Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1922, p. 2

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The Risk is -too Gireat for the Small Premium <J here is ro safety w'ithout fire insurance- no one can afford to take the chance. Truly the premium is insignificantly small- and the risk is too great to take, Whether it be a small home, a barn, an office structure or mainmoth factory we will provide the right kind of insurance 'at' the right pice. Si.plypho±e s ad ur representative will cail, explainingý our plan in detail. J. J. MASO'*N -& SO")CN Rleal Estate and Insurance Brokers. Pne50 Bowmanville The ]Beset Toni Feeling run down and out of tune these days? Eat our Bread-plenty of, it, morning, noon and night. Tt will build up your whole system and makçe the gYood red blood circulate. It's ligit and flaky and easily digested and will add relish to your whole meal. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 7th, 1922. THE EDITOR TALKS Schools are opened for another Iterm. Promotions have taken place Iand scholars come under new teach- ers. Very many changes of teach- ers have alsotaken place-too many for the general good of most schools se eff ected. It is no small event in a schoiar's Mfe te have a change of teacher. In some cases it is ne benefit, for it takes considerable time feor a teacher and scholar te be- ceme acquainted with each other. Teachers differ in temperament, manner and metheds and scholars have te beceme familiar with these qualities befere they can settie down te regular work. Sîm-ilarly, the teacher finds as many different tem- peraments and qualitieî with which he or she has te deal as there are schelars. Best work cannet be done until they beceme' well acquainted with each other. Both parties mnust ef necessity exercise patience until such time as each is f amiliar with the other's personal qualities and individualities. It is a real test- ing time, for teacher and pupil and the exercise of genuine cemmon sense is absolutely necessary for .most satisfactory results. Neither ef them sheuld be tee hasty in f erm- ing conclusions. Hastily fermed opinions are net usually the best; therefore, we suggest te teachers and schelars te take plenty of time to beceme well acquainted. Parents sheuid help their chiidren under such conditions by net encouraging them te, bring home stories about- their teacher. Encourage theni rather te be on their best behavior and te do their very best te gain the teacher's favorable opinion by the gireatest possible dilligence in study and be- I ing on their very best behavior. A eylarg nuber obeys and grsmatriculated at the Entran ce Examination it High Schools and Collegiate Institutes while niany ethers will attend the universities, the numerous colieges, normal scheols, business colieges, -technical schools, schools of practicai science and other institutions of learning. Yet others wili enter on business or prof essiejial careers in shop, factory, ! office, mdercantile firms and ethers will take up farming and,kindred oc- cupations. The same advice will apply te each and ail of. these boys and girls whatever haiheir ages or line of activity. We have a desire t ay seme enceuraging, helpfui words te ahl these young persons at the beginning of their new term and our a.dvice te tvery eue is: Do your THE EDITOR TALKS Misses Olga Emerson and Lenora Woods have returned to Port Hope We are aware that many boys and from an enjoyable visit with friends girls are so handicapped by unto- in Toronto, Oshawa and Bowman- ward circumstances that they can- ville. flot pursue a school or college course in education, but such ones should flot repine. Find a way or make PAINTING it if you are yearning for more edu- cation, for a fuller if e. .You can Have your bouse palnted now, uend post card to J. Brennan, painter, paper devote your every spare moment to hanger and grainer. KCalsominlng ana, acquiring information which may tinting. Terms reasonable. Âddress help you in your business or occupa- J. Brennan, Elgin St., BowmanvIlle. tion or enlarge your mental horizon. Bear in mind, lyoung folk, too, that now in the halcyon days of youth is LEGAL the very best time to bend youren ergies to the task of acquiring an -ad M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. equate education, for everywherè we BARRISTER, SO4CITOR, NOTARY see strong men and women who would money to loan on Farm and Town have. been capable of d.ing splendid Property Royal Bank Building, things iu the world if they only had Bowmanville. Phone 351. an education, if they had only been____________ well trained to do some one tbing, but they are' doomed to mediocrity W. F'. WARD, B. A. and many of themi possibly' to fail- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY u re because they neglected to use Money to loan. Bonds for sale. the chances they allowed to pass un- Offices: Bleakley Block, King improved. Too late they awaken Street, omnile Otra Lo their need an.d find their delayed Phone-,: Office 102, House 343. task of education beyond their pow -__________________ ers. How difficult a thin~g it is, as many of us eider people know to our music sorrow, when the mind has become hardened and the brain unrespon- T. W. STANLEY, sive to educate one's self. How eas- (London College of Music) ily the task could have been per- Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- formedini youth when the mind was ville Methodist Churcli, is prepared to plastic and responsive. We* have take pupils for Piano and Voice Cuit-, seen young men wasting precious op- ure. For terms phone, 12, «'Green-' portun.ities in unprofitable pasti-mes, Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*. that if spent in wise study would __________________ have brought thema valuable resuits. An education cannot be purchased by MEDICAL dollars and cents but only by dili- B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M gent, faithful study and patient, per- Gl severirlg drill, ïrnd let Us impressGl Medalist of Trinity Univerity upon ail the hard fact that this study, Toronto. Four years attending Phy.. and drill are se much more fruitful sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel, of results when put into the soil of H -ospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and' youth or the chances are that thei Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- autumn will yield no harvest of re- 1 manville, -Phone 108. serve and the measure of your re- serve alone wiîî limit your capacityl .W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. for success. Graduate of Trinity Medical College,l Ail -* * * *Toronto, formerly of Eniskillen.ý Alschool teachers especi;ally' rural Ofc n eiecD.Bihs teachers who have net read "The former residence on Church-st., Bow-l Doctor", that very popular book by;manville, Phone 259. 44-t Ralph Connor, should now, those of' them who enter on their duties in a DNA fresh school, read it or at least DETA Chapter V-"The New Teacher". DR. J. C. DEVITT They xii find a kindred interest in l Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons that part of the story relating the'1Graduate of Royal Dental College, experiences of Miss Jola Lane, "late Trno fie igs.EsBw lrom Viginia or Muiylad-spme Trno fie igs.EsBw of hos plcesbeynd manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 Dixi Lin", y he exellet pm. daily except Sunday. Phone muical accomplishments as weîî as 9a os!poe9b her methoès of teaching the two R'sI DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE -reading aehd writing-she won the'bonor graduate in Dentistry Torontoi respect of parents, pupils and people UTwiveritv. (raduate<of the Rnvall rCiMN ONE NIGHT ONLY Opera House, Bowmanville Saturday, ept. ERNIE AND KITTY MARKS STOCK CO. Supported by an excellent company in a gripping play of to-day "PuttingeIt "Over"- 7 BIG VAU15EVILLE ACTS Popular Prices Bronchi 1al Àsthma (Health Tal< by Gordon P. Souch D. C., P:h. C.) Bronchial Asthma only dîff ers froni other forms in the fact that it appears localizeéd in the chest rather than higher up. There is a spasmodic struggle for breath that often amounts to re.ql agony. The breath isshort and painful.

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