Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1922, p. 3

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WATCH Our Advt. Next Week FOR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 161 IN FURNITURE They will be worth waiting, for WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmer, Bowmanvil Furniture Dealer Ontario ~We an Say To Ail These Qruestio-ns Do Astoria Shoes Fit? They do. Will they keep their shape? They will. Does Astoria leadl in style? Always. Are they made of best mnaterial? They arc. Can 1 buy Astoria Shoes at leading stores everywhere? Yen can. COPELAND SHOE STORE 5 Bowmanville Wholesome Meat Essentials Good wholesome Meats, such as we always have In stock are always healthful. WTe handle 'only the best Meats-healthy, young cattlp, hygienically handled from the slaughter house to your kitchen-tender and de- liejous. Also rernember we have the largest assort- ment of cooked meats in town. -,1 One dleEvery each day 8.30 a. m. Leave your order day ahead. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morri*s Co. Phone 21 Bowxnanville They11 Demand More Hlelp every member of your famîly to liberal slices of Tod's Bread. 1Jt's the best thing in the' worl ! for thcm. 0fcourse they'l1 eat lots of it-that's to be expected. But don't worry, give them ail they want. Tod's Bread is the most nutritious and greatest muscle-builder they can eat. THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville BEECNAN'S m PlLS ffor Constipation BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 7tb, 1922. DAR LINGTON COUNCIL Hampton, August -26, 1922. Regular meeting of council, memn- bers ail present, Reeve Baker pre- siding. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Wm. Brown, East Whitby, having flled with the clerk to notify under the Ditches and Watcrcourses Act, the members of council met council of East Whitby and other persons in- terested in the watcrcourse on town- uine betwccn Dariington and East Whitby on August 18, 1922, when a temporary agreement was reached. Moses Lymer presented a petition signed by a number of ratepayers requesting council to pass a by-iaw for purpose of issuing debentures for $3,000.00 for 10 years at 6% for S. S. No. 6, (Maple Grove), to provide for remodeiling schooi bouse and enlarging school site. Consent given and by-law No. 830 was given its several readings, signed and seal- ed. Jobn Aldsworth appiied for assist- ance to clear out ditch at lot 22, con . 3.- Members of council will meet! parties interested on the si*te on Sat- urday, Sept. 2nd next and look into the matter. Trustees of S. S. No. 16, (Ennis-î killen), gave notice that two teach- ers would be engaged in that school section after September lst, 1922. Jas. Curtis, S. A. O., gave report for months of May and June. Filed. John Reynblds made application for re-appointmnent as Collector of Taxes. By-law No. 829 was given its several readings, signed and seal- cd making appointment for 1922 as requested. Reeve Baker reported attending meeting beid in Toronto reccntly in regard to the Toronto Eastern and Ganadian Northern railways, at wbicb it was decîded to ask ail muni- cipalities interested to ýsend a depu-l tation to Ottawa, at a date to be ar-1 ranged to'meet the Minister of Rail-i ways. Reeve Baker was asked to attend with Dep. Reeve Courtice as alternate. By-law No. 830, was introduced and given its several readings, sign- ed and sealed, fixing rates 'of Taxa- tion for 1922 as f ollows: Counties, .0106; Township, .003; Cement! Bridges, .002; General school rate, .00563, making a total of 21 milîs and 23 one hundredths, not inciuding Local School Debentures and Local Scbool Rates. Treasurer acknowledged receipt ofr $3.00 fromi Geo. Creeper for cementi work, and $20.00 ftrm R. H. Colla- cott for rent of road allowance. Orders drawn on Treasurer werc: Byron Moore, work pit $. .2.50 John Brock, tcaming 2.50 John Luxton, gravel 4.37 Wm. Pierce' gravciling 5.00 Wm. Lcask, gravel 6.50 Eugene Martin, gravel 7.00 Alex. Wight, gravel 7.12 Wm. Hastings, gravel 12.00 Geo. Gonibear, gravelling 12.50 L. C. Snowden, gravel 15.50 Peter Leask, work town hune 17.00 H. Wilcox, etal, work 17.90 Ben Cochrane, work town line 20.00 Norman Scott, work town lino 20.55 Fred Cochrane, do2.5 Jos. Burgess, work, on culvert 23.75 C. W. Woodley, gravel 26.001 Clarence Hall, work, cuivert 27.00 Peter Leask, work on roads 55.15 Byron Moore, grave1 and stone Brent culvert 95.00 Robt. Burgess, work culverts 110.00 Pediar People Ltd., culvert tubes 110.22 A. Wilcox et ai, work cement culverts 185.90 McClellan & Go., cement and lumber 480.68 John A. Holgate & Son, cement 850,00 Moses Lymer, W. F. Bonus 2.50 T,'MeGill, W. F. Bonus 5.00 Gordon Werry, W. F. Bonus . 9.30 Dr. HI. Ferguson, services Board of Health 22.30 W. R. Allun, postage, stationery 18.90 Sick Children Hospital, care Muriel Thompson 7.5U Sick Children Hospital, care Fred Connelly 27.00 T. Baker, expenses to Toronto 5.00 John Reynolds, bal saiary 1921 65.00 H-. Wilcox, et ai, rep fence 7.15 F. C. Paterson, grant Rural School Fairs 15.00 Chas. H.. Snqwden, de- benture S. S. 6 3,000.00 Gouncil adjourned to Saturday, Sept. 3Oth, at 1 p. Mn. W. R. Allun, Tp. Cherk ZION (Too late for last issue.) M .Ams.A.T.Stintand Bookstore1 Bowmanville Happy Thought Heating Stoves mean less fuel and more warmth. -- . MARKS STOCK COMPANY COMING The amusement loyers of Bow- manville will be pleased Lo learn that the ever popular Ernie Marks Stock Go. will appear at the Opera House, Bowmanville, on Saturday evcning, September 9, in a guffing play of big business as it is conduct- ed to-day, entitled, "Putting it Over". Seven big vaudeville specialties will be given between each act. Mr. Marks declares the company sup- porýting hinm this season is the best he has ever carried. LOCA L AND OTHERWISE Mr. Elliott, Barrie, and Miss An- nie Mountjoy, Toronto, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman, Peterboro, have been holidaying with her mother, Mrs. L. Morris and other relatives here. Soo Bill who attended sehool here lin 1919 visited here last wcck. H1e is making good progress at Palmer- ston Avenue Sehool, Toronto, being in Senior Fourth lass. Dr. Alex. 'MacKay, Inspector of 'Prisons. Hospitals and Public Chari- ties in Ontario, who with Mrs. Mac- Kay has spent bis holidays at Bow- manville-on-the-Lake, bas been gazetted Lieutenant-Golonel on the retired iist dating from May 1922. Hie was gazetted Major in 1912 and went overseas ln 1916 witb the On- tario Hospital unit and was attached to No. 1 Canadian General .Hospital in France and received the Long Ser- vice Medal. He is one of the most popular officiais in the Government service and bis hosts of fricnds will be glad to leara of this further pro- motion. 11e resides at 574 Euciid Ave., Toronto. Schom-ol Supples Be prepared for Sehool opening by buying your supplies early. We have a fuli uine of Text books, Exercise and Scribblers. BUY NOW Owing to the very small profit on School books and supplies we will' sel in future for cash only. W. T. Allen- Druggists Phone 92 Optometrists Bowmanv ille Every woman knows the answier, and a dependable range is the great- est aid a woman can have to reach the\ heart of the man in her home. What satisfaction to have a range that is a " good baker "ý-that gets the most out of your recipes-that consumes litthe fuel and maintains a steady, even heat. Happy Thought Ranges save your food, your back, your time and your temper. They are easy to regulate, and the big oven, even heat and large cooldng surface make the work easier., No unneceasary stooping- because there is every attachment to help make at,->oman's work lighter. Three hundred thousand homes have Happy Thought Ranges. Ask your neighbour, 5h. probably ha&on.. TREASURER'S TAX SALE 0F LANDS A' Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes will be held in The Counties' Treasurer's Office, Cobourg, on Thursday, December 7, 1922, at the hour of Eleven O'clock lu the fore- noon. A list of the lads for sale for arrears of taxes bas been pre- pared, and copies thereof may be had la my office, and that the list is be- iag pubiisbed la the Ontario Gazette on the Second, Ninth, Siîxteeatb and Twenty-third days of September, 1922, and that ia default of payment of the taxes and costs, thc lands wiii be sold for taxes. Neil F. MacNacbtan, Counties' Treasurer. Cobourg, August 28tb, 1922. 35-13 Through Life's t Windows What a tragedy it would be if you were to lose or sufer impair- >meut of that most precious gift- SIGHT! And yet you may be neglecting your eyes-straining them-wearing them eut-un- tbinkingly. Neglect may develop serious consequences Wby net consult your Optom- etrist and bave bim make a care- wili not recommend giasses unless they will aid or im.prove your vision.j Censult our Rcgistcred Op- tometrist-R. M. Mitchell. Hie knows. "Have your eyes examined", RXI Mitchell & Co. I. Accounts Small Total Assets in Excess of $650,000,000 Branches i al Important Centres i Canadla Savings Departmnents mn ail Branches ]Bank of Montreal Established Over 100 Years IL Aplate of powerful heat M eCLABY'S Protected Elenient in your Electrie'Range le simply a plate of tough, fireproof, heat.. conducting porcelain i whieh the cola are embedded chose to the surface. Mclary's Protected Element becomes a plate ef powerul heat, as you deaire, when the current le turned on, It la absolutely trouble-proo-notbing ec a-u. Jure the hlgh-resistance coils--they do thefr work speedily and efficIatIy. Don't'buy an Electxic Range wlthout a McCary's Protected Element.. Makera of ~eia~n&F lectrîc Runge *IU&44J London, Torolnto, Montreal, Winnipeg,, Vancouver~, 'fi Oean ~ St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon rand Edmontosm Long Distance a Saeving Not an Expense ¶41What is this icharge for $21.60 for Long Distance telephonîng li your expense account?" said the Sales Manager of the Blank Manufacturing Company Vo one ii their wide-awake salesmen, "Pretty steep, isn't 1V?" "Depends on how you look at 1V. I thought you night raise some question, so I figured out how xnuch actual. îsavîng for the efirm that Long Distance telephoning represented.:-4 days salary, $40.83, Railroad f'areg Ç18.70, Ilotel $15,00, a total o~f $74.53.. Deducting the 21.60 you have an actual cash saving Vo the firmn of 52.98--to *sPy nothing of the extra sales 1, niade in. the time saved.." More and more sales and accounting officiais are be.. gInning Vo realize that insVead od being an extra ex.-. ense, Long Distance actually saves mnoney and:valuable eime when intelligently used. "Use the Bell Vo Sell"-or Vo buy, Most good 1Balel. mien Yealize that Station-to-Station t-alls often answeri just as well ag the more expensive Pej'son-to-Pemao Evvery pelu Teephone ila aLong Dletanoe Station For Sale By W. H. DUSTAN, BOWMANVILLE H. C. BONATHAN, NEWCASTLE ýes-FurnGcesil S,, MALL ACCOUNTS are wel- comed at every Branch of thîs Bank Every class in the com- munity is served with ecjual atten- tion and courtesy. 1"éBig 20" gKomm MI ëffl ý

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