Oranges, regular 40c, ORANGES $ Day 3 dozen for $1.00 ORANGES AND LEMONS 1 dozen '15e oranges and 1 dozen lemons, $ Day al .MALAGA GRAPES Malag-a Grapes, Muskmelons, special, for 1.0 Special oin $ Day, 3 Ibs. for $1.00 MUSKMELONS 4 large ones $ Day $1.00 OTHER FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Besides the above fruits there will also be a fixe display of Applr's, Plums , Grape Fruit, Tomatoes, Celery, Cabbage, Spax- ish Oions, etc. BARGAINS Chocolares regular 60e lb. Chocolates regalar 50e lb. Chacolates regular 40e lb. Gaudies regular'40c lb. IN CHOCOLATES $ Day 2 lbs* for $1.00 $ Day 2% Ibs for $1.00 $ Day 3 Ibs *for $1.00 $ Day 3 Ibs for $1,00 IT PAYS TWO BUY FRUIT AT A FRUIT STORE We will be pleased to deliver goods in town.I Infantine's Fruit 'Store IPhone 59 Wholesaie and Retail King-st. East Regula.r $1.35 per gallon for $1,00 Other bargains in comparison Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd 61 Bowmanviile Every Day Is Dô")llar Day Yes, you will flnd every day in the year is Dollar Day when you patronize our shop. WE ARE SPECIALISTS In doing ail kinds of Plumbing, Bath Room Outftts, and installing the famous McCiary Sun- shine Furnace. By constant every day good service and fair deali-ng our business is rapidly increasing. Drop !ri and see us Dollar Day. Greenaway &,' Elliott mi Consuîting Engineers Phone 18 day or night It bas been estimnted thiat if ail the progeny of single rose nphîd were ta survive, they would at the end of the three huxdred -days be equal ix welght ta the population of China sevenfold, which means that there would be in weight of this axe emal inset several thausaxd million poundsl The bulletin £rom whieh this quatatiox it taken treàas of "In- sects Affeeting Greenhonse Plantse Bowmanville One of the sixcerest joys in the world is the joy of accomplishment. It is £rom this that true joy in music study springs. When a pupil cax read and has rend music of the fin- est type everything we want him to do and be in music has beex doxe if the proper kind and amaunt of mus ic has been learned ix the praper way. It is the, open sesame ta music ix ail its phases. SINGING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS "There are numerous saugs whi<l have grown out of the hopes and as pirations and the loves of the grea masses of the people which childrei should be given the opportunity i sing. Then there are numerous fin, aid ballade that have came ta u from England, Scotland, Ireland ar( other places, the most of them se ta music, which should be utilized i the sehools ix the singixg prograr If I can find n book of, this kind coi taining a hundred or two hundre( sangs that are filled with rhythn and fine, elevating sentiment whie appeal ta children, and whicb theý sing, if gîven the chance, as natur aliy as tbey breathe', that is ýth music book whch I shaîl have adopt ed f or use ix the public sehools here and my instructions ta the teacher will be ta teach the childrex ta sinr and ta pay little orna attention t( the mechanics of music". Such was the declaration of Mr.T H. Harris, Superixtendent of Edu cation for the State of Louisiana, il an exceptionally ýappealing addre& lately toan group of teachers. 4'1 n program of this kînd is put i practice", eoxtinued the speaker "cmy impression is that music, moi( than nny other subject perhaps, wil secure the co-operation of the pub lic. Children will learx ix sehool fin( old sangs that their parents anc grandtparents sang and loved Mlft or seventy-five years ago, but hn'ç forgotten. "When the eidrenbegin ta sing these sangs ix the homes, their par. ents and grandparents will jain then The home will be made brighter anè better for their doing so, and ifi co-operation with the work of tii school will be secured. LIFE If ail who hate would love us, And al aur laves were true, The stars that swing above us Would brighten ix the blue; if the cruel words were kisses, And every scowl a smile, A better world thax this is Would hardly be worth while; If purses would nat tighten To meet a brother's need, The Tond we bear would brightex Above the grave of greed. If those who whine would whistle, And those who languish lnugh, The rase would rout the thistle, The grain outrux the chaff; if hearte were only jolly, If grieving were forgot, And teare of melaxcholy Were things that now are not; Thex love would kxeel ta duty, And aIl the world wauld seem A bridal bower of beauty, A dream within a drenm. If men wauld ceaseta, worry, And wamen cease ta sigh, And ail be glad ta bury Whatever has ta die; If neighbor spake of neighbor As lave demande of aIl, Therust would eat the sabre, The spear stay on the wall. Then every day would glisten, And every eye would shine,, And God would pause ta listen, And life would be divine, BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 14, 1922. THE HOME MERCHANT Do you patronize home mer- chants? If not, why not? These are queries always, pertinent but more especially in a town the size of Bowmanville where mer- chants are up-to-date and enterpris- ing and the business houses of which are equal and in some respects su- perior to the larger centres. The people of Bowmanville as a rule are loyal to the oid town, but in the mat- ter of outside purchasing there is plenty of room for a great examina- tion of conscience which no doubt would resurrect some self-accusing qualms on the matter of disloyalty to home industry., The s.ubjeet is worthy of careful consideration. Prudence on the part of the buyers1 demiands it for as a rule the resuits of outside purchasing show that money would be saved by patroniz- ing home dealers instead of ýsending the cash to help swell the volume of trade in out of town centres. A writer in a recent issue of the Shoe and' Leather Journal discuss- ing the advantages of home buying plces the situation very aptly when hesays: "The home merchant is the best friend that any community, has. He suports the churches, schools, col- leges and charities, and every enter- prise launched for the upbuild and progress of the city, town or village in which he makes a living. In times of depression or unemploy- ment how often does he extend cre- dit and enable those, who would otherwýise he deprived of life's nec- essities, to live comfortably and hap- puly until factories resume opera- tions or the building and other allîed trades take on their woated activity? The community owes each. merchant a debt of obligation which it often iii repays, and in periods of plenty, the persons who have been accom- modated, frequently ignore the local man and send out of town f or re- quisites which they can procure equally as well and cheap at home when quality and service are taken into consideration. Enjoying the advantages of persoa1 inspection, prompt delivery, quick service and of returning the goods in the event of dissatisfaction, defect, or mnisrepres- entation-are other benefits which are apt to bc overlooked. The customer pays no freight or express bills, cartage 'or postage, and can oh- tain what he desires and at the very time that he most needs it. Again, I say that the average local mer- chant is onie of the chief factors and solid citizens than any community can possess and worthy of patronage and confidence. There may be ex- ceptions, but they are very f ew". BuOPy IYoJyUrFr-uit ON DOLLAR DAY AT Infantine's Fruit Store We have made big preparations ta give the public great bargains in fruits, vegetables chocolates and, candy a n Dollar Day. Here's a few of the specials: -PEACHES Penches, No. 1, il qt baskets, lexo tops, and 3 chocolate bars, $ Day ail for $1 .06 GRAPES Grapes, sweet ard ripe, 6 qt. basket, reg. 60c,- $ Day, 2 baskets for $1.00 s S' Peterborough lI e 1ndustrial d y e Exhibition ig WEDNESDAY - THURSDAI" rFRIDAY AND SATURDAY ds Sept. 13t.Yâ to lGth e GATES OPEN AT 12 NOON ý- WEDNESDAY - Biggest Exhibition Between Toronto and Ottawa. -$10,000.00 IN PRIZES- OVER $4,060.00 PREE AT- TRACTIONS SPEEDING IN THERING., Great keystone Exposition Shows, Y2 Mile of Clean Midway Attractions. Pull Programme Every Af ter- noan and Evening, EntIre Four Days. New Buldngs- New Attractions- Greatest Entry of Horses, Cattle and Poultry in the Eistory of thý Fair. Hear HON. W. R. MOTHER- WELL Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa; THURSDAY, l4th Beptember, at 2 pa.. Special Reduced Rates on Al Railroads, 1 14». Roadu for Motoring a&H the Way. Excellent Parking Accommo- dation Inside- the Grounde for Cams Admission 35c - Children 15c AU Chldren, Fnw, WEDNES. DAL ArTPRN0ON, 13th Sept. ure. For terms phone 12, "Green- Court", Argyle Street, 49-3m*. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Goid Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- zician and Suigeoi at Mt. Carmel Hlozpitel, Pii, ,,burg, Ks. Office and Residence, VX J1ington Street, Bow- manvile. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trin)ity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and resîdence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT. Assstant-Dr. C. W. Lyon& Graduate of Royal Dental Colleêe, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. 0 fice hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. dailý/ except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto Uriver.:ýy. Gradu'ate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Offie Ki)g t., Bowvmanville. Office 1-hone 40. Bouse p~hone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons., Licensed to practice in Oitario and the Dominion. Dextistry in ail its branches. Office -King-st., Bowmanvîlle. Opposite Bank of Montreal, Phone 301. CHIROPRACTOR GORDON P. SOUCH, D. C., PH, C. 3 year Graduate of the Palmer School (The Fountain Head of Chiropractie) Office on Church-st. opposite the Pres- byterian Church. Office Hours: 3- 5 and 7-8 p. m., or by appointment. Office Phone 41J; House Phone 140- r2 (Lakeview Farm). 26-tf FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complete equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanyille phones 10 and 34. Branch at Oroxo. THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night CaIs Promptly Attended to.1 Office King-st. W., Statesman Bock, Bowmaxville. Phone 243. I GEORGE CHENERY ix General Contractor icement work, house foundation, et.Estîmates furxished, King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t SHOFITHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Im- provement Courses. Students accepted at any time. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshaw^ and Toronto, M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Oanadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. Agvencyr. Ail lines of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Edith V.- Scobeil, Agent 2nd door of te."Bis 30" Bowmauvalî. Ontario. THE GOVERNMENT'S Miss Mary E. Mounsey on the Part CONVERSION SCHEME Hope public school teachixg staff, re- cent years princpal of East Primary The attention of the holders of School has resigned after 43 years the five and a haîf per cent war boan of faithful services. bonds maturing December 1,' 1922, le___________________ directed ta the offer of the Minister PITN of Finance to renew the boan on PITN favourable termis. The lnst Cana- Have yaur house palnted now, senfi dian boan was placed in New York at post card ta J. Brennax, painter, paper a satisfactory price. The Minister hanger'and granxer. KaIsomIing and is making his present financial opera- tinting. Terme rensonable. Addreuu J. Brennan, Elgin St., Bowmanviile. tion entirely a domestic axe by off- 2-m ering ta exchaxge the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing the samne rate of iliterest, running for LEGAL either five years or tex years as the M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. bondholder mny prefer. A further BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY inducement ta the investor is that hie receives a bonus of axe month'$ in- money ta boan on Farmi and Town terest. The terms offered are de- Pr6perty Royal Bank Building, cidedly favorable ta the investor axd Boxvmanville. Phone 351. it is probable that a large part of the maturing loana will be renewed. W. F. WARD, B. A. Arrangements for the exchaxge oflBRR the bonds cax be made at axiy branch BARSTER, SOLICITOR., NOTARY of the chnrtered banks. Holders Moxey ta boan. Bonds for sale. j who do not wish ta reixvest will be Offices: Bleakley Block, King paid in cash on the lst December. Street, Bowmaxville Ontario. _____________Phones: Office 102, House 343. FOODVLU F MILK music Dairy Branch, Ottawa, Made Unique T. W. STANLEY Exhibit at Toronto Ex. (London College of Music) Organist and Chair Leader, Bowman- We hope maxy of aur readers vis- ville Methadist Church, is prepared ta ited the Horticultural Building and take pupils for Piano and Voice Cuit-' Presto-O-Lite Batteries at 25 per cent Discount on Dollar Day Batteries for Ford, Chevrolet, Gray-Dort, Oldsmobiie Cars, Regular Overiand, $31.50 Dollar Day for $23.65 Batteries for Baby Grand, Overland, Studebaker, Mitchell $36.50 lVLLaugh'in, Big Cars, ,Regular Dollar Day for $27.40 Batteries R echarged Regular $1.00, leave them with us Dollar 'Day at 50C F, W. KIRKENDALL Temperance-st. Bowmanville 'j Spe.cials at Nichoils' Variety Store Everybody knows where Nicholis' Store is. Jt's the store where you always get the most for your Dollar-and on Dollar Day you aregoing to get a,-whole lot more for your money than usual. Lt would fil this paper if wetold you alfthe big bargains we are giving for this great buying event, 50 we only list a few, taken at random from our immense stock. 6 Cups and 6 S,-aucers, $ Day $1..00 Ladies' Leather Hand Bags, reg. $1.98 $ Day $1.00 English Tea Pots, Regular $2.00, $ Day $1.00 Wear-Ever Aluminum Sauce Pans, reg.f $1.25, $ Day $1.00 Fancy Jardineres, reg. $1.75, $ Day $1.00 21 Bars Lau-ndry Soap, $ Day $1.00 Tumblers, reg. 1Oc each, $ Day 15 for $1.00 Cut Glass Vases, $ Day 2 for $1.00 Granite Double Boilers, reg. $2, $ Day $1.00 Thermos Botties,' reg. $1.25, .$ Day $1.00 Fountain Pens, reg., $1.25, $ Day $1.00 Men's Black Socks, $ Day, 5 pairs $1.00 Li.quid Veneer Polish, reg. 60c bottie, 2 for $1.00 Toilet Soap, reg. 5c cake, $ Day 25 cakes $1.0 HUNDREDS 0F OTHER BARGAINS JUST AS GOOD AS THESE THRUOUT THE STORE Don't go home Saturday until you have. at least looked thru our store. A. L NICHO %LL S We seli almost Everything Shop atNicholîs' First ~KOREEN HAIR RKESTORemwERl FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES i saw the excellent exibit ix charge of Miss Helen G. Campbell, of the Dairy Branch, Ottawa. The Sun says she had many ixterested listen- ers ta her clear andi simple explaxa- tions of the food value of milk, while children taok great delight ix the colored pictures which, illustrate the rollickixg rhymes which tell about boys axd girls wha drink milk. "A Carry Milk ta Schoal" Cam- paign is n plan of Miss Campbell's, and the signe and posters which she had made for the childrex will surely help on thnt good iden. By looking, into glass cases ar- ranged about this attractive booth, axe learns that a basket of potatoes, a big head of cnbbnge, seventeen pounds of beef, n full large plate of prunes, or a full dozen of oranges, coxtaix no more of f ood value thax does the bottle of milk which stands beside them. 1In another corner, nîl may rend such direct and simple facts of health and food as, "Lime buZIlds straxg boxes, bard teeth; milk is the best and cheapest source of lime", In addtiox ta the paixted posters and attractive food display, Miss Campbell passes ont ta ber visitors smnll bookiets, which tell "How and why ta use skim milk, butter milk, cottage cheese and cream", with many recipes and cooking hints. IF YOU ARE WELL-BRED You will be kixd. You will not use slang. You will try ta mnke others happy. You will hever indulge ix ilI-nat- ured gassip. You will neyer forget the respect due ta age. You will not swngger or boast of your achievements. You will think of others befare' you think of yourself. You will nat mensure your civîlity by people's baxk accounts. You will be scrupulous in your regard for the rîghts of others,. You will not f orget engagements, promises or obligations of any kind. You will neyer make £un of the peculiarities of others. You will neyer ix any circum- stance cause paix ta another if you can help it. 'You will nat think good intentions compensate f or rude or gruif man- ners. You will be ns agreenhle ta your social inferiors as ta your equals nnd superiors. tY 'J) f