Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1922, p. 4

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Quick & Ilolgate 1Phone 19 or 153 Bowinanville1 "Keep Cool" Helps Talcum Powders, from, 25c to $1 .25. Vanishing' Creams, 35c to 75C. Toilet Waters iný great variety. Nyal's Eas'em, for hot tired f eet. Sodium Phôsýphate effer- vescing at 50ç a bottie. Wampole's Grape Saits for the stomach, "not just, right" 50C. English H ealth SaIts, 2 for 25c. llose's Lime Juice, 50c' and 75c. No one need sufer fromn the heat when these helps are obtainable. They are ail "At Home" at Drug store Phone 49 BowmanvilI, Ujse your telephone, we doIiver. OFFIC. . LOLUE Dr. C. W.* Siemon's Office, Church.. st., will be closed from Friday, July 28 to Friday, August llth. BURKETON The promotions of -S-. S. No. 7, Darlîngton are: Jr. IV to Sr. IV- Willie Hudson. Sr. III to Jr. IV- Dorothy Shortridge, Tena McKnight, Blanche Parkins, Dina MeKniight. Jr. Il to Sr. II-Leona McLaughlin, George McCutcheon, Ross McKnight, Marjory McKnight, George Adams, (R). Jr. I to Sr. I-Olarence Ped- lar, Kenneth Pediar, Ernest Perfect, Reta McKnight (R). Sr. Pr,. toý Jr. I-Charles Adams, Mabel -Jas- ley, Arthur Perfect, Webster Ins- ley. Margaret A. Reid, teacher. Apple Barrels Bushel Baskets' For delivery until August lot 70e each for standard apple barrels in lots of 60 or over delivered within 7 miles of Bowmanville. $3.00per doz f or baskets and covers. Fruit will seli f or 25e per basket more shipped in these baskets than in hampers. BRADLEY'S SCHOOL. Bradley's School Report, S. S. 14, Darlington, names in order of merit: To Sr. IV-Ray Smith, Marjory Har-. ris, Scholar Wilbur, Mabel Wilbur. To Sr. III-Ruby Dewell. To Jr. III-Percy Nesbitt, Donald Harris, Leonard Martin, Clarence Martin, Willena Wilbur, Frank Smith. To Sr. II-Dorothy Harris. To Jr. Il- Luella Martin, Bernard Hepwonth, *Evelyn Milîson. To Jr. I-Clifford M,ýrtin,' *Jean Milison. To Sr. Pr- Rema Bradley, Mae Strong, Gwen- dolyn Hepworth. *-Recommend.. ed-irregular attendance. F. Walkington, teacher. BURKETON . 9"%lrlmldllm t'y nclLlr% , innllneAXTXTYTTMI TTTT-V 0174.1, inoo i ENNISKILLEN Mr. Cecil Rahm who lias been il with typhoid fever is convalescing nie ely. Mr. James Stainton and Mr. J. W, Virtue have both been under medical supervision. Visitors: Miss-Mary Trimmer and Miss Madeline Virtue at their grand- father's, Mr. J. W. Virtue; Mr. C. Tamblyn and Mr. Norton, Wood- bridge, Misses Mary Knox and Kath- leen Staples, Orono, Miss Theressa Burns, Lindsay, and Miss Mildred Lawrie, Bowmanville, at Mrs. H. J. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Slem- on and Miss Greta, Toronto, at his father's, Mr. John Slemon; Mns. Thom and daugliter Doris, Tononto, with her daugliter, Mrs, E. Couzens; Miss Ethel Gilbert, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Gilhert's; - Miss.Marlon Or- chard home from a pleasant visit with Columbus and Oshawa relatives; Miss Gertie Oke. Royal Bank, Bow- manville, holidaying at home; Mrs. Alymer Herring visiting Peterbono friends; Mrs. John Stewart, Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs, Noble Metcalf and family and Miss Margaret Stew- art, Oshawa, at Mr. Charles Stew- art's; Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Mrs. Et- ta Hall and Miss Phemie with friends at South Darlington; 1ev. Harold J. S-Lainton and Mrs. Stainton, Scugog Island, at his sister's, Mrs. E. C. Ashton,' Miss Reta returning home with them; Mn. Francis and Miss May Werry with Solina relatives. SOLINA Mrs, (Dr.) L. N. Hogarth, De- troit, visited at Miss Mary Hogarth's. 11ev. C. W. Reynolds, Toronto, visited his brother, Mr. John Rey- nolds. Mrs. S. Shortridge gave a birtl- day party in honor of her grand- daughter Audrey, on Saturday and the young folk had a jolly time f or sure. SFriday night last the young people of the community assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs * Roy Lang- maid to welcome Mrs . Langmaid to Our midst. She does not come here as a stranger lowever, having taugît school at Baker's and Bnadley's Schools. Mr. James Hogarth was appointed clairman and call.ed the company to onder. Mr. W. T. Baker read a nicely worded addiZess and pnesented them witl a beautiful ratan clair, Mr. Langmaid replied and thanked them for their, good wishes and the nice present after which several congratulatory and ap- [preciative speeches followed. Lunch was served and with music and games the company had a very enjoyable evening together. Don't miss the Garden Party at S. G, Chant's, Zion, Thursday, Aug. 3rd, Recent visitons: Miss Madeline Stephens, Salem, at Mr. Roy Lang- maid's;- Mr. Alfred Ayre out in New Ontanio; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MeLauglilin and family, Oshawa, Mr. Francis and Misses May and Grace Werry, Enniskîllen, Miss Florence Luke, Kedron, Miss Olive Luke, Ton- onto, at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and family, Toronto, Miss Bertha Harbora, Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Mutton and Miîss Ruth, Oshawa, at Mr. W. H. Westlake's; Mr, and Mrs. J, Me- Curdy, Miss A. Goselin, Mr. and,, Mns. T. Aslby and son Clyde, Pet- erboro, Mr. and Mrs. F. Vice, Mis-' Ses M. and N. Lammiman, Miss Wil- mn VanNest, Oshawa, at Reeve Bak- er's; Mr. Cyril Rundie .,and Miss Greta. Oke, Bownanville, at Mr. W. T. Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Green- away at Mr. F. Thompson's; Mr. F. Thompson went with themn to Port Hope. passing their Entrance Exams. Mn.- John Balson took a carload of people down to see the bahl game at Cobourg on Saturday afternoon. About forty young people lad a picnie at Oshawa-ot-*e-Lake Sat- unday, the afternoonï being spent la sports. A garden social will ho leld at Mn. S. G. Chant's under auspices of Zion Ladies' Aid on Tlursday, Aug. ust 3rd. Tea served at 5.30 p. m., after whicl a good program will be given by 11ev. Archer Wallace, Mn. Cynil Dyson, Toronto, Mn. Sciley, Oshawa, zoloist, Miss Lîla Osborne, Toronto,,reader. Admission 35e and 20e. HAMPTON Leaguie meeting last week was ia charge of the Social Departmoat and opened witl Miss Mary SoucI in the chair. After opening exorcises and prayer by Mrs. W . W. Jones the 27t1 Psalm was rend ncspoasively. Mn. Frank Cryderman deliglted the Leaguers witl lis two readiags. Readings weno also given by Misses Laura Virtue and Louise Johns and the. meeting closed witl the League Benedctioa. On Tuesday, July 18, the monthiy meeting of the W. M. S. *was weli atteaded at'the home of Mrs. J. Wilcox. After the rogular business meeting the following program was provided-piano solo, Mrs. W. W. Jones; vocal solo, Mrs. W. G. Wil- bur; Scnipturo neading, Mrs, Lyons; readings by Mrs. Jas. Burns, Mns, W. W. Horn, Mrs. James Curtis. 11e- pont of membership and mite box givings by Mrs. R. Avery. Ar- rangements were made for the An- nual Pienie to be bld on the chanch lawn in August. Soveral new namnes were added to the Cradle Rol. Don't miss the Garden Party at S. G. Clant's, Zion, Tlunsday, Aug. 3rd. Report of promotion examinations of Hampton sclool. Names la or- der of menit: Entrance-Mary Jeb- son, Mary Niddcnv. Irene Petlev. Gertrude Smytl, Upton Stephens. To Jr. IV-Frank Hastin.s.*. Fred Bil- let, Tommy Sykes*, Kathleen Hoeken*, Harry Cowliag*, Winnie Crydermian*, Ruth White*. To Sr. III-Fiances Jones*ý, trace Hock- en*, Wilfnid Smale*, Wallace H-onn*, Ivan Stcphcns*, Rowcaa Stephens, Edith Pascoe, nec. To Jr. III- Raymond Burns*, Grace Hastiairs. Mari orie Martin, Ethel Steplens, Rath Ferguson. To Sr. II-Beat- nie Jones*, Lilian Jebson, Donotly Smyth, Helen Virtue, Lena Gay, Ray Hocken, Kennetl Petley, Gordon Wakely, Norman Clemens. To Jr. II--Jessie Knox*, Reta Biilett*, El- canon Eykes, Vera S'heekîcton, Tim Bate, Violet Strutt, Sidney Martin,, Mary Fowier, Lorenzo Wakely, Mar- jorie Niddeny. To Part I-Forepce Burns*,. Stanley Cowling*, Ernest Horn, Ethel Wakely, Elmen Strutt, Erie Jones. To Pr.-Gordon Hockea. Mervin Crvderman. Elwood Sheekîcton,' Nelson Robbins. Sr. Pr., -Elias Gneenaway, Helen Knox.*- honors. F. J. Groat, Mis& 1. Jones, tendhers. E. Edgar Staples, tendher. TYRONEI Miss Velma E. Staples is with Osh- awa frieads. Miss Mabel Virtue, Toronto, was guest of Miss F. J, Virtue. Congratulations to Masters Tom Hoar and Ross Bigelow on passing te Entrance.th Miss Olive Isaacs, Whitby Ladies' Coilege, is guest of Miss Eleanor Wil- son. The chancI choir and friends hlad a. very enj oyable day at Lake Scagog on Wednesday. Mrs. Thos, Smith is home nften a visit witl 1er daugîter, Mrs. Chas. Mutton, Charlton,'. Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Calo IToronto, visited] at Mn. S. V.- Hoar's and Mn. Peter Werny's. rMisses Lillie, Elva, Elsie anad Chas,î Haddea, Wick, Mrs. Chas. Sonley, f Victoria, B. C., visited at Mn. W. A. Wight's. Mn. and Mrs. Eiijah Engle, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Panish, Hamilton, at Mrs. Wm. Hnmbiy's and c alliit-o other former frieads. A large erowd' attondod tIe base- baIl match bctwoen our lads and the flrst line, Cartwright, on Tucsdayi .évening in Mn.ý L. Thompson's fteld. Score 12 to 15 in favor of Tynane. Lunch was servcd on Mn. J. H. Mut-1 ton's iawn. Grnadmothen's Day was observed by the Women's Institute on Wed- nesday last at the home of Mrs. W. Stewart when a most enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. D., Hooper 2nd Vice-Presidont, la chair. Duo Me R. MeCullocI and Mrs. E. Sleckle- ton; neadiaga by Miss F. Stewart and Mrs. R. McCulloch. A libenai lunch was scnved and hearty appreciation' paid to flhc guesta and hosteas of the day. MORTCACE SALE UNDER ALND BY VIRTUE of the pow- rers contained in a certain mortgage, [which wili be produced at the time of sale, there W'11 be offered for sale by pub- lic aoction on Thbursday, the tenth day of August, 1922, atý the hour of two o'cIockt in the afternoon, at the oficf M. GI. V. Gould, Esc., Barrister, etc., Royali Bank Building, Dowmanville, Ont., by James Bishop, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: The property front- ing on King Street and Cburch Street in the Town of Bownianviile known as the "Loscombe Homestead". contamnina bv admeasurement eigbteen (18) acres, one, (1) rod and seventeen (17) perches more, or iess. On this property there is a beautiful brick dwelling house with mod-1 ern conveniences, suitabie for, gentleman's residence, xvith outbuildings, garden and fruit trees, and in-addition much of the jproperty is suitabie for division into buld- 'ing lots. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid at the time cf sale, and the balance to be paid within tbirty days tbereaften. The prolicrty wili be offered for sale subject to a, reserve bid. For furtber particulars and conditionsi of sale apply to M. G. V. Gonid, Esq., Solicitor, Bowmanvilie. Dated at Bowmanviie this 7tb day of Juiy. 1922. M. G. V. GOULD, Solicitor for Mortgagee. 1 28-30-31~ Miss -Dorotly Gahoon, Bloom- The girls of the C. G. I. T. held field, spent Sunday with Miss Mabel a very enjoyable basket social on Stevens. Fniday evening, the program con- sisting of quartets, duets, solos, rend- Miss Rena Maynard, Toronto, has ings and recitations was splendidly been a welcome guest at Mrs. M. given, Mn. Robt. Philp was la the Munday's, sr. chair. Mr. Stevens, Miss Aima Miss Edna Swallow was guest over Werry, Master Willie Wallace and the week-end with Mrs. Noble Met- th ïEnskillen quartet very kindly caîf ,Oshawa. came back to heip, aiso Mrs. (Rev.) Mn. James Burnett, Toronto, l as Carruthers fnom Blackstock, whose heen guest with his sister-in-law, readings were enjoyed by aIl. Miss Mrs. F. Swallow. Bessie Everest gave two very good Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Snowden numbers on the piano. Misses Mar- have enjoyed a pleasant- visit witl garet and Jean Fidgett of Sudbury, relatives la Ea st Whitby. gave a very pretty duet, also Mast- Agol ubr£o al ers Bert Waterlouse and Harry A ooudy aumber rom Mte apse Donnelly, after which the baskets Groe Snday School inae te Bae were passed around a very enjoyableLneSdySholiapcict haîf hour was spent. The proceeds Burk's Beach on Wednesday and al were to help pay the expenses of had a jolly good afternoon. sending two of the girls to camp this Children's Dresses, Voiles and week. Miss Rosella Dean and Miss Giaglams, sizes 4 to 14, eleaning at IRhoda Avery being the girls chosen 75e to $3.75 each. Couh, Joînston to go .,..-* Congratulations to. Bert & Cryderman. Waterhouse and Florence Avery in It is fan more important to become passîng their entrance exams. Great great as a man than as a business credt is due our teacher, Miss Mar, leader. garet Reid in binging them aiong ________ so well. ... . No service here lat Sun.. Mn. and Mrs. S. H. Hancock and son and Miss Ettie H-ancock, Roches- ZION ýter, N. Y., have been vîsiting lis ________sister, Mrs. Levi Br........ Mn. and MissJesie alsn, shaa, as Mrs. Levi Brunt have returned from Muessat M.Joh Balson' saa. a a visit with relatives in Rochester., N. Mss I rneohnPasco vste MssPromotion report, S. S. 16, Dan- MissIren Pasoe isitd Mis lng ton, Enniskillen. Sr. III to Jr, Florence Langmaid, Oshawa. IV-Mona Preston, Alma Oke, Maryl Miss Doris Stainton has returned Walflace, Elva Griffan, Frank MeGiIl,j £rom visiting friends at Toronto. John Slemon. Jr. III to Sr. III- Miss Isabelle Prouse, Bowmaavilie, Irene Preston, Madeline Brunt, Dorai visited hen sister. Mrs. Garnet Beekel. Spry, Phemia Hall, Charlie Stainton, Mn. Charles Wagen, North Bay, Leonard Stainton, Orville Ashton,i visited his cousin, Master Ted Chant. Wîllie Vannatto. Sr. Il to Jr. III Mrs. Charles Vivian and Eleanor -Audrey Dorland, Ray Ashton, Brooklin, visited at Mn. S. G. Chant's James Spny, Ellis Griffan, Shirley Van- aatlo, Enic Stainton. Jr. II to Sr. II Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Armour and Muriel Moore, Jim Stainton, Frank children, 'Osawa, visited with Mn. G. Stvn. It r I-oi rfa H. Armoùn's. Anaie Oke. Cecil Vannatto, Howard Mn. Jos. G. Langmaid las sold lia Oke, Willie Wallace, Henry Stainton. fine farm to Mn. Mnmpf ord who Pr. 'to 1-Alice Ashton, Naomi Vin- takes possession this Fail. I tue,' Grace Werry, Audrey Bruat, Congratulations to Dora Bail, Ir- Lloyd Brunt,_Eanl Tnewin, Gordon ene Pascoe and John Northcote onI Stevens. Five oniy Men's Suits for Friday and Saturday only. 1 IRegular $40.00 Reduced to $17.50 1 Regular $35.00 Reduced to $17.50 1 Regyular $35,00 Reduced to $17.50 1 Regular $32,50 Reduced to $17.50 1, Regular $25.00 Reduced to $16.95 See ail these Suits in the window Men's, Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 58e per garment or $1.15 per suit Men's Bathing Suits, Guaranteed 100 % pure wooi, Regular $4.50, reduced to .$3.48 12 lbs. Granuiated Sugar, St. Lawrence for 99C 4 String Brooms, a snap at 45e each Pure Clover Honey in sections 30e each Minto Tea, a fancy spoon in each pack- age at 60e per lb Todhunters Pure Cocoa, 1 lb. pkg, 2 for 35c Pork & Beans, large tins, 2 for 25c PHONE 83 sale Now for the Final Week of Our Semi-Annual Saving EventJ What a saving the words "July Clearance Sale" mean to the p eople who know this splendid store with the large stock and efficient service! T r is a particu- larly big meaning to the stirring news of the last few days of this sale. If you have already profited by this sale corne this week and get more bar- gains. If you have yet to visit our store come now while bargains are at their This List> Will Appeal to Thrifty, Buyers Ladies' Lisle Hose in Grey and Brown, Regu lar up to $1,00 for* 59C Ladies' Sweaters and Pullovers, Reg. $3.95Y Sale Price $2.95 70 inch Bleached Sheeting, Reg. 70e for 59e per yd. 36 inch Cotton Cashmere in navy, rose and cardinal, suitable for children's school dresses, Reg. 45c for 39c per yd. Ladies' Pink Mull Night Gowns, Reg. $1.35 Sale Price 98c each Ladies' Pink Muil Step-in Drawers, Very Special at 49c each Ladies' Silk Hose in blue, black, natur- al and brown, very special at $1.29 Come'and inspect our new Blouses in white embroidered, and fancy voiles, in ahl shades, ranging from $2.95 to $3.25, Linen Huckç Towels, 38 in. by 19 in. Very Special at 49c eaeh 60 inch Unbleached Table Damask, Regutlar $1.95 for $ 1.39 per yd Watch our window for Ladies' House Dresses in Chambray and Print, up to $3.509 Sale Price $1.98 .Men's Balbriggan or Athletic Combina- tions such makes as Arrow, W. G. & R., llatchway, Penman's & Mercury, Special $ 1.39 per suit Me.n's or Boys' Rubber Belts in Black or Brown or Grey, 39c, each Men's Black, Brown or- Grey Cotton Hose at 25c per pair Men's heavy cotton, also some ail wool hose at 35c pair or 3 pair for $1.00 Boys' Cotton Jerseys in White and Sky, Navy and Cardinal and Khaki, in long or short sîceves to çiear at 39c ea New Potatoes, per peck 35c Raspberry Vinegar, Orangeade and Lemonade 25e per bottle Red and White Jar Rings, 3 doz. 25c, Pure Grape Jeiiy, in jars 18c each Pan Yan Beef Steak Sauce 20e bottie Cauliflowers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and ail other fresh vegetables at very lowest prices. British Columbia Salmon, 2 tins 25c BOWMANVILLE Clearance Extra Special, in Men's Suits Special Sale of Hligh GradeVtce for the next two weekÊ we are placing our en- tire stock of M4en's Watches on sale at Real Money Saving Reduc- il 12f'.., tions. They include El- gin, Waltham and Om- ega makes. Every Watch Fully 20 ---5 ,,G uaranteed You may think from the very low price we are going to selI these watches that there is some- thing wrong with them-nothing of the kind. You are doubly protected as the maker's guarantee goes with ours on every sale. You may have been promising your boy a watch for a long time. Give it to him now while you can get a good one cheap. ALEXî. ELLIOT WATCHMAKER JEWELER E NGRAVER It Cost No More to Deliver Your- Groceries McMurtry & Co., Ltd. NEW GARAGE EBENEZER "Misses Penfound in honor of Miss M. Morrow of Winnipeg, was held ré- Mr. Frank Rogers, wishes to n Fine rains satisfied this section on cently at Shady Rill and enjoyed by a formn the people of Darlington tha? Suaday. large number of hier girl fniends ia hteet Ha toned agaragePont Mine, Mr. Jos. Beare and family with the community. After the eats were Stre e Hampnsothof ost Officen Mrs. Burns, Toronto, Sundayed at hid away a hike was made to Toad whlmerhs preared to. do repaira OU .Hollow which included a lot of scen- ah ake o cas.27..4w* M.A .R'des ery as weîî as amusement-four miles __________A large number were out to hear through primeval conditions, - a splendid sermon on Sunday mora- COURTICE ing by Rev. W. S. Boyce on the Football season for South Darling- timely subject of hanveat. ton S. S. League is over for the seas- Visitors at home of Mr. and Mrs. The many friends of Mr. F. G. on of 1922. The concluding feat- W. R. Courtice-: Rev. Jas. and Mrs. rl r ldt awh srcvr ures tfook place on Monday evening XTaentneChiago 11., r. nd rs ing fromn injuries neceived on Juîy 1, when a game was played at Countice Geo. Prouse, Linldsay, Dr. and Mrs. while painting the tower at the Ebenezer vs Stars of Maple Grove, Ed. Sanderson, and son, Steve, De-' Grange.1 Hampton and Zion teams these be- troit, Mich., and Mrs, T. Geo. Mason, Ladies' Adult Bible Class are ar- ing the other Suaday Schools repre- Bowmanville.. sented in the League. Score 1-0 in Dont is th Gndn Prt a ~ranging for an At Home at Mrs, Eli favor of Ebenezer. This game was G. Chanss iothrd ay u.a'rS. Osborne's on Thursday. Program- -arranged for as a Benefit game for G. Cants, ion Thrsdy, ug fl.Current Events. Ail the ladies in- the special purpose of assisting two vited to coatribute. or three of the players who, had been MAPLE GROVE A delightful picale anranged by injured in the games of the League. July A large attendance watched the game over which Mr. Jack Reynoldâ., So-. lina, was referee. Proceeds $31A.O After the game a program put (,.,iat Ebenezer by the following artists: reading, Miss Ruth Johns, Hampton, solo, Mrs. G. F. Annis, Ebenezer- reading, Miss Lyla Osborne; musakal selection, Messrs. Souch and Salter, Hampton. After >some remarks bY the Superintendents of the Sundfiy Schools, Mr. Edgar Horn, Hýampton,- President of the League, presented to the Ebenezer team the New Shield to hold for the current year, which they had won by some very hard and wor- thily contested games. Zion S. S. iwas the runners up for the shield 3this season. It has been a frequent remnrk that a splendid spirit and good fellowship hýas prevailed in ail ithe ten'games, played and much in,~ .terest has been created. 1 (

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