of Horace being among bis qualifications for membership in that body.-1He founded, and for' 19 years edited, The Canadian Law Times. H1e was born in Port Hope in 1851, the son of Robert A. Armour, who afterwards moved to Bowmanvîlle and practised Law up to the close of bis active career. In his inter years Mr. Robert Armour was Registrar for West Durbam. H1e was a native of Perth. Scitland. Mr. Douglas Armour's family and relatives were and are well represented in the legal profession. Besides being a son. of a barrister, be was the nephew of, the late Chief Justice John D. Ar- mour. Hie is a cousin to Crown At- torney Eric Armour, nnd bis son, Ma~in,' A. D.,Armor i ia memh.ev WHAT STORES, ADVERTISE Mark Twain in his early days was editor of a Missouri newspaper. A superstitious subscriber wrote hlm ýsaying that hie had found a spider in his paper and asked whether that was a sign of good or bad iuck. The humorist wrote this answer and: printed it. "Old Subscriber: Find-! ing a spider in your paper was neither good nor bad luck for you.1 The spider was merely looking overi our paper to see which merchant ils flot advertising, so that hie can go to' that store, spin his web across the door, and live a if e of undisturbed peace lever afterwards.-An Ex-. change. Special assortment of hand drawn voile blouses for suits now on dis- play at Couch, Johnston & Cryder-! mnsLtd. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and Town, Property Royal Bank Building,' Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Money to loan. Bonds for sale.1 Offices: Bleakley Block, King: Street, Bowmanville Ontario. .Phones: Office 102, Hotise 366J music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and UJhoir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared ta take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For termis phone 12, "Green- Court", Argyle Street. 49-.Sm*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Cold Medalist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office andý Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formeÉly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- igacu are Lote viwms or men- 11- z' Ji,ý1 u1 i l ' llurmanville. Phfone 259.44t tai defect. When we recail that of the firm of Armour & Mickle. haîf of ail crime, two-thirds of ahi Deceased began bis education in prostitution, and two-fifths of al yen- Bowmanville Public School, and iater DENTAL eral disease is said to be due to our attended Trinity College Scbool, and DR. J. C. DEVITT neghect in this matter we shaîl re- stili later Trinity University, whicb cognize that this is false economy in 1902 conferred the degree of Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons ihighèst mensure. D. C. L. upon bim. Mr. Armour was Graduate of Royal Dental College, __________called to t he Bar in 1876. In 1890 Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- he was made a King's Counsel. The' manvihle. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 DARLINGTON COUNCIL same year be imarried Miss Alma p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone Ponton, a daugbter of A. Ponton of 90a. flouse phone 90b. ITown Hall, Hampton, Sept. 30, 1922. Belleville.. R .C ONCSL Regular ~In politicsý Mr. Armour was C on- DonR G. C. Bn DNYCASrTorEt Rgarmeeting of Coûncil held servative, and was associated with ioo rdaei etsr oot this day, members ahIpeete-telt Dlolcatyi b University. Graduate of thé Royal cept Coun. Soucb, Reeve Baker pre- "Equal Right5" movement. In 1890Coeg fDnaSuensoO- siding. be contested one of the Toronto seats tario. Office King-st., Bowmanvihle. Minutes of hast meeting were read, for tbe Provincial House as an in- Ofc phone 40. Housephone 22. approved and signed. f dependent. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Wm. Prescott made request that H1e was an- Anglican in religion, Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- ditches be cleaned ont at lot 31, con and for many years was a delegatevest and rnembero oa olg 8. Referred to Reeve Baker. to the Synod. 11e was a membnhr ofofverstal ureo RolCene ohlg A. J. Clarke made request that the Toronto Club, Toronto Golf Club, practice in Ontario and the Dominion. location of culvert at lots 20 and 21. Toronto Hunt Club, and Rideau' Dentistry in ail its branches. Office con. 5, be changed. Referred ta luOtaw.-King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite Coun. Souch and Reeve Baker. Surviving him are bis three sons: Bank of Montreal, Phone 30i. A. T. Hicks, Local Manager Hydro A. PDto Armour, . G.oAr oro nto, ______ ased tePer omission i Oswean, and three daughters, tbe Misses Mar- FUNERAL DIRECTORS aske pemisionto uil poer ineion and Phyllis, at home, and Mrs. A. on east side of boundary lino bo- s osoas fTrno loF .MRI O tween East Whitby and Darlington,S.Hutn looTrno.As FF.MRICO norh f 'instn ond Cnsnttwo sisters, Mrs. Emma Valleau of1 Most complete equipment. Sunda>' gnor pov idedstnha uneobert St. Paul, Minnesota, and Miss M. M.' and night calîs promptly attended ta. Armour, 94 Isabeila-st., Toronto, Bowmnnvillo phones 10 and 34.' iaceordanco with statute in that formerly of Bowmnnville. Brnnch at Orono. behaîf. Orders were grnnted on Treas -______ urer: THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Wm. Fice, gravel$ 1.00 BIIHEPR XIIIN Fr n os ae pcat' J. Tnbb, gravel 1.00J RTIHEMIE_ XIITO____ad__s alsa pcily Terms modorate. Enniskilhen P. 0. E. A. Anderson, gravel 1.37 The members of the British Emi- Phono 197-r8. 1t F. Swallow, stone Axford cul. 1.501ipire Exhibition Mission who left _________________ Milton Werry, gravel 18 Englnnd in January hast, on a tour-_________________ B. Farrell, gravel 25 fArcCygýAsrla e JTRNR F.te W. ce Alunae lb cl 3.00 Zealand and Canada, are at presentDRF.TTIH F. WCarri, gravel 3.12 in this country. The object of theDRF.T IH Geo.Carr grvel .12Mission is ta interview Prime Min- VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or J. Lutonr, gtaeamin4cvor isters, Minîsters of Agriculture of Night Cahîs Prompti>' Attended ta. J.Lxotue 5.00uve the varlous Provinces, and others Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, C.Adtus rve 5.00 relative ta the holding of n British Bowmanviiie. Phono 243. C. W. Wody, gravel 5.50 Empire Exhibition in . Englnnd in John Sonley. gravel 5.62194 11. E. Run.dhe, stone Salter Specific points being taken lip by GOG HNR culvert 6.25 the Mission include the f oîîowing:- GERGECEncerY Wm. bastings gr,nveh 6.25 Tbe plans -and general arcbitect- GnrlCnrco Clark Wihbur, statute labor ural treatment of the Exhibition in in cernent work, bouse foundation, 1922 7.00 relation to Dominion pavilions. (The etc. Estimates furnished. King-et., Clnrence Avery, Statute Mission bave on view complete sets Bowmnanville. 18-t Labor 1921 9.*00 of drnwing and plans for the United _________________ Hober Souch, gravel 9.12 Kingdoi section, together with some Wm. J. Leask, gravel 9.25 models.) SHORTHANO, TYPEWRITING, Eugene Martin, gravel 9.87 The nature and presentation of BOOKKEEPING Wm. Bechie, gravel 10.62 exhibits and suggestion from each Complete Commercial and General Im- John Martin, gravel, and part of the Empire for practical provement Courses. Students accepted work in pit 15.50) methods of developing its own raw at any time. Good positions for ail Fred Honey, gravel 19.62 materials and increasing inter-Inm graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. E. C . Flory, work Moore cul 3 1.50 perial trade.-LEEOha ndTrto R. Burgess, work on Davey Proposais regarding Tropical dis- and McCoyculverts 53.75 eases of buman beings, plants, and M. A. JAMES H. Wîlcox and others, work animais; agriculture and forestry; STEAMSHIP TICKETS on cernent culverts 77.25 and mineral resources. TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacille, W. Il. Westlnke, work on The advantages given by the Ex- White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- Westlake culvert 90.00 hibition to show the progress of set- ican. Ask for information, Phone Byron Moore, f1llýing nnd tiement schemes. -53, Bowmanvihhe. Ja.grading Brent culvert 100.00 The party comprises Major E. A. _________________ Ja.Gibson, work'on Van- Camp culvert 111.25 Beicher, Col. A. Christie nnd Mrs. Clark Wilbur, work Wilbur Christie, and Mr. F. W. Bates. They culvert 160 are being accompnnied by Mr. j. 9% Howar R. oley1fi6ing0 Bruce Wnlker, representing the De- %jjS U km grading McMillan cul. 216.1l3 partment of Immigration and Colon- 11. Wilcox nnd others, work ization of the Dominion Governînent. on cernent culverts 357.40 Lenvîng Vancouver Septembor 25, M. A. James & Sons, ptg. 19.50 monton, stopping off at Banff andA g n y e o farnndn F . . oOl 5111 T HES Calgary, thence by Canadian Nation Art. Nicholîs, sheep damages 7.00 ai Railwnys visiting Regina and W~i- Ail unes of PIRE, LIFE, S. A. Northcott, sheep nipeg, en route to Ontario and inspection 6.50 Eastern points. They left Winnipeg XýCCILDENT, SICKNESS, W. R. Alin, sal 3rd quarter 120.00 on October 6tb, arriving in Torontoi F. G. Kersiake, work in park 10.00 at 4.55 p. mn., October Sth. Brant- AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- Bowmanville Hospital, care f ord, Niagara Falls and Hamilton of Elsie Martyn 31.00o will -be visited via the Grand Trunk TEE. Muskokn Hospital for con- Railway- system, and on their return sumptives, care of jJ.J to Toronto will- proceed ta Ottawa Hunter 45.00 ove r the Canadian National Lines, D. B. Farrell adv. T. S., S. arriving at the capitah 7.15 p..m., d t -V Scà al S.N. 320)0.00 October l4th. Quebec and other, Counil adjourned ta Satur- Eastern cities will also be visited, Agent day, October 28 at 1 p. nm. but as yet the itinerary for theset 2nd door wusi of dme 'Mis ZO" W. R. Ailin, Township Clerk.j points bas not been arranged, BowniaufflI, Ontarw / Banking by Mail M ANY and varied are the types of men who conduci j#¶ M heirbanki with The Standard through the post. Bus>' men Z 0 live far away from any bank find that our plan of bankdng by mail Baves them making special trips ta town, and i. satisfactory ini every way and quite ~"simple- We pay int ereat at canrent rates on such accaunts Write or cail for fllu particulars. THE STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, . - - H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, . - - - E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager Sweethearts old and young, kiddies youngo and gay-in fact Everybody loves Candy. Remembter them on CA NDY DA Y OCTOBER l2th The sweetest day of ail the year. The, country's flnest at CHRISTE'YS BAKER Phone 97 The Cash ý& Carry Bakery Bowmanville LOOK PRETTY NICE IN ANY HOME We are showing this week a beautiful Dining-Room Suite finished in Waln'it, newest design, 9 pieces, standard price of which is $225.00, you can buy it Friday or Saturday for $180. We only have the one suite at this price-it means a clean saving of $45.00. IVORY BED ROOM SUITE This is a very attractivte suite that any woman would be, pleased to have in her home. We expect to sell this suite before Saturday night as it is priced right. Watch our advt next week for dlean out of Big Up>haistered Chairs WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmanvilie Furniture Déealer Ontario Foolish Saving. A penny saved is not'always a penny earned. Sometimes it is two pennies lost. The mer- chant who spends nothing on advertising loses much more than he saves. The money spent for plate glass windows is not looked on as lost nor is the money spent on better interior lighting. Anything that increases favor, that adds to sales, that multiplies customers is very pro- perly regarded as a good investment. Advertising is a good investment-just as plate glass windows are. Advertising selîs more goods to more persons than shop wind- ows do. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC Do yot1 resent having a merchant address his message to you in the f orm of an advertise- ment in our columns? On the contrary, is not your impulse to respond to his friendly overtures? Shop Where Yon Are Invited To Shop j FEED THE HUNGRY THRESHERS WELL Last year we made a big hit by making a Ispeciaityrof THRESHERS' ROASTS LARGE-TENDER and JUICY-wi th LOTS 0F NOURISHMENT Dur good country friends are already asking us for more Threshers' Roasts like we supled them a year ago. We're doing it, too. Phone 9225 and we will send you one of those choice roasts by mail. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville

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