Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1922, p. 7

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You Are Invited Mu,-dc- loyers are cordially invited to visit the Dominion Piano Comp- any's exhibit at West Durham Ex- hibition in Bowmanville- on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 19-20. F. 'J. Mitchell Sales Agent his' bud too IE. Roy Foster BUTCHER Will have a splendid_ S display of SCOOKED AND CURED MEATS ± AT ru J. B. MARTYN'S jFFR jDOLLAR DAY f REDUCED PRICES "Ânothei, chance to save a ahillîng" Mi tchell's Specials FOR Dollar Day K. &S. Seamless Hot Water Botties, excellent quality., Regular Price $1.75, $ Day $1.00 Witch Hazel Cream, IRegular 50e each, $ Day 3 boules $1,00 Cream Olive Soap, 17 Cakes for $1.00 2 Boxes Neilson's Super Cream Chocolates, Reg. $1.20$ Day $1,00 2 lbs .Neilson's Assorted Chocolates, Reg. $1.20,' $ Day $1.00 Eaton Crane and Pike's Famous Highland Linen Writing Paper, $ Day 2 boxes $1.00 R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists and Optometris Bowmanville Phone 92 Ont. '~l1 I - .~-- - N Drop in Meat 1Prices Saturday at Dudley's Ail meats purchased at my store on Dolflar Day will be sold 10% BELOW USUAL PRICES on al1 amounts of $1,00 or more. This applies to cash sales only. Excellent dlsplay of choice meats to choose from. W. J. DUDLEY BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 14, 1922. BIRTHS Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman are offering 10% reduction on ahl new fal gootis for Dollar Day. besities a bost o! other bargains. Mrs. Robert Murray anti daugater Irene, Toronto, are visîting ber sister, Mrs. R. H. Goode, at Mr. Albert Goodes, Brown-st. Mrs. Gootie will take np housekeeplng this week in ber new home on Liberty-st., recently purchaseti from Mr. Thos. Hardy, who is now lu Califomnia, anti occupleti by Mm. Lewis Wood. Mr. Woodi bas moveti te Miss Fairbalun's bouse, Elgln-st. Miss Yvonne Hazlewood, daughter e! Dr. B. J. Hazlewoeti, Miss Vourness Me- Cartby, daughter of Mr. J. O. Me- Carthy, Toronto, andi Miss Alice Patbam, daugbter o! Dr. Patham, Etimonton, Alta., salleti on Wednesday by taie "Me- lita" te attend, Les Fougeres at Lau- sanne, Switzerland, to take a finisblng course in languages anti music. Tbey will visit Brussels anti other points ln Bel- glum oen route, Women's shees, regular price 50c, $ Day 40e Xeep the soles anti heels in goodTi epair anti yen prott the whole shoe. First l ass workmanaship anti prompt service. Shop-King St., West, Bow- manville, two doors oast of States- man Office. H.C. Durgin Bandmaiter Cha mber of Cern- à ~ mrce.Band. "I CALE-At Divide, Sask., August 80, to Watch for the banners whicl? mark: Mr. andi Mrs. W. R. Cale, a son. OffiiaiDolar Dy Sore, ITOMLINSON In Bowmanville on Sat- e Oficil DllarDayStoes. urday, Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mri., H. J. Weiler, St. Catharines,, Tomlilson, a daughter. ent the week-end with his parents. DOPP-In'Bowmanville, on Saturday, Lindsy, isSept. , to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Dopp, Mliss Helen Brown, Lnsy SToront, (nee Greta Bottrell),» a son, iting hier aunt, Mrs. T. G. Mason. (Eugene Leonard). MIr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod are spend- ga short holiday with relatives ini MARRIAGERS Mar. E .Joe.n bieo SMITH-VEALE-At the residence of Mr. . Y.Joue andbrid ofMr. Baird, Piattsville, Ont., on Saturday, :rt William,, were recent guests of ýSept. 2, by Rev. W. 11. Johnston, B. A., iss Rynes.Mr. Daniel Smith of Gaît, andi Miss ss Ranes.Annie O. Veale of Bowmanville, Ont. Mr. Percy Mercer and Mr. Perey aylor spent the week-end in Bow- anville.-Ref ormei'. DEATHS Mr. F. H. Bounsai was in Toron- McCLUNG-In Bowmanville, on Tues- Monday attending the funeral Of day, September 12, Jennie S. McClung, rs. N. W. Stafford. daughter of Mrs. McClung and the iate William Mcçlung, aged 51 years. Mr'. Wm. Pente, Clifton Springs, Funerai private from the family resi- Y., is visiting his parents, Mr, dence, Ontario-st.,' Thursday, September d Mrs Tho. Pete. 4th at 3 p. m. id Mr. Ths. Pate.JACOBI-In Oshawa, Sept, ird, August Mr'. John Tnbb, si'., and son Har- Jacobi, in bis flird year. d, Darlington, have been visiting YEO-In Bowmanville on Tuesday, ssoMr. Thos. Tabb. Sept. 12, Orville J., infant son o! Mr. Sou, and Mrs. Richard J. Yeo, aged 1 year. Hampton, Solina and Zion news FRASER-In South Darlingten, on dgots arrivod Wednesday evoning Sunfday, Sept. 3, William H. Fraser, latofor se tîs wek.aged 51 years. Interred in Bewmanville Mr. R. D. Davidson attonded the DEBOW-At the residence of bis un- ineral of his brother, Mr. James cie andi aunt, Mr. andi Mrs. W. T. Quinn, Carlisle Ave., on Tuesday, Sept. 12, El- .vîdson, near Camberne. don DeBow, aged 12 years. Mrs. 1. Brisbin and'Mrs. G. A. Gil- BURGESS-In Cobourg, on Monday, spîe visited friends in Toronto last Septembher llth, Catharine, widow of the Exhibtion. late William Burgess, Bowmanville, ageti eek and attended theExiton 72 years. Interred ia Hampton cemetery. -Thos. Bottreil & Son won 12 pl'izes M'BRIDE-At 120 North Benton Way, ipigeons and bantams with 17 en- Los Ange;es, California, on Aug,. 28th, William McBride, M. A., ex-President ies at Toronto's National Exhîbi- of Canadian Lif e Uunderwriters' Assoc- on. iation and ex-Principal o! Newcaslle Miss Kate and Mr. Bob Lattimer, Hh-Se-hoad71yrs oronto, visited Miss Marjory Cam- WANTED con, Port Bowmnnville, over the eek-end. WANTED--General servant for smail Mi'. and Mrs. C. H. Mason and famIly. Apply Dr. Higi's, 245 Simcoe St, North, Oshawa. 27-1w* )n Donald, Mr. andi Mrs, A . E. FARM WANTED-~Abrout 25 acres near uko motored te Preston and spent Bowmanvllle preferreti. Apply N. A. le week-end. Drawer B3, Bowmianville. 27-t Warnca wo ~ WANTEO-Experienced sewlng ma- Mr. D. Colenman WriawoI chine operators for trimming depart- ,aching noar Janetville spent the ments. Apply Employment Manager, ýek-end with his mother, Mrs. B. General Motors of Canada, Oshawa. 37-2 LWarnica. . .WANTED-We need three men who will vîsualize with us the opportunity Mr'. W. H. Moyse, Chicago, Ill., to serve la a useful capacity, andi Who .d Mr. James E. Moyse, Rochester, will welcome BIG PAY andi PROMO- TION in a large International Organiza- Y., recently visited their sister, tion, MEN who can train for Executive Ers. Wilson Neads. Positions, anti supply highest references. 25 years o! age, MARRIED PREFERRED Mrs. (Dr.) J. G. Adam of Canaan, L. R. Steel ýService Corporation, Limited, înn., and hier son and daughter, Oshawa. 36-3 e vsiting her parents, Mr. and PR ERYFR AL Ers., P. C. Trebilcock. RP TYFRSL Mr. and MIrs. Thomas Pingle and FOR SALE-New frame cottage, con- r. land Mrs. Sam Glanville motore d taining 6 rooms anti bathroom on Cburcb Preson ad vitedMr.Pinge'sSt. Apply to Box 440, Bowmanville. rother, Mi'.- Ashton Pingle. Two Storey Brick flouse for sale on The many frientis cf Mrs. R. H. Nelson Street, electric ligbts in bouse, -stable, water, quarter acre landi. Apply ýollacott, Salemn, will be pleased te, Wm. 'nrock, Bowmanvllle, phone 114. arn that she is progressing favor- 38-3' tly after an operation la Toronto FOR SALE-Brick cottage contalnlng 6 ronns, furnace anti electric lizbts. Barrl Mi'. E. J. Dopp, Mrs, Theressla anti soft water lu bouse, gond gardon anti opp and Miss Minnetta Dopp, Miss- fruit tregs. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen is Mae and -Edna and Mi'. Norman Street, Bôwmanvllo. 12-tf ottreil, Toronto, spent the week- FOR SALE-On Liberty Street, desir- able modern brick residence, nearly 21/ id at Mi'. Thos. Bottrell's. acres, 7 rooms. ail conveniences. Suit- Mi'. andi Mrs. C. P. Israel, Miss able forochicken farm. Apply after Ma y on 5 p. m. or write John Kliby, box 468, ladys Israel, Miss Boe Mo, 3wmanville. 1 . 37-1w* notered ever from Rochester, N. Y., FOR SALE-Lot about ffty feet front- td have been visiting her sister, age at corner o! Centre anti Concession [rs.J. . Matyn andherbroterStreets. contaliiiggond barn, easily con- qrs.J. . Mrty, ad ler roterivertible loto bouse. Apply Bruce Hon- [r. J. T. Hooper, and other relatives eywell, 60 Duke-et., Toronto, or tele- ire, phono 194-2, 22-tf Mi'. andi Mrs. Claude Bradley, Mi'. FOR SALE-The W. Rý 0Cl@mens.farm locateti at Tyrene, Ont., comtalnlng one id Mrs. Ernie Blow and Master buntired 'ant i lfty-four, acres, about 20 eonald and Cyril Blow, Cleveland, acres orcliard, ifine boarlng. Ploughlng hieandMi' ani Ms. . H Os possession this Fali. Apply Bruce Honey. )hio, ad Mr an, Ms. W H.OS-ell 60 Duko Street, Toronto, or toe- )orne of Bowmanville, visited-.Mrs. phono 194-2. Bowmanvlle. 52-tf -W. Blow, Oshawa, i'ecently. TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE- Mrs. Norman Hamley and daught- Medium sizeti brick residence. hot air heating, bath andi electrlclty, ormali. gar- ýr Jean whe have been spending the tien, garage anti poultry house, most de- ;mmer with hier parents, Mi'. and slrably located, wlthln tbree minutes waik Urs, P. C. Trebilcock, have returneti of Post Office. Aise, a beautlfully locat- eti building lot, These preperties are ome te -Peterbore, accompanieti by thie most-reasonabîy priceti of any on thie or sister, Miss Margaret Trebilceck. market. Appli' Box 519, Bowmanville. Mi'. C. W. Johns, Winnipeg, Man., ias ben visiting his brother, Mi'. J. ARTICLES FOR SALE LJohns, Hampten, and ether rela- ves arounti here. It is 26 yearg FOR SALE-A goti young I-Ioistein nce ho left his native village and cow. Apply A. Turner, Scugog St., Bow- ie soos many changes in places and CANARIES FOR SALE-H1artz Mount- peuple. ain Rollers, beautiful singers. Apply Mrs. W. E. Tîlley has returneti A. E. Jennings, Hampton, phono 350-22. trom. a very pleasant trip with her AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, aon Mr'. W. N. TilIey, K. C., and first classi mechanical shape, appearance family, Toronto, te England andi ,i good.Apply to J. Hateiy, Central Garage, Bowmanvllle. 37-tf. .eôw visiting hier son, Dr. A. S. TiI- CREAM, WICKER BABY CARRIAGE ly and Mrs. Tilley. She han thor- -Reversible gear, in gooti condition. ly enjoyeti tho long sea jeurneys. Appîr to Mrs. Fred Reid, Welliugton-st., nd is looking yearB yeunger. An Bowmanville. 36-1 oce&n voyage îs a wonderful re FOR SALE-A f ew choice'12 weeks' olti cockerels, Ferris strain, prices rang- juvinator anti a sojourn in Olti Eng- ing from $1.25 te $2.50. J. W. Moorey, lnd promotes that peachy complex- R R 6, Bowmaillo. 35-tf ion se characteristic of English lad-I *CA«RS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; as.McLaughlin 1917, $300; Chevrolet 1920, ies. $375; Overlanti 85-4, $450. Apply te A. Big, bargains ln cut glaas at Elllot's 'W. Pickard, Phono 185, Bewmanvllle. ewelryr Store.1 HONEY FOR SALE-G4ooti quallty Even monuments wlll be cheaper on clover extra boney, can be secureti at Dollar, Day. Ses advt. 1 village stores ln Darllngton or at Apairy. L'awyer Warti was ln bed Ilast weýek R. J .Smith, Ennisklllen, phono 211r24. rlth an attack o! pleurlsy. I . FOR SALE-i Parlour Ileater, stove Bargains galore on Dollar Day at board, anti 30 length steve pipes, com- .ouch, Johnston & Crydiermân'ew ploto for five dollars. 1 chulde crlb, anti Bu v a clock at yeur ewn p'ýce DO'Ibedroom mug. Apply 291 CarIbule Ave, Bowmanvllle. 117-2w' lar ay at llots Jewelry Store. HAP TOU TRNg-Ehoe Buy fruitat Infant ne.foruit eStore complete wltai reserveir sand water front, You Doll a-ena hnet toergle.t aonly used oeswlnter, replaceti wlth eleet- You tilibavea canceto gt arie steve. Inspection may be made at .Lncky Dollar at Keralake's Drug Store. F .C. Pethlck'u Barber $h~op. 2&-t No doubt about lt-buy your grevr - ________________ os at MeMnrtry & Co's antiye ay lec Just the thing for wearing afternoons or evenings. are narrow toes and Louis heels., They 75 pair kid' or -Patent, pumps and oxfords, were $7.50 to $11 per pair for- $4.45 30 pair Kid.Boots with Louis heels, 8 inch top, nar- row toe or high cuban heel, Regular $10,00 and $11,00, For Dollar Day OnIy At $6.95 NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON ABOVE Ail sizes in -above so'corne early. year welts and- will wear extra well. They are Good- 10 per, cent off R egular Lines It will be our endeavor to sell the sale goods above but if you cannot be suited we will give 10%7 discount on any other lines for the Dollar Day only as an induce- ment. 30 pair Boys' Boots, sizes 1 to 5, were $4.00 to 30 pair Men's Boots, wero $6,75 to $10.,00 pr for 25 pair Misses' Button Boots, siîzes 8 to 2 for 12 pair Men's Work Boots, size 10 for No Refunds or Exchanges. Strictly Cash, F.W. Clau'de Ivesb BowmanîlleOnt $5.00 for $2.95 Pr $4.95 Pr $2.95 pr $2.95 pr s T U . Boys? Clothing J IfS OlS Clothing MEN'S CAPS Snappy 6tyles, ail the best pat- terns and colois, ail pnices np to, $2.75, clearing on$ Day for, enly$.9 MEN'S FINE SH-IRTS, A beautîful Une of Men'@ Fine Shirts, regular $1.75 to $2.00, to e1ear $ Day for 2 for $2.78 OVERCOAT BARGAINS 1 only Heavy Tweed Twill Cloth Waterproof Coat, thor- oughly Rain Proof, Rubber Lined, Regu!lar $20.00 for $14.95 Special, 1 Only, Heavy Tweed Overcoat, large size, Reg. Value $18.00, to clear $ Day $4.95 Light Weight Overcoats, for men or young men. Some are loose and some with beit to, match. Nice tweedy effects, regular $15.00 for $7.95 MENS HATS A special lot of Men's Fine Felt Hats, values up to $6.00, on sale on $ Day f or $2.75 EXTRA SPECIAL $ DAY VALUES MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Best makes are to be had in our choice and wer selected stock. In aIl the" wanted patterns and colora. FuliliUnes of anappy and conservative styles.Al at special reduced prices for $ Day, EXTRA SPECIAL A special lino of Men's Al Wool Tweed Suits, wool lining, best make, reg. $25.00 to $30, $ Day Special at $16.75 BOYS' DF.PT Oui' Boys' Department offers splendid inducements to the rospetive buyer on $ Day. Don't fail to look over our Boys' Suits which havre aIl been reduced for the occasion. A special ino of Boys' Tweed Suits with extra pair of bloom- er trousers to clear$ Day at $8,95 CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS Ail our Children's Wa sh Sut and Peggy Black Suite to clear on,$ Day et 20% Discoumut BOYS' HEAVY RIB HOSE, Extra weight and just splendid for the sturdy boy for wchool Wear. A special at 43c pair RAINCOAT SPECIALS A splendid Uine of Boys' Param- ata Raincoats clearing at $2.9S A line of men's as above $3.95 A splendid lino of Men's Caps up te $4.75 f or 98c NOTICE Space will flot permit mention of only a few of the splendid bargains wo will have at cur store. Watch our Windows and cail ini our store and inspect the many specials we will offer on $ Day Johnston' Clothing Store BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 271 OSHAWA More Dollar'Bargains At Ives' Shoe ,Store Three w7eeks agîo we had croxvds like this at oui' 3-day Dol- lar Sale and the enthusiasm is stili strong. On Saturday, Se ptem- ber l6th., I am again going to offer shoes for $1.00 pair. 100 pair'of women's bootsw~ith low tops, in button and lace, sizes 2½/, 3 and 3y2, were as high as $6,00 per pair for $1.00 1 BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 14, 1922. BIRTHS ýý ",wi, 1

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