Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1922, p. 8

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CARTWRIGHT COU NCIL ,Regular meeting July 3, members ail present, Reeve T. F. Bruce pre- sïding. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. County Clerk reported County levy to be $10,816.80 for 1922. Council purchased a O. Junior cern- ent mixer at $150.00. R. Suggitt and A. H. Veale applied for 18 rods of sidewalk in North Nestieton. Council voted $10.00 towards Rur- al Sehool Fair. Council requests F. C. Paterson District Representative-to give Short Couese in Blackstock. By-law was passed authorizing Reeve and Treasurer Vo borrow $7,000.00 Vo meet curreat expendi- ture. Orders passed on Treasurer: H. Walker, roads & bridges $2,825.60 E. Dorreil, 46 rods wire fence, 11.50 W. H. Harris, deeds, etc., 11.00 1iTodd & Waddell 25M shingles 115.00 Grant Rural School Fair 10.00 Ring Edward Sanitarium re Miss Fiddis 150.00 -W. Beacock, 1/2 year's salary 150.00 Council adjourned to meet August 11, at 8 P. ta. W. Beacock, Tp. Clerk. Mr. J. L. Whattam, Manager of ?Hogg & Lytie Seed House, Oshawa, who attended the great Rotary. Con- vention at Los Angeles, said Vo The .Reformer: "My return Vo Canada £rom California has convinced me more than ever that Canada is God's Country. There is oo much of an atmosphere of artificiality about the whole State which has been built up, on its agricultural side, by irrigation and fertîlization". Mr. Whattam is of the opinion that if Canadian farin lands received the saine close atten- tion as California soul is getting, that Canada could and would produe four times as much as she is producing now. In the June number of "The Wing- foot Clan". publîshed by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. for its employees, the following item appears which will be of interest Vo many of our rend- ers: Miss Mari orie Westaway, Supt. A. M. Hardy's stenographer, is the latest Goodyearite to transfer hier ai- i. legiance from the Company Vo an in- dividual; at least she bas made the final step in tbat direction. On June 23, the office staff and f oreman at Plant 2 presented hier with a comport set and bon-bon dish, the glass ware being appropriately decorated with conf etti, Mr. Hardy, in making the preseatation speech, was very warm in bis praises of Miss Westaway and in bier unfailing activity around the office; she would be missed by ail the staff, but particularly by bimself. Miss Westawaywas s0 overcome by the occasion that-her-,usual eloquence deserted her, butr she' briefly express- ed her tbanks tu hiýr fellow-employees for their kind rýemembrance. The Newvoaf"t1e I1ridîepàe!-i r ie t THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1922 PRESBYTERIANS HOLD PICNIC NEWCASTLE Among tbe first of the seasnspc Mrs .Melrose, Guelph, is visiting nic parties Vo revel in the beauties of with Mrs. Grieves. the beach at Newcastle was that made Mr. Robert Gibson, Toronto, was up of the Suaday Scbool and congre- home for ths week-end. gation of the Presbyterian church, Mrs. Vesta Gibson is at Knwnrtha when almost in full force, they enj oy- Lksvstn ihfina ed their annual outing on thtý after- LaMr. H. Cook othfriC. .i o nooti of Wednesday, July 5t-. e Menoyin.bisosumerfCat. i n A motor trip, a prograta of race nongisum rvato. and stunts, a swîm in the lake, and a Miss Frances Gibson came down satisfying supper-al Vo the accomp- from Oshawa for the week-end. animent of blue skies, bnlmy air nnd , Mr. Cecil Sanders, Toronto, is vis- the matchless waters of Lake Ontario iting bissister, Mrs. Asa Clark.1 -were features of an afternoon that Miss Sainesbury, Buffalo, is visit- will be long remembered by young ing ber aunt, Mrs. Fred Ellsworth. and old as one of whole bearted fun, Mr. F. L. Culley, Toronto, spent feasting and fellowship. he week-end at Mrs. Frank Bsnnstt's. The winniers in hs various con- tests were as follows: Races. Girls Miss Amy Hunter, Standard Bank under 7-Alecia Williams, Ruth Staff, Toronto, is home for holidays. Holmes; Boys under 9-Fred Couch, Mrs. C. W. Baker, Montreal, is Donald McEacbera; Girls under 12- visiting ber mother, Mrs. James Row- Violet Henning, Mary Adair; Boys land . under 12-Charlie Thackeray, Fred Miss Violet Deyman, Bowmaaville, Coucb; Girls over 12-Katharine Mc- spent Sunday with Miss Gladys Mat-. Enchera, Wilbelmiaa Curtis; Boys cbett. over 12-Charlie Thackeray, Gordon Miss Ruth Morressey bas returned Ketchum.I to Pickering after a. pleasant visit at Three-lsgged, Race- Greta Curtis Mrs. Frank Gibson's.. and Wilbelmina C-urtis, Tucker Couch Mn. and Mrs. Pattie, Toronto, and Katharine McEachern. pn udywtMsGresad 1Boys' Boat Race-Gordon Ketch - dspe undyM itb MrsGrieves an um, Charlie Thackeray.-dagerMisvaGies Thread-the-Nesdle Race - Greta Mr. and Mrs. Louis Parnaîl and Curtis, Katharine McEachern. family motored Vo Port Hope and Nail-driving Contest-Mrs. 'W. De-1 spent he week-end witb friends. lins, Mrs. H. Bowea. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Skinner, Phil- _____adelphia, Pa., are visiting witb ber SCHO PROMTIONS p arents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett. SCHOL POMOTONSMr. and Mrs. A. E. Poole and Promtio reortof . S No 1,daughter, Toronto, spent he week-, Prootin epot o S S.No.1,end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clarke, names in order of menit: Jr. Smith. IV to Sr. IV-H-arry Wade, Harward Mr. and Mrs, C. Papin eau and ElhlioVt, Leland Payas. Sr. III Voto cidsOh ,vstdwt i Jr. IV-Mary Lockhart. Sr. II to tocidrn lwvstdwt i Jr. III-Winnifred Lancaster, Norma parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Papineau Elliott. Jr. II Vo Sr. II-Amelîa over hs week-end. Honywill, Sr. 1 Vo Jr. II-Arthur Mr. Charles McMullen, Standard Lockhart, George Kimball, Jack Bank Staff, lef V for bis bolidays on Glover, Alfred Brown, Jack EllioVV, Saturday and Mr. Smith of Bloota- Kathleen Hoaywill. To Pr. (a-1 field, is bere taking bis place. Isabeile Campbell. To Pr. (b)-' Newcastle Methodist Sunday School Jack Kimbaîl Francis Ellîot. To will hîold its annual picnic at New. Pr. (c)-David Lockbart. castîs-on-the-lake, on Wednesday af- Marîe I. Selby, eahe.ternoon, July 19,' commencing at 2 o'clock. Everybody welcome Vo. botb the Sunday services and Vhe Wednes-, Public Scbool trustees of langer day picnic. 'echools are again advertising for mais teachers. EHDS NI RAY Friday nigbts wind andd min stormt EHDS NIESR knocked out electric service for near- INwate Mtoit Sna iy a aif our.Scbool .Anniversary services will be IV is a bopeful siga that so many 1held on Sunday, July 16, Rev. E. B, eachsrs are takiag summer courses1 Cooke, hs new pastor, will preacb at Toronto University duriag holi- botb morning and evening. Choral days. It menas better service and singing by hescseool at the morn- better pay. ing service. - -~ t .4~4.. These excerpts from letters writteri by Canadian owners are rnerely repetitions of what aniy Special-Six owner will tell you about the reliability of his car: ili abot oir IeI djy o14eas oa~hav I ha a~god r~i~a2wIt 1 ne e hn ht eh. Oer Spvr ei.e ope ti ~qonnthe strthia good1on. O-nt. trhn" m 3herb oUre tQke After ail, the acid test of a car's dependability lies in the verdict of the user. You cannot find a better guide to your purchase than the testimony of a Special-Six owner. MODELS AND PRICES-f. o. b. Walkerville, Ontarîo LIGHT-SIX SPECIAL-SIX BIG-SIX 5-Pass.. 11211 W. B., 40 H. P. j5-Pass., 119' W.RB., 50 H. P. 7-Pass., 126' W. B., 60 H. P. hassis............ $1250 Chassis......... *"$1700 Chassis ............ $2175 Trouring........... 1495 Touring.. ..... .... 2075 Touring ............ 2475 Roadster 3-Pass.) .... 1495 Roadster 2-Pass.). 2025 Sedse(4P Coupe-Roacister Roadster (4-Pass.> . 2075 Speese 4Pss.>. 2750 (2-Pass.> .......... 1925 Coupe (4-Pass. ..3050 Coupe (4-Pass.) ...3500 Sedan ....... 2425î Sedan.ý.. ...... ... 3250 Sedan .............. 3700 Cord Tires SLandarJ Eçui-prent A. W. PICKARD Bowmanville Ontarîo NEWCASTLE Mr. AI. Otton had business in Tor- onto last week. Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick spent the week-end ia Oshawa. Mrs. Robinson, Toronto, is visiting with the Misses Drummond. Miss Minnie Allia, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. Walton Bail at Harris Lodge. Rev. S. G. McCormack is taking a. week's vacation among the northern lakes. Miss Rowena Bragg, Providence, spent the week-end with ber sister, Mrs. E. C. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. H. Glenney attend- ed Manvers Old Boys and Girls Re- union at Janetville. A large -umber pf "The Brethren" attendeck the District Church Paradel at Orono on Sunday. Miss Jessie, McNaughton; Toronto, spent a few days in towa, a guest of the Misses Drummond. His Honor Judge Ward beld Court be rs on Friday lasV, and only Vwo cases were on tbe docket. Mrs. (Dr.) Leslie Fallis and littie son Bill, Shelbourne, are visiting ber mother, Mrà. James Rowland. Rsv'.E. B. Cook, the new pastor l of the Methodist Cburch, is expectsd to arrive on Thnrsday evening. Mrs. F. A. Butler and tbree boys spent a pleasant holiday with ber brother, Stewart Parker, Oshawa. Miss S. A. Moise is home from Hastings wbere she spent the past year on the Public School teachingt staff., Mrs. J. Cunningham is enjoying a visit frota ber niece and nephew, Doris and Douglas Wîllows of Mont- real. A number of our citizens took la tlîe Chautauqua at Bowmaaville a'hd report a very high class entertain- ment. Mr. T. Salter, Mrs. E. Ward, Mrs, J. Trewin, Toronto, Mrs. F. Kersînke and Mr. Theodore Salter, Hampton, visited at Mr. Geo. Joll's. Large congregations greeted Rev. H1. S. Spence at botb services on Sunday last that being Mr. Spence's last official appearance here. Misses Marion and Winnifred Rick- ard, pupils of Mrs. E. C. Fisher, have successfully passed their elementary examination in piano, witb bonors. The "Gleaners" Sunday School Class with tbeir teacher, Mrs. S. Bas- kerville, went down Vo the lake on Tuesday afternoon Vo celebrate Rae Deline's birtbday. Miss Vera Barrie bas been engaged, by the Board of Education as teacher of the junior -department of our Pub- lic School, instead of'.Miss Stutt as reported last week. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Vanplew and two sons and daughter-in-law bave been spending the week with Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Pearce and relatives in Ciarke and Newcastle. Dr. and Mrs. Dickson, Toronto,- have leased Hoffman Villa for he sumanier and we extend Vo tbem as Vo ail our other sumMer residents a most cordial welcome. Mrs. Walton BaIl held a very en- joyable and successful garden party on the grounds of Harris Lodge wbere many of the neigliboring cottagers and residents were delighted guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hoar1 and family and Mrs. T. Hoar, Ty- rone, and Mr. George Ferguson, Tor- onto, were receat guests at Mr. W. N. Buckley's. Little Mary A. Campbell gave a1 birthday party on the spacious] ,rounds of the Campbell1 cottage for1 several of her young boy and girl1 friends. A merry time was spent by ail and best wisbes and congratulat- ions showered upon the young host- ess. Mr. Wm. Jamieson bas the decor- ators busy on bis new property re- cendly purchased by him. This is one Of the mort commodious dwsliings la the village and will have ideal sur- ~roundings when the new Community Hall and grounds are completed -.and put in shapýe. Reports say that Newcastle is about to lose ber oldeet citizen, in ths per- son of Michael Belger wbo on account of the infirmities of bis if e partaer has decided to ssii bis bouse and fur- niture, and la the future will make their home with their daugbter, Mrs. B. Brancb, DarlingtLon Township. Mr. George Foster, a member of one of the oldsst and best known f am- ilies of Durbiat County, surprised bis many friends in the oid home towa by "dr opping la" one evening lasV weepk. Mr. nFstr is a member of Strawberrie.s are gone .but cherries and raspberries are here. Orangemea frota Port Hope took in' -he celebration at Lindsay. MORTCACE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the pow-! ers containe5l In a certain mortgage, which will 6e produced at the time of sale, there will be off ered for sale by pub-1 lie auction en Thursday, the tenth day of August, 1922, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of M. G. V. Gould, Esq., Barrister, etc., Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville, Ont., by James Bishop, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: The property front- ing on King Street and Church Street lai the Town of Bowmanville knowa as theý 'Lescombe Homestead", containiag by, admeasurement eighteea (18) acres, one, (1) rod and seventeen (17) perches more or less. On this property there lsa a beautiful brick dw»lling house with mod-' ern convenlences, suitable for gentleman's residence, with outbuildings, garden and fruit trees. and in addition much of the property is suitable for division into build-. ing lots. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to 6e paîd at the time of sale, and the balance to 6e paid withia thirty days thereafter. The property will 6e offered for sale subject to a reserve bld. For further particulars and coafftions of sale apply to M. G. V. Gould,Es, Solicitor, Bo.wmanvîlle. Dated at Bowmianvile this 7th day of July, 1922. M..V.GU , Solicitor for Mortga ee.1 H.'S. BR* Baker & Grocer SPORTING NEWS Miss Eva Mitchell of Lindsay Bell 1l Telephone Staff bas been transferred, Solina football team is proviag the Vo Osbawa. big surprise of the seaslon. Af er Port Hope spent fifty dollars Vo bugging the cellar position for some f eed "IGeneral" McDonald's nrmy lat time they are aow making every team, May on their bike to Ottawa. in tbe league sit up and take notice Tewl fMs hrot tpe by their clever playing. Solina gave wbTed in oMshron oOtoer 27,le Bowmanville a run for their money 1921, leaves $300 for the erectiono at Eldad some weekq ago and Vbey eI.o will put up anotber stîff argument at monument and inscription thereoni the Agricultural Park here on Satur- over the graves--of lier parents in day, July 15 at 6 p. ,mi. Bowman- Blackstock Methodist Church Yard. ville boys will bave their work cut out to win. Admission 25c.MDCA Bowmanville basebali team is'havîng ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. R a strenuous week of it. Wednes- Graduate of Trinity University, nlsc day last iV played in Lindsay and lost of Royal College Physicians, Edin. in a close game by 3-1. Report- of burg. Specialty-Disenses, of wom- this game appears on page 6 of this cn and cbildren. Offce-Parker'a paper.Block, Newcastle. On Saturday Peterboro made its first appearance in our burg and car- J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. ried away the honors by 7-1. IV was ý onor graduate of Trinity University, a disastrous battie as far as some ofI Fellow of Trinity Medical College. the players were concerned, Frank Licentiate of the State University Of Piper who bas been, giving good ser- Icw York, Matriculate of the Post- vice behind tbe bat in recent games Graduate Medicai Scbool and Hos- was tbe victim of two painful acci- pital of New York and Fellow of the den s wbîch retired bita frota the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office gamne. Ia the first ianings be had a -Mrs. McNnugbton's Resideace, thumb knocked out and band cut and Newcastle. Hours-8 Vo 10 n. ta., 1 before tbe inniags was completed he Ito 3 D. ni., and by appointment. got a bit below the lefV eye by a!__________________ hrowa bail from Corden wbicb re- quired four stitches. Another cas- ualty was added in the sixtb whea Russell Williams got a deep gasb ila0%A leg and toe whea Huater spiked him _____ sliding into second. Chambers bad a good day of it strikiag out 10 men Owing to the strike it is and allowiag 8 hits, impossible to get immediate The' postpoaed game of July lst ý-~ with Lindsay was played here Mon-! delivery, but I have a suffi.- day eveniag and was another victory i. qu ttyrer o for the visitors by 10-1. The 'hard cident quniyonfl er t luck' hoodoo was stili following tbe tk aem locals for in the 9th innings Starkta-ecr of alm custom- was knocked unconscions when heïers. cllided wth a spectator la an effort to catch a foui fiy, His place wasl M k ueo or nx 1takeri by McMurtry. Considering' j the crippled condition of the home ýW nter's coal by booking , ters Vbey made a very creditabléevour order early showng. Somerville pitched a good Y gaeadstrucli out 9 men. Milîs hade his first appearance la a local dl£d uniormandmadG eo rghtJa iieson the first innings when hie caught a Newcastle difficuit fly in centre garden, His batting was also'a feature hree dlean _____ ______ hits la f our times up. The team celebrates the Glorious- Twelfth as guests of Belleville teata and on Saturday Vhey wind up the I i first series at Port Hope. T 1Eà C e% Basebali results, Wednesday, July 5: Lindsay 3, Bowmaaville 1; Belle-- vil ,Peterboro 3 (game called la the lOth on acouat of darkness.! Osbawa 18, Port Hope 7; Leaside 10, Cobourg 6. For better businei While Vhe baseb ail boysare fight-i at this store. ing for dear if e to keep frota goiag, below the cellar position in the Cen- tral League the local football stal-1 ebt oei war,'s are holding up the glory of B. Il ohloei A. A. A. by leadiag in the castera Everyhig nhardwari division of the Ontario and District 1111n Football League. Their victory of 2-1 over the Ontario Regiment team in Oshawa on Tbursday night: xvas of particular interest when it is known i WMO JAII that the losing team is playing. la the Hardware Store firals for the Ontario Champioaship I in- the Cannaught Cup series. Avery!I and Moore put up a fine game Ifor!_________________ the winners. On Friday, July 14, a f ootball game will be played at Hampton betweeni PAINT UP AND Zion and Ebenezer to decide the wia-i ners of the South Darlington League. Game called at 6.30 sharp. L. GREAT SOCCER GAM E I Bowmanville Football Club made a! further bold bid for the champion-1 .ship of> the Oshawa and Districtl League by defeating Ontario Regt. at Oshawa Thursday evening by two goals Vo one. The combatants fur-1 pished'a fast and interesting game Vo the edification of a good crowd of on- Fulil supply of paints, lookers. The RegV. gave a fine dis-' play of combination work but their 1 and flags of al kinds. finish lacked penetrative power aadf their atacks were broken up by theqy energetîc mensures of the Bowinan-iH ,C ville defence who.played on the top' of their f orm. Bowmanville for- wards won the game by their individ -_________________ ual dash and speed. They made__________________ numerous swift raids on their oppon-, ents goal and were always dangerous,! fl Avery and Burgess frequently ru I 1'(nT-T ing dlean through the Regt. defence.1 'Lu T O L The game was fought in very good spirit, every man playing wholeheart- uig hesnr edly.drigte um The local boys now head the.table, having only lost one match, This is al R record Vo be proud of. The last LE!R home league match of the season will; be played Satuirday ,vqýA n p. m., whn Filled accurately, and delivered promptly. Our customers who have been using this service often compli- ment us on Vhs promptneis, and accuracy we give theta. If you bave not been phoning your Drug Store Needs Vo number 49 Bowmanville you sbould begin Vo-day. Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 49 Bowmanvilll, [ER STONEI ess was laid long'ago {ou don't buy here. re at lowest prices. YIIESON Newcastle )DECORATE varnishes, ojis, brushes 1 BAKING mer months and [TTON'S Y'FEED ýLMILY LITTON Newcastle FRESH STOCK McClaren's JelIy Powders 10c package TEA PRICES ADVANCING Bu your stock of tea 110W beforepiesg higlier. Ro WfrALTON""" Grocer Newcas8tle THIS 1S A S TUDEÈBA KER -Y EAR Il j.Picton Gazette says: Dr. and Mra. I S. J. Shorey will shortly arrive in town and will reside with Mr. H. 0. and Miss McMullen, Main West. Dr. Sborey is retiring from active S , z Iwith the end of the Conferencejer .We Areq as near Vo you as your telephone. Telephone orders are carefully taken. 4b

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